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Passive stretching is a form of stretching exercise that employ external force upon a

limb, usually by another person or external force. *


Dynamic Stretching is originally developed as a form of rehabilitation. *


PNF means proprioceptive neuromuscular force, which involves stretching a muscle

group passively. *

The movements for the ballistic stretching are uncontrolled, erratic, and jerky. *

Static stretching is characterized as a slow increase in muscle length and holding the
stretched position for a period of time. *

While doing your module at home, you heard your little brother grunting because
of massive pain, you went outside and saw him holding his knee and said that he
can’t stand. How are you going to manage his injury? If you think RICE is
applicable, which among the four will you apply?

To treat the injury of my little brother, first, I must identify what kind of injury he
has. My little brother experiences a knee sprain. The RICE approach of first aid is
necessary and needed. Using this method will help in supporting his damaged
leg and reducing pain. All of the RICE methods are essential in treating his injury.
Wherein resting his knees must come first as it will lessen the danger of having
further injuries. Second, applying an ice pack with time intervals to his affected
knee will help in reducing the swelling. Next, compressing his injured knee with
an elastic bandage can treat and decrease inflammation of the wounded area,
wrap it not too tightly. Lastly, elevate his injured knee with a pillow to prevent the
blood from being stagnant in the injured area which adds up to swelling. If in a
few days my little brother's injury is still not healed, medical attention is a must.

Your community was declared as COVID-19 free, because of that you were
allowed to go outside. You and your friends decided to go to Ramon V. Mitra
Sports Complex, to jog and see what’s in the Balayong Park. Arriving at the
Sports complex, due to excitement, you forgot to do warm-up exercises, and
proceed to jogging. Five minutes later, your friend tripped on the ball rolling from
the football field. He fell on the track and complained that his right ankle is in
pain. What kind of injury does your friend got, and what will you do to treat the
pain in his ankle?
My friend suffers from a sprained ankle injury. To treat the pain in his ankle, I
must perform the RICE method to help in reducing the pain and swelling. To do
this, first, he needs to rest his sprained ankle to avoid any further damage,
moving or walking the wounded area is not suggested. Next, applying an ice pack
with time intervals to the injured ankle will help in reducing the swelling. After
that, compression, wrapping the sprained ankle with an elastic band to provide
support. Lastly, I need to elevate his injured ankle to keep the fluid or blood flow
away from the affected area. Since we were outside, seeking medical attention is
a must to make sure that his ankle will be alright.

In your own words, explain the RICE procedure in caring for an injury. *
The RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) method is one of the conventional first
aid treatments we can apply for injuries related to joints, muscles, and bones
such as sprains, strains, and bruises. Accordingly, it also supports us in
managing and mitigating swelling and pain of a specific injured area. Whereas:
rest must come first. Resting the wounded part means stop using it to avoid any
further damage. Next, ice. Putting a cold or ice on the injured area diminishes
inflammation. Remember, do not directly apply the ice into the affected area, use
a damp or dry cloth. Third, the compression. Using an elastic bandage will hasten
the healing time by reducing the swelling of the injury. Cover the damaged not
too tight. Lastly, the elevation. To raise the damaged part, we can use soft objects
or pillows. Doing this will help to decrease the swelling and pain of the injury. If
pain continues in three days, medical assistance is necessary. The RICE method
is also one of the easiest, fastest, and convenient procedures we can do to care
for and treat our injuries associated with our muscles, joints, and bones.

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