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LinkedIn Engineering Report : 15 Author: Zark Bedalov, May. 1/ 2021

BOOK: Practical Power Plant Engineering -
A Guide for Early Career Engineers
➔ 15. Reactive Power Exchange by Transformer Tap Changers 2 pages
Extract from Chapter 19

Testing Generation Reactive Power Capability

In addition to its turbine mechanical power MW capability, each generator is also rated for its MVAr

Fig. 18.3 Hydro Generator: 147 MVA (1pu), 0.85 lag/ 0.9 lead Power Factor

Capability. The first one comes from the shaft, and later from its exciter. Each utility based generator
must be capable to deliver or absorb reactive power during its daily operation. For instance a generator
can be rated at 100 MW and power factor lead and lag at 80%, for a total of 125 MVA. Based on these
figures this generator is capable to deliver (lag) and absorb (lead) 25 MVAr when operating on either
side of the power factor angle.
However, this capability does not come free. It increases the cost of the generator, in particular of the
generator exciter which may be external (static) to the generator or brushless on the rotor. The static
exciter can be designed for more MVAr capability.
If the generator is far from the load centers it may be able to deliver only a limited amount of MVAr in
competition with the generators closer to the MVAr consumers. The other part of the problem is losses
in transferring the MVAr over long lines. In view of that, the engineer will determine and may specify a
generator with limited range of reactive power on each side of the generator capability curve and save
on the cost for something that cannot be used. See Fig. 19.11.
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Let us take an example of two hydro-generators in the same plant having capability characteristics
shown on Fig. 18.3, as follows:

Two (2) Generators: 125MW, 147 MVA, 0.85 pf lag and 0.9 pf lead. 13.8 kV ±5%.
Excitation: Static, Low level limit protection: 70 Vdc
Two (2) GSUT Transformers: 150MVA, 300/13.8 KV ±10% Off LTC tap changer.

Generator capability must be tested during commissioning to prove its reactive power limits. These two,
generators were far from the load centers thus it was not possible to prove their full capability in the
grid as the test may raise the grid voltages. In this situation the test can be performed in the same plant
by exchanging MVARs between two plant adjacent units, by making one generator export (lagging pf)
while the other is made to import (leading pf).

The MVARs are regulated by the generator exciter Automatic

Voltage Regulators (AVR). The AVR of G1 is adjusted to
underexcite (lead to import), while G2 is made to overexcite
(lag to export).
By exporting MVARs the voltage of G2 raises towards its high
limit of 105% of Vn, while the voltage of G1 falls towards its
low voltage operating limit of 95% of Vn. If this arrangement is
unable to meet the MVARs flows without going over the
voltage limits, the generator transformers OffLTC taps could be
adjusted on both units, by holding G1 voltage up and G2 down.
The transformer T1 is tapped up (+) and T2 down (-). Fig.19.11 MVAr Exchange

In this case we had more problems on the lead side while the excitation was being fed from the grid,
thus lowering the excitation and approaching its limit of 70 Vdc and the internal field voltage EMF value.

An OffLTC doesn’t offer flexibility during operation. Therefore, the on load tap changer (OnLTC) on
generator transformers enhances the unit capability to better follow the MVAR on line operating
requirements. If the transformers are equipped with OffLTCs, the taps would have to be preset ahead
of the test. After the test the taps are returned to their regular positions, to match the most likely daily
operating conditions.

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