Prcessing Questios & Assessment.

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Processing Question
1. As a student of palawan state university can you say that its mission and vision are
attainable and will help you reach your goal upon enrolling in psu? Why or why not?
-Yes, because in the number of universities here in Palawan, I chose Palawan State
University to study because I know that this school will help me to become a better person,
My goal in life is not just to graduate and get a degree but to become a competent person
whatever opportunity comes my way I can fulfill it because of what I learned in my studies.
So, the vision and mission of the school are just our guidance and inspiration, the vision and
mission of the school can be attainable. What matters most is as long as you have a goal in
life you will achieve success.
2. How can you relate the mission and vision of psu to the field of studies you are taking in
the university?
-The vision and mission statement of the school provides a focal point that helps to align
everyone with the organization, thus ensuring that everyone is working towards a single
purpose. As an Environmental Science student, the vision and mission of the school are to
focus on one goal and that is to become a competent environmentalist and give your
excellence in service. But for now, as a student, my mission is to finish my course with flying
colors and make my Alma matter proud someday.
3. Share any of your experience (like enrolling, inquiring, attending classes communicating
to a teacher or staff, etc.)at this university. How was your experience? How can you relate
your experience to the quality policy of psu? Were your satisfied with the services offered
to you by the university? Why and why not?
-nothing much has been experienced because everything is online, as well as the passing of
Requirements. it's just that we're having a hard time because of that situation which is
facing a pandemic during this time we need to be careful. while attending the class, I also
experienced that for almost a day I couldn't attend the google class due to the extreme
weakness of the internet in our municipality in Balabac, sometimes the power source in our
town suddenly loses. sometimes it's too late to do homework because of the slowness of the
internet connection. in dealing with staff and teachers, nervous at first because the first time
you can meet and talk to them but it's ok. but overall we all do our best for education and
follow the school policies.

Direction: Base on the course program you are taking in the university. Create the
illustration through art/drawing of how you are seeing yourself in 5 years from now and
have a short description of your illustration.
Hopefully, In 5 years from now, I will be a successful one and have a good job attributed to it in the
course I took. like DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) it is one of my dreams
to be a conservationist. and in these five years, I had my own car, house, and income.

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