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Lesson - 7

Alteration of acid-base balance

Prof. Javier Pereda
Physiologicar review and important concepts
1- Types of pH disorders
2- Metabolic acidosis
3- Respiratory acidosis
4- Manifestations of acidosis
5- Metabolic alkalosis
6- Respiratory alkalosis
7- Manifestations of alkalosis

Prof. J. Pereda
Review: pH

Is the concentration of (H3O+) in solution.

Gives us the knowledge of acidity or basicity
pH = -log10[H3O+]
In water solution
→ H O+ + OH-
H 2O ← 3

Acid Neutral Basic

0 7 14

Prof. J. Pereda
Review: Concept of buffer

Buffer system:
Mix of a weak acid and conjugate base pair.
Prevents large changes in pH: helps in maintaining pH value more stable.
In our body fluids:

Extracelular fluid Intracelular fluid

Buffer: Bicarbonate Phosphate

(H2CO3 & HCO3- ) (H2PO4- & HPO42-)

pH = pK + log = 7,4 (rel 20:1)
Henderson-Hasselbach equation
Prof. J. Pereda
Review: pH homeostasis
Eliminates HCO3- or
Intake (acids or  slow
bases)  Definitive

pH = pK + log = 7,4
Eliminates CO2
Production (metabolism)
 Quick
Acids products!  limited
Volatile acids: from CO2
H3O+ + HCO3- → → H O + CO
← H2CO3 ← 2 2

Nonvolatile acids: Phosphate, sulfuric, ketones, lactic…

Prof. J. Pereda
1- Types of pH disorders

-osi & -emia

A) Acidosis.
 Metabolic acidosis (compensated or not compensated).
 Respiratory acidosis (compensated or not compensated).

B) Alkalosis.
 Metabolic alkalosis (compensated or not compensated).
 Respiratory alkalosis (not compensated).

C) Mixed processes.
Prof. J. Pereda
2- Metabolic acidosis

Accumulation of nonvolatile acids (no carbonic acid)

Causes log
Endogenous acid overload (diabetes, lactic acidosis).
Exogenous acid overload (intoxication).
Decreased “renal acid elimination” (renal failure)
Loss of alkali fluids (diarrhea).

Pulmonary ventilation increases.

Compensated: increased H2CO3 elimination (CO2) (to maintain ratio)
Decompensated: no balance. pH decreases

At the end, kidneys have to balance [HCO3-] levels

Prof. J. Pereda
3- Respiratory acidosis

Accumulation of carbonic acid [HCO3-]

Causes [H2CO3]
Alveolar Hypoventilation (total respiratory failure)

Pulmonary ventilation fails and accumulates CO2.

Kidneys will compensate but with time
Compensated: Chronic total respiratory failure. There is time.
Decompensate: Acute total respiratory failure. There is no time and pH

Prof. J. Pereda
4- Acidosis manifestation

Process leading to acidosis + compensatory mechanisms +

accumulation of H3O+
Metabolic acidosis
• Deep and slow respiratory pattern Accumulation of H3O+
(Kussmaul) • Decreased heart rate
• Risk of arrhythmias
• Decreased PCO2? and bicarbonate • Hypotension.
• Acute confusion and coma
Respiratory acidosis • Bone problems in chronic
• total respiratory failure.
• Hyperkalemia in general
• Increased PCO2 and bicarbonate?.
• Leukocytosis.
• More oxygen release by Hb.

Prof. J. Pereda
4.1- Consecuencias de la insuf. respiratoria.

A) Hipoxia Hipoxémica
 Trastornos funcionales lactato
Disminución de O2

Vasodilatación Vasoconstricción
cerebral pulmonar
y sistémica
 Manifestaciones
Cefalea, euforia o embotamiento, alteraciones sensoriales, astenia, coma
Policitemia e hipertensión pulmonar, taquicardia, taquipnea, hiperlactacidemia
Prof. J. Pereda
4.1- Consecuencias de la insuf. respiratoria (II).

B) Cianosis (ver cianosis)

C) Hipercapnia (insuficiencia total)
Aumento de CO2

Acidosis respiratoria Alteración secreciones

Alteraciones Sudoración
Circulatorias: Hipersecreción bronquial
Parecidas a hipoxia
Igual que hipoxia
Deprime contracción miocárdica

Prof. J. Pereda
5- Metabolic alkalosis

Decrease of nonvolatile acids(no carbonic acid)

Causes log [H2CO3]
Exogenous alkali overload (intoxication).
Loss of acids (vomiting, hyperaldosteronisms, hypokalemia).

Decrease of respiratory rate

Compensated: increased H2CO3 concentration (to balance ratio)
Little compensation by associated hypoxia
Decompensated: no balance. pH increases

At the end, kidneys have to balance [HCO3-] levels

Prof. J. Pereda
6- Respiratory alkalosis

Decrease of carbonic acid. [HCO3-]

Causes [H2CO3]
Alveolar Hyperventilation (anxiety, fever, beginning of sepsis)

Hyperventilation eliminates CO2.

kidneys have to balance but they don’t have time.
Compensada: Hay tiempo.
Decompensated: No time and increase of pH.

Prof. J. Pereda
7- Alkalosis manifestations

TETANY (Ca2+ and K+ reduction ), arrhythmias, hypoxia

because of no release of Oxygen by Hb, mental confusion ,
vasoconstriction in general….
Metabolic alkalosis
Increase of PCO2 ? and bicarbonate
Hypoventilation not easy noticeable.

Respiratory alkalosis
Decrease of PCO2 (and bicarbonate is variable).

Prof. J. Pereda

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