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1. This refers to quantitative changes in an organism. This usually involves permanent increase
in size and structure of organisms. These quantitative changes are both physical and mental.

A. Development

B. Growth

C. Maturation

D. None of the above

The answer is growth because growth refers to the quantitative changes in an

organism that involves changes in height, weight, girth, mental changes in reasoning. On
the contrary, development, refers to the qualitative changes in humans and is a result of
accumulation of experiences while maturation refers to the process of gradual unfolding
of the inborn potentialities of traits present in the individual because of hereditary

2. Experience is not necessary to these functions as they are time, age and physical and mental
maturity dependent. What function is this?

A. Maturation

B. Phylogenetic functions

C. Growth

D. Ontogenetic functions

The answer is phylogenetic functions. These are functions, which are common to
all members of a species. These include crawling, creeping, sitting, walking, etc. Whereas
in ontogenetic function, These depend on experience. They are functions common to
individuals. Some of these functions are swimming, climbing, painting, speech, etc. Here,
without experience or training, development can not take place. While maturation is the
process of gradual unfolding of the inborn potentialities of traits present in the individual.
Lastly, growth refers to quantitative changes in an organism. This usually involves
permanent increase in size and structure of organisms.

3. The child is first able to see, hear sound and jingles before using his hands and legs in a
meaningful way. What principle of development is being described?

A. Cephalocaudal growth patterns

B. Proxismodistal growth pattern

C. The Principle Of Differentiation

D. None of the above

The answer is cephalocaudal growth patterns. According to this principle,

development spread over the body from head to foot. This means that improvement in
structures and functions come first in the head area, then in the trunk and leg region.
While in proximodistal growth patterns holds that development proceeds from the central
axis of the body towards the extremities. Lastly, the principle of differentiation
deevelopment proceeds from simple to complex, from h omogenous to heterogeneous
and from general to specific.

4. In this function, without experience or training, development can not take place. What
function is this?

A. Development

B. Ontogenetic functions

C. Phylogenetic functions

D. None of the aforementioned

The answer is ontogenetic functions because it depend on experience. They are

functions common to individuals. Some of these functions are swimming, climbing,
painting, speech, etc. While in phylogenetic functions experience is not necessary. Lastly,
development refers to qualitative changes in an organism. It is a progressive series of
orderly and coherent changes in human beings.
5. Sheryl and samantha are bestfriends. Sheryl is more active, funny and naughty while samantha
is more likely a quiet and calm. What principles of development is this?

A. Principles of uniqueness of individuals

B. Cephalocaudal growth patterns

C. Proxismodistal growth patterns

D. None of the above

The answer is principles of uniqueness of individuals. This principle asserts that

every individual is unique that there are no two people that are exactly alike. Whereas
cephalocaudal growth patterns development spread over the body from head to foot. This
means that improvement in structures and functions come first in the head area, then in
the trunk and leg region. Lastly, proxismodistal growth patterns holds that development
proceeds from the central axis of the body towards the extremities.


6. Anne, a 23-year-old girl who lack an X-chromosome in an egg. When fertilized, such
individuals have the genetic constitution XO and is reported to have an underdeveloped ovary.
What condition does Anne suffers from?

A. Klinefelter’s syndrome

B. Down syndrome (Mongolism)

C. Turner’s syndrome

D. None of the above

Anne suffers from the condition called Turner’s syndrome which only affects
females which means absence of an X-chromosome in an egg. While Klinefelter’s
syndrome affects only male so Anne can not be affected by this. Lastly, down syndrome
refers to the duplication of chromosome 21.
7. Stell, a 9-year-old child with an extra chromosome and has slit-eyed appearance, reduced
resistance to infection, are always mentally retarded or deficient and have thick tongues with
short stubby fingers. What do you call the disease or syndrome that Stell suffers from?

A. Klinefelter’s syndrome

B. Down syndrome (Mongolism)

C. Turner’s syndrome

D. None of the above

Down syndrome, refers to chromosomal condition that occurs when an error in

cell division results in an extra chromosome 21 and sufferers have slit-eyed appearance,
reduced resistance to infection, are always mentally retarded or deficient and have thick
tongues with short stubby fingers. While individuals with Klinefelter’s syndrome,
outwardly male but have some female characteristics and fail to manufacture sperms.
Lastly, Turner’s syndrome refers to the absence of an X-chromosome in an egg. When
fertilized, such individuals have the genetic constitution XO.

8. Justin, a 25-year-old boy, that has the genetic constitution XXY and is reported to look
outwardly male but have some female characteristics and fail to manufacture sperms. Some may
have psychopathic traits, criminal tendencies, and mental retardation. What do you call the
disease or syndrome that Justin suffers from?

A. Klinefelter’s syndrome

B. Down syndrome (Mongolism)

C. Turner’s syndrome

D. None of the above

Justin suffers from the diseased called Klinefelter’s syndrome, individuals with
Klinefelter syndrome has the genetic constitution of XXY. While Down syndrome is
duplication of chromosome 21 and Turner’s syndrome refers to absence of an X-
chromosome in an egg and only affects females.

9. Based on the case above, can this syndrome affect females? Yes or No?
A. Yes

B. No

C. Maybe

D. None of the above

No. Klinefelter’s syndrome does not affect female.

10. Koi is a good student who loves to draw, sing and dance. She is having a hearing problem
eversince she's a child. Dao, her jolly bestfriend who have something in her legs. They are quite
different from the other people. What specific area in which children differ?

A. Differences in intelligence

B. Differences in character

C. Differences in health

D. Differences in childrens background

The answer is differences in health because koi and dao inherit weak health
potentials from their parents. Whereas the differences in intelligence should bear in mind
that intelligence factor of heredity and environment differs among children and
differences in character, some children differ in disposition. Lastly, Differences in
childrens background exist which result from different types of environment in which
children find themselves.

11. Monica a quiet student in her class, she barely talk with her classmates and poor of social
interactions. Aside from that in her home she always stay in her room because she always heard
that her parents are fighting. What specific area present in this case?

A. Differences in character

B. Differences in health

C. Differences in childrens background

D. Differences in intelligence
The answer is Differences in Character because in this case of Monica she may
come from emotionally unstable homes. The other wrong choices is Differences in health
that some children inherit weak health potentials from their parents, while others are
lucky to inherit very good health potentials and Differences in childrens background exist
which result from different types of environment in which children find themselves.
Lastly, Differences in intelligence should bear in mind that intelligence factor of heredity
and environment differs among children.

12. Ma'am elisabet, one of the professor of well known university. She considered every students
interms of academic performances. Anica, one of her students who is a dean lister and joseph the
average student. She did'nt compare her two students from each other she respect what her
students can do interms of academic stuffs. What specific area this case have?

A. Differences in character

B. Differences in health

C. Differences in intelligence

D. Differences in childrens background

The answer is Differences in Intelligence because anica and joseph have

different level of intelligence in their academic performances. Whereas Differences in
character, some children differ in disposition and Differences in health that some children
inherit weak health potentials from their parents, while others are lucky to inherit very
good health potentials. Lastly, Differences in childrens background exist which result
from different types of environment in which children find themselves.

13. A human has a total of 46 chromosomes. half of it came from the mother and the other half
came from the father. How many pairs of chromosomes are found in an off-spring?

A. 46

B. 20

C. 23

D. None of the aforementioned

The answer is 23 because half of 46 choromosomes is 23. It is impossible to have
46 pairs and also 20 pairs.

14. This refers to the structures found in the nucleus of any cell on which genes are located.

A. Chromosomes

B. Genes

C. Hereditary

D. None of the above

The correct answer is Chromosomes because it contains a person’s genes and is

located at the nucleus. Whereas genes is the bearers of hereditary factors while hereditary
refers to the transmission of potentialities or traits of physical, mental, and other
characteristics from parents to off-springs.

15. The transmission of potentialities or traits of physical, mental, and other characteristics from
parents to off-springs.

A. Chromosomes

B. Genes

C. Hereditary

D. None of the above

Hereditary is the correct answer because it is genetically transmitted or

transmittable from parent to offspring. Whereas chromosomes contain a person’s genes
and is located at the nucleus while genes are the bearers of hereditary factors.

16. Based on the case above, what chromosome was duplicated or partially copied?

A. Chromosome 21

B. Chromosome 22

C. Chromosome 20

D. None of the above

21st chromosome. Down syndrome is also called trisomy 21. While duplication
on chromosome 22 is called mosaic trisomy 22 and duplication on chromosome 20 is
called trisomy 20p.


17. Dahlia, a 7-month-old baby often suck her thumb whenever she is hungry. This reflex is

A. Babinski reflex

B. Palmar reflex

C. Sucking reflex

D. None of the above

Sucking reflex refers to the sucking of an infant’s finger more especially their
thumb often when their hungry. Whereas palmar reflex refers to the tight gripping of the
hand of the infant when gently stimulated by any pressure while Babinski reflex refers to
the extension of the big toe and the fanning of the others when the toe of the foot is
gently struck.

18. Aivy, a 5-month-old baby likes to grip things whenever stimulated by any pressure. This
reflex is called?

A. Babinski reflex

B. Blinking reflex

C. Palmar reflex

D. None of the above

Palmar reflex is the answer. It refers to the tight gripping of the hand of the
neonate when gently stimulated by any pressure. Whereas Babinski reflex refers to the
extension of the big toe and the fanning of the others when the toe of the foot is gently
struck and lastly, blinking reflex This is the constriction of the pupils of the eyes in
reaction to bright light.
19. Samantha always receives compliments from the people around her that she looks exactly
like her mother. In what determinant of physical growth does her resemblance to her mother falls

A. Heredity

B. Muscles

C. Endocrine Glands

D. None of the choices

The answer is letter A. Heredity because it is best seen in the physical appearance
of a child like the tendency for her to be more like one of her parents while growth in
muscles enables labour changes in physical capabilities and other kinds of activities
which the child can partake for example, sports. And in growth of endocrine glands, it
results in a new pattern of behaviour for example, during puberty, the child shows
likeness for a number of his opposite sex and becomes conscious of his/her appearance.

20. While Kalix was observing his son Kian, he noticed a few changes in his son’s behavior.
Lately, Kian had been getting conscious as to what he is going to wear to school. He also checks
his physical appearance which wasn’t like him in the past years. This change in a new pattern of
behavior is a product in the growth of?

A. Somatic Pattern

B. Muscles

C. Endocrine Glands

D. None of the choices

The answer is C. Endocrine glands because changes of functions of the

endocrine glands result in a new product of behavior like a child becoming conscious as
to how he looks while growth in muscles enables labor changes in physical capabilities
and other kinds of activities which the child can partake for example, sports and somatic
pattern on the other hand refers to body growth including the growth of weight, height,
body proportions and growth of various internal organs like respiratory system, digestive
and the muscular systems.

21. In Sean's early childhood, his parents got separated. He was in his father’s custody and was
separated from her mother which affected him and slowed his growth because of the lack of
mutual support from both of his parents. In what determinant of physical growth does his
separation from his mother and its effects to the slowness of his growth falls under?

A. Heredity

B. Emotional Factor

C. Nervous System

D. None of the choices

The answer is letter B. Emotional Factor because if an infant or a child in his

early childhood was separated from one or both of his parents, it can result to retardation
of growth while heredity is best seen in the physical appearance of a child like the
tendency for her to be more like one of her parents and growth in nervous system leads to
new pattern of behaviour.

22. Via observed while watching a documentary that those children who receives the right
amount of nutrition and who grew up on a healthy environment looks more physically fit than
those who lacks them in their lives. In what determinant of the physical growth does her
observation between the two variables falls under?

A. Environment

B. Emotional Factor

C. Endocrine Glands

D. Heredity

The answer is letter A. Environment because environmental factors like nutrition

and balanced diet helps the child in developing its physical fitness while emotional factor
affects an infant or a child in his early childhood if separated from one or both of his
parents resulting to retardation of growth and growth in endocrine glands on the other
hand result in a new product of behavior like a child becoming conscious as to how he

23. Yanna noticed that her baby was growing faster than Luna's baby eventhough they are of the
same age. She noticed that her baby gains weight and height faster, and the body proportion of
her child was by far different compared to her friend’s child. In what pattern of physical growth
does her observation falls under?

A. Somatic Pattern

B. Endocrine Glands

C. Muscles

D. None of the choices

The answer is letter A. Somatic Pattern because it refers to the body growth of
various internal organs of a child which affects its height, weight and body proportion
while growth in endocrine result in a new product of behavior like a child becoming
conscious as to how he looks and growth in muscles enables labour changes in physical
capabilities and other kinds of activities which the child can partake.

24. As Elyse was observing her child, she noticed that her child uses both left and right hand
while scribbling, drawing and coloring her drawings. In handedness, which type does Elyse's
child falls under?

A. Dextrality

B. Sinistrality

C. Ambidextrality

D. None of the choices

The answer is letter C. Ambidextrality because this is a preferential use of both

hands in handedness under Developmemt on Laterality while dextrality is the use of right
hand and sinistrality is the use of left hand.
25. Hiro and Yanna's daughter, Avi is a very active child. Avi loves running around their house,
climbing up and down on the stairs and jumping on their garden whenever she is on her
playtime. Under what motor development does her activities can be referred to?

A. Finer Motor Growth

B. Growth in Motor Skills

C. Growth

D. None of the choices

The answer is letter B. Growth in Motor Skills because her activities and skills
involved the movement of the whole body while finer motor growth refers to smaller
skills involving the handling of tools and growth refers to quantitative changes in an
organism and usually involves permanent increase in size and structure of organisms.

26. Clyden's child patient, John was in the hospital for quite a long time so he made him
participate in activities such as drawing and painting which involves the usage of pencils, paints
and other art materials to help him recover. Under what motor development does his activities
can be referred to?

A. Finer Motor Growth

B. Growth in Motor Skills


D. None of the choices

The answer is letter A. Finer Motor Growth because those are smaller skills in
which handling of tools such as art materials are involved, while growth in motor skills
refers to activities and skills involving movement of the whole and on the other hand,
body growth refers to quantitative changes in an organism and usually involves
permanent increase in size and structure of organisms.

27. Maria was left an orphan at her early age. Her father died in a car accident and followed by
her mother four years later. Her aunt took her to province. She was maltreated and sexually
abused by her uncle for 10 years. Maria was not given a chance to continue her schooling so she
began to use illegal drugs and learn to drink alcohol at the age of 14. She rarely trust anyone and
became extremely shy person. Which among the factors below affect the personality
development of Maria?

A. Peer Group

B. School

C. Personal Experiences

D. Cultural Influence

The correct answer is letter C because Maria’s Personal Experiences is the main
factor that made her develop trust issues and introversion. However, answers A, B, and D
are incorrect because it was not mentioned that Maria has group friends that is why Peer
Group is not an answer, while School become only a factor when the personality was
affected in the school setting, and it was mentioned that Maria is less sociable and
extremely shy person, therefore, Cultural Influence did not affect the personality of

28. Miles had started to train her two years old child to use the toilet. According to her, she wants
to teach her child self-control and independent tendencies which are very important to child’s
emotional growth and development. In what stage of development best describes the situation?

A. Oral Stage

B. Anal Stage

C. Phallic Stage

D. Latency Stage

The correct answer is letter B because Anal Stage is the period of human
development where child begins to toilet train. Whereas Oral Stage is where an infant
must be satisfied of his basic needs such as food, love, and affection, while Phallic Stage
is where a child develops sexual attraction for the parent of the opposite-sex, and Latency
Stage is where children starting to develop a degree of competence in areas of sports,
arts, school works, etc.

29. Ian, a grade 5 student is very competitive and confident. He loves to sing and perform in
front of many audiences. In every competition, he did not fail to make his family and school
proud. When he was asked by a judge about his secret, he said that he always receives praises
from his parents and teachers whenever he sing since grade 3. And due to this, he became
motivated him to perform excellently. Ian is under of what stage of Psychosocial Development?

A. Trust vs. Mistrust

B.Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

C. Initiatives vs. Guilt

D. Industry vs. Inferiority

The correct answer is D because during Industry vs Inferiority stage, children

would like to be recognized for producing or performing things which makes them
develop a sense of industry, and failure to this, results to inferiority. However, Trust vs.
Mistrust is incorrect because this stage is all about whether the child is experiencing
childcare, maternal relationship and genuine affection or not. While Autonomy vs. Shame
and Doubt only happens during 2nd to 3rd year of child’s age, where children should be
encouraged and allowed to do what they are capable of doing with the supervision and
guidance of their parents. And Initiatives vs Guilt is where children feel a sense of guilt
when they take initiatives but punished.

30. At the age of 4, Andy became curious about everything in her surroundings. She began
asking a lot questions to her Mama and Papa such as “why the skies are blue in day time and
became dark in night time?”. Based on the Havighurst’s Theory of Personality Development,
Andy is under on what stage?

A. Pre-school/ Kindergarten Age

B. Elementary Grade
C. Secondary Grade

D. Phallic Stage

The correct answer is A because during Pre-school/ Kindergarten Age, children

began to become curious in many things for they want to relate with their parents, sibling
and other people through imitation. However, other answers are incorrect because
children in Elementary Grade had already identified some developmental tasks, while
Secondary Grade are related mostly to adolescents and adult behaviours, and Phallic
Stage is not included in Havighurst’s Theory because it is one of Freud’s Psychosexual
Development Theory.

31. Reagan’s mother noticed that her child only obeys her when it is in his best interest. Under of
what level and stage of Kohlberg’s Theory is Reagan?

A. Pre-conventional Level: Punishment and Obedience Orientation

B. Pre-conventional Level: Individualism and Purpose

C. Conventional Level: Interpersonal Norms

D. Conventional Level: Social System Morality

The correct answer is B because during Individualism and Purpose Stage of

Pre-conventional Level, children’s moral thinking is based on rewards and self-interest.
Whereas, Pre-conventional: Punishment and Obedience Orientation, children’s moral
reasoning is controlled by external reward and punishment, while during Conventional
Level: Interpersonal Norms children values, trust, caring and loyalty to others as the
basis of moral judgments, and Conventional Level: Social System Morality is where
moral judgments are based on understanding of the social order, law, justice and duty.


32. Kathleen’s father is very happy of how his daughter is excellent in imitating behaviours and
actions at a very young age of two. There was a time that Kathleen imitated her sister dancing
Tala. And even her sister is not around, she can remember some of the steps. Based on the
situation, Kathleen is under on what stage of Cognitive Development?

A. Sensory-Motor Stage

B. Preoperational Period

C. The Concrete Operations Period

D. Formal Operational Stage

The right answer is A because the cognitive activity during the Sensory-Motor
Stage is based mainly on the child’s immediate experiences through the interaction of the
senses and the environment so they tend to learn imitating individuals. However, answers
B, C, and D are incorrect because learning during the Preoperational Period, is intuitive
with child’s relying on internal impulses, while children during The Concrete Operations
Period are able to think logically, and during Formal Operational Stage, children began to
think logically not just in concrete problems but also in abstract form.

33. Ms. Ong, a pre-school teacher call for a parental meeting. She suggested that parents must
guide their children in learning how to read and write alphabet. What concept of Vygotsky’s
Theory best describes the situation of preschool students?

A. Combinational Reasoning

B. Proportional Reasoning

C. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

D. Scaffolding

The correct answer is C because Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is

Vygotsky’s term for the range of tasks that are too difficult for children to master alone
but can be learned with the guidance and assistance from adults or more-skilled children,
while Combinational and Proportional Reasoning are Piaget’s concept for patterns of
reasoning during the Formal Operational Stage, and Scaffolding is Vygotsky’s term for
describing how adults reduced their guidance so that child will gain competence.
34. While playing seesaw, Kyla and Vico discovered that when one of them sits heavier on one
of the bar, it will tilt. What mode of representation best describes the discovery of Kaila and

A. Enactive Mode

B. Iconic Mode

C. Symbolic Mode

D. None of the above

The correct answer is A because Enactive Mode refers to event being represented
in terms of actions. However, other answers are incorrect because Iconic Mode refers to
objects being represented by means of picture or image, while Symbolic Mode refers to
the ability of children to translate experiences into language for they begin to develop
abstract images.

35. Aside from giving her students quarterly exam, Mrs. Mercado also assigns them to small
group projects and individual works to assess if her students are learning her lessons. She also
wants her students to put the things they have learned into practice. Which way of Stimulating
Intellectual Development did Mrs. Mercado applied?

A. Facilitating Intellectual Performance

B. Providing Practice in Grouping and Organization

C. Practice in being Flexible

D. Give Children Opportunity to Do Things Independently

The right answer is letter D because projects and individual works is a form of
Giving Children Opportunity to Do Things Independently. Through this, children are
given chance to plan and put many of the things they have learnt into practice. Whereas
Facilitating Intellectual Performance is giving children opportunity to to use their social,
mechanical, verbal, and numerical gifts, while Providing Practice in Grouping and
Organization is guiding children in grouping and organizing which ideas go together, and
Practice in being Flexible is training children to use different modes of expression.
36. Kian’s mother is very happy when her 2 years old child learns to speak two to three words in
communicating. The exact meaning of Kian’s words can only be gotten from the context of how
it was said. Kian is under of what phase of Language Development?

A. Pre-language Phase

B. First Words Phase

C. Early Adult-like Speech

D. Primary words Phase

The correct answer is letter B because in First Word Phase, children makes two-
word and three-word sentences. However, letters A, C and D are incorrect because in
Pre- language Phase, children only makes sounds in communicating, while during Early
Adult-like Speech children are able to communicate almost like an adult, and Primary
words Phase is not included in Phases of how Language Develops.

UNIT 6 & 7

37. Yohan is an adolescent who left alone in their house as his parents went to work. As his
parents was late at that morning, they do not have a chance to cook a food to eat for him. Right
after he woke up, he was hungry and find food at table but there is nothing on it. What kind of
needs of adolescent do Yohan need to fulfill?

A. The physical needs

B. Personality need of adolescents

C. Need for independence

D. Need for achievement

The answer for this case scenario is letter A, The physical needs. Yohan was
hungry and one of the basic needs in life is food which is needed to fulfill by parents and
provide for their child. The remaining answers are incorrect because personality need of
adolescents refers to the status of the adolescent. On the other hand, need for
independence is wanting to be free from parental restrictions and need for achievement
refers to recognition and rewards.

38. Linda wanted to live independently from her parents however her parents did not allow it.
Her parents keep saying that she cannot stand still on her own as she is at her very young age of
16. What kind of needs of adolescent do Linda need to fulfill?

A. The physical needs

B. Personality need of adolescents

C. Need for independence

D. Need for achievement

The answer for this case scenario is letter C, need for independence. Linda
wanted to be free from parental restrictions which is living on her own. The remaining
answers are incorrect because personality need of adolescents refers to the status of the
adolescent. On the other hand, the physical needs refer to basic necessities in life and
need for achievement refers to recognition and rewards

39. Earl a sixteen-year-old boy who is on his 9th grade in high school and a slow learner. He is
struggling catching up in their lessons at school. Some of his classmates bully him for being slow
and not following on academic matters. However, even he is a slow learner his parents keep on
complimenting him whenever he made a good job and his teachers motivates him when he is
failing his grades. What kind of needs of adolescent do Earl need to fulfill?

A. The physical needs

B. Personality need of adolescents

C. Need for independence

D. Need for achievement

The correct answer here is letter D, need for achievement. Even though Earl is a
slow learner his parents and teacher still complimenting him for his work as they
appreciate his efforts and his best to do the task. The remaining answers are incorrect
because personality need of adolescents refers to the status of the adolescent. On the
other hand, the physical needs refer to basic necessities in life and need for independence
focus on status of the adolescent.

40. Maria is a 15-year-old girl who is currently enrolled in 8th grade in high school. She became
interested in politics, religions and meaning of life. She wanted to become more conscious about
the happenings on her life. One night, while she is laying on her bed and looking up to ceiling,
she suddenly though about her purpose in life. What kind of needs of adolescent do Samantha
need to fulfill?

A. Need for a satisfying philosophy of life

B. Personality need of adolescents

C. Need for independence

D. Need for achievement

The correct answer here is letter A, need for a satisfying philosophy of life. As
Maria became interested about politics, religions and specially meaning of her life, it will
impact her rational decisions in life. The remaining answers are wrong because
personality need of adolescents refers to the status of the adolescent. On the other hand,
need for independence is wanting to be free from parental restrictions and need for
achievement refers to recognition and rewards.

41. Marcia is a 17-year-old girl who became conscious about herself. She dresses as a real lady
and act as a matured one. She wanted to be seen as a feminine one, so she keeps doing her make-
ups and wear feminine clothes. What kind of development tasks do Marcia performs?

A. Achieving masculine and feminine roles

B. Personality need of adolescents

C. Need for independence

D. Need for achievement

The correct answer here is letter A, achieving masculine and feminine roles as
Marcia dresses and acts like a female and wanted to be seen as feminine one. The
remaining answers are wrong because personality need of adolescents refers to the status
of the adolescent. On the other hand, need for independence is wanting to be free from
parental restrictions and need for achievement refers to recognition and rewards.

42. Gio has a classmate who is mother died a week ago. He found his classmate crying at the
corner of their classroom that is why he sit beside and tap his classmate’s back. What kind of
emotions of school children do Gio showed in this case?

A. Fear

B. anger

C. Happiness

D. Sympathy

The correct answer here is letter D, sympathy as Gio comforted his classmate due
to a loss of mother. The remaining answers are incorrect because anger refers to
aggressiveness and disruption of behavior. On the other hand, fear is what we feel when
we are in danger while happiness is an emotion wherein we feel joy on a certain thing.

43. Andrea is afraid of dogs since the day he was bitten by some of her neighbor’s dog. Every
time she sees a dog, she will suddenly burst in tears and scream. What kind of emotions of
school children do Andrea showed in this case?

A. Fear

B. anger

C. Happiness

D. Sympathy

The correct answer here is letter A, fear as Andrea is being afraid of dog and
breakdown into tears when seeing one. The remaining answers are incorrect because
anger refers to aggressiveness and disruption of behavior. On the other hand, sympathy is
an emotion that we give towards other people when we see them into a painful situation
while happiness is an emotion wherein, we feel joy on a certain thing.
44. Sheila and her parents are expecting to a new baby. Ever since she wanted to have a sibling
as she is only child. She wanted to have a playmate at house and become a sister. After a month
when her mother gave birth to her sibling, she suddenly feels a heavy feeling whenever she see
her parents giving lots of attention to her sibling and she feel being neglected. What kind of
emotions of school children do Sheila showed in this case?

A. Jealousy

B. anger

C. Happiness

D. Sympathy

The correct answer here is letter A, jealousy as Sheila became jealous when her
parents shows more attention and affection towards her sibling. The remaining answers
are incorrect because anger refers to aggressiveness and disruption of behavior. On the
other hand, sympathy is an emotion that we give towards other people when we see them
into a painful situation while happiness is an emotion wherein we feel joy on a certain

45. Ericka has a parent who is busy at work. They do not have time for her to have a meal
together and going outside together. She barely talks to her parents as they are more focus on
their work. She is crying most of the time as she feels that her parents do not love her. What kind
of emotions of school children do Ericka showed in this case?

A. Jealousy

B. anger

C. Happiness

D. Sadness

The correct answer here is letter D, sadness as Ericka feels unlove and her parents
show lack of affection to her. The remaining answers are incorrect because anger refers
to aggressiveness and disruption of behavior. On the other hand, jealousy is what we feel
when there is a lack of recognition while happiness is an emotion wherein, we feel joy on
a certain thing.

Lesson 8,9,10

46. Theo is in the process of growing up, both physically and psychologically ending in
Adulthood. What stage is Theo going through now?

A. Puberty

B. Adolescence

C. Adolescence and Puberty

D. None of the above

The correct answer is B. Adolescence because based on Landsdown et, al,

Adolescence “is the process of growing up, both physically and psychologically ending
in Adulthood”. While puberty on the other hand refers to the onset of adolescence, which
generally occurs around the Age of 11 – 12 years for girls and at around 13 – 14 years for
boys. Letter C is wrong Although the terms “adolescence” and “puberty” are used
interchangeably, they are really not the same thing.

47. Trixie suddenly has a rapid change up in height. What physical characteristic is being

A. Growth of bones

B. Growth Spurt

C. The Rapid Physical Changes and Nutritional Needs

D. Puberty in girls

The answer is B. Growth Spurt because During the growth spurts a child may
put on about 10cm or 4 inches in a year. Growth of bones is wrong because rapid growth
of bones at the early and middle years of puberty, which later slows down unlike the
growth of spurt which is sudden. The Letter C is also wrong because The Rapid Physical
Changes and Nutritional Needs means that adolescence eat much more food than fully
grown adult and children. Letter D is wrong because in girls, puberty begins with the
enlargement of breasts, maturation of ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina.

48. Yel was a clinically diagnosed with intense fear, often irrational, leading to a compulsive
need to avoid that thing or event. What emotional development is being shown?

A. Nature of fear

B. Learning fear

C. Phobias.

D. Anger

The correct answer is C. phobias because phobias means that it is a clinical or

pathologically intense fear, often irrational, leading to a compulsive need to avoid that
thing or event. Nature of fear is wrong because it just explains where our fear came from
and learning fear is also wrong because it just explains that fear are learnt. Letter D is
also wrong because Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or
something you feel has deliberately done you wrong.

49. Thomas who is a 16-year-old high school student has always major social frustration and
disappointment towards other without a reason. Which emotional development are being shown?

A. Fear

B. Anger

C. Phobia

D. Jealousy

The correct answer is B. anger. Because frustration is the main cause of anger
due to such thing as discomfort, lack of attention, and failure in an activity. Fear on the
other hand is wrong because fear is caused by unexpected and strange sounds, objects,
people or animals. While phobia means that it is a clinical or pathologically intense fear,
often irrational, leading to a compulsive need to avoid that thing or event. Letter D is also
wrong because Jealousy generally refers to the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear,
and concern over a relative lack of possessions or safety.

50. Allison wants to measure the time interval between receiving a stimulus and reacting to it.
What physical development in adulthood is being shown?

A. Reaction time

B. Hearing Acuity

C. Visual Acuity

D. Sense of taste

The correct answer is A. Reaction time. Reaction time measures the time interval
between receiving a stimulus and reacting to it. Reaction time increases from early
childhood, reaches its maximum at about 18 and then significantly declines beyond 40s.
While Hearing Acuity is wrong because it is Our ability to hear high-pitched tones
declines after 20 years, with loss of ability to hear low-Pitched sounds beginning in the
60s. Also the visual acuity is wrong because it just explains the factors for visual
impairments. Letter D is also wrong because sense of taste is the sensory system that is
partially responsible for the perception of taste

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