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First of all we would like to mention that we proud being part of this mini project next we would
like to express heart full gratitude to our best advisor Mr. Mohamed.A Chair of Control stream for
his assistance of every step preparing this report. Finally we would like to tanks ECE department
for providing us all computer lab class.


During normal three phase operation of motor when a single phase gets disconnected, it leads to
improper operation of motor. There actually is no such thing as 2 phase. Only single phase (As
most/all residential services), or three phase (primarily in commercial/industrial) is available.
Thus phase displacement for phase compensation of three-phase induction motor during a phase
loss was designed using Arduino microcontroller. This is done by phase shifting one of the phases
of the healthy phase and giving it to disconnected phase. Interface circuit is used to interface the
supply circuit and phase sensing with contactor.

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Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii
List of Figure................................................................................................................................... v
Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 General objective ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Specific objectives ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem of operating with two phase ................................................................................... 1
1.3 Replacement of phase ........................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 3
CONSTRACTION OF THE SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 3
2.1 Power supply......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Transformer.................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Rectifiers ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.3 Voltage regulator ........................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Arduino microcontroller ....................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Ports ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Pull down resistor ................................................................................................................. 8
2.4 Inputs..................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Output ................................................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Optocoupler .................................................................................................................. 9
2.6.1 Optocoupler operation ................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Relay ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.8 Contactor .................................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 12
DESIGNING OF CIRCUIT .......................................................................................................... 12
3.1 BLOACK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................ 12
3.2 Phase sensing circuit ........................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Power supply circuit ........................................................................................................... 14

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3.4 Interfacing circuit ................................................................................................................ 15

3.4.1 Simulation result .......................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Contactor circuit.................................................................................................................. 17
3.6 Mode of operation ............................................................................................................... 18
3.6.1 Two phase mode .......................................................................................................... 18
3.6.2 Three phase mode ........................................................................................................ 18
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 20
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................ 20
4.1 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Recommendation ................................................................................................................ 21
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 22
Reference ...................................................................................................................................... 24

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List of Figure
Figure 1: Operation of bridge rectifier during negative half cycle .......................................... 4
Figure 2: Operation of bridge rectifier during negative half cycle .......................................... 5
Figure 3: Circuit diagram of 78XX ............................................................................................. 7
Figure 4: Arduino uno microcontroller ...................................................................................... 7
Figure 5: Pull-down resistor ........................................................................................................ 8
Figure 6: Optocoupler .................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 7: Circuit symbol for relay ............................................................................................. 10
Figure 8: Block diagram of project ........................................................................................... 12
Figure 9: Phase sensing circuit .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 10: Power supply circuit................................................................................................. 14
Figure 11: Interfacing circuit ..................................................................................................... 15
Figure 12: When R phase lost .................................................................................................... 16
Figure 13: When T phase lost .................................................................................................... 16
Figure 14: When S phase lost ..................................................................................................... 16
Figure 15: Contactor circuit ...................................................................................................... 17
Figure 16: Working of flow chart .............................................................................................. 19


NC Normally closed
NO Normally open
LED Light emitting diode
ADCON Analog to digital converter
MC Main contactor
SPP Single phase prevention
TCC Touch capacitor contactor
TPSC Two phase switching contact

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This project aims at the protection of the three phase induction motor against sudden phase loss
and operation in two phase by compensation of the lost phase to increase the continuity of motor
operation. The operating principle of a 3 phase induction motor is based on the production of e.m.f.
The AC induction motor is a rotating electric machine designed to operate from a three-phase
source of alternating voltage. The stator is a classic three-phase stator with the winding displaced
by 120°.
The rotor has a skewed rotor conductors which are short circuited by end ring for squirrel cage
induction motor. The rotor may also have winding which are connected to slip ring for slip ring
induction motor. The motor draws twice that of the rated current during starting for a short -time
and runs below the rated current during normal operation. The starting current is limited by the
starters like star-delta starter, rotor resistance starter.

1.1 Objectives
1.1.1 General objective
To solve problem that is related to motor phase loss and also to regulate environment of three
phase operation system.
1.1.2 Specific objectives
 Solving problem that related to three phase induction motor during phase displacement.
 It leads to improper operation of motor
 To implement single phasing by implementing preventer.

1.2 Problem of operating with two phase

When a normal three phase motor 'loses a phase' (blown fuses, open winding, bad
contactor, etc...) while running, the motor continues running due the flux produced by
the other two phases known as ‘single phasing’. This operation of motor draws more
current in other two phases, causes burning of winding.
While it probably will not operate very long, the motor would over heat, and loose
speed rapidly, and they will sometimes make noise. To avoid single phasing simple


method is to simply disconnect the motor.

1.3 Replacement of phase
When one phase of the three phase supply is not provided by the supplier a virtual phase is created
by the disconnection of particular phase from supply and inclusion of capacitor which provides
phase displacement. It is to compensate the loss of phase by providing the third phase from the
supply. This is done by phase shifting one of the phases of the healthy phase and giving it to
disconnected phase. This is the main method of this project.


2.1 Power supply
The power which is required for the operation of the Microcontroller board is provided by the
power supply unit. The rectifier board which provides constant +5v for proper operation of
microcontroller. A +12v power supply is provided for the relay operation.
This unit consists of the following,

1. Transformer,
2. Bridge Rectifier,
3. Voltage Regulator and
4. Capacitor.
2.1.1 Transformer
A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through
inductively coupled conductors—the transformer’s coils. A varying current in the first or primary
winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformer's core and thus a varying magnetic field
through the secondary winding. This varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force
(EMF), or "voltage", in the secondary winding. This effect is called inductive coupling [1].

If a load is connected to the secondary, current will flow in the secondary winding, and electrical
energy will be transferred from the primary circuit through the transformer to the load. In an ideal
transformer, the induced voltage in the secondary winding (Vs) is in proportion to the primary voltage
(Vp) and is given by the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary (Ns) to the number of turns in
the primary (Np) as follows [3].

Vs Ns
— = ---------
Vp Np

By appropriate selection of the ratio of turns, a transformer thus enables an alternating current (AC)


voltage to be "stepped up" by making Ns greater than Np, or "stepped down" by ma king Ns less than
Np. The transformer which is used here step down the voltage level from 230v to 6v, ac and the
current rating is 500ma. Then this voltage is given as the input for the bridge rectifier [3].
2.1.2 Rectifiers
A diode bridge is an arrangement of four (or more) diodes in a bridge circuit configuration that
provides the same polarity of output for either polarity of input. When used in its most common
application, for conversion of an alternating current (AC) input into direct current a (DC) output,
it is known as a bridge rectifier. A bridge rectifier provides full-wave rectification from a two-wire
AC input, resulting in lower cost and weight as compared to a rectifier with a 3-wire input from a
transformer with a center-tapped secondary winding. The essential feature of a diode bridge is that
the polarity of the output is the same regardless of the polarity at the input [1].

The current is assumed to flow through electrical conductors from the positive to the negative pole.
In actuality, free electrons in a conductor nearly always flow from the negative to the positive pole.
In the vast majority of applications, however, the actual direction of current flow is irrelevant. In
the diagrams below, when the input connected to the left corner of the diamond is positive, and
the input connected to the right corner is a negative, current flow from the upper supply terminal
to the right through diode D1 (positive) to the output, and returns to the lower supply terminal via
diode D3 (negative).
When the input connected to the left corner is negative, and the input connected to the right corner
is positive, current flows from the upper supply terminal to the right through diode D4 (positive)
to the output, and returns to the lower supply terminal via the diode D2 (negative).

Figure 1: Operation of bridge rectifier during negative half cycle


Figure 2: Operation of bridge rectifier during negative half cycle

In each case, the upper right output remains positive and lower right output negative. Since this is
Operation bridge rectifier on positive half cycle
true whether the input is AC or DC, this circuit not only produces a DC output from an AC input,
it can also provide what is sometimes called "reverse polarity protection"[1].
2.1.3 Voltage regulator
A voltage regulator is designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. If the output
voltage is too low (perhaps due to input voltage reducing or load current increasing), the regulation
element is commanded, up to a point, to produce a higher output voltage–by dropping less of the
input voltage (for linear series regulators and buck switching regulators), or to draw input current
for longer periods (boost-type switching regulators); if the output voltage is too high, the regulation
element will normally be commanded to produce a lower voltage.

However, many regulators have over-current protection, so that they will entirely stop sourcing
current (or limit the current in some way) if the output current is too high, and some regulators
may also shut down if the input voltage is outside a given range. We are using IC7805 here.
The 78xx (sometimes LM78xx) is a family of self-contained fixed linear voltage regulator
integrated circuits. The 78xx family is commonly used in electronic circuits requiring a regulated
power supply due to their ease-of-use and low cost. For ICs within the family, the xx is replaced


with two digits, indicating the output voltage (for example, the 7805 has a 5 volt output, while the
7812 produces 12 volts). The 78xx lines are positive voltage regulators: they produce a voltage
that is positive relative to a common ground. These devices support an input voltage anywhere
from a couple of volts over the intended output voltage, up to a maximum of 35 or 40 volts, and
typically provide 1 or 1.5 amperes of current [6]. Advantage
1. 78xx series ICs do not require additional components to provide a constant, regulated
source of power, making them easy to use, as well as economical and efficient uses of
space. Other voltage regulators may require additional components to set the output voltage
level, or to assist in the regulation process. Some other designs (such as a switched-mode
power supply) may need substantial engineering expertise to implement.
2. 78xx series ICs have built-in protection against a circuit drawing too much power. They
have protection against overheating and short-circuits, making them quite robust in most
applications. In some cases, the current-limiting features of the 78xx devices can provide
protection not only for the 78xx itself, but also for other parts of the circuit.

78xx ICs are easy to use and handle but these cannot give an altering voltage required so Lm317
series of ICs are available to obtain a voltage output from 1.25 volts to 37 volts. 7805 is a voltage
regulator integrated circuit. It is a member of 78xx series of fixed linear voltage regulator ICs. The
voltage source in a circuit may have fluctuations and would not give the fixed voltage output. The
voltage regulator IC maintains the output voltage at a constant value.

The xx in 78xx indicates the fixed output voltage it is designed to provide. 7805 provides +5V
regulated power supply. Capacitors of suitable values can be connected at input and output pins
depending upon the respective voltage levels [6].


Figure 3: Circuit diagram of 78XX

The microcontroller board and the relay need the power supply. The power supply is given from
this rectifier circuit board. It consists of two bridge rectifiers and two voltage regulators (ICs 7805
and 7812) as the Rectifier circuit 1.The input to the rectifier board is from the 230/6 volt
transformers. The two outputs from the voltage regulators are 12 Volts and 5 Volts. The 5 Volts is
given to the Microcontroller and the 12 Volts is given to the Relay circuit [6].

2.2 Arduino microcontroller

Arduino Microcontroller is used in the circuit for the continuous routine operation that is done for
the working of the whole setup. The processor may obtain certain signals and operate as per the
prescribed instructions. The speed of the processor depends on the oscillator circuit or crystals
connected. The processor has some cache memory to store the recent events of the processor. The
output signals of the controller is not efficient to drive any components hence we provide buffers
and interfacing circuits. The Arduino Uno board has a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, a reset button, 6 analog inputs and 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs).

Figure 4: Arduino uno microcontroller


2.2.1 Ports
Arduino have input and output ports that have for both analog and digital part. We use 6 analog
inputs and 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs). The
software language is based on AVR C programming language and can be expanded through C++

2.3 Pull down resistor

Pull-down resistors are used in logic circuits to provide of a current path between common or
ground of a circuit and the inputs of logic device (And gate, Or gate, Inverter, etc). Use of a pull-
down resistor insures the presents of an expected logic level signal is present at the input of an
unused logic device, or one that is connected to intermittently active external device such as a
switch. The idea of a pull-down resistor is that it weakly "pulls" the input of the logic device that
it is connected to towards the common, thus the device sees a "Low" logic signal. The resistor is
intentionally of a high enough value that if something else strongly pulls the input toward Vcc, it
(the input) will see it as a "High" logic signal.
The input of the Microcontroller from the phase sensing circuit may not be in the state of zero
when the phase loss occurs. To ensure the grounding of the input the microcontroller the pull-
down resistors are used here.

Figure 5: Pull-down resistor

2.4 Inputs
Three input is given from the source this three source are:
A0 Phase sensor 1 (R).
A1 Phase sensor 2 (S).
A2 Phase sensor 3 (T).
It checks the phase ether exist or not when one phase is displaced phase shift made mean that
there is virtual phase replacement for the circuit to operate motor at normal condition.


2.5 Output
We take two output for phase sensing result one is when the system fails and other is when the
phase is operating on normal condition assume for normal condition pin 13 and for other consider
pin 12.
These outputs cannot be connected directly to the microcontroller pins since the controller pins
doesn’t have the capability to withstand the current. So we introduce an interfacing circuit such as
optocoupler and relay circuit. A separate supply is provided to prove the isolation of power and
control circuit. The indications of the single phase preventer and error signal are done by
commercial leds. As they draw very less power they don’t need any isolation so they are directly
connected to the microcontroller pin.
2.6 Optocoupler
Optocoupler is a component that transfers electrical signals between two isolated circuits by using
light. The optocoupler MCT2E is put between relay and microcontroller for isolating control
signals from high power circuit [1].

Figure 6: Optocoupler

2.6.1 Optocoupler operation

An opto-isolator contains a source (emitter) of light, almost always a near infrared light-emitting
diode (LED), that converts electrical input signal into light, a closed optical channel (also called
dialectical channel, and a photo sensor, which detects incoming light and either generates electric
energy directly, or modulates electric current flowing from an external power supply [1].


The sensor can be a photo resistor, a photodiode, a phototransistor, a silicon-controlled rectifier

(SCR) or a triac. Because LEDs can sense light in addition to emitting it, construction of
symmetrical, bidirectional opto-isolators is possible. An optocoupled solid state relay contains a
photodiode opto-isolator which drives a power switch, usually a complementary pair of
MOSFETs. A slotted optical switch contains a source of light and a sensor, but its optical channel
is open, allowing modulation of light by external objects obstructing the path of light or reflecting
light into the sensor [1].
2.7 Relay
The output from the microcontroller via the optocoupler is given to relay .The relay is given a +12
volts power supply from power supply circuit. A relay is an electrically operated switch. Current
flowing through the coil of the relay creates a magnetic field which attracts a lever and changes
the switch contacts.

Figure 7: Circuit symbol for relay

The coil current can be on or off so relays have two switch positions and most have double throw
(changeover) switch contacts. Relays allow one circuit to switch a second circuit which can be
completely separate from the first.
Relays are usually SPDT or DPDT but they can have many more sets of switch contacts, for
example relays with 4 sets of changeover contacts are readily available [7].
The relay's switch connections are usually labeled COM, NC and NO.
 COM = Common, always connect to this, it is the moving part of the switch.
 NC = Normally Closed, COM is connected to this when the relay coil is off.
 NO = Normally Open, COM is connected to this when the relay coil is on.
 S Connect to COM and NO if you want the switched circuit to be on when the relay

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coil is on.
2.8 Contactor
A contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching a power circuit, similar to a
relay except with higher current ratings. A contactor is controlled by a circuit which has a much
lower power level than the switched circuit. The contactor is actuated by the low power relay
circuit. The contactor consists of a electromagnetic coil which attracts the moving contacts by
changing the contact positions. Contactor is of two types namely normally closed (NC) and
normally open (NO) [7].

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Power supply circuit

Arduino micro Relay


phase Phase sensing
supply circuit
Contactor Motor


Figure 8: Block diagram of project

This block diagram explains the complete operation. The phase sensing circuit detects the
availability of the three phases and gives status signals to the microcontroller.
The microcontroller gives the output signals as per input status signals and operational modes to
operate the relay and contactors. The power supply circuit gives the proper voltage for the
operation of microcontroller and relay. The motor is connected to the supply only through the

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3.2 Phase sensing circuit

Figure 9: Phase sensing circuit

The above circuit shows the connections for phase sensing circuit. The three individual phases
RST are connected to three individual transformer (230v/6v) with respect to neutral. The stepped
down 6v is rectified to dc supply by bridge rectifier. Then the rectified supply is regulated to
constant 5v dc by 7805 voltage regulator. The negative of the three rectified output are common
grounded to the ground of the microcontroller. The positive signal is given input to

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3.3 Power supply circuit

Figure 10: Power supply circuit

This circuit gives the power supply for microcontroller and relay operation. A 220/(6-0-6)
secondary center tapped transformer is connected to two rectifier circuit and regulator circuit. The
5v rectifier circuit is connected to 6-0 taps of transformer whereas 12v rectifier is connected to 6-
6 terminals of the transformer. The 5v &12v supply is regulated by 7805 &7812 respectively.

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3.4 Interfacing circuit

Figure 11: Interfacing circuit

3.4.1 Simulation result

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Figure 12: When R phase lost

Figure 13: When T phase lost

Figure 14: When S phase lost

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3.5 Contactor circuit

The following circuit shows the connection of power circuit for the operation. The three contactors
are main contractor, two phase switching contactor, touch capacitor contactor. The MC and TC
contactor are of fully normally open (NO) type. The TPS contactor has three NO contact and one
NC contact.
The MC connects the supply to the motor in both operational mode. The disconnecting phase in
two phase mode is taken through the NC contact which disconnects the phase from supply during
two phase mode. Here we consider Y-phase as the disconnecting phase. The TC adds the capacitor
value during the starting operation.

Figure 15: Contactor circuit

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3.6 Mode of operation

3.6.1 Two phase mode
This mode is programmed to operate during a phase loss by including a capacitor to phase shift,
thereby giving the motor a virtual three phase supply continuously. The phase that is absent is
cutoff from the supply.
During the operation in this mode TPS contactor and TC contactor are switched on first to isolate
the absent phase from supply and includes the capacitor to the absent phase of motor and another
live phase. Thus a phase shift in ac waveform is obtained to produce a virtual three phase supply.
3.6.2 Three phase mode
This mode is programmed to operate only when all the three phases are present in the supply grid
.Otherwise supply is cutoff to motor. So the motor will be ON only when all the three phases are
alive. In this mode the normal operation during the three supply is only desired and the
compensated is not desired here.
3.6.3 State table
Three phase mode

R-phase S-phase T-phase Contactor Motor Single

enabled operation phasing
1 1 1 MC ON OFF
Two phase mode
R-phase S-phase T-phase Contactor enabled Motor
1 0 1 MC,TPS, ON


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Check for 3 2 phase Check N0

phase or 2 phase phase

3 phase

Singles phase Check Disconnect
preventer for 3
fault phase

Switch on Include capacitor for occurred
main contactor phase displacement

Supply cutoff
to motor
Supply given
to motor


Figure 16: Working of flow chart

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This system have lot of scope whenever and wherever an uninterrupted operation of three phase
motor is required. Thus phase displacement for phase compensation of three-phase induction
motor during a phase loss was designed using ARDUINO microcontroller. Then program is done.
After that the whole setup is tested for the problem statement.

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4.2 Recommendation
 The project can be improved to provide faster response using high power switching device
 The processor could be updated similarly to provide fast processing speed.
 The use of solid state devices instead of contactor such as IGBT. To run motor in two phase
mode when any one of the three phase is absent.
 The project can be improved to more efficient operating system of three phase induction

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[1] Muhamad H.Rashid, “Power electronics.” Edition 3rd.
[2] K.L.Mokariya, K.J.Patel, “solid state starter with single phase preventer for three phase
induction motor.”
[3] B.L.Theraja, “electrical machine.” Edition 2nd.
[4] Muhamad Ali Maizidi,” Arduino Microcontroller & Embedded system.” Edition 2nd, 2010.
[5] Muhamad H.Rashid, “Hand book for power electronics” University of Florida,2001.
[6] Electrical Machines by D P Kothari and I.J Nagrath.

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