April 2021 Panchak Dates

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April 2021 Panchak Dates

April 2021 Panchak Dates and Timings for New Delhi, India

Panchak Start Time Panchak End Time

Wednesday, 7 April at 15:00:37 Monday, 12 April at 11:29:59

In Vedic Astrology, the auspicious period, also known as Muhurat, is always considered before carrying out
any auspicious activity. The Muhurat is calculated with the help of the Panchang or the Hindu Calendar.
The Panchang is used to find the Vaar (day), Tithi (date), Nakshatra (constellation), Karana, and Yoga.
Another factor to look out for when calculating a Muhurat is the Panchak. Owing to the importance of
Panchak in Vedic Astrology, we have designed the Panchak Calculator for you. With this, you will be able
to know the starting date and the ending date of the Panchak. This will help you to save your time and
organise your activities in a better way. Let us shed some light upon what Panchak is and how it affects
your life.

What is Panchak?
According to Vedic Astrology, the union or conjunction of 5 constellations (Nakshatra) creates the Panchak.
This period is not considered to be a good time to perform certain auspicious activities. Thus, it is important
to determine the Panchak period before performing any auspicious activity. There are a total number of 27

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Nakshatra as per Vedic Astrology. These 27 Nakshatra are divided into 12 Zodiac Signs. Thus, each
zodiac sign consists of 2.15 Nakshatra. Every zodiac sign is of 30 degrees. The length of each Nakshatra
is 13 degrees and 20 minutes. Each Nakshatra is divided into four parts. Each part measures 3 degrees
and 20 minutes. When the luminary planet, Moon is posited in the Aquarius and Pisces zodiac sign, it
leads to Panchak.

What are the Panchak Nakshatra?

When the Moon enters the Aquarius zodiac sign, the third phase of the Dhanishta Nakshatra commences.
Post that, the Moon moves through the Satabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revati
Nakshatra. The Moon takes around 5 days to complete its journey through these 5 Nakshatra. This is the
time which is known as Panchak. It occurs as a repetitive phenomenon, which takes place after a period of
27 days.

Significance of Panchak
The concept of Muhurat is of utmost importance in the Hindu culture. Activities performed during the right
Muhurat yield productive results. On the other hand, any task that is done during the wrong or unfavorable
Muhurat is bound to yield undesirable results. Keeping in mind the importance of Muhurat, Panchak is
considered to be highly significant.

Frequency Of Activities Performed During Panchak

Panchak signifies the combination of 5 Nakshatras. Thus, it is believed that if any inauspicious activity
takes place during the Panchak period, it is repeated for five times. To save oneself from such a
mishappening, it is important to avoid landing into trouble during the Panchak period. It is believed that if
you hear the news of someone’s death during the period of the Panchak, there are high chances that you
may get to listen to another four news about death. To escape this problem, a special ritual is followed. If
anyone dies during the Panchak period, five dummies made up of wheat flour, and sacred grass is burnt
along with the dead body during the funeral rites of the deceased person. This helps to eliminate the
chances of 4 more deaths.

Types of Panchak
Panchak prevails during five days and is classified into five types on the basis of the day it commences on.
All these Panchak are slightly different in nature. Also, their Do’s and Don'ts are different. Let us take a
look at the different types of Panchak to get the gist of it.

1. Rog Panchak

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The word “Rog” means disease. When the Panchak period starts on Sunday, it is known as Rog Panchak.
It is believed that the five days of the Rog Panchak cause physical and mental worries. One should abstain
from performing any auspicious deed during Rog Panchak.

2. Raj Panchak

The Panchak period that commences on Monday is referred to as Raj Panchak. The literal meaning of the
word Raj is “to rule”. This is considered to be a favourable Panchak. During the 5-day span of this
Panchak, there are high chances of achieving success. Also, the probability of getting gains through the
government sector is quite high. Matters related to land and property yield positive results during this

3. Agni Panchak

The Panchak period beginning from Tuesday is known as Agni Panchak. This period ensures success in
matters of litigation. Thus, you may choose to make efforts if you have any pending court case or related
issues. On the other hand, one should refrain from taking up any task related to construction. The word
Agni means fire and exposing oneself to fire might pan out to be risky and dangerous during this stretch of
time. Also, staying away from machinery and tools is recommended. Not adhering to the advice may put
you in trouble.

4. Chor Panchak

Chor means thief. Chor Panchak is the name given to the Panchak that starts on Friday. As the name
indicates, there are chances of theft and robbery during this Panchak. Travelling is strictly prohibited within
this duration. Carrying out business, financial transactions or deals is not recommended. Doing this may
result in a major financial loss.

5. Mrityu Panchaka

If the Panchak period starts from Saturday, it is known as Mrityu Panchak. Mrityu refers to death. It is
believed that death-like hardships prevail during the span of this Panchak. One should avoid taking up any
risky task during this period. Be careful during the Mrityu Panchak. There are high chances of injuries and
accidents during this period. You may also get entangled in a conflict or an argument, so you should try to
keep such a situation at bay.

Special Note: Apart from these days, the Panchak can also start on Wednesday or Thursday. In such a
situation, it is not necessary to follow all the above-stated rules. However, all tasks except those which are
mentioned above can be done during such Panchak periods.

Things To Avoid During Panchak

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According to the scriptures, there are certain tasks and activities that one should abstain from during the
period of the Panchak. Doing otherwise can put you in a whirlpool of problems. Here are some of them:

● Travelling towards the South direction is not recommended. This direction is associated with Lord Yama,
the god of death.
● If you have a house or building under construction, you should avoid constructing the roof of the building
during this period.
● Apart from this, stay away from anything that involves wood or fuel.
● There are some special instructions that need to be followed during the Panchak in order to minimise
undesirable results. Buying a new bed or constructing one does not seem to be an activity that is
recommended during the Panchak period.
● Buying bedding, mattress, etc. or donating it to someone does not reel good results during the span of
the Panchak period.

Thus, one should not perform any of the tasks mentioned above. Except these, you can perform all other

Things That Can Be Done During Panchak

Panchak is not always considered as an unfavourable period. There are certain activities, which when
done during the Panchak, yield favourable and productive results. Let us have a look:

The special yogas forming during the Panchak period makes it a period of paramount importance.
Dhanishta Nakshatra, Satabhisha Nakshatra, Purva Bhadrapada and Revati Nakshatra are considered to
be auspicious for going on a journey, carrying out the Mundan Sanskar, doing business, etc. Also, the
combination of Uttara Bhadrapada on a specific day (Vaar) results in the creation of Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga.
Although, the Panchak is perceived to be an inauspicious period, it has another facet as well. Activities like
engagement, marriage, etc. can be carried out during the stretch of the Panchak.

If any of the three Nakshatras of the Panchak, namely Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati
fall on Sunday, they lead to the formation of various auspicious Yogas. Char, Sthir and Pravardh are the
most important out of these. They help to achieve success and gains in terms of money.

The significance of Muhurat is undeniable according to the Muhurta Chintamani. Dhanishta and
Satabhisha are associated with motion (Chara). Thus, any task that involves motion is not considered to be
auspicious. Setting your foot on a journey, buying a new vehicle, parts of machinery, etc. are a few
activities that should be avoided during this period. On the other hand, the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
signifies stability (Sthir). During this Nakshatra, such tasks should be undertaken that require stability.
Activities like Griha Pravesh (housewarming), puja, planting new trees, etc. can be done during this span of
time. Matters related to land and property should also be laid emphasis on.

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The last of these five Nakshatras is Revati. It is associated with tenderness and friendliness. Therefore, it is
recommended that reconciliation should be done when this Nakshatra prevails. Bringing an end to
conflicts, dealing with a business in textile industry, buying new ornaments, etc. are some of the things that
may be done during this period.

Important Facts To Be Kept In Mind During A Panchak

As we have already discussed what Panchak is and how it affects our life, we have realised the fact that
Panchak is an important period, during which one should act accordingly. Doing so will eventually help to
maximize gains and minimise losses. These are some quick tips that will help you to gain positive results
during the Panchak period.

1. Whenever Panchak of the Dhanishta Nakshatra starts, you should stay away from collecting wood,
wooden objects, fuel, grass, etc. There are chances of these things catching a fire, which might hurt you or
your loved ones.
2. If someone dies during the Panchak period, his/her family and friends must consult a priest for the
detailed information about performing the funeral. Additionally, the funeral rites should not be performed
during the Panchak period, unless necessary. In case it becomes a necessity, the Garuda Purana should
be followed.
3. In Garuda Purana, it is instructed to perform the funeral rites of 5 dummies made of sacred grass and
wheat flour along with the dead person. Performing the funeral rites of these dummies helps to eliminate
the chances of any more death in the family.
4. During this period, travelling towards the South direction is not advisable. The South direction is
believed to be associated with the god of death, Lord Yama. Travelling in this direction might invite troubles
and pose dangers to your life.
5. If Revati Nakshatra is the constellation prevailing during the Panchak, one should make sure not to
construct the roof of their house during this period. Doing so may result in a financial loss or lack of peace
and harmony in the family. One should be very careful regarding money related matters during this period.
Neither lending money nor giving loans is recommended within this duration.
6. Construction of a bed during the time of the Panchak may put you in trouble. There are chances of fire
related accidents during the Dhanishta Nakshatra Panchak. However, during the Satabhisha Nakshatra,
there is a possibility of disturbance in the life of the native, which may invite mental troubles and worries.
7. There is a possibility of getting ill and facing health issues during the Purva Bhadrapada Panchak. The
Panchak of Uttara Bhadrapada is known to bring problems and sufferings in the life of the native.
8. The Panchak of the Revati Nakshatra causes mental worries and tension. As there are various aspects
of a Panchak, one should keep in mind to adhere to the Do's and abstain from the Don'ts during the period
of the Panchak.

We hope that with this article, your knowledge base has expanded and know about Panchak. We hope that
you will give your best and get productive results with the help of the above stated information.

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