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Pearson Test of English General

Speaking Test
Level 1
May 2019

Instructions for interlocutors

PTE General Level 1
The Interlocutor conducts the test in accordance with the test specifications, the general guidance for
Interlocutors and the Interlocutor Script. Make sure you read these before you conduct the test.

The speaking test has 3 sections

Section 10: Personal Information: 1.5 minutes
Section 11: Discussion: NOT APPLICABLE
Section 12: Picture: 2 minutes
Section 13: Role Play: 1.5 minutes

Please note:
Sections 12 and 13 have two sets of tasks: A and B. Students with odd test taker numbers should do
12A and 13A; students with even test taker numbers should do 12B and 13B.
Please use the relevant enclosed picture card and test taker role card when administering Section 12
and Section 13 of the test.
Please ensure that you record the speaking test as instructed. Test takers must take all the relevant
sections of the test.

When you record a test, please state clearly at the beginning of the test:
• Centre number
• Level being tested
• Name and examiner number of the Interlocutor
• Full names and numbers of each test taker

Start test with the following:

Good morning/afternoon. My name’s .
Standard Question: Can you tell me your name please?

[1. Check test taker’s name against attendance sheet.

2. Start timer.
3. Begin test.]

Turn over

©2019 Pearson Education Ltd.

Marking Criteria Grid
2 Marking Scale
1 = A score of ‘one’ is given if the performance is below the level of the descriptor.
2 = A score of ‘two’ is given if the performance is just at the level of the descriptor (borderline test taker).
3 = A score of ‘three’ is given if the performance clearly matches the descriptor of the relevant level.
4 = A score of ‘four’ is given if the performance is almost at the level of the next descriptor (borderline test taker).
5 = A score of ‘five’ is given if the performance is above the level of the descriptor.

0 = A score of ‘zero’ is used for SILENCE or IRRELEVANT or NON-ENGLISH material.

P6 Level 1 Total Score Points: Max 40
09 Sections of PTE Task Individual Score Points for Individual
81 G Speaking Engagement Traits Traits
A Test Gatekeeper
Section 10 yes/no Sustained Monologue: Describing experience 1, 2, 3,
Long turn (abbr.) Can describe his/her family, living 4, 5
conditions, educational background, present or
most recent job. Can describe people, places
and possessions in simple terms. Can describe
plans, arrangements, habits and routines, past
activities and personal experiences. Can explain
what s/he likes or dislikes about something.
Section 12 yes/no Thematic Development 1, 2, 3,
Responding to a Can tell a story or describe something in a simple 4, 5
visual stimulus list of points.
Section 13 yes/no Sociolinguistic Appropriateness (abbr.) 1, 2, 3,
Role play Can handle very short social exchanges, 4, 5
using everyday polite forms of greeting and
address. Can make and respond to
invitations, suggestions, apologies.
Overall Qualitative Fluency Interaction Range Accuracy Phonological
Aspects (QA) Can make Can answer questions and respond to simple Uses basic sentence Uses some simple Control (abbr.)
of Spoken him/herself statements. Can indicate when s/he is patterns with memorised grammatical* and Pronunciation is
Language understood in very following but is rarely able to understand phrases, groups of a few lexical* structures generally clear
Use short utterances, enough to keep conversation going of his/her words and formulae in correctly, but still enough to be
even though own accord. order to communicate systematically makes understood*.
pauses, false starts limited information in basic mistakes.
and reformulation simple everyday
are very evident. situations.
Score Points for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
QA 4, 5
*The original wording of the CEF descriptor was altered in order to accommodate the specific skill tested in PTE General

PTE General Speaking Test: Level 1


Now I’d like you to speak on your own for about one minute.

Preliminary prompt 1:
• Tell me about your favourite sport.

Main prompt 1:
• How many different sports do you like?

Follow-up prompts:
• What sports do you like doing?
• Where can you do sports near your home?
• What sports do you like watching on television?
• Is it better to do sports or watch sports? Why?

Preliminary prompt 2:
• Tell me about your favourite present or gift.

Main prompt 2:
• When did you get your favourite present or gift?

Follow-up prompts:
• Who gave it to you?
• Why do you like it so much?
• Where do you keep it?
• How often do you receive presents from your friends or family?

Preliminary prompt 3:
• What kind of school do / did you go to?

Main prompt 3:
• What do / did you like and dislike about your school?

Follow-up prompts:
• Describe your school to me.
• When did you start going to the school?
• Tell me about a day at your school.
• Do / Did you like going to school? Why / Why not?

Preliminary prompt 4:
• Have you got a best friend? Who is it?

Main prompt 4:
• Tell me about one of your friends.

Follow-up prompts:
• What do you like doing most with your friends?
• What do you discuss with your friends?
• How often do you talk to your friends on the phone?
• Do you talk to your friends on the internet? Why / Why
P60981A Turn over

Now, here is a picture of a family moving house. Please tell me what you can see and what is happening in
the picture.

(Hand the picture to the test taker)

Alright? Begin now please.

(Allow the test taker to speak for about one minute)

(If necessary, use the following prompts to sustain the discourse, pointing to the relevant part of
the picture)

• How many people are in the picture?

• What can you see?
• What are they doing? (indicate the woman and the teenage boy)
• What is the dog doing?
• What is he going to do? (indicate the man who is carrying a box)

(Retrieve the picture)


Now we are going to take part in a role play. Here is a card with the situation on it. Please read it to yourself.

(Hand the card to the test taker. Allow up to 15 seconds to study the card)

Test taker’s card

You are phoning a tennis club. You want to book a court. The examiner is the receptionist at the
tennis club.

• Explain you want to book a court for the afternoon.

• Suggest another day.
• Give a time in the afternoon.
• Give your name and ask about the cost.
• Thank the receptionist and say goodbye.

Interlocutor’s script

You are phoning a tennis club. You want to book a court. I am the receptionist at the tennis club.

Alright? I’ll start.

Hello. Norton tennis club. How can I help you?

Suggested prompts

• I’m sorry. We have no courts for today. How about tomorrow or the weekend?
• OK, what time would you like to play?
• That’s fine. Can I have your name please?
• It’s five pounds an hour. Or eight pounds for two hours.
• Goodbye.

(Retrieve the card)

Thank you. That is the end of the test.


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