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Industrial Relations


Name: Sakib Istiak

Roll: PG- 852813121
Submission date: 26.06.2021

Industrial Relations

1. Explain industrial Relation.

Answer- Industrial relation refers to a relationship between the employers and employees. It also
refers to a field of study that examines these types of relationships, especially groups of workers
in unions. The employers are represented by management and employees are represented by

2. What are the objective and importance of I.R?

Answer- The objectives of industrial relations are to facilitate production; to safeguard the rights
and interests of both labor and management by enlisting the cooperation of both; to achieve a
sound, harmonious and mutual beneficial relationship between employers and employees. Good
industrial relation helps in effective utilization of man, money and material. Improved employee
morale, industrial peace, recognition of employee's interest and reconciliation of employer's and
employee objectives and interest increased production with minimum wastage of resources.

3. Discuss the effect of good and bad I.R in industry.

Answer- Good industrial relation helps in effective utilization of man, money and material.
Improved employee morale, industrial peace, recognition of employee's interest and
reconciliation of employer's and employee objectives and interest increased production with
minimum wastage of resources. The effects of poor IR on an organization are ultimately reflected
in the forms of low employee morale and productivity, absenteeism, turnover, resistance to
change, strikes and several types of conflicts and pressure tactics exercised against management.

4. What are the causes of grievance?

Answer- i) Inadequate Wages and Bonus.
ii) Unachievable and Irrational Targets and Standards.
iii) Bad Working Conditions.
iv) Inadequate Health and Safety Services.
v) Strained Relationship Amongst the Employees.
vi) Layoffs and Retrenchment.
vii) Lack of Career Planning and Employee Development Plan.

5. Explain grievance handling procedures.
Answer- Grievance handling is the management of employee dissatisfaction or complaints (e.g.
favoritism, workplace harassment, or wage cuts). By establishing formal grievance handling
procedures, you provide a safe environment for your employees to raise their concerns.

6. What are the importance of and objective of T.U?

Answer- A trade union is a formal form of association of workers that promotes the harmonious
relationship between employer and employees. The primary objective of trade unions is to
promote and protect the interests of its members. Trade unions play an important role and are
helpful in effective communication between the workers and the management. They provide the
advice and support to ensure that the differences of opinion do not turn into major conflicts. The
central function of a trade union is to represent people at work.

7. What are the functions of Trade Union?

Answer- The main functions of the trade union are to protect and defend the interests of workers
by serving as a mediator between the workers and the company. Trade unions exist to help
workers ban together to have a stronger collective voice of influence. The primary function of
trade union is to protect the interests of workers against discrimination and unfair labor practices.
A trade union is an organized group of workers. Its main goal is to protect and advance the
interests of its members. A union often negotiates agreements with employers on pay and

8. Draw up the structure or committee of trade union.

Answer- The structure of trade unions refers to the basis on which unions are organized (i.e.
whether they are organized on craft, staff, industrial or general union basis) and to the pattern
whereby the plant unions are linked to regional level or national level federations. A trade union
is any combination, whether temporary or permanent, formed primarily for the purpose of
regulating the relation between workmen and employer, or between workmen and workmen,
and between employer and employer or for imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct of any
trade or business.

9. Discuss the process of registration of Trade Union?

Answer- The four procedure involved in registration of trade unions are as follows: 1.
Appointment of Registrar 2. Mode of Registration 3. Rights and Duties of Registrar 4. Legal Status
of Registered Trade Union. A trade union that has been registered is a body corporate which has
a common seal and a perpetual succession. It can hold, sell, acquire or transfer any property may

be movable or immovable and can also be a party to the contract. It can be sued and can also sue
in its own name.

10. Explain unfair labor practice employee side.

Answer- An UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE is any action or statement by an employer that interferes
with, restrains, or coerces employees in their exercise of the right to organize and conduct
collective bargaining. Such interference, restraint, or coercion can arise through threats,
promises, or offers to employees.

11. Explain unfair labor practice employer side.

Answer- An UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE is any action or statement by an employer that interferes
with, restrains, or coerces employees in their exercise of the right to organize and conduct
collective bargaining. Such interference, restraint, or coercion can arise through threats,
promises, or offers to employees.

12. What are the causes of industrial dispute?

Answer- A) Wage Demands.
B) Union Rivalry.
C) Political Interference.
D) Unfair Labor Practices.
E) Multiplicity of Labor Laws.

13. What are the various forms of dispute?

Answer- Types of Industrial Disputes: Strikes, Lockouts, Picketing, Gherao, Lay Off, Retrenchment
and Boycott.

14. How industrial dispute can be settled?

Answer- In general, any dispute mentioned above can be handed to the Industrial Relations Court.
However, before taking the cases to the Court, some preliminary steps or alternative solutions
should be taken through bipartite negotiation, mediation, conciliation. Another method of
settlement is through arbitration.

15. Difference between TU and CBA.

Answer- Generally a bargaining power of the employees is very poor as compared to employers.
Trade unions do the bargaining with the employers on behalf of the worker. Trade unions perform
the duty of an agent in the matters of collective bargaining for the workers.

16. What are the pre requisite for strike?
Answer- Strike notice A written notice stipulating the commencement of the strike must be issued
to the employer at least 48 hours before the strike commences All employees of an employer may
associate themselves with a protected strike, even if they are not members of the trade union
initiating the dispute and declaring.

17. Discuss the procedure of Collective Bargaining.

Answer- I) Preparation for negotiation.
II) Issues for bargaining.
IV) Negotiated agreement.
V) Ratification of agreement.
VI) Implementation of agreement.

18. What do you mean by employee participation in mgt?

Answer- Workers participation in management refers to the participation of the workers in the
decision-making process of the organization. This has an incredibly positive impact on the mental
and psychological health of the workers, and they are associated with the organization.
Participation increases mutual understanding and cooperation between the management and the
workers that results in increased and better production, good labor-management relation,
eliminating industrial disputes and increased efficiency of workers.

19. What are the object of Employee participation in Mgt?

Answer- The objectives of workers' participation in management are as follows: To raise level of
motivation of workers by closer involvement. To provide opportunity for expression and to
provide a sense of importance to workers. To develop ties of understanding leading to better
effort and harmony.

20. Explain the facilities of employee leader.

Answer- The facility management leader needs to ensure that staff in the organization have the
energy to overcome obstacles. As leaders, facility executives have to ensure that the environment
within the organization inspires and energizes people so their sense of purpose, esteem, creativity
and input is respected and valued.

21. Explain the participation committee and its function.
Answer- The functions of a participation committee include promotion of mutual trust,
understanding and cooperation between employer and the workers; ensuring application of labor
laws; and improving and maintaining safety, occupational health and working condition. Workers
participation is a system where the workers get the rights to participate in decisions on issues
which are of concern to the workers like wages, working conditions, safety, welfare, sharing of
gain, production related aspects, incentives and allowances were considered to be legitimate
areas of worker’s concern.

22. Define discipline and state its characteristics.

Answer- It is the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment
to correct disobedience. The basic features or characteristics of discipline can be summarized as
follows: A disciplinary action refers to one's self-control to conform organizational rules and

23. What are the causes of disciplinary action?

Answer- I) Unauthorized absence.
II) Misuse of email, internet or social media.
III) Bullying and harassment.
IV) Theft or fraud.
V) Health and safety.

24. What is ILO?

Answer- The International Labor Organization is a United Nations agency whose mandate is to
advance social and economic justice through setting international labor standards. Founded in
October 1919 under the League of Nations, it is the first and oldest specialized agency of the UN.

25. What are the objectives of ILO?

Answer- The ILO has four principal strategic objectives: To promote and realize standards, and
fundamental principles and rights at work. To create greater opportunities for women and men
to secure decent employment. To enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social protection for

26. Explain ILO membership process.

Answer- To gain membership, a nation must inform the director-general that it accepts all the
obligations of the ILO constitution. Other states can be admitted by a two-thirds vote of all

delegates, including a two-thirds vote of government delegates, at any ILO General Conference.
Anyone who is employed by the ILO can become a member of the Union. It does not matter how
long your contract is or what type of contract you have; the Union is open to all grades and
categories. Staff who leave the ILO can remain members by joining the Former Officials' Section.

27. Explain the structure of ILO.

Answer- The Governing Body is the executive council of the ILO. It is composed of 56 titular
members (14 representing employers, 14 representing workers, and 28 representing
governments) and 66 deputy members (19 representing employers, 19 representing workers, and
representing governments). The ILO is composed of three organs: The General Conference of
representatives of member states (the "International Labor Conference"); the Governing Body;
and the International Labor Office.

28. Explain the functions of ILO.

Answer- The main aims of the ILO are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment
opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues. The
functions of the ILO include the development and promotion of standards for national legislation
to protect and improve working conditions and standards of living. The ILO has four principal
strategic objectives: To promote and realize standards, and fundamental principles and rights at
work. To create greater opportunities for women and men to secure decent employment. To
enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social protection for all.

29. What is the employers Association? Write 10 names of EAB.

Answer- Employers’ associations are representative voluntary organizations-led by elected
leaders and managed by professional managers with a permanent staff- which specialize in
collective bargaining and in the aggregation, definition, processing and promotion in the political
arena of the collective interests and goals. Employer associations represent similar wants of
businesses, and will try to influence the governments to give better conditions for businesses to
prosper: They want the government to control things such as inflation, law and order, health and
safety, and education for the workforce.

30. What are the objectives and function of EAB?

Answer- To Collect and provide business information in Bangladesh for foreign buyers. To
promote the trade and investment in Bangladesh. To identify areas of difficulties in investment
and important trade barriers and take steps to overcome those. Resource Development and
others in Bangladesh. This is our immense pleasure to inform that with active co-operation of the
government of Bangladesh, Exporters Association is playing a pivotal role in the Export Horizon of

the country. Exporters Association of Bangladesh is an Apex Association for the exporters,
incorporated by the government of Bangladesh in order to formulate policy concerning export
trade, oversee the problems, monitor existing situation of export, seek government assistance
for export trade, submit views for inclusion in the national budget, identify national and
international barriers and suggest measures for addressing the bottlenecks & impediments for
smooth & orderly running of the export trade of the country.

The End


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