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Operating Manual

Medium-Voltage Drive
NXGpro Control
for version 6.8 software release

AJ A5E33474566
Edition 06/2019
Security information 1

Introduction 2

Security Information 3

Safety notes 4
NXGpro Control 5
NXGpro Control Description

Hardware Interface
Description 6
Operating Manual
Parameter Assignment /
Addressing 7

Operating the Control 8

Advanced Operating
Functions 9

Software User Interface 10

Operating the Software 11

Troubleshooting Faults and
Alarms 12

NEMA Table A

Abbreviations B

Historical Logger C

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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graded according to the degree of danger.

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The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
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Note the following:

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We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
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Siemens AG A5E33474566_EN Copyright © Siemens AG 2014 - 2018.

Global Services Information Technology Ⓟ 02/2019 Subject to change All rights reserved
Table of contents

1 Security information......................................................................................................................................9
2 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................11
2.1 Power Topology .....................................................................................................................12
2.2 Control Overview....................................................................................................................13
2.3 Protocol for Cell Communication............................................................................................14
3 Security Information....................................................................................................................................15
4 Safety notes................................................................................................................................................17
4.1 General Safety Information ....................................................................................................17
4.2 Safety Concept.......................................................................................................................18
4.3 Observing the Five Safety Rules............................................................................................19
4.4 Safety Information and Warnings...........................................................................................20
4.5 ESD-sensitive Components ...................................................................................................22
4.6 Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Power Engineering Installations ...................................24
4.7 Security Information ...............................................................................................................25
5 NXGpro Control Description .......................................................................................................................27
5.1 Control System.......................................................................................................................28
5.1.1 Digital Control Rack (DCR) ....................................................................................................29
5.1.2 System Interface Board (SIB) ................................................................................................30
5.1.3 User I/O..................................................................................................................................31
5.1.4 Control System Power Supply ...............................................................................................31
5.2 Control Modes........................................................................................................................33
5.2.1 Open Loop Vector Control (OLVC) ........................................................................................36
5.2.2 Open Loop Test Mode (OLTM) ..............................................................................................36
5.2.3 Synchronous Motor Control (SMC) ........................................................................................37
5.2.4 Volts/Hertz Control (V/Hz)......................................................................................................39
5.2.5 Closed Loop Control (CLVC or CSMC)..................................................................................39
5.2.6 Permanent Magnet Motor Control (PMM) ..............................................................................39
5.2.7 PMM with Conveyor ...............................................................................................................44
5.2.8 Synchronous Motor with DC Brushless Exciter (SMDC)........................................................50
5.3 Watchdog Protections ............................................................................................................51
5.4 Control Loops.........................................................................................................................52
5.4.1 Current Loop ..........................................................................................................................52
5.4.2 Speed Loop............................................................................................................................52
5.4.3 Flux Loop ...............................................................................................................................53
6 Hardware Interface Description ..................................................................................................................55
6.1 Non-user Accessible Interfaces .............................................................................................56

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6.1.1 System Inputs and Outputs for Motor Control........................................................................56

6.1.2 Test Point Port .......................................................................................................................57
6.1.3 Control Power ........................................................................................................................58
6.1.4 Modulator and Fiber Optics....................................................................................................58
6.1.5 Bypass Control.......................................................................................................................59
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces.....................................................................................................60
6.2.1 Human Machine Interface ......................................................................................................60
6.2.2 Inhibit Input (Control Relay 3, CR3) .......................................................................................60
6.2.3 Encoder Interface...................................................................................................................61
6.2.4 User Inputs and Outputs ........................................................................................................62 User I/O Board .......................................................................................................................62 Discrete External I/O via WAGO System ...............................................................................66 Interface for External I/O ........................................................................................................66
6.2.5 I/O Configuration ....................................................................................................................68
6.2.6 Dedicated I/O .........................................................................................................................69 Dedicated I/O for Type 4 Pre-charge .....................................................................................69 Dedicated I/O for Type 5 and Type 6 Pre-charge ..................................................................70 Dedicated I/O for Input Protection (IP) ...................................................................................71
6.2.7 Network Connections .............................................................................................................73
7 Parameter Assignment / Addressing ..........................................................................................................77
7.1 Menu Descriptions .................................................................................................................77
7.2 Safety Notes for Parameter Changes ....................................................................................80
7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1) ....................................................................................................82
7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2).....................................................................................................92
7.5 Options for Stability Menu (3)...............................................................................................122
7.6 Options for Auto Menu (4)....................................................................................................134
7.7 Options for Main Menu (5) ...................................................................................................146
7.7.1 Options for Main Menu (5) ...................................................................................................146
7.7.2 Security Access Levels and Codes......................................................................................149
7.8 Options for Log Control Menu (6).........................................................................................150
7.9 Options for Drive Protect Menu (7) ......................................................................................153
7.10 Options for Meter Menu (8) ..................................................................................................156
7.11 Options for Communications Menu (9) ................................................................................161
7.12 Options for Multiple Configuration Files ...............................................................................164
8 Operating the Control ...............................................................................................................................169
8.1 Signal Frame of Reference for Motor...................................................................................170
8.2 Cell Bypass ..........................................................................................................................173
8.2.1 Fast Bypass (U11) ...............................................................................................................173
8.2.2 Forced Bypass - Non-faulted Cells ......................................................................................175
8.2.3 Mechanical Cell Bypass .......................................................................................................176
8.2.4 Neutral Point Shift during Bypass ........................................................................................177
8.3 Energy Saver .......................................................................................................................184
8.4 Power Monitoring .................................................................................................................185

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8.5 Motor Thermal Overload Protection .....................................................................................186

8.6 Thermal Over Temperature Rollback...................................................................................193
8.7 Input Side Monitoring and Protection ...................................................................................195
8.7.1 One Cycle Protection ...........................................................................................................196
8.7.2 Transformer Protection for Cell Single-Phasing...................................................................198
8.7.3 Protecting Transformer by Limiting Secondary Currents .....................................................199
8.7.4 Excessive Drive Losses Protection ......................................................................................201
8.7.5 System Arc Detection...........................................................................................................204
8.8 Drive Output Torque Limiting ...............................................................................................205
8.8.1 Input Under-Voltage Rollback ..............................................................................................205
8.8.2 Extended Undervoltage Ride-through..................................................................................206
8.8.3 Input Single-Phase Rollback ................................................................................................207
8.8.4 Transformer Thermal Rollback.............................................................................................208
8.8.5 Torque Limit Setting .............................................................................................................209
8.8.6 Field-Weakening Limit..........................................................................................................210
8.8.7 Cell Current Overload ..........................................................................................................210
8.8.8 Timers for Drive Operation in Cell or Transformer Over-temperarure .................................210
8.9 Command Generator ...........................................................................................................212
8.9.1 Analog Input Sources...........................................................................................................212
8.9.2 Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Controller .................................................................213
8.9.3 Set Point Sources ................................................................................................................214
8.9.4 Speed Profile........................................................................................................................214
8.9.5 Critical Speed Avoidance .....................................................................................................215
8.9.6 Polarity Control.....................................................................................................................215
8.9.7 Speed Ramp ........................................................................................................................216
8.9.8 Speed Limits ........................................................................................................................216
8.10 Process Tolerant Protection Strategy ..................................................................................217
8.11 Drive Tuning.........................................................................................................................219
8.11.1 Auto-tuning...........................................................................................................................219
8.11.2 Spinning Load ......................................................................................................................221
8.12 Data Loggers........................................................................................................................223
8.12.1 Event Log .............................................................................................................................223
8.12.2 Alarm/Fault Log....................................................................................................................223
8.12.3 Historic Log ..........................................................................................................................224
8.13 Faults and Alarms ................................................................................................................225
9 Advanced Operating Functions ................................................................................................................227
9.1 Frequency (Speed) Regulator..............................................................................................228
9.2 Overmodulation....................................................................................................................229
9.3 Slip Compensation ...............................................................................................................230
9.4 Speed Droop ........................................................................................................................232
9.5 Flux Regulator......................................................................................................................233
9.6 Flux Feed-Forward...............................................................................................................234
9.7 External Flux Reference.......................................................................................................236

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9.8 Dual-Frequency Braking ......................................................................................................237

9.9 Regenerative Braking (six-step)...........................................................................................242
9.10 Dynamic Braking with External Resistors ...........................................................................244
9.11 Voltage Attenuator Resistors ...............................................................................................245
9.12 Torque Current Regulator ....................................................................................................246
9.13 Magnetizing Current Regulator ............................................................................................247
9.14 Phase Lock Loop .................................................................................................................248
9.15 Output Filters........................................................................................................................249
9.16 Synchronous Transfer..........................................................................................................250
9.16.1 Synchronous Transfer Operation Generator Options and Potential Fault Conditions .........251
9.16.2 Input/Output Signals for Synchronous Transfer (L29)..........................................................252
9.16.3 Synchronous Transfer without Output Reactor ....................................................................253
9.16.4 Synchronous Transfer Operation for Synchronous Motors..................................................257
9.16.5 Synchronous Transfer for Permanent Magnet Motors (PMM) .............................................259
9.16.6 Parameter Settings for Synchronous Transfer Operation ....................................................260
9.17 Pre-charge using SOP .........................................................................................................261
9.17.1 Electric Shock Hazard..........................................................................................................261
9.17.2 Limiting Function (applicable to all precharge types) ...........................................................261
9.17.3 Preconditions for Pre-charge Types 1 to 3...........................................................................261
9.17.4 Type 1 (Closed) Pre-charge ................................................................................................263
9.17.5 Type 2 (Open) Pre-charge ...................................................................................................265
9.17.6 Type 3 Pre-charge (Parallel Drives).....................................................................................267
9.18 Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O...........................................................................................270
9.18.1 Electric Shock Hazard..........................................................................................................270
9.18.2 Limiting Function (applicable to all precharge types) ...........................................................270
9.18.3 Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O...........................................................................................271
9.18.4 Type 4 Pre-charge (resonant-open transfer-capacitors only) ..............................................271
9.18.5 Preconditions for Pre-charge Types 5 and 6........................................................................275
9.18.6 Type 5 (Open) Pre-charge ...................................................................................................277
9.18.7 Type 6 (Closed) Pre-charge.................................................................................................282
9.19 Paralleling Multiple Drives....................................................................................................289
9.19.1 Parallel Drive Control ...........................................................................................................289
9.19.2 Master-Slave Drive Control ..................................................................................................291
9.20 Torque Mode........................................................................................................................292
9.20.1 Extended Torque During Ride-Through for ESP Applications .............................................293
9.21 High Performance Control....................................................................................................295
9.21.1 Low Speed Operation ..........................................................................................................295
9.21.2 High Starting Torque Mode ..................................................................................................295
9.22 Conveyor Application ...........................................................................................................297
9.22.1 Network Fast Access for Conveyor Applications .................................................................297
9.22.2 PLC Directed High Starting Torque Mode for Conveyor Applications..................................298
9.22.3 PLC-based Active Dampening for Conveyor Applications ...................................................303
9.23 Long Cable Applications ......................................................................................................306
9.23.1 Cable Inductance Compensation .........................................................................................306

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9.23.2 Damping of Resonance due to Output Cable ......................................................................307

9.23.3 Operating Parallel Motors over Long Cables .......................................................................307
9.24 Drive with Output Transformers ...........................................................................................309
9.25 Motor Equivalent Circuit Parameters ...................................................................................311
10 Software User Interface............................................................................................................................313
10.1 SIMATIC Keypad .................................................................................................................314
10.1.1 SIMATIC Keypad User Interface .........................................................................................314
10.1.2 Fault Reset Key and Fault LED Indicator.............................................................................315
10.1.3 Automatic Key ......................................................................................................................318
10.1.4 Stop Key...............................................................................................................................318
10.1.5 Start Key ..............................................................................................................................319
10.1.6 Numeric Keys.......................................................................................................................319
10.1.7 Enter/Cancel Key .................................................................................................................321
10.1.8 Shift Function Keys ..............................................................................................................322
10.1.9 Arrow Keys...........................................................................................................................323
10.1.10 Diagnostic Indicators............................................................................................................327
10.1.11 Display .................................................................................................................................327
10.1.12 Summary of Common Shift Key and Arrow Key Sequences ...............................................334
10.1.13 Adjusting the SIMATIC KTP700 HMI Display Brightness ....................................................336
10.2 Multi-Language Keypad .......................................................................................................340
10.2.1 Fault Reset Key and LED Indicator......................................................................................341
10.2.2 Automatic Key ......................................................................................................................344
10.2.3 Manual Stop Key..................................................................................................................344
10.2.4 Manual Start Key..................................................................................................................345
10.2.5 Numeric Keys.......................................................................................................................345
10.2.6 Enter/Cancel Key .................................................................................................................348
10.2.7 Shift Function Keys ..............................................................................................................348
10.2.8 Arrow Keys...........................................................................................................................349
10.2.9 Diagnostic Indicators............................................................................................................353
10.2.10 Display .................................................................................................................................353
10.2.11 Summary of Common Shift Key and Arrow Key Sequences ...............................................360
10.3 NXGpro ToolSuite ................................................................................................................362
10.4 Communication Interface .....................................................................................................363
10.4.1 Available Networks...............................................................................................................363
10.4.2 Multiple Networks.................................................................................................................363
10.5 Security Measures ...............................................................................................................364
10.5.1 Overview ..............................................................................................................................364
10.5.2 Industrial Security.................................................................................................................364
10.5.3 Benefits ................................................................................................................................365
10.5.4 Parameter Security Levels ...................................................................................................365
10.5.5 Write Protection....................................................................................................................365
10.5.6 Network Protection...............................................................................................................365
10.5.7 Field Bus Protection .............................................................................................................366
10.5.8 USB Connection...................................................................................................................366
10.5.9 Virus Protection / Memory Card ...........................................................................................367
11 Operating the Software.............................................................................................................................369
11.1 SOP Development and Operation........................................................................................370

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11.2 SOP Logic Functions ...........................................................................................................371

11.3 SOP Evaluation....................................................................................................................372
11.4 Input Flags ...........................................................................................................................373
11.5 Output Flags.........................................................................................................................374
11.6 Downloading the SOP..........................................................................................................375
11.7 Uploading the SOP ..............................................................................................................376
11.8 Multiple Configuration Files..................................................................................................377
11.9 Selecting the active SOP .....................................................................................................378
12 Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms .........................................................................................................379
12.1 Faults and Alarms ................................................................................................................380
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms.......................................................................................................382
12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms .........................................................................................................415
12.3.1 Troubleshooting General Power Cell and Power Cell Circuitry Faults.................................425
12.3.2 Troubleshooting Cell Over Temperature Faults ...................................................................427
12.3.3 Troubleshooting Overvoltage Faults ....................................................................................427
12.3.4 Troubleshooting Cell Communications and Link Faults .......................................................428
12.3.5 Status Indicator Summaries for MV Mechanical Bypass Boards .........................................428
12.4 User Faults and Alarms........................................................................................................429
12.5 Unexpected Output Conditions ............................................................................................430
12.5.1 Speed Rollback ....................................................................................................................430
12.6 Drive Input Protection...........................................................................................................433
12.7 Flash Disk Corruption...........................................................................................................436
12.8 Loss of Communication to Keypad ......................................................................................437
A NEMA Table .............................................................................................................................................439
B Abbreviations............................................................................................................................................443
C Historical Logger.......................................................................................................................................449
C.1 Historic Log ..........................................................................................................................449
C.2 Historical Logger ..................................................................................................................450
Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................455

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Security information 1
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected
to an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and
only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation) are in
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are available
and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no longer
supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
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Introduction 2
SINAMICS Perfect Harmony™ GH180 medium voltage drives maintain a common control
system, the NXGpro control. This manual describes the NXGpro control system and the related
hardware and user interfaces. This manual covers the parameter assignment necessary for
operation and provides descriptions of specific functions and advanced features that may be
required when operating the NXGpro control system.
The NXGpro Control Operating Manual is intended for use with SINAMICS Perfect Harmony™
GH180 medium voltage drives. This manual is intended for use by persons with a working
knowledge of the NXGpro control system. Specific configurations of the drive family are
described in more detail in the specific Operating Instructions Manual pertaining to that
hardware configuration. In addition, for information relating to maintenance and trouble-
shooting of the NXGpro control system, refer to the drive-specific Operating Instructions

NXGpro Software Version

This manual applies to NXGpro software Version 6.1 and later.

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2.1 Power Topology

2.1 Power Topology

SINAMICS Perfect Harmony™ drives contain individually controlled, interconnected power
Each cell consists of a three-phase input and a single phase output, which are configured in
three individual, concatenated strings of cells making up three output phases. Control and
diagnostic data is transmitted between the control and the cells on independent fiber optic

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2.2 Control Overview

2.2 Control Overview

SINAMICS Perfect Harmony™ GH180 drives maintain a simple "synchronous" control. It
coordinates the complex, cell-based power topology to produce a simple, multi-level pulse
width modulation (PWM) to the output connection of the drive. Basic operation is summarized
as follows:
1. The control sends a message to each power cell control via dedicated fiber links. The return
cell response, via a separate fiber, communicates cell status and diagnostics.
2. The cell executes the request by gating one switch pair, which results in one of the following
– Plus DC voltage
– Minus DC voltage
– Zero voltage
3. The cell control confirms that the switch pair gated.
4. The control confirms gating from:
– Output voltage divider
– Output Hall effect current transducer
● No two cells switch at the same time.
● The cell switching rate is low compared to the effective switching frequency of the VFD:
– Typically 600 Hz carrier frequency per pole results in 1200 Hz switching frequency per
● The VFD effective switching frequency is calculated simply as:
– cell switching frequency * number of cells per phase
● The switching rate is constant over the entire output frequency range.
● The default control mode is open loop vector control (OLVC). Control modes Volts/Hertz (V/
Hz), closed loop vector control (CLVC) with encoder, and permanent magnet motor (PMM)
control without encoder are also available.

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2.3 Protocol for Cell Communication

2.3 Protocol for Cell Communication

SINAMICS Perfect Harmony™ GH180 power cells incorporate a dedicated, simple protocol to
communicate with the cells. While the drive is running, information sent to each cell consists of:
● run enable
● gating information
● a synchronizing bit for the temperature feedback engine.
Information sent from the cells consists of:
● the cell temperature
● the fault status
● a low cell voltage level warning.
Fault information follows a "wire-OR'd" design in that all cells can be shut down within
microseconds of a fault detection on any single cell. After a fault is detected, diagnostic routines
run to identify the exact fault and cell location.

Advanced Protocol (AP)

For certain GH180 power cells, an advanced protocol (AP) is available which provides
additional information to and from the power cells. AP maintains backward compatibility with
older cell types.
AP requires specific cell control boards (CCBs) capable of communication using AP to be
installed into a power cell. Not all power cells are capable of utilizing AP type CCBs.
The control detects the presence of AP capable CCBs on an individual cell basis, and can
dynamically fall back to original protocol for an older cell type. Although this capability is
available in the control, it may not be feasible within the power electronics to mix cell types,
unless running at the least common denominator of cell capability.
AP provides additional feedback from cells equipped with this protocol capability for the control
while the drive is running. AP maintains the fast legacy signals needed for control and fault

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Security Information 3
Security Information
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions only form one element of such a concept.
Customer is responsible to prevent unauthorized access to its plants, systems, machines and
networks. Systems, machines and components should only be connected to the enterprise
network or the internet if and to the extent necessary and with appropriate security measures
(e.g. use of firewalls and network segmentation) in place.
Additionally, Siemens’ guidance on appropriate security measures should be taken into
account. For more information about industrial security, please visit
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends to apply product updates as soon as available and to always
use the latest product versions. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and
failure to apply latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed under

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Safety notes 4
4.1 General Safety Information

Proper Use
SINAMICS Perfect Harmony™ GH180 medium voltage drives must always be installed in
closed electrical operating areas. The drive is connected to the industrial network via a circuit-
The specific transport conditions must be observed when the equipment is transported. The
equipment shall be assembled/installed and the separate cabinet units connected properly by
cable and/or busbar in accordance with the assembly/installation instructions. The relevant
instructions regarding correct storage, EMC-compliant installation, cabling, shielding and
grounding and an adequate auxiliary power supply must be strictly observed. Fault-free
operation is also dependent on careful operation and maintenance.
The power sections are designed for variable-speed drives use with synchronous and
asynchronous motors. Operating modes, overload conditions, load cycles, and ambient
conditions different to those described in this document are allowed only by special
arrangement with the manufacturer.
Commissioning should only be carried out by trained service personnel in accordance with the
commissioning instructions.
System components such as circuit-breaker, transformer, cables, cooling unit, motor, speed
sensors, etc., must be matched to VFD operation. System configuration may only be carried out
by an experienced system integrator.

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Safety notes
4.2 Safety Concept

4.2 Safety Concept

The medium-voltage variable frequency drive (VFD) and its components are subject to a
comprehensive safety concept which, when properly implemented, ensures safe installation,
operation, servicing, and maintenance.
The safety concept encompasses safety components and functions to protect the device and
The VFD is also equipped with monitoring functions to protect external components.
The VFD operates safely when the interlock and protection systems are functioning properly.
Nevertheless, there are areas on the medium-voltage drive that are hazardous for personnel
and that can cause material damage if the safety instructions described in this section and
throughout the product documentation are not strictly observed.

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Safety notes
4.3 Observing the Five Safety Rules

4.3 Observing the Five Safety Rules

There are five safety rules that must always be observed to assure not only personal safety, but
to prevent material damage as well. Always obey safety-related labels located on the product
itself and always read and understand each safety precaution prior to operating or working on
the drive.
The five safety rules:
1. Disconnect the system.
2. Protect against reconnection.
3. Make sure that the equipment is de-energized.
4. Apply grounding means.
5. Cover or enclose adjacent components that are still live.

Danger Due to High Voltages
High voltages cause death or serious injury if the safety instructions are not observed or if the
equipment is handled incorrectly.
Potentially fatal voltages occur when this equipment is in operation which can remain present
even after the VFD is switched off.
Ensure that only qualified and trained personnel carry out work on the equipment.
Follow the five safety rules during each stage of the work.

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Safety notes
4.4 Safety Information and Warnings

4.4 Safety Information and Warnings

Hazardous Voltage!
● Always follow the proper lock-out/tag-out procedures before beginning any maintenance
or troubleshooting work on the VFD.
● Always follow standard safety precautions and local codes during installation of external
wiring. The installation must follow wiring practices and insulation systems as specified in
IEC 61800-5-1.
● Hazardous voltages may still exist within the VFD cabinets even when the disconnect
switch is open (off) and the supply power is shut off.
● Only qualified individuals should install, operate, troubleshoot, and maintain this VFD. A
qualified individual is "a person, who is familiar with the construction and operation of the
equipment and the hazards involved."
● Always work with one hand, wear electrical safety gloves, wear insulated electrical hazard
rated safety shoes, and safety goggles. Also, always work with another person present.
● Always use extreme caution when handling or measuring components that are inside the
enclosure. Be careful to prevent meter leads from shorting together or from touching other
● Use only instrumentation (e.g., meters, oscilloscopes, etc.) intended for high voltage
measurements (that is, isolation is provided inside the instrument, not provided by isolating
the chassis ground of the instrument).
● Never assume that switching off the input disconnector will remove all voltage from internal
components. Voltage is still present on the terminals of the input disconnector. Also, there
may be voltages present that are applied from other external sources.
● Never touch anything within the VFD cabinets until verifying that it is neither thermally hot
nor electrically alive.
● Never remove safety shields (marked with a HIGH VOLTAGE sign) or attempt to measure
points beneath the shields.
● Never operate the VFD with cabinet doors open. The only exception is the control cabinet.
● Never connect any grounded (i.e., non-isolated) meters or oscilloscopes to the system.
● Never connect or disconnect any meters, wiring, or printed circuit boards while the VFD is
● Never defeat the instrument’s grounding.
● When a system is configured with VFD bypass switchgear (e.g. contactors between line
and motor, and VFD and motor), these switches should be interlocked so that the line
voltage is never applied to the VFD output if the medium voltage input is removed from the
● When a system is configured with VFD pre-charge, medium voltage is present on the
primary side of the input transformer and upstream device even though the MV contactor
is not closed.

NXGpro Control
20 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
Safety notes
4.4 Safety Information and Warnings

Potential Arc Hazard
● Arcing can result in damage to property, serious injury and even death.
● The equipment has not been tested and rated for arc flash protection.
● Avoiding arc hazard risks is dependent upon proper installation and maintenance.
● Incorrectly applied equipment, incorrectly selected, connected or unconnected cables, or
the presence of foreign materials can cause arcing in the equipment.
● Follow all applicable precautionary rules and guidelines as used in working with medium
voltage equipment.
● The equipment may be used only:
– for the applications defined as suitable in the technical description.
– in combination with equipment and components supplied by other manufacturers which
have been approved and recommended by Siemens.
● Always follow the facility / installation site rules / guidelines for Personal Protectiive
Equipment (PPE) based on the Arc Flash study of that facility.

Additional safety precautions and warnings appear throughout this manual. These important
messages should be followed to reduce the risk of personal injury or equipment damage.

Obey Rules to Avoid Risk of Death
● Always comply with local codes and requirements if disposal of failed components is
● Always ensure the use of an even and flat truck bed to transport the VFD system. Before
unloading, be sure that the concrete pad is level for storage and permanent positioning.
● Always confirm proper tonnage ratings of cranes, cables, and hooks when lifting the VFD
system. Dropping the cabinet or lowering it too quickly could damage the unit.
● Never disconnect control power while medium voltage is energized. This could cause
severe system overheating and/or damage.
● Never store flammable material in, on, or near the drive enclosure. This includes
equipment drawings and manuals.
● Never use fork trucks to lift cabinets that are not equipped with lifting tubes. Be sure that
the fork truck tines fit the lifting tubes properly and are the appropriate length.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 21
Safety notes
4.5 ESD-sensitive Components

4.5 ESD-sensitive Components

Guidelines for Handling Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESD)

ESD Sensitive Equipment
● Always be aware of electrostatic discharge (ESD) when working near or touching
components inside the VFD cabinet. The printed circuit boards contain components that
are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Handling and servicing of components that are
sensitive to ESD should be done only by qualified personnel and only after reading and
understanding proper ESD techniques. The following ESD guidelines should be observed.
Following these rules can greatly reduce the possibility of ESD damage to printed circuit
board (PCB) components.
● Always transport static sensitive equipment in antistatic bags.
● Always use a soldering iron that has a grounded tip. Also, use either a metallic vacuum-
style plunger or copper braid when desoldering.
● Ensure that anyone handling the printed circuit boards is wearing a properly grounded
static strap. The wrist strap should be connected to ground through a 1 Megohm resistor.
Grounding kits are available commercially through most electronic wholesalers.
● Static charge build-up can be removed from a conductive object by touching the object with
a properly grounded piece of metal.
● When handling a PC board, always hold the card by its edges.
● Do not slide printed circuit boards (PCBs) across any surface (e.g., a table or work bench).
If possible, perform PCB maintenance at a workstation that has a conductive covering that
is grounded through a 1 Megohm resistor. If a conductive tabletop cover is unavailable, a
clean steel or aluminum tabletop is an excellent substitute.
● Avoid plastic Styrofoam™, vinyl and other non-conductive materials. They are excellent
static generators and do not give up their charge easily.
● When returning components to Siemens Industry, Inc. always use static-safe packing. This
limits any further component damage due to ESD.

Components that can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge (ESD)

Electrostatic discharge
Electronic components can be destroyed in the event of improper handling, transporting,
storage, and shipping.
Pack the electronic components in appropriate ESD packaging; e.g. ESD foam, ESD
packaging bags and ESD transport containers.
To protect your equipment against damage, follow the instructions given below.

NXGpro Control
22 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
Safety notes
4.5 ESD-sensitive Components

● Avoid physical contact with electronic components. If you need to perform absolutely
essential work on these components, then you must wear one of the following protective
– Grounded ESD wrist strap
– ESD shoes or ESD shoe grounding strips if there is also an ESD floor.
● Do not place electronic components close to data terminals, monitors or televisions.
Maintain a minimum clearance to the screen (> 10 cm).
● Electronic components should not be brought into contact with electrically insulating
materials such as plastic foil, plastic parts, insulating table supports or clothing made of
synthetic fibers.
● Place components in contact with ESD-suited materials e.g. ESD tables, ESD surfaces,
ESD packaging.
● Measure on the components only if one of the following conditions is met:
– The measuring device is grounded with a protective conductor.
– The measuring head of a floating measuring device has been discharged directly before
the measurement.
The necessary ESD protective measures for the entire working range for electrostatically
sensitive devices are illustrated once again in the following drawings. Precise instructions for
ESD protective measures are specified in the standard DIN EN 61340-5-1.




1 Sitting
2 Standing
3 Standing/sitting
a Conductive floor surface, only effective in conjunction with ESD shoes or ESD shoe grounding
b ESD furniture
c ESD shoes or ESD shoe grounding strips are only effective in conjunction with conductive floor‐
d ESD clothing
e ESD wristband
f Cabinet ground connection
Figure 4-1 ESD Protective Measures

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 23
Safety notes
4.6 Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Power Engineering Installations

4.6 Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Power Engineering Installations

Electromagnetic fields "electro smog" when operating electrical power engineering
Electromagnetic fields are generated during operation of electrical power engineering
Electromagnetic fields can interfere with electronic devices, which could cause them to
malfunction. For example, the operation of heart pacemakers can be impaired, potentially
leading to damage to a person's health or even death. It is therefore forbidden for persons with
heart pacemakers to enter these areas.
The plant operator is responsible for taking appropriate measures (labels and hazard
warnings) to adequately protect operating personnel and others against any possible risk.

● Observe the relevant nationally applicable health and safety regulations. For example, in
Germany, "electromagnetic fields" are subject to regulations BGV B11 and BGR B11
stipulated by the German statutory industrial accident insurance institution.
● Display adequate hazard warning notices on the installation.
● Place barriers around hazardous areas.
● Take measures, e.g. using shields, to reduce electromagnetic fields at their source.
● Ensure personnel are wearing the appropriate protective gear.

NXGpro Control
24 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
Safety notes
4.7 Security Information

4.7 Security Information

Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, equipment and/or networks. They are
important components in a holistic industrial security concept. With this in mind, Siemens’
products and solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly that
you regularly check for product updates.
For the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, it is necessary to take suitable
preventive action and integrate each component into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Third-party products that may be in use should also be considered. For more
information about industrial security, visit
To stay informed about product updates as they occur, sign up for a product-specific
newsletter. For more information, visit

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 25
Safety notes
4.7 Security Information

NXGpro Control
26 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description 5
The NXGpro control monitors input power conditions and status, coordinates all power
components, controls output power to the motor, and performs special functions such as
integration into a process and transferring motors synchronously to and from power lines. At the
same time, the control protects the drive, the connected system process and the motor. With
specially equipped cells, the control also allows the cells to cleanly regenerate power back into
the input power feed.


Cell A1 Cell A2 Cell A3 Cell A4




Cell B1 Cell B2 Cell B3 Cell B4



Cell C1 Cell C2 Cell C3 Cell C4


2 3 3



Figure 5-1 Operational Structure of NXGpro Control

The terms velocity and speed are used interchangeably throughout this manual.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 27
NXGpro Control Description
5.1 Control System

5.1 Control System

The NXGpro control system consists of four main functional sections:
1. Digital control rack (DCR)
2. System interface
3. Fiber optic connected user I/O
4. Power supply.









[ [


Figure 5-2 NXGpro Control System

The following sections describe each of the functional sections.

NXGpro Control
28 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.1 Control System

5.1.1 Digital Control Rack (DCR)

The NXGpro DCR consists of a three part combined system:
1. Main control board
2. Fiber optic board
3. Single board computer utilizing the ETX form factor attached to the main control board.




1 Cover with expansion knock-outs

2 Fiber optic expansion
3 Main control board
4 Fiber optic board
5 Network 1 (optional)
6 Network 2 (optional)
7 Bypass, FO user I/O, critical I/O and additional fiber optic communication
8 System interface
9 USB (2) ports
10 Compact flash drive
11 Modem/debug
12 Keypad
13 External user I/O (serial)
14 VGA

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 29
NXGpro Control Description
5.1 Control System

Figure 5-3 NXGpro Digital Control Rack (DCR)

Main Control Board

There are three main functions that are contained on the main control board:
● Digital: The digital sub-system section of the main control board, has a two part function:
– provide various data communication interfaces for the control.
– process the digitized motor feedback data from the analog section into pole firing
commands for the power cells.
● Analog: The analog sub-system section of the main control board has a three part function:
– receive analog motor feedback inputs.
– perform analog signal conditioning on the feedback input signals.
– convert the conditioned feedback signals into digital data.
● Power supply: The power supply section for the main control board is divided into three
– DC power input with redundancy
– DC to DC conversion with regulated outputs
– Power supply failure detection.

Fiber Optic Main Board/Fiber Optic Expansion Boards

Each fiber optic main board has a three part function:
● Connection point and signal driver for all of the fiber optic connections for the control system.
● Connection point for the Anybus network communication modules.
● Mechanical function utilizing different physical board dimensions which allow for the
appropriate fiber optic bend radius to be applied during the mechanical assembly of the
control cabinet.
The fiber optic expansion boards are a single rank (A,B,C phase) add on board to the fiber optic
main board and are used to expand the DCR from 12 power cell operation up to 24 power cell
operation. The power for the fiber optic expansion boards is sourced from the fiber optic main

5.1.2 System Interface Board (SIB)

The system interface board (SIB) has a two part function:
1. interface between the drive system feedback and the DCR.
2. platform for a dedicated circuit for the drive input breaker control (M1 permissive).

NXGpro Control
30 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.1 Control System

5.1.3 User I/O

The fiber optic user I/O board (user I/O is also referred to as internal I/O for backwards
compatibility with NXG systems) is designed to be the external customer interface connection
into the drive control system. Each user I/O has:
● 16 digital inputs
● 20 digital outputs
● 3 analog inputs
● 2 analog outputs
The user I/O are all contained within one board. Up to four user I/O can be connected together
to increase the number of I/O that are available for use. A single fiber optic user I/O board
requires a power supply capable of +24 VDC (+/-5%), 1 A at 50 C at a minimum.
The external WAGO I/O system may be included in certain applications but is not included in
all systems. Refer to Section Discrete External I/O via WAGO System for further information.

See also
Discrete External I/O via WAGO System (Page 66)

5.1.4 Control System Power Supply

The control uses an external AC/DC power supply. The external power supply design accepts
AC voltage input and produces a three part DC voltage output:
1. +12 VDC digital
2. +/-15 VDC analog
3. +/- Hall Effect (+/-15 VDC or +/-24 VDC option)
A single fiber optic user I/O board requires a power supply capable of +24 VDC (+/-5%), 1 A at
50 C at a minimum.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 31
NXGpro Control Description
5.1 Control System





Figure 5-4 Functional Sections Interaction

NXGpro Control
32 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

5.2 Control Modes

Vector Control
SINAMICS PERFECT HARMONY GH180 drives use vector control to control induction motors
and synchronous motors. Vector control provides a framework that is simple to implement, and
performs nearly as well as a DC motor. Figure Vector Control Algorithms shows a simplified
representation of the vector control algorithms implemented in the drives. The basic
components of vector control are:
1. Motor model: determines motor flux, angle and speed.
2. Current regulators: these regulators are referred to as the inner loops.
3. Flux and speed regulators: these regulators are referred to as the outer loops.
4. Feed-forward (FF) compensation: improves the transient response of torque loop and flux

Components of Vector Control

Motor Model
The motor model uses measured motor voltage and estimated stator resistance voltage drop
to determine stator flux amplitude, motor speed and flux angle. This allows stator resistance
compensation to be automatic. A simplification of motor equations is obtained by transforming
the three-phase AC quantities, which are referred to being in a stationary reference frame, to
DC quantities that are in a synchronously rotating or DQ reference frame. A phase-locked loop
(PLL) within the motor model tracks the stator frequency and angle of the flux vector.

Flux and Speed Regulators

Motor flux amplitude is controlled by the flux regulator; its output forms the command for the
magnetizing or flux-producing component. Motor speed is determined from stator frequency,
and is controlled by the speed regulator. Its output is the command for the torque-producing
current regulator. Motor speed is compensated for slip in induction machines.

Current Regulators
The flux angle is used to decompose the measured motor currents into magnetizing and torque
producing components. It is this decomposition that allows independent control of flux and
torque, similar to DC motor control. These current components are regulated to their
commanded values by the current regulators. Outputs of the current regulators are combined
and converted to produce three-phase voltage commands that get modified with signals from
various other control routines, before being passed on to the modulator. These control routines
● Dead-time compensation to compensate for dead-time in the switching of the upper and
lower IGBTS of each pole in a power cell.
● Peak reduction for third-harmonic injection to maximize drive output voltage, and for drive
neutral-shift during transparent cell-bypass.
● Voltage commands to produce losses for dual-frequency braking.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 33
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

Feed-forward Compensation
Transient response of the flux and torque regulators is improved with the use of feed-forward
(FF) compensation as shown in Figure Vector Control Algorithms.

ː 3,/3) ː 3, %UDNLQJ >@ 9ROWDJH

>@  >@  0RGXODWRU
7R ː
>@ 9TVUHI š
ː 3,/3) ː 3, ː
>@ >@ 
2/9&60& ,T))
 9+]300 )OX['6 >@
&/9&&60& &/9&&60& ,D &XUUHQW

60&9+] )HHGEDFN
7R ,E
300 2/9& ,TV >@
>@ \E
,GVUHI ,TVUHI )OX['6 ˶V 3// \F >@
)OX[46 >@
ˆ6 >@

Numbers within square brackets show the parameter ID for the corresponding function.
Figure 5-5 Vector Control Algorithms

Table 5-1 Symbols used in Figure Vector Control Algorithms

Symbol Description
FluxDS D-component of motor flux as referenced to the stator; also equal to the motor flux, since Q-
component is zero. Motor Flux is defined as: Motor_Voltage / Stator_Frequency (rad/s). Flux
(which has units of Volt-seconds) is also proportional (but not equal) to Volts-per-Hertz ratio.
r For an induction motor: Motor_Speed = Stator_Frequency / Pole_Pairs – Slip_Speed
This is the rotor (mechanical) frequency, which is equivalent to the motor speed.
For a synchronous motor: Motor _Speed = Stator_Frequency / Pole_Pairs
Ids Magnetizing component of motor current.
Iqs Torque producing component of motor current.

NXGpro Control
34 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

Symbol Description
Vds,ref Output of magnetizing current regulator used in the inverse D-Q transformation to produce
3-phase voltages.
Vqs,ref Output of torque current regulator used in the inverse D-Q transformation to produce 3-
phase voltages.
ωs Stator frequency or output frequency of the drive. This is motorspeed (r) + Slip.
θs Flux angle. This is the instantaneous position of the rotating flux vector.
Ia, Ib, Ic Motor phase currents.

Motor torque in newton-meters and shaft power can be calculated as:

Torque (Nm) = 3 * Pole_Pairs * Flux (V-secs) * Iqs (A)

≈ 3 * Pole_Pairs * Motor_Voltage (V) * Iqs (A) / (2 π * Frequency (Hz))
Shaft Power (W) = Torque (Nm) * Speed (rad/s) = Torque (Nm) * Speed (rpm) / 9.55
Rated Speed = 120 * rated frequency / number of pole pairs

Vector Control Modes

The control provides several control modes. The modes are described in the sections that

Summary of the Control Modes

Control Mode Vector Control Type of Motor Encoder Features

Open loop vector con‐ Vector control Induction Without encoder ● Fast bypass option
trol mode (OLVC) ● Spinning load
Open loop test mode N/a Not for motor control N/a Fast bypass and spin‐
(OLTM) ning load are disabled.
Synchronous motor Vector control Synchronous Without encoder ● Fast bypass option
control mode (SMC) ● Spinning load
Volts / Hertz control No vector control Induction - usually mu‐ Without encoder ● No fast bypass
mode (V/Hz) liple connected in par‐ ● No spinning load
Closed loop vector con‐ Vector control Induction With encoder ● Fast bypass option
trol mode (CLVC) ● Spinning load
Closed synchronous Vector control Synchronous With encoder ● Fast bypass option
motor control mode ● Spinning load

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 35
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

Control Mode Vector Control Type of Motor Encoder Features

Permanent magnet Vector control Permanent magnet Without encoder ● Fast bypass option
motor control mode motor ● Spinning load
● High starting
torque enabled
Synchronous motor Vector control Synchronous with DC Without encoder ● No fast bypass
brushless DC exciter exciter ● No spinning load
mode (SMDC)

5.2.1 Open Loop Vector Control (OLVC)

Open loop vector control (OLVC) is used for most applications with single induction motors. In
this mode, the control estimates motor slip as a function of load torque, and provides a
performance that matches a vector controlled drive with speed sensor/transducer above a
certain minimum speed. With the correct motor parameters, the control can provide good
performance even at 1% of rated speed.
With this mode, speed feedback is synthesized from the stator frequency and the estimated
motor slip, and slip compensation is automatic.
In this control mode, if spinning load is selected, the drive begins by scanning the frequency
range to detect the speed of the rotating motor. Once the drive has completed the scan or if the
feature is disabled, the drive goes into magnetizing state. During this state, the drive ramps the
motor flux to its commanded value at the specified flux ramp rate. Only when the flux feedback
is within 90% of the commanded flux, the drive changes to the run state. Once in run state, the
drive increases the speed to the desired value. All motor and drive parameters are required for
this mode of operation. Default values for the control loop gains are sufficient for most

5.2.2 Open Loop Test Mode (OLTM)

Open loop test mode (OLTM) is used for test purposes during commissioning only.
Do not use this mode to control a motor. This mode is intended for commissioning only, for the
purpose of establishing correct current feedback polarity. The speed should not exceed 20 %
rated speed when in use.

In OLTM the motor current feedback signals are ignored. This control mode is used during drive
setup, when the modulation on the cells is to be verified, or when testing the drive without a
load. It can also be used when the motor is first connected to the drive to make sure that the Hall
effect transducers are working correctly and are providing the correct polarity on the feedback
signals. Do not use this mode to adjust scale factors for input and output, voltage and currents.

NXGpro Control
36 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

In this mode, the drive goes through the magnetizing state to the run state without considering
the motor flux. Only motor nameplate values and some drive related parameters are required
for this mode. Ensure the following parameter settings are configured for this control mode:
● Spinning load and fast bypass are disabled internally for this mode.
● Increase acceleration and deceleration times in the Speed Ramp Menu.
● Reduce flux demand. Flux and voltage instability may occur with an attached motor.
● Uncouple any connected motor from a load. Do not run higher than 20 to 25 % of drive rating,
this allows for verification of the current feedback polarity.

5.2.3 Synchronous Motor Control (SMC)

For synchronous motor control (SMC), the drive is equipped with a field exciter that usually
consists of a SCR based current regulator. The field exciter operates to maintain a field current
level that is commanded by the flux regulator. An example application for a brushless
synchronous motor is shown in the figure below.







Figure 5-6 Drive Arrangement for Synchronous Motor with AC Brushless Exciter

The figure shows a brushless synchronous motor with the static exciter wound for 3-phase AC
in the range of 350 to 400 volts. If this is not the case, then a transformer is needed between the
auxiliary power and the field exciter. The circuit wheel needs only a rectifier.

Motor Protection
The control provides for minimal motor protection when the motor is connected to the drive. For
a system that employs drive, not cell, bypass, external protection of the motor is required. The

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 37
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

control will trip the drive on a loss of field fault if the motor draws excessive reactive current,
which will occur when the exciter fails full on or off. An external means to disconnect the exciter
power from the field is required to fully protect the motor.

Flux regulator implementation

The overall control strategy is similar to OLVC, except for the flux regulator implementation.
Refer to Figure Vector Control Algorithms. For synchronous motors, the flux regulator provides
two current commands, one for the field exciter current, and another for the magnetizing
component of stator current.

Determining motor speed

SMC avoids the need to scan the motor frequency to determine motor speed. The control uses
information from the rotor-induced speed voltages on the stator to determine rotor speed. The
drive begins, in the magnetizing state, by giving a field current command that is equal to the no-
load field current setting to the exciter. This lasts for a time equal to the programmable flux ramp
time that is entered through the menu system.
After this period of time, the drive goes into the run state. In most cases, the regulator in the field
exciter is slow, and the drive applies magnetizing current, through the stator windings to assist
the exciter in establishing rated flux on the motor. At the same time, the speed regulator
commands a torque-producing current to accelerate the motor to the demanded speed. Once
the field exciter establishes the required field current to maintain flux in the motor, the
magnetizing component of stator current reduces to zero. From this point onward, the drive
provides torque-producing current, for acceleration or deceleration that is in-phase with the
drive output voltage. That is, under steady state conditions, unity power factor condition is
automatically maintained at the drive output. The field current command is provided to the field
exciter with the use of an analog output signal.

Summary of differences between SMC and OLVC

● The motor no-load current parameter represents the field no-load current value in SMC.
● With SMC, the flux loop gains are slightly lower than with OLVC.
● Spinning load is always enabled with SMC.
● The drive magnetizing current regulator uses only the proportional gain for the flux exciter.
● Only Stage 1 auto-tuning can be used with synchronous motors.
● When you are performing Stage 1 auto-tuning, you must short the field winding to get a
proper setup of the stator resistance.

Incorrect use of Stage 2 auto-tuning will lead to drive instability.
Never use Stage 2 auto-tuning with synchronous motors.
Only use Stage 1 auto-tuning with synchronous motors.

See also
Control Modes (Page 33)

NXGpro Control
38 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

5.2.4 Volts/Hertz Control (V/Hz)

Volts/Hertz (V/Hz) control is used when the drive is connected to multiple motors in parallel. The
control algorithm is similar to OLVC, except that it does not use some of the motor parameters
in its control algorithm that OLVC does. High starting torque mode is available in this control
mode. V/Hz is also used for long cable applications.

Many of the features available with OLVC, such as fast bypass, spinning load, and slip
compensation, are not available with this mode, as individual feedback and control of each
motor is not possible.

5.2.5 Closed Loop Control (CLVC or CSMC)

Closed loop vector control (CLVC or CSMC) is used for more precise speed control and for
higher torque at lower speeds. In applications where stable, low speed operation (below 1 Hz)
under high torque conditions is required, an encoder may be used to provide speed feedback.
Encoder speed feedback is directly used as an input to the speed regulator.
When an encoder is used with the drive, the control loop type is required to be set to CLVC for
closed loop vector control with an induction motor, or to CSMC for closed loop vector control
with a synchronous motor. Enable spinning load when using this control mode.

5.2.6 Permanent Magnet Motor Control (PMM)

Permanent magnet motor (PMM) control is used for permanent magnet motors, as these
motors have special starting requirements. Magnets in the PMM provide flux. The drive does
not have to generate Ids to maintain flux. Output power factor (PF) control is possible.
Although PMMs are considered synchronous motors, PMM control features differ from the
synchronous motor control types. One such difference is that PMM control automatically
enables high starting torque mode.

There is no encoder capability for use with PMM control mode. Do not use the CSMC for PMM
control to include an encoder, as this will not function correctly.

With PMM control, the flux regulator output is disabled. Instead, Ids,ref is calculated based on the
Reactive Current mode (2981) selection. PF, as shown in the vector diagrams, is measured
from the drive output terminals, not from the motor reference.
The following figure shows the control with the flux regulator disabled.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 39
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

)OX[5HI ː 3,/3)

Figure 5-7 Flux Regulator for PMM Control Mode

The possible selections for Reactive Current mode are as follows.

Since the Auto and Auto Phase Advance modes increase the output power and voltage to the
motor, these modes must be disabled if attempting synchronous transfer of the PMM. The
Manual modes may also prevent proper operation of synchronous transfer.

Disabled mode
This mode is the basic PMM control configuration. Since the flux is along the D-axis and Ids and
Vds are zero, the drive voltage is uncompensated and motor back EMF is unknown.
The figure below shows the vector diagram for disabled mode:


M; /,V 9TV 



)OX['V 'D[LV
Figure 5-8 Disabled Mode

● Ids,ref = 0
● Drive output PF = 1
● Motor PF (rotor reference) is less than unity
● Ids compensation is off

NXGpro Control
40 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

Auto mode
In this mode, the PF is controlled to produce the maximum torque per amp of the PMM motor
by ensuring the torque producing current is aligned to the motor Cemf. This is accomplished by
compensating for the voltage loss and phase delay caused by the total stator inductance,
parameter Stator Ls Total (1081). Total Stator inductance is defined as:
Total Stator Inductance = Leakage inductance + Magnetizing stator inductance
The figure below shows the vector diagram for auto mode:


9GV 9GV M; /,V




)OX['V 'D[LV
Figure 5-9 Auto Mode

● Ids,ref = 0
● Drive output PF < 1
● Motor PF (rotor reference) = 1
● Auto PF is on

Manual mode
This mode is used on test stands for which manual control is desired. Ids,ref is entered manually
via parameter Output Ids (2982). The value entered can be positive or negative 100% of the
motor current rating. The magnitude is prevented from becoming less than 1% to prevent
instability. Vs is aligned to the q-axis.
The figures below show the vector diagrams for manual mode and manual network mode with
positive Ids and negative Ids.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 41
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes


M; /,V




)OX['V 'D[LV
Figure 5-10 Manual Mode / Manual Network Mode (positive Ids)

● Ids,ref > 0
● Drive output PF < 1 based on the stator current vector
● Motor PF (rotor reference) < 1
● XL compensation is off (motor inductance voltage drop not compensated)


M; /,V




,GV )OX['V 'D[LV

Figure 5-11 Manual Mode / Manual Network Mode (negative Ids)

● Ids,ref < 0
● Drive output PF < 1 based on the stator current vector
● Motor PF (rotor reference) < 1
● XL compensation is off (motor inductance voltage drop not compensated)

Manual network mode

This mode is similar to manual mode but does not have all the protections of manual mode. Ids,ref
is provided by the network as a percentage * 10 for scaling purposes.
● Ids,ref is entered via the network
● Vs is aligned to the q-axis

NXGpro Control
42 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

● Drive Output PF < 0 based on the stator current vector

● Motor PF (rotor reference) < 1 (motor inductance voltage drop not compensated)
Refer to figures in Manual Mode Section for vector diagrams associated with this mode.
Both manual and manual network mode can be used to test PMMs that require a full current test
where no torque load is available.

Auto phase advance mode

Auto phase advance mode is similar to auto mode in that it works below the base speed of the
motor, to obtain maximum torque per amp, by compensating for the voltage loss and phase
shift due to the stator inductance. Above base speed, a voltage regulator is enabled to maintain
the voltage of the PMM at the base rating, by producing negative Ids,ref. The flux produced in the
stator counteracts the constant flux of the magnets, thereby maintaining the motor terminal
volts constant as the counter EMF goes up. PMMs have a fixed flux and therefore a fixed V/Hz
● Below base speed, the voltage regulator output is clamped at zero, so it adds no more flux
to the machine. The reference for the voltage is rated motor voltage.
● Above base speed, the voltage regulator comes out of the clamp limits, and Ids current starts
to move in a negative direction, producing a counter field in the stator inductance that
maintains the motor terminal voltage to the motor rated value.

ː 3,/3) ,GVUHI


Figure 5-12 Auto Phase Advance Voltage Regulator

The figures below show the vector diagrams for auto phase advance mode below and above
base speed:


9GV 9GV M; /,V




)OX['V 'D[LV
Figure 5-13 Auto Phase Advance below base speed

● Ids,ref = 0
● Drive output PF < 1 (motor inductance voltage drop is compensated)

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 43
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

● Motor PF (rotor reference) = 1 with the motor inductance drop being compensated
● Auto PF is on (XL compensation)

M; /,V



,GV )OX['V 'D[LV

Figure 5-14 Auto Phase Advance above base speed

● Ids,ref is from the output of the voltage regulator

● Drive output PF < 1 (motor inductance voltage drop is compensated)
● Motor PF < 1 (XL compensation is on)
● Ids < 0

Parameter Settings for PMM Control

The parameters associated with this control mode are:
● Stator Ls Total (1081) to select auto PF or auto phase advance control.
● Reactive current mode (2981) to select the mode of operation.
● Output Ids (2982) to enter a value between -100.0 % and 100.0 % for manual control.

5.2.7 PMM with Conveyor

Starting a PMM on a conveyor system is more involved than starting it stand-alone due to the
mechanical linkages between different motors. The sequence requires a separate PLC to
coordinate the entire starting sequence. This description describes the starting sequence and
interface provided by the Siemens GH180 drive to an external PLC. It does not provide the PLC
Contact Siemens factory for a complete understanding of this feature. Refer to the appendices
located at the end of this manual.

Enabling the PMM with Conveyor Feature

Begin by setting the parameter “PMM for Conveyor” (2983) to “Enable”. This enables the proper
starting sequence internal to the drive by enabling the handshaking interface for the external
PLC. For PMM pulleys coupled through a common shaft, the rotor angles must be aligned
electrically before torque can be applied by both the lead and tail motors connected to the same
shaft. By adding an offset angle to the tail motor that is the difference between the two rotor
angles, the motors work together properly. The Offset is stored in the parameter “Current Offset

NXGpro Control
44 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

Angle” (2984). The offset angle for the reference motor (head) or, for systems with only one
motor per shaft, is always set to zero.
For starting multiple pulleys with PMMs attached, the sequence is essentially the same for
single motor as well as multiple motors – once the tail motor offset is entered.
New parameters added in this design. These are effective once the feature is enabled.

Table 5-2 New Parameters


PMM for Conveyor 2983 Enables this coordinated startup feature
Current Offset Angle 2984 Sets the rotor offset for the “tail” motor only
Current Scan Angle 2985 Sets the sweep range for the PMM rotor angle
Current Scan Time 2986 Sets the total time for rotor angle alignment
Current Stability Time 2987 Sets a delay between steps to allow current settling

The existing parameters used for this feature.


Control Loop Type 2050 Sets the drive for PMM control mode
Torque Current 2962 Value of torque current for entire angle sweep
Current Ramp Time 2963 Sets the current ramp rate (time to 1 PU)
Speed Fwd Min Limit 1 1
2090 Sets the minimum speed level for holding
Trq Current 2 2965 Sets a secondary current level after motor starts to turn
Flux Ramp Rate 3160 Used as a time delay to allow motor to turn
PLL Acq Time 2964 Time delay for PLL acquisition of flux angle
Accel Time 1 2270 Sets the speed ramp rate
The following can replace the min speed limit 1 if the system is configured accordingly.
● Speed Fwd Min Limit 2 (ID 2110)
● Speed Fwd Min Limit 3 (ID 2130)
● Speed Rev Min Limit 1 (ID 21530)
● Speed Rev Min Limit 2 (ID 2170)
● Speed Rev Min Limit 3 (ID 2190)

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 45
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

PMM Mode Selected by

Enable Parameter 2983 SOP Flags:

2963 PmmStartupConnue_O

Iq Control

2987 2986 2987


DeltaS Rotaon
2984 Started
(Electrical Angle)



Speed 2964

2090 × 2270

Figure 5-15 Timing Diagram with Parameter ID Numbers

All parameters should be set the same in all drives with the exception of the offset angle.

Single Motor Conveyor Control

The scenario shown in figure Loosely Coupled Conveyor System depicts sequential motors
that are loosely coupled through a pulley belt. There is one motor for each pulley. The only
coupling between motor is through the conveyor belt.

NXGpro Control
46 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes


Figure 5-16 Loosely Coupled Conveyor System

The alignment is still required, but the pulleys are expected to slip on the belt to align the rotor
angle displacement between the motors on all pulleys. There is no further calibration required.
The offset angle should be set to zero because it is not needed. The motors are then available
for a coordinated start of all pulleys on the conveyor system.

Dual Motor Converyor Control

Dual motor conveyor control required an offset to the tail motor. Motors share a common shaft
and are mechanically locked together as shown by ‘A’ and ‘B’ and then ‘C’ and ‘D’ in the figure
Tightly Coupled Conveyor System. It is essential to correct for the rotor flux differences based
on physical alignment on these shafts. The motors sharing a common shaft must be aligned
with each other before they can adequately provide torque. This is a practice called calibration.
Once the common motors are calibrated, the two motors must then be treated as a single unit
for the startup sequence similar to the single motor control, with the pair acting as one motor in

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 47
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

Motor Motor
Pulley 1


Motor Motor
C Pulley 2 D

Figure 5-17 Tightly Coupled Conveyor System (typical configuration)

Offset angles of the motors on each pulley must be determined as described in the sequence
of steps described below.
1. Referring to the typical configuration diagram of a tightly coupled convey system, start the
unloaded conveyor with one motor. (example - Motor A)
2. After Motor A reaches a stable operating speed, start Motor B.
3. Using an oscilloscope to look at the stator angle of Motor A (use internal analog output) and
compare with the stator angle of Motor B. The difference of these two angles is the offset
angle of Motor B (= Stator Angle B – Stator Angle A) and is saved in the parameter Current
Offset Angle (ID 2984).
4. For Motor A, this parameter is set to zero.
5. At the same time while the belt is moving, start Motor C and Motor D with their respective
6. A scope measurement of the two stator angles (of C and D) will give the Offset of Motor D
(= Stator Angle D – Stator Angle C) and is saved in parameter ID 2984.
7. For Motor C, this parameter is set to zero.
The offset angle determination has to be performed only once.

NXGpro Control
48 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

Common Startup Sequence (with regard to each pulley on the conveyor)

All control in this sequence is through an interface between a supervisory control and the
individual motors and respective drives addressing each pulley as a single unit.
Each pulley must be started separately and in sequence to align all pulleys with a common and
known phase angle. Refer to the following sequence of steps.
1. All parameters must be equal for starting with the exception of the offset angle.
– Set "Control Loop Type" to PMM
– PMM with conveyors must be set in the correct parameter "PMM with Conveyor" set to
2. On the first pulley, start all attached motors by sending a run request to all attached motors
on that pulley.
3. Each pulley will go through the following:
– Starting at zero degrees, ramp up current with not rotation to the level defined by "Torque
Current" (2962) at the ramp rate defined by "Current Ramp Tiime" (2963).
– Sweep the motor current angle from zero to a predetermined negative angle "PMM Scan
Angle", back through zero to the positive of the entered angle, then back to zero. This
entire range is swept at a rate equal to the "Angle Scan Time".
– Maintain current after sweep at zero degrees.
4. "PmmRotorAligned_I" SOP flag is set true by the drive and the motor remains with current
at zero degrees in a holding mode, waiting for the continue command.
5. After each pulley in turn is aligned and showing the aligned flag, a commencement flag,
"PmmStartupContinue_O", must be issued to all drives, on all pulleys in the conveyor
6. The motors will start and move to the minimum speed setting "Speed Fwd Min Limit 1", 2,
or 3 or "Speed Rev Min Limit 1", 2, or 3. The speed is increased by the rate of the speed
ramp. All drives require the same parameters since this is open loop control.
7. Once at minimum speed, the ramp is held and the current held for a time delay equal to the
flux ramp rate "Flux Ramp Rate" (3160) to ensure the motor is moving. Then "Low
Frequency Compensation" is enabled.
8. The current is then ramped down to a secondary current level defined by "Trq Current 2"
(2965) – if it is lower than the first level
9. The drive waits at this state to acquire the flux angle and stabilize the PLL. The delay is
defined for a period set by "PLL Acq Time" (2964).
10.The flux and speed loops are enabled and the PLL is used as a source for the current angle.
The speed ramp is released and the speed regulator preset to the PLL acquisition frequency.
11.After an additional 2 second delay, the PMM PF operation is enabled – if used. The high
starting torque mode is complete and the "HighStartingTorqueModeComplete_I" SOP flag
is set true.
12.The startup sequence is complete and the conveyor can run unimpeded with the PLC
providing all signals to all connected drives continuously.

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NXGpro Control Description
5.2 Control Modes

5.2.8 Synchronous Motor with DC Brushless Exciter (SMDC)

Synchronous Motor with DC Brushless Exciter (SMDC) control is used for all applications with
synchronous motors (SMs) that have a brushless DC exciter. Unlike SMs with an AC exciter,
SMs with a brushless DC exciter require a different starting strategy to pull the motor into
For normal SM operation with brushless AC excitation, the full flux is already established when
the VFD starts. The DC exciter cannot provide any main field current, and hence the flux, when
at standstill. To start such a machine, the VFD applies a high starting torque current with a
slowing rotating vector, to align enough with the rotor poles to begin magnetization of the motor.
When alignment begins, the motor shaft will begin to spin. Once the motor is rotating, the drive
will pull the motor into synchronization and transition to normal SMC.
Startup is based on the high starting torque method already implemented in the control code.
It adds a separate starting state machine that requires only the selection of SMDC control
mode. High starting torque mode is set internally and automatically.
Once operational, the machine will continue in operation as a standard SM. Spinning load and
fast bypass cannot be used in this control mode, these features are disabled internally.

Potential Damage to Motor
If the motor does not come to a complete stop before restarting it may result in higher than
rated torque on the motor and shaft, and lead to damage to the motor or load.
Ensure that the motor has come to a complete stop before restarting.

Parameter Settings for SMDC

The parameters associated with this control mode are detailed in Sections Drive Menu (2)
Options and Motor Menu (1) Options of Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing. These
parameters are:
● Control loop type (2050) in the Drive Parameter Menu (2000)
● Max DC Exciter Curr (1105) in the Motor Parameter Menu (1000)
● Initial Mag Current (1106) in the Motor Parameter Menu (1000)

NXGpro Control
50 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.3 Watchdog Protections

5.3 Watchdog Protections

The following internal watchdog protections function across all control modes. The purpose of
watchdog protection is to shut down the drive if an internal error were to occur during operation.
The watchdog protections are:
● I/O watchdog - This watchdog is built into the system firmware as part of the hardware. On
an I/O watchdog trip, the digital outputs will open or close based on the parameter settings
for each module. The default is to open.
For analog outputs, the following responses are possible based on system parameter
– Default setting: the analog outputs are all set to zero.
– The analog outputs will use the default values set in the parameters.
– The analog outputs will retain the last values set in the parameters.
Any circuitry connected to these circuits will be affected with one of these responses.
● CPU watchdog - This watchdog triggers if any processes of the drive's operating system
stop functioning. This feature, enabled by the Enable Watchdog parameter (2971) monitors
the state of all processes, and trips the drive after a fixed 20 seconds if any processes are
non-functioning. Enable Watchdog parameter (2971) is located in the Watchdog Menu
(2970). For details, refer to Section Options for Drive Menu (2) of Chapter Parameter
● Input breaker (M1 Permit) watchdog - This watchdog is built into the system firmware as part
of the hardware. It causes the input breaker close permissive relay (M1) to open on a
watchdog trip.
● Modulator watchdog - This watchdog disables all cell outputs if the CPU stops
communicating with the modulator. Since the CPU has stopped functioning properly, no
fault condition can display but the power electronics will shut down via the modulator
If the external Wago I/O system is used, the Wago watchdog must be enabled. Refer to "Wago
timeout" parameter (2850) for additional information.

See also
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 51
NXGpro Control Description
5.4 Control Loops

5.4 Control Loops

The control includes three main control loops that are defined in the following sections.

5.4.1 Current Loop

The current loops form the innermost loop of the control system. It is essential that these loops
are stable for correct operation of the drive. When the current loop gains are very low, then the
drive output currents do not have a sinusoidal waveshape, i.e., dead-bands can be seen
around the zero-crossings, and the peaks are not smooth but appear flat. On the other hand,
when current loop gains are too high, then a high frequency ringing appears on the sinusoidal
current waveform. IOC trips can also occur if this is the case.
Default values of the current loop gains are sufficient for most applications. Tuning may be
required for high performance applications and when output filters are used. Refer to Section
Output Filters in Chapter Advanced Operating Functions for more information. Lower current
loop gains are recommended in synchronous transfer applications when the drive output
voltage capability is only a couple of percent higher than the utility or line voltage. This capability
is displayed as "Safe Voltage" on the debug screen.

See also
Output Filters (Page 249)

5.4.2 Speed Loop

Control of motor speed is accomplished with the speed regulator. The output of the speed loop
forms the torque current command (Iqs,ref). The default speed loop gains work well when the
motor and the load have similar inertia. Speed loop gains require tuning when its output shows
significant oscillations during small changes in speed command. In general, when this occurs,
reduce the integral gain first and then reduce the proportional gain.
Default values for the double speed Kf gain and the speed loop filter time constant are
sufficient. A value closer to 0.5 for the double speed gain allows reduced overshoot, while a
value closer to 1.0 makes the speed regulator a traditional PI regulator and could have more
For applications where the motor and load do not have similar inertia, adjustment of the default
settings is necessary, as in the following examples:
● ESP applications have motors with very low inertia. In such applications, the speed loop
proportional and integral gains can be safely reduced by a factor of 5 or more from their
default settings.
● Fan applications have motors with very high inertia. In such applications, the speed loop
proportional and integral gains are typically reduced by a factor of 2 to 5 from their default
settings. These applications, in general, do not require fast speed regulator response, and
a reduction in speed loop gains prevents large or sudden changes in the torque current

NXGpro Control
52 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
NXGpro Control Description
5.4 Control Loops

5.4.3 Flux Loop

Regulation of motor flux is accomplished with the flux control loop. The output of the flux loop
forms the magnetizing current command (Ids,ref). The default flux loop gains work well for most
induction motor applications. For synchronous motor applications, use lower gains. Flux loop
gains require tuning when the regulator output shows significant oscillations during steady
state operation.

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Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 53
NXGpro Control Description
5.4 Control Loops

NXGpro Control
54 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
Hardware Interface Description 6
This chapter details the hardware interfacing components of the NXGpro control. The scope of
the interface, as described in this chapter, is from the control rack to the other components of
the drive and customer interfaces including hardware descriptions of the various components.
This chapter is divided into two sections, as follows:
● the first section provides an overview of the non-user accessible interfaces: these
components are internal to the design and construction of the drive and are provided for
reference only.
● the second section provides more detailed descriptions of the user accessible interfaces.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 55
Hardware Interface Description
6.1 Non-user Accessible Interfaces

6.1 Non-user Accessible Interfaces

6.1.1 System Inputs and Outputs for Motor Control

The drive must have feedbacks from the system under control to function properly. Due to the
wide range of input voltages and currents, and due also to the dangerously high levels of both
input and output signals, interposing sensors are used to scale the signals to a safe and usable
level in the control cabinet, and present them to the controls. These are composed of input and
output voltage attenuators, input current transformers (CTs), and output Hall Effect sensors.
Detailed information, including values and locations of sensors, is described in the Operating
Instructions Manual for the specific system.
The signals are scaled in such a way as to present the same control level signals independent
of the source levels. This allows for a unitless control algorithm that is consistent in response
from application to application, since the rated values are entered once for the inputs, and the
drive responds in a similar fashion to scaled per unit signals. This is known as a normalized

System Interface Board (SIB)

In the NXGpro control, a system interface board (SIB) that is external to the drive control rack
(DCR) provides connectivity of these signals into the control.

Figure 6-1 System Interface Board

The SIB connects via cable to the main control board in the control rack. The SIB also contains
several user connections. These are:
● Isolated encoder interface for a typical quadrature, optical encoder, interface type HTL.
Refer to Section Encoder Interface.
● Trip/permissive to close drive main input line power contactor/circuit breaker M1. Refer to
Section Dedicated I/O for Type 5 and Type 6 Pre-charge.

NXGpro Control
56 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
Hardware Interface Description
6.1 Non-user Accessible Interfaces

The following functions performed by the SIB provide a signal directly to the modulator to shut
down all cell switching immediately:
● Inhibit or CR3 signal to modulator. Refer to Section Inhibit Input (Control Relay 3, CR3).

See also
Encoder Interface (Page 61)
Dedicated I/O for Type 5 and Type 6 Pre-charge (Page 70)
Inhibit Input (Control Relay 3, CR3) (Page 60)

6.1.2 Test Point Port

The NXGpro control has a dedicated test port for safe measurement of critical feedback
signals. A DIN41612 type connector is available on the main control board for breaking out the
various analog feedback signals to test points. The analog feedback signals do not have test
points on the main control board and are only available through this connector. In addition to the
analog signals, select FPGA signals are brought out as test points. The DIN41612 type
connector allows for either the use of a test point board or an automated data collection system
to directly monitor the analog feedback signals.

Risk of damage to equipment.
Do not attempt direct manual measurement of signals at the port connector.
This can cause damage to components.
Instead always directly measure signals via the test point board.

For correct use of the signals beyond the test point board, consult the design documentation for
proper scaling. Refer to the table below for details of the available signals.

Table 6-1 NXGpro Test Port Signals: Connector Pins (P5)

Quantity Name Description Pin Number Scaling at Break‐

out Board
3 VIA, VIB, VIC Phase A, B and C input voltage 1 A3; B5; A2 5.3864 Vpeak
3 VIA2, VIB2, VIC2 Phase A, B and C input voltage 2 B2; B3; B4 5.3864 Vpeak
2 IIB, IIC Phase B and C input current A5; A4 5.0 Vpeak
3 VMA, VMB, VMC Phase A, B and C motor voltage A12; A13; A14 5.3864 Vpeak
3 IMA, IMB, IMC Phase A, B and C motor current A7; A8; A9 5.00 Vp-p
1 VCMV Common mode motor voltage C1 5.3864 Vpeak
3 IFA, IFB, IFC Phase A, B and C filter current B7; B8; B9 5.0 Vpeak
3 VMAIL, VMBIL, VMCIL Phase A, B and C B11; B13; B15 ~ 3.8 Vrms at
Integrated motor voltage: low speed 100 % speed 60 Hz

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 57
Hardware Interface Description
6.1 Non-user Accessible Interfaces

Quantity Name Description Pin Number Scaling at Break‐

out Board
3 VMAIH, VMBIH, VMCIH Phase A, B and C B10; B12; B14 TBD
Integrated motor voltage: high speed
2 Encoder A, B opto-couple input C13; C14 3.3 V logic
1 IOC Instantaneous over current A10 3-ph IM
1 IOC REF Instantaneous over current - reference C3 0 to 3.3 V range
1 Inhibit C2 3.3 V high = inhibit
8 DAC (A,B,C,D,E,F,G, H) DAC outputs C4; C5; C6; C7; (-)5 to (+)5 V
C8; C9; C10; C12 range, software
3 FPGA FPGA test points A6; B6; A15 3.3 V logic
3 AGND Analog ground A1, A11, B1 N/a
2 DGND Digital ground C11, C16 N/a
1 Future Use A16 N/a
1 Future Use B16 N/a
1 Future Use C15 N/a

6.1.3 Control Power

The NXGpro control is powered by a dedicated modular power supply through a proprietary
cable assembly that connects to the DCR at ports P6 or P7. The second port is for the
redundant power supply option. The Hall Effect sensor power is also routed from this power
supply through the DCR and out to the Hall Effects from the SIB. These power supplies are
dedicated to the proper operation of the control and Hall Effects, and must not be used for any
other purpose.

6.1.4 Modulator and Fiber Optics

As part of the control system, the modulator section of the main control board provides
coordinated control of the power cell units that comprise the power section of the drive to
provide a clean, three-phase, sinusoidal output source to the motor.
The control system inputs the desired control reference signals, and through the chosen control
mode, regulates the desired output by providing the cells with the appropriate pulse width
modulation (PWM) information from the modulator. The cells require the PWM information to
operate the transistor H-bridge in each of the cells. The modulator communicates this and other
status information with each cell via a fiber optic cable. Fiber optic cables provide needed
electrical isolation from the high cell voltages. The fiber optic cable are attached to the fiber
optic main board and fiber optic expansion boards in the DCR.
The modulator also sends the drive enable command to each cell to enable the transistors. The
cell responds with status information that is monitored with every transmission.

NXGpro Control
58 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
Hardware Interface Description
6.1 Non-user Accessible Interfaces

The modulator is designed to perform the following additional actions:

● The modulator can disable all drive cells in a fast manner. There are a maximum of two cell
transmission periods to protect the cells.
● The modulator directly (through programmed logic) disables the operation of the cells in the
following cases:
– a (fiber optic) link fault which is generated if the cell does not respond properly before the
next message is sent.
– an IOC (Instantanious Over Current).
– a PSFail (Power Supply Fail).
– a HE PSFail (Hall Effect Power Supplies Fail).
– any bypass fault is detected.
– a hardware inhibit signal (CR3) is present.
If the drive does not update the modulator in four fast loop cycles, the protection in the
modulator disables the cells. This protection is the modulator watchdog which is enabled
automatically anytime the drive enable is true allowing the transistors in the cells to gate or turn

6.1.5 Bypass Control

When the bypass option is installed, the cellular configuration of the power section ensures
that, if a critical component on a cell fails, the cell can be bypassed at the output of the cell and
the drive will continue to run at near full capability. This is done through output contactors for
each cell.
The modulator controls the activation of the bypass contactors via a fiber optic link to the
medium voltage (MV) bypass board. The MV bypass board contains driving and sensing
circuitry to interface to the cell-based output contactors. Via this interface, if the control trips on
a cell fault, it isolates the faulted cell, compensates for the neutral-shift to equalize the three
output phase voltages, and re-enables the drive output after a sub-second delay depending on
contactor travel time. This fast bypass feature provides maximum availability by making the cell
trip as transparent as possible to the system process.

Electric Shock Hazard
Risk of death or serious injury.
The medium voltage bypass board is located in the high voltage section of the drive and is at
high voltage potential.
Components in this area must only be accessed by qualified Siemens personnel.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 59
Hardware Interface Description
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

The drive system follows an interface design concept of providing you with a singular terminal
strip for access to required drive interface signals. This terminal strip may be divided into
sections by voltage and use classification. The terminal strip is designated by the name TB2.
Its subsections will have the prefix of TB2 and may have a suffix associated with their
classification. All of the following user accessible interface signals will be brought to the TB2
terminal strip(s) for customer use. Reference the system wiring diagrams of your drive for the
actual connection points.

6.2.1 Human Machine Interface

The standard interface for the drive is the keypad which is detailed in Chapter Software User
Interface. This is used to control the drive, change parameters, and tune and monitor
performance. An optional touch screen HMI is offered running either the PC based tool or
application proprietary software.
In addition, a PC based tool can optionally be connected for remote control, configuration and
monitoring via an Ethernet connection. The drive tool includes all of the functionality of the
keypad plus it provides graphing capability for a number of internal control signals. The drive
tool is part of a collection of tools known collectively as the ToolSuite. Refer to the NXGpro
ToolSuite Software Manual for further information.
As part of the diagnostic capabilities of the NXGpro control, diagnostic information is available
through connection to the VGA port on the DCR. Control of the screens is achieved through the
use of a standard PC keyboard attached to one of the USB ports on the DCR. This capability
is also available through the ToolSuite software. Refer to the NXGpro ToolSuite Software
Manual for further information.

See also
Software User Interface (Page 313)

6.2.2 Inhibit Input (Control Relay 3, CR3)

The inhibit input, previously known as the control relay 3 (CR3) input, is used to directly control
the output of the drive by removing the drive enable bit in the modulator. This removes the
ability for the cells to be commanded to switch. This is a hardware to logic connection, no
software is involved from this input. There is an SOP function that is similar but involves
software. It is important to note that this only removes the ability for the cells to switch, not the
medium voltage potential of the drive, nor the inertial energy of the motor and driven
The inhibit input is located on the signal interface board. The input is optically isolated and can
be either 24 VDC or 120 VAC depending on which set of input connections are used. Both
connections cannot be used at the same time. Typically, internal I/O power is used to drive the
circuit. The circuit is arranged in a series failsafe configuration. Door switch devices may be part
of the circuit within the drive. Dry contacts are recommended but not required unless the circuit
run is excessively long. The voltage connection used is based on the specific drive

NXGpro Control
60 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
Hardware Interface Description
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

configuration. The user connection is TB2. Consult the drive specific wiring diagrams for exact
pin connections.

6.2.3 Encoder Interface

Closed loop vector control requires speed feedback signals. These inputs come from an
encoder that directly senses the shaft speed and relative position of the motor being driven.
The NXGpro control encoder option uses quadrature differential pair signal logic with HTL (9 to
15 V) logic levels for noise immunity. The control does not support a marker option for the
encoder. The recommended encoder should be isolated and meet these output specifications.
The 15 VDC power supply for the encoder application should not be shared for other purposes.
Note the cable and shielding requirements provided with the drawings. The shielding between
the encoder and the drive must never be terminated at both ends due to the potential for
damaging noise currents.
The resulting channel A and channel B signals from the differential pair signals are directly
proportional to the motor shaft speed. The signals are 90° out of phase with each other. The
signals switch phase relationship depending on the direction of rotation.


6,% B(-)






Figure 6-2 NXGpro Encoder Interface

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Hardware Interface Description
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

The signal level at the input to the drive is 0.5 VDCmax for the low signal and 13.5 to 15 VDCnominal
(18 VDCmax) for the high signal. Siemens recommends a minimum pulse rate of 1024 pulses per
revolution to ensure good low speed regulation.

The drive requires all four feedback signals to function properly.

6.2.4 User Inputs and Outputs

The drive provides terminal strips as required for end-user connection of analog and digital
input/output (I/O) signals to the drive. Specific I/O implementation is customized for each drive
and you must refer to the drawings provided with the drive. The control interfaces each of these
I/O points via fiber optic connected user I/O boards or RS232 connected WAGO expansion I/O
modules (or both). Up to four fiber optically connected user I/O boards may be connected in
linear series for greater capabilities. The first board in the series is always dedicated to I/O
points critical to the drive operation. The other expansion I/O connections, as required, are
intended for user to system I/O that is for typical drive operation or non-critical for protection.
In defining the I/O, the I/O points associated with the user I/O board(s) are referred to as internal
I/O and the WAGO is referred to as external I/O.
The system operating program (SOP) determines the routing of signals to each of these I/O
points, while the control provides a means to define the signal, the type and the scaling of the
analog signals.

See also
SOP Development and Operation (Page 370) User I/O Board

Typically an NXGpro control system has a fiber optic connected user I/O board for system
interconnections. The first board is always used for the critical I/O of the system. Refer to
Section Dedicated I/O for the mapping of these I/O.
The control system can support up to three additional user I/O boards via fiber optic
communication. The boards may be remotely located up to 35 meters in fiber length. Available
boards support either all 24 V or all 120 V on their digital inputs. The digital inputs cannot be
mixed between the given voltage levels. The system is fixed for a particular voltage level by the
board chosen.

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62 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
Hardware Interface Description
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

Each board contains the following I/O:

I/O Type Number of I/O Ranges/Configuration

Analog input 3 ● #1 input: 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA.
● #2 and #3 inputs: Selectable between:
– 0 to 20 mA or
– 4 to 20 mA or
– 0 to 10 VDC or
– 3 wire 100 Ω RTD
Analog output 2 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA output
Digital input 20 All 24 VDC or all 120 VDC (depending on the board chosen)
Digital output 16 Form C Relay 1 Amp, 250 VAC, COSo = 0.4; 1 Amp, 30 VDC

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6.2 User Accessible Interfaces







Figure 6-3 NXGpro User I/O Board

The 20 digital inputs are electrically isolated into five groups of four with a common low side
connection for each group. All terminals of the form C relays are available for the digital outputs.
The analog I/O are all individually isolated. The analog circuits are internally powered and do
not require a separate supply. In addition, the 0 to 10 V inputs provide an isolated 11 VDC
supply for the use of a 10 K Ohm potentiometer. While the circuits have a higher isolation rating,
the actual isolation is limited by the ratings of the connectors used (300 VAC). Actual usage of
these connections will depend on the individual wiring of the drive to the TB2 terminal strip.
Refer to the drive specific wiring diagrams.
While gain and offset adjustments of internal analog I/O is provided for in the software for
previous generations of equipment, the NXGpro user I/O boards do not require adjustment for

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Hardware Interface Description
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

0 to 20 and 4 to 20 mA operation. Some minor adjustment may be required for 0 to 10 VDC and
RTD usage due to application variations.
The board has a built in controller which manages the I/O peripherals and also the
communication between the board and the system. Software options exist to allow for the
choice of last state, defined state or zero state in case of loss of communications with the
control. The board itself requires an external power supply of 24 VDC. Two power supply
connections are provided to allow for a redundant power supply option. The board does not
contain circuitry to detect loss of power supply at this time. The connections to the system are
simple and there are removable plug-in terminal blocks for I/O and power supply. The fiber
optics use the same modular snap and lock system as the cells and bypass. Two ground lugs
are provided for panel bonding and shielding.
The following table shows the I/O identifiers and SOP flag names for each I/O point on the user
I/O boards connected via fiber optic interconnection:

I/O Type I/O Name Corresponding SOP Flags

Board 1 (Standard)
Analog input AI1 to AI3 N/a
Analog output AO1 to AO2 N/a
Digital input DI1 (0a) to DI20 (3e) InternalDigitalInput0a_I to InternalDigitalInput3e_I
Digital output DO1 to DO16 InternalDigitalOutput0_O to InternalDigitalOutput15_O
Board 2 (Optional)
Analog input AI4 to AI6 N/a
Analog output AO3 to AO4 N/a
Digital input DI21 (0a) to DI40 (3e) InternalDigital2Input0a_I to InternalDigital2Input3e_I
Digital output DO17 to DO32 InternalDigital2Output0_O to InternalDigital2Output15_O
Board 3 (Optional)
Analog input AI7 to AI9 N/a
Analog output AO5 to AO6 N/a
Digital input DI41 (0a) to DI60 (3e) InternalDigital3Input0a_I to InternalDigital3Input3e_I
Digital output DO33 to DO48 InternalDigital3Output0_O to InternalDigital3Output15_O
Board 4 (Optional)
Analog input AI10 to AI2 N/a
Analog output AO7 to AO8 N/a
Digital input DI61 (0a) to DI80 (3e) InternalDigital4Input0a_I to InternalDigital4Input3e_I
Digital output DO49 to DO64 InternalDigital4Output0_O to InternalDigital4Output15_O

See also
Dedicated I/O (Page 69)

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 65
Hardware Interface Description
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces Discrete External I/O via WAGO System

The control provides an interface to connect external analog and digital control signals to the
drive. The interface is flexible in the amount of I/O needed and provided to the system. This is
referred to as external user I/O in the software and is typically done through a WAGO
configured system.
● External digital I/O
– The external WAGO digital inputs and outputs are available to the communication
networks. The WAGO digital inputs are mapped directly to SOP flags for use within the
SOP. Digital I/O data is available and usable within the SOP (refer to Chapter Operating
the Software for further information).The SOP has predefined variable names for
external digital I/O. The SOP makes use of these I/O for whatever functionality or logic
is required.
– Digital I/O is available for use with the communication networks. Refer to the NXGpro
Communication Function Manual A5E33486415.
● External analog I/O
– Analog I/O data is used as assigned to the system through menu selection, by assigning
a WAGO module I/O point to a menu based analog input or output, and selecting a
WAGO analog input as an input to the drive via the associated analog input SOP flag. It
is enabled by setting the selection true in the SOP. This can be done either directly or
Refer to the External I/O Menu (2800) in Chapter Parameter Assignment/Addressing of this
manual for details of setup and usage.

See also
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)
Operating the Software (Page 369) Interface for External I/O

The interface that connects external control signals to the drive is the WAGO I/O system. A
dedicated serial port communicates with the WAGO I/O system via Modbus protocol.

NXGpro Control
66 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
Hardware Interface Description
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

Configuring the WAGO I/O System

It is possible to customize the system per application requirements via the WAGO I/O modules
(digital in/out, analog in/out). The WAGO I/O system consists of a series of DIN rail mounted
modules that you can expand by inserting additional modules into the series of existing
modules. These are attached to the main bus coupler and always terminated on the end of the
series by a termination module. WAGO documentation details the available modules and
configuration instructions. Contact Siemens concerning which modules are supported by the
NXGpro software.

Changes to the original configuration
If changes are made to the original configuration of the WAGO system in the drive system, the
SOP must be reviewed for proper assignment of I/O and function of SOP.

Grouping I/O Modules

The WAGO modules are color coded by general function as shown in the table below. When
assembling a series, like modules must be grouped together. WAGO analog modules typically
provide two input or output points but are not isolated from each other per module. Isolation and
power distribution modules assist in configuration by providing a common power rail and/or
isolation of the module group. If properly organized, the system can service differing voltage
levels and systems.
Refer to literature on the WAGO website for specific information about limitations and power





Figure 6-4 WAGO I/O System

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Hardware Interface Description
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

Table 6-2 WAGO I/O Module Color Codes

Module Function Color

Digital Output Red
Digital Input Yellow
Analog Output Blue
Analog Input Green
Special Module Colorless

Setting DIP switches on the Modbus coupler

The Modbus coupler provides the communication between the control and the WAGO I/O
system. The Modbus coupler is configured at the Siemens factory and there is normally no
need to make changes.

Changing standard settings
Only personnel trained by Siemens are entitled to perform changes of standard settings.
Work carried out incorrectly can result in damage to the equipment and in breakdown during
Ensure that only personnel trained by Siemens carry out work on the equipment.

6.2.5 I/O Configuration

The control system contains a programmable software feature that allows for interaction with
the functionality of the drive, this is called the system operating program (SOP) interpreter.
The SOP interpreter is built into the drive core software for execution of the SOP. To configure
the I/O, both internal and external, the IO must be assigned within the SOP for the system.
The SOP interpreter maps the digital I/O points in the hardware to internal drive system flags
based on the information in the SOP. It is also possible for inputs and outputs not specifically
assigned to be inferred in the SOP by use of their dedicated function in a program statement.
In the more advanced format, simple Boolean relationships allow more complex combinations
of external or internal inputs. In addition, timers, counters, and comparators, allow great
configurability to the logic.

The SOP is written and compiled externally, therefore error checking is done at the compiler
Follow correct implementation of the SOP as described in Chapter Operating the Software.
If not followed correctly this could result in drive instability.

NXGpro Control
68 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
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6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

See also
Operating the Software (Page 369)

6.2.6 Dedicated I/O

NXGpro control systems must utilize at least one user I/O board. Some of the I/O on the first
board have been given standard assignments. This improves response time, and prevents
changes in the SOP from affecting the drive protection measures assigned to the specific I/O.
These standard assignments are referred to as dedicated I/O. The following sections describe
these dedicated assignments. Dedicated I/O for Type 4 Pre-charge

The following are Type 4 pre-charge assignments. They are internally controlled and do not
require SOP intervention.

Tripped Pre-charge Circuit Breaker Occurrences
The pre-charge circuit breaker shall be tripped if any of the following occurs:
● Over-voltage (>115%) occurs during pre-charge
● Under-Voltage Trip (PCVMRStatus_O)
● Input Protection Fault
● LFR Trip
● PB4/E-Stop
● M2 Contactor Open Status Failure
● Trip_CB2 (TripPrechargeCB2_O) is asserted

The SOP input control flags below are available for particular cell types using the pre-charge
function by selecting Type 4 pre-charge. No dedicated inputs are used.

Table 6-3 Type 4 SOP Input Control Flags

Flag Function Description

StartCellPrecharge_O PrechargeRequest Request to start pre-charge
PrechargeM2CloseAck_O M2CloseACK Feedback of M2 contact
PrechargeM1CloseAck_O M1CloseACK Feedback of M1 contact
TripPrechargeCB2_O (SOP) TripPrechargeCB2 Request trip of pre-charge CB
PCVMRStatus_O PCVMRStatus Precharge voltage (CB UV trip) status - '1' = voltage okay
CB2Status_O CB2Status Precharge CB status - '1' = CB is closed

There are 16 digital outputs on the first user I/O board:

● DO-0 to DO-15

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6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

There is one digital output on the system interface board:


Table 6-4 Type 4 Dedicated and SOP Outputs

Dedicated Output* Terminal SOP Feedback Function Description

DO-14 J4-7, 8, 9 CIMVType4 CIMV Command to close M1
PrechargeM2Close_I Assigned out‐ SOP determined M2Close Command to close M2
OpenPrechargeCB_I Assigned out‐ SOP determined BreakerTrip Command to open (trip) pre-charge supply
put breaker
M1 DOUT SIB 51, 53, 55 M1Permit‐ M1Close If this signal is de-energized, the drive’s me‐
Closed_I Permissive dium voltage will trip immediately.
(TIMV) If the signal is not energized, it will be an in‐

* Dedicated Output: Refer to specific drive wiring diagram for dedicated output designations Dedicated I/O for Type 5 and Type 6 Pre-charge

The following are dedicated I/O assignments. They are internally controlled and do not require
SOP intervention. If inputs and outputs are not listed below, they are controlled via SOP flags.
The dedicated I/O listed below are available for particular cell types utilizing the pre-charge
function by selecting type 5 or 6 pre-charge.

Water-cooled 6SR32x cells, 750 V AP and 750 V AP 4Q, must use type 5 or 6 pre-charge.

There are 20 digital inputs:

● DI-0A to DI-3A
● DI-0B to DI-3B
● DI-0C to DI-3C
● DI-0D to DI-3D
● DI-0E to DI-3E

Table 6-5 Dedicated Inputs

DI-xx* Terminal SOP Feedback Function Description

DI-2B J7-9 InternalDigitalInput2b_I InSyncRelayACK Pre-charge Sync OK
Note: Dedicated input is available to
be used if software sync check is en‐
DI-2D J8-9 InternalDigitalInput2d_I PrechargeReques Request to start pre-charge
DI-3D J8-10 InternalDigitalInput3d_I M2CloseACK Feedback of M2 contact
DI-0E J9-1 InternalDigitalInput0e_I M3CloseACK Feedback of M3 contact

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6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

DI-xx* Terminal SOP Feedback Function Description

DI-1E J9-2 InternalDigitalInput1e_I M4CloseACK Feedback of M4 contact
DI-2E J9-3 InternalDigitalInput2e_I M1CloseACK Feedback of M1 contact

* DI-xx: Refer to specific drive wiring diagram for DI-xx designations

There are 16 digital outputs on the first user I/O board:
● DO-0 to DO-15
There is one digital output on the system interface board:

Table 6-6 Dedicated Outputs

DO-xx* Terminal SOP Feedback Function Description

DO-9 J3-4, 5, 6 InternalDigitalOutput9 PrechgCompleteM1Close Command to close M1
DO-10 J3-7, 8, 9 InternalDigitaOutput10 M2Close Command to close M2
DO-11 J3-10, 11, 12 InternalDigitalOutput11 M3Close Command to close M3
DO-12 J4-1, 2, 3 InternalDigitalOutput12 M4Close Command to close M4
DO-13 J4-4, 5, 6 InternalDigitalOutput13 BreakerTrip Command to open (trip) pre-
charge supply breaker
M1 DOUT SIB 51, 53, M1PermitClosed_I M1Close Permissive If this signal is de-energized,
55 (TIMV) the drive’s medium voltage will
trip immediately.
If the signal is not energized, it
will be an inhibit.

* DO-xx: Refer to specific drive wiring diagram for DO-xx designations

See also
System Inputs and Outputs for Motor Control (Page 56) Dedicated I/O for Input Protection (IP)

The following are dedicated I/O for input protection usage. Any cell type may use these
dedicated I/O if parameter Dedicated Input Protect (7108) is set "ON". If set to "OFF" this
dedicated I/O will not function unless air-cooled 6SR4_0 cells or water-cooled 6SR32x cells are
used. These cells must use dedicated inputs and outputs for IP faults, which are on by default.
Turning parameter Dedicated Input Protect (7108) off will be overridden by the software code
and still be active (on).

Table 6-7 Dedicated Inputs

DI-xx* Terminal SOP Feedback Function Description

DI-3E J9-4 InternalDigitalInput3e_I LFRInputProtectACK Latch Fault Relay (LFR) status

* DI-xx: Refer to specific drive wiring diagram for DI-xx designations

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Hardware Interface Description
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

Table 6-8 Dedicated Outputs

DO-xx* Terminal SOP Feedback Function Description

DO-15 J4-10, 11, 12 InternalDigitalOutput3e_I LFRInputProtect Command to set LFR (1 sec
M1 DOUT SIB 51, 53, M1PermitClosed_I M1Close Permissive If this signal is de-energized,
55 (TIMV) the drive’s medium voltage will
trip immediately.
If the signal is not energized, it
will be an inhibit.

* DO-xx: Refer to specific drive wiring diagram for DO-xx designations

Cell types or Pre-charge modes when Dedicated I/O is not used

For all cell types and pre-charge modes that do not have dedicated I/O assignments or if the
user I/O board is not used, (i.e. when using WAGO I/O), internal digital I/O must be mapped to
SOP flags associated with the function. The flags are entirely controlled via the SOP.

Tamper Resistant Input Protection

The "Tamper Resistant Input Protection" feature tests the proper functioning of the input circuit
breaker (ICB). The ICB must function correctly or the drive will be inhibited thereby preventing
drive operation.
Drives equipped with NXGpro control require an input circuit breaker to protect the drive. Refer
to the Operating Instructions manual supplied with the drive for further information on the
coordinated input protection scheme.

Drives produced prior to NXGpro control may not be equipped with an ICB.

The "Tamper Resistant Input Protection" feature requires the completion of a test to verify that
the input circuit breaker is operating correctly and is able to remove medium voltage within a
specified timeframe.
● The test must be performed and successfully passed before the drive will be permitted to
run. The test must be run once initially and will rerun automatically any time the system
opens the input breaker. The result of the test is stored in nonvolatile memory in the NXGpro
control so that the test need not be performed every time the system is repowered.
● If this test is not performed and successfully passed, the drive will be inhibited and will not
be permitted to run.
● This test must be performed and successfully passed if the NXGpro DCR rack is replaced.

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72 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
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6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

Menu parameters associated with the "Tamper Resistant Input Protection" feature are as
● Parameter ID 7127 "Drive Has Input Breaker": This parameter indicates that the drive has
an input breaker that is under NXGpro control.
– The default setting is "yes".
– Setting this parameter to "no" for a drive originally equipped with NXGpro control will
cause incorrect drive operation. The "no" option is for retrofit purposes only for systems
that are not utilizing an input circuit breaker.
Siemens recommends always using an ICB.

Incorrectly setting this parameter to "no" for drives which require ICB protection will result
in an "Input Breaker Required" fault.

● Parameter ID 7125 "Input Breaker Open Time": This parameter is used to set the maximum
expected opening time for the input breaker when using Tamper Resistant Input Protection.
– The default time is 0.4 seconds.
– The maximum time setting is 0.5 seconds.
● Parameter ID 7126 "Test IP Interrupt Time": This parameter initiates the test of the "Tamper
Resistant Input Protection" to measure the ICB response time. The input breaker will open
during the test and removal of medium voltage within the required time period will be verified.
Refer to Chapter Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms, Section Handling Tamper Resistant Input
Protection Related Faults for fault related information.
The following table provides information for terminal block TB1 connection. Refer to the drive
specific wiring diagrams for TB2 connection points.

Table 6-9 SIB TB1 Connection Information

Input circuit breaker M1 DOUT common SIB TB1-51

(digital, form C relay out, either 24 VDC M1 DOUT NC SIB TB1-53
or 120 VAC)

See also
System Inputs and Outputs for Motor Control (Page 56)
Drive Faults and Alarms (Page 382)

6.2.7 Network Connections

The control system has options for two network connections. These are supported through
Anybus modules installed within the DCR.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN 73
Hardware Interface Description
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

Anybus Modules
The Anybus modules are network specific communication boards with a proprietary interface
to the control. They are mounted in the DCR chassis during the assembly of the control for the
specific order.

1 Network 1
2 Network 2
Figure 6-5 Anybus Network 1 and 2 on DCR

Refer to the NXGpro Communication Manual for further information.

Ethernet Port
The DCR Ethernet port, located on the end of the DCR, is for maintenance only. It is secured
by physical access only. The port is capable of 10/100 Mb speeds. Connection of this port to

NXGpro Control
74 Operating Manual, AJ, A5E33474566_EN
Hardware Interface Description
6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

any etwork is strong discouraged. Refer to the NXGpro Communication Manual for further
information and supported protocols.

The modem port is a special case communication port for monitoring status of the drive only.
Refer to the NXGpro Communication Manual for further information.



3 -

Figure 6-6 Ethernet and Modem on DCR

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6.2 User Accessible Interfaces

NXGpro Control
76 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Parameter Assignment / Addressing 7
7.1 Menu Descriptions

Changing Drive Parameters
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameters.
Familiarize yourself with the safety notes in Section Safety Notes for Parameter Changes and
preferentially contact Siemens customer service before changing the default configuration.

The following sections contain a description of parameter items available in the drive parameter
menu structure. Table Menu and Submenu Summary lists main menus and submenus of the
system. Each menu and submenu is associated with an ID shown in the ID column. Use the key
sequence [SHIFT]+[⇒] followed by the ID number to directly access each menu item. Use the
four arrow keys to navigate through the menu tree.

Table 7-1 Menu and Submenu Summary

Menu ID Submenu Names ID Table Description

Motor Menu 1 Motor parameter 1000 Motor Parameter Menu Enter motor-specific
Current Profile 1092 Current Profile Menu data. These parame‐
ters provide per unit
Limits 1120 Limits Menu ratings for most of the
Auto-tune* 1250 Auto-tune Menu output variables.
Encoder 1280 Encoder Menu: CLVC only
Drive Menu 2 Drive parameter 2000 Drive Parameter Menu Configure the VFD for
PMM Control 2980 PMM Control Menu various load condi‐
tions and drive applica‐
Speed setup 2060 Speed Setup Menu tions.
Torque reference 2210 Torque Reference Menu
Speed ramp setup 2260 Speed Ramp Setup Menu
Critical frequency 2340 Critical Frequency Menu
Spinning load 2420 Spinning Load Menu
Conditional time setup 2490 Conditional Timer Setup Menu
Cells 2520 Cell Menu
Sync transfer 2700 Synchronous Transfer Menu
External I/O 2800 External I/O Menu
Internal I/O 2805 Internal I/O Menu
Output connection 2900 Output Connection Menu
High starting torque 2960 High Starting Torque Menu
Watchdog 2970 Watchdog Menu

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 77
Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.1 Menu Descriptions

Menu ID Submenu Names ID Table Description

Stability Menu 3 Input processing 3000 Input Processing Menu Adjust the VFD's vari‐
Output processing 3050 Output Processing Menu ous control loop gains,
including current and
Control loop test 3460 Control Loop Test Menu speed regulator gains.
Auto Menu 4 Speed profile 4000 Speed Profile Menu Configure various
Analog inputs 4090 Analog Input Menu speed setpoint, pro‐
file, critical speed
Analog outputs 4660 Analog Outputs Menu avoidance and compa‐
Speed setpoints 4240 Speed Setpoint Menu rator parameters.
Incremental speed setup 4970 Incremental Speed Setup Menu
PID select 4350 PID Select Menu Set up PID parame‐
Comparator setup 4800 Comparator Setup Menu Configure the analog
comparators control‐
led through the SOP.
Main Menu 5 Motor 1 Motor Menu Access menus directly
Drive 2 Drive Menu from the keypad.
Stability 3 Stability Menu
Auto 4 Auto Menu
Logs 6 Logs Menu
Drive protect 7 Drive Protect Menu
Meter 8 Meter Menu
Communications 9 Communications Menu
Security edit functions 5000 Security Edit Functions Menu Configure security fea‐
Logs Menu 6 Event log 6180 Event Log Menu Configure and inspect
Alarm/fault log 6210 Alarm/Fault Log Menu the event, alarm or
fault, and historic logs
Historic log 6250 Historic Log Menu of the VFD.
Drive Protect Menu 7 Input protection 7000 Input Protect Menu Adjust set point limits
for critical VFD varia‐
Meter Menu 8 Display parameters 8000 Display Parameters Menu Set up variables for
Hour meter setup** 8010 Hour Meter Setup display to LCD.
Input harmonics 8140 Input Harmonics Menu
Fault display override* 8200 Meter Menu
Communications 9 Serial port setup 9010 Serial Port Setup Menu Configure the various
Menu Network control 9943 See Communications Manual communications fea‐
tures of the VFD.
Network 1 configure 9900
Network 2 configure 9914
Display network monitor* 9950 Communications Menu
Serial echo back test* 9180 See Communications Manual
Sop & serial functions 9110 Serial Functions Menu
TCP/IP setup 9300 TCP/IP Setup Menu

NXGpro Control
78 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.1 Menu Descriptions

* Applies to keypad only. Submenu does not show in drive tool.

** Applies to keypad only. In drive tool submenu displays in top row of status menu.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 79
Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.2 Safety Notes for Parameter Changes

7.2 Safety Notes for Parameter Changes

Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameters.
Familiarize yourself with the following safety notes and preferentially contact Siemens
customer service before changing the default configuration.

Changing parameter values
Changes to parameter values may result in drive trip, instability or damage of the drive parts.
Rated input and output variables determine internal scaling for protection, stability and control,
and must never be changed from actual drive and motor ratings.
Do not change settings of any of the following parameters unless you are completely certain
that the change is safe.
If the changes have to be done, make sure that while you change parameter settings the drive
is not running and run is inhibited.

Entering correct parameter values
Entering parameter values may impact drive functions severely.
Do not enter parameter values unless you are completely sure of the effect your changes will
You are responsible for providing correct parameter values.

Consulting Siemens applications engineering
The parameters discussed in this chapter are based on hardware used within the drive and on
the design limits of drive components.
Do not change these settings in the field to match the conditions on the site unless hardware
modifications have been made and Siemens applications engineering approves of these

Preventing unauthorized parameter changes
To prevent unauthorized changes to the parameters, you can set SOP
flag KeySwitchLockOut_O to true. You will be able to display all parameters as usual. See
Chapter Operating the Software for information about SOP flags.
Additionally, you can modify the password for security levels via the security edit function at
security level 7. See Section Security Access Levels and Codes for further information.

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Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.2 Safety Notes for Parameter Changes

Using the help feature
A help feature is available for all parameter settings. Press [SHIFT] + [0] key sequence on the
keypad, to activate the help feature.
This feature provides a text description of the desired selection, plus the parameters minimum
and maximum value if applicable. If more than two lines of help text are available, use the up
[⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to scroll through and view the complete help message.
Parameters are hidden in the menu display when there is insufficient security clearance to edit
the parameter.
Menu items may be hidden if they do not apply to the current drive configuration. For example:
If Network 1 Type (9901) is set to "none" then all associated parameters and menus from ID
9902 to 9966 (network configuration and register data) are not displayed.
Table Menu and Submenu Summary lists menus with associated "Off" submenu names only.
Parameters and functions found in these menus are described in the following sections. Use
the associated submenu name from this table to locate the section of the chapter that explains
the associated items.
Menu items change with new releases of software. The menu system described here may vary
slightly from the menu system on your drive. Your drive has help functions for every parameter
and these can be used if the function is not described here.

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7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1)

7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1)

Changing Drive Parameters
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameters.
Familiarize yourself with the safety notes in Section Safety Notes for Parameter Changes and
preferentially contact Siemens customer service before changing the default configuration.

The Motor Menu (1) consists of the following menu options:

● Motor Parameter Menu (1000)
● Limits Menu (1120)
● Speed Derate Curve Menu (1151)
● Auto-tune Menu (1250)
● Encoder Menu (1280)
● Current Profile Menu (1092)
These menus are explained in the tables that follow.

Table 7-2 Motor Parameter Menu (1000) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Motor frequency 1020 Hz 60.0 15.0 400.0 Enter the rated or base frequency of the
motor from the nameplate.
Full load speed 1030 RPM 1780 1 31500 Enter the full load speed of the motor from
the nameplate. Full load speed is base or
rated speed minus slip.
Motor voltage 1040 V 4160 380 13800 Enter the rated voltage for the motor from
the nameplate.
Full load current 1050 A 125.0 12.0 1500.0 Enter the rated nameplate full load current
of the motor.
No load current 1060 % 25.0 0.0 100.0 Enter the no load current of the motor from
the nameplate, if it is provided, or use the
default value. Use of auto-tune stage 2 is
NOT recommended except in special cir‐
cumstances. See note in auto-tune descrip‐
Mag current thresh 1061 % 80.0 50.0 100.0 Threshold of reactive current needed to
magnetize before a 'Failed to Magnetize'
fault occurs.
Motor kW rating 1010 kW 746.0 90.0 100000.0 Enter the motor kW (0.746 * Hp) from the
Leakage induc‐ 1070 % 16.0 0.0 30.0 Enter the motor leakage inductance based
tance on percent of drive base impedance if pro‐
vided on nameplate or motor sheet, or cal‐
culate using auto-tune stage 1.

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7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1)

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Stator resistance 1080 % 0.10 0.00 25.00 Enter the stator resistance of the motor, if
Use the following formula to convert from
ohms to percent:
[%Rs = 100 * √3 * Rs (in ohms) * (Motor
Current / Motor Voltage)] or use the auto-
tune stage 1 function.
Stator Ls Total 1081 % 50.00 5.00 200.00 PMM stator inductance as the sum of leak‐
age inductance plus magnetizing stator in‐
ductance. This is for PMM motors only.
Inertia 1090 Kgm2 30.0 0.0 100000.0 Enter the rotor inertia of the motor if known
(1 Kgm2 = 23.73 lbft2) or use auto-tune
stage 2. See note in auto-tune description
before use.
Saliency constant 1091 % 0.2 0.0 2.5 Ratio of total q-axis inductance ‘L’ to d-axis
mutual inductance ‘L’. Enter as percent of
base drive impedance. This is used to com‐
pensate for current ripple as the rotor poles
interact with stator magnetic fields.
Max DC Exciter 1105 0.25 0.00 1.00 Set the maximum exciter current when start‐
Curr ing a SM with a DC exciter (SMDC mode).
Initial Mag Current 1106 0.04 0.00 1.00 Initial magnetizing current for starting SM
with DC exciter.

Stator Resistance parameter can be used to improve starting torque
Using an example of estimated value for stator resistance, 0.42% is used. If instead, using
3300V and 156A as base values, 0.63% is used (instead of the 0.42% originally used.).
Increasing the setting to 0.63% (parameter ID 1080) will result in higher IR compensation, and
would also help in torque production.

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7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1)

Table 7-3 Limits Menu (1120) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Select the overload trip algorithm:
● Constant: fixed current-based TOL
● Straight inverse time: motor
Overload select 1130 2 for in‐ temperature-based TOL
verse time ● Inverse time with speed derating: motor
with speed temperature-based TOL
● Legacy inverse time TOL (with or
without speed derating) for out-of-range
motor sizes.
Motor inertia must be accurate for the tem‐
perature model algorithm to work properly.
Note: Select "constant" and set the next two
parameters (1139 & 1140) to maximum to
disable this function.
Overload pending 1139 % 105.0 for 10.0 210.0 Set the thermal overload level at which a
constant first level warning is issued:
and inverse ● Constant mode: based on motor total
time set‐ current as a percent of rating.
● Inverse mode: percentage of thermal
capacity based on the thermal model
motor heating.
This parameter is not used for legacy in‐
verse TOL options.
Overload 1140 % 110.0 for 20.0 210.0 Set the motor thermal overload trip level and
constant an impending trip warning. Once this level is
and inverse reached, the timeout counter is started for
time set‐ the overload fault.
tings. ● Constant mode: based on motor total
100.0 for current as a percent of rating.
● Inverse mode: percentage of thermal
capacity based on the thermal model
motor heating.
● Legacy inverse time TOL (with or
without speed derating) for out-of-range
motor sizes. Must be set to 100% for
proper operation.
Overload timeout 1150 sec 5.0 for in‐ 0.01 300.0 Set the time for the overload trip once the
verse time overload trip level has been reached. Since
modes. the inverse time algorithms estimate ther‐
60.0 for mal heating of the motor, the overload time‐
constant out is minimal for trip.
60.0 for

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7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1)

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Speed Derate 1151 Submenus define a curve for a quadratic load Set allowable motor load as a function of
Curve for self cooling with the internal fan on the motor. speed to tailor the derating curve to the spe‐
Use manufacturers data if available. cific motor manufacturers data for best pro‐
tection. See Table Speed Derate Curve
Menu (1151).
Maximum Motor In‐ 1159 Kgm2 0.0 0.0 500000.0 Set the motor inertia for calculating the mo‐
ertia tor thermal capacity for the inverse time TOL
function. This does not include load inertia.
Entering zero allows the software to esti‐
mate the thermal capacity of the motor as
the default. Use manufacturers data if avail‐
Refer to Appendix NEMA Table for the cor‐
rect value.
This parameter must be non-zero for proper
operation of the inverse time modes if the
motor parameters are outside the supported
This parameter does not apply for Legacy
inverse time modes.
Motor trip volts 1160 V 4800 5 20000 Set the motor over-voltage trip point.
Overspeed 1170 % 120.0 0.0 290.0 Set the motor overspeed trip level as a per‐
centage of rated speed.
Underload enable 1180 Disable Enable or disable underload protection.
I underload 1182 % 10.0 1.0 90.0 Set the current underload level based on the
rated motor current.
Underload timeout 1186 sec 10.0 0.01 900.0 Set the time for underload trip. The time is
cumulative, increasing and decreasing to
measure total time less than the underload
limit. Once the timeout is reached, the drive
will trip. The drive alarms if the current falls
below the threshold, with a half second hys‐
Motor torque limit 1 1190 % 100.0 0.0 300.0 Set the motoring torque limit as a function of
the rated motor current. Torque limit 1 (1190
and 1200) are used as default when no oth‐
er torque limits are selected via the SOP.
The magnitude of this torque limit is the
maximum effective magnitude for the re‐
maining torque limits (1200, 1210, 1220,
1230 and 1240).
Regen torque 1200 % -0.25 -300.0 0.0 Set the regenerative torque limit as a func‐
limit 1 tion of rated motor current at full speed. The
limit is allowed to increase inversely with
speed for a two quadrant drive.
Note: For drives with film capacitors (i.e. wa‐
ter-cooled Type 6SR325), change the set‐
ting to 0.15 %. These cells have less losses
and failure to make this change could result
in an over voltage trip during deceleration of
the drive.

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7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1)

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Motor torque limit 2 1210 % 100.0 0.0 300.0 Set the motoring torque limit as a function of
the available motor current. Select via the
Regen torque 1220 % -0.25 -300.0 0.0 Set the regenerative torque limit as a func‐
limit 2 tion of rated motor current at full speed. The
limit is allowed to increase inversely with
speed to a maximum of the motoring limit.
Select via the SOP.
Note: For drives with film capacitors (i.e. wa‐
ter-cooled 6SR325), change the setting to
0.15 %. These cells have less losses and
failure to make this change could result in an
over voltage trip during deceleration of the
Motor torque limit 3 1230 % 100.0 0.0 300.0 Set the motoring torque limit as a function of
the available motor current. Select via the
Regen torque 1240 % -0.25 -300.0 0.0 Set the regenerative torque limit as a func‐
limit 3 tion of rated motor current at full speed. The
limit is allowed to increase inversely with
speed to a maximum of the motoring limit.
Select via the SOP.
Note: For drives with film capacitors (i.e. wa‐
ter-cooled 6SR325), change the setting to
0.15 %. These cells have less losses and
failure to make this change could result in an
over voltage trip during deceleration of the
Phase Imbalance 1244 % 40.0 0.0 100.0 Set the current threshold level for the output
Limit phase current imbalance alarm.
Ground Fault Limit 1245 % 5.0 0.0 100.0 Set the threshold of voltage for the output
ground fault alarm.
Ground Fault Time 1246 sec 0.017 0.001 2.000 Set the filter time constant for averaging the
Const ground voltage and delaying the response
of the ground fault detection.
Peak Reduction 1248 VFD volt Select the Peak reduction (third harmonic
Enable* rating injection point) based on VFD or motor volt‐
age rating and neutral connection:
● VFD volt rating (default)
● Motor volt rating
Loss of field level 1141 % 40.0 5.0 50.0 Set the loss of field (Ids) level for SM control.
Loss of field time‐ 1142 sec 10.0 0.5 25.0 Set the loss of field timeout period for SM
out control.

* The purpose of the Peak Reduction Enable (1248) parameter is to set the starting point of
third harmonic injection, peak reduction, based on either the default VFD voltage rating or
the motor voltage rating. Refer to the following figure. This is used in motor test stand
applications where the VFD voltage rating may be considerably higher than the motor
voltage rating, to reduce voltage stress on the insulation of a smaller motor.

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7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1)





Figure 7-1 Peak Reduction Third Harmonic Injection

Table 7-4 Speed Derate Curve Menu (1151) Parameters*

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

0 Percent Break 1152 % 0.0 0.0 200.0 Set the maximum motor load at 0% speed.
10 Percent Break 1153 % 31.6 0.0 200.0 Set the maximum motor load at 10%
Point speed.
17 Percent Break 1154 % 41.2 0.0 200.0 Set the maximum motor load at 17%
Point speed.
25 Percent Break 1155 % 50.0 0.0 200.0 Set the maximum motor load at 25%
Point speed.
50 Percent Break 1156 % 70.7 0.0 200.0 Set the maximum motor load at 50%
Point speed.
100 Percent 1157 % 100.0 0.0 200.0 Set the maximum motor load at 100%
Break Point speed.

* The parameters in this table are used to set the inverse time TOL algorithm for speed
derating, in parameter Overload select (1130).

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7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1)

Table 7-5 Auto-tune Menu (1250) Parameters

Parameter ID Type Default Description

AutoTune1 1251 Off1
Enables saving current loop gains in Auto-tune stage 1
- Curr gains
Auto-tune 1260 Function This function determines the stator resistance and leakage induc‐
stage 1 tance of the motor. The motor does not rotate during this stage. If this
function is not used the menu-entered values are used. If the function
is used, the parameters will be updated with the calculated values.
Auto-tune 1270 Function This function determines the no-load current and rotor inertia of the
stage 2 motor. The motor rotates during this stage. If this function is not used
the menu entered values are used. Only use this function in special
circumstances requiring high response rates.
If this parameter is set to "On", the current loop gains changed during Auto-tune stage 1 will calculate and overwrite the
following current loop gain parameters:
"Current reg prop gain" (3260)
"Current reg integ gain" (3270)
"Prop gain during brake" (3280)
"Integ gain during brake" (3290)
The secondary current loop gains are unaffected:
"Current reg prop gain2" (3272)
"Current reg integ gain2" (3273)

Further Description of Auto-tuning

Auto-tuning provides motor information that optimizes the output processing control. Auto-
tuning is performed in two stages, both stages are optional. Enter the motor information if
available, as described in Table Auto-tune Menu (1250). Refer to Section Drive Tuning in
Chapter Operating the Control for further information.

Stage 2 Auto-tuning
Use of Stage 2 auto-tuning increases the current loop gains.
Do not use this function without guidance from Siemens customer service.
Failure to do so can lead to highly unstable performance.

See also
Drive Tuning (Page 219)

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7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1)

Table 7-6 Encoder Menu (1280) Parameters: Closed Loop Vector Control only

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Encoder 1 1290 720 1 10000 Enter the rated number of pulses per revolution delivered
PPR by the encoder. See nameplate value.
Encoder fil‐ 1300 0.75 0.1 0.999 Set the gain of the filter for encoder feedback. This param‐
ter gain eter can have a value between 0.0 i.e., no filtering, and
0.999 i.e., maximum filtering.
Encoder 1310 % 5.0 1.0 75.0 Set the level for the error between encoder output and cal‐
loss thresh‐ culated motor speed to determine encoder loss.
Encoder 1320 Stop (on Set the drive response to a loss of encoder event:
loss re‐ fault) ● Stop (on fault)
● Open Loop (control). If Open Loop is selected, set
motor slip to zero.

Table 7-7 Current Profile Menu (1092) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Motor current 1193 % 100 10 300 Current limit 1 set point for speed/current profile.
limit 1
Speed at cur‐ 1194 % 100 -200 200 Motor speed point 1 on the speed/current profile curve.
rent lim 1
Motor current 1195 % 100 10 300 Current limit 2 set point for speed/current profile.
limit 2
Speed at cur‐ 1196 % 100 -200 200 Motor speed point 2 on the speed/current profile curve.
rent lim 2
Motor current 1197 % 100 10 300 Current limit 3 set point for speed/current profile.
limit 3
Speed at cur‐ 1198 % 100 -200 200 Motor speed point 3 on the speed/current profile curve.
rent lim 3
Motor current 1202 % 100 10 300 Current limit 4 set point for speed/current profile.
limit 4
Speed at cur‐ 1203 % 100 -200 200 Motor speed point 4 on the speed/current profile curve.
rent lim 4
Motor current 1204 % 100 10 300 Current limit 5 set point for speed/current profile.
limit 5
Speed at cur‐ 1205 % 100 -200 200 Motor speed point 5 on the speed/current profile curve.
rent lim 5
Motor current 1206 % 100 10 300 Current limit 6 set point for speed/current profile.
limit 6
Speed at cur‐ 1207 % 100 -200 200 Motor speed point 6 on the speed/current profile curve.
rent lim 6
Motor current 1208 % 100 10 300 Current limit 7 set point for speed/current profile.
limit 7
Speed at cur‐ 1209 % 100 -200 200 Motor speed point 7 on the speed/current profile curve.
rent lim 7
Motor current 1301 % 100 10 300 Current limit 8 set point for speed/current profile.
limit 8

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7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1)

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Speed at cur‐ 1302 % 100 -200 200 Motor speed point 8 on the speed/current profile curve.
rent lim 8
Motor current 1303 % 100 10 300 Current limit 9 set point for speed/current profile.
limit 9
Speed at cur‐ 1304 % 100 -200 200 Motor speed point 9 on the speed/current profile curve.
rent lim 9

Further Description of Current Limit Profile Function

The speed/current limit profile function can be added by modifying the SOP, This feature
consists of nine set points composed of a speed and current limit value per each point that
make up the total curve. The drive follows the curve made up of the nine set points, as shown
in the figure below. The purpose of this function is to allow the user to set a maximum current
limit point associated with a specified maximum speed point. This limit is not absolute, other
factors may occur causing the control to reduce the limit, as described below.



Current limit (A)




0 730 960 1250 1560 1745 1985 2275 2585 3000
speed (rpm)

Figure 7-2 Estimated VFD Current Limit

Current Limit Profile Operation

SOP flags are used to activate this function and to indicate to the user when the function is
active. SOP flag CurrentLimitProfileEnable_O must be set true to enable the function.
The Current Profile Menu (ID 1092) is used to set the parameters of the profile.
The current limit profile function can be explained better by describing the existing torque limit.
The torque limits can be set by menus accessible using the Drive Tool, keypad, analog or

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7.3 Options for Motor Menu (1)

network registers. The actual torque limit is set by comparing these menu limits to other limiting
values used in the limit logic functions. The limits are checked and the torque may be reduced
during braking, cell bypass, single phase occurrence, under voltage condition, field weakening,
thermal overload of the transformer as calculated by the control, and over voltage regeneration
from the motor.
The current limit profile is another input to set these limits, however, it does not change any of
the other limiting functions as previously described in the limit logic. The control will attempt to
run at the current limits set in the profile, but can not override the limitations in the limit logic. The
control uses the lowest magnitude of all limit sources in the limit logic.

Rollback Considerations
The current limit setting in this profile is a maximum current limit setting that can be overridden
by external drive factors, such as loss of an input voltage phase, loss of cells, etc. If such an
event occurs, the current limit is internally calculated by the control and may not be the desired
current limit that was set in the profile. In addition, if the load is increased beyond this current
limit, the speed will be reduced in order to maintain torque. Reducing the speed may in turn
reduce the torque depending on the next current set point within the profile. This could cause
a cascading effect, and must be considered when setting up the profile.

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7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

Changing Drive Parameters
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameters.
Familiarize yourself with the safety notes in Section Safety Notes for Parameter Changes and
preferentially contact Siemens customer service before changing the default configuration.

The Drive Menu (2) consists of the following submenus:

● Drive Parameter Menu (2000)
● Speed Setup Menu (2060)
● Torque Reference Menu (2210)
● Speed Ramp Setup Menu (2260)
● Critical Frequency Menu (2340)
● Spinning Load Menu (2420)
● Conditional Timer Menu (2490)
● Cell Menu (2520)
● AP Settings Menu (2585)
● Synchronous Transfer Menu (2700)
● External I/O Menu (2800)
● Internal I/O Menu (2805)
● Output Connection Menu (2900)
● High Starting Torque Menu (2960)
● Watchdog Menu (2970)
These menus are explained in the tables that follow.

IP Address Duplication
Duplicating IP addresses will cause unintended communication issues that will lead to
incorrect drive operation.
To avoid duplication of IP addresses, ensure that the IP addresses of the drive and the PC are
NOT the same before connecting an external PC to the Ethernet connection of the drive.

Setting Rated Values Incorrectly
Rated values must be set according to actual rated values.
Failure to do so can result in unintended performance and may disable drive protections.

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7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

Consulting Applications Engineering
The parameters discussed in this section are based on hardware used within the drive and on
the design limits of drive components.
Do not change these settings in the field to match the conditions on the site unless hardware
modifications have been made and Siemens applications engineering approves the changes.

Table 7-8 Drive Parameter Menu (2000) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Rated input 2010 V 4160 200 125000 Rated RMS input voltage to the drive. Set according
voltage to the input transformer primary voltage rating.
Note: The input attenuator kit must correspond to the
rated primary voltage of the transformer.
Rated input 2020 A 100.0 12.0 3000.0 Rated RMS input current to the drive. Set according
current to input transformer nameplate kVA rating as noted
Rated secondary 2022 kVA 100 100 50000 Nameplate power rating of transformer secondary
power power in kVA
For air-cooled transformers:
1. Check the transformer Rating Plate for the
transformer rated power.
2. Check to see if there is the following text on the
transformer Rating Plate… “kVA sum of
secondaries rated at _ _ _ _ kVA”.
3. Take the larger of the two values as the
transformer secondary power.
For water-cooled transformers:
1. If the transformer secondary kVA value is listed
use this value.
2. If the transformer secondary kVA is not listed use
the listed transformer kVA.
Note: For NXGpro version 6.3, this parameter has a
fixed value of 50000. This value is enforced with a
default and maximum value of 50000. The minimum
value is set at 49995. The drive will operate properly
as with all previous software versions. This fixed val‐
ue has the effect of disabling the secondary rollback
Harmonic load fac‐ 2024 1.12 1 1.25 Harmonic loading factor from transformer design en‐
tor gineer specification. Refer to the section of this man‐
ual "Protecting Transformer by Limiting Secondary
Rated output volt‐ 2030 V 4160 200 23000 Rated drive output voltage RMS. Set according to
age the rating of the output attenuator kit.
Note: This value is typically equal to or higher than
the motor voltage rating.

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7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Rated output 2040 A 100.0 12.0 1500.0 Rated drive output current RMS. Set equal to the cell
current output current rating.
Note: Size the output Hall effects and burden resis‐
tors for the cell current rating.
Hall Effects 2041 V 24 The required voltage of the drive's hall effect trans‐
Voltage ducers. Possible options are:
● 15 V
● 24 V
Rated Leading Vars 2042 % 50.0 0.0 75.0 Rated leading VAR output in percent of rated input
transformer VA.
Rated Lagging Vars 2043 % 50.0 0.0 75.0 Rated lagging VAR output in percent of rated input
transformer VA.
Control loop type 2050 OLVC Select control loop algorithm type1:
● V/Hz for parallel motors.
● OLVC for single induction motors.
● CLVC for single induction motors with speed
● OLTM for checking cell modulation and testing
Hall effect transducer only. Not intended for
continuous motor or load control.
● SMC without speed sensor.
● CSMC with speed sensor.
● SMDC which automatically sets high starting
● PMM.
Parallel system 2051 Disable Enable parallel drive control operation.
Drives/motor wind‐ 2052 1 1 99 Number of drives connected to a single motor.
Number of windings 2053 1 1 99 Number of sets of motor windings.
Drive index 2054 0 0 255 Drive sequence number determined by PLC.
Service Mode 2056 0 0 99999 Service mode register.
PMM Control 2980 Menu for PMM control.

* Rated input current calculation is derived as follows:

Rated Input Current = [(kVA rating) x (802)] ÷ [(√3) x (rated nominal primary voltage)
x (0.96) x (0.94)
= [(kVA rating) ÷ (rated nominal primary voltage)] x 513.11
Changing the control loop algorithm type to OLTM or V/Hz disables fast bypass (2600) and
spinning load (2430) regardless of parameter setting.

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Table 7-9 PMM Control Menu

Reactive Cur‐ 2981 Disable Select output reactive current source method for
rent mode PMM control:

● Disabled: Ids, ref set to zero, no flux regulator.

● Manual: Ids, ref set manually.
● Auto: maintains unity power factor (PF) as
seen from the rotor.
● Manual network: Ids, ref set through network.
● Auto phase advance: enable a voltage
regulator to clamp terminal voltage to rated of
the motor. This method maintains unity PF, as
seen from the rotor, below rated speed to
produce maximum torque per amp of the
Note: For synchronous transfer of a PMM, the
Auto and Auto Phase Advance must be disabled.
Output Ids 2982 % 0.0 -100.00 100.00 Ids, ref (reactive current) as percentage of rated
current. Internal code clamps magnitudes from
getting lower than 1.0 %.
PMM for Con‐ 2983 deg Disable Selects use of PMM with coordinated startup for
veyor conveyors
Current Offset 2984 deg 0.0 0.0 180.00 Machine offset angle in electrical degrees
Current Scan 2985 deg 45.0 0.0 100.00 Maximum scan angle in electrical degrees
Current Scan 2986 deg 10.0 0.0 100.00 Duration of scan in seconds
Current Stabili‐ 2987 deg 3.0 0.0 100.00 Stabilization of time for current before and after
ty Time scan

Table 7-10 Speed Setup Menu (2060) Parameters*

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Ratio control 2070 % 100.0 -250.0 250.0 Adjust the scaling of the speed reference value.
Speed fwd max 2080 % 100.0 0.0 275.0 The forward maximum speed reference limit 1.
limit 1
Speed fwd min 2090 % 0.0 0.0 200.0 The forward minimum speed reference limit 1.
limit 1
Speed fwd max 2100 % 100.0 0.0 200.0 The forward maximum speed reference limit 2.
limit 2
Speed fwd min 2110 % 0.0 0.0 200.0 The forward minimum speed reference limit 2.
limit 2

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Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Speed fwd max 2120 % 100.0 0.0 200.0 The forward maximum speed reference limit 3.
limit 3
Speed fwd min 2130 % 0.0 0.0 200.0 The forward minimum speed reference limit 3.
limit 3
Speed rev max 2140 % -100.0 -275.0 0.0 The reverse maximum speed reference limit 1.
limit 1
Speed rev min 2150 % 0.0 -200.0 0.0 The reverse minimum speed reference limit 1.
limit 1
Speed rev max 2160 % -100.0 -200.0 0.0 The reverse maximum speed reference limit 2.
limit 2
Speed rev min 2170 % 0.0 -200.0 0.0 The reverse minimum speed reference limit 2.
limit 2
Speed rev max 2180 % -100.0 -200.0 0.0 The reverse maximum speed reference limit 3.
limit 3
Speed rev min 2190 % 0.0 -200.0 0.0 The reverse minimum speed reference limit 3.
limit 3
Zero speed 2200 % 0.0 0.0 100.0 The zero speed threshold value. Use for the thresh‐
old of the "Minimum Speed Trip" or alarm.

* The parameters in this table are enabled for use by SOP flags. If enabled, the values as set
are used.

Table 7-11 Torque Reference Menu (2210) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Sop / Menu con‐ 2211 SOP flag or Control the source of the torque demand,
trol menu use either SOP flag or menu.
To utilize an analog or network source, SOP
flag must be selected.
The default torque demand is always the
menu, regardless of this setting, unless one
of the SOP flags is set true during pre-con‐
Torque setpoint 2220 % 0.0 -125.0 125.0 Set the desired torque demand when menu
is selected, or if no SOP is selected.
Holding torque 2230 % 0.0 -100.0 100.0 Holding torque is used to supply an offset to
the torque ramp output.
Use in an application that prevents the load
from drifting backwards at zero speed, or to
counter a fixed load against gravity where
an offset in the torque is required.
Torque ramp in‐ 2240 sec 1.00 0.01 10.00 Control the rate of change of the torque
crease command increase in seconds from zero to
rated torque.

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Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Torque ramp de‐ 2250 sec 1.00 0.01 10.00 Control the rate of change of the torque
crease command decrease in seconds from rated
to zero torque.
Torque com‐ 2242 1.00 -1.25 1.25 Scale the torque command to compensate
mand scalar for system offsets and gain changes.

Table 7-12 Speed Ramp Setup Menu (2260) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Accel time 1 2270 sec 5.0 0.0 3200.0 Acceleration time 1 in seconds from zero to
rated speed.
Decel time 1 2280 sec 5.0 0.0 3200.0 Deceleration time 1 in seconds from rated to
zero speed.
Accel time 2 2290 sec 5.0 0.0 3200.0 Acceleration time 2 in seconds from zero to
rated speed.
Decel time 2 2300 sec 5.0 0.0 3200.0 Deceleration time 2 in seconds from rated to
zero speed.
Accel time 3 2310 sec 5.0 0.0 3200.0 Acceleration time 3 in seconds from zero to
rated speed.
Decel time 3 2320 sec 5.0 0.0 3200.0 Deceleration time 3 in seconds from rated to
zero speed.
Jerk rate 2330 0.1 0.0 3200.0 Jerk rate in time to reach an acceleration
rate that will achieve rated velocity in 1 sec.

Table 7-13 Critical Frequency Menu (2340) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Skip center freq 2350 Hz 15.0 0.0 360.0 Enter the center of the first critical frequency
1 band to be avoided.
Skip center freq 2360 Hz 30.0 0.0 360.0 Enter the center of the second critical fre‐
2 quency band to be avoided.
Skip center freq 2370 Hz 45.0 0.0 360.0 Enter the center of the third critical frequen‐
3 cy band to be avoided.
Skip bandwidth 1 2380 Hz 0.0 0.0 6.0 Enter the bandwidth of the first critical fre‐
quency band to be avoided.
Skip bandwidth 2 2390 Hz 0.0 0.0 6.0 Enter the bandwidth of the second critical
frequency band to be avoided.
Skip bandwidth 3 2400 Hz 0.0 0.0 6.0 Enter the bandwidth of the third critical fre‐
quency band to be avoided.

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Table 7-14 Spinning Load Menu (2420) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Spinning load 2430 Off Enable or disable spinning load and set the
mode* direction of frequency scans:
● Off
● Forward
● Reverse
● Both; scans first in the forward direction,
then in the reverse direction.
Scan end thresh‐ 2440 % 20.0 1.0 50.0 The point where scan ends if motor flux is
old above this level, as a percentage of motor
rated flux.
Current Level 2450 % 15.0 1.0 50.0 Set the drive current level (Id), as a percent‐
Setpoint age of motor rated current, used during
Current ramp 2460 sec 0.01 0.00 5.00 Time to ramp drive current (Id) to Current
Level Setpoint.
Max current 2470 % 50.0 1.0 50.0 Set the current trip level to abort spinning
load, as a percentage of motor rated cur‐
rent, for scanning. Use the default value of
50 %.
Frequency scan 2480 sec 3.00 0.00 5.00 Set the time taken to scan from rated speed
rate to zero. The default value of 3.00 sec is usu‐
ally satisfactory.

* If spinning load mode is disabled from this parameter, it will enable automatically on an as-
needed basis; this occurs only when fast bypass is enabled and only for the duration of the
bypass. This action is internal and does not require user intervention. This action does not
affect the spinning load mode paramete.

Table 7-15 Conditional Timer Setup Menu (2490) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Cond stop timer 2500 sec 0.8 0.0 999.9 Dwell time after stop is invoked. User function de‐
Not implemented
Cond run timer 2510 sec 0.8 0.0 999.9 Dwell time after start is invoked. User function de‐
Not implemented

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Table 7-16 Cell Menu (2520) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Installed cells/ 2530 4 1 8 Number of installed cells per phase in the drive.
Permitted min cell 2541 12 3 24 Set the permitted minimum cell count which establishes
count the maximum number of cells that may be bypassed. At
least one cell must be operable in each phase.
A further restriction is enforced in the code to only allow
a maximum of nine cells in bypass. A bypass fault will
occur if the bypass operation attempts to exceed the
Cell voltage* 2550 Vrms 630 Set the value of the cell rated voltage:
● 460 V
● 630 V
● 690 V
● 750 V (6SR4, 6SR5)
● 1375 V High Voltage
● 600 V AP AFE (PWM regen)
● 750 V AP
● 750 V AP 4Q (six-step regen)
● 1375 V High Voltage AP
Thermistor warn 2560 % 20.0 5.0 70.0 Set the level at which a cell over-temperature alarm is
level generated.
Contactor settling 2570 msec 250.0 200 1000.0 Time taken by bypass contactors to change state.
Max back EMF de‐ 2580 sec 7.0 0.0 10.0 Set the maximum time that the control waits for the motor
cay time voltage to decay while attempting a fast bypass.
Once cell fault(s) occurs, the drive may not be able to
support actual motor voltage. If the motor voltage does
not decay below the max drive voltage capability with the
faulted cell(s), within the time set by this parameter, the
drive will issue a fault.
Bypass type 2590 Mech Designate the type of bypass in the drive:
● Mechanical
● None
Fast bypass 2600 Disa‐ Enables or disable fast cell bypass. Disabling fast by‐
ble pass with mechanical contactors will still provide manual
bypass after a manual reset.
AP Settings 2585 Submenu Access the AFE cell settings.
Display cell status 2610 Function Display cell status:
● A = active
● B = bypassed
● F = faulted
Format is all A phase followed by all B phase followed by
all C phase.

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Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Display bypass sta‐ 2620 Function Display bypass status (same format as for cell status):
tus ● A = available
● B = active
● U = unavailable
Force Cell Fault Function Allows a selected cell to be manually faulted. Typically
(keypad only) used to test cell bypass.
Reset bypassed 2640 Function Reset bypassed cells when the drive is in an idle state.
cells Use the reset function only after verifying that the prob‐
(keypad only) lems with the faulted cell(s) have been resolved.
Neutral connection 2630 T2 Set the pole inversion type based on the cell neutral con‐
nection point. Select the cell terminal, T1 or T2, which
forms the neutral connection. This selection depends on
the terminal of cells A1, B1, and C1 that is used to form
the drive start-point neutral.
Sync Check Enable 2631 off Enable software sync check of medium voltage and pre‐
charge voltage for Precharge Type 6.
Sync Check Angle 2632 deg 0 0 15 Description: Sets the maximum phase angle permissible
between medium voltage and precharge voltage for Pre‐
charge Type 6.
Prechrg M4 Holdoff 2633 sec 0 0 10 Time delay for closing M4 to stabilize current. Maintains
time the M3 contactor until timeout, then allows the state ma‐
chine to continue by closing M4.
Precharge voltage 2634 % 90 80 95 Sets the voltage level to stop M2 resonance and ad‐
vance the precharge state machine.
Note: The default parameter value is 90%. Previously,
the voltage level was fixed for Type 1 and Type 2 and
hard-coded to 95%. These levels may require adjust‐
ment. The remaining type levels remain unchanged and
do not require adjustment.
Precharge enable* 2635 off Enable input transformer pre-charge for the protection of
cells from in-rush current:
● Type 1 HV - 3CB
● Type 2 HV - 2CB
● Type 3 Parallel Drive
● Type 4 Open 1 CB
● Type 5 Open (750 V AP and 750 V AP 4Q)
● Type 6 Closed (750 V AP and 750 V AP 4Q)
Note: All types are resonant with the exception of Type 3.
Precharge delay 2636 sec 1.0 0.0 10.0 Time delay between end of pre-charge and start of cell
time diagnostics. For HV and 6SR4_0 cells, although pre-
charge is not used, it replaces the nominal one second
delay in cell diagnostics.
Precharge service 2637 0 0 1 Select pre-charge maintenance mode.
Precharge service 2638 0 0 1 Start pre-charge in maintenance mode.

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* To pre-charge water-cooled 6SR325 drives, set parameters as follows:

● Set parameter Precharge enable (2635) to 'Type 5 Open' or 'Type 6 Closed'.
● Set parameter Cell voltage (2550) to ‘750 V AP’ or ‘750 V AP 4Q.’
Refer to the Water-cooled Operating Instructions Manual for more information on the 750
V AP cell.

Incorrect parameter settings
The drive will not work properly if relevant parameters are not set correctly.
Incorrect parameter settings may impair the drive function and cause severe material damage.
Verify changed parameters and ensure that all parameter settings are correct.

Table 7-17 AP Settings (2585) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

AP Cells/phase 2581 0 0 8 Enter number of AP cells installed per
AP cell current rat‐ 2582 A 787.0 300.0 1500.0 Set AP input current rating for cell.
AP cell overcurrent 2621 % 165.0 100.0 200.0 Set AP over current rating for cell.
AFE cell input reac‐ 2583 μH 242.0 50.0 500.0 Set AFE per phase input line reactance.
AP cell PWM har‐ 2584 25th Select the AP cell PWM frequency as a mul‐
monic tiple of the fundamental frequency. Possible
selections are 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27
and 29. However, 29 is not a valid selection
for 60 Hz applications.
AP cell control 2586 1 Select the AP cell control algorithm.
AFE cell DC P gain 2587 1.24 0.5 3.3 Set the AFE cell DC control proportional
AP cell DC I gain 2588 4.8435 1 10 Set the AP cell DC control integral constant.
AP cell Id P gain 2589 0.2187 0.0078 4 Set the AP cell real current regulator pro‐
portional constant.
AP cell Id I gain 2591 46.875 5.859 3000 Set the AP cell real current regulator inte‐
gral constant.
AP cell Id D gain 2592 x100 0.0166 0 0.0333 Set the AP cell real current regulator deriv‐
ative constant.
AP cell Iq P gain 2593 0.2187 0.0078 4 Set the AP cell reactive current regulator
proportional constant.
AP cell Iq I gain 2594 46.875 5.859 3000 Set the AP cell reactive current regulator in‐
tegral constant.
AP cell Iq D gain 2595 x100 0.0166 0 0.0333 Set the AP cell reactive current regulator
derivative constant.

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Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

AP diff temp fault lvl 2596 deg 24.0 10.0 30.0 Set the AP cell maximum temperature dif‐
ferential before fault.
AP Mplx Data Se‐ 2597 Air Temp Select the source of the AP cell multiplexed
lect data.
AP sync ang offset 2579 deg 0 -180 180 Set the AP cell carrier synchronous angle
offset for all cells. Use to offset drive carriers
among two or more drives.
Set Angles 2598 Set the AP cell angles as they relate to the
primary voltage.
AP cell ang off 1 2571 deg -181 -181 180 Set the AP cell angle offset from the trans‐
former primary voltage for this rank.*
AP cell ang off 2 2572 deg -181 -181 180 Set the AP cell angle offset from the trans‐
former primary voltage for this rank.*
AP cell ang off 3 2573 deg -181 -181 180 Set the AP cell angle offset from the trans‐
former primary voltage for this rank.*
AP cell ang off 4 2574 deg -181 -181 180 Set the AP cell angle offset from the trans‐
former primary voltage for this rank.*
AP cell ang off 5 2575 deg -181 -181 180 Set the AP cell angle offset from the trans‐
former primary voltage for this rank.*
AP cell ang off 6 2576 deg -181 -181 180 Set the AP cell angle offset from the trans‐
former primary voltage for this rank.*
AP cell ang off 7 2577 deg -181 -181 180 Set the AP cell angle offset from the trans‐
former primary voltage for this rank.*
AP cell ang off 8 2578 deg -181 -181 180 Set the AP cell angle offset from the trans‐
former primary voltage for this rank.*
Regen OV I gain 2623 0.0010 0.0001 1.0000 Set the regen overvoltage rollback regulator
integral gain.1
Regen OV P gain 2624 0.0000 0.0000 10.0000 Set the regen overvoltage rollback regulator
proportional gain.1
Regen Shift Angle 2625 deg 0.00 -11.25 11.25 Regen angle adjustment.1

* -181 indicates that AP cells are not installed on this rank.

Default values are recommended.

Table 7-18 Synchronous Transfer Menu (2700) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Phase I gain* 2710 2.0 0.0 15.0 Phase integrator gain
Phase P gain* 2720 4.0 0.0 12.0 Phase proportional gain
Phase offset 2730 deg 2.00 -90.00 90.00 Specify the phase angle setpoint used dur‐
ing up transfer. This is set positive and ex‐
pressed in degrees leading to prevent pow‐
er flow back into drive.
Frequency offset 2750 % 0.5 -10.0 10.0 Frequency offset used during down transfer
to establish torque current by driving the
speed regulator into limit.

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Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Up transfer time‐ 2760 sec 0.0 0.0 600.0 If the time taken for up transfer exceeds this
out1 value then an up transfer timeout fault is
Ensure this setting is greater than the accel‐
eration time setting (2270, 2290, or 2310).
Set to 0 to disable the timeout fault.
Up transfer 2762 % 5.0 0.0 15 current instability threshold when line con‐
threshold tactor closes
Down transfer 2770 sec 0.0 0.0 600.0 If the time taken for down transfer exceeds
timeout2 this value then a down transfer timeout fault
is generated. This is unaffected by the ac‐
celeration rate. Set to 0 to disable the time‐
out fault.
Down transfer 2772 % 5.0 0.0 15 motor voltage droop when line contactor
threshold opens
Sync transfer 2775 with Reac‐ Selects sync transfer with or without a reac‐
type tor tor
"with Reactor"
"No Reactor"

* Default values are highly recommended. Changing from defaults may have unintended
Up and down transfer timeout "faults" create a drive alarm and return the drive to the prior
state before transfer was attempted. A reset must be issued to clear this "fault" before
attempting another transfer.

Table 7-19 External I/O Menu (2800) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog inputs 2810 0 0 24 Set the quantity of analog inputs in the at‐
tached external I/O.
Analog outputs 2820 0 0 16 Set the quantity of analog outputs in the at‐
tached external I/O.
Digital inputs 2830 0 0 96 Set the quantity of digital inputs in the at‐
tached external I/O.
Digital outputs 2840 0 0 64 Set the quantity of digital outputs in the at‐
tached external I/O.
WAGO timeout 2850 sec 10.0 0.0 600.0 Set the WAGO watchdog timeout period.
Set to 0 to disable this function.

Configuring the External I/O

The External I/O is configured from External I/O Menu (2800). You must define the total number
of I/O per the table for each type of I/O, analog I/O and digital I/O. If the I/O count is incorrect
the drive will indicate a "Wago configuration fault". Once the correct number of I/O is entered,
clear the fault by a fault reset.

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For proper functioning of the WAGO timeout, the parameter Enable Watchdog (2971) must be
enabled. The Modbus coupler DIP switches must also be set correctly, these are configured at
the Siemens factory. Refer to Section User Inputs and Outputs in Chapter Hardware Interface

See also
User Inputs and Outputs (Page 62)

Internal I/O Submenus

The Internal I/O Menu (2805) consists of the parameters and submenus listed below. Contents
of these submenus are explained in the tables that follow.

Table 7-20 Internal I/O Menu (2805) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Set Module Ad‐ 2819 Function Fix internal I/O "old module address not same as new"
dresses errors.
Watchdog timeout 2821 sec 0.01 0.01 10 Set the internal I/O watchdog timeout period.
Module 1 2806 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal I/O module 1.
See Table Internal I/O Module 1 Menu (2806).
Module 2 2807 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal I/O module 2.
See Table Internal I/O Module 2 Menu (2807).
Module 3 2808 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal I/O module 3.
See Table Internal I/O Module 3 Menu (2808).
Module 4 2809 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal I/O module 4.
See Table Internal I/O Module 4 Menu (2809).
Int Test Point DA‐ 2860 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal test point DACA.
CA See Table Internal Test Point DACA Menu (2860).
Int Test Point 2865 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal test point DACB.
DACB See Table Internal Test Point DACB Menu (2865).
Int Test Point 2870 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal test point DACC.
DACC See Table Internal Test Point DACC Menu (2870).
Int Test Point 2875 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal test point DACD.
DACD See Table Internal Test Point DACD Menu (2875).
Int Test Point 2880 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal test point DACE.
DACE See Table Internal Test Point DACE Menu (2880).
Int Test Point 2885 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal test point DACF.
DACF See Table Internal Test Point DACF Menu (2885).
Int Test Point 2905 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal test point DACG.
DACG See Table Internal Test Point DACG Menu (2905).
Int Test Point 2915 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal test point DACH.
DACH See Table Internal Test Point DACH Menu (2915).

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Table 7-21 Internal I/O Module 1 (2806) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Module Type 2801 0 0 2 Set the type for internal I/O module 1. 0 = no
module installed.
Voltage 2561 V 120 -200 200 Set the required module voltage. Possible op‐
tions are:
● 24 V
● 120 V
Int Analog In1 2815 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 1.
See Table Internal Analog Input 1 Menu
Int Analog In2 2825 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 2.
See Table Internal Analog Input 2 Menu
Int Analog In3 2835 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 3.
See Table Internal Analog Input 3 Menu
Int Analog Out1 2845 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog out‐
put 1.
See Table Internal Analog Output 1 Menu
Int Analog Out2 2855 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog out‐
put 2.
See Table Internal Analog Output 2 Menu

Table 7-22 Internal I/O Module 2 (2807) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Module Type 2802 0 0 2 Set the type for internal I/O module 2. 0 = no
module installed.
Voltage 2562 V 120 -200 200 Set the required module voltage. Possible op‐
tions are:
● 24 V
● 120 V
Int Analog In4 2689 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 4.
See Table Internal Analog Input 4 Menu
Int Analog In5 2693 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 5.
See Table Internal Analog Input 5 Menu

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7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Int Analog In6 2701 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 6.
See Table Internal Analog Input 6 Menu
Int Analog Out3 2645 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog out‐
put 3.
See Table Internal Analog Output 3 Menu
Int Analog Out4 2653 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog out‐
put 4.
See Table Internal Analog Output 4 Menu

Table 7-23 Internal I/O Module 3 (2808) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Module Type 2803 0 0 2 Set the type for internal I/O module 3. 0 = no
module installed.
Voltage 2563 V 120 -200 200 Set the required module voltage. Possible op‐
tions are:
● 24 V
● 120 V
Int Analog In7 2705 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 7.
See Table Internal Analog Input 7 Menu
Int Analog In8 2711 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 8.
See Table Internal Analog Input 8 Menu
Int Analog In9 2715 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 9.
See Table Internal Analog Input 9 Menu
Int Analog Out5 2661 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog out‐
put 5.
See Table Internal Analog Output 5 Menu
Int Analog Out6 2669 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog out‐
put 6.
See Table Internal Analog Output 6 Menu

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Table 7-24 Internal I/O Module 4 (2809) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Module Type 2804 0 0 2 Set the type for internal I/O module 4. 0 = no
module installed.
Voltage 2564 V 120 -200 200 Set the required module voltage. Possible op‐
tions are:
● 24 V
● 120 V
Int Analog In10 2721 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 10.
See Table Internal Analog Input 10 Menu
Int Analog In11 2725 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 11.
See Table Internal Analog Input 11 Menu
Int Analog In12 2731 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog in‐
put 12.
See Table Internal Analog Input 12 Menu
Int Analog Out7 2677 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog out‐
put 7.
See Table Internal Analog Output 7 Menu
Int Analog Out8 2685 Submenu Access the setup menu for internal analog out‐
put 8.
See Table Internal Analog Output 8 Menu

Internal Test Point Menus

Table 7-25 Internal Test Point DACA Menu (2860) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2861 0 Internal test point DACA source pick list.
See Pick list for graphing and analog testpoint
DACA Scaler 2862 0.00 0.00 10.00 Scale output range of selected variable, in pu,
for full range.

Table 7-26 Internal Test Point DACB Menu (2865) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2866 0 Internal test point DACB source pick list.
See Pick list for graphing and analog testpoint
DACB Scaler 2867 0.00 0.00 10.00 Scale output range of selected variable, in pu,
for full range.

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Table 7-27 Internal Test Point DACC Menu (2870) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2871 0 Internal test point DACC source pick list.
See Pick list for graphing and analog testpoint
DACC Scaler 2872 0.00 0.00 10.00 Scale output range of selected variable, in pu,
for full range.

Table 7-28 Internal Test Point DACD Menu (2875) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2876 0 Internal test point DACD source pick list.
See Pick list for graphing and analog testpoint
DACD Scaler 2877 0.00 0.00 10.00 Scale output range of selected variable, in pu,
for full range.

Table 7-29 Internal Test Point DACE Menu (2880) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2881 0 Internal test point DACE source pick list.
See Pick list for graphing and analog testpoint
DACE Scaler 2882 0.00 0.00 10.00 Scale output range of selected variable, in pu,
for full range.

Table 7-30 Internal Test Point DACF Menu (2885) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2886 0 Internal test point DACF source pick list.
See Pick list for graphing and analog testpoint
DACF Scaler 2887 0.00 0.00 10.00 Scale output range of selected variable, in pu,
for full range.

Table 7-31 Internal Test Point DACG Menu (2905) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2906 0 Internal test point DACG source pick list.
See Pick list for graphing and analog testpoint
DACG Scaler 2907 0.00 0.00 10.00 Scale output range of selected variable, in pu,
for full range.

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Table 7-32 Internal Test Point DACH Menu (2915) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2916 0 Internal test point DACH source pick list.
See Pick list for graphing and analog testpoint
DACH Scaler 2917 0.00 0.00 10.00 Scale output range of selected variable, in pu,
for full range.

Table 7-33 Pick list for graphing and analog testpoint variables

Picklist Name Control Location Description

Ids Output Ids reactive current feedback
Iqs Output Iqs torque current feedback
Ids reference Output Ids reference reactive current reference
Iqs reference Output Iqs reference torque current reference
Iqs reference filtered Output Iqs reference filtered
Flux DS Output Flux DS direct component of flux
Flux QS Output Flux QS quadrature component of flux (zeroed)
Vds reference Output Vds reference direct component of output volts
Vqs reference Output Vqs reference quadrature component of output voltage
Output frequency Output Output frequency
Slip frequency Output Slip frequency
Motor speed ( frequency slip) Output Motor speed (frequency slip)
Motor speed filtered Output mMotor speed filtered
RLoss for braking Output RLoss for braking
XLoss for braking Output XLoss for braking
Field weakening limit Output Field weakening limit
Dual frequency braking limit Output Dual Frequency Braking Limit
Maximum current limit Output Maximum Current Limit
Minimum current limit Output Minimum Current Limit
Iq gain Output Iq gain
Ua reference Output Ua modulator reference
Ub reference Output Ub modulator reference
Uc reference Output Uc modulator reference
Flux D loss filtered Output Flux D loss filtered
Flux Q loss filtered Output Flux Q loss filtered
Id loss filtered Output Id loss filtered
Iq loss filtered Output Iq loss filtered
W loss Output W loss
Ws filtered Output Ws filtered
Theta loss Output Theta loss
Flux DS filtered Output Flux DS filtered
Ids filtered Output Ids filtered

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7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

Picklist Name Control Location Description

Iqs filtered Output Iqs filtered
Vd loss Output Vd loss
Ids no load Output Ids no load
Stator resistance Output stator resistance
Wp reference Output Wp reference
Output vector angle Output output vector angle
volt second phase A measurements Output volt second phase A measurements
volt second phase B measurements Output volt second phase B measurements
volt second phase C measurements Output volt second phase C measurements
Ia current measurements Output Ia current measurements
Ib current measurements Output Ib current measurements
Ids measured current after synch filter Output Ids measured current after synch filter (V/Hz)
Iqs measured current after synch filter Output Iqs measured current after synch filter (V/Hz)
Raw speed demand Command Raw speed demand
Auxiliary demand before ramp Command Auxiliary demand before ramp
Auxiliary demand after ramp Command Auxiliary demand after ramp
Speed demand Command Speed demand
Speed profile output Command Speed profile output
Critical speed avoidance output Command Critical speed avoidance output
Polarity change output Command Polarity change output
Minimum demand output Command Minimum demand output
Ramp output Command Ramp output
Speed demand at limit input Command Speed demand at limit input
Speed reference Command Speed reference
Raw flux demand Command Raw flux demand
Flux ramp output = flux reference Command Flux ramp output = flux reference
Energy saver output Command Energy saver output
FIeld weakening output Command FIeld weakening output
Flux reference Command Flux reference
id input current Input id input current
iq input current Input iq input current
Phase A input current Input Phase A input current
Phase B input current Input Phase B input current
Phase C input current Input Phase C input current
Phase A input voltage Input Phase A input voltage
Phase B input voltage Input Phase B input voltage
Phase C input voltage Input Phase C input voltage
zZero sequence average Input zZero sequence average
Negative sequence D voltage Input Negative sequence D voltage
Negative sequence Q voltage Input Negative sequence Q voltage
d voltage Input d voltage

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7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

Picklist Name Control Location Description

q voltage Input q voltage
Input frequency Input Input frequency
Input power average (kilowatts) Input Input power average (kilowatts)
Input power factor Input Input power factor
Ah harmonic coefficient Input Ah harmonic coefficient
Bh harmonic coefficient Input Bh harmonic coefficient
Transformer thermal level Input Transformer thermal level
One cycle reative current level Input One cycle reative current level
Single phasing current level Input Single phasing current level
Under Voltage level Input Under Voltage level
Lamda D Reference Input Lamda D Reference
Line Flux Vector Angle Input Line Flux Vector Angle
Neutral to ground voltage Output Neutral to ground voltage
Synch motor field current Output Synch motor field current
Encoder speed in percent Output Encoder speed in percent
Motor voltage Output Motor voltage
Output power Output Output power
Filter current in A phase Output Filter current in A phase
Filter current in B phase Output Filter current in B phase
Filter current in C phase Output Filter current in C phase
Actual drive voltage in A phase Output Actual drive voltage in A phase
Actual drive voltage in B phase Output Actual drive voltage in B phase
Actual drive voltage in C phase Output Actual drive voltage in C phase
Drive neutral voltage Output Drive neutral voltage
Max available output volts Output Max available output voltage
KInput KVAR Input KInput KVAR
EEfficiency Input EEfficiency
Drive State Output Drive State
Up transfer state variable Output Up transfer state variable
Down transfer state variable Output Down transfer state variable
Difference between output and input Input Difference between output and input power
Input reactive current over max allowed Input Input reactive current over max allowed
Speed droop in rad/sec Output Speed droop in rad/sec
Precharge state Input Precharge state
Precharge voltage Input Precharge voltage
Input real current Input Input real current
Input real current Input Input real current
AFE reactive current reference Input AFE reactive current reference
AFE input voltage feed forward Input AFE input voltage feed forward
Input real current (unfiltered) Input Input real current (unfiltered)
Input reactive current (unfiltered) Input Input reactive current (unfiltered)
Input reactive power (sync filtered) Input Input reactive power (sync filtered)

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7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

Picklist Name Control Location Description

Input real power (sync filtered) Input Input real power (sync filtered)
Maximum demand output Command Maximum demand output
SMDC mode state Output SMDC mode state
Limit used in excess drive loss algorithm Output Limit used in excess drive loss algorithm
Torque ramp output Output Torque ramp output
High speed operation delay angle Output High speed operation delay angle
PInput Voltage Fundamental Magnitude Input PInput Voltage Fundamental Magnitude
Ramp rollup (rollback) is currently disa‐ Command Ramp rollup (rollback) is currently disabled
Total motor current Output Total motor current
Va output RMS RMS value Va output RMS
Vb output RMS RMS value Vb output RMS
Vc output RMS RMS value Vc output RMS
Ia output RMS RMS value Ia output RMS
Ib output RMS RMS value Ib output RMS
Ic output RMS RMS value Ic output RMS
Maximum current limit Output Maximum current limit
Trip level used in excessive drive loss Output Trip level used in excessive drive loss algorithm
High starting torque mode state Output High starting torque mode state
Drive OT torque rollback limit Output Drive OT torque rollback limit
Drive output Phase A power Output Drive output Phase A power
Drive output Phase B power Output Drive output Phase B power
Drive output Phase C power Output Drive output Phase C power
Max output cell power Output Max output cell power
Drive secondary protection rollback limit Input Drive secondary protection rollback limit

Internal Analog Input Menus

Table 7-34 Internal Analog Input 1 Menu (2815) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2816 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI1:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
Hardware Zero 2817 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 1 zero
Hardware Span 2818 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 1 span

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7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

Table 7-35 Internal Analog Input 2 Menu (2825) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2826 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI2:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
Hardware Zero 2827 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 2 zero
Hardware Span 2828 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 2 span
RTD Alpha Value 2101 0.39 0.1 0.7 Set the internal I/O RTD's analog input alpha

Table 7-36 Internal Analog Input 3 Menu (2835) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2836 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI3:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
Hardware Zero 2837 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 3 zero
Hardware Span 2838 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 3 span
RTD Alpha Value 2102 0.39 0.1 0.7 Set the internal I/O RTD's analog input alpha

Table 7-37 Internal Analog Input 4 Menu (2689) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2690 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI4:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
Hardware Zero 2691 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 4 zero
Hardware Span 2692 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 4 span

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Table 7-38 Internal Analog Input 5 Menu (2693) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2694 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI5:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
Hardware Zero 2695 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 5 zero
Hardware Span 2696 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 5 span
RTD Alpha Value 2103 0.39 0.1 0.7 Set the internal I/O RTD's analog input alpha

Table 7-39 Internal Analog Input 6 Menu (2701) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2702 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI6:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
Hardware Zero 2703 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 6 zero
Hardware Span 2704 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 6 span
RTD Alpha Value 2104 0.39 0.1 0.7 Set the internal I/O RTD's analog input alpha

Table 7-40 Internal Analog Input 7 Menu (2705) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2706 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI7:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
Hardware Zero 2707 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 7 zero
Hardware Span 2708 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 7 span

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Table 7-41 Internal Analog Input 8 Menu (2711) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2712 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI8:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
Hardware Zero 2713 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 8 zero
Hardware Span 2714 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 8 span
RTD Alpha Value 2105 0.39 0.1 0.7 Set the internal I/O RTD's analog input alpha

Table 7-42 Internal Analog Input 9 Menu (2715) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2716 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI9:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
Hardware Zero 2717 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 9 zero
Hardware Span 2718 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 9 span
RTD Alpha Value 2106 0.39 0.1 0.7 Set the internal I/O RTD's analog input alpha

Table 7-43 Internal Analog Input 10 Menu (2721) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2722 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI10:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
Hardware Zero 2723 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 10 zero
Hardware Span 2724 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 10 span

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Table 7-44 Internal Analog Input 11 Menu (2725) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2726 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI11:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
Hardware Zero 2727 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 11 zero
Hardware Span 2728 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 11 span
RTD Alpha Value 2107 0.39 0.1 0.7 Set the internal I/O RTD's analog input alpha

Table 7-45 Internal Analog Input 12 Menu (2731) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Type 2732 1 Set the operational mode for internal AI12:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
Hardware Zero 2733 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 12 zero
Hardware Span 2734 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 12 span
RTD Alpha Value 2108 0.39 0.1 0.7 Set the internal I/O RTD's analog input alpha

Internal Analog Output Menus

Table 7-46 Internal Analog Output 1 Menu (2845) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2846 1 Internal analog output 1 source pick list.
See Pick list for Internal Analog Output
Output Mode 2848 0 Internal analog output 1 mode:
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 20 mA
Output Min 2841 % 0 -300 300 Internal analog output 1 minimum
Output Max 2842 % 100 -300 300 Internal analog output 1 maximum
Hardware Zero 2843 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 1 zero
Hardware Span 2844 1 0.75 1.25 Internal analog input 1 span
Output Default 2849 % 0 0 100 Analog output 1 watchdog default value

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7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

Table 7-47 Internal Analog Output 2 Menu (2855) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2856 1 Internal analog output 2 source pick list.
See Pick list for Internal Analog Output
Output Mode 2858 0 Internal analog output 2 mode:
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 20 mA
Output Min 2851 % 0 -300 300 Internal analog output 2 minimum
Output Max 2852 % 100 -300 300 Internal analog output 2 maximum
Hardware Zero 2853 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 2 zero
Hardware Span 2854 1 0.75 1.25 Internal Analog Input 2 span
Output Default 2859 % 0 0 100 Analog output 2 watchdog default value

Table 7-48 Internal Analog Output 3 Menu (2645) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2646 1 Internal analog output 3 source pick list.
See Pick list for Internal Analog Output
Output Mode 2648 0 Internal analog output 3 mode:
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 20 mA
Output Min 2641 % 0 -300 300 Internal analog output 3 minimum
Output Max 2642 % 100 -300 300 Internal analog output 3 maximum
Hardware Zero 2643 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 3 zero
Hardware Span 2644 1 0.75 1.25 Internal Analog Input 3 span
Output Default 2647 % 0 0 100 Analog output 3 watchdog default value

Table 7-49 Internal Analog Output 4 Menu (2653) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2654 1 Internal analog output 4 source pick list.
See Pick list for Internal Analog Output
Output Mode 2656 0 Internal analog output 4 mode:
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 20 mA
Output Min 2649 % 0 -300 300 Internal analog output 4 minimum
Output Max 2650 % 100 -300 300 Internal analog output 4 maximum
Hardware Zero 2651 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 4 zero
Hardware Span 2652 1 0.75 1.25 Internal Analog Input 4 span
Output Default 2655 % 0 0 100 Analog output 4 watchdog default value

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7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

Table 7-50 Internal Analog Output 5 Menu (2661) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2662 1 Internal analog output 5 source pick list.
See Pick list for Internal Analog Output
Output Mode 2664 0 Internal analog output 5 mode:
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 20 mA
Output Min 2657 % 0 -300 300 Internal analog output 5 minimum
Output Max 2658 % 100 -300 300 Internal analog output 5 maximum
Hardware Zero 2659 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 5 zero
Hardware Span 2660 1 0.75 1.25 Internal Analog Input 5 span
Output Default 2663 % 0 0 100 Analog output 5 watchdog default value

Table 7-51 Internal Analog Output 6 Menu (2669) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2670 1 Internal analog output 6 source pick list.
See Pick list for Internal Analog Output
Output Mode 2672 0 Internal analog output 6 mode:
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 20 mA
Output Min 2665 % 0 -300 300 Internal analog output 6 minimum
Output Max 2666 % 100 -300 300 Internal analog output 6 maximum
Hardware Zero 2667 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 6 zero
Hardware Span 2668 1 0.75 1.25 Internal Analog Input 6 span
Output Default 2671 % 0 0 100 Analog output 6 watchdog default value

Table 7-52 Internal Analog Output 7 Menu (2677) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2678 1 Internal analog output 7 source pick list.
See Pick list for Internal Analog Output
Output Mode 2680 0 Internal analog output 7 mode:
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 20 mA
Output Min 2673 % 0 -300 300 Internal analog output 7 minimum
Output Max 2674 % 100 -300 300 Internal analog output 7 maximum
Hardware Zero 2675 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 7 zero
Hardware Span 2676 1 0.75 1.25 Internal Analog Input 7 span
Output Default 2679 % 0 0 100 Analog output 7 watchdog default value

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Table 7-53 Internal Analog Output 8 Menu (2685) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 2686 1 Internal analog output 8 source pick list.
See Pick list for Internal Analog Output
Output Mode 2688 0 Internal analog output 8 mode:
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 20 mA
Output Min 2681 % 0 -300 300 Internal analog output 8 minimum
Output Max 2682 % 100 -300 300 Internal analog output 8 maximum
Hardware Zero 2683 0 -200 200 Internal analog input 8 zero
Hardware Span 2684 1 0.75 1.25 Internal Analog Input 8 span
Output Default 2687 % 0 0 100 Analog output 8 watchdog default value

Table 7-54 Pick list for Internal Analog Output Source

Motor Voltage Neg Sequence Q Out Neutral Volts Analog Input #8

Total Current Input Frequency Synch Motor Field Input KVAR
Average Power Input Power Avg Motor Torque Drive Losses
Motor Speed Input Pwr Factor Encoder Speed Excess React Current
Speed Demand Ah Harmonic Analog Input #1 Speed Droop Percent
Speed Reference Bh Harmonic Analog Input #2 Torq Current (Iqs) Ref
Raw Flux Demand Total Harmonics Analog Input #3 Torq Current (Iqs) Fb
Flux Reference Xfmr Therm Level Analog Input #4 Torq Current (IqsFilt) Filtered
Current (RMS) 1 Cycle Protect Analog Input #5
Zero Sequence Av Single Phase Cur Analog Input #6
Neg Sequence D Under Volt Limit Analog Input #7

Table 7-55 Output Connection Menu (2900) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Filter CT sec 2910 0 0 250 Assuming primary turns = 5, sec‐
turns ondary side turns of the CTs is
used to measure filter capacitor
currents (not used if Filter Cur‐
rents Source is set to "output
Filter Currents 2918 Filter CTs Sets the source of filter current
Source values used in the compensation
Filter induc‐ 2920 % 0.0 0.0 20.0 Set the output filter inductor, i.e.
tance impedance value, as a ratio of the
base output impedance of the
drive; typically 5%.*

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Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Filter capaci‐ 2930 % 0.0 0.0 20.0 If Filter Currents is set to "Filter
tance CTs", set this parameter to the
output filter caacitor, i.e. admit‐
tance value, as a ration of the
base output amittance of the
drive: typically 10 %. If Filter Cur‐
rents Source is set to "Output
CTs" set this parameter to the out‐
put cable parasitic capacitance as
a ratio of the base output admit‐
tance of the drive. Admittance is
the inverse of impedance.*
Cable resist‐ 2940 % 0.0 0.0 50.0 Output cable resistance value as
ance a ratio of the base output impe‐
dance of the drive.*
Cable induc‐ 2941 % 0.0 0.0 50.0 Output cable inductance is used
tance for long runs of cable. Enter in
percent of drive base impedance.*
Filter damping 2950 0.5 -5.00 5.00 Control the gain for damping os‐
gain cillations due to output filter. Use
a positive constant, typically 0.5,
with cable length less than 30000
feet. Use a negative constant,
typicall -0.5, for long cable lengths.

* Refer to Section Cable Inductance Compensation in Chapter Advanced Operating Func‐

tions for information on calculating the drive base impedance.

See also
Cable Inductance Compensation (Page 306)

Table 7-56 High Starting Torque Menu (2960) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Enable high tor‐ 2961 Disable Enable or disable high starting torque mode
que operation.
Torque current 2962 % 50.0 0.0 150.0 Set the value of torque current used in high
starting torque mode. This value is deter‐
mined by the stiction or breakaway torque that
is needed for the application.
Trq Current 2 2965 % 50.0 0.0 125.0 Second level torque current for fall back after

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7.4 Options for Drive Menu (2)

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Current ramp 2963 sec 0.5 0.0 5.0 Set the time for torque current to ramp from
time zero to the torque current level (2962) for high
starting torque mode. Default value is accept‐
able in most cases.
PLL Acq time 2964 sec 2.0 0.0 5.0 Set the time allowed for the phase-locked loop
to acquire the motor flux and frequency in high
starting torque mode. Default value is accept‐
able in most cases. Less time may be needed
if the minimum speed limit is lower than 1% of
rated speed.

Watchdog Menu

Table 7-57 Watchdog Menu (2970) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Enable watchdog 2971 Enable Enable or disable the CPU watchdog, which
watches the various threads. If a thread stops
running the watchdog will timeout, tripping the
drive by allowing the modulator watchdog to
timeout. There is a fixed 20 second trip time.
No fault is recorded and the CPU is rebooted.

It is highly recommended that the Enable Watchdog parameter be set to enabled. If the WAGO
I/O System is being used, this parameter must be enabled for proper operation of parameter
Wago Timeout (2850).

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7.5 Options for Stability Menu (3)

7.5 Options for Stability Menu (3)

Changing Drive Parameters
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameters.
Familiarize yourself with the safety notes in Section Safety Notes for Parameter Changes and
preferentially contact Siemens customer service before changing the default configuration.

The Stability Menu (3) consists of the following menu options:

● Input Processing Menu (3000)
● Output Processing Menu (3050)
● Control Loop Test Menu (3460)
● Dead Time Compensation (3550)
● Feed Forward Constant (3560)
● Sampling Delay Compensation (3570)
● Carrier Frequency (3580)
The Stability Menu also contains additional menus and parameters. These menus and
parameters are explained in the tables that follow.

Table 7-58 Stability Menu (3) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Input processing 3000 Submenu Access submenus related to drive line-side pro‐
See Table Input Processing Menu (3000).
Output processing 3050 Submenu Access submenus related to drive motor-side
See Table Output Processing Menu (3050).
Control loop test 3460 Submenu Access submenus related to speed and torque
loop testing.
See Table Control Loop Test Menu (3460).
Dead time comp 3550 μsec 16.0 0.0 50.0 Set the dead time, or firing delay time, of the
IGBTs for software compensation.
Feed forward con‐ 3560 0.0 0.0 1.0 Set the gain for voltage feed forward. This is used
stant to improve the torque current regulator response.

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Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Sampling Delay 3570 % 0.0 0.0 150.0 Compensate the flux vector angle for sampling
Comp delay on high speed motor operation.
Carrier frequency 3580 Hz 600.0 100.0 1550.0 Enter the IGBT switching frequency. The control
adjusts the entered value according to available
resolution from the modulator registers, e.g., if
you enter 400.0, the actual frequency may be
fC = Power cell carrier frequency
fO = Drive rated output frequency
For fO < 167 Hz, fC = 600 Hz is typically adequate.
A smaller value of fC can be chosen provided
300 Hz < fC > (3.6 x fO) Hz.
For fO = 167 to 330 Hz, 1550 Hz > fC > (3.6 x fO) Hz.
High switching frequencies may result in some
derating due to increased switching losses. Con‐
sult Siemens customer service for derating val‐

Table 7-59 Input Processing Menu (3000) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

PLL prop gain 3010 70.0 0.0 200.0 Proportional gain of input phase-locked loop
PLL integral gain 3020 3840.0 0.0 12000.0 Integral gain of input PLL.
Input current scaler 3030 1.0 0.0 2.0 Set the scaling for input current feedback. Default
value is normally adequate.
CT secondary turns 3035 200 50 3000 Secondary side turns for input current CT, with
primary turns equal to 5.
Input voltage scaler 3040 1.0 0.0 2.0 Set the scaling for input line voltage feedback.
Default value is normally adequate.
PT secondary turns 3011 1 1 3000 Secondary turns input voltage PT.
VAR control 3041 Submenu Access the cell input control parameters.
Input Attenuator 3045 kOhm 3000 1 32767 Set scaling for input nominal value. This is the
Sum sum of the two input resistors per phase.

PLL gains and scaling parameter values
Changing PLL gains from the default values or setting scaling parameter values incorrectly
can cause unintended results that affect performance and disable drive protections.
Scaling parameter values must match actual hardware ratings.
Never change scaling parameter values from actual hardware ratings.

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Table 7-60 Var Control Menu (3041) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

VAR prop gain 3042 0.2 0 200 VAR PI regulator proportional gain term.
VAR integral gain 3043 0.1 0 12000 VAR PI regulator integral gain term.
AFE Vd scaler 3036 1 0 2 Scaler for input voltage to AFE Vd feed forward.
AFE Id scaler 3037 0 0 2 Scaler for input Id to AFE Id feed forward.
AFE Iq scaler 3038 1 0 2 Scaler for Var regulator output to AFE Iq com‐
AFE current scaler 3039 0.745 0 2 Scaler to match AFE cell per unit current with
drive per unit current.
AFE Iq limit filter 3044 0.95 0.5 1 Filter constant for AFE Iq limit.
AFE Sat. filter 3046 1 0.1 3 Weight applied to Var error depending upon how
many AFE cells are in saturation.

Table 7-61 Output Processing Menu (3050) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Low freq comp 3060 Submenu Access parameters that affect compensation for
hardware and software filter poles.
See Table Low Frequency Compensation Menu
Flux control 3100 Submenu Access the flux control parameters.
See Table Flux Control Menu (3100).
Speed loop 3200 Submenu Access the speed loop parameters.
See Table Speed Loop Menu (3200).
Current loop 3250 Submenu Access the current loop parameters.
See Table Current Loop Menu (3250).
Stator resis est 3300 Submenu Access the stator resistance estimator parame‐
ters. See Table Stator Resistance Estimator
Menu (3300).
Braking 3350 Submenu Access the dual frequency braking parameters.
See Table Braking Menu (3350).
PLL prop gain 3420 188 1 500 Flux vector PLL proportional gain.
Default value is highly recommended in most ap‐
PLL integral gain 3430 2760 0 12000 Flux vector PLL integral gain.
Default value is highly recommended in most ap‐
Output current scal‐ 3440 1.0 0.0 2.0 Scaling for output current feedback.
er Default value is normally adequate.
Output voltage 3450 1.0 0.0 2.0 Scaling for output voltage feedback.
scaler Default value is normally adequate.
Output attenuator 3455 kOhm 3000 100 32767 Scaling for the output nominal value. This is the
sum sum of the two output resistors per phase.

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7.5 Options for Stability Menu (3)

Setting scaling parameter values
Setting scaling parameter values incorrectly can cause unintended results that affect
performance and disable drive protections.
Scaling parameter values must match actual hardware ratings.
Never change scaling parameter values from actual hardware ratings.

Additional fine-tuning of the drive
Many of the parameters in the output processing menu use the default settings.
Only in special circumstances may you need to make changes to these parameters for
additional fine-tuning of the drive.

Table 7-62 Low Frequency Compensation Menu (3060) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Low freq com gain 3080 1.0 0.5 5.0 Low Frequency compensation gain for scaling
estimated flux.
S/W compensator 3090 2.0 0.5 20.0 Pole of software integrator used for flux estima‐
pole tion.

Help with higher starting torque using Low Frequency Compensation parameters
To start a motor with higher starting torque, apply more flux to the motor when starting. In a drive
configured to apply 30% of nominal flux, and is setup to apply 156A (or 48% of nominal current),
increasing the motor flux when starting will also help with torque production, since Torque =
FluxDS * Iqs.
Parameter 3080 Low freq comp gain can be used to apply more flux to the motor in the 0 to
4.5Hz speed range.
By setting this parameter to 0.75 (instead of the default of 1.0) will allow 133% of Flux to be
applied (inverse of 0.75) at 0 speed, which is linearly reduced to 100% at 4.5Hz and higher.

Parameter description of Low Frequency Compensation Gain (ID # 3080)

The parameter can be adjusted for higher flux on the motor (to provide Flux Boost) at low
speeds. Default value is 1.0 p.u.
The motor flux is controlled as shown in the following equations.
Flux Boost = 1.0 - (1.0 / Low Freq. Comp. Gain

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Motor Flux (or FluxDS) = Flux Boost * Flux Demand, if 0 < fo < 0.25 Hz
= Flux Demand + Flux Boost * Flux Demand * (4.5 -
fo)/4.25, if 0.25 < fo < 4.5 Hz.
= Flux Demand, if fo > 4.5 Hz.
Where, fo is the drive output frequency in Hz.
● Example 1
A setting of 1.10 would allow for approximately 9 % more flux at low speeds. This value
( 9 %) of Boost is applied to the Flux Demand value (ID 3150) at low speeds from 0 to
0.25 Hz. Above 0.25 Hz. the Boost is linearly reduced such that at 4.5 HZ., no Boost is
applied and the motor flux is controlled to be equal to the Flux Demand.
This parameter is useful in applications where high starting torque is desired. Careful
consideration is required in the selection of this parameter as motor magnetizing current could
increase rapidly with increasing flux (above rated). This could result in lower available torque
current, especially if motor PF decreases below 0.71.
● Example 2
To start a motor with higher starting torque, we can apply more flux to the motor when
starting. In a drive configured to apply 30 % of nominal flux, and is setup to appy 156 A (or
48 % of nominal current). Increasing the motor flux when starting will also help with torque
production, since:
Torque = FluxDS * Iqs
Parameter 3080 Low Freq Comp Gain can be used to apply more flux to the motor in the
0 to 4.5 Hz speed range.
By setting the parameter to 9.75 (instead of the default of 1.0) will allow 133 % of flux to be
applied (inverse of 0.75) at 0 speed, which is linearly reduced to 100 % at 4.5 Hz and higher.

Parameter description of S/W Compensator Pole (ID # 3090)

This parameter is used to adjust the compensation of the software filter pole to achieve best low-
end performance of the integrators.
For induction motors with low slip (e.g. 0.17 Hz) starting can be an issue. At such low output
frequency, the integrators used to convert motor voltage to flux are not as accurate.
● Example 3
To change ωp, adjust the parameter ID # 3090 S/W Compensator Pole from 2.0 rads / s to
1.4 rads / s.
This parameter (3090) represents the pole, ωp, in the integrator transfer function
= 1(s + ωp). The smaller this value, the more accurate the integration of motor voltages.

Further information for estimating flux using the pole of softwareintegrator

The control converts the motor voltage feedback into motor flux for estimating speed and
torque. This process requires an integrator to convert voltage into flux. An integrator has the
transfer function 1/s in the Laplace domain. If implemented, this translates to infinite gain at
zero frequency or dc.
This process magnifies offsets and noise that are introduced by the measurements. In order to
limit the gain at extremely low frequencies, the transfer function is approximated by 1/(s + a),
where a is the S/W compensator pole. The pole introduced by a affects the motor flux phase
angle, and is chosen to be low enough such that the error introduced is small.

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In typical applications that have short cables between the motor and the VFD the default value
of a, 2 rad/s, provides a good compromise between flux phase angle error and reduced gain at
In long cable applications, the effect of compensating the cable voltage drop, resistive and
inductive, causes additional terms to be introduced in the motor flux calculation, i.e. Vmotor = Vvfd
– I*Rcable – I*w*Lcable. This requires that a be increased so as to avoid the sensitivity of offsets and
measurement errors. However, there is an adverse effect on the starting torque capability.
Typically for cables longer than 5000 m, a can be set in the range of 4 to 6 rad/s. With such a
setting, enable High starting torque mode (2960) to maintain good starting torque capability.

Table 7-63 Flux Control Menu (3100) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Flux reg prop gain 3110 1.72 0.0 10.0 Flux PI regulator proportional gain term.
Flux reg integral 3120 1.0 0.0 1200.0 Flux PI regulator integral gain term.
Flux filter time const 3130 sec 0.0667 0.0 10.0 Time constant of the low pass filter used on the
flux error.
Flux table menu 3131 Submenu Flux shaping table parameters
Flux demand 3150 pu 1.0 0.16 10.0 Set the flux demand, or desired V/Hz ratio. Use
the default setting to set the V/Hz ratio to name‐
plate values.
Flux ramp rate 3160 sec 0.5 0.0 5.0 Set the ramp time to go from zero to rated flux.
This time establishes the time to magnetize the
Energy saver min 3170 % 100.0 10.0 125.0 Set the lowest value of flux, as a percentage of
flux rated motor flux that the drive will apply to an un‐
loaded motor.
Energy Saver is enabled if you enter a value that
is less than the flux demand. The control estab‐
lishes the amount of flux or motor voltage that
minimizes the losses in the motor.
Flux droop 3195 % 0 0 200 Set flux droop for parallel drives, to keep the volt‐
age balanced between drives. This parameter is
used for fine adjustments on flux droop with the
main reference coming from an external PLC.
Refer to Section Parallel Drive Control for a single

Adjustable Flux Demand

Some motors require less flux at startup to prevent saturation, some applications require
increased torque at start or low speed and hence a higher than rated flux to start. Another
possibility is increasing flux below base speed of a motor to allow higher torque up to rated
speed with the motor achieving full voltage at less than rated speed – essentially changing the
Volts/Hz slope of the flux.
By utilizing fixed speed points that are distributed with a higher concentration in the lower speed
regions, a flux table can be created to address all these needs. The user sets the flux at each
speed setpoint to create the desired starting curve.
Each of 12 speed setpoints are identified in the menu as "Flux @ xx% spd" in PU flux demand.
The range is from 0.0% (0.0) to 40% (0.4) with the default flux set to 1.0 at each setpoint. The

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13th speed setpoint is at 50% and is set by the original parameter "Flux Demand" (3150). Refer
to table Flux Table Menu (3131) Parameters.
When enabled by the parameter "Flux Table Enable" (3132), the flux demand it set by the flux
demand at each speed setpoint and linear interpolation is used to address points in between.
'On use' is for reduced flux on startup. The table will extend in the lower speed regions up to
50% speed. There are no additional flux table entries above this point. See figure Flux

Flux Reducon


Flux in PU



0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98

Figure 7-3 Flux Reduction

For some applications, a flux boost rather than flux weakening is desired. See figure Flux Boost.

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Flux Boost



Flux in PU



0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98

Figure 7-4 Flux Boost

In addition, an independent speed setpoint exists for setting the speed at which rated voltage
is achieved can be used for motors that have the duty cycle to allow for increased flux at lower
speeds than rated. Once the motor voltage is achieved, it is held at this point for higher speeds
at reduced flux.
This feature is set by the parameter "Speed at rated volts" (ID 3145), and can be used with or
without the Adjustable Flux Demand table – provided the table is set up properly. Essentially,
this feature sets the point at which field weakening begins.

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Flux Weakening
Flux in PU
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Figure 7-5 Flux Weakening

Table 7-64 Flux Table Menu (3131) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Flux Table Enable 3132 Off Enables the flux shaping table
Flux @ 0.0% spd 3133 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 0.0 percent of speed
Flux @ 0.5% spd 3134 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 0.5 percent of speed
Flux @ 1.0% spd 3135 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 1.0 percent of speed
Flux @ 1.5% spd 3136 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 1.5 percent of speed
Flux @ 2.0% spd 3137 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 2.0 percent of speed
Flux @ 2.5% spd 3138 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 2.5 percent of speed
Flux @ 5.0% spd 3138 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 5.0 percent of speed
Flux @ 10.0% spd 3140 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 10.0 percent of speed
Flux @ 15.0% spd 3141 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 15.0 percent of speed
Flux @ 20.0% spd 3142 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 20.0 percent of speed
Flux @ 30.0% spd 3143 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 30.0 percent of speed
Flux @ 40.0% spd 3144 1.00 0.15 2.0 Flux demand at 40.0 percent of speed
Speed at rated volts 3145 % 100.00 50.00 100.00 Percent of speed at which motor is at rated volts

See also
Parallel Drive Control (Page 289)

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Table 7-65 Speed Loop Menu (3200) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Speed reg prop 3210 0.02 0.0 1.0 Speed PI regulator proportional gain term.*
Speed reg integral 3220 0.046 0.0 1200.0 Speed PI regulator integral gain term.*
Speed reg Kf gain 3230 0.6 0.1 1.0 Allows a smooth variation of the speed regulator
from a simple PI (Kf = 1.0) to a double speed loop
(Kf = 0.5).
Speed filter time 3240 0.0488 0.0 10.0 Time constant of the low pass filter used on the
const speed error.*
Droop in % @ FL 3245 % 0.0 0.0 10.0 Desired speed droop in percent of rated speed at
current full load current. Enter 0 to disable.

* Values are automatically calculated after Stage 2 auto-tuning.

Refer to Section Auto-tuning of Chapter Operating the Control for warnings associated with
this function.

Table 7-66 Current Loop Menu (3250) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Current reg prop 3260 0.5 0.0 5.0 Current PI regulator proportional gain term.*
Current reg integ 3270 25.0 0.0 6000.0 Current PI regulator integral gain term.*
Current reg prop 3271 0.5 0.0 5.0 Current PI regulator second proportional gain
gain2 term.
Current reg integ 3272 25.0 0.0 6000.0 Current PI regulator second integral gain term.
Prop gain during 3280 0.16 0.0 5.0 Current PI regulator proportional during dual fre‐
brake quency braking.*
Integ gain during 3290 9.6 0.0 6000.0 Current PI regulator integral gain term during du‐
brake al frequency braking.*

* Values are automatically updated after Stage 1 auto-tuning.

Secondary current loop gains that can switch quickly without interrupting the running proc‐
ess based on the SOP flag EnableSecondCurrentGains_O.
When EnableSecondGains_O = False --> gain set 3260 and 3270 is used (normal).
When EnableSecondGains_O = True --> gain set 3272 and 3273 is used instead.
Refer to Section Auto-tuning of Chapter Operating the Control for warnings associated
with this function.

See also
Auto-tuning (Page 219)

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Table 7-67 Stator Resistance Estimator Menu (3300) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Stator resistance 3310 Off Enable or disable the stator resistance estimator
est function:
● Off
● On
This parameter is not implemented.
Stator resis filter 3320 0.0 0.0 1.0 Stator resistance estimator filter gain.
Stator resis integ 3330 0.002 0.0 1.0 Stator resistance estimator integral gain.

Table 7-68 Braking Menu (3350) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Enable braking 3360 Off Enable or disable DFB.
Note: You must be aware of torque pulsations
and motor heating produced with this method.
Pulsation frequen‐ 3370 Hz 275.0 100.0 5000.0 Torque pulsation frequency when DFB is ena‐
cy bled. Adjust for a different torque pulsation fre‐
quency. The control always recalculates the de‐
sired value due to limited resolution. Adjust to
avoid mechanical resonance frequencies.
Brake power loss 3390 % 0.25 0.0 50.0 Amount of high frequency losses at the onset of
braking. Affects the limit of the Vq component of
output braking voltage.
VD Loss Max 3400 pu 0.25 0.0 0.5 Max amplitude of the loss inducing voltage. Use
this to adjust the braking torque. Sets the maxi‐
mum loss limiting (Vd) voltage amplitude.
Braking constant 3410 pu 1.05 0.0 10.0 Ratio of motor-induced losses to power absorbed
from load.
Always set this parameter to a value greater than
Setting this parameter higher increases Vq and Vd
voltage amplitude of losses in the motor and in‐
creases braking.
Exercise caution to prevent a motor thermal trip.

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Dual-frequency Braking (DFB)
Braking capacity is accomplished by means of DFB.
This feature injects a counter-rotating flux vector at well beyond the slip of the machine. This
creates a braking function and generates additional losses in the motor.
You may adjust the injection frequency via a menu setting to avoid critical frequencies, i.e.
mechanical resonances.
DFB is for braking only. Do not use DFB as a replacement for a four quadrant drive. Maximum
losses in the motor provide a deceleration torque that is much lower than the regenerative
torque provided by a regenerative drive.

Restrictions for dual frequency operation
When AFE or six step regeneration are enabled, DFB is disabled.

Table 7-69 Control Loop Test Menu (3460) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Test type 3470 Speed Select the type of loop test desired:
● Speed
● Torque
Test positive 3480 % 30.0 -200.0 200.0 Positive going limit of the test waveform.
Test negative 3490 % -30.0 -200.0 200.0 Negative going limit of the test waveform.
Test time 3500 sec 30.1 0.0 500.0 Set the time for the drive to spend in either the
positive or negative test setting.
Begin test 3510 Function Start the speed or torque loop test.
Stop test 3520 Function Stop the speed or torque loop test.

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7.6 Options for Auto Menu (4)

Changing Drive Parameters
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameters.
Familiarize yourself with the safety notes in Section Safety Notes for Parameter Changes and
preferentially contact Siemens customer service before changing the default configuration.

The Auto Menu (4) consists of the following menu options:

● Speed Profile Menu (4000)
● Analog Input Menu (4090)
● Analog Outputs Menu (4660)
● Speed Setpoint Menu (4240)
● Incremental Speed Setup Menu (4970)
● PID Select Menu (4350)
● Comparator Setup Menu (4800)
These menus are explained in the tables that follow.

Table 7-70 Speed Profile Menu (4000) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Entry point 4010 % 0.0 0.0 200.0 Set the percent of speed command at which the drive be‐
gins, following the speed command.
Exit point 4020 % 150.0 0.0 275.0 Set the percent of speed command at which the drive
stops, following the speed command.
Entry speed 4030 % 0.0 0.0 200.0 Set the speed command to which the drive accelerates
when given a start command, when the speed profile func‐
tion is enabled.
Exit speed 4040 % 150.0 0.0 275.0 Set the speed command that the drive reaches at the exit
Auto off 4050 % 0.0 0.0 100.0 Set the level of command at which the drive turns off.
Delay off 4060 sec 0.5 0.5 100.0 Set a time delay between the time the command reaches
the auto off point and the time the drive shuts off.
Auto on 4070 % 0.0 0.0 100.0 Set the level of command at which the drive turns on.
Delay on 4080 sec 0.5 0.5 100.0 Set a time delay between the time the command reaches
the auto on point and the time the drive starts.

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Further Description of Speed Profiling Control

Speed profiling control provides an increased resolution in the "usable control range" for the
motor. The speed profiling function allows the speed of the motor to be adjusted in much finer
increments i.e. higher resolution, in the desired operating range. The following figures illustrate
the advantage of speed profiling control.




P$ P$ P$ P$ P$


Figure 7-6 Advantage of using speed profiling control

Table 7-71 Analog Input Menu (4090) Parameters for External and Internal Inputs

Parameter ID Type Description

Analog input #1 4100 Submenu Access menu for analog input 1 setup.
See Table Analog Input #1 Menu (4100).
Analog input #2 4170 Submenu Access menu for analog input 2 setup.
See Table Analog Input #2 Menu (4170).
Analog input #3 4232 Submenu Access menu for analog input 3 setup.
See Table Analog Input #3 Menu (4232).
Analog input #4 4332 Submenu Access menu for analog input 4 setup.
See Table Analog Input #4 Menu (4332).
Analog input #5 4341 Submenu Access menu for analog input 5 setup.
See Table Analog Input #5 Menu (4341).
Auxiliary input #1 4500 Submenu Access menu for auxiliary input 1 setup.
See Table Auxiliary Input #1 Menu (4500).
Auxiliary input #2 4580 Submenu Access menu for auxiliary input 2 setup.
See Table Auxiliary Input #2 Menu (4580).

Configuring the External and Internal Inputs

Set up the analog inputs to receive the converted data from the selected user modules as one
of the following choices:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA

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● 0 to 10 V
● -10 V to +10 V (Note: This option is not allowed to be selected if the analog source is one of
the internal I/O inputs.)
Define the minimum and maximum values for scaling, and the loss of signal (LOS) threshold
and action.

Table 7-72 Analog Input #1 Menu (4100) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Source 4105 Off Set the input source for analog input 1:
● Off
● Ext 1 to 24
● Int 1 to 12
See Table Pick list for Analog Input Sources.
Type 4110 4–20 mA Set the operational mode for analog input 1:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
● -10 V to +10 V (Note: This option is not allowed
to be selected if the analog source is one of the
internal I/O inputs.)
Min input 4120 % 0.0 -300.0 300.0 Minimum analog input.
Max input 4130 % 100.0 -300.0 300.0 Maximum analog input.
Loss point threshold 4140 % 15.0 0.0 100.0 Threshold where loss of signal action is activated.
Enter as a percentage of upper range for any type.
Loss of signal action 4150 Preset Select loss of signal action:
● Preset
● Maintain
● Stop
Loss of signal set‐ 4160 % 20.0 -200.0 200.0 Loss of signal preset speed.

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Table 7-73 Analog Input #2 Menu (4170) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Source 4175 Off Set the input source for analog input 2:
● Off
● Ext 1 to 24
● Int 1 to 12
See Table Pick list for Analog Input Sources.
Type 4180 4–20 mA Set the operational mode for analog input 2:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
● -10 V to +10 V (Note: This option is not allowed
to be selected if the analog source is one of the
internal I/O inputs.)
Min input 4190 % 0.0 -300.0 300.0 Minimum analog input.
Max input 4200 % 100.0 -300.0 300.0 Maximum analog input.
Loss point threshold 4210 % 15.0 0.0 100.0 Threshold where loss of signal action is activated.
Enter as a percentage of upper range for any type.
Loss of signal action 4220 Preset Select loss of signal action:
● Preset
● Maintain
● Stop
Loss of signal set‐ 4230 % 20.0 -200.0 200.0 Loss of signal preset speed.

Table 7-74 Analog Input #3 Menu (4232) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Source 4233 Off Set the input source for analog input 3:
● Off
● Ext 1 to 24
● Int 1 to 12
See Table Pick list for Analog Input Sources.
Type 4234 4–20 mA Set the operational mode for analog input 3:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
● -10 V to +10 V (Note: This option is not allowed
to be selected if the analog source is one of the
internal I/O inputs.)
Min input 4235 % 0.0 -300.0 300.0 Minimum analog input.
Max input 4236 % 100.0 -300.0 300.0 Maximum analog input.
Loss point threshold 4237 % 15.0 0.0 100.0 Threshold where loss of signal action is activated.
Enter as a percentage of upper range for any type.

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Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Loss of signal action 4238 Preset Select loss of signal action:
● Preset
● Maintain
● Stop
Loss of signal set‐ 4239 % 20.0 -200.0 200.0 Loss of signal preset speed.

Table 7-75 Analog Input #4 Menu (4332) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Source 4333 Off Set the input source for analog input 4:
● Off
● Ext 1 to 24
● Int 1 to 12
See Table Pick list for Analog Input Sources.
Type 4334 4–20 mA Set the operational mode for analog input 4:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
● -10 V to +10 V (Note: This option is not allowed
to be selected if the analog source is one of the
internal I/O inputs.)
Min input 4335 % 0.0 -300.0 300.0 Minimum analog input.
Max input 4336 % 100.0 -300.0 300.0 Maximum analog input.
Loss point threshold 4337 % 15.0 0.0 100.0 Threshold where loss of signal action is activated.
Enter as a percentage of upper range for any type.
Loss of signal action 4338 Preset Select loss of signal action:
● Preset
● Maintain
● Stop
Loss of signal set‐ 4339 % 20.0 -200.0 200.0 Loss of signal preset speed.

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Table 7-76 Analog Input #5 Menu (4341) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Source 4342 Off Set the input source for analog input 5:
● Off
● Ext 1 to 24
● Int 1 to 12
See Table Pick list for Analog Input Sources.
Note: Analog input number is redundant since the
menu displays the input number.
Type 4343 4–20 mA Set the operational mode for analog input 5:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
● -10 V to +10 V (Note: This option is not allowed
to be selected if the analog source is one of the
internal I/O inputs.)
Min input 4344 % 0.0 -300.0 300.0 Minimum analog input.
Max input 4345 % 100.0 -300.0 300.0 Maximum analog input.
Loss point threshold 4346 % 15.0 0.0 100.0 Threshold where loss of signal action is activated.
Enter as a percentage of upper range for any type.
Loss of signal action 4347 Preset Select loss of signal action:
● Preset
● Maintain
● Stop
Loss of signal set‐ 4348 % 20.0 -200.0 200.0 Loss of signal preset speed.

Table 7-77 Auxiliary Input #1 Menu (4500) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Source 4510 Off Auxiliary input 1 source:
● Off
● Ext 1 to 24
● Int 1 to 12
See Table Pick list for Analog Input Sources.
Type 4520 4–20 mA Set the operational mode for auxiliary input 1:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
● -10 V to +10 V (Note: This option is not allowed
to be selected if the analog source is one of the
internal I/O inputs.)
Min input 4530 % 0.0 -300.0 300.0 Minimum auxiliary input.
Max input 4540 % 100.0 -300.0 300.0 Maximum auxiliary input.

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Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Loss point threshold 4550 % 15.0 0.0 100.0 Threshold where loss of signal action is activated.
Enter as a percentage of upper range for any type.
Loss of signal action 4560 Preset Select loss of signal action:
● Preset
● Maintain (maintains command)
● Stop
Loss of signal set‐ 4570 % 20.0 -200.0 200.0 Loss of signal preset speed.

Table 7-78 Auxiliary Input #2 Menu (4580) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Source 4590 Off Auxiliary input 2 source:
● Off
● Ext 1 to 24
● Int 1 to 12
See Table Pick list for Analog Input Sources.
Type 4600 4–20 mA Set the operational mode for auxiliary input 2:
● 0 to 20 mA
● 4 to 20 mA
● 0 to 10 V
● -10 V to +10 V (Note: This option is not allowed
to be selected if the analog source is one of the
internal I/O inputs.)
Min input 4610 % 0.0 -300.0 300.0 Minimum auxiliary input.
Max input 4620 % 100.0 -300.0 300.0 Maximum auxiliary input.
Loss point threshold 4630 % 15.0 0.0 100.0 Threshold where loss of signal action is activated.
Enter as percentage of upper range for any type.
Loss of signal action 4640 Preset Select loss of signal action:
● Preset
● Maintain
● Stop
Loss of signal set‐ 4650 % 20.0 -200.0 200.0 Loss of signal preset speed.

Table 7-79 Pick list for Analog Input Sources

Off External 10 External 20 Internal AI6

External 1 External 11 External 21 Internal AI7
External 2 External 12 External 22 Internal AI8
External 3 External 13 External 23 Internal AI9
External 4 External 14 External 24 Internal AI10

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External 5 External 15 Internal AI1 Internal AI11

External 6 External 16 Internal AI2 Internal AI12
External 7 External 17 Internal AI3
External 8 External 18 Internal AI4
External 9 External 19 Internal AI5

Use the pick list variables to assign hardware inputs to internal analog variables used within the code as assigned by the
associated SOP flag selections.

Table 7-80 Analog Output Menu (4660) Parameters for External Outputs

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog out‐ 4660+4(n-1)+1 Submenu Submenu for analog output n (n = 1 to 16).
put #n*
Analog vari‐ 4660+4(n-1)+2 Total Set the input source for analog output n.
able Current See Table Pick list for Analog Output Variable Pa‐
Output mod‐ 4660+4(n-1)+3 Unip Set the output type for the module:
ule type ● Unip (unipolar)
● Bip (bipolar)
Full range 4660+4(n-1)+4 % 0.0 0.0 300.0 Scale the output range of the selected variable.

* Each analog output parameter, 1 to 16, contains a submenu consisting of the following
● Analog variable
● Output module type
● Full range
The formulas presented in the ID column give you the direct ID number for the corre‐
sponding analog output.
For example, for analog output 4:
● The analog output ID will be 4660 + 4 (4 - 1) + 1, or 4673.
● The analog variable ID for analog output 4 will be 4660 + 4 (4 - 1) + 2, or 4674.

Configuring the External Outputs

Set up the analog outputs via the pick list parameters in the analog output menus, 4661 through
4721, to complete setup:
1. Select the variable to be output to the analog output module from the pick list; all units are
2. Select the type of output, unipolar or bipolar.
3. Select the percent of the value to provide scaling of the variable.

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Table 7-81 Pick list for Analog Output Variable Parameters

Motor Voltage Neg Sequence Q Out Neutral Volts Analog Input #8

Total Current Input Frequency Synch Motor Field Input KVAR
Average Power Input Power Avg Motor Torque Drive Losses
Motor Speed Input Pwr Factor Encoder Speed Excess React Current
Speed Demand Ah Harmonic Analog Input #1 Speed Droop Percent
Speed Reference Bh Harmonic Analog Input #2 Torq Current (Iqs) Ref
Raw Flux Demand Total Harmonics Analog Input #3 Torq Current (Iqs) Fb
Flux Reference Xfmr Therm Level Analog Input #4 Torq Current (IqsFilt) Filtered
Current (RMS) 1 Cycle Protect Analog Input #5
Zero Sequence Av Single Phase Cur Analog Input #6
Neg Sequence D Under Volt Limit Analog Input #7

Table 7-82 Analog Output #1 Menu (4661)

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Analog variable 4662 Set the input variable for analog output 1.
Output module type 4663 Set the output type for the module:
● unipolar
● bipolar
Full range 4664 % 0 0 300 Scale the output range of the selected variable.

Table 7-83 Speed Setpoint Menu (4240) Parameters*

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Speed setpoint 1 4250 rpm 0 -18000 18000 Programmable speed setpoint1
Speed setpoint 2 4260 rpm 0 -18000 18000 Programmable speed setpoint1
Speed setpoint 3 4270 rpm 0 -18000 18000 Programmable speed setpoint1
Speed setpoint 4 4280 rpm 0 -18000 18000 Programmable speed setpoint1
Speed setpoint 5 4290 rpm 0 -18000 18000 Programmable speed setpoint1
Speed setpoint 6 4300 rpm 0 -18000 18000 Programmable speed setpoint1
Speed setpoint 7 4310 rpm 0 -18000 18000 Programmable speed setpoint1
Speed setpoint 8 4320 rpm 0 -18000 18000 Programmable speed setpoint1
Jog speed 4330 rpm 0 -18000 18000 Set the drive jog speed.
Safety setpoint 4340 rpm 0 -18000 18000 Safety override preset speed.

* Inputs are fixed in the command generator setpoint sources. Refer to Section Command
Generator in Chapter Operating the Control.
Can be selected through an external contact and the SOP.

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7.6 Options for Auto Menu (4)

Table 7-84 Incremental Speed Setup Menu (4970) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Speed increment 1 4971 % 1.0 0.0 200.0 When selected through the SOP it will increase the
speed demand by the program amount.
Speed decrement 1 4972 % 1.0 0.0 200.0 When selected through the SOP it will decrease the
speed demand by the program amount.
Speed increment 2 4973 % 5.0 0.0 200.0 When selected through the SOP it will increase the
speed demand by the program amount.
Speed decrement 2 4974 % 5.0 0.0 200.0 When selected through the SOP it will decrease the
speed demand by the program amount.
Speed increment 3 4975 % 10.0 0.0 200.0 When selected through the SOP it will increase the
speed demand by the program amount.
Speed decrement 3 4976 % 10.0 0.0 200.0 When selected through the SOP it will decrease the
speed demand by the program amount.

Table 7-85 PID Select Menu (4350) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Prop gain 4360 0.39 0.0 98.996 Set the PID loop "Proportional (P) gain".
Integral gain 4370 0.39 0.0 98.996 Set the PID loop "Integral (I) gain".
Diff gain 4380 0.0 0.0 98.996 Set the PID loop "Derivative (D) gain".
Min clamp 4390 % 0.0 -200.0 200.0 Set the minimum value for the PID loop integrator.
Max clamp 4400 % 100.0 -200.0 200.0 Set the maximum value for the PID loop integrator.
Setpoint 4410 % 0.0 -200.0 200.0 Set a value to be used as the reference setpoint for the
external PID loop. The value is set as a percent of full
scale. This parameter can be used instead of Analog
Input #1 (4100) for reference in the PID loop.

Using a PID controller for speed reference

When using an external PID controller as the speed reference, analog input 1 (4100) or the set
point (4410) are used for PID command, and analog input 2 is used for PID feedback.
The input is pre-selected via the SOP.
See Tables Analog Input #1 Menu (4100) and Analog Input #2 Menu (4170) for scaling

Providing correct inputs and parameters for PID command and feedback
If you assign incorrect inputs for PID command and feedback, it may cause instability of the
system and severe mechanical damage.
You are responsible for providing correct inputs and parameters for PID command and
Check that all inputs and parameters for PID command and feedback are correctly assigned.

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7.6 Options for Auto Menu (4)


Table 7-86 Comparator Setup Submenu

Submenu Description
Comparator n Setup Submenus that contain 32 sets of comparators for custom
use in the System Program. Each comparator set (Compare
1 through Compare 32) consists of three parameters that are
located in the comparator setup menus. Comparators are
System Program flags (Comparator1_I through Compara‐
tor32_I) which can be used anywhere within the System Pro‐
gram environment to control software switches.

Setting the SOP flag "DebounceComparators_O" adds a 100msec hysteresis to the setting and
clearing of all comparator flags. This should not be changed dynamically.

Table 7-87 Comparator Setup Menu Parameter Descriptions

Menu Item Default Value Description

Comp n A in variable select (list) Manual value “Comp n A” and “Comp n B” inputs can
(n=1-32) be selected from the Table Variable Pick
List for Comparator Setup Submenus.
Comp n B in variable select (list) Manual value The comparator flag compar_n_f (where
(n=1-32) n=1-16) in the System Program is set
true if “Comp n A in” > “Comp n B in
variable select list.
Comp n manual value 0.0% Min: -1,000% Max: 1,000%
Compare n type (list) (n=1-32) ‘Mag’ if n=1;‘Off’ if n>1 “Compare n” can be set to the following:
● signed (e.g., 10 > -50)
● magnitude (e.g., -50 > 10)
● disabled (no compare is done)

Table 7-88 Variable Pick List for Comparator Setup Submenus

Manual Value Analog Input 17 Manual ID Number

Analog Input 1 Analog Input 18 Internal Analog Input 1
Analog Input 2 Analog Input 19 Internal Analog Input 2
Analog Input 3 Analog Input 20 Internal Analog Input 3
Analog Input 4 Analog Input 21 Internal Analog Input 4
Analog Input 5 Analog Input 22 Internal Analog Input 5
Analog Input 6 Analog Input 23 Internal Analog Input 6
Analog Input 7 Analog Input 24 Internal Analog Input 7
Analog Input 8 Motor Speed Internal Analog Input 8

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7.6 Options for Auto Menu (4)

Analog Input 9 Motor Current Internal Analog Input 9

Analog Input 10 Enter Manual Value Internal Analog Input 10
Analog Input 11 Max Avail Out Vlt Internal Analog Input 11
Analog Input 12 Magnetizing Current Ref (Ids Ref) Internal Analog Input 12
Analog Input 13 Magnetizing Current (Ids)
Analog Input 14 Torque Current Ref (Iqs Ref)
Analog Input 15 Torque Current (Iqs)
Analog Input 16 Input Frequency

See also
Command Generator (Page 212)

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7.7 Options for Main Menu (5)

7.7 Options for Main Menu (5)

7.7.1 Options for Main Menu (5)

Changing Drive Parameters
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameters.
Familiarize yourself with the safety notes in Section Safety Notes for Parameter Changes and
preferentially contact Siemens customer service before changing the default configuration.

The Main Menu (5) consists of the following menu options:

● Motor Menu (1)
● Drive Menu (2)
● Stability Menu (3)
● Auto Menu (4)
● Log Control Menu (6)
● Drive Protect Menu (7)
● Meter Menu (8)
● Communications Menu (9)
● Security Edit Functions Menu (5000)
● Parameter Default/File Functions
● Language and Security Functions

Description of menu options
The contents of menus 1 to 9 are explained consecutively in this chapter. Refer to the
appropriate section for descriptions of options within each menu.

You can access all of the menus directly using the keypad or from Main Menu (5). The following
figure depicts a typical menu selection from the main menu level, as viewed through the Drive

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7.7 Options for Main Menu (5)

Figure 7-7 Example of Main Menu

Main Menu (5) functions and submenus are explained in the tables that follow.

Table 7-89 Main Menu (5) Parameters

Parameter ID Type Description

Motor 1 Submenu Access the Motor Menu.
Drive 2 Submenu Access the Drive Menu.
Stability 3 Submenu Access the Stability Menu.
Auto 4 Submenu Access the Auto Menu.
Logs 6 Submenu Access the Log Control Menu.
Drive protect 7 Submenu Access the Drive Protect Menu.
Meter 8 Submenu Access the Meter Menu.
Communications 9 Submenu Access the Communications Menu.
Security edit functions 5000 Submenu Access functions for editing a menu item’s security codes.
Set current as default 5045 Submenu Set all default parameters to the current parameter settings.
Reset to defaults 5050 Submenu Reset all parameters to their factory defaults.
Select language 5080 Pick list Set language for keypad:
● English (default)
● Portuguese (Brazil)
● German
● Chinese (simplified)
● Russian
● Spanish (modern)
● Italian (future)
● French (future)
Enter security code 5500 Function Enter the security code to set the clearance level for access.

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7.7 Options for Main Menu (5)

Security Edit Functions

An electronic security code is provided to limit unauthorized access to various parameters
within the drive equipment.

Table 7-90 Security Edit Functions Menu (5000) Parameters

Parameter ID Type Description

Change security level 5010 Function Set the level of security on a menu item. Prohibit access to a menu or
menu items until "enter security level" is set to that level or higher.
When active, an "x" will appear as the first character on the second line
of the display.
1. Scroll past Main Menu (5) into another menu. The current security
level will appear as the last character on the second line of the display.
2. Press [ENTER] to edit the security level for the ID that is shown.
3. Choose level: 0, 5, or 7.
Drive running inhibit 5020 Function Enable or disable a menu item’s run inhibit. Prohibit certain parameters
from being changed when drive is in the Run State (D).
When active, an "x" will appear as the first character on the second line
of the display. The current run inhibit state will appear as the last char‐
acter on the second line of the display.
Drive running lockout will not allow the parameter to be changed while the
drive is running.
"0" indicates that a parameter may be changed while the drive is running.
"1" indicates that a parameter may not be changed while the drive is
Change security codes 5090 Function Change the default security codes for the various security levels used by
the drive. See Section Security Access Levels and Codes. This is how the
parameter displays in the keypad.

Changing parameter settings for Drive Running Inhibit (5020)
Changes to Drive running inhibit (5020) may enable parameter changes while the drive is
This may result in drive trip or instability.
Do not change the Drive running inhibit (5020) setting of any parameter unless you are
completely certain that the change is safe.

Editing security levels

When you select either of these functions, the display returns to the top of the Main Menu (5).
You can navigate the menu system as you normally would.
1. When the menu item, that you want to change is displayed, press the [ENTER] key to edit
the security level. An asterisk character (*) appears on the left of the display to indicate that
the menu or submenu is in the security edit mode, and not in normal mode.
2. Press the [CANCEL] key to exit the security edit mode.

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7.7 Options for Main Menu (5)

7.7.2 Security Access Levels and Codes

Changing default access codes
Access codes allow you to access and change the default security settings of the drive control.
Menu options above security level 5 are intended only for trained Siemens personnel during
commissioning or servicing.
Siemens recommends changing access codes to provide a higher level of security and to
prevent tampering.

Access the Security Edit Menu (5000) to change the factory default security settings. When the
drive is configured for security level 7 access, the Security Edit Menu (5000) is visible from the
Main Menu (5). Functions within this menu are used to:
● set the security levels for menu items
● hide menu items
● prevent changes to specific parameters.
The Security Edit Functions Menu (5000) contains security functions described in the table

Table 7-91 Default Security Access Levels and Access Codes

Access Level Default Access Code Level of Security

0 None Minimum access
5 5555 Startup access for service and/or startup
7 7777 Advanced access for troubleshooting

Access Level Change
Level 8 Security Access has been removed as of version NXGpro 6.6 software.

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7.8 Options for Log Control Menu (6)

7.8 Options for Log Control Menu (6)

Changing Drive Parameters
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameters.
Familiarize yourself with the safety notes in Section Safety Notes for Parameter Changes and
preferentially contact Siemens customer service before changing the default configuration.

The Log Control Menu (6) consists of the following menu options:
● Event Log Menu (6180)
● Alarm/Fault Log Menu (6210)
● Historic Log Menu (6250)
These menus are explained in the tables that follow.

Table 7-92 Log Control Menu (6) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Upload all logs 6150 Function Upload all logs to a USB connected disk drive.*
Event Log 6180 Submenu Access menu for event log. See Table Event Log
Menu (6180).
Alarm/Fault Log 6210 Submenu Access menu for alarm/fault log. See
Table Alarm/Fault Log Menu (6210).
Historic Log 6250 Submenu Access menu for historic log. See Table Historic
Log Menu (6250).

Table 7-93 Event Log Menu (6180) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Upload event log 6190 Function Upload the event log to a USB connected disk

Table 7-94 Alarm/Fault Log Menu (6210) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Alarm/Fault log display 6220 Function Display the fault log.
Alarm/Fault log upload 6230 Function Upload the fault log to a USB connected disk
Alarm/Fault log clear 6240 Function Clear the fault log.

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7.8 Options for Log Control Menu (6)

* NXGpro uses a standard driver and does not allow the installation of drivers, therefore some
USB disk devices may not be compatible with NXGpro.
● When attempting to download information using a USB disk drive, check the keypad
display for a failure message such as, "An error has occurred" or "Error opening output file".
● This latter message may also occur if the root directory on the flash disk is too full. In this
case, delete some of the existing files in the root directory.
● If the download fails and the root directory is not full, change the brand or type of USB disk
drive and retry.

Table 7-95 Historic Log Menu (6250) Parameters

Parameter ID Default Description

Store in event log 6255 On When selected, the historic log is stored in the event log.
Historic log variable 1 6260 Spd Ref Select the 1st variable for the historic log. 1
Historic log variable 2 6270 Trq I Cmd Select the 2nd variable for the historic log.1
Historic log variable 3 6280 Mtr Flux Select the 3rd variable for the historic log.1
Historic log variable 4 6290 Pwr Out Select the 4th variable for the historic log.1
Historic log variable 5 6300 I Total Out Select the 5th variable for the historic log.1
Historic log variable 6 6310 Mag I Fdbk Select the 6th variable for the historic log.1
Historic log variable 7 6320 Mtr Flux Select the 7th variable for the historic log.1
Historic log upload 6330 Upload the historic log to a USB connected disk drive.

See Table Pick list variables for Historic Log for pick list variables.

Table 7-96 Pick list variables for Historic Log (all units are %)

Abbreviation Description
Mtr Spd Motor speed
Spd Ref Speed reference
Spd Dmd Raw speed demand
Trq I Cmd Torque current command
Trq I Fdbk Torque current feedback
Mag I Cmd Magnetizing current command
Mag I Fdbk Magnetizing current feedback
I Total Out Total motor current
Mtr Volt Motor voltage
Mtr Flux Motor flux
V Avail Line voltage available
V Avail RMS Line voltage RMS
Pwr Out Output power
V Neutral Output neutral volts

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7.8 Options for Log Control Menu (6)

Abbreviation Description
I Total In Total input current
Pwr In Input power
Freq In Input frequency
KVAR In Input reactive power pu
Drv Loss Internal drive power losses in pu of input power
Xcess I Rct Excessive input reactive current (above limit) pu
Spd Droop Speed droop pu
Freq Out Output frequency pu

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7.9 Options for Drive Protect Menu (7)

7.9 Options for Drive Protect Menu (7)

Changing Drive Parameters
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameters.
Familiarize yourself with the safety notes in Section Safety Notes for Parameter Changes and
preferentially contact Siemens customer service before changing the default configuration.

The Drive Protect Menu (7) consists of the following menu options:
● Input Protect Menu (7000)
● Single Phasing Menu (7010)
These menus are explained in the tables that follow.

Table 7-97 Drive Protect Menu (7) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Input protection 7000 Submenu Access the input protection parameters.
See Table Input Protect Menu (7000).
Drive IOC set‐ 7110 % 150.0 50.0 175.0 Drive instantaneous over current setpoint
point as a percentage of drive output rating.
This parameter sets a hardware based
comparator threshold on the main control
Cell Overload 7112 % 100.0 100.0 150.0 Cell current overload, as a percentage of
Level drive output rating, allowed for 1 minute
out of every 10 minutes.
Power Rollback 7114 Enable Enable Disable Enable Transformer Secondary Power
Enable Rollback for bypass loading.
Auto reset ena‐ 7120 No Enable the reset of the drive after a fault.
Auto reset time 7130 sec 1 0 120 Adjust the time between the fault and its
automatic reset.
Auto reset at‐ 7140 4 1 10 Set the number of attempts a drive will be
tempts reset before a permanent shutdown.
Auto reset 7150 sec 10 1 1000 Set the amount of time between faults
memory time that will clear the attempts counter.
Fault Reset 7160 Function Issue a drive fault reset when selected.
Thermal OT 7170 Submenu Thermal over temperature rollback sub‐
Rollback menu.
Refer to Section Thermal Over Tempera‐
ture Rollback for a description of opera‐
Min Rollback 7171 Function Minimum rollback level.
Rollback Ramp 7172 Function Rollback base rate.

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7.9 Options for Drive Protect Menu (7)

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Cell OT Alarm 7174 Function Display the cumulative time under Cell
Timer OT.
Xformer OT 7177 Function Display the cumulative time under Xfor‐
Alarm Timer mer OT alarm.

See also
Thermal Over Temperature Rollback (Page 193)

Table 7-98 Input Protect Menu (7000) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Single phasing 7010 Submenu Access the single phasing protection pa‐
rameters. See Table Single Phasing
Menu (7010).
Undervoltage 7060 0.0 0.0 10.0 Under voltage PI regulator proportional
prop gain gain term.
Undervoltage 7070 0.001 0.0 1.0 Undervoltage PI regulator integral gain
integ gain term.
UV Flux Reduc‐ 7075 0.05 0.0 0.5 Undervoltage Flux Reduction Integrator
tion gain regulator gain term. Rolls back flux de‐
mand on synchronous motors when up
against the modulation index clamp limit.
UV Flux Recov‐ 7076 0.01 0.0 0.5 Undervoltage Flux Recovery Integrator
ery gain regulator gain term.
MI Lim Spd Re‐ 7077 0.01 0.0 0.5 Overmodulation Speed Reduction Inte‐
duce gain grator regulator gain term. Rolls back
speed demand on PMM motors when up
against the modulation index clamp limit.
MI Lim Spd Re‐ 7078 0.01 0.0 0.5 Overmodulation Speed Recovery Integra‐
cover gain tor regulator gain term.
1 Cyc Protect 7080 0.0025 0.0 1.0 Gain of integral regulator for detecting ex‐
integ gain cessive input reactive current. Output of
this regulator is used to fault the drive in
case high reactive currents flow in the in‐
put, other than when MV is applied to the
drive. Adjust the gain to change the re‐
sponse to high reactive currents.
1 Cycle Protect 7081 % 50.0 0.0 100.0 Set the integrator output level at which the
Limit drive issues a 1 Cycle Protect fault.
Excess Loss 7084 % 5.0 1.0 5.0 Set the excessive drive power loss level
Idle when the drive is idle, in particular when
cell is fast bypassing. The default is 5 % of
input power, which is the hard-coded val‐
ue of previous releases.
Excess Loss 7086 % 7.0 3.0 12.0 Set the excessive drive power loss level
Running when the drive is running. The default is
7% of input power, which is the hard-co‐
ded value of previous releases.

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7.9 Options for Drive Protect Menu (7)

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Xformer tap set‐ 7050 % 1 Choose from settings -5%, 0%, +5%,
ting +10% to match transformer tap setting.
Xformer ther‐ 7090 0.0133 0.0 1.0 Gain of integral regulator to limit input cur‐
mal gain rent to 105% of its rated value.
Xformer protec‐ 7100 0.5 0.0 10.0 Gain to adjust model of input transformer.
tion const Use the default value of 0.5.
Phase Imbal‐ 7105 % 40.0 0.0 100.0 Set the input current level, as a percent‐
ance Limit age of rated input current, above which
input phase imbalance alarm is issued.
Ground Fault 7106 % 40.0 0.0 100.0 Set the level above which the drive issues
Limit an input ground fault alarm.
Ground Fault 7107 sec 0.2 0.001 2.0 Set the time constant of filter used for
Time Const averaging input neutral voltage when de‐
tecting a ground fault.
Dedicated In‐ 7108 Off Input protection uses dedicated inputs
put Protect and outputs controlled by NXGpro code.
Options are:
● Off
● On
Input Breaker 7125 sec 0.4 0.02 0.5 Set the maximum expected opening time
Open Time for the input breaker. This value is used
for Tamper Resistant Input Protection.
Test IP Inter‐ 7126 Function Test the input breaker interruption time
rupt Time response time. Input breaker will open
during test.
Drive Has Input 7127 Yes Indicates that drive has input breaker that
Breaker is under NXGpro software control. Op‐
tions are:
● Yes
● No

Table 7-99 Single Phasing Menu (7010) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

SPD prop gain 7020 0.0 0.0 10.0 Single phase detector PI regulator pro‐
portional gain term.
SPD integral 7030 0.001 0.0 1.0 Single phase detector PI regulator inte‐
gain gral gain term.
SPD threshold 7040 % 50.0 0.0 100.0 Regulator output level below which an
alarm is generated.

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7.10 Options for Meter Menu (8)

7.10 Options for Meter Menu (8)

Changing Drive Parameters
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameters.
Familiarize yourself with the safety notes in Section Safety Notes for Parameter Changes and
preferentially contact Siemens customer service before changing the default configuration.

The Meter Menu (8) consists of the following menu options:

● Display Parameters Menu (8000)
● Hour Meter Setup Menu (8010)
● General Drive Parameters Menu (Set Time, Software Version, Language, Output Units)
● Input Harmonics Menu (8140)
These menus are explained in the tables that follow.

Table 7-100 Meter Menu (8) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Display params 8000 Submenu Access the display parameters. See Table Dis‐
play Parameters Menu (8000).
Hour meter setup 8010 Submenu Access the hour meter setup parameters. See
Table Hour Meter Setup (8010).
Input harmonics 8140 Submenu Access the input harmonics parameters. See
Table Input Harmonics Menu (8140).
Fault display override 8200 Off Enable or disable the display of fault/alarm
messages on the keypad.
Set the clock time 8080 Function Change the time and date of the real-time clock
Display version num‐ 8090 Function Display the installed version of firmware.
Customer order 8101 0 0 9999999999 View the 10 digit customer order number.
Customer drive 8110 1 0 9999999 View the customer drive number.

The following menu contains the pick lists to select the variables to be displayed on the front
panel default display.

Table 7-101 Display Parameters Menu (8000) Parameters

Parameter ID Default Description

Status variable 1 8001 DEMD Select variable 1 to display on the LCD display.*
Status variable 2 8002 %SPD Select variable 2 to display on the LCD display.*
Status variable 3 8003 VLTS Select variable 3 to display on the LCD display.*
Status variable 4 8004 ITOT Select variable 4 to display on the LCD display.*
Status variable 5 8005 IMRF Select variable 5 to display on the Tool1 display.*

NXGpro Control
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7.10 Options for Meter Menu (8)

Parameter ID Default Description

Status variable 6 8006 IMRF Select variable 6 to display on the Tool1 display.*
Status variable 7 8007 IMRF Select variable 7 to display on the Tool1 display.*

* See Table Pick list variables for the front display.

Available for drive tool only.
Table Pick list variables for the front display contains the abbreviation, variable name, units and
description of the standard pick list variables used in menus such as the Historic Log Menu or
the Display Variable Menu.
The variable name column contains the name of the display variable. The content of the
variable name column is displayed as you scroll through the list of available display variables.
The abbreviation column contains an abbreviation that is displayed after a variable is selected
from the list. The abbreviation is between 3 and 4 characters in length and is displayed on the
front panel of the drive.

Table 7-102 Pick list variables for the front display

Abbreviation Variable Name Unit Description

IMRF Mag current ref A Output Ids reference.
ITRF Trq current ref A Output Iqs reference.
FLDS Flux DS % Motor Flux DS. Main flux component, magnitude of flux
FLQS Flux QS % Motor Flux QS. Quadrature component; normally close to
or at zero.
VDRF Vds reference % Motor Vds reference. Direct component.
VQRF Vqs reference % Motor Vqs reference. Quadrature component.
SLIP Slip frequency % Motor slip frequency.
%SPD Motor speed %
FREQ Output Frequency Hz
RPM Motor speed rpm Motor speed with slip correction.
VLTS Motor voltage V
IMAG Mag current filtered A Motor Ids filtered. Motor voltage producing current.
ITRQ Trq current filtered A Motor Iqs filtered. Torque producing current.
ITOT Motor current A Motor total motor current.
%TRQ Torque out % Motor Torque. Percentage of rated torque.
KWO Output power kW Output power. Real output power component.
RESS Stator resistance Motor stator resistance.
DEMD Speed demand % Motor speed demand, before the ramp.
SREF Speed reference % Motor speed reference. Input to speed regulator, ramp out‐
FDMD Raw flux demand % Motor raw flux demand.
FXRF Flux reference % Motor flux reference.
IDIN Id input current A Input real current.

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7.10 Options for Meter Menu (8)

Abbreviation Variable Name Unit Description

IQIN Iq input current A Input reactive current.
IAIN Phase A input current Arms
IBIN Phase B input current Arms
ICIN Phase C input current Arms
IAVI Total input current Arms 3-phase input current.
VAIN Phase A input voltage Vrms
VBIN Phase B input voltage Vrms
VCIN Phase C input voltage Vrms
VZSQ Zero sequence voltage V Input zero sequence average.
VNSD Negative sequence D voltage V Input negative sequence D voltage. Direct component of
the negative sequence input voltage, responsible for input
losses and heating.
VNSQ Negative sequence Q voltage V Input negative sequence Q voltage. Quadrature compo‐
nent of the negative sequence input voltage, responsible
for input losses and heating.
VDIN Input D voltage Vrms Input voltage magnitude.
VQIN Input Q voltage V Input quadrature voltage. This drives the input PLL. A val‐
ue that is too high implies the PLL is not locked onto the
input voltage.
VAVI Input voltage V Input voltage. 3-phase, L-L rms voltage.
FRIN Input frequency Hz
KWIN Input power average kW
PFIN Input power factor %
HRCA Ah harmonic coefficient % Input ah harmonic.
HRCB Bh harmonic coefficient % Input bh harmonic.
HARM Total A, B harmonics % Input total harmonics.
XTHL Transformer thermal level % Input transformer thermal level.
1CRI One cycle reactive current level % Input one cycle reactive current level.
SPHI Single phasing current level % Input single phasing current level.
UNVL Under Voltage level % Input under voltage level.
EFF Efficiency % Input drive efficiency.
THD Total Harmonic Distortion % Input total harmonic distortion.
VNGV Output Neutral Voltage V Output neutral to ground voltage.
%VNG Output Neutral Voltage % Output neutral to ground voltage.
SMFC Synch Motor Field Current A Motor synch motor field current command.
%ESP Encoder Speed % Motor encoder speed.
ERPM Encoder Speed rpm Motor encoder speed.
IAF Phase A filter current A Output Filter Current Ia.
IBF Phase B filter current A Output Filter Current Ib.
ICF Phase C filter current A Output Filter Current Ic.
MVAO Measured Phase A volts V Voltage Phase A (Va) at drive output.
MVBO Measured Phase B volts V Voltage Phase B (Vb) at drive output.
MVCO Measured Phase C volts V Voltage Phase C (Vc) at drive output.
MVNG Measured Output Neutral Voltage V Output drive neutral voltage.

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7.10 Options for Meter Menu (8)

Abbreviation Variable Name Unit Description

%MAV Max Avail Output Volts % Output maximum available output voltage.
KVAR Input Avg Reactive Power KVAR Input drive average reactive power.
LOSS Excessive Drive Losses kW Drive internal power losses (input - output).
XRCA Excessive Reactive current A Input reactive current over max allowed.
UXFR Up Transfer State value Up transfer state machine state variable.
DXFR Down Transfer State value Down transfer state machine state variable.
%DRP Speed Droop % Motor speed droop. Speed slow-down proportional to tor‐
que current.
Iarms Phase A Input RMS current A Input current on Phase A in RMS amps
Ibrms Phase B Input RMS current A Input current on Phase B in RMS amps
Icrms Phase C Input RMS current A Input current on Phase C in RMS amps




VKRZVILHOGQDPHV 02'( '(0' 530 09/7 2$03

Figure 7-8 Standard Keypad Dynamic Programmable Meter Display

GLVSOD\ 02'( .<3' )L[HGGLVSOD\


9DULDEOH ,727 


Figure 7-9 Multi-Language Keypad Dynamic Programmable Meter Display

Table 7-103 Hour Meter Setup (8010) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Display hour 8020 Function Display the amount of time that the drive has been
meter operational since it was commissioned.
Preset hour me‐ 8030 Function Preset the hour meter to the accumulated time that
ter the drive has been operational since it was com‐
missioned in the event that a microboard has been
replaced on an existing drive.
Reset hour me‐ 8040 Function Reset the hour meter when the drive is commis‐
ter sioned.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 159
Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.10 Options for Meter Menu (8)

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Display Output 8050 Function Display the total output kW hours that have been
kWH meter accumulated since the drive was commissioned.
Preset output 8060 Function Preset the output kW hour counter to a previous
kWH meter value when the microboard is replaced.
Reset output 8070 Function Reset the output kW hour counter to zero.
kWH meter
Display input 8072 Function Display the total input kW hours that have been ac‐
kWH meter cumulated since the drive was commissioned.
Preset input 8074 Function Preset the input kW hour counter to a previous val‐
kWH meter ue when the microboard is replaced.
Reset input 8076 Function Reset the input kW hour counter to zero.
kWH meter

Table 7-104 Input Harmonics Menu (8140) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Selection for HA 8150 IA Select harmonic analysis:
● IA
● IB
● IC
● VA
● VB
● VC
Harmonics or‐ 8160 1.0 0.0 30.0 Harmonic order
Harmonics inte‐ 8170 0.001 0.0 1.0 Harmonics regulator integral gain term
gral gain

NXGpro Control
160 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.11 Options for Communications Menu (9)

7.11 Options for Communications Menu (9)

IP Address Duplication
Duplicating IP addresses will cause unintended communication issues that will lead to
incorrect drive operation.
To avoid duplication of IP addresses, ensure that the IP addresses of the drive and the PC are
NOT the same before connecting an external PC to the Ethernet connection of the drive.

Changing Drive Parameters
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameters.
Familiarize yourself with the safety notes in Section Safety Notes for Parameter Changes and
preferentially contact Siemens customer service before changing the default configuration.

The Communications Menu (9) consists of the following menu options:

● Serial Port Setup Menu (9010)
● Network Control (9943)
● Network 1 Configure (9900)
● Network 2 Configure (9914)
● SOP and Serial Functions (9110)
● TCP/IP Setup (9300)
These menus are explained in the tables that follow.

Table 7-105 Communications Menu (9) Parameters

Parameter ID U Default Min Max Description

Serial port setup 9010 Submenu Access serial port setup parameters. See Table Serial
Port Setup Menu (9010).
Network Control 9943 Submenu
Network 1 Con‐ 9900 Submenu
figure Refer to the NXGpro Communications Manual.
Network 2 Con‐ 9914 Submenu
Fast Access Ena‐ 9971 Off Enable fast acess fo two consecutive registers for PLC
ble Control.*
Display Network 9950 Function
Monitor Refer to the NXGpro Communications Manual.
Serial echo back 9180 Function

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 161
Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.11 Options for Communications Menu (9)

Parameter ID U Default Min Max Description

Sop & serial func‐ 9110 Submenu Access functions that utilize the local serial port.
tions See Table Serial Functions Menu (9110).
TCP/IP setup 9300 Submenu Access functions that set the parameters for TCP/IP.
See Table TCP/IP Setup Menu (9300).

* Refer to Section Network Fast Register Access for PLC Applications in Chapter Advanced
Operating Functions for additional information.

Table 7-106 Serial Port Setup Menu (9010) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Modem pass‐ 9025 NXG1 Set the modem password for serial port use. Enter the four
word character password that can consist of 0 to 9, A to Z, by
scrolling through each character.

Table 7-107 SOP and Serial Functions Menu (9110) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

System pro‐ 9120 Function Transfer the SOP to a USB connected disk drive.*
gram down‐
System pro‐ 9130 Function Transfer the SOP from a USB connected disk drive.*
gram upload
Display sys 9140 Function Display the current SOP name.
prog name
Select system 9146 nowago.hex Display the list of SOP files on the flash disk to select
program the active one.
Display drctry 9147 Function Display the current directory file version.
Multiple con‐ 9185 Off Enable multiple configuration files.
fig files
Parameter da‐ 9150 Function Transfer the current configuration file from a remote
ta upload system.*
Parameter da‐ 9160 Function Transfer the current configuration file to a remote sys‐
ta download tem.*
Parameter 9170 Function Obtain a print out of the current configuration data.*
Menu based 9111 Submenu Access the menu-based SOP timers 1 to 16.
timer setup
MenuTimer 9112 to Sec 0.0 0.0 86400.0 Menu timers 1 to 8 timeout.
1-8 9119
MenuTimer 9121 to Sec 0.0 0.0 86400.0 Menu timers 9 to 16 timeout.
9-16 9128

Use parameter upload functions to transmit data from the drive to a USB connected disk drive.*

NXGpro Control
162 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.11 Options for Communications Menu (9)

Use parameter download functions to move data from a USB connected disk drive to the drive.*

* NXGpro uses a standard driver and does not allow the installation of drivers, therefore some
USB disk devices may not be compatible with NXGpro.
● When attempting to download information using a USB disk drive, check the keypad
display for a failure message such as, "An error has occurred" or "Error opening output file".
● This latter message may also occur if the root directory on the flash disk is too full. In this
case, delete some of the existing files in the root directory.
● If the download fails and the root directory is not full, change the brand or type of USB disk
drive and retry.

Table 7-108 TCP/IP Setup Menu (9300) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

IP address 9310 Enter the drive IP address in dotted decimal.
Subnet 9320 Enter the drive subnet mask in dotted deci‐
mask mal (keypad only).
Gateway 9330 Enter the drive gateway address in dotted
address decimal (keypad only).

NXGpro Control
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Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.12 Options for Multiple Configuration Files

7.12 Options for Multiple Configuration Files

The drive can operate with multiple motors that may vary in size. The drive uses multiple
parameter configuration files to accomplish multiple motor operation. There is one master
configuration file that is always named current cfg. The slave files are stored on the
CompactFlash card in a subfolder of the 'CfgFiles' configuration folder named 'SubCfgs'. The
slave files can have any legal name conforming to the "xxxxxxxx.yyy" file naming convention.

File extension for slave configuration files

The file extension of slave configuration files is always ‘.sfg’. You cannot add or change the file
extension for the slave configuration files through the menus. Choose 8 characters only for the
file name.
Press [ENTER] to save the parameters as they exist in memory to a new configuration file
name. This file will be stored to the CompactFlash card in the ‘SubCfgs’ subdirectory. This
function does not make this configuration file the active configuration file. It uses the current
data in memory to create a new slave configuration file. Any parameter that is saved to a slave
configuration file is identifiable by the small ‘s’ adjacent to the parameter ID number if it has not
been changed from the default setting, or a ‘$’ if it has been changed from the default setting,
for example (s9586) or ($9586).

Creating configuration files

You can create configuration files at runtime in the drive’s memory and then store them to the
CompactFlash card.
Create slave files via the keypad menus. To do so, set the slave parameters as desired and
write them to the CompactFlash card, see Table Slave Setup and Configuration Parameters.
You may set up to 8 SOP flags to point to a configuration file. Use the menus to map each SOP
flag to a corresponding configuration file. Once mapped, use the SOP flags to activate the SOP
for a particular motor.

Menu Item Descriptions

Multiple config files Use this pick list to switch slave configuration files.
Disable this item by setting it to "OFF". No other multiple configuration
file menus will be displayed.
Enable this item by setting any one of the SOP flags to true. The
corresponding configuration file will become active.
Show active config file Use this function to display the current active configuration file.
Only one configuration file can be active at one time.
If the correct configuration file is not displayed, check the SOP file for
accuracy. Check the ‘Setup SOP configuration flags menu' to be sure
the correct file is mapped to the SOP flag.

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Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.12 Options for Multiple Configuration Files

Set active config file Use this pick list to set the displayed file to be the active configuration
This function overrides what is set in the SOP. Any change in the SOP
is checked against the file set in this function. Once a change in the
SOP is detected, that file will then be the active file. The keypad menu
setting is now ignored. This ensures no unintentional toggling of the
configuration files.
To switch back to the keypad file set it by this menu. If no change in
the SOP occurs, the keypad set configuration file will remain in mem‐
Setup SOP config flags Use this submenu for SOP flag configuration.
Create new config file Use this function to save slave parameters to a file name you specify.
Use the drive keypad to enter the file name. To get to the alphanu‐
meric characters, use the left or right arrow keys to position the cursor.
Use the up or down arrow keys to scroll to the desired letter or number.
Set Use this function to map the name of the flag in the SOP
SOPConfigFileX_O file, SOPConfigFileX_O (X = 1 to 8) to a name of a slave configu‐
ration file.
Once the SOP is running, and this flag is set to ‘true’, the configuration
file will be switched into memory. This is a method of switching among
multiple motors using one drive.
Select the file names from a pick list or create new files as described.

Table 7-109 Slave Setup and Configuration Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Multiple config files 9185 Off Enable multiple configuration file opera‐
Show active config file 9195 Display the current active configuration
file on the flash disk.
Set active config file 9196 defaults.sfg Set the displayed file to be the active con‐
figuration file on the flash disk.
Setup SOP config flags 9186 Submenu Access menu for SOP flag configuration.
Create new config file 9197 Create a new configuration file using the
numeric keypad.
Set SOPConfigFile1_O 9187 defaults.sfg Set the name of configuration file 1 to be
used with corresponding SOP flag 1.
Set SOPConfigFile2_O 9188 defaults.sfg Set the name of configuration file 2 to be
used with corresponding SOP flag 2.
Set SOPConfigFile3_O 9189 defaults.sfg Set the name of configuration file 3 to be
used with corresponding SOP flag 3.
Set SOPConfigFile4_O 9190 defaults.sfg Set the name of configuration file 4 to be
used with corresponding SOP flag 4.
Set SOPConfigFile5_O 9191 defaults.sfg Set the name of configuration file 5 to be
used with corresponding SOP flag 5.
Set SOPConfigFile6_O 9192 defaults.sfg Set the name of configuration file 6 to be
used with corresponding SOP flag 6.

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Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.12 Options for Multiple Configuration Files

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Set SOPConfigFile7_O 9193 defaults.sfg Set the name of configuration file 7 to be
used with corresponding SOP flag 7.
Set SOPConfigFile8_O 9194 defaults.sfg Set the name of configuration file 8 to be
used with corresponding SOP flag 8.

Table 7-110 Parameter Menu for Slave Configuration

Parameter ID Parameter ID
Motor Menu
Motor kW rating 1010 50 Percent Break Point 1156
Motor frequency 1020 100 Percent Break Point 1157
Full load speed 1030 Maximum Load Inertia 1159
Motor voltage 1040 Motor trip volts 1160
Full load current 1050 Overspeed 1170
No load current 1060 Underload enable 1180
Mag current thresh 1061 I underload 1182
Leakage inductance 1070 Underload timeout 1186
Stator resistance 1080 Motor torque limit 1 1190
Inertia 1090 Regen torque limit 1 1200
Overload select 1130 Motor torque limit 2 1210
Overload pending 1139 Regen torque limit 2 1220
Overload 1140 Motor torque limit 3 1230
Overload timeout 1150 Regen torque limit 3 1240
0 Percent Break Point 1152 Phase Imbalance Limit 1244
10 Percent Break Point 1153 Ground Fault Limit 1245
17 Percent Break Point 1154 Ground Fault Time Const 1246
25 Percent Break Point 1155
Drive Menu
Control loop type 2050 Skip center freq 3 2370
Ratio control 2070 Skip bandwidth 1 2380
Speed fwd max limit 1 2080 Skip bandwidth 2 2390
Speed fwd min limit 1 2090 Skip bandwidth 3 2400
Speed fwd max limit 2 2100 Intentionally left blank ------
Speed fwd min limit 2 2110 Spinning load mode 2430
Speed fwd max limit 3 2120 Scan end threshold 2440
Speed fwd min limit 3 2130 Current Level Setpoint 2450
Speed rev max limit 1 2140 Current ramp 2460
Speed rev min limit 1 2150 Max current 2470
Speed rev max limit 2 2160 Frequency scan rate 2480
Speed rev min limit 2 2170 Cond. stop timer 2500
Speed rev max limit 3 2180 Cond. run timer 2510
Speed rev min limit 3 2190 Permitted min cell count 2541
Accel time 1 2270 Fast bypass 2600

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Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.12 Options for Multiple Configuration Files

Parameter ID Parameter ID
Decel time 1 2280 Phase I gain 2710
Accel time 2 2290 Phase P gain 2720
Decel time 2 2300 Phase offset 2730
Accel time 3 2310 Phase error threshold 2740
Decel time 3 2320 Frequency Offset 2750
Jerk rate 2330 Up Transfer Timeout 2760
Skip center freq 1 2350 Down Transfer Timeout 2770
Skip center freq 2 2360 Cable Resistance 2940
Stability Menu
Flux reg prop gain 3110 Integ gain during brake 3290
Flux reg integral gain 3120 Enable braking 3360
Flux Filter Time Const 3130 Pulsation frequency 3370
Flux demand 3150 Brake power loss 3390
Flux ramp rate 3160 VD Loss Max 3400
Energy saver min flux 3170 Braking constant 3410
Speed reg prop gain 3210 Test Type 3470
Speed reg integral gain 3220 Test positive 3480
Speed reg Kf gain 3230 Test negative 3490
Speed filter time const 3240 Test time 3500
Current reg prop gain 3260 Slip constant 3545
Current reg integ gain 3270 Feed forward constant 3560
Prop gain during brake 3280
Auto Menu
Entry point 4010 Delay on 4080
Exit point 4020 Prop gain 4360
Entry speed 4030 Integral gain 4370
Exit speed 4040 Diff gain 4380
Auto off 4050 Min clamp 4390
Delay off 4060 Max clamp 4400
Auto on 4070 Setpoint 4410
Log Control Menu
Historic log variable 1 6260 Historic log variable 5 6300
Historic log variable 2 6270 Historic log variable 6 6310
Historic log variable 3 6280 Historic log variable 7 6320
Historic log variable 4 6290
Drive Protect Menu
Auto reset Enable 7120 Auto Reset Attempts 7140
Auto Reset Time 7130 Auto Reset Memory Time 7150
Display Configuration Data Menu
Status variable 1 8001 Status variable 5 8005
Status variable 2 8002 Status variable 6 8006
Status variable 3 8003 Status variable 7 8007
Status variable 4 8004

NXGpro Control
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Parameter Assignment / Addressing
7.12 Options for Multiple Configuration Files

Parameter ID Parameter ID
Meter Menu
Customer order 8101 Harmonics order 8160
Customer drive 8110 Harmonics integral gain 8170
Selection for HA 8150 Fault display override 8200

See also
Multiple Configuration Files (Page 377)

NXGpro Control
168 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Control 8
This chapter covers the NXGpro control related operating functions of the drive. General and
application specific drive features are covered. Where applicable, the functions are described
by listing first the feature and then the associated menu parameters.
For more advanced drive features, refer to Chapter Advanced Operating Functions.

See also
Advanced Operating Functions (Page 227)

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 169
Operating the Control
8.1 Signal Frame of Reference for Motor

8.1 Signal Frame of Reference for Motor

Assignment of motor control signals

The control signals controlling the motor are assigned a polarity for use over four quadrants of
control to maintain consistency of the algorithms.
This section clarifies what the control signals are and what their polarities mean in the various

Frame of reference
The four quadrant frame of reference is defined as the four quadrants of operation of a motor.
They are divided left to right by the direction of rotation and from top to bottom by the polarity
of the torque in the machine. Energy flow from the drive into the machine is called motoring.
Energy flow out of the machine and into the drive is called regeneration or braking.
Quadrants I and II represent the forward motoring and braking quadrants, respectively.
Quadrants III and IV represent the reverse motoring and braking quadrants, respectively. Top
and bottom of the diagram represent the positive and negative directions of the applied torque


-P Braking Motoring +P

+α +α

−ω +ω
Reverse Forward

−α −α

+P Motoring Braking -P



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Operating the Control
8.1 Signal Frame of Reference for Motor

Figure 8-1 Four Quadrant Operation of a Motor

The diagram shows the relationship between the polarities of the signals in the ordinances of
the two axes.
This is governed by the following equations:

α = T/J ω = ∫αdt

α = acceleration T = torque
J = inertia (an unsigned magnitude) ω = rotational speed
Starting at rest, if a positive torque is applied to the motor, the acceleration is positive and the
resultant speed increases in the forward direction. Once the motor is rotating in the forward
direction, if the applied torque becomes negative, the quadrant will switch over into quadrant II,
showing that a negative torque produces negative acceleration i.e., deceleration, which will
stop the motor.
If, however, the same torque is applied continuously, the speed of the motor will decrease to
zero and begin to accelerate in the opposite direction producing a negative rotational speed (ω)
in what is now quadrant III. Now if a positive torque is applied, the motor enters quadrant IV and
begins to decelerate as the rotational speed is negative. Once the speed decreases to zero, it
crosses back over to quadrant I, and assumes a positive value as the motor accelerates in this
direction. The signs of the signals of the applied torque and resultant speed are illustrated in the
figure above.
The injection frequency must always be opposing the direction of rotation and is only used in
the case of braking or negative energy flow. Therefore, it is zero in the motoring quadrants, I
and III, and is the inverse polarity of the electrical frequency in the braking quadrants, II and IV.
See Table Signal Polarities.

Table 8-1 Signal polarities

Signals Quadrant I Quadrant II Quadrant III Quadrant IV

Rotation speed (ωr) + + - -
Electrical frequency (ωs) + + - -
Slip (ωslip) + - - +
Torque + - - +
Current (Iq) + - - +
Voltage (Vqs) + - - +
Acceleration + - - +
Injection Frequency (ωinj) 0 - 0 +
Power (flow) + - + -
Mag Current (Id) + + + +
Voltage (Vds) + + + +

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 171
Operating the Control
8.1 Signal Frame of Reference for Motor

Signal polarity for the electrical frequency (ωs)
The electrical polarity is uncertain for the electrical frequency (ωs) in the braking quadrants (II
and IV), where the slip opposes the rotational speed, when the speed magnitude approaches
the slip magnitude. The sign will match that of the slip rather than the sign of the rotor speed,
when the slip magnitude is greater than the rotor speed. This is due to the relationship between
slip and torque.

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Operating the Control
8.2 Cell Bypass

8.2 Cell Bypass

8.2.1 Fast Bypass (U11)

Fast bypass limits the interruption of torque to a process by less than ½ second if a cell failure
is detected. This feature helps to prevent operational down-time as a small interruption in
output torque, which can cause a medium voltage drive process to stop. Most processes can
ride through an interruption of ½ second or less.
In fast bypass the drive will start to deliver torque to the motor in ½ second after a fault occurs.
It may take longer for the drive to get back up to the setpoint speed based on load inertia, and
the loss of speed when torque is interrupted.
Fast bypass does not prevent a drive fault from occurring. It provides a means of isolating the
faulted cell, and quickly resetting the drive back into the run state. A drive fault still occurs, and
is logged by the system.
The drive can meet this ½ second maximum interruption under the following conditions:

Cell fault detection

All cell failures are detected in hardware. The hardware is designed to quickly shut down the
drive so that additional damage will not occur. The control is notified in the event of a cell failure;
it quickly determines which cell failed and starts the bypass process. A cell fault is always a
drive fault. Fast bypass issues an automatic reset to the drive after the cell has successfully

Drive trip
When the drive trips and stops delivering torque to the motor, the motor acts like a generator
and produces a voltage on the drive output terminals. This voltage decays over time, but can
be near the drive rated output voltage for a few seconds. If a cell is bypassed the remaining cells
may not be able to support this voltage and damage can occur.
A check in the control serves to prevent this damage. The control verifies if the motor output
voltage can be supported before it bypasses a cell and restarts the drive. If the check passes,
the cell is bypassed and torque is delivered to the drive in under ½ second from the time the fault
occurred. If the motor voltage is too high, cell bypass is delayed to allow the voltage to decay
to a safe level.

Number of cells
To guarantee that the drive will bypass a cell fault in under ½ second the drive needs to be
running at an output voltage that can be supported by one less than the existing number of cells
per phase.
● One option is to size the drive so that it has more than the minimum number of cells required
to provide the voltage needed.
● Another option is to limit the maximum speed.
In a drive with an additional cell per phase, bypass in under ½ second will happen only on the
first cell failure per phase. If a second cell in a phase fails the control needs to wait for the motor
voltage to decay, hence the bypass time may exceed ½ second.

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Operating the Control
8.2 Cell Bypass

Conditions for fast bypass

To enable fast bypass, the following conditions must be met:
● "Bypass type" (2590) set to "Mech"
● "Fast bypass" (2600) set to "Enable"
● "Control loop type" (2050) set to "OLVC", "CLVC", "SMC", "CSMC", or "PMM"
● No blocking or switching faults on cells
● No timeout on back emf - emf too high to support voltage on remaining cells within time set
by "Max back EMF decay time" (2580)
● Precharge complete if not SOP based
● No faults related to individual cells
● No medium voltage low fault
● No AFE cell temperature alarms or faults
If ANY of these conditions are not met, fast bypass will be disabled.

Cell bypass limitations
Cell bypass is limited to allow no more than nine cells at a time to be in bypass. Attempting to
bypass more than nine cells will result in a bypass fault and subsequent drive fault from fast

Minimum cells per phase indication

The minimum cell count limits the number of cells that must be active regardless of phase,
provided that at least one active cell exists in each phase. It does not determine the distribution
of those active cells. It is possible that too many cells may be allowed to bypass in a single
phase, limiting output and rendering a process inoperable. The minimum cell count does not
protect transformer secondary windings. For example, a 12-cell drive with a minimum count of
9 could allow all three bypassed cells to originate from the same phase.
Special applications may require availability of additional SOP flags to determine if the drive
can continue to run successfully after a cell bypass as determined by the process. These
additional flags, which are updated continually with the latest status, indicate the number of
active cells that remain in any phase that has the minimum amount of bypassed cells.
The new flag names are as follows:
● MinCellsRunningInOnePhaseIs1_I -- Only one cell remains in the shortest phase
● MinCellsRunningInOnePhaseIs2_I -- Two cells remain in the shortest phase
● MinCellsRunningInOnePhaseIs3_I -- Three cells are in the shortest phase
● MinCellsRunningInOnePhaseIs4_I -- Four cells are in the shortest phase
● MinCellsRunningInOnePhaseIs5_I -- Five cells are in the shortest phase
● MinCellsRunningInOnePhaseIs6_I -- Six cells are in the shortest phase
● MinCellsRunningInOnePhaseIs7_I -- Seven cells are in the shortest phase
● MinCellsRunningInOnePhaseIs8_I -- Eight cells are in the shortest phase

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174 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Control
8.2 Cell Bypass

See also
Output Filters (Page 249)

8.2.2 Forced Bypass - Non-faulted Cells

Forced Bypass - Non-faulted Cells

This feature adds the capability to force bypass for an individual cell by creating a pseudo cell
fault for that cell. The cell to be bypassed is designated by entering its phase and rank. Once
entered, a prompt is displayed to confirm the user’s desire to bypass the cell. A “fault” is then
generated within the control software and not in the actual cell. This will display as “xx - Forced
Cell Fault” where ‘xx’ is the cell phase (letter) and rank (number).
Forced bypass can be used for instances when a cell may be working intermittently showing a
low DC bus, or getting spurious OOS with fast bypass disabled. Another use involves checking
the bypass contactors for proper connections or operation. This feature gives the ability to
bypass cells without opening the control cabinet.
To activate the feature, use the menu system and select the function parameter “Forced Cell
Fault” (ID 2639).
Two levels of security must be used to activate this feature.
● The Factory or Siemens authorized personnel must have access to allow it to work at both
Idle and Run drive states. Since this could cause a problem while running, it is not available
for general purpose.
● The customer has access when the drive is at Idle only and only in Level 7 security. If an
attempt is made to force bypass while the drive is running, an error message is generated
to this regard. Also, this feature is not available if the “key lock” is on.
When activated, if the selected cell is already bypassed, the user will be notified with the
message, “Cell is bypassed”, and no further action will be taken. If the cell chosen is not
installed, an error message, “Cell not installed” will display, and no further action will be taken.
On the keypad version of this function if the user attempts to engage this function while there
is no medium voltage an error message, “Medium voltage low”, is displayed and no further
action is taken.
On the Drive Tool version of this function the menu item selection for this function is disabled
if conditions (insufficient security, no medium voltage) are not correct for it to operate.
Once enabled, the drive control then creates a pseudo cell fault that is logged as any other fault.
A message (“Forced cell fault”) is added to the event and fault logs stating that the cell fault is
forced. The event log message will also indicate whether the fault was initiated either with the
Tool Suite or keypad. No permanent record is kept as to the status of the cell bypass, therefore
if control power is interrupted, the bypass will be reset. Removing MV will also cause the bypass
contactors to open.
Use of the forced bypass feature is intended for testing bypass only. Since the forced "fault" is
software generated and not within the cell, it must be persistent for bypass to work. On reset (or
fast bypass) the cell is bypassed. If the maximum number of cells bypassed is exceeded, a
permanent drive fault is created, and the resest bypassed cells function is prevented from
working (since the drive is continually in cell diagnostics). Control power must be reset to

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 175
Operating the Control
8.2 Cell Bypass

restore the bypassed cells (control power is removed to replace faulty cells, so this is similar in
operation to the real-world scenario).

Resetting Bypassed Cells

The NXGpro software provides a mechanism to reset bypassed cells to work in conjunction
with the Force Cell Bypass function, if it is used for testing purposes only and no permanent cell
fault exists. This function is labeled “Reset bypassed cells” (ID 2640) and is set to Level 7
security. It cannot be invoked while the drive is running.
If the number of cells required for operation ("Permitted Min cell count" - ID 2541) is changed,
then the drive must re-initialize cell diagnostics. This automatically resets cells forced into
bypass by this function.

Resetting bypassed cells should not be used for cells that have actually faulted in operation.

See also
Torque Current Regulator (Page 246)

8.2.3 Mechanical Cell Bypass

Mechanical cell bypass protects against the following potential failures:
● Failure of any component in the power circuits
● Failure of any component in the communications circuits
● Power semiconductor failure
The tolerated amount of reduction in capacity will depend on the application but in most cases
a reduction in capacity is preferable to a complete shutdown.
To implement the mechanical cell bypass option, a contactor is added to the output of each cell
as shown in the figure below.

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8.2 Cell Bypass

4 4


4 4


Figure 8-2 Typical Power Cell with Bypass Contactor

Once the control detects that a cell has failed, it sends a command to close the appropriate
contactor. Closing the contactor simultaneously disconnects the cell output from the circuit and
connects the two adjacent cells together. These steps effectively take the failed cell out of the
circuit. The drive can then be restarted and operation can continue at reduced capacity.
These contactors are not rated to interrupt current. Therefore the drive remains in the idle state
after a trip, until the contactor is closed.

Activating this function

Any component failure within the cell that can be detected activates the mechanical bypass
function. Even a failure in the fiber optic link that communicates to the cell can be detected and

Cell bypass limitations
Cell bypass is limited to allow no more than nine cells at a time to be in bypass. Attempting to
bypass more than 9 cells will result in a bypass fault.

8.2.4 Neutral Point Shift during Bypass

Neutral point shift ensures that line-to-line voltage remains the same. In the drive, the cells in
each phase are connected in series. Bypassing a failed cell has no effect on the current
capability of the drive but reduces the voltage capability.
As the required motor voltage is approximately proportional to speed, reduced voltage
capability will also reduce the required maximum speed. To ensure that the drive can fulfill the
application requirements, it is important to maximize the motor voltage available after one or
more cells have failed.

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8.2 Cell Bypass

The following figures illustrate the voltage available from the drive for different cell failure
examples. The cells, represented by circles, are shown as simple voltage sources.

15 cell drive in which no cells are bypassed

The following figure shows a 15 cell drive with no cells bypassed. 100% of the cells are in use,
and 100% of full voltage is available. The voltage commands to the three phase groups of cells
will have phase A displaced from phase B by 120°, and from phase C by 120°.




9$& 9%$
$ r
& 1 %
& %
& %
& %
& %
& 9&% %
Figure 8-3 15 Cell Drive Simplified

Drive output with two cells bypassed

When cells are bypassed in one of the drive phases, the output voltage will become
imbalanced. This example shows a 15 cell drive after bypass of two cells in phase A. 87% of the
cells are in use but the output voltage is imbalanced.



$ r
9$& W\S 9%$

& 1 %
& %
& %
& %
& %
& 9&% %
Figure 8-4 Drive Output with 2 Cells Bypassed

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8.2 Cell Bypass

Drive output rebalanced by bypassing functional cells (not using neutral shift)
One solution is to bypass an equal number of cells in all three phases, even though some may
not have failed. This method prevents imbalance but sacrifices voltage capability. The example
below shows a 15 cell drive after bypass of two cells in all phases to restore balance. 87% of
the cells are functional but only 60% are in use, and only 60% of full voltage is available.


9$& 9%$
$ r

& 1 %
& %
& %
& 9&% %
Figure 8-5 Drive Output rebalanced by bypassing functional cells

Drive output re-balanced by adjusting phase angles (neutral shift)

A better approach is using neutral shift. This method takes advantage of the fact that the star-
point of the cells is floating, and is not connected to the neutral of the motor.
Neutral shift:
● shifts the star-point of cells away from the motor neutral
● adjusts the phase angles of the cell voltages
● helps to obtain a balanced set of motor voltages even though the cell group voltages are not
This approach is equivalent to introducing a zero-sequence component into the voltage
command vectors for the cells.
The example shows a 15 cell drive after bypass of two cells in phase A only. Neutral shift
adjusts the phase angles of the cell voltages so that phase A is displaced from phase B and
from phase C by 132.5°, instead of the normal 120°. 87% of the functional cells are in use, and
80% of full voltage is available.

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8.2 Cell Bypass



r r
9$& 9%$
& 1 %
& r %
& %
& %
& %

& 9&% %
Figure 8-6 Drive Output rebalanced using neutral shift

This neutral shift approach can be applied to more extreme situations.

Using neutral shift after loss of three cells

This example shows a 15 cell drive: five cells remain in phase A; one cell has failed in phase
B; two cells have failed in phase C.
Without neutral shift, all phases would need to be reduced to match the cell count of phase C
to maintain balanced motor voltages. 1 functional cell would be bypassed in phase B, and two
functional cells would be bypassed in phase A. Only 60% of the original cells would remain in
use, and only 60% of the original voltage would be available.
With neutral shift only the failed cells are bypassed. The phase angles of the cell voltages have
been adjusted so that phase A is displaced from phase B by 96.9° and from phase C by 113.1°,
instead of the normal 120°. The star-point of the cells no longer coincides with the neutral of the
motor voltages, but the motor voltage is balanced. 80% of the cells are in use, and 70% of full
voltage is available.




9$& $ 9%$

r $ r

& %
& %
& %
& 9&% %
Figure 8-7 Drive Output after loss of 3 Cells

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8.2 Cell Bypass

Using neutral shift after loss of five cells

This example shows a 15 cell drive: five cells remain in phase A; two cells have failed in phase
B; three cells have failed in phase C.
Without neutral shift, one functional cell would be bypassed in phase B, and three functional
cells would be bypassed in phase A. Only 40% of the original cells would remain in use, and
only 40% of the original voltage would be available.
With neutral shift only the failed cells are bypassed. The phase angles of the cell voltages have
been adjusted so that phase A is displaced from phase B by 61.1° and from phase C by 61.6°.
The star-point of the cells is far removed from the neutral of the motor voltages, but the motor
voltage is balanced. 67% of the cells are in use, and 50% of full voltage is available.


9$& 9%$

& 9&% %

& r $ r %

& %

Figure 8-8 Drive Output after loss of 5 Cells

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8.2 Cell Bypass

Available voltage after failure with and without neutral shift

The following graph compares the available voltage after a failure with and without using
neutral shift. In many cases, the extra voltage available with neutral shift will determine whether
or not a cell failure can be tolerated.






Figure 8-9 Available Voltage after a failure

The voltage capability of a drive after cell bypass can be calculated using the following
If X is the largest number of cells in bypass in two of the phases, then the maximum voltage at
the drive output will be:

Vout_bypass = Vout * (2*N - X) / (2*N)

where: Vout is maximum output voltage that the drive can deliver (Vout = 1.78*N*Vcell)
N is the number of ranks (i.e. number of installed cells = 3*N)
Vcell is the cell voltage rating

For a drive with 18 cells, each rated for 690 V the maximum output voltage that this drive can
deliver is 7.37 kV:

Vout = 1.78 * 6 * 690 = 7.37 kV

With N = 6 and Vcell = 690 V

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8.2 Cell Bypass

If after cell bypass, the drive has six cells operational in phase A, five cells in phase B, and four
cells in phase C, then the maximum voltage that the drive can produce with neutral shift from
the above formula is 5.53 kV:

Vout_bypass = 7370 * (2 * 6 - 3) / (2 * 6) = 5.53 kV

With X = 1 + 2 = 3, because 2 cells in phase C and 1 cell in phase B are bypassed.
The ratio (Vout_bypass / Vout) is available as the maximum available drive voltage (%MAV) for
display on the keypad and for use in the comparator and analog output menus.
When a cell fails, the drive control uses this information to automatically calculate the phase
angles of cell voltages in order to maintain balanced motor voltages. During neutral shift, each
phase of the drive operates with a different power factor. Under lightly loaded conditions, one
or more phases may absorb real power while the other phase(s) are delivering power to the
An increase of the cell dc-voltage in the cells that are absorbing real power may cause a drive
trip condition. To prevent an increase of the cell dc-voltage in the cells, the control automatically
enables the energy saver function. Refer to Section Energy Saver for information associated
with this function.

See also
Energy Saver (Page 184)

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Operating the Control
8.3 Energy Saver

8.3 Energy Saver

Improve the Power Factor with Energy Saver Control

Energy saver control reduces motor losses and improves overall efficiency when the
demanded motor load is low. This is accomplished by lowering the flux from rated when the load
torque is not required, thereby lowering the reactive current.

Use of Energy Saver in cell bypass

The control automatically enables the energy saver function when an unbalanced set of cells
is present after cell bypass. Under light loads one or more phases may absorb power from the
motor. To prevent the cell dc-voltage from increasing to a drive trip level, the energy saver
function reduces motor flux so that the motor operates with 70% power factor.
At this operating point, the magnetizing and torque components of motor current are equal, and
all cells deliver real power to the motor. As motor load is increased, the motor flux level is
automatically increased to maintain 70% power factor until rated flux, or maximum possible
flux, is achieved. This function ensures that the cells are delivering real power under all
operating conditions.

Impact of load changes on drive response
The response of the drive to sudden load changes is reduced with lower flux demand.

Setting Energy Saver Control Parameter

Refer to the Flux Control Menu (3100) in Section Options for Stability Menu (3) of
Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing for the parameter associated with this function:
● Energy saver min flux (3170)
Adjust this parameter to a value that is less than the flux demand (3150). The value for the
flux demand is typically set to 1.0. Depending on the motor load, the control will reduce
motor flux to a level between the energy saver minimum flux demand and the flux demand.
As motor load increases, the control will increase motor flux until the value set by flux
demand is achieved.

See also
Options for Stability Menu (3) (Page 122)

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8.4 Power Monitoring

8.4 Power Monitoring

The drive may require Power Quality Meters (PQMs). The control provides PQMs as a built-in
The drive determines and displays information about the drive input and output, as the control
processes the input waveforms and continuously samples the drive output.
For details on displaying this information, see Chapter Parameter Assignment/Addressing,
Section Options for Meter Menu (8). For a complete listing of the display parameters, refer to
Table Pick list variables for the front display in the same section.

Software Model Estimate
This software model does not measure the motor temperature directly; but only estimates it
from available data. The estimate is no better than the available data, and no better than the
accuracy of the parameters entered. In particular, the software model has no data about the
ambient temperature at the location of the motor. For critical applications, a direct
measurement method such as RTDs inside the motor should be used.

See also
Options for Meter Menu (8) (Page 156)

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8.5 Motor Thermal Overload Protection

8.5 Motor Thermal Overload Protection

The control provides the motor thermal overload (TOL) protection feature for motor protection.
TOL prevents the motor from being subjected to excessive temperatures that could lead to
This software model does not measure the motor temperature directly; it estimates the
temperature from available data and is dependent on the entered parameters being accurate.
The software model has no data about the ambient temperature at the location of the motor. For
critical applications, you must use a direct measurement method such as Resistance
Temperature Detectors (RTD) inside the motor.

Setting TOL Parameters

Refer to Limits Menu (1120) in Section Options for Motor Menu (1) of Chapter Parameter
Assignment / Addressing for parameters to set up TOL protection of the motor. The associated
parameters are:
● Overload select (1130)
● Overload pending (1139)
● Overload (1140)
● Overload timeout (1150)
● Speed derate curve (1151)
● Maximum motor inertia (1159)
You may select one of four options for the overload select parameter for motor protection.

Constant Mode
The first option, "constant", is based on the current flowing into the motor. A Motor Thermal
Overload Alarm 1 of an impending overload fault is issued as a warning, when the motor current
exceeds the overload pending parameter. A Motor Thermal Overload Alarm 2 is issued and a
thermal trip timer is started, when the drive current exceeds the overload setting. If this
condition is present for a period greater than the time set in the Overload timeout parameter,
the drive will trip and annunciate the event as Motor Thermal Overload Fault.

Displaying motor thermal overload alarms
Alarms 1 and 2 must be enabled through the SOP for the drive to display these conditions.

Inverse time Modes

The second and third options, "straight inverse time" and "inverse time with speed derating",
use a software motor thermal model to determine motor temperature.

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8.5 Motor Thermal Overload Protection

For these options, the overload pending and overload settings represent the motor temperature
limits, in percent of rated motor temperature, at which the overload warning and trip are

Use proper values for motors outside of NEMA table
To work properly for motors outside of the NEMA table, the "Maimum Motor Inertia" (ID 1159)
parameter must contain the proper value. Otherwise use the legacy thermal overload function.

Description of the Motor Thermal Model

The motor thermal model estimates motor temperature based on the net heat generated in the
motor and its thermal mass as depicted in figure Motor Thermal Model .

Possible consequences of adjusting parameters
Since this is a thermal model, the parameters for establishing the overload pending alarm
(1139) and Overload (1140) levels are in PU temperature and as such do not increase rapidly.
Therefore these parameters should not be adjusted from default unless absolutely necessary,
and only with a full understanding of the impact. Raising them could result in defeating motor





Figure 8-10 Motor Thermal Model

The motor thermal model estimates the heat generated in the motor from the following values:
● stator voltages
● stator currents
● motor parameters.
The motor thermal model makes an estimate of the heat transferred from the motor, due to
motor cooling, from the allowable motor current.
The motor loss calculation also includes the losses generated with dual-frequency braking
(DFB). The thermal mass of the motor, or its heat capacity, shown as MTH, is determined from

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8.5 Motor Thermal Overload Protection

the maximum motor inertia listed in Appendix NEMA Table. You may enter a known value of
maximum motor inertia. Obtain this value from the manufacturer.

Straight inverse time

Choose "straight inverse time" protection if the motor has an allowable current level of 100%
e.g. when the motor is equipped with a constant-speed cooling fan.

Inverse time with speed derating

Choose "inverse time with speed derating" when the motor is not equipped with an external
blower. With this option the allowable current level is determined from the speed derating curve.

Importance of speed derating
The motor has no external blower, and is cooled only by the rotor mounted internal fan, which
decreases in efficiency with speed. This could lead to overheating of the motor and lack of

Enter the allowable motor load curve values for various speed breakpoints via the keypad. The
default derating curve provides breakpoints for a quadratic cooling curve.


Figure 8-11 Default speed derating curve showing maximum motor load as function of speed

The motor manufacturer normally provides data for the curve. The control software uses the
allowable current level to determine the cooling capability of the motor.
If you prefer to enter a fixed value of an allowable current level other than 100%, as with the
"straight inverse time" option, you can modify the speed derating curve to have the same
desired level for all breakpoints.

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8.5 Motor Thermal Overload Protection


Figure 8-12 Drive current (in percent of motor rated current) vs. time taken for motor temperature

The plot in the above figure shows results from an experimental evaluation of the software
thermal model with the "straight inverse time" option (100% "overload" setting) for various
levels of drive current. A 4 kV, 300 Hp motor was used for this test. The experimental data
shows the time taken for the estimated motor temperature to go from rated temperature to
120% of rated. This curve is quite conservative as compared to a Class 10 TOL that trips at
280 sec with 150% current and at 630 sec with 125% current.

Legacy Inverse Time Mode

This algorithm mimics the operation of a thermal overload relay commonly employed to protect
a motor from excessive thermal stress. It is not as precise as the existing thermal model
described above, but it can work over a broader range. It comes in two inverse time TOL
choices, in both the speed derated and non-derated types, to provide protection to motors that
are beyond the range of the NEMA table. Therefore use this algorithm on out-of-range motor
sizes only.
This algorithm uses the integration of power over the nominal load capability to determine the
energy flow balance. At rated conditions the system will be at equilibrium and can run
continuously at this point provided the motor is running at or below rated current and voltage,
and the ambient temperature is within range of the motor tolerances.
If a load is above rated, or if cooling (proportional to speed) is inadequate, the motor will
eventually overheat. The algorithm provides a derating curve inversely based on speed when
the only cooling on the motor is the internal, shaft-mounted fan. For motors that use an external
blower, this derating curve is not required.
The algorithm requires an overload threshold and a timebase parameter, which is achieved
using the parameters listed below.

When switching between TOL modes, ensure that the internal timebase (integrator) is set to the
appropriate value, otherwise it will reset to the default of the mode selected.

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8.5 Motor Thermal Overload Protection

The following parameters are used with modifications:

● Overload timeout (1150): this parameter is used to determine the scaling of the overload
from the typical curve (1 sec). The setting is ideally set to 60 seconds as the default for this
algorithm so that the OL relay response is mimicked. The curve is based on 150% overload
operation with the overload set to100%.
● Overload (1140): this parameter is used to determine the threshold of the algorithm for the
TOL, above which the drive will eventually trip (based on the curve). For this algorithm, set
it to the level of maximum normal operation, above which the algorithm will trip. The
algorithm is designed to have this parameter set to 100%, and the time set for the Overload
timeout, ideally 60 sec for OL relay response, such that with 150% overload, the drive will
trip in this time.
● Speed Derate Curve (1151 – 1157): this parameter is used to characterize the derating
based on the loss of cooling via an internal (rotor based) cooling fan on the shaft.
● Overload select (1130): this parameter includes two additional pick list items, Legacy TOL
and Legacy TOL with derate. When changing to either mode, the TOL integrator resets to
The following figure shows the typical TOL relay response in the inverse time graph of Motor
Current overload (above 1.0 PU rating of the motor) versus time to trip. This is the response of
a classic TOL relay, based on 150% overload for 1 second (time to trip). The figure is
approximate but representative of the response.



Figure 8-13 Motor Current Vs. Time to Trip

For other current levels and time to trip, these can be taken from the table below, with an Iovld set
to 1 PU (these are approximate values):

Overload (%) Time to Trip (sec)

150 1
140 1.3
130 1.8
120 3.1
110 7.2
100 Continuous operation

I Overload = 100%

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8.5 Motor Thermal Overload Protection

I timeout = various settings

The actual amount of time until the VFD trips can be taken directly from the figure.

● Example 1: Unit is running at 110% rating
I timeout = 1 second
Actual time to trip = 1 x 7.2 = 7.2 seconds
● Example 2: unit is running at 110% rating
I timeout = 50 second
Actual time to trip = 50 x 7.2 = 360 seconds
● Example 3: unit is running at 150% rating
I timeout = 60 second
Actual time to trip = 60 x 1 = 60 seconds
● Example 4: unit is running at 120% rating
I timeout = 60 second
Actual time to trip = 60 x 3.1 = 186 seconds
If a 150% overload is required for 1 minute and it is a variable torque load, Example 3 is the
recommended setup.
To use the table for other settings, the following equation can be applied:

Ttrip = Itimeout * TI-overload (0.1)

Ttrip = actual trip time
Itimeout = menu trip time
TI-overload = time to trip from table or figure at the overload amount used.
● A first alarm occurs when the Tovld > (0.75 * TTimeout).
● A second alarm occurs when the Tovld > (0.90 * TTimeout).
● Trip occurs when Tovld > TTimeout resulting in a TOL fault.
There is hysteresis on both alarms, but not on the fault.

Thermal Memory Retention

The system incorporates a feature that retains the thermal motor overload information in
nonvolatile memory so that if power is lost and then later restored, the same overload condition
can be applied as when the power was lost. The length of time the power is off is also
considered to adjust for motor cooling while the system was off.

Using Thermal Memory Retention
This feature only works in the "Straight Inverse Time" and "Inverse Time with Speed Derating"

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8.5 Motor Thermal Overload Protection

See also
Options for Motor Menu (1) (Page 82)
NEMA Table (Page 439)

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8.6 Thermal Over Temperature Rollback

8.6 Thermal Over Temperature Rollback

The Thermal Over Temperature Rollback feature provides a longer run-time for an air-cooled
drive that has lost some of its cooling capability due to a clogged air filter, higher ambient, or
some other cooling issue.
The purpose of this algorithm is to allow a drive to continue functioning after receiving two cell
Over Temperature (OT) alarms, or a transformer OT alarm, but at a lower torque current output.
This allows the drive and associated process to continue operating until a new thermal
equilibrium is reached or until the lowest process torque requirement is reached.
● If a new thermal equilibrium is reached, the drive is able to operate indefinitely.
● If the lowest process torque requirement is reached, the drive OT trip may only be delayed
until an OT trip eventually occurs.
The thermal time constants for all cells are essentially the same, approximately 100 seconds.
This makes the algorithm universal for all cell types, although the primary use is for air-cooled
Every cell has a thermal alarm and fault built-in. The transformer also has several thermal
switches installed. Using these early warning indicators, the rollback algorithm attempts to
prevent a drive trip by reducing the real current output and thereby reducing the heating losses
in the drive. If the response is adequate, the drive torque limit will ramp the torque current
between a point that will reset the alarms and a point at which the alarms comes back on. In this
slow, cyclic action, the drive will establish a new thermal equilibrium point at a reduced torque
To prevent problems, the algorithm will do nothing until two cell OT alarms are detected (or a
transformer OT alarm, which is weighted as two cells). When this occurs, the algorithm will
capture and store the torque command from the limit logic and use this as the starting point,
snapping to the IdsRef magnitude immediately, then ramping down the torque limit toward the
minimum level.
The torque limit continues to ramp down as long as two or more OT alarms are active, and until
the lower programmable limit is reached. Once the alarm conditions have reset, the torque limit
will ramp back up to the menu based torque limit at the same rate as set by the parameter, or
until the alarms become active again. If the lower limit is low enough to prevent a thermal trip,
the drive will remain on indefinitely.
Since the algorithm rolls back the torque current level, and subsequently the speed of the
motor, it is only appropriately used for loads that have a direct torque/speed relationship where
shedding speed will reduce the torque requirement. The process must also be tolerant of the
reduced speed and torque to make use of this feature.
The following parameters affect the performance of the algorithm:
● Min Rollback Level (7171): This parameter establishes the lower boundary of the rollback
algorithm. It is used to bound the lower limit to which the torque limit can be reduced. If set
to 100 %, the algorithm is disabled.
● Rollback Ramp Rate (7172): This parameter sets the slope or rate of the ramp. It establishes
the slope of the ramp as how long it would take the value to go from 1 PU to zero. It is used
for both the ramp down (toward the minimum level), and for the recovery ramp (toward the
menu motor torque limit).
When working properly, the torque limit will have a sawtooth, cyclic waveform with the
frequency determined by the slope and the up and down travel between the upper and lower
limits, based on seeking a new thermal equilibrium. This is shown in the following figure.

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8.6 Thermal Over Temperature Rollback





Figure 8-14 OT Rollback Action

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8.7 Input Side Monitoring and Protection

8.7 Input Side Monitoring and Protection

The control monitors input side and output side voltages and currents. Input side monitoring
allows the control to respond to events on the input side of the drive. RMS values of the input
currents and voltages are available, along with input power, kVA, energy and power factor.
Figure Input Side Monitoring shows a simplified view of the functions implemented for input side
monitoring. Quantities such as drive efficiency, average input current THD, and individual
harmonic component in input voltages/currents are also calculated. All variables have an
accuracy of ±1%, except for efficiency, which is < ±2% and input current THD, which is ±1%
above ~60% of rated power. Table Symbols used in Figure Input Side Monitoring lists symbols
used in the following figure and describes the parameters they represent. The definitions of Id
and Iq components of the input current are different from the output side quantities.
Input side monitoring allows the drive to protect the secondary side of the transformer from
abnormal conditions. Excessive drive losses and one cycle protection faults are generated
under such conditions. Input side control also provides torque current limiting for line under-
voltage, single-phasing, and transformer overload conditions.

When output power is less than or equal to 5% rated output, the efficiency calculation causes
errors and so the efficiency is clamped to 90%.

(E 506


(D š (G >@
(E 7R
'4 (T
(F 3// ˶X 2QH&\FOH
>@ 2QH
ˆD  ˆX 3URWHFW >@
ˆD ː >@

506 ,EX
,E 506 7KHUPDO

Numbers within square brackets show the parameter ID for the corresponding function.

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8.7 Input Side Monitoring and Protection

Figure 8-15 Input Side Monitoring

Table 8-2 Symbols used in Figure Input Side Monitoring

Name Description
Erms Average rms voltage (of all three phases)
Ed Amplitude of voltage taking the transformer tap setting into account. This represents the actual voltage
being provided to the cells. If the tap setting is +5%, Ed will be 5% smaller than Erms, and vice versa.
Ea,b,c Zero sequence (DC offset) corrected input phase voltages
ωu Input frequency
θu Angle of input-side flux
Irms Average rms current (of all three phases)
Id Real component of input current
Iq Reactive component of input current
Ia,b,c Single-phase components of input current

8.7.1 One Cycle Protection

One cycle protection is also referred to as excessive input reactive current detection.
The control utilizes input reactive current to determine whether a "hard" fault on the secondary
side of the transformer has occurred. For example, a short circuit in one of the secondary
windings will result in poor power factor on the high voltage side of the transformer. A model of
the transformer, based on the power factor at rated load (typically 0.95), is implemented in the
control processor. The drive input reactive current is continuously checked with the predicted
value from the model. An alarm/trip is generated if the actual reactive current exceeds the
prediction by more than 10%. This check is avoided during the first 0.25 seconds after medium
voltage power-up to avoid the inrush current from causing nuisance trips.

The following figure shows the implementation of one cycle protection.

,T0D[>,'@ . WU >,'@ , JDLQ >,'@

ː , JDLQ ෾




Figure 8-16 Implementation of One Cycle Protection

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196 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
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8.7 Input Side Monitoring and Protection

Transformer Model
The transformer model in Figure Implementation of One Cycle Protection provides the
maximum value of the input reactive current for a given value of transformer constant, Ktr, as
given below:
IReactive,Max = 1.10 * (IqMax + Ktr * IReal2)
The following figure shows a plot of the Maximum Reactive Current versus Real Current with
a transformer constant of 0.5.




Figure 8-17 Maximum Reactive Current versus Real Current with Transformer Constant of 0.5

Integral Timer
The integral timer gain can be calculated based on the desired response time (Ttrip) as shown
Igain = Ttrip / (Error * Slow_loop_sample_rate)
● Error is the maximum error (in per unit) that can be tolerated between IReactive,Max and actual
reactive current Ireactive
● Slow_loop_sample_rate is the sample frequency of the slow loop, typically 450 to 900 Hz.
Sampling Rate
If the sampling rate is below 4500, the slow loop is 1/5 of the sampling frequency (Fsamp).
If the sampling rate is at 4500 or above, the slow loop is 1/10 of Fsamp.

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8.7 Input Side Monitoring and Protection

Setting Parameter for One Cycle Protection

Set parameter Xformer protection const (7100), Ktr, according to the expected input power
factor at full load. On a typical SINAMICS PERFECT HARMONY GH180 transformer, the full
load power is no worse than 0.96. Hence, the default value of 0.50 for the transformer
protection constant parameter is adequate. The following table shows that the default value is
acceptable for power factors as low as 0.90, but may be marginal.

Table 8-3 Transformer Protection Constant for various Full Load Power Factors

Full load PF Ktr

0.88 0.54
0.89 0.51
0.90 0.47
0.91 0.43
0.92 0.40
0.93 0.36
0.94 0.32
0.95 0.29
0.96 0.24

8.7.2 Transformer Protection for Cell Single-Phasing

The secondary of the transformer for a cell that is experiencing a single phase input, could
exceed the power rating for the windings in that secondary. This affects air-cooled transformers
more so than water cooled transformers.
The excessive drive loss protection will not activate because the threshold for a fault is based
on system levels, which is much higher than for an individual cell. Such a fault in the transformer
secondary can lead to failure in the secondary windings; and, if allowed to operate undetected,
could lead to collateral damage in surrounding windings. Therefore detection of this condition
is essential.
When the cell is single phasing, and then loaded, the detection will cycle between on and off
based on the ripple seen by the rectifier circuit. This is indicated by the cell as either the DC bus
voltage low, or Vavail low (output of rectifier). Heavy loads will cause this ripple to be more
pronounced especially at power levels that can affect the transformer secondary. Adding
hysteresis ensures the detection of the signal so that an alarm can be issued. This same signal
is used to create the fault or alarm if the original alarm is continuous for five minutes.
This feature utilizes the individual cell alarm bits for Vavail signals on each cell, for creating an
individual cell fault which in turn, will cause the cell to go into bypass. If set for alarm with the
"CellSPhaseAlarmEnable_O" flag set true, the cell will not fault, but the flag
"CellSinglePhaseAlarm_I" will be set true instead.
The message will appear in the fault log and event log in either case. This new fault/alarm is
used for the fault text message "xx Input Single Phase" , where xx is the cell phase and rank.
This fault or alarm is enabled at all times when MV is deemed "OK, which occurs when the
filtered value of the Input RMS voltage (maximum of the three input phase rms voltages) is
above 60% of rated. This fault or alarm until precharge is complete – if prechmrge is used. Note
that the drive input single phase flag must be false for detection of a cell event.

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The algorithm does not differentiate between cell types, so if the signal is active (water-cooled
"Low DC Bus Warning"), it also sets the new fault for the cell forcing bypass.
The cell single phase fault operates like other cell faults that cause bypass with the exception
of it not needing to have cell diagnostics to detect. It creates the fault, then forces a call to cell
diagnostics to bypass the cell. If the fast bypass is active, it is transparent to the user. If fast
bypass is disabled, but bypass enabled, performing a fault reset bypasses the offending cell.
If bypass is not enabled or is not available, then the drive fault and stays faulted.
Resetting the fault requires either resetting bypassed cells via parameter "Reset bypassed
cells" (ID 2640), or cycling MV – which also resets the cell bypass. The alarm will clear itself
within 5 minutes if the condition does not remain.
This features uses the following SOP flags:
● CellSPhaseAlarmEnable_O – used to enable this condition as a fault
● CellSinglePhaseAlarm_I – a cell is running with a single phase input (disabled if set to fault)

8.7.3 Protecting Transformer by Limiting Secondary Currents

Normally a GH180 drive is designed such that the transformer secondary windings cannot be
overloaded. However, in some instances drives have been provided with bypass, but not cell
redundancy. In this case bypass allows for continued drive operation, but the output power
must be reduced to limit the load on the transformer's secondary windings.
When a cell is bypassed, there are less cells available to supply the power to the motor. This
increases the power produced per cell. Also, the neutral point shift algorithm combined with the
motor's power factor shifts the distribution of power among the remaining cells. This means that
as a result of bypass, the transformer's secondary winding currents are increased when the
same power is applied to the motor.
Since the actual power of the transformer secondary windings cannot be measured directly, an
approximation has to be made. The algorithm calls for the live calculation of the per-phase
instantaneous output power.
The per-phase power is divided by the number of active cells in the phase, to obtain a cell power
load on the associated secondary windings. This is then compared to the rated secondary
winding rating to determine if an overload exists. Additional scale factors for water-cooled (W/
C) and air-cooled (A/C) transformers are used for harmonic loading, but are different, to allow
for different architectures of the transformers.
The parameter "Harmonic Load Factor" (2024) specifies the amount of harmonic loading which
is applied to the transformer secondary winding as a function of winding power
This load factor cannot be determined by the manufacturer since they build and test with
sinusoidal waveforms, and is therefore specified by the engineering specs when ordered.
Nominally, it will be 1.12 for water-cooled transformers, and 1.2 for air-cooled transformers.
The "Xfrm Secondary Alarm" is set after one minute of the transformer secondary protection
rollback being active. This same alarm text and flag used when the rollback is disabled to
indicate the transformer secondary windings are overloaded. There is no fault associated with
transformer secondary winding protection when rollback is enabled.
Because the drive output power is proportional to the product of speed and torque, it becomes
impossible to overload the transformer below approximately 50% rated speed. This applies to

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all load types. The rollback function will revert to rated torque below this speed – no reduced
torque limit. The torque current will be limited to 5% below the fault level as the smaller value
during rollback for the same reason.
Rollback Removal
"Power Rollback Enable" (7114) may be set to disable to prevent the transformer secondary
protection algorithm from affecting the torque delivered to the motor
If rollback is disabled, the transformer secondary windings will continue to be protected via an
alarm and fault. This is accomplished by adding two comparators to the output of the power
error integrator. One is used to set an alarm, and the other causes a trip. These levels are set
as 0.85 and 0.70 PU Max cell power respectively. These were based on requirements needed
to protect the transformer from running continuously in this marginal power situation.
Rollback Algorithm Operation
Enter "Rated Secondary Power" (2022) according to the transformer nameplate or from the
Siemens engineering group, and then enter the appropriate "Harmonic Load Factor" (2024) for
the type of transformer (1.12 for water cooled or 1.2 for air cooled) unless another value is
available. These values are used along with the total of installed cells to calculate the
Transformer Cell Power Rating.
"Full Load Current" (1050) and "Cell Voltage" (2550) are also used to transition this power
rating to the same as used on the output of the drive, and so must be properly entered.
The instantaneous output power per phase is calculated, and scaled for cell rated output power.
This provides the cell power rating. The maximum value is subtracted from the rated value, and
if negative, is used to drive an integrator toward the rated value. The output is used as one of
many torque limits of which the lowest is applied to the speed regulator output.
Once the integrator gets below the previous lowest value, it begins to roll back the output power
to lower the individual cell power. This will proceed until an equilibrium power point is reached
between actual cell power and the rated cell power.
The rated cell maximum power is based upon the transformer secondary winding rating derived
from the parameter "Rated Secondary Power" (2022), the harmonic load factor, cell voltage
and current rating, and cell configuration (installed number of cells).

Figure 8-18 Transformer Secondary Current Protection

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● Transformer Secondary power rating – "Rated Secondary Power" (ID 2022) – in kVA
● Harmonic loading factor – "Harmonic Load Factor" (ID 2024)
● Excessive secondary power loading rollback enable – "Power Rollback Enable" (ID 7114)
– turns off the rollback and relies on alarm and fault instead (default is "Enable")
● Cell Overload Level (7112) - Sets the upper limit of the integrator (to not interfere with this
● Full load current (1050) - motor rated current (to calculate cell PU rated power)
● Cell voltage (2550) - cell voltage (to calculate cell PU rated power)
SOP flags (as part of fault word 4)
● Trans2ndAlarm_I bit 30 Alarm if transformer secondary power too high
● Trans2ndFault_I bit 31 Fault if transformer secondary power too high
Alarm / Fault Messages
● "Xfrm Secondary Alarm"
● "Xfrm Secondary Fault"

It is possible to have a water-cooled transformer on an A/C drive, or an air-cooled transformer
on a W/C drive. Set the harmonic load factor according to the type of transformer cooling .

When secondary current protection is the active torque limit causing rollback, the display reads
"TRSB" in the Mode position.

See also
Excessive Drive Losses Protection (Page 201)

8.7.4 Excessive Drive Losses Protection

The excessive drive loss protection guards against low-level fault currents. After initial power-
up, the detection algorithm allows detection of a catastrophic cell fault during cell bypass that
could result in collateral damage to other adjacent cells if not immediately acted upon by the
removal of input voltage from the source of the drive. This algorithm is an integral part of the
input protection of the drive.
Drive losses are calculated as the difference between the measured input and output powers,
and compared against reference losses. When the calculated losses exceed the reference
losses, a drive trip is issued. This condition is "excessive drive losses."
In addition to this response, a digital output is set low in the SOP, which in the default drive
configuration is used to open the input disconnect device. The fixed reference limit is low

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enough to detect a fault in one set of transformer windings, and at the same time is large
enough to avoid nuisance trips. When the drive is not supplying power to the motor, the losses
in the system are primarily due to the transformer; the fixed limit is then lowered to increase the
sensitivity of the protection routine.
An inverse power loss function is implemented for excessive drive loss protection. The
excessive drive loss algorithm is always enabled, and can be set as an alarm via a SOP flag,
for cells other than air-cooled 6SR4 and 6SR5, or water-cooled 6SR325.
For air-cooled 6SR4 and 6SR5, or water-cooled 6SR325 drives, the input protection is
implemented in the control code to operate dedicated outputs to open the main contactor. The
customer interface must allow these outputs to trip the breaker to provide this protection.

Calculation of Drive Losses

The control uses input power and output power calculations to determine whether an internal
fault has occurred. Drive power loss is estimated as the difference between input power and
output power. This quantity is continuously checked with a pre-defined threshold that is inverse
time-based, i.e., if the threshold is exceeded by a large margin, then the trip occurs a short time
after the event, and vice-versa.
The recharging power to the cells after a prolonged low input line or line dip is accounted for to
prevent false trips.
The calculation of drive losses depends on input and output power calculations. Due to this
dependency it is important to ensure that the following values are correctly set:
● Drive input and output rated values, voltage and current:
– Rated input voltage (2010)
– Rated input current (2020)
– Rated output voltage (2030)
– Rated output current (2040)
● Drive input scalers
– Input current scaler (3030)
– Input voltage scaler (3040)
● Input CT turns ratio
– CT secondary turns (3035)
● Output scalers
– Output current scaler (3440)
– Output voltage scaler (3450)
● Low Freq Wo (3070)

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The following figure shows the implementation of the drive loss fault circuit.





Figure 8-19 Implementation of the Drive Loss Fault Circuit

Inverse Time Curve

The following figure shows the inverse time-to-trip curves as a function of calculated drive
losses for liquid and air cooled drives. Each plot shows two curves: one is used when the drive
is in the idle state, i.e. medium voltage is applied, but the motor is not being operated; the other
is used when the drive is in the run state, i.e., a slightly longer time to trip.









Figure 8-20 Inverse Time-to-trip Curves

Internal Threshold
The internal threshold is a function of the rated drive input power. For example, in the run state,
the internal threshold is given as:

Internal Threshold (Watts) = 0.07 * rated Drive Input Power

= 0.07 * √3 * Rated Input Voltage * Rated Input Current

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● Rated input voltage (ID 2010) and Rated input current (ID 2020).

Parameters for Excessive Drive Losses Protection

The running and idle setpoints can be adjusted separately via parameters.
Refer to Input Protect Menu (7000) in Section Options for Drive Protect Menu (7) of Chapter
Parameter Assignment / Addressing for the parameters to set up excessive drive losses
protection. The associated parameters are:
● Excess loss idle (7084)
● Excess loss running (7086)

Internal Threshold Settings
The default values of these parameters will not normally be changed.
Consult Siemens customer service before changing any of these parameters.
Unauthorized changes could result in the system not being adequately protected.

See also
Transformer Protection for Cell Single-Phasing (Page 198)
Protecting Transformer by Limiting Secondary Currents (Page 199)
Options for Drive Protect Menu (7) (Page 153)

8.7.5 System Arc Detection

It is a safety requirement that an arc flash event must be detected as quickly as possible. Once
the risk of arc flash is detected, it is contained and any source that could feed additional energy
into the arc event is rapidly disconnected. The detection circuitry also removes the drive run
enable via the CR3 input to prevent a run command from being issued to the cells.
Arc flash detection is handled external to the control, but a digital input must set SOP flag
"SystemArcFaultDetected_O" to produce an error/fault message and trigger an input
protection. This allows the drive to detect that the input protection has been triggered to record
the event in the event and fault logs and that input power has been removed. This SOP flag will
trigger both an IP protection fault and log the fault message. It will also cause the LFR relay to
set to the tripped position to indicate an IP fault, and require a manual, keyswitch reset.
Fault message "System Arc Detected" will display in the Event Log and Fault Log to indicate a
System Arc Fault has been triggered and MV has been shut down via external means.

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8.8 Drive Output Torque Limiting

8.8 Drive Output Torque Limiting

The drive uses measured voltages and currents to implement rollback conditions. Under one
or more of these conditions, the drive will continue to operate, but at a lower output torque or
current level. An output torque limit will force the motor and the drive to go into speed rollback,
during which speed is reduced until the torque demanded by the load falls below the torque
limit. Rollbacks are triggered by various conditions and are described in the following sections.

8.8.1 Input Under-Voltage Rollback

When the input line voltage drops below 90% of its rated value, the drive limits the amount of
power, and thus torque, that can be delivered to the load. The maximum allowable drive power
as a function of line voltage is shown in the figure Drive Power (Pmax) as Function of Input
Voltage Magnitude (Ed). At 66 % input voltage, the maximum drive power is limited to 50 %, and
is quickly reduced to a slightly negative value at 65 %. This is the regenerative limit. This limit
forces the drive to absorb power from the motor and maintain the cell DC-bus voltages, in case
the input voltage recovers during MV ride-through. The limit is implemented as an inverse
function of speed to maintain constant power flow to the cell DC-bus.
A regulator is implemented to match the maximum drive power (Pmax) to the actual power
flowing into the drive. The output of this regulator sets the output torque limit.




Figure 8-21 Drive Power (Pmax) as Function of Input Voltage Magnitude (Ed)

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8.8.2 Extended Undervoltage Ride-through

The main goal of the original undervoltage ride-through algorithm is to maintain charge in the
capacitors to prevent an undervoltage trip of the cells causing a drive fault. This was designed
with the drive in focus to allow a process to recover from intermittent power interruption by
sacrificing speed for energy output from the cells. This worked well for high inertial loads, but
low inertial loads did not fare well, and the motors quickly stopped with complete removal of
In low inertia load applications such as ESPs, when the input voltage collapses and the torque
is removed the force of gravity on the long column of fluid causes the motor to stop then spin
backward. Since there is no regeneration capability on an air-cooled drive, this forces the drive
to wait until all fluid is drained from the pipe so that the pump can be restarted, causing long
delays in the process. (In higher inertia loads (and motors) the inertia can be used to help with
ride-through so this feature is of very little use in these applications.) The desire is to utilize the
energy stored in the cells through short durations of less than 100 msecs to continue to supply
positive torque, at a reduced level, to slow the collapse of the column of liquid. Since the drive
is still supplying positive torque, this allows the drive to recover when voltage is restored in this
time without waiting for the complete column to drain, allowing for faster recovery than was
possible in the past.
This short term (100 msec) time period allows for the drive to run from a different torque/power
curve that is programmable through two parameters:
● "Undervoltage Min Torque" (7064)
● "Undervoltage Min Speed" (7068)
The lower level is determined by the product of these two parameters in PU. The curve extends
from the intersection of the 50% power at 66% voltage down to the intersection at the lower
power limit at 50% voltage and is designated as f3 in the figure Old and New Curves.
The curve below 66% voltage is momentarily replaced by another curve with a lower limit set
by the lower power level. At the end of the 100 msec time (of voltage below 66%) it reverts to
the normal curve.
Lower power Limit = minTorq * minSpd * converted to Input power
Lower Torque Limit = minTorq

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Figure 8-22 Old and New Curves

See also
Input Under-Voltage Rollback (Page 205)

8.8.3 Input Single-Phase Rollback

With NXGpro control, input voltage unbalance (Eunbalance) is used for rolling back the drive output
torque. The figure below shows the reduction in drive power as a function of the unbalance
voltage. When the unbalance is less than 10%, the drive operates without any output limitation.
There is a linear reduction as the unbalance voltage increases from 10% to 30%, at which point
the input has a single-phase condition. When the input line voltage unbalance increases above
30%, the drive limits the amount of output power that can be delivered to the load to 40% of
A regulator is implemented to match the maximum drive power (Pmax) with the actual power
flowing from the drive. The output of this regulator sets the output torque limit.

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Figure 8-23 Drive Power (Pmax) as Function of Input Unbalance Voltage (Eunbalance)

Parameters for the Proportional and Integral Gains of the Regulator

Refer to Single Phasing Menu (7010) in Section Options for Drive Protect Menu (7) of
Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing for parameters associated with this function.
● SPD prop gain (7020) represents the proportional gain of this regulator.
● SPD integral gain (7030) represents the integral gain of this regulator.
● SPD threshold (7040) sets the level to generate a single-phasing alarm if the output level of
this regulator falls below the SPD threshold.
● A single-phase rollback condition is indicated by the drive, by displaying SPHS instead of
MODE on the keypad, and by displaying SPHS in the ToolSuite.

See also
Options for Drive Protect Menu (7) (Page 153)

8.8.4 Transformer Thermal Rollback

The input currents to the drive are monitored continuously. The largest among the three input
phase currents is limited to be at or below 105% of the nominal rating of the transformer. Drive
output torque is reduced when this current level is exceeded. A regulator is implemented to limit
the maximum input current to 105% by reducing the output current. The output of this regulator
sets the output torque limit.

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Parameter for the Integral Gain of the Regulator

Refer to Input Protect Menu (7000) in Section Options for Drive Protect Menu (7) of
Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing for the parameter associated with this function.
● Xformer thermal gain (7090) represents the integral gain of this regulator.
● During transformer thermal rollback, the drive displays T OL on the keypad and in the

See also
Options for Drive Protect Menu (7) (Page 153)

8.8.5 Torque Limit Setting

When the VFD output torque current exceeds the maximum torque limit setting for the motor,
the drive will limit output current. When this happens the drive displays TLIM on the keypad and
in the ToolSuite.

Regenerative Torque Limit Setting

For a 2 quadrant drive, an inverse speed function based on the regenerative torque limit setting
is used during drive deceleration. This forces the drive to absorb a minimal amount of power
from the load, enough only to overcome losses and maintain cell DC bus voltage.
For a 4 quadrant drive, i.e. a drive that is fully regenerative, there is no inverse speed function
and the full regenerative capability of the drive is allowed.
When power is flowing from the motor back into the drive, the drive displays RGEN on the
keypad and in the ToolSuite.

Setting Parameters for Torque Limit Setting

Refer to Limits Menu (1120) in Section Options for Motor Menu (1) of Chapter Parameter
Assignment / Addressing for parameters to set the torque limit setting. The associated
parameters are:
● Motor torque limit 1 (1190)
● Motor torque limit 2 (1210)
● Motor torque limit 3 (1230)
● Regen torque limit 1 (1200)
● Regen torque limit 2 (1220)
● Regen torque limit 3 (1240)

See also
Options for Motor Menu (1) (Page 82)

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8.8.6 Field-Weakening Limit

The field-weakening limit is a torque limit that is based on the motor flux and motor leakage
inductance. Under this condition the motor has limited torque capability. This limit prevents the
motor slip from exceeding pullout torque slip. Therefore, it prevents unstable operation of the
motor. This limit normally occurs when motor flux is reduced significantly during energy saver
operation, or when operating beyond the base speed of the motor. Under such conditions, a
large increase in load will force the output to be limited, resulting in a loss of speed rather than
motor pullout. A field-weakening condition is indicated by the drive by displaying F WK on the
keypad and in the ToolSuite.

8.8.7 Cell Current Overload

The control provides a power cell current overload setting. A cell can operate at this overload
value for 1 minute out of every 10 minutes. When the current is between the cell rating and the
overload rating, the time spent at that level is inversely proportional to the overload current.
If the motor current rating is less than the drive rating, then the drive displays this rollback as
TLIM for torque limit on the keypad and in the ToolSuite. However, when the drive current rating
is less than the motor rating, the drive displays C OL for cell overload.

Power cell overload capability
The power cells used in the drives do not have a fixed overload capability.
Consult Siemens customer service to determine the level of overload capability for a specific
power cell.

Parameter for Cell Current Overload

Refer to Input Protect Menu (7000) in Section Options for Drive Protect Menu (7) of
Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing for the parameter associated with this function:
● Cell Overload Level (7112)

See also
Options for Drive Protect Menu (7) (Page 153)

8.8.8 Timers for Drive Operation in Cell or Transformer Over-temperarure

Independent cell and transformer over-temperature (OT) timers will determine the length of
time that temperature alarms (in conditions that cause rollback) have been active. This is
important to record the length of time that overheating has occured on a drive.
The timers record the accumulative duration of multiple cell OT and transformer OT alarms.
The timers accumulate, with one second resolution, the amount of time that at least two cell OT
or the single transformer (first level) alarms are active while the drive is in operation.

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The timers record cumulative time similar to the kWHr recorder. The timers activate on over-
temperature alarm conditions regardless of whether the rollback feature is active or not, and
only when the drive is running.
● The cell alarm timer will accumulate time when two or more cell OT alarms are active.
● The transformer alarm timer will accumulate when the lower alarm level 1 is active.
These timers are updated in the slow loop with the timers incremented by the slow loop sample
period whenever the conditions are met to count as described above.
The time stamp for going into and coming out of thermal limit is recorded in the event log. The
timers are viewable from the Drive Tool and the keypad. The timers are not available via the
To display the timers or other timer functions, refer to the Thermal OT rollback menu (7170).

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8.9 Command Generator

8.9 Command Generator

The control includes provisions for output speed demand entry as required for a specific
application. The active reference source is configured per specific system requirements and
can be dynamically changed. This is implemented via the drive’s SOP.
The following subsections define the command generator functional blocks shown in the figure





Figure 8-24 Command Generator

Stopping modes
There are three stopping modes in the control. SOP logic is required to select the modes:
● Ramp Stop for controlled speed deceleration: Ramp Stop selected AND Run Request false
● Quick Stop for rapid torque-limited deceleration: Quick Stop selected AND Ramp Stop not
selected AND Run Request false
● Coast Stop for removing power to the motor quickly, the load and motor will coast to rest
based on friction and inertia: Quick Stop not selected AND Ramp Stop not selected AND
Run Request false

8.9.1 Analog Input Sources

The control provides a means to provide multiple analog input sources that can be selected as
demand inputs to the system. The control scales these analog values into internal units, and
monitors the levels for possible loss of signal conditions. The control includes provisions for
predetermination of VFD action upon loss of signal conditions, including maintain speed,
transition to preset speed, or trip VFD.

Ratio Control
The ratio control is simply a fractional scaling unit available for the analog reference signals.
This feature allows multiple drives to share the same reference signal with rescaled output
signal levels.

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8.9 Command Generator

8.9.2 Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Controller

The control has a built-in PID controller available for use as a process control input of the
command generator.
The PID loop is programmable from the user Interface. It is used to incorporate an external
process as an outer control loop to the drive. The PID command set point can be either an
external analog input or an internal set point. The PID feedback is always from an analog input.
The proportional, integral, and derivative gains, as well PID output limits, are programmable.
The PID is depicted in the following figure.


3,'&21752//(5 5DZ'HPDQG3LGB WUXH




Figure 8-25 PID Controller

Configuring the PID Controller

1. Select the PID output as the speed demand for the system by setting SOP
flag RawDemandPid_0 to true.
2. The PID command feedback source is fixed from analog input #2. You can use any of the
available analog inputs within the system, but you must designate it as analog input #2 in the
setup menu. Refer to Analog Input #2 Menu (4170) in Section Options for Auto Menu (4) of
Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing.
3. The PID command has two possible sources: analog input #1 or the PID set point menu
(4410). Select the source using SOP flag PidMenu_0:
– Set flag to true to select the PID set point menu as the source.
– Set flag to false to select analog input #1 as the source.
4. Configure analog input #1 source from Analog Input #1 Menu (4100) in Section Options for
Auto Menu (4) of Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing.

Parameters for the PID Controller

Refer to PID Select Menu (4350) in Section Options for Auto Menu (4) of Chapter Parameter
Assignment / Addressing for parameters to set the PID controller.

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8.9 Command Generator

See also
Options for Auto Menu (4) (Page 134)

8.9.3 Set Point Sources

Set points are internal menu entries that are static values based on user entry, keypad settings,
or remote demand from a network communication interface. There are a total of eight inputs
that are menu entries from remote communications. There are two additional entries that are
reserved for safety override and jog level set points.
● Keypad
– Use front panel keypad or ToolSuite software to set speed demand.
● Increment/decrement (sample and hold)
– 2 digital inputs that increase/decrease raw speed demand at the active acceleration/
deceleration rate, while input is maintained. When the input is released, the current value
is maintained.
● Increment/Decrement Step
– 6 digital inputs that provide programmable step change to output demand each time
input transitions from low to high state.
● Preset levels
– Multiple user-defined preset values via menu system.
● Jog
– Set to maximum active speed limit, intended for test purposes to "bump" motor.
● Communication Network
– Digital value as set per external communication interface to a PLC/DCS.

8.9.4 Speed Profile

The speed profile uses the velocity demand signal as input, and generates a modified best fit
straight line (BFSL) velocity demand output.

Parameter for the Speed Profile

Refer to Speed Profile Menu (4000) in Section Options for Auto Menu (4) of Chapter Parameter
Assignment / Addressing for parameters to set the speed profile and for further description of
speed profiling control.

See also
Options for Auto Menu (4) (Page 134)

NXGpro Control
214 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Control
8.9 Command Generator

8.9.5 Critical Speed Avoidance

Critical speed avoidance is used to prohibit the drive from operating in frequency ranges that
may cause resonant frequencies in mechanical systems. The control provides three
independent avoidance bands.
The critical frequency feature, also known as resonance avoidance, is accomplished using skip
frequencies and skip bands, as illustrated in the following figure.

)UHT 530[ RI3ROHV 






Figure 8-26 Critical Speed (Resonance) Avoidance

Parameters for Critical Speed Avoidance

Refer to the Critical Frequency Menu (2340) in Section Options for Drive Menu (2) of
Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing for parameters associated with this function.

See also
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)

8.9.6 Polarity Control

Polarity control is an inverter. The output of the polarity block is the opposite polarity of the input.
The selection of this feature is based solely on the SOP logic.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 215
Operating the Control
8.9 Command Generator

8.9.7 Speed Ramp

The speed ramp is a functional block that takes an input demand and generates an output with
a controlled rate of change, based on the acceleration and deceleration limits established by
the end user. Provisions are included for multiple sets of acceleration and deceleration settings.
The control provides a means to use any one of three separate menu-defined acceleration/
deceleration sets, or PLC network control as selected by the SOP.

8.9.8 Speed Limits

The speed limit limits the final output of the demand shaping chain to within preset operating
limits defined by the user. Provisions are included for multiple sets of forward rotation maximum/
minimum limits, and reverse rotation maximum/minimum limits. The control provides a means
to use any one of three separate menu-defined speed limit sets, or PLC network control as
selected by the SOP.

NXGpro Control
216 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Control
8.10 Process Tolerant Protection Strategy

8.10 Process Tolerant Protection Strategy

Process Availability
Process availability is the primary prerequisite for applying a medium voltage VFD system in a
process critical application. It is essential that the process operator receive complete and
accurate information on drive status, to allow for process adjustments that can preclude
process trips and disruptions in process capability.

Process Tolerant Protection Strategy (ProToPS™)

ProToPS™ is a standard implementation of the drive SOP. ProToPS™ is a system program
implemented from a customer process perspective that puts the process operator in control of
the process.
ProToPS™ indicates a change in state in the VFD to the operator. These annunciations identify
changes that can impact the ability of the VFD to meet process demands, or to provide advance
indication of a pending VFD trip.
ProToPS™ allows the process operator to take the following actions:
● make process corrections
● maintain the VFD in service
● adjust the process to address a pending VFD trip
With ProToPS™, the process operator not only knows the general status of the VFDs, but also
understands the VFD condition that has caused the general alarm to exist.

ProToPS™ Function
In the ProToPS™ SOP all of the automatic roll-back flags are turned off, and cell bypass is
implemented as standard. The need to roll-back is still necessary, but the process operator is
now responsible to implement a roll-back as part of a process correction, as opposed to having
the VFD roll-back either dictating, or in worse case upsetting, the process.
ProToPS™ takes the standard fault indications available in the VFD and categorizes them into
four categories as follows:
1. Alarm
An alarm indicates that a VFD parameter limit has been reached, or that a VFD system
condition is present. An alarm draws the operator's awareness to the condition, but
demands no immediate action.
2. Process alarm
A process alarm indicates that a VFD parameter limit has been exceeded and that the
process either should be limited, or that the VFD capacity to meet the process demand is
limited. Examples of process alarms include thermal limits above the rated limit and the
condition of a cell having been bypassed.

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Operating the Control
8.10 Process Tolerant Protection Strategy

3. Trip alarm
A trip alarm clearly indicates that a VFD high parameter limit has been reached and that a
VFD trip is pending. The operator receives a message that unless the alarm can be cleared
by a process change the VFD will trip.
4. Trip
Certain VFD faults cannot be provided with advance warning. This limited number of faults
will result in a VFD trip. A trip message is also annunciated when a trip alarm time limit has
been exceeded. The number of mandated trips is considerably reduced with the
implementation of cell bypass.
With ProToPS™ the VFD Run signal is maintained as "true" and the VFD Trip signal is
maintained as "false" for all alarm states.

ProToPS™ Implementation
ProToPS™ provides the four main protection indication categories as separate digital output
signals. The concept is to provide the operator, or the process program, with a clear message
indicating a status change in the VFD. The WAGO and internal I/O systems provide these
digital outputs. The location of the outputs is maintained as a standard set of TB2 terminations.
ProToPS™ indicates the specific information on the VFD parameter change, along with the
general category information, as a serial address across a serial communications interface.
ProToPS™ supports any serial communications protocol supported by the VFD product.
If other specific digital output information is required for a specific customer project, that
information must be mapped to a new digital output point on an additional digital output module.
The four basic category outputs must be present as digital outputs, at the standard designated
TB2 terminal point locations, to validate the ProToPS™ implementation.

NXGpro Control
218 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Control
8.11 Drive Tuning

8.11 Drive Tuning

The following sections describe the drive tuning functions.
● Auto-tuning This section describes the auto-tuning feature provided by the control and its
use in determining motor and control parameters.
● Spinning Load This section describes the setup of the spinning load function. This feature
is used by the drive control to detect motor speed by scanning the output frequency over the
operating range of the application.

8.11.1 Auto-tuning
When operating an induction motor, the drive control is capable of performing auto-tuning. This
feature allows the drive to estimate parameters of the motor equivalent circuit. Apart from
measuring the motor equivalent circuit parameters during auto tuning, the control uses the
measured motor parameters to adjust the control loops for the best possible control bandwidth
(the bandwidth for each control loop is fixed internally in software), and hence provides good
performance in demanding applications. Such a feature provides drive tuning without the need
for an extensive adjustment procedure. Although the auto-tuning feature can be used with all
induction motors, there are some limitations. Both stages of auto-tuning can be performed with
induction motors (OLVC or CLVC).

When to use Auto-tuning

Auto-tuning is optional and is recommended only for applications in which high performance is
In most general-purpose applications, such as pumps and fans, default data for the motor
equivalent circuit is sufficient and auto-tuning is not necessary.

Improper use of Stage 1 and Stage 2 auto-tuning
Improper use can lead to drive instability.
Do not use auto-tuning for standard applications. Only use auto-tuning if the application calls
for special tuning.
Never use auto-tuning as a substitute for entering known values manually.

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 219
Operating the Control
8.11 Drive Tuning

The basic motor parameters can be divided into the following categories:
● Nameplate data is readily available. Examples include motor rated voltage and full load
● Equivalent circuit data is available only from the motor manufacturer.
– If this data is available, it can be entered into the NXGpro menu system.
– If this data is not available, either default settings or auto-tuning functions can be used.
Examples include stator resistance and no-load current. The correct equivalent circuit
data is required only when good control performance, such as high starting torque or
very low speed operation, is desired.

Auto-tuning Implementation
There are two stages of auto-tuning, each stage being selected individually.

Electric Shock Hazard
Lethal voltages are present on the drive outputs during both Stage 1 and Stage 2 of auto-
Stay clear of drive outputs during auto-tuning to avoid death or serious injury.

Incorrect use of Stage 2 auto-tuning
Incorrect use will lead to drive instability.
Never use Stage 2 auto-tuning with synchronous motors or when output filters are connected.
Only use Stage 1 auto-tuning with synchronous motors (SMC or CSMC) or when output filters
are connected.

Stage 1 of Auto-tuning (ID 1260)

Stage 1 determines the Stator Resistance and Leakage Inductance. This stage of auto tuning
does not require the motor to be de-coupled from the load. The motor does not rotate during this
stage but does apply voltage. The data obtained from stage 1 is used in the inner regulators that
control motor current. The current loop gains are automatically calculated and saved by the

NXGpro Control
220 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Control
8.11 Drive Tuning

Stage 2 of Auto-tuning (ID 1270)

Stage 2 determines the no-load motor current and the motor inertia. The motor rotates at 30%
of rated speed during this stage.

Spinning of the Motor
The motor spins during Stage 2 of auto-tuning.
Stay clear of moving parts to avoid death or serious injury.
Ensure that it is acceptable to spin the motor before this test is enabled.

Generally, Stage 2 of auto-tuning requires the motor to be de-coupled from the load. Quadratic
loads, such as pumps and fans, do not require the motor to be de-coupled for Stage 2 auto-
tuning. The control is designed to minimize the errors introduced by such loads.
Data obtained in Stage 2 is used to optimize the operation of the outer loops that control motor
speed and motor flux. The speed and flux loop gains are automatically calculated and saved by
the control.

8.11.2 Spinning Load

The spinning load feature allows the drive to determine the speed of a motor that is already
rotating. This allows the drive to apply output voltages at the same frequency as the rotating
motor and minimize any chance of a speed or torque transient.

When to use Spinning Load

Enable spinning load if any of the following operating modes or features are selected:
● Fast bypass
● Auto-restart (controlled through the auto reset parameters 7120 to 7150 and the SOP)
● Synchronous motor control (SMC and CSMC)
● Closed loop vector control (CLVC)
Characteristics of Spinning Load Operation
Spinning load is disabled with V/Hz and OLTM Control.
Spinning load is automatically enabled if fast bypass is enabled regardless of menu setting.
With synchronous motors, spinning load is almost instantaneous, i.e. the drive only goes
into a scan mode until flux is established, then the phase locked loop (PLL) locks onto the
output frequency.

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 221
Operating the Control
8.11 Drive Tuning

Spinning Load Implementation

The spinning load feature is divided into two stages:
● During the first stage, spinning load operates automatically when enabled, and requires no
user adjustments. The drive control monitors motor flux and is able to provide an
instantaneous restart. This stage is valid as long as there is detectable flux in the motor.
Typically the drive is capable of restarting instantaneously, if the time duration between
drive disable and restart is within 3 to 4 motor time constants.
● The second stage consists of a scan feature during which a fixed level of current of varying
frequency is applied to the motor. This is set via the current level setpoint parameter (2450).
The control monitors the measured motor flux. When the motor flux exceeds a flux
threshold, set by the scan end threshold parameter (2440), the control assumes that the
applied frequency is equal to the rotating speed of the motor. This stage requires
parameters to be tuned in order for the scan to function properly.

Parameters for Spinning Load

Refer to the Spinning Load Menu (2420) in Section Options for Drive Menu (2) of
Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing for parameters associated with this function.

See also
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)

NXGpro Control
222 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Control
8.12 Data Loggers

8.12 Data Loggers

The control includes three separate data loggers to record events detected by the software.
The logs are stored in non-volatile memory and you can capture data via the VFD’s USB ports
or the ethernet port.
● USB port: Use by inserting a USB disk drive. Logs are saved in the root directory of the
attached USB drive.
● Ethernet port: You must connect a PC, running the NXGpro ToolSuite software, to the drive
and upload the files directly from the PC. Refer to the NXGpro ToolSuite Software Manual
for operational information.

8.12.1 Event Log

The event log is a very large circular file that is used to record significant drive events. Recorded
data is time stamped to a resolution of 1 millisecond. Data in the log includes:
● All alarms and faults, i.e. alarm/fault log data.
● All parameter changes.
● If enabled, the historic log at the time of a fault in a truncated form, to prevent event log
● Significant events:
– CPU bootup including installed NXGpro software version.
– Medium voltage status.
– Drive operating state changes, e.g. idle, magnetize, run, stop.
– Precharge state changes
– Fault reset requests.
– Complete pre-charge sequence including success, all states and faults.
The event log is stored in a file on the CompactFlash card. The maximum file size is 512 kB
(kilobytes). The file is archived once the maximum size is reached and a new file is created.
Refer to Event Log Menu (6180) in Section Options for Log Control Menu (6) of Chapter
Parameter Assignment / Addressing for associated parameters.

See also
Options for Log Control Menu (6) (Page 150)

8.12.2 Alarm/Fault Log

The alarm/fault log consists of a circular buffer that records up to 256 faults or alarms, so that
you can access the 256 most recent faults and/or alarms that have been detected. The faults
and/or alarms are time stamped to a resolution of 1 second, and also include a time stamp
showing when the fault and/or alarm was reset or cleared.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 223
Operating the Control
8.12 Data Loggers

Refer to Alarm/Fault Log Menu (6210) in Section Options for Log Control Menu (6) of Chapter
Parameter Assignment / Addressing for associated parameters.

See also
Options for Log Control Menu (6) (Page 150)

8.12.3 Historic Log

The historic log records operating data of the drive and is frozen upon detection of a fault. The
data recorded consists of both fixed and programmable data points, which are sampled at the
slow loop rate, typically 450 Hz. Upon detection of a drive fault by the NXGpro software, the
fault is recorded at time = 0 and the drive continues to record data for a brief period after the
fault. This allows recovery of data just prior to and after any fault so that operational data prior
to and after a fault can be reviewed. A new fault will overwrite the recorded historic log. The
event log includes the option to copy and record the historic log so that all fault events are
The historic log is stored in memory with a total of 512 records. Non-volatile memory is used to
store the most recent 78 records. Snapshots are recorded at the slow cycle update rate:
● Most snapshots are recorded before a fault occurs.
● 20 snapshots are recorded after a fault occurs.
If parameter Store in event log (6255) is on at the time of a drive fault, the non-volatile portion
of the historic log is stored in the event log following the fault message.
Refer to the Historic Log Menu (6250) in Section Options for Log Control Menu (6) of Chapter
Parameter Assignment / Addressing for associated parameters.

See also
Options for Log Control Menu (6) (Page 150)

NXGpro Control
224 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Control
8.13 Faults and Alarms

8.13 Faults and Alarms

If a fault or alarm condition exists, it will be annunciated on the keypad and recorded in both the
fault and event logs. External hardwire indicators are also set as defined in the SOP. PLC
access is available for all faults and alarms.
All faults will immediately remove power from the motor and inhibit the drive from running,
resulting in the motor coasting to rest. Some faults that are user-defined can control the drive
response via the SOP. Alarms are annunciated and logged, but usually do not inhibit the drive
from operation. Faults are either detected via direct hardware sensing or by software algorithm.
The control includes both internal faults and alarms and the ability to define "User Faults" via
the SOP, which can be set as either faults or alarms.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 225
Operating the Control
8.13 Faults and Alarms

NXGpro Control
226 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions 9
This chapter covers the NXGpro control related advanced operating functions of the drive.
Where applicable, the advanced functions are described by listing first the feature and then the
associated menu parameters.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 227
Advanced Operating Functions
9.1 Frequency (Speed) Regulator

9.1 Frequency (Speed) Regulator

A frequency regulator generates the motor’s torque-producing current reference. The stator
frequency reference (ωs,ref) is generated from the output of the slip compensator. The stator
frequency (ωout) comes from phase lock loop, an estimate of the actual stator frequency. The
frequency regulator is evaluated at 1/5 of the inner current loop update rate.

NXGpro Control
228 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.2 Overmodulation

9.2 Overmodulation
To achieve increased voltage with the same number of cells, cells can be overmodulated. This
is done automatically in air-cooled 6SR4 and 6SR5 drives and water-cooled 6SR325 drives.
For other drive types, set the OverModulationEnable_O SOP flag true for overmodulation
of cells.
To disable overmodulation, set the OverModulationDisable_O SOP flag true.
Overmodulation may be used in place of standard modulation with the advantage that less cells
are required. A disadvantage of overmodulation is that it can increase output harmonics.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 229
Advanced Operating Functions
9.3 Slip Compensation

9.3 Slip Compensation

NEMA B induction motors require slip of the rotor speed (rpm) relative to the stator speed
(frequency) to develop torque. The amount of slip is directly affected by the loading of the
machine. For induction motors, the control provides slip compensation to the speed reference
to allow the motor to run at commanded speed, regardless of the torque output required.
Slip compensation operates as an open loop speed regulator that increases the electrical
output frequency of the drive as the load increases, or decreases the frequency of the drive as
the load decreases, to maintain commanded speed regardless of load conditions

Effect of Slip Compensation on Motor Speed with NXGpro Control

With slip compensation, the electrical frequency is always greater than the desired shaft speed,
i.e. mechanical frequency, for all non-zero loads. Therefore at 100% speed demand, Open
Loop Vector Control (OLVC) will maintain the shaft speed at the rated synchronous speed of
the motor, not full load speed.

Example: Operation of the Slip Compensation for a 6-pole Motor

A 6-pole motor rated for 60 Hz has a synchronous speed of 1200 rpm.
Enter the full load speed from the nameplate, e.g. 1192 rpm, to Full load speed parameter
Sending a speed demand of 100% will produce a mechanical speed, i.e. shaft speed, of
1200 rpm with slip compensation. This will result in a higher output (electrical) frequency, to the
motor, to provide the necessary torque to achieve the desired speed. The slip frequency is
directly proportional to the required torque, up to the rated torque current. Depending on the
selection, the display will show:
● Motor speed, in rpm, of 1200 rpm
● Motor speed, in percent, of 100%
● Motor frequency, in Hz, of 60.4 Hz at rated torque or if motor frequency is displayed in
percent, 101%

Calculation of Synchronous or Rated Speed

Sending the drive a speed demand of 100% means that you desire synchronous or rated
speed. To calculate, follow equation 1.
Synchronous speed, Ns, is defined by the formula:
1. NS = 120 * fRATED / # of poles

Calculation of Slip
At rated torque, slip is defined as a percentage of the difference between synchronous and full-
load speed (NFL) divided by the synchronous speed:
2. Slip (%) = 100 * (NS – NFL) / NS

NXGpro Control
230 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.3 Slip Compensation

Calculation of desired Shaft Speed with Slip Compensation

If a speed other than synchronous speed is desired for shaft rotation, use the following equation
to calculate the desired speed demand.
With slip compensation, subtract the slip frequency from the output frequency (fOUT) to ensure
that the mechanical speed matches the desired speed. Multiply the per unit (pu) torque (TPU) by
the slip and subtract it from the speed feedback (in frequency), effectively adding it to the speed
3. SMOT = fOUT – (Slip * TPU)
In equation 4, SERR represents the error signal processed by the speed regulator. The
implication for this is that for a speed command of 100%, based on the synchronous speed, the
applied electrical frequency will be higher than rated frequency due to the increase created by
the slip compensation. See equation 3 and 4. This will result in the motor running at true
requested mechanical speed with the electrical frequency adjusted to provide the torque
necessary to produce that speed.

Limiting Frequency by Disabling Slip Compensation

Slip compensation can be disabled to limit the motor to a specific electrical frequency. Using the
same example, set the Full load speed parameter (1030) to 1200 rpm. This disables the slip
compensation by reducing equation 2 to produce a slip of zero. Equation 3 and 4 reduce to:
1. Slip = (1200 – 1200) / 1200 = 0
2. SMOT = fOUT – 0 = fOUT
The end result is that the drive will regulate to the output frequency rather than the motor shaft
speed (mechanical speed). No compensation for slip is done.

With slip compensation:
● Output shaft speed will equal the percentage of synchronous speed requested
● The frequency will vary depending on load but the speed will be fixed
● Monitor motor speed in rpm
Without slip compensation, set the Full load speed parameter (1030) to the synchronous speed:
● The output frequency will equal the speed demand percentage of rated frequency
● The mechanical speed, i.e. shaft speed, will vary with load but the frequency will be fixed
● Monitor motor frequency in Hz

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 231
Advanced Operating Functions
9.4 Speed Droop

9.4 Speed Droop

Speed droop is the decrease in the speed of a motor with a constant voltage and frequency
when the motor is under load. The difference between the synchronous (unloaded) speed of
the motor and the full load speed is known as slip. Normally, slip compensation increases the
output frequency of the VFD as the motor speed attempts to decrease. This compensation
maintains a constant motor speed by minimizing droop. However, in some applications, droop
is needed.

Applications requiring Speed Droop

Speed droop is used in systems that are mechanically coupled to accomplish current (load)
sharing. Speed droop works for controlling current sharing with multiple drives in parallel with
a single motor, or for sharing load between multiple motors with separate drives e.g. large
conveyors or rock crushers, that are mechanically coupled to the same load. Speed droop
shares the load or current by decreasing the speed demand slightly as load increases.
Equilibrium is reached when the load is evenly shared between drives and/or motors.



5DPS  ෤  ෤  &XUUHQW


Figure 9-1 Speed Droop

This function is linear and the amount of droop is directly proportional to the load (torque)
current. The droop is applied across the entire speed range.

Setting Parameter for Speed Droop

Refer to the Speed Loop Menu (3200) in Section Options for Stability Menu (3) of
Chapter Parameter Assignments / Addressing for the parameter associated with this function:
● Speed droop (3245)
Parameter settings for this function are application dependant. The default is zero or

See also
Options for Stability Menu (3) (Page 122)

NXGpro Control
232 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.5 Flux Regulator

9.5 Flux Regulator

The flux regulator generates the magnetizing motor current reference. The flux reference
(λds,ref) is generated from the control’s flux ramp. The flux feedback (λds) comes from motor
voltage D-Q converter. The flux regulator is evaluated at 1/5 of the inner current loop update

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 233
Advanced Operating Functions
9.6 Flux Feed-Forward

9.6 Flux Feed-Forward

Flux feed-forward is a compensation input to increase performance of the flux loop. It works in
the following way:
1. The flux reference is preset to the no-load flux command when enabled. This eliminates a
delay in the response of the flux loop that would occur if starting from zero.
2. Next, the flux based on the load is compensated by feeding a reference proportional to the
torque command to the output of the flux regulator.
This compensates for the reduction of flux resulting from interaction with the torque current,
increasing the Id (reactive) current as a linear function of Iq (torque) current.
The functionality of flux feed-forward is essentially the same for both induction motors (IM) and
synchronous motors (SM). The difference between the motor types is as follows:
● IM: compensate for leakage inductance losses only using parameter Leakage inductance
(1070) to affect the amount of compensation.
● SM: compensate for the leakage inductance and a part of the mutual inductance, using
parameter Saliency constant (1091). This parameter applies only to SM control, and is used
instead of the leakage inductance parameter. Zeroing the saliency constant still provides
the no load feed-forward term, which essentially provides the no load flux reference. The
saliency constant provides additional compensation for the inductance losses due to
fluctuations of torque current for which the flux regulator may be too slow to correct. Setting
it too high can cause the motor flux to be too high resulting in motor over-voltage or

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Figure 9-2 Synchronous Motor Flux Feed-Forward

Default Value for Saliency Constant Parameter (1091)
Use the default value of 0.2.
Only special cases may require changing the default value.
Consult Siemens customer service before changing from the default value.

NXGpro Control
234 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.6 Flux Feed-Forward

Parameters for Flux Feed-Forward

Refer to Motor Parameter Menu (1000) in Section Options for Motor Menu (1) of
Chapter Parameter Assignments / Addressing for parameters associated with this function:
● Leakage inductance (1070)
● Saliency constant (1091)

See also
Options for Motor Menu (1) (Page 82)

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 235
Advanced Operating Functions
9.7 External Flux Reference

9.7 External Flux Reference

For certain synchronous motor types, the flux must be reduced for startup. This is mostly a
thermal problem with large inertial loads and virtually no cooling when the rotor is stationary.
This feature is enabled via a SOP flag that, when enabled, allows the flux demand to come
through a network register instead of using the internally computed value.
This feature can also be used to import a flux profile from an external device, i.e. PLC or PC,
and transfer to the motor via the network register.

Parameters for External Flux Reference

Location: Drive → Drive Protect → Input Protect
Parameters associated with external flux reference are detailed in the following table.

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Global Data to 9200 Sub-menu Menu for Global registers for data sent to drive from
Drive the network.
Data to Drive 2201 to None Global register that contains data sent from the net‐
01 -Drive 32 2231 <picklist> work to drive. One of these registers must be set to
"Flux Demand" from the pick list to use the register

NXGpro Control
236 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.8 Dual-Frequency Braking

9.8 Dual-Frequency Braking

VFD requirements for Braking Functionality

Many applications for VFDs require occasional negative torque for braking. Most static
converters used for VFDs are not capable of returning energy to the utility. Such applications
require additional circuits to regenerate the braking energy into the AC mains, or to dissipate
the braking energy in a resistor.

DC Injection Braking
One method of doing this that avoids additional power devices, is to use the existing circuits to
inject DC current into the motor windings. DC injection braking dissipates the braking energy in
the motor.
● DC injection braking is not effective unless the available current is several times rated,
especially for large motors.
● The estimation of motor speed is difficult during DC injection braking.

Dual-Frequency Braking (DFB)

Dual-frequency braking is another method to dissipate braking energy in the motor.
● DFB provides higher torque per ampere than DC injection braking.
● DFB permits continuous estimation of motor speed.
Like DC injection braking, DFB is implemented in software and requires no additional hardware
that can reduce the reliability of the drive.

Limitations of DFB
● When DFB is enabled, the motor flux is reduced above 50% speed to prevent overvoltage
● The drive must be maintained in the run state to produce the counter-rotating field for loss
● DFB is not operable in V/Hz control mode.

DFB Operation
Enable DFB with parameter Enable braking (3360) or via SOP flag BrakingEnable_O.
DFB induces extra losses in the motor by applying a second set of three-phase voltage vectors
to the motor, in addition to the normal set of voltage vectors used for speed control. The motor
uses the extra losses to absorb the kinetic energy released during braking.

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 237
Advanced Operating Functions
9.8 Dual-Frequency Braking

With DFB, motor protection is required and is applied as follows:

1. Torque pulsations:
– DFB can subject the motor to as much as 1 per unit torque pulsation at the pulsation
frequency. Select the torque pulsation frequency via the menu entry for pulsation
frequency to avoid any mechanical resonance frequencies.
2. Motor heating:
– The losses generated during DFB cause motor heating and limit the number of
deceleration ramps from full speed to zero, that can be performed repetitively. Motor
heating due to the additional losses is designed to be no worse than a line start.
The software motor thermal model in the control monitors motor heating and provides an
alarm and/or a trip to indicate excessive heating. Refer to Section Motor Thermal
Overload Protection for information on the thermal model. The number of repetitive
deceleration ramps, from full speed to zero, is limited to two per hour. This limitation is
based on MG-1, Part 20, which assumes that the motor has cooled down to its rated
temperature before the second ramp down. It applies when the load inertia and load
torque are those for which the motor is designed. You can use DFB more frequently with
lower values of load inertia and/or smaller speed reductions.

Pulsation Frequency
The second set of voltage vectors creates a counter-rotating flux vector that produces high slip
in the machine and generates these additional losses in the motor. You can adjust the pulsation
frequency via a menu setting as to avoid critical frequencies i.e., mechanical resonances. The
injection frequency is always in opposite rotation to the electrical frequency applied to the motor
i.e., speed and direction of the machine.

Programming the pulsation frequency
Select parameter Pulsation frequency (3370) to program the pulsation frequency via the
control. This parameter provides a reference to produce the desired additional braking for the
system. Adjust this parameter setting to avoid resonance in the system.

Effects of added voltage vectors VA1 and VA2 on DFB

The voltage vectors, normal VA1 and loss-inducing VA2, are added together to produce the
braking function.

NXGpro Control
238 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.8 Dual-Frequency Braking

9$ 9$
9=6 9% 9% ,QGXFWLRQ

9& 9&


Figure 9-3 Dual Frequency voltages added with normal 3-phase voltages

Zero sequence voltage
Zero sequence voltage is the DC offset voltage.

The following is a scope picture of the two voltage vectors added together. The higher
frequency voltage waveform VA2 is riding on the lower frequency waveform VA1.

Figure 9-4 Dual Frequency Braking waveform

The first vector set controls the torque and flux in the motor, and is nearly synchronous. The
second vector set induces losses in the motor to absorb the braking power returned by the first
vector set.
The amplitudes of the two vector sets are coordinated to best utilize the current and voltage
limitations of the converter. If the frequency of the loss-inducing vector set is chosen with the

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 239
Advanced Operating Functions
9.8 Dual-Frequency Braking

goal of maximizing losses per ampere, this automatically minimizes the torque pulsations by
minimizing the loss-inducing current.
The dominant losses in a motor are conduction losses, proportional to I2R. Maximum losses per
ampere require a large value of R. The nominal resistance of the motor windings is fixed by the
design. The effective resistance depends on the frequency. The rotor windings are deliberately
designed to exhibit a strong "deep-bar" effect, so that their resistance that lies above a low
threshold increases roughly proportional to frequency.
The frequency of the loss-inducing vector set should be as high as possible for maximum
effective resistance. Since this high loss-inducing frequency produces negative slip, it will have
negative sequence. The maximum applied frequency is limited by the control bandwidth of the
converter, and also by the available voltage. However, because the loss-inducing vector set is
negative sequence, the rotor frequency will be higher than the stator frequency due to the
rotational speed.

See also
Motor Thermal Overload Protection (Page 186)

Parameters for DFB

Refer to Braking Menu (3350) in Section Options for Stability Menu (3) of Chapter Parameter
Assignment / Addressing for parameters associated with this function:
● Enable braking (3360)
● Pulsation frequency (3370)
● Brake power loss (3390)
● VD loss (3400)
● Braking constant (3410)
Use these parameter settings to run the drive with DFB:
● Choose a pulsation frequency that avoids the mechanical resonant frequencies of the
system i.e. motor, shaft and load. A study of the mechanical system is required to determine
the resonant frequencies.
● Use brake power loss (3390) to set the initial value of motor losses. The default value is
satisfactory in most cases.
● Use VD loss (3400) to set the maximum voltage that is applied at the second, loss-inducing
frequency. This parameter cannot be set to a value higher than 0.5 pu. Adjusting this
parameter will have a direct effect on the achievable braking torque.
● Use braking constant (3410) to set the ratio of the power losses created in the motor to the
power absorbed by the drive during braking. Using the default value gives sufficient margin
and prevents the cell DC-bus voltages from increasing to trip levels.

See also
Options for Stability Menu (3) (Page 122)

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240 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
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9.8 Dual-Frequency Braking

Limitations of DFB
The drive output current plus the braking current must not exceed the current capability of the
cells in the drive. Hence the braking torque is limited in the drive, it is greatest at slow speed and
smallest at high speed. The typical braking torque that can be expected with DFB is illustrated






Figure 9-5 Braking torque with DFB for a typical motor

With high efficiency and inverter duty motors, the braking torque that can be achieved with DFB
is lower than the values shown in the figure above.
Contact Siemens customer service with the motor-related data listed below to determine the
braking torque capability with a higher efficiency motor. Information on critical frequencies will
allow a selection for the torque pulsation frequency.

Table 9-1 Motor related data

Rated HP Rated Voltage

Rated frequency Full-load speed
Half-load efficiency Full-load efficiency
Half-load power factor Full-load power factor
Locked-rotor torque Locked-rotor current
Pull-out torque Critical frequencies of the mechanical system

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 241
Advanced Operating Functions
9.9 Regenerative Braking (six-step)

9.9 Regenerative Braking (six-step)

Some cells have an active front end (AFE), which allows regeneration power to flow from the
drive output to input. No drive input reactors are needed for this regeneration algorithm.
For this algorithm, cell DC bus voltage is not controlled. Therefore, when the line impedance is
high and the drive is regenerating heavily at near-rated speed, where the primary regeneration
current is highest, the drive input voltage may increase to the point where cells trip on the DC
bus overvoltage fault.

Operation of Regenerative Braking

To use regenerative braking, the AFE must be maintained in the on condition, therefore the run
request must be active, and the speed demand reduced to zero to brake the load. This requires
a special SOP configuration.

OV Rollback Function
The "OV rollback" function limits the rise in the drive input voltage produced by regenerative
current to prevent a cell DC bus overvoltage fault. The output torque (power) reduces to a point
that will not cause an overvoltage. After this point is reached, the torque limitation caused by the
rollback is defeated, and full braking torque is available.

Limited drive capabilities
A delay can occur when transitioning from motoring to regenerative braking.
Do not use regenerative braking as a replacement for full 4-quadrant operation.

Parameters for Regenerative Braking

Refer to AP Settings (2585) in Section Options for Drive Menu (2) of Chapter Parameter
Assignment / Addressing for the parameters associated with this function:
● Regen OV I gain (2623)
● Regen OV P gain (2624)
● Regen shift angle (2625)

See also
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)

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242 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
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9.9 Regenerative Braking (six-step)

Limit Conditions of Regenerative Braking

The regenerative capability is restricted when the line input voltage gets too high. The rollback
limits the output torque current regenerative capability when input voltage (Erms) reaches or
exceeds 1.08 pu, and decreases it linearly to zero at 1.2 pu as shown in the figure below.




Figure 9-6 Pmax in Regeneration with respect to Erms

The conditions for enabling this rollback are as follows by priority. The first two run the
algorithm, and the third is calculated by the limiting overvoltage algorithm:
● Drive input power negative (drive in regeneration only)
● Drive is running in six-step
● Drive input voltage is at or above 1.08 pu input voltage
● Pre-charge is complete.
When this limit routine is active and its output is being used to limit regenerative torque, the
display will show the limit used as "OVLT" in the mode field of the keypad and Drive Tool, and
"REGEN OV" on the debug screen.

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Advanced Operating Functions
9.10 Dynamic Braking with External Resistors

9.10 Dynamic Braking with External Resistors

This function provides a quick stopping capability to a two quadrant drive, so that under special
conditions, the motor can be brought to a faster stop than by ramping. Deceleration is based on
motor and load inertia, and the sizing of the braking resistors and contactors. Ther SOP
provides this function via a digital input to trigger a fast braking event ("Fast Decel" or
"Emergency Brake"). A digital output from the SOP provides control for an output device to
connect the resistor banks across the terminals of the AC motor.
The drive will be commanded to go into the quick stop mode, and a second set of regenerative
torque limits will be selected to set the maximum current limit to prevent over-stressing the
motor. The deceleration action maintains the "drive enable" and provides reactive current to the
motor for maximum results in braking. Once the motor speed reaches zero speed setting, the
drive will enter the coast stop state, exit the special braking function and reset the braking
contactor. The quick stop flag, secondary torque limits and braking action will cease.
The dynamic braking mechanism converts the motoring action of the machine into generator
action during the braking. The dynamic braking technique of an induction motor is aimed at fast
braking action or fast deceleration action of the motors. During braking, the motor starts
regenerating and as a result, a large voltage is induced across the stator terminals.
The deceleration time required by the motor depends on the time required by the heat
generated during regeneration to be dissipated. For this purpose, resistor banks are switched
across the motors.
The resistor banks put large loads on the electrical circuits. When a generator circuit is loaded
down with resistance, it causes the machines to slow their rotations. By varying the amount of
excitation in the induction motor fields and the amount of resistance imposed on the circuit by
the resistor grids, the induction motor can be slowed down to a virtual stop. The generated
electric energy is dissipated through the resistor bank. The resistor banks also provide the
protection to the IGBTs in the drive circuitry. Switching a resistor bank across the terminals
enables the electrical and the thermal energy to dissipate across the resistors, rapidly slowing
down the motor.
The drive control is able to maintain stable operation during deceleration even though the
connection of the resistors abruptly changes the impedance seen by the drive at its output
terminals. The drive control is able to limit the output current satisfactorily without causing any
over-voltage trips in the cells.


'ULYH $&


Figure 9-7 Dynamic Braking with External Resistors

NXGpro Control
244 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.11 Voltage Attenuator Resistors

9.11 Voltage Attenuator Resistors

Input and output voltages are attenuated to provide a low voltage signal for measurement.
Typically, two resistors are used, on both the input and output sides, to support medium
voltages. The attenuator circuit is used to convert medium voltages to low voltage
measurement signals. Calculations are carried out at the Siemens factory. If issues exist with
calculations, consult Siemens.
Even if the discrete value of available resistors is not the same as the exact calculated value,
no scaling is required; the software automatically scales the voltages as needed.

Drive Stability
Selecting attenuator resistors incorrectly can cause unintended results that affect drive
stability and drive protections.
The input attenuator resistors must be selected to match the input transformer nameplate
rating. The output attenuator resistors must be selected to match the motor nameplate rating.

Electric Shock Hazard
Protection of the transorbs in the attenuator circuit is violated by placing a third resistor inside
the control cabinet in series with the medium voltage resistors.
If the protection of the transorbs in the attenuator circuit is violated, dangerous voltages are
introduced into the control cabinet, which could cause death or serious injury.
Never place a third resistor inside the control cabinet in series with the medium voltage
resistors to achieve the calculated values.

Software Supported Voltages for Attenuator Resistors

Although the voltage ranges for the input, 200 to 125000 V, and the output, 200 to 23000 V,
allow for much flexibility, the usable voltages must be supported by the appropriate set of
attenuator resistors. The values input to the drive determine the rated input and output voltages
respectively. If not set to the values represented by the actual hardware devices, the drive may
not operate properly.

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9.12 Torque Current Regulator

9.12 Torque Current Regulator

The torque current regulator generates the motor’s Q-axis motor voltage. The torque producing
motor current reference (Iqs,ref) is generated from the output of the frequency regulator. The
torque producing current feedback (Iqs) comes from motor current D-Q converter. The torque
current regulator is evaluated at the inner current loop update rate. This regulator is the
innermost, i.e. fastest, control loop in the control, operating at the sampling rate of the system.
This is typically 3 to 6 kHz or approximately 9 kHz for high speed motors.

The drive will switch to a higher sampling rate for high speed motors when either of two things
occur: if the motor rated frequency is set to 240 Hz or above, or if the SOP flag
"HighSpeedInterruptEnable_O" is set true.
To run at the higher sampling rate, the high speed hardware integrator must also be enabled.
The high speed hardware integrator is automatically enabled when the higher sampling rate is

See also
Forced Bypass - Non-faulted Cells (Page 175)

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246 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.13 Magnetizing Current Regulator

9.13 Magnetizing Current Regulator

The magnetizing current regulator generates the D-axis motor voltage reference. The
magnetizing motor current reference (Ids,ref) is generated from the output of the flux regulator.
The magnetizing producing current feedback (Ids) comes from motor current D-Q converter.
The magnetizing current regulator is evaluated at the inner current loop update rate. This
regulator is the innermost, i.e. fastest, control loop in the control, operating at the sampling rate
of the system. This is typically 3 to 6 KHz or approximately 9 KHz for high speed motors.

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Advanced Operating Functions
9.14 Phase Lock Loop

9.14 Phase Lock Loop

The phase lock loop module generates the flux angle (θ) and stator frequency (ωout). The flux
Q-axis term is generated by the motor flux D-Q transformation (λqs). The phase lock loop
module is evaluated at 1/5 of the inner current loop update rate.
Motor terminal voltage feedback is integrated to provide a true flux feedback in volt-sec units.
The PLL uses this to provide a flux vector phase reference for all internal motor control.

NXGpro Control
248 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.15 Output Filters

9.15 Output Filters

Output filters are used for the following reasons:
● for down-hole pumping with long cables.
● when shielded output cables are used.
● to avoid any problem with cable reflections.
● to address EMI or DV/DT requirements.
● with the capacitors omitted, the filter can be used as output reactors for synchronous
transfer to limit the current that can circulate while the VFD output is connected to the MV
NXGpro control supports output filters for all control modes.

Output Filter design and operation

The output filter consists of an LC filter used to prevent the output cable dynamics from
interfering with the drive output. It is designed to remove all high frequency components in the
drive output voltage to result in a nearly perfect sinusoidal output waveform.
The output filter adds losses proportional to the square of the RMS output current. The filter
inductance is in series with the VFD output and motor load and can reduce the output voltage
capability, depending on the load power factor. The filter also introduces an amplifying
resonance, which could limit the closed-loop gain for high-performance applications. The filter
consists of series inductors in each phase connected between the drive outputs and the load
(motor) terminals. Shunt capacitors in each phase connect between the load terminals and are
arranged in a floating wye configuration. Capacitors are omitted for closed synchronous
transfer applications.
Having an output filter adds additional concerns with stability and the ability to bypass
redundant cells. The parameter "Permitted Min cell count" (2541) limits the overall number of
cells in bypass, but not their destination.

See also
Fast Bypass (U11) (Page 173)

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Advanced Operating Functions
9.16 Synchronous Transfer

9.16 Synchronous Transfer

The synchronous transfer feature is used to avoid line-start mechanical and electrical strain in
constant-speed applications. The VFD soft starts the motor(s), and then the control matches
line/load electrical characteristics, allowing "bumpless" synchronous transfer.

Additional hardware requirements
Synchronous transfer requires hardware in addition to the drive: output reactor and switchgear.
Siemens recommends using a PLC for multi-motor applications.

● Up transfer is the process of transferring a VFD-controlled motor to the line, and then
decoupling the motor from the drive.
● Down transfer is the process of transferring a line-energized motor to VFD control, and then
decoupling the motor from the line.
To achieve successful up and down transfers, the output voltage of the VFD must match or
exceed the amplitude of the line. If the line is unstable with frequency and/or voltage variations,
the VFD may not be able to synchronize, and therefore transfer is inhibited.

Applications that use a synchronous motor
In transfer applications where a synchronous motor is used, the VFD must have control of the
field supply with smooth transition of the field control to an external source via a PLC.

Control modes
Synchronous up and down transfer is not available in control modes V/Hz or OLTM.

Fire Hazard
Improper phase sequence may result in a synchronous transfer related VFD fault, which could
lead to shorted phase to phase connections on the MV source and become a fire hazard. This
may result in death, serious injury or damage to equipment.
Ensure that input and output phases are properly wired to match the sequence.

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250 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
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9.16 Synchronous Transfer

VFD Synchronous Transfer Implementation

Synchronous transfer is inherent to NXGpro control. To optimize this feature, Siemens
engineering must be involved, regardless of scope of supply, in the switchgear configuration
and logic sequencing for both equipment safety and personnel safety. Siemens engineering
can supply switchgear and reactors as part of the drive or provide recommendations as

Potential damage to VFD Power Cells
The VFD output contactor and motor line contactors must never be simultaneously closed if
the digital output signal "VFD Transfer Permissive" is low, or when the VFD input is not
Failure to ensure that this condition does not occur could result in severe damage to the VFD
power cells.

9.16.1 Synchronous Transfer Operation Generator Options and Potential Fault


Verifying Command Generator Options

Before attempting synchronous transfer, examine the command generator options selected
during pre-synchronous transfer. It is important to disable command generator functions that
may cause the transfer to fail.
Verify that the speed profile, polarity change function, and speed limits do not modify the input
frequency when a synchronous transfer is requested. The input frequency is treated much the
same way as any other raw speed demand into the drive.

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9.16 Synchronous Transfer

Potential Fault Conditions

During synchronous transfer there are three alarm/fault conditions that can occur:
● Up Transfer timeout (alarm):
– Means that the transfer has taken longer than allocated in the "Up transfer timeout" menu
(ID 2760).
● Down Transfer timeout (alarm):
– Means that the transfer has taken longer than allocated in the "Up transfer timeout" menu
(ID 2770).
● Phase Sequence (alarm or fault):
– Indicates that the drive input phase sequence or direction is different than the drive
output. Improper set-up of synchronous transfer could result in an instantaneous over-
current (IOC) drive fault or an out of saturation (OOS) cell fault. Note that an OOS or IOC
have higher probablity of occurring with the reactorless transfer due to the low
impedence connection.
Further causes for failed transfer
The timeout alarms may indicate that other conditions are causing the transfer to fail. For
example, there are not enough active cells left in the drive to support the line voltage
during down transfer.
In this case, the drive sets the SOP flag InsufficientOutputVolts_I high.

9.16.2 Input/Output Signals for Synchronous Transfer (L29)

Input/Output Signals for Synchronous Transfer

Excluding standard run, stop, and speed reference inputs, synchronous transfer requires 4
dedicated input signals and 6 dedicated output signals to be implemented. These signals can
either be hardwired or implemented as digital control bits over one of the NXG-supported PLC
communication links.

Input Signals to the VFD:

● Up Transfer Request
● Down Transfer Request
● VFD Output Contactor Status
● Motor Line Contactor Status

Output Signals from the VFD:

● VFD Transfer Permissive
● Up Transfer Permit
● Up Transfer Complete

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9.16 Synchronous Transfer

● Down Transfer Permissive

● Down Transfer Complete
● Open Motor Line Contactor

9.16.3 Synchronous Transfer without Output Reactor

Not having an output reactor provides reduction in footprint. It also changes the down transfer
to a break-before-make state machine. This is due to the sensing of the line contactor state. All
handshaking signals remain the same and function the same as when an output reactor is
specified. The only difference here is the line contactor status feedback
flag "LineContactorAcknowledge_O" is not used.
To speed up the sync transfer state machines, the wait for the contactor acknowledge is
replaced with internal algorithms to determine the line contactor status at the appropriate point
in the state machine. This method is determined by the setting of the parameter "Sync Transfer
Type" (2775) to select whether or not an output reactor is used.

Up Transfer with No Reactor

On up transfer, when the line contactor closes, the opposing sources and slight mismatch
results in current ripple. The magnitude of this ripple will determine the closure of the line
contactor, which is sensed from the fast loop. Once affirmed, the drive output is immediately
disabled, and the state machine is set to the completed state. The waiting for the transition to
the transfer completed state to remove the drive enable is eliminated. This minimizes the
amount of time that both sources are supplying the motor. There are no other changes in the
up transfer state machine.
The magnitudes of both the Id and Iq current feedback must be compared to the menu
threshold level – "Up Transfer Threshold" (ID 2762) – individually. This is used in place of the
hardware acknowledge feedback when the parameter – "Sync Transfer Type" (ID – 2775) set
to "No Reactor".

Transfer Init A to B
E to A frequency error < 0.5 Hz
(run request removed)
Drive enable removed

Transfer Wait for
Complete Frequency
Lock B to C
D to E frequency error ≤ 0.5 Hz
(line contactor ack ) for 2 seconds
With output reactor

D to A C to A
Abort Abort C to B
frequency error > 0.5 Hz
Wait for Wait for
D to E Contact Phase
(line contactor detecon) Closure Lock
With no reactor
Drive disabled immediately

C to D
phase error < seng for 3 seconds
(line contactor close enable)

Figure 9-8 Up Transfer State Diagram

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9.16 Synchronous Transfer

Table 9-2 Up Transfer States


* Value is the value of the state machine variable for plotting purposes.

Down Transfer with No Reactor

Two sources cannot be connected for any length of time without an interposing reactance.
Therefore, the state machine was redesigned to eliminate the wait for torque build up when both
sources are attached. This was done by aallowing the drive to remain disabled until after the
line contactor opens. The "Wait for Torque" state is skipped, and after synchronization to the
line, the line contactor is commanded open.
The loss of the line feed to the motor is detected by a drop in motor voltage signifying the line
is no longer supplying the motor. This drop is detected as the line contactor open feedback.
Once detected, the drive speed regulator and ramp is preset and then the output enabled
quickly. The drive then takes control in a manner similar to a spinning load catch.
Since the operation is so different from the normal Down Transfer sequence – which is a make-
before-break operation, a new state machine is needed. The choice of which down transfer
state machine to use is determined by the state controller with the setting of the "Sync Transfer
Type" parameter.

A to B
(outputvoltage > 50% AND PLL isvalid
AND VFD contactorisclosed AND
frequency error< 0.5 Hz)
E to A
A Drive outputdisabled

Dow n TransferReq rem oved

Drive leavestransferstate


D to E B to D
line contactor open sense (frequency error < 0.5 Hz for 1
Drive enabled second)
Transfer Complete Line contactor command to open

Figure 9-9 Down Transfer State Diagram

NXGpro Control
254 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
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9.16 Synchronous Transfer

The Down Transfer State machine consists of the following four states. It uses the same
handshaking flags as with a reactor, except that the line contactor acknowledge flag is ignored.

Table 9-3 Down Transfer States


* Value is the value of the state machine variable for plotting purposes.

Associated Parameters for Synchronous Transfer without Reactor

These parameters are used to select the operation with no output reactor and to set the
thresholds for detecting the line contactor status for up transfer and down transfer.
● "Down Transfer Threshold" (ID 2772) – voltage drop when the line contactor opens
● "Up Transfer Threshold" (ID 2762) – current instability when the line contactor closes
● "Sync Transfer Type" (ID 2775) – operation with or without reactor

Up Transfer of Induction Motor

Up transfer takes the motor up to speed on the VFD to match the frequency of the line, once the
drive software receives the "Up Transfer Request". The drive software uses the drive input line
frequency as a velocity reference. Once the frequency is matched the phase also needs to be
matched with a predetermined leading phase to ensure the power flow is out of the VFD while
the line contactor is closed. To match the phase with a predetermined leading phase, the drive
software uses the line frequency and phase information from the input Phase Locked Loop
(PLL) and the output phase information from the output PLL to determine a vernier adjustment
to the frequency that is added to the velocity command. When the synchronization is complete,
the drive contactor is opened and the drive coast-stopped to end the transition.
The procedures for up transfer setup are carried out during the commissioning process.

Down Transfer of Induction Motor

Down transfer is used to transfer a motor from the line to the drive. With NXGpro control, the
drive monitors the output voltage before locking-in to the motor frequency via the spinning load
algorithm. For the drive to perform this action, the VFD contactor must be closed at the
beginning of the down transfer sequence while the drive output is still disabled. The drive is
capable of locking-in within a few milliseconds. The drive then raises the output torque current
before indicating that it is ready to accept the motor and open the line contactor.
The procedures for down transfer setup are carried out during the commissioning process.

NXGpro Control
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9.16 Synchronous Transfer

Synchronous Transfer with Multiple Motors

The drive can control multiple motors using synchronous transfer methodology. In such
applications, the drive sequentially controls a series of motors, one motor at a time.



/ 9 / 9


0 0

Figure 9-10 Multiple Motor Synchronous Transfer

Figure Multiple Motor Synchronous Transfer shows the VFD configuration for synchronous
transfer of a two motor implementation. A PLC must be used for multiple motor synchronous
transfer applications. The PLC and its logic can be supplied by Siemens to coordinate the
transfer sequence and also control the switchgear. In addition, motor protection relays are
recommended since the VFD cannot protect a motor operating from the line.
It is not required that all motors connected to a drive configured for synchronous transfer have
matching ratings. If mismatched motors are implemented, the drive must be sized for the worst
case load. "Smaller" motor loads can be mechanized via parameter read/write functionality or
the NXGpro control multiple configuration file capability, as described in Chapter Operating the
Software. As a rule, the smallest motor rating should be greater than 50% of the ratings of the
largest motor to ensure feedback signal integrity. When mismatched motors are used, the
proper configuration file must be active for the subject motor.

PLC Interface
VFD control is accomplished over a RS485 serial or Ethernet communications network using
a supported communications protocol.

NXGpro Control
256 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
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9.16 Synchronous Transfer

Example of supported communications protocol

Modicon’s Modbus communications protocol:
● A Modicon-compatible PLC interface is located at each motor control center.
● The PLCs are networked to a main Modbus controller, e.g. a PC, and the communications
board on the drive.
0&& 0&&
&RPPXQLFDWLRQ%RDUG 02'%86 3/& 3/&

9 9

/ /


0 0


Figure 9-11 Communications using a Modbus network configuration

Supported communications protocol
This section uses Modicon’s Modbus serial interface as one example of a supported
communications protocol.
Any supported communications network can be used.
The interface can also be achieved with no PLC, or by direct logic control.

9.16.4 Synchronous Transfer Operation for Synchronous Motors

Synchronous transfer with a synchronous motor (SM) is essentially the same as with an
induction motor (IM) with the addition of transfer of the control of the motor field winding excitor
from or to the drive to or from an external source.
Also, for synchronous transfer with SMs, an analog signal from the drive is required to control
the field current, and another analog signal from the controller to the drive, is required to read
the output of the external controller.
For handshaking with a required external controller, a minimum of two digital inputs and two
digital outputs is required to provide adequate handshaking between the drive and the external

NXGpro Control
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9.16 Synchronous Transfer

controller. The external controller is a separate PLC for most applications and if the analog
control signal is a 4 to 20ma current loop.

Potential Circuitry Damage
4 to 20ma current loops cannot be switched without potentially damaging circuitry.
An intervening PLC can digitize the signals and retransmit the signal, facilitating the switching
The PLC allows for monitoring and matching between an external field reference source and
the drive field reference source during transfer.

Up Transfer of Synchronous Motor

Up transfers are accomplished by taking the SM up to speed on the VFD to match the frequency
and then the phase of the line. This is accomplished the same as for an IM, by using the drive
input line frequency as a velocity reference. The main difference comes after the
synchronization and when both contactors are closed simultaneously. At this point the field
control has to be transferred from the drive to an external field controller. When the field transfer
is complete, the drive contactor is opened and the drive coast-stopped to end the transition.

Down Transfer of Synchronous Motor

Down transfer with synchronous motor control transfers a motor running directly connected to
a power line to the control via the VFD. The VFD output is synchronized with the line connected
to the motor, not necessarily the input to the drive. The control utilizes the connection through
the VFD output contactor with the power devices disabled to synchronize the VFD to the line.
Once synchronized, the outputs of the power devices are enabled in synchronization with the
line so that there is little or no power flow from the drive, and none back into the drive. A 2-
quadrant cannot absorb power.
Down transfer of synchronous motors not only involves the transfer of the stator voltage source
but also the transfer of the separate field exciter control. This adds a level of complexity to the
logic and control.
Down transfer of synchronous motors requires an external PLC or equivalent to control the
transfer and to provide the external field exciter reference when the motor is on the line.

Preconditions for Down Transfer of Synchronous Motor

The control uses the spinning load algorithm to synchronize the drive to the line connected
Preconditions for activating spinning load:
● The Spinning Load Enable parameter must be set true.
● The drive must be in the "IDLE" state prior to down transfer.
● The motor is running from the line. The line contactor is closed and the
"Contactor Acknowledge" signal is provided to the drive.

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9.16 Synchronous Transfer

Procedure for Presetting the Internal Field Control Regulator

Refer to Analog Input #4 Menu (4332) in Section Options for Auto Menu (4) in
Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing to preset the internal field control regulator during
transition between sources. This signal is fed back from the PLC as the active field command
level. Analog Input #4 is dedicated for this function. No other input can be used.
1. Select the correct analog source through the pick list on this parameter. The field command
from the drive must exit via a programmable analog output.
2. Select the menu item for the desired analog output and select "Synch Motor Field" as the
signal. This signal goes to the PLC as the drive source for the field command.
3. Set SOP flag EnableAnalog4_O to true and select the Loss of Signal (LOS) action.

See also
Options for Auto Menu (4) (Page 134)

9.16.5 Synchronous Transfer for Permanent Magnet Motors (PMM)

Potential Damage to Motor
Line operation for a PMM is not recommended as there is no protection for the motor for pole
Use of synchronous transfer with a PMM could result in damage to the motor.

For synchronous transfer of a PMM, the Auto and Auto Phase Advance modes must be
disabled. The Manual modes may be used with caution, but may also prevent proper operation.

Up Transfer of a PMM
With PMMs, up transfers are accomplished by taking the SM up to speed on the drive to match
the frequency and then the phase of the line. This is the same way that up transfer is
accomplished for an IM, by using the drive input line frequency as a velocity reference.
However, with a PMM connected to the line, there is nothing to protect it from pole slip, which
can damage the motor. The drive has a pole slip detection, which will protect the drive. Also, the
drive has limited power as compared to a low impedance line source, so fault currents could be
This external protection must be supplied by the customer and is not within the scope of the

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9.16 Synchronous Transfer

Down Transfer of a PMM

With PMMs, down transfer is used to transfer a motor from the line to the drive. With NXGpro
control, the drive monitors the output voltage before locking-in to the motor frequency via the
spinning load algorithm. For the drive to perform this action, the drive contactor must be closed
at the beginning of the down transfer sequence while the drive output is still disabled. The drive
is capable of locking-in within a few milliseconds. The drive then raises the output torque
current before indicating that it is ready to accept the motor and open the line contactor.
The starting sequence for the PMM requires the drive to go through the high starting torque
mode. This must be bypassed if the motor is spinning, most importantly at the line frequency.

9.16.6 Parameter Settings for Synchronous Transfer Operation

The Synchronous Transfer Menu (2700) is used exclusively for synchronous transfer
applications. Refer to Section Options for Drive Menu (2) of Chapter Parameter Assignment /
Addressing for parameters associated with this function.

See also
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)

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9.17 Pre-charge using SOP

9.17 Pre-charge using SOP

9.17.1 Electric Shock Hazard

Electric Shock Hazard
During pre-chargeelectric shock hazardDuring pre-charge, medium voltage is present on the
primary side of the input transformer and upstream device, even though the MV contactor is
not closed.Stay clear of the primary side of the input transformer to avoid death or serious

9.17.2 Limiting Function (applicable to all precharge types)

A limiting function that will prevent multiple, back-to-back precharge attempts has been added
and affects all precharge types. This function will prevent successive precharge attempts from
occurring any more frequently than once per minute or 5 per hour. This is part of the permissive
algorithm used in Type 5 & 6, the output of which sets the "DriveReadyToPrecharge_I" flag.
This is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting the "PrechargeLimitationEnable_O"
SOP flag to true. If more than one attempt is made within a minute, the message "Precharge:
too often - more than 1 per minute!" will be produced. More than 5 attempts within an hour will
produce the message "Precharge: too often - more than 5 per hour!" Both messages will appear
in the event log along with the "not ready" alarm message.
Should a precharge attempt be made when DriveReadyToPrecharge_I is false, an alarm "Not
ready to precharge" is set and displayed on the keypad. The alarm will be cleared when the
DriveReadyToPrecharge_I condition is valid again – but must be acknowledged as with other
alarms. Therefore, this flag should be used in the logic to create the precharge attempt. These
conditions define the alarm active: Alarm active when precharge enable is true, drive is not
ready to precharge, no precharge fault active, and drive not actively in precharge.
This flag will not be set true if the drive has experienced precharge once in the past minute, or
5 times in the past hour. If an attempt is made to precharge with the DriveReadyToPrecharge
not set to true, then a message stating the drive is not ready will be displayed on the keypad and
recorded in the event log. The precharge start MUST be removed before attempting again, and
DriveReadyToPrecharge must return to true. Then the drive can respond to precharge.

9.17.3 Preconditions for Pre-charge Types 1 to 3

Aside from safety concerns, and assuming that input power is available, the following
conditions need to be met to initiate pre-charge types 1 to 3. Monitor the entire pre-charge
sequence through an externally connected monitor or through the Debug Tool set to the "Drive
Misc Status Flags 2" using Ctrl-Y on the keyboard or menu selection in the tool.

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9.17 Pre-charge using SOP

Prerequisites to initiating pre-charge types 1, 2 or 3

● The DriveReadyToPrecharge flag in the lower right corner must be set true for pre-
charge to begin. Monitor the progress on the ‘MedVolts’, ‘Precharge State’, and
‘PrechargeExitState’ variables on the right side. Every step in the pre-charge sequence is
logged in the event log, including any fault conditions that abort pre-charge. Also the exit
condition from the pre-charge state machine is logged.
● If all conditions are met, the DriveReadyToPrecharge_I flag is true. If any conditions
are not met, the flag is set false, therefore this flag can be used as part of the conditions to
start pre-charge. Pre-charge cannot be initialized or started if this flag is not true. Once pre-
charge commences, the flag goes false and remains false until all conditions are again met.
● When all conditions are met, the pre-charge state machine advances from the initial state
of "INIT_PRECHARGE", into the "WAIT_FOR_VOLTS" state and pre-charge becomes
active. The loss of the DriveReadyToPrecharge_I flag causes the state machine to
remain in the "INIT_PRECHARGE" state until the drive is ready and
the PrechargeStartEnable_O flag is set true.
– Type 1, 2, or 3 pre-charge selected
– Drive not running
– MV is low (not OK)
– Output to M1 Permissive is open, PrechargeM1Close_I is false
– M1 is open, PrechargeM1CloseAck_O is false
– M2 is open, PrechargeM2CloseAck_O is false
– M3 is open, PrechargeM3CloseAck_O is false
– No medium low fault
– LFR not tripped and latched (due to Input Protection) or dedicated input protection isn't
– No pre-charge fault exists
– MV is not disabled, MainInputVoltageDisable_O is false, or maintenance or
service mode is enabled
– No pre-charge circuit breaker alarm active
– No pre-charge contactor alarm active
– No pre-charge main contactor fault
– No input protection fault

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– Precharge has not been attempted more than 5 times per hour and not within the past
minute (if enabled)
Cells in bypass
If any cells are in bypass prior to losing MV, their respective bypass contactor is opened
since the bypass contactor power supply is energized by one phase of the MV input.
During the subsequent pre-charge, if the cell is detected as faulted, pre-charge will
pause indefinitely until a manual drive reset is activated.
Pre-charge will then proceed and the detected faulted cell will be bypassed after pre-
charge is complete.

Setting PrechargeStartEnable_O to true initiates the pre-charge sequence. Pre-charge

will not initiate if DriveReadyToPrecharge_I is not true, or any of the above conditions are
not met.
"Precharge voltage level" (2634) - Voltage to stop M2 resonance and advance to state machine
- Range - 80 % to 95 % with default set to 90 %.

See also
Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O (Page 271)

9.17.4 Type 1 (Closed) Pre-charge

Type 1 pre-charge uses a capacitor circuit chosen to be in resonance with the inductance of the
secondary windings of the input transformer.
● This circuit design allows a lower voltage source to charge a higher voltage rated cell while
limiting the inrush to both the transformer and the cell capacitors.
● The voltage must be carefully monitored to prevent the cells from overvoltage.
To prevent cells from overvoltage, a resistor circuit is connected through contactor M3 when
the highest of the three input phase voltages, measured on the primary of the input
transformer, reaches 95% of rated voltage. The resistor overdamps the pre-charge circuit
and the voltage increase ceases. At this point the capacitor circuit is disconnected and the
main contactor to the medium voltage source is closed. Once closed, the resistor network
is opened and pre-charge is complete. The pre-charge request can be removed. This
constitutes a make-before-break (closed) contactor sequence.

Type 1 Pre-charge circuit design

Type 1 pre-charge uses contactors M2 and M3 in addition to the main input contactor M1. The
pre-charge source can either be attached to one of the existing secondary windings, or can be
a separate dedicated winding on the secondary. The second choice is preferable for the high
voltage cells since applying near rated voltage from an external source is less desirable than
supplying 480 to 690 Vac to a special dedicated secondary winding on the transformer.

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Figure 9-12 Type 1 Pre-charge Component Connections

Sequence of Operation
1. To start pre-charge, DriveReadyToPrecharge_I must be
true. PrechargeStartEnable_O is set true to start the sequence.
2. M2 is closed to begin resonance by connecting a capacitor in series with the
secondary, PrechargeM2Close_I is set equal to true.
3. When the input primary voltage reaches the max phase voltage set by the parameter
"Precharge voltage level" (2634), a damping resistor is connected through
M3. PrechargeM3Close_I is set equal to true.
4. The M3 acknowledge comes back, PrechargeM3CloseAck_O is set equal to true. M2
contactor is commanded to open, PrechargeM2Close_I is set equal to false.
5. The M2 acknowledge comes back, PrechargeM2CloseAck_O is set equal to true. M1
contactor is commanded to close, PrechargeM1Close_I is set equal to true.

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9.17 Pre-charge using SOP

6. The M1 acknowledge comes back, PrechargeM1CloseAck_O is set equal to true. M3

contactor is commanded to open, PrechargeM3Close_I is set equal to false.
7. The M3 acknowledge comes back, PrechargeM3CloseAck_O is set equal to false. Pre-
charge is complete, PrechargeComplete_I is set equal to true. The pre-charge request
can be removed, PrechargeStartEnable_O is set equal to false.
8. After the pre-charge request is removed, the drive is now able to
run. PrechargeDriveEnable_I is set equal to true.
Pre-charge faults
The following conditions will result in a pre-charge fault:
● failure to follow the sequence
● failure to leave a minimum of 250 msec between receiving a response and issuing the
next command
● removal of pre-charge start enable before the cycle completes.
All handshaking must follow the sequence of operation.

See also
Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O (Page 271)

9.17.5 Type 2 (Open) Pre-charge

Type 2 pre-charge uses a resonant circuit. Type 2 pre-charge avoids inrush into the cells; it
does not prevent input transformer inrush.
● This pre-charge type has a break-before-make (open) contactor sequence that does not
require close synchronization between the input voltage to the pre-charge circuit and the
input voltage to the transformer primary. Breaking the connection to the pre-charge source
after the cells are fully charged, causes the flux in the transformer to collapse almost
immediately. So, when the main input contactor is closed, the only inrush is for magnetizing
the transformer itself, and not for charging the cell capacitors.

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9.17 Pre-charge using SOP

Type 2 Pre-charge circuit design

Type 2 pre-charge uses contactor M2 in addition to M1. An additional pre-charge secondary
winding is employed to be able to reach full rated voltage of the transformer primary and cell
connected secondaries.







Figure 9-13 Type 2 Pre-charge Component Connections

Sequence of Operation
1. To start pre-charge, DriveReadyToPrecharge_I must be
true. PrechargeStartEnable_O is set true to start the sequence.
2. M2 is closed to begin resonance by connecting a capacitor in series with the
secondary. PrechargeM2Close_I is set equal to true.
3. When the input primary voltage reaches the max phase voltage set by the parameter
"Precharge voltage level" (2634), M2 contactor is commanded to
open.PrechargeM2Close_I is set equal to false.
4. The M2 acknowledge comes back, PrechargeM2CloseAck_O is set equal to true. M1
contactor is commanded to close, PrechargeM1Close_I is set equal to true.

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9.17 Pre-charge using SOP

5. The M1 acknowledge comes back, PrechargeM1CloseAck_O is set equal to true. Pre-

charge is complete, PrechargeComplete_I is set equal to true. The pre-charge
request must be removed, PrechargeStartEnable_O is set equal to false.
6. With the removal of the pre-charge request, the drive is now ready to
run. PrechargeDriveEnable_I is set equal to true.
Pre-charge faults
The following conditions will result in a pre-charge fault:
● failure to follow the sequence
● failure to leave a minimum of 250 msec between receiving a response and issuing the
next command
● removal of pre-charge start enable before the cycle completes.
All handshaking must follow the sequence of operation.

9.17.6 Type 3 Pre-charge (Parallel Drives)

Pre-charge in parallel drives, or other selected drives, is known as type 3 pre-charge. It may use
either an exciter controller or a fixed source with a resistive element instead of the resonant
capacitor, to increase the cell voltage gradually.
Pre-charge of this type requires that the input source, i.e. output of exciter power supply or
independent source, be rated with high enough voltage to reach the level set by the parameter
"Precharge voltage level" (2634) of rated input voltage under all conditions, without exceeding
the pre-charge trip voltage. Two input sources can be used, each is addressed according to its
● Exciter power supply source In this case, a resistor may not be required. This depends on
the current needed from the source to charge the capacitors and also on any stability issues
with the current loop of the exciter power supply. The only real requirement is that it is able
to charge the cell capacitors in the timeframe allotted.
● Independent / constant source Contactor status M2 represents the contactor status in series
with the exciter power supply and the enable signal to the exciter power supply. In this case,
the M2 contactor is connected to the pre-charge secondary winding through the series

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Figure 9-14 Type 3 Pre-charge Component Connections

Sequence of Operation
1. To start pre-charge, DriveReadyToPrecharge_I must be
true. PrechargeStartEnable_O is set true to start the sequence.
2. M2 is closed to connect a resistor in series with the secondary to limit in-rush to the
cells, PrechargeM2Close_I is set equal to true.
3. When the input primary voltage reaches the level set by the parameter "Precharge voltage
level" (2634), M2 is commanded to open. PrechargeM2Close_I is set equal to false.
4. The M2 acknowledge comes back, PrechargeM2CloseAck_O is set equal to true. M1
contactor is commanded to close, PrechargeM1Close_I is set equal to true.

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5. The M1 acknowledge comes back, PrechargeM1CloseAck_O is set equal to true. Pre-

charge is complete, PrechargeComplete_I is set equal to true. The pre-charge
request must be removed, PrechargeStartEnable_O is set equal to false.
6. With the removal of the pre-charge request, the drive is now ready to
run. PrechargeDriveEnable_I is set equal to true.
Pre-charge faults
The following conditions will result in a pre-charge fault:
● failure to follow the sequence
● failure to leave a minimum of 250 msec between receiving a response and issuing the
next command
● removal of pre-charge start enable before the cycle completes.
All handshaking must follow the sequence of operation.

See also
Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O (Page 271)

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9.18 Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O

9.18 Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O

9.18.1 Electric Shock Hazard

Electric Shock Hazard
During pre-chargeelectric shock hazardDuring pre-charge, medium voltage is present on the
primary side of the input transformer and upstream device, even though the MV contactor is
not closed.Stay clear of the primary side of the input transformer to avoid death or serious

9.18.2 Limiting Function (applicable to all precharge types)

A limiting function that will prevent multiple, back-to-back precharge attempts has been added
and affects all precharge types. This function will prevent successive precharge attempts from
occurring any more frequently than once per minute or 5 per hour. This is part of the permissive
algorithm used in Type 5 & 6, the output of which sets the "DriveReadyToPrecharge_I" flag.
This is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting the "PrechargeLimitationEnable_O"
SOP flag to true. If more than one attempt is made within a minute, the message "Precharge:
too often - more than 1 per minute!" will be produced. More than 5 attempts within an hour will
produce the message "Precharge: too often - more than 5 per hour!" Both messages will appear
in the event log along with the "not ready" alarm message.
Should a precharge attempt be made when DriveReadyToPrecharge_I is false, an alarm "Not
ready to precharge" is set and displayed on the keypad. The alarm will be cleared when the
DriveReadyToPrecharge_I condition is valid again – but must be acknowledged as with other
alarms. Therefore, this flag should be used in the logic to create the precharge attempt. These
conditions define the alarm active: Alarm active when precharge enable is true, drive is not
ready to precharge, no precharge fault active, and drive not actively in precharge.
This flag will not be set true if the drive has experienced precharge once in the past minute, or
5 times in the past hour. If an attempt is made to precharge with the DriveReadyToPrecharge
not set to true, then a message stating the drive is not ready will be displayed on the keypad and
recorded in the event log. The precharge start MUST be removed before attempting again, and
DriveReadyToPrecharge must return to true. Then the drive can respond to precharge.

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9.18 Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O

9.18.3 Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O

The software in these pre-charge types use dedicated I/O for controlling all contactors. Type 5
and 6 pre-charge read inputs and control outputs directly with no intervention from the SOP.
The only exception is the StartCellPrecharge_O flag to start pre-charge once the drive is
ready to pre-charge (DriveReadyToPrecharge_I is true).

Water-cooled 750 V AP type cells must use type 5 open or type 6 closed pre-charge.
Other drive types may use type 5 open or type 6 closed pre-charge if hardware is in place.

Air-cooled drives used for floating platforms may use type 6 (closed) pre-charge only. Pre-
charge for these cell types is for limiting transformer in-rush only; and, this is achieved through
type 6 (closed) pre-charge.

See also
Type 5 (Open) Pre-charge (Page 277)
Type 5 (Open) Pre-charge (Page 277)
Type 6 (Closed) Pre-charge (Page 282)
Preconditions for Pre-charge Types 1 to 3 (Page 261)
Type 1 (Closed) Pre-charge (Page 263)
Type 3 Pre-charge (Parallel Drives) (Page 267)
Preconditions for Pre-charge Types 5 and 6 (Page 275)

9.18.4 Type 4 Pre-charge (resonant-open transfer-capacitors only)

Type 4 Pre-charge is open pre-charge mode for use with a drive within the 6SR4 family. The
introduction of the cell for this air-cooled drive brought the requirement to precharge the
capacitors with no pre-magnetization for the transformer.
Precharge was added to the new drive, with an open transference of power from the precharge
source to the line. The main purpose was to limit inrush current by limiting the charging current
for the capacitors, while not eliminating the inrush to the transformer. For this package, a
damping resistor was not used. For consistency, the M1 contactor operation is the same as
used in type 5 & 6 precharge. However, the other inputs and outputs are not consistent with
Type 5 or Type 6 precharge and must be assigned from within the SOP. The only exception is
the CIMV output which will take the place of the "Trip MV" output of the air-cooled drive, and the
TIMV of the water cooled using NXGII control.
The timing to complete the precharge is 30 seconds, and 5 seconds is allowed to close M1.
Both are hard-coded. Precharge must go from start to complete in less than 30 seconds or a
precharge fault will be triggered.

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9.18 Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O

Precharge will also control the precharge circuit breaker (PCB) – both in reading status and in
command control – but only through SOP flags – not dedicated I/O. The flag
"ClosePrechargeCB_I" is set true if no precharge faults or Input Protection (IP) faults exist. This
should be used to close the PCB. If a precharge fault is detected, the flag is cleared (set false)
to open the PCB. The hardware must support this in the control of the circuit breaker.
Cell diagnostics are not performed until precharge is complete (M1 closes and begins once the
Input voltage exceeds 60% of rated).
If all precharge conditions are met, the DriveReadyToPrecharge_I flag is true". Otherwise, the
DriveReadyToPrecharge_I flag is set false. Therefore this flag should be used as part of the
conditions to start pre-charge. Precharge cannot be initialized or started if this flag is not true.
Once precharge commences, the flag goes false and remains false until all conditions are again
When all conditions are met, the pre-charge state machine advances from the initial state of
state. The loss of the DriveReadyToPrecharge_I flag causes the state machine to cycle back
to "INIT_PRECHARGE2" until the drive is ready.
Fault and status messages will closely follow existing messages for type 5 and 6 except where
new or different.
The precharge circuit breaker is commanded to open under the following conditions during
precharge, resulting in precharge fault:
● Over-voltage (>115 %) occurs during pre-charge
● Under-Voltage Trip (PCVMRStatus_O)
● Input Protection Fault
● LFR Trip
● /-0983
● *9/
● M2 Contactor Open Status Failure
● Trip_CB2 is asserted (TripPrechargeCB2_O) through the SOP
The CB trip can only be controlled via the setting of an SOP flag (ClosePrechargeCB_I) to trip
the CB. To simplify, this flag will be used so that the desired action can be set to a single output
point. In addition to being triggered by an internal event, the setting of the SOP Input flag
TripPrechargeCB2_O, will also set the Output SOP flag ClosePrechargeCB_I.
Conditions to set the drive ready for precharge
The following are the conditions which set the DriveReadyToPrecharge_I flag:
● Type 4 precharge selected
● Drive not running
● MV is low (not OK)
● Output to close M1 is open, DO-14 – CIMV
● Output to M1 Permissive is open, (FPGA_M1_PERMIT) – SIB 51, 53, 55 TIMV
● M1 is open, M1 Close Ack – PrechargeM1CloseAck_I – SOP flag
● M2 is open, M2 Close Ack – PrechargeM2CloseAck_I – SOP flag

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9.18 Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O

● Pre-charge circuit breaker is closed – CB2Status_O is true – SOP flag

● Pre-charge voltage monitor permissive is good – PCVMRStatus_O is true – SOP flag
● Trip precharge circuit breaker flag false - TripPrechargeCB2_O - command to trip is false -
from SOP
● No medium low fault
● LFR not tripped (LFR status – DI-3E) and latched (due to Input Protection) and Internal I/O
● No pre-charge fault exists
● MV is not disabled, MainInputVoltageDisable_O is false
● No pre-charge circuit breaker alarm active
● Internal I/O for M1 is working (if an input breaker exists)
● No pre-charge contactor alarm active
● No pre-charge main contactor fault
● No input protection fault
● Drive has an input breaker (M1) - "Drive Has Input Breaker" (7127)
● Precharge has not been attempted more than 5 times per hour and not within the past
minute (if enabled)
Pre-charge sequence
The sequence for precharge is as follows:
1. The Precharge State machine starts in the "PRECHARGE_FAULTED" to initialize. Must
have DriveReadyToPrecharge_I to advance.
2. Once initialized it advances to the "INIT_PRECHARGE2" initial state to wait for
the DriveReadyToPrecharge_I condition to go true.
3. Once true, the state advances to the "PRECHARGE_READY" state to wait for the
precharge start. Losing the Ready status will reset the state machine to
4. When the StartCellPrecharge_O is set true from the PRECHARGE_READY state, it
commands M2 to close (connects capacitor), PrechargeM2Close_I is set true, and
advances to the "M2_CLOSE" state.
– Event Logs: "Precharge Start type 4 (open)"
"Precharge: Close M2"
– From here on, the start signal must remain true until precharge is complete. A timer will
start at this state and must not exceed 30 seconds from the time of start until precharge
complete is achieved.
5. Once the contactor is confirmed closed, the state advances to "WAIT_FOR_VOLTS2"
where it waits for a voltage level of the max phase voltage set by the parameter "Precharge
voltage level" (2634).
– Event Log: "Precharge Waiting for voltage buldup..."
– This counts as one precharge attempt for the counter. Cell diagnostics is held off until M1

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6. When the voltage achieves "Precharge voltage level" (2634) threshold, M2 is commanded
to open
– Event Log: "Precharge: Open M2",
– "PrechargeM2Close_I" is set false", and the state advances to "M2_OPEN".
– Even Log: "Precharge: Close M1"
– Once the contactor open is confirmed and transformer flux decays (half second timer),
M1 trip (TIMV) is commanded closed, a timer of 0.5 sec allows flux on the transformer to
decay, and then the state advances to M1_CLOSE.
7. Secondary M1 close command (CIMV), (DO-15 - J4-7,8,9, - CIMV for Gen4e precharge
type 4) is iss ued and the state advances to "WAIT_FOR_M1_ACK".
– Event log: "Precharge: Waiting for M1 to close..."
8. While waiting for M1 to close (M1 ACK), PrechargeM1CloseAck_O, the excessive drive loss
decay curve is reset.
– Event Log: "M1 Closed - waiting for transformer voltage to rise"
– Also it allows 5 seconds for the fundamental input voltage to get to 80% before advancing
to "PC_COMPLETE" and setting the "PrechargeComplete_I" flag, and precharge drive
run enable (PrechargeDriveEnable_I). If the 5 seconds times out, precharge is aborted
with a precharge fault.
9. When the M1 contactor is confirmed closed and MV exists, cell diagnostics is enabled. This
sets the precharge complete.
– Event Log: "Precharge complete: No errors"
10.Once in the Precharge complete state is achieved, it will be maintained until reset in the fault
loop. The precharge state machine will no longer run or check for errors. The error checking
is turned over to the normal fault detection. The StartCellPrecharge_O signal should be
removed at this point.
11.If the CimvIsPulsed_O flag is true, the CIMV close command will drop out one second after
achieving MV. The actual relay will stay in until the MV contactor is tripped.
SOP flags used in Precharge:
● DriveReadyToPrecharge
● DriveReadyToPrecharge_I – flag that indicates all conditions are met for precharge to
● PrechargeM1CloseAck_I – flag to indicate M1 status (true is closed)
● PrechargeM2CloseAck_I – flag to indicate M2 status (true is closed) CB2Status_O – flag to
indicate CB2 status (true is CB2 closed)
● CB2Status_O - flag to indicate CB2 status (true is CB2 closed)
● PCVMRStatus_O – flag to indicate CB2 voltage status (true is CB closed – no UV condition)
● TripPrechargeCB2_O – Command precharge CB2 to trip (set in SOP) – causes precharge
● MainInputVoltageDisable_O – flag to disable the M1 contactor (true is command to open)
● ClosedPrechargeCB_I – flag to trip the breaker (true is trip) – must connect to output

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● StartCellPrecharge_O – flag set to initiate precharge – remove after complete

● PrechargeLimitationEnable_O – flag set to enable the precharge limiting algorithm
● PrechargeComplete_I – Indicates that precharge is completed (M1 closed and MV above
● CimvPulsedOutputEnable_O – Set this true if CIMV requires a pulsed output
Dedicated I/O used in Precharge:
● Output to M1 Permissive – SIB 51, 53, 55 (TIMV)
● Output to close M1 – DO-14 – J4-7, 8, 9 (CIMV) – Pulsed or maintained – SOP selection (for
● Output to trip LFR – DO-15 – J4-10, 11, 12 (LFRInputProtect)
● LFR status – DI-3E – J9-4

See also
Type 5 (Open) Pre-charge (Page 277)
Preconditions for Pre-charge Types 5 and 6 (Page 275)

9.18.5 Preconditions for Pre-charge Types 5 and 6

Aside from safety concerns, and assuming that input power is available, the following
conditions need to be met to initiate pre-charge types 5 and 6. Monitor the entire pre-charge
sequence through an externally connected monitor or through the Debug Tool set to the "Drive
Misc Status Flags 2" using Ctrl-Y on the keyboard or menu selection in the tool.

Operating pre-charge applications with inductor usage
In some applications the pre-charge capacitors have been replaced with inductors. In these
applications it may be necessary to operate pre-charge Type-5 and Type 6 with the M3
contactor closed for longer periods. Extending the time M3 is closed reduces the current
transient through the pre-charge circuit breaker when M4 closes. The time M3 is closed is
extended by holding off the closing of the M4 contactor. The parameter "Prechrg M4 Holdoff
time" (ID 2633) may be used to specify the amount of time M3 is closed during pre-charge.
Parameter 2633 may be adjusted from 0 to 10 seconds where the default value is 0 seconds
which is the value used for the standard pre-charge arrangement (capacitors vs. inductors).

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Prerequisites to initiating pre-charge types 5 or 6

● The DriveReadyToPrecharge flag in the lower right corner must be set true for pre-
charge to begin. Monitor the progress on the ‘MedVolts’, ‘Precharge State’, and
‘PrechargeExitState’ variables on the right side. Every step in the pre-charge sequence is
logged in the event log, including any fault conditions that abort pre-charge. Also the exit
condition from the pre-charge state machine is logged.
● If all conditions are met, the DriveReadyToPrecharge_I flag is true. If any conditions
are not met, the flag is set false, therefore this flag can be used as part of the conditions to
start pre-charge. Pre-charge cannot be initialized or started if this flag is not true. Once pre-
charge commences, the flag goes false and remains false until all conditions are again met.
● When all conditions are met, the pre-charge state machine advances from the initial state
state. The loss of the DriveReadyToPrecharge_I flag causes the state machine to
cycle back to "INIT_PRECHARGE2" until the drive is ready.
– Type 5 or 6 pre-charge selected
– Drive not running
– MV is low (not OK)
– Output to M1 Permissive is open, DO-2d – P14 – TIMV
– Output to close M1 is open, DO-1c – P9 – CIMV
– M1 is open, M1 Close Ack – DI-2e – P18
– M2 is open, M2 Close Ack – DI-3d – P15
– M3 is open, M3 Close Ack – DI-0e – P16
– M4 is open, M4 Close Ack – DI-1e – P17
– No medium low fault
– LFR not tripped and latched (due to Input Protection) or dedicated input protection isn't
– No pre-charge fault exists
– MV is not disabled, MainInputVoltageDisable_O is false, or maintenance or
service mode is enabled.
– No pre-charge circuit breaker alarm active
– No pre-charge contactor alarm active
– No pre-charge main contactor fault

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– No input protection fault

Cells in bypass
If any cells are in bypass prior to losing MV, their respective bypass contactor is opened
since the bypass contactor power supply is energized by one phase of the MV input.
During the subsequent pre-charge, if the cell is detected as faulted, pre-charge will
pause indefinitely until a manual drive reset is activated.
Pre-charge will then proceed and the detected faulted cell will be bypassed after pre-
charge is complete.

Setting StartCellPrecharge_O to true initiates the pre-charge sequence. Pre-charge will

not initiate if DriveReadyToPrecharge_I is not true, or any of the above conditions are not

9.18.6 Type 5 (Open) Pre-charge

Type 5 pre-charge controls the main contactor, M1 and uses three pre-charge contactors M2,
M3, and M4. It is designed so that M1 will not close until after M4 opens. This designates type
5 pre-charge as a break-before-make, or open pre-charge type.
Type 5 pre-charge can be implemented only with the user I/O board due to the dedicated I/O
controlled directly through the NXGpro code.

Pre-charge fault correction
On any pre-charge fault, you must examine the event log for the cause, and correct the problem
before proceeding to another attempt.

Pre-charge benefit
The benefit of pre-charge is to limit transformer in-rush.

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Type 5 Pre-charge circuit design

The pre-charge circuit consists of a collection of capacitors, resistors, and contactors mounted
in the Fuse/Pre-charge/Control (FPC) cabinet on the input section of the drive.




Figure 9-15 Type 5 Pre-charge Circuit Schematic

Located on the left side is the low voltage pre-charge source coming in through the pre-charge
circuit breaker. Located on the right side is the connection to the pre-charge secondary
windings of the input transformer. Voltage during pre-charge is monitored through the input
attenuators on the primary side of the transformer. The M1 contactor connects the MV source
to the primary.
The pre-charge contactors are controlled directly by the NXGpro code and require no SOP
interaction with the exception of the start pre-charge command.

Precharge inductors may replace the capacitors in some special installations.

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Figure 9-16 Type 5 Pre-charge Component Connections

Sequence of Operation
Fast bypass is disabled during pre-charge, therefore faulted cells are not reset or bypassed
until after pre-charge is complete. Only fault messages will display on the keypad or Drive Tool,
there is no message to reset the drive, but reset is required. SOP
flag PrechargeNeedsReset_I becomes true when pre-charge is in this state. The flag is
reset once the drive receives a fault reset. You can use this as an indicator that a fault exists,
but do not use to directly issue a fault reset.
1. Drive starts with pre-charge state machine set at pre-charge faulted, and all contactors are
commanded open. When all conditions are met, it passes through pre-charge initialization.
2. After initializing all contactors and flags, it advances to pre-charge ready. M1 is checked to
ensure it is open, and the state controller waits for the pre-charge start command.
3. Drive is ready to pre-charge with all conditions met. DriveReadyToPrecharge_I is true.

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4. To start pre-charge, set the StartCellPrecharge_O flag true through the SOP. This
starts the pre-charge state machine.
5. M1 is confirmed open, M2 is commanded to close.
6. With M2 closed, the drive input voltage climbs. The drive waits until 90% of rated voltage is
achieved. The pre-charge capacitors provide a resonant circuit with the input inductance
allowing a lower secondary input voltage to charge to 90% of rated drive input voltage
through the secondary.
7. When the input voltage reaches 60% of rated, cell diagnostics begins and medium voltage
is considered ‘OK’.
8. Once the input voltage reaches 90% of rated input voltage (plus tap setting), M3 is
commanded to close to dampen the resonance and maintain the voltage. Failure to connect
the resistors could result in an overvoltage condition on the cells.
9. M3 is closed, M2 is commanded open.
10.M2 is open, M4 is commanded closed. M4 provides holding voltage with no resistance drop.
This lowers the power rating requirement on the pre-charge damping/ holding resistors. If
parameter ID 2633 "Prechrg M4 Holdoff time" is non-zero, then the M4 contactor will not be
commanded closed until after the hold-off time delay.
11.M4 is closed, M3 is commanded open. This sequence must complete in 30 seconds or a
timeout will occur resulting in a pre-charge fault.
12.The drive then waits for cell diagnostics to complete. If a cell is faulted, pre-charge waits for
a fault reset. The fault reset only acknowledges the fault and cell diagnostics exits so that
pre-charge can continue. Any faulted cells will be bypassed on exit if bypass is enabled.
Cell Faults
A detected cell fault will display on the keypad. No other indication is given that a reset is
The drive trips if any of the following conditions occur:
● overvoltage fault
● cell under-voltage fault
● input protection fault
● pre-charge is aborted
● MV falls below 60%, as read through the input attenuators.
The drive waits until the cell fault is reset.

Fatal Fault SOP Flag
Any cell fault is a fatal fault and will set the FatalFault_I SOP flag.
Do not use this flag to:
● remove the pre-charge enable flag, StartCellPrecharge_O
● set the MainInputVoltageDisable_O flag
Doing so during pre-charge will abort pre-charge with a pre-charge fault.

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13.When cell diagnostics is complete, M4 is commanded to open, resulting in a drop in input

voltage, although the cell capacitors are completely charged.
Pre-charge in Service Mode
If Service Mode is selected, pre-charge completes at this point with M4 closed and MV stays
on through the pre-charge source.

14.M4 is open, M1 is enabled to close through two separate digital outputs: M1 close
permissive (M1 DOUT) on the system interface board and Precharge Complete M1 Close
(DO-9) on user I/O board #1.
15.The drive waits for the M1 contactor to close, via the digital input for the M1 Acknowledge
(DI-2E). The M1 contactor closes to prevent discharge of the cell capacitors, and must be
closed before a low cell bus voltage alarm is received.
16.Once the M1 acknowledge is received, pre-charge is complete and the drive is connected
to the MV source and ready to run. The pre-charge state machine is exited and the exit state
is recorded in the event log along with all other recorded pre-charge events in the sequence.
The drive run is inhibited until pre-charge completes successfully.

On a successful pre-charge, the state machine remains in PC_COMPLETE until reset. It will
cycle back to pre-charge faulted (without fault) to begin again.

See also
Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O (Page 271)
Type 4 Pre-charge (resonant-open transfer-capacitors only) (Page 271)

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9.18 Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O

Setting Parameters for Type 5 Pre-charge

Use the following parameter settings to operate type 5 pre-charge. Refer to Cell Menu (2520) in
Section Options for Drive Menu (2) of Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing for
parameters associated with this function.
● For normal operation:
– Pre-charge Enable (2635) to "Type 5 Open".
– Use type 5 pre-charge for any cell type, but cell voltages (2550) "750V AP" and "750V AP
4Q" must use either type 5 or type 6 pre-charge. These are the two settings that are
defined for the water-cooled 6SR325 drive.
● For maintenance or service operation:
– Pre-charge Service Mode (2637). This parameter completes pre-charge with M4 closed.
M1 never closes. Use for troubleshooting purposes only.
– Pre-charge Service Start (2638). This parameter starts the service mode of pre-charge
from the menu instead of through an SOP flag.

Changing drive parameter settings
Do not change drive parameter settings.
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameter settings.

See also
Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O (Page 271)
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)

9.18.7 Type 6 (Closed) Pre-charge

Type 6 pre-charge is used primarily for water-cooled SINAMICS Perfect Harmony™ drives but
can be used with any drive. It uses four contactors M1, M2, M3, and M4. It is designed so that
M4 will not open until M1 closes. This designates type 6 pre-charge as a make-before-break,
or closed pre-charge type.
This make-before-break operation makes this pre-charge type ideal for limiting transformer in-
rush current, and so may be used with cells that do not require pre-charging. Type 6 pre-charge
can be implemented only on the ‘new’ I/O board using the digital I/O Breakout board.
Type 6 pre-charge can be implemented only with the user I/O board due to the dedicated I/O
controlled directly through the NXGpro code.

Pre-charge fault correction
On any pre-charge fault, you must examine the event log for the cause, and correct the problem
before proceeding to another attempt.

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Pre-charge benefit
The benefit of pre-charge is to limit transformer in-rush. Type 6 pre-charge is of value for this
purpose due to the make-before-break connectivity. This applies in particular for drives that
have high impedance feeds.

Type 6 Pre-charge circuit design

The pre-charge circuit consists of a collection of capacitors, resistors, and contactors mounted
in the Fuse/Pre-charge/Control (FPC) cabinet on the input section of the drive.




Figure 9-17 Type 6 Pre-charge Circuit Schematic

Located on the left side is the low voltage pre-charge source coming in through the pre-charge
circuit breaker. Located on the right side is the connection to the pre-charge secondary
windings of the input transformer. Voltage during pre-charge is monitored through the input

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attenuators on the primary side of the transformer. The M1 contactor connects the MV source
to the primary.

Special Installations
Pre-charge inductors may replace the pre-charge capacitors in special installations.

The pre-charge contactors are controlled directly by the NXG code and require no SOP
interaction with the exception of the start pre-charge command.









Figure 9-18 Type 6 Pre-charge Component Connections

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Sequence of Operation
MV is maintained throughout pre-charge, therefore faulted cells are reset and bypassed once
the drive is issued a reset, and if fast bypass is enabled. Only fault messages will display on the
keypad or Drive Tool, there is no message to reset the drive, but reset is required. SOP
flag PrechargeNeedsReset_I becomes true when pre-charge is in this state. The flag is
reset once the drive receives a fault reset. You can use this as an indicator that a fault exists,
but do not use to directly issue a fault reset.
1. Drive starts with pre-charge state machine set at pre-charge faulted, and all contactors are
commanded open. When all conditions are met, it passes through pre-charge initialization.
2. After initializing all contactors and flags, it advances to pre-charge ready. M1 is checked to
ensure it is open, and the state controller waits for the pre-charge start command.
3. Drive is ready to pre-charge with all conditions met. DriveReadyToPrecharge_I is true.
4. To start pre-charge, set the StartCellPrecharge_O flag true through the SOP. This
starts the pre-charge state machine.
5. M1 is confirmed open, M2 is commanded to close.
6. With M2 closed, the drive input voltage climbs. The drive waits until 90% of rated voltage is
achieved. The pre-charge capacitors provide a resonant circuit with the input inductance
allowing a lower secondary input voltage to charge to 90% of rated drive input voltage
through the secondary.
7. When the input voltage reaches 60% of rated, cell diagnostics begins and medium voltage
is considered ‘OK’.
8. Once the input voltage reaches 90% of rated input voltage (plus tap setting), M3 is
commanded to close to dampen the resonance and maintain the voltage. Failure to connect
the resistors could result in an overvoltage condition on the cells.
9. M3 is closed, M2 is commanded open.
10.M2 is open, M4 is commanded closed. M4 provides holding voltage with no resistance drop.
This lowers the power rating requirement on the pre-charge damping resistors. If parameter
ID 2633 "Prechrg M4 Holdoff time" is non-zero, then the M4 contactor will not be
commanded closed until after the hold-off time delay.
11.M4 is closed, M3 is commanded open. This sequence must complete in 30 seconds or a
timeout will occur resulting in a pre-charge fault.

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12.The drive then waits for cell diagnostics to complete. If a cell is faulted, pre-charge waits for
a fault reset. The fault reset only acknowledges the fault and cell diagnostics exits so that
precharge can continue. Any faulted cells will be bypassed on exit if bypass is enabled.
Cell Faults
A detected cell fault will display on the keypad. No other indication is given that a reset is
The drive trips if any of the following conditions occur:
● overvoltage fault
● cell under-voltage fault
● input protection fault
● pre-charge is aborted
● MV falls below 60%, as read through the input attenuators.
The drive waits until the cell fault is reset.

Fatal Fault SOP Flag
Any cell fault is a fatal fault and will set the FatalFault_I SOP flag.
Do not use this flag to:
● remove the pre-charge enable flag, StartCellPrecharge_O
● set the MainInputVoltageDisable_O flag
Doing so during pre-charge will abort pre-charge with a pre-charge fault.

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13.When cell diagnostics is complete, the In-Sync signal is checked to determine if M1 can be
commanded to close. There is no drop in input voltage, and the cell capacitors maintain their
charge. The wait for the In-Sync signal is indefinite as long as:
– MV is maintained through the M4 contactor
– a pre-charge fault does not occur
– the pre-charge command is not removed.
Pre-charge in Service Mode
If Service mode is selected, pre-charge completes at this point with M4 closed and MV
stays on through the pre-charge source.

Software Sync Check
● If software sync check is disabled, the In-Sync signal is received from Digital Input 1
on the User I/O board.
● If software sync check is enabled, the drive will use the three additional input voltages
present on the System Interface Board to determine if the voltage upstream of the
main contactor/breaker is matched in frequency, voltage, and phase.
● Software sync checking may be enabled to replace the external In-Sync signal.
● Sync checking can be enabled/disabled with parameter 2631, Sync Check Enable.
The software will measure the frequency, phase, and magnitude of pre-charge input
and output voltages.
● If the frequencies are equal, if there are valid voltages, and if the phase difference
magnitude is within the user selectable Sync Check Angle, (parameter 2631), then
the M1 contactor may close.

14.After receiving the In-Sync signal, M1 is commanded to close through two separate digital
outputs on the breakout board: M1 close permissive (DO-14), and Precharge Complete-M1
Close (DO-9).
– The drive waits 3 seconds for the M1 contactor to close, via the digital input for the M1
Acknowledge (DI-2E).
– If the M1 acknowledge does not return within 5 seconds, a pre-charge M1 contactor fault,
"PreChrg M1 Contactor Flt", occurs and pre-charge is aborted.

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1. Once the M1 acknowledge is received, M4 is commanded to open.

2. With the acknowledge of M4 open, the following checks occur:
– input voltage must be above 80%
– pre-charge contactors (M2, M3, and M4) must all be open
– SOP flag MainInputVoltageDisable_O must be false.
3. Pre-charge is complete, the PrechargeComplete_I flag is set true and the drive is connected
to the MV source and ready to run. The pre-charge state machine is exited and the exit state
is recorded in the event log along with all other recorded pre-charge events in the sequence.
The drive run is inhibited until pre-charge completes successfully.

On a successful pre-charge, the state machine remains in PC_COMPLETE until reset. It will
cycle back to pre-charge faulted (without fault) to begin again.

Setting Parameters for Type 6 Pre-charge

Use the following parameter settings to operate type 6 pre-charge. Refer to Cell Menu (2520) in
Section Options for Drive Menu (2) of Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing for
parameters associated with this function.
● For normal operation:
– Pre-charge Enable (2635) to "Type 6 Closed".
– Use type 6 pre-charge for any cell type, but cell voltages (2550) "750V AP" and "750V AP
4Q" must use either type 5 or type 6 pre-charge. These are the two settings that are
defined for the water-cooled 6SR325 drive.
● For maintenance or service operation:
– Precharge Service Mode (2637). This parameter completes pre-charge with M4 closed.
M1 never closes. Use for troubleshooting purposes only.
– Pre-charge Service Start (2638). This parameter starts the service mode of pre-charge
from the menu instead of through an SOP flag.

Changing drive parameter settings
Do not change drive parameter settings.
Only Siemens trained personnel are authorized to change drive parameter settings.

See also
Pre-charge using Dedicated I/O (Page 271)
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)

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9.19 Paralleling Multiple Drives

9.19 Paralleling Multiple Drives

It is possible to combine multiple drives in parallel to provide a higher power output than is
available from a single drive. There are two possible implementations of paralleling drives with
NXGpro control. The following sections provide an overview of each implementation along with
the available features with each mode.

9.19.1 Parallel Drive Control

Paralleling Multiple Drives on a Synchronous Motor

This implementation uses a PLC as a master controller that coordinates and monitors the
operation of two or more drives in parallel. Each drive operates independently of the other
drives. This mode of operation provides the following features:
● Ability to operate multiple drives (maximum of four) with a single three-phase synchronous
motor or a multi-phase synchronous motor.
● Single HMI that collects data from all of the parallel drives.
● Drives synchronize to each other without external inputs, and maintain independent
operation of speed and flux regulators while sharing torque current and field current.
● Fast bypass is possible, and drives can operate with unequal number of cells.
● User can introduce a drive into a system that is already in operation.




Figure 9-19 Parallel Drive Control with Synchronous Motor

Paralleling Multiple Drives on an Induction Motor

Operating two drives in parallel on a single induction motor requires balancing the flux provided
by each drive.

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The drive requires the use of a PLC to provide average Ids to each drive over a network. This is
used to modify the flux demand through the flux droop scaler.
Since flux is provided through induction from the stator to the rotor which is fed by both drives,
flux feedback to each drive must be precise to control the contribution of each drive. By
sampling the Ids feedback of each drive, an average can be calculated to feedback as a
reference to each as a modifier of the flux demand.
The PLC reads the average, individual drive reactive currents to the machine, and then divides
the current requirement into equal shares, and passes the Ids current demand share to each
drive through a network connection to the drive. It proportions the total current by the number
of drives connected to the motor, by determining the field-producing current share for each
The drives total magnetizing current must be an equal share from each connected drive. This
then equalizes the torque capability of each drive for the motor total torque so that each drive
is contributing the same amount of torque and magnetizing current. The result is equal sharing
between each drive.
The success of balancing the flux producing reactive currents between drives is more an
exercise of balancing the attenuator impedances than in any control algorithm or setting of
droop parameters.


9)' &HOO&RQWURO 9)'





Figure 9-20 Parallel Drive Control with Induction Motor

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9.19 Paralleling Multiple Drives

Parameter for Flux Droop

The Flux Droop parameter (3195) can be used for scaling, or turning off this feature by setting
to zero, the default value.

Use of Flux Droop results in lower flux on the machine. This can be adjusted by slightly
increasing the "Flux demand" (3150) parameter to greater than 1.0.
Spinning load must be disabled for running parallel drives on a single induction motor.

9.19.2 Master-Slave Drive Control

The master-slave configuration allows two or more motors that are mechanically coupled
together to share load equally. In this implementation, one drive is designated as master, while
one or more drives are designated as slave drives. Speed regulation is performed in the master
drive, and the slave drives(s) control torque based on a remote torque command from the
master. This mode of operation provides the following features:
● Ability to operate one induction motor per drive. Motors can be coupled on a common motor
shaft, through a gear box driving a common load or on a common drive belt.
● Ability to operate multiple drives (maximum of four) with a single three-phase synchronous
motor or a multi-phase synchronous motor.
● The master VFD can be determined from a digital input signal. This signal along with the
drive fault and drive torque control can be used to reconfigure the system such that the slave
can become the master in case the master drive has a fault.
● The system can be implemented using conventional analogue speed and torque signals as
well as discrete I/O. An alternate implementation using serial communications between the
customer control and the drives is also possible.







Figure 9-21 Example of Master-Slave Drive Control

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9.20 Torque Mode

9.20 Torque Mode

Torque mode is added for applications needing this specialized feature. Torque reference is
input through analog input 3 or the network. It is a modified, saturated speed loop algorithm
allowing the torque to be controlled through the torque limit, with fall-back into speed mode,
should the torque requirement suddenly drop. This prevents a dangerous runaway condition
caused by applying a fixed torque with no speed control. The speed ramp is bypassed in this
mode for faster response, and the torque ramp is enabled to control application of torque
changes. Speed droop is disabled in torque mode.
If the VFD is used in torque mode, the speed regulation must be done externally to the VFD.
The input to the drive in this type of application is a torque demand. Figure Torque Mode depicts
a generalized view of torque mode.





Figure 9-22 Torque Mode

Speed Demand
The speed demand is set to the motor speed limit as shown in Figure Torque Mode.

The Torque Demand can be sent to the VFD in one of three ways:




Figure 9-23 Torque Demand Options

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292 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
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9.20 Torque Mode

Depending on the source of the Torque Demand, the appropriate SOP flags and menu settings
must be configured. In all cases the TorqueMode_O flag must be set TRUE to use torque
mode, and the necessary torque command established through the selected source.

Parameters for Torque Mode

Refer to Torque Reference Menu (2210) in Section Options for Drive Menu (2) of
Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing for parameters associated with this function:
● SOP/menu control (2211)
● Torque setpoint (2220)
● Holding torque (2230)
● Torque ramp increase (2240)
● Torque ramp decrease (2250)
● Torque command scaler (2242)

See also
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)

9.20.1 Extended Torque During Ride-Through for ESP Applications

Power conditions defined by a brown-out or a momentary black-out, plague many operations
in which the SINAMICS GH180 Perfect Harmony™ VFD is employed. Typically speed is
sacrificed for lack of power to allow the drive to ride-through a short interruption in input power,
utilizing the load inertia to maintain the cell voltage.
For ESP applications the inertia is very low; and, for a sudden collapse in torque, the fluid
column collapses quickly with a reverse flow due to gravity resulting in a back-spinning motor.
Since the drives are typically 2-quadrant, they cannot reverse the direction of the column with
negative torque on reapplication of input power.
To allow for short power outages, in the range of milliseconds – long enough to switch to a
different feed – torque must be maintained with no input voltage to prevent the collapse of the
column. The energy for this torque must be extracted from the cells. For a period of 100 msec,
the torque can continue, but at a reduced rate.
The extended portion of this algorithm does not come into play until the input voltage falls below
50 % of rated voltage. The standard rollback algorithm will apply until then. Below the 50 %, the
extended torque algorithm is activated.
Two parameters are used to set the levels for this transition for the first 100 msec after the loss
of input voltage. They consist of a setting to determine the lowest level of speed –
"Undervoltage Min Speed" (7068), and the level of torque to apply during the ride through event
– "Undervoltage Min Torque" (7064).

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Advanced Operating Functions
9.20 Torque Mode

Figure 9-24 Typical Pump Speed Response During Extended Torque Ride-through

Extended torque during ride-through depends upon precise matching of the drive and settings
to the specific application. Factory agreement is required prior to enabling this function.

NXGpro Control
294 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
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9.21 High Performance Control

9.21 High Performance Control

Applications requiring high starting torque or low speed operation are considered as "high
performance" control.

9.21.1 Low Speed Operation

In some applications, when stable, low speed operation, below 1 Hz, under high torque
conditions is required, an encoder may be used to provide speed feedback. Use of a shaft
encoder is recommended where the control’s slip calculation block is disabled so that encoder
speed feedback is directly used as an input to the speed regulator. When an encoder is used
with the drive, set the control loop type to closed loop vector control with an induction motor
(CLVC) or to closed loop vector control with a synchronous motor (CSMC). Enable the drive's
Spinning Load function when this control mode is enabled.

9.21.2 High Starting Torque Mode

Special applications and motors require a high starting torque mode. Examples of motors that
require a high starting torque (HST) mode:
● Permanent Magnet Motors (PMM) have a fixed flux source from the magnets, and must be
moving in order to lock on to the flux phase.
● Synchronous Motors with a DC exciter (SMDC) cannot be magnetized until the field aligns
with the poles in the machine.
When starting a PMM or SMDC from standstill, the flux vector cannot be determined until
motion is established. It is necessary to apply an adequate amount of torque current for a short
period of time to overcome the inertia of the rotor and to produce movement. Once movement
occurs, the PLL can lock onto the flux vector.
Synchronous Motors (SM) and Induction Motors (IM) may require a high starting torque mode:
● SMs have an externally generated flux source that can be pulsed to provide enough
feedback to lock onto the flux angle at standstill. SMs have poor starting torque
● IMs have a flux created through coupling across the air gap and can be controlled directly.
● In V/Hz control mode SMs and IMs require a high starting torque mode: to overcome static
friction (stiction) that is high in either the motor or the load; or when a large inertial load is
connected; or when operating a motor on long cables in which a significant amount of load
impedance is in the cables.



Figure 9-25 High Starting Torque Mode Example System

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9.21 High Performance Control

HST Secondary Current Level

The HST secondary current level is for implementation after the initial starting state, and before
the control loops are enabled to prevent saturation of transformers used between the output of
the drive and the connected motor due to the high currents and associated voltages. Saturation
can cause distortion and excessive losses. Once the load has begun to move, the high torque
is no longer needed and so then the secondary current level is adequate.
The secondary current level is implemented through parameter Trq Current 2 (2965).









Figure 9-26 Modified High Starting Torque Mode

Parameters for High Starting Torque Mode

High starting torque mode is selected internally when either PMM or SMDC is selected as the
control mode.
Refer to High Starting Torque Menu (2960) in Section Options for Drive Menu (2) of Chapter
Parameter Assignment / Addressing for parameters associated with this function.
For long cable applications, set the "Minimum Speed Limit" to approximately the same as the
percent value of the total resistance in series with the motor. For example, if a long cable
application has the total series resistance at about 30 % of motor base impedance, set a
minimum speed limit of 30 % or higher.

See also
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)

NXGpro Control
296 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.22 Conveyor Application

9.22 Conveyor Application

For support of PLC based conveyor applications, there are three parts: A faster network
access, and PLC based HST mode, and PLC based damping. The following sections describe
the components of this application.

9.22.1 Network Fast Access for Conveyor Applications

Fast Access Enable
For direct PLC support for conveyors, fast network access is required for both new features.
A separate algorithm allows for retrieval of data for direct usage from the calling location. In this
algorithm, the call originates from the slow loop control, depending upon having a data
communication bandwidth high enough to be effective. This feature is enabled via menu
parameter ID 9971 "Fast Access Enable".
"Fast Access Enable" (9971) – in the Networks menu – picklist – "off, on" (default off) – used to
enable or disable the PLC Conveyor Application
If enabled, the Speed Demand and Torque Demand signals are updated within the slow loop
rather than the communication thread. This also requires that the "To Drive Register #N" be set
to "Speed Demand" and the "To Drive Register #N+1" parameter set to "Torque Demand"
where "N" is the first or base register of two. These parameters enable the fast register access,
then scale the inputs to PU torque and speed for use in the speed loop.
The scaled speed value is placed in the variable "Networks::SpeedDemand" while the scaled
torque limit is placed in the variable "Networks::TorqueCommand". These will be available for
both the PLC HST mode (enabled and not complete) and after completion for active damping.
Enabling and Using Fast Access
1. To enable this feature, Network 1 is required to be a valid network type. If it is not a valid
network type and the user attempts to enable this feature, the user will receive the message
"Network 1 not enabled" and the feature will not be enabled.
2. To use "Fast Access Enable", "Network Data to the Drive" register 2 must be used for speed
3. The next sequential register ("Network Data to the Drive" register 3) must used for the
torque demand. Since this register assignment is required for fast register access to
operate correctly, it will be automatically checked by the software when this feature is
requested to be enabled. If the register assignment is not correct and the user attempts to
enable this feature, the user will received the message "Register definition is not correct"
and the feature will not be enabled.
When enabled, this method imports and scales the speed reference and torque demand data
from the registers using the same scale factors as the employed by the normal network
communication for this data. This feature updates this data at the slow loop rate. Because this
method only applies to Anybus™ manufactured cards, the Modbus™ network will not be
available for fast access use.
Fast access does not speed up the transfer of data external to the control. If the network is slow,
the access will still operate at the same rate, but the data from read to read will remain
unchanged - with only the network determining the update of the data.

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9.22 Conveyor Application

The figure "Fast Network Access Routine" depicts the new algorithm for accessing the speed
and current commands directly from the slow loop in order to improve control performance. This
is a compromise between speed and flexibility, with the constraint that these two registers must
be sequential to limit the time to access the data from the Anybus module dual-port RAM. This
access requires coordination with the dual-port control which necessitates some degree of
setup and waiting. Accessing two registers cuts this time in half from the normal polling, single
register at a time method. Once these values are retrieved from the dual-port, they are scaled
and placed into two global registers for access by the control algorithms as needed.

Normal Network Access


Polled Access
(20ms per network)
Dual Port


Comms PLC

Slow Loop
speed Fast Access
Dual Port

Get Choose Read two


Fast Register Network consecu!ve

Access Data type registers

Scale & Store in global

Fast Access variables:
Enabled SpeedDemand

Output Process Sampling and

control loops current loops Modulator
(Slow loop thread) (Fast loop thread)
Fast Loop

Figure 9-27 Fast Network Access Routine

See also
PLC-based Active Dampening for Conveyor Applications (Page 303)
PLC Directed High Starting Torque Mode for Conveyor Applications (Page 298)

9.22.2 PLC Directed High Starting Torque Mode for Conveyor Applications
The PLC directed High Starting Torque Mode (HST) adds the ability to control HST mode for
an induction motor in OLVC by means of a PLC for use in conveyor systems that have multiple
drives and motors run on a common belt controlled by a common PLC. The PLC controls the
frequency and the current to the drive directly so that a number of parallel drives can be started
in unison.
The purpose of this feature is to allow an external PLC to coordinate the start-up of multiple
motors connected to a common load, in which higher than normal starting torque is required.

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9.22 Conveyor Application

Since an IM has no rotor position sensing and must rely on slip to produce initial torque, it is
necessary to use brute force by applying a current at an angle controlled in an open loop
manner in hopes of moving the load. Only after the load is moving can the drive lock in on the
flux vector and revert to OLVC to control the torque current more directly.
When multiple motors and drives are connected to a common load, the current and frequency
(speed) is coordinated to produce consistent torque for all motors without causing excessive
tension between sections of the belt. This is done by means of an external PLC to provide
required load balancing among all motors.
Since an IM uses slip (difference between rotor mechanical speed and stator electrical speed)
to provide torque, it can be magnetized in the normal manner for IMs. Once magnetized, then
a state machine will apply a rotational current vector with the magnitude determined by an
external current command and the rotational speed controlled through an external speed
command. All ramping of both speed and current must be done within the PLC, thus requiring
fast communication register access to allow for smooth operation.
This algorithm provides the means to coordinate the drives and motors along the conveyor, but
the PLC accomplishes synchronization. Further, the state transitions, to a large extent, are
controlled through handshaking signals between the PLC and the NXGpro control.
Slip compensation is applied during the open-loop HST mode by utilizing the current command
to calculate the slip. Once magnetized, the motor is spinning, and the flux vector is locked on
by the PLL, the current feedback is decomposed into the d-q components. Slip is then
calculated as normal for IM OLVC control mode.
Because they are controlled externally, ramps for current and frequency are bypassed entirely
until completion of the state machine.
At the completion of the state machine, the drive smoothly transitions into the speed loop
(integrator preset); and, the speed command is generated from the fast access speed demand
(ramp is preset to actual motor speed). The current command is replaced by the output of the
speed regulator, and the external current signal is used as a dynamic torque current limit. By
using the current signal command as the dynamic torque limit, torque current signal controls the
output of the drive directly, provided that the speed regulator remains in saturation.
The HST mode state machine remains at the initialized state until the drive magnetizes the
motor and enters the Run drive state. It then begins the transitions through the state machine.
The sequence is depicted in the figure PLC Directed High Starting Torque Mode Timing

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9.22 Conveyor Application

NXGpro 6.3 High Star!ng Torque Mode for Conveyor Applica!ons

95% Flux Rated Flux

Flux Reg enabled

No Load current
Mag Current

Rated Slip Speed

Motor Speed Speed Reg and
(slip + cmd) Ramp enabled

Motor Speed
(from PLC) Must maintain speed reg in

Slip Slip Speed based on

Slip Speed based on calculated slip
speed Iqs FF

Desired star!ng torq

Start Current
Transi!on from HST to normal
Iqs FF (from opera!on
Same Signal Current used for
Torq Current Torque limit
Limit (same current input is used for
both – switched internally)
(from PLC)

Delay Droop enabled

Magne!zing Run State (Flux and Slip based on Ids Ref, Flux,
State Ramp Complete Inductance, and Iqs current with slip
!me) HstMode_O (PLC) constant
Two signals from PLC (drive)
PlcHstEnable_O InvRunRequest_O FluxAtSetpoint_I Magne!za!on
– Current and Speed from drive Complete_I HighStar!ngTorqueModeComplete_I
Set true From PLC
Current has two From PLC (drive enabled) Run State from drive (a"er ini!alizing loops and 1 second
func!ons – switched delay)
at comple!on

Figure 9-28 PLC Directed High Starting Torque Mode Diagram

Functionally the controls can be broken down into two segments:

1. while in the HST state machine
2. and, after completion of the state machine for continuous operation

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9.22 Conveyor Application

During PLC based HST mode


Iqsff IqsRef
Fast Access Vqs DQ
(Speed Loop disabled) Iqs
Va,b,c ref
Flux Ref Flux IdsFF IdsRef Vds
No Load Flux Ids 3Φ
Current Ramp Regulator
ref Freq Psuedo DeltaS
Fast Access
X Angle
Speed Demand Angle
Increment Generator
Fast Loop

At comple•on of PLC HST mode

Or PLC based Damping
Fast Access

Fast Access Speed Saturated Speed limited Iqs
Limit Logic DQ
Speed Demand Ramp Regulator Regulator

Iqs Va,b,c ref

Ids Vds 3Φ
Flux IdsRef
FluxRef Regulator


Figure 9-29 Fast Access Command_HST_Damping

Assuming the start from zero, the sequence for start-up is as follows:
1. High Starting Torque mode (HST must be enabled), and the OLVC control mode selected.
The HST state machine remains at initialization – ‘T1’ of the HST state machine – until the
drive enters the Run state. The "Fast Access Enable" parameter (9971) must also be
selected to divert the network based speed and current inputs to the proper variables and
to update them at the desired rate.
2. The "PlcHstEnable_O" SOP flag must be set true throughout the complete start-up for use
of the external signals and control of the HST mode state machine. This can be set true by
the SOP rather than setting it conditionally. If the flag is not set, then the HST mode will
default to utilizing internal signals from the command generator with all state transitions
controlled internally as well.
"PlcHstEnable_O" SOP Flag
Siemens recommends that this flag be set continuously.

3. Upon starting by setting the Inverter (drive) Run Request ("InvRunRequest_O") flag, the
drive enters the magnetizing drive state.

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9.22 Conveyor Application

4. During magnetization, the flux reference is ramped through the flux ramp to the flux demand
value set by the menu. The reactive current, IdsRef, is set for the IM within the Command
Generator for the flux reference. This level is set by the "No load current" setting (1060).
5. Once the flux ramp output is above 95% of setpoint, the Flux-At-Set-Point
("FluxAtSetPoint_I") signal is set true, and the drive enters the Run state and the HST state
machine advances to the next state. This flag is set within the Command Generator Flux
6. Once in the drive Run state, the HST state machine advances to state ‘T2’. The Torque
Current is assigned from the network input to the IqsFF signal since the control loops are
disabled at this point. The slip calculation uses the current command rather than the current
feedback until the completion of the state machine. The current input is completely
controlled by the PLC and must be ramped and controlled tightly to prevent IOC or OOS
The reason fast updates are required is to provide fine resolution for control.
7. The Speed reference (input to the speed regulator) comes directly from the network –
bypassing the speed ramp and the other speed modifying algorithms. The slip frequency is
calculated internally based on the current reference sent from the PLC and added to this
speed reference (speed command becomes the frequency). The speed ramp and droop
calculations are bypassed throughout the HST state machine. All speed updates, including
ramping, must be handled by the PLC at the increased rate. Steps in the input may result in
a trip.
8. The PLC then applies both current and frequency references in a ramped fashion. That is,
no internal ramps are used and imposed current and speed limits are not exceeded. The
PLC does not allow a speed setting above the slip frequency until the flux is established.
9. Once the motor speed has reached the rated slip of the motor, the state machine advances
to the next state, ‘T3’ where it delays for the length of the flux ramp rate. After the delay the
"MagnetizationComplete_I" flag is set and the state machine advances to ‘T4’.
10.In the ‘T4’ state, the speed is ramped up to the desired minimum speed reference. Once
there, the PLC sets the "CompleteHstMode_O" to advance to the next stage. The drive
acknowledges with the "AtMinSpeed_I" flag and the state machine advances to the next
state ‘T5’.
Without the PLC, the drive will advance to the speed as set by the active minimum speed
parameter. When the motor speed matches this speed the "AtMinSpeed_I" flag will be set
and the state machine will advance to the next state – ‘T5’.

11.In the 'T5' state, the control loops are all preset for the current conditions, and the loops
enabled. The state machine advances to state ‘T6’, the final HST state.
12.Droop calculation is now based on IqsFil (filtered lqs current feedback). Slip compensation
becomes active (based on Iqs ref instead of IqsFF) and the speed regulator and ramp are
preset. After a delay of one second, the HST complete flag
"HighStartingTorqueModeComplete_I" is set true, the speed ramp and the flux regulator are
enabled;, and, the drive continues to run independent of the HST mode.
13.Using the desired speed command (through the speed ramp), the drive runs as though there
is no HST mode The PLC continues to control speed and torque, redirected by means of
speed demand and torque limit.

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9.22 Conveyor Application

Throughout the entire startup, the PLC is responsible for applying the proper current and
frequency values at the proper rate of change (ramp). The PLC HST enable flag is be
maintained throughout the whole sequence.

If the PlcHstEnable_O flag is not set during the HST mode, the state machine will run as above,
but the inputs for speed and current will come from menu settings and transitions from internal
conditions. If the Fast Access Enable is not set on, there will be no variables to use, and again
the HST will return to default methods.

The following SOP flags are used for handshaking:

Flag Description
FluxAtSetPoint_I tells the PLC to commence with ramping current and frequency
MagnetizationComplete_I indicates that the magnetization state in the HST modes is completed
PlcHstEnable_O tells the drive to use the PLC for frequency and current references, and bypasses
internal ramps
CompleteHstMode_O originates from the PLC to end the HST mode (once desired starting speed is
AtMinSpeed_I used as a handshake (output) to the PLC that the CompleteHstMode_O signal has
been received and acknowledged.
HighStartingTorqueModeComplete_I output to PLC for PLC based HST mode
● indicates the state machine has completed
● transition to normal running with Speed and Torque Current signals redirected
for use in Saturated Speed Reg mode

For HST State Machine
Speed Demand = Speed Ramp Output = Speed Ref = Network Speed Demand

See also
PLC-based Active Dampening for Conveyor Applications (Page 303)
Network Fast Access for Conveyor Applications (Page 297)

9.22.3 PLC-based Active Dampening for Conveyor Applications

This feature applies to drives used for conveyor applications only. Due to the structure (multiple
drives and motors) and requirements (control of torque oscillations transported through
conveyor belts) of conveyor systems, an external PLC is used for complete conveyor system

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 303
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9.22 Conveyor Application

The PLC has full knowledge of any oscillations in the conveyor belt between multiple stands,
and pre-calculates the damping signals needed and appear in the form of a current level. In
return, the PLC then transmits these signals to each drive for use in the control algorithms.

Coordination and calculation of the damping signals
The system integrator has sole responsibility of determining PLC cycle timing requirements
necessary for desired system response, and determining signals needed for desired system
response. For best effectivity, the slow loop timing is the minimum requirement.

Communications must not be hampered by the typical polling nature of the current
communications networks, as they will not be fast enough to effectively counter oscillations in
the cables. This breaks down into two components – the network speed, for which the drive has
no control, and the reading and response to the damping signals.
To achieve the 10 msec bandwidth of the desired damping response, the original
communication thread of the drive is enhanced. This is the purpose of the Fast Network Access.

Speed Limits


Figure 9-30 Saturated Speed Loop

Since the data is read and scaled from the direct call in the slow loop, it becomes immediately
available to the associated control algorithms. There is no lag in coordinating two
unsynchronized threads in the control.
The figure "PLC-based Active Damping" depicts a control diagram in this mode. The two PLC
inputs are shown on the far left.

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304 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
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9.22 Conveyor Application

Fast Access

Fast Access Speed Saturated Speed limited Iqs
Limit Logic DQ
Speed Demand Ramp Regulator Regulator

Iqs Va,b,c ref

Vds 3Φ
Flux IdsRef
FluxRef Regulator


Figure 9-31 PLC Based Active Damping

The menu system will allow the selection of this process. Since this function only utilizes the
speed demand and torque demand variables, then all that is required is a simple enable/disable
switch entry in the menu.
As with other induction motors, active damping should work with or without the HST starting
mode. This would be similar to completion of the HST mode startup in which the speed demand
enters into the ramp input, and the Torque command exits into the limit logic for the torque
current limit. The speed demand will have to be high enough (with slip) to keep the speed
regulator in saturation (output clamped against the current limit).

Function not supported for general purpose drives
This function applies ONLY to customer specific applications and PLC HST. Please contact
Siemens for additional information.

See also
Network Fast Access for Conveyor Applications (Page 297)
PLC Directed High Starting Torque Mode for Conveyor Applications (Page 298)

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 305
Advanced Operating Functions
9.23 Long Cable Applications

9.23 Long Cable Applications

9.23.1 Cable Inductance Compensation

Long cable applications present a challenge as the cables become a significant contribution to
the overall load impedance.
Compensation for cable inductance affects the output voltage during transient conditions of
current based on the output fundamental frequency.
Previously, compensation had been performed for cable resistance only. Drive base
impedance is calculated as:

Zbase = [Vrated/√3] * [1/Irated]


Zbase = Drive base impedance

Vrated = Drive rated output voltage
Irated = Drive rated output current
The cable impedance must be compensated to ensure that the motor is getting the proper
terminal voltage.


Lf Lc Ls



Figure 9-32 Motor Terminal vs. Cemf

Parameters for Cable Inductance Compensation

Refer to the Output Connection Menu (2900) in Section Options for Drive Menu (2) of
Chapter Parameter Assignment / Addressing for the parameter associated with this function:
● Cable inductance (2941)

See also
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)

NXGpro Control
306 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.23 Long Cable Applications

9.23.2 Damping of Resonance due to Output Cable

Damping of Resonance due to Output Cable

With SINAMICS Perfect Harmony™ GH180 drives, the output filter can cosnsist of a reactor-
capacitor (LC) filter or a reactor only (L) filter. When a LC filter is used, the resonance due to
the filter can be damped by the drive using the parameters in the "Output Connection" Menu
and with "Filter CTs" selected for the "Filter Currents Source" parameter (ID 2918)
When an output reactor (L only) is used as the output filter, the output cables may or may not
introduce a resonance frequency that interacts with the control of th drive. Typically, an
interaction with the drive control occurs when the resonance frequency of the output circuit
(including the filter reactor and output cables) is around 1 kHz or lower. In such cases,
capacitance of the output cables is in the same range as the capacitance in a typical output
filter. The resonance frequency can be damped by the drive when "Output CTs" is selected in
the "Filter Currents Source" parameter (ID 2918). When this selection is made, the control uses
information in the output current to create a virtual resistor for damping the resonance.

Parameters that need to be entered are:

Cable Inductance - (ID 2941) This should represent the total inductance in the output circuit (including cable
inductance and any output transformer inductance). Enter in percent of drive
base inductance.
Filter Inductance - (ID 2920) Set the output filter inductor (i.e., impedance value as a ratio of the base output
impedance of the drive, typically 5 %)
Filter Capacitance - (ID 2930) Set the filter capacitance parameter to the output cable parasitic capacitance as
a ration of the base output admittance of the drive. Admittance is the inverse of
Filter Damping Gain - (ID 2950) Contact Customer service for detailed information.

9.23.3 Operating Parallel Motors over Long Cables

The drive has the capability to operate parallel induction motors over long cables using the
cable inductance compensation parameter (2941).
For operation with two parallel motors connected to the same drive to work correctly the cable
length and characteristic requirements must be met.
Additional output filtering may be required for extremely long cables to compensate for
transmission line effects of the cable impedances and length. Siemens will calculate the
impedance values and need for filtering.
Stability can be an issue due to cable resonance. This is helped by reducing the current loop
gains and reducing the dead time compensation as needed.

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9.23 Long Cable Applications


Lf Lc Ls


Lc Ls


Figure 9-33 Multiple Motors on Long Cables using Single Drive

Parameters are the same as those required for standard cable impedance and if required
output filtering parameters. Refer to the Output Connection Menu (2900) for these parameters.

See also
Options for Drive Menu (2) (Page 92)

NXGpro Control
308 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.24 Drive with Output Transformers

9.24 Drive with Output Transformers

A mismatch of drive and motor voltages may require the use of an output transformer to match
the voltages. Transformers are also used on long cable applications to reduce the cable losses
by first using a transformer to increase the output voltage on the drive, and then using a second
transformer to reduce the voltage at the motor. This reduces cable losses which are
proportional to the square of the current (not the voltage).
The following figure shows a typical setup with a step-up transformer to a long cable, connected
to a step-down transformer, which in turn attaches to the motor.

LT1 HV cable


Figure 9-34 Output Transformer and Cable

The drive will compensate for the drive, cable, and transformer impedances when set up
correctly. In this case, the motor inductance is set up using the following parameters:
● Leakage inductance (1070): motor leakage inductance (LL)
● Stator resistance (1080): motor stator resistance (RS)
● Cable resistance (2940): resistance of the cable (len * R/len scaled by the turns ratio of T1)
● Cable inductance (2941): the total inductance of the cable + the inductance of the secondary
transformer T2 (both through the turns ratio of T1) + the inductance of T1
● Filter inductance (2920): this can be used for the transformer inductance of T1 as an
alternative to adding it to the cable impedance.
If an output transformer is used in conjunction with a cable (with or without an additional step-
down transformer), enter the impedances of the cable (and the extra transformer) after applying
the transformer turns ratio of T1 for the voltage loss (based on the current flowing through them).
If an output transformer is used alone and connected directly to the motor, enter the transformer
inductance as either Filter inductance or Cable inductance, so that the drive can compensate
for voltage losses proportional to the output current. The following figure shows an example of
such a configuration.

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Advanced Operating Functions
9.24 Drive with Output Transformers




Figure 9-35 Output Transformer

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310 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Advanced Operating Functions
9.25 Motor Equivalent Circuit Parameters

9.25 Motor Equivalent Circuit Parameters

This section provides a description of the motor parameters used to adjust additional
compensations of the control. Refer to the Motor Menu section of Chapter Parameter
Assignment / Addressing for further operational description.
1. No-load current (1060): This represents the reactive current absorbed by the motor when
operating under no-load conditions. For medium voltage motors this parameter is typically
in the 15.0% to 30.0% range. This parameter is used by the control to improve the transient
performance of the flux regulator during sudden load or speed demand changes. This
parameter has no significant effect on steady state performance of the control.
2. Leakage inductance (1070): This parameter represents the total leakage inductance of the
motor, and is approximately equal to the sum of the stator and rotor leakage inductances.
For medium voltage motors this parameter is typically in the 15.0% to 20.0% range. This
parameter is used by the control to improve the performance of the flux regulator under
transient conditions, such as sudden load or speed demand changes. This parameter has
no significant effect on steady state performance of the control.
3. Stator resistance (1080): This parameter represents the per-phase resistance of the stator
windings. For medium voltage motors this parameter is typically in the 0.02% to 2.0% range.
The larger the horsepower and higher the motor efficiency, the lower the stator resistance
value will be. If the stator resistance is not known then it is preferable to start with the default
value of 0.1%, unless high starting torque is desired, i.e. greater than 80%. It is very
important to set this parameter correctly when high starting torque is desired.
4. Inertia (1090): This parameter represents the inertia of the system and is used by the control
to display the value of inertia that is estimated after auto-tuning stage 2. Changing this
parameter does not affect control operation.
Motor parameter values requirement
An accurate value of the motor parameters described in this section is required only in a high
performance application, i.e. one in which high starting torque, approximately 100%, is
required or when steady state operation below 2 Hz with high load torque is required.

See also
Options for Motor Menu (1) (Page 82)

Entering Motor Equivalent Circuit Parameters from Manufacturer’s Data Sheet

Typically when the manufacturer provides motor data, the symbols that are used have the
following meaning. An example of a 6.6 kV, 619.7 A, 900 rpm motor is considered below.

Symbol Description Value used in example

R1 Stator resistance (in ohms) 0.029 Ω
X1 Stator leakage inductance (in ohms) 0.792 Ω
R2 Rotor resistance (in ohms) 0.026 Ω
X2 Rotor leakage inductance (in ohms) 0.726 Ω

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Advanced Operating Functions
9.25 Motor Equivalent Circuit Parameters

Symbol Description Value used in example

l_nl Motor no-load current (in A) 172 A
s Rated slip 0.4 %

To convert these values to the NXGpro menu settings, first calculate the motor base
impedance, Z in ohms:

Z = Vmotor / (Imotor * √(3)) = 6.149 Ω, for this example.

Then calculate the menu entries as shown below:

Stator resistance (%) = 100 * (R1 / Z) = 0.47 %

Leakage inductance (%) = 100 * (X1 + X2) / Z = 24.3 %
No-load current (%) = 100 * l_nl / Imotor = 27.8 %
● Inertia does not have to be entered. It is used by the control to inform the user of the value
that was calculated using auto-tuning stage 2. Entering another value for inertia will have no
effect on control performance.
● The manufacturer lists the ‘hot’ value of stator resistance.
– Use 100% of the ‘hot’ resistance value only if an application is "high performance"
– Use 70% of this value in applications where there is no need for high torque or there is
low speed operation.
● When the manufacturer provides motor parameters in per unit (pu), these values have
already been divided by the motor base impedance (Z). Multiply the pu values by 100 to
calculate the menu entries.

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Software User Interface 10
Interfaces for Changing and Tuning Controls
Use one of the following methods to change parameters in the drive:
● SIMATIC keypad
● Multi-language keypad
● PC-based drive tool
● Via networks.
This chapter discusses the navigation of the multi-language keypad and the standard keypad
in detail, and introduces the more advanced external interface of the PC-based drive tool.
The fourth listed method involves changing parameters by means of networks. It involves
programming on an interconnected platform, e.g. an external PLC. For more information refer
to the NXGpro Communication Manual.

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Software User Interface
10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

10.1.1 SIMATIC Keypad User Interface

The drive is equipped with a keypad and display interface located on the front of the drive
control cabinet. The SIMATIC Keypad Touch Panel mounts differently from previous keypads
(Standard and Multi-Language) provided with the drive. From a hardware perspective, the
panels are not drop in replacements to each other.

Keypad Functions


21 5(' 




Figure 10-1 SIMATICS Touchpad

Use the keypad to:

● navigate through the menu system
● activate control functions
● reset the system after faults have occurred
● edit parameter values
● enter security access codes
● start or stop the drive when in local control

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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

Accessing control parameters and functions via the keypad

Use the keypad and display interface to access the control parameters and functions of the
Parameters are organized into logical groups and are accessible via a menu structure.
1. Navigate through the menu structure to the desired parameters, to view or edit parameters.
2. Use navigation arrow keys or special key sequences as short cuts. A summary of these key
sequences is given later in this chapter.
3. Use the [SHIFT] key in conjunction with the 10 numeric keys and the [ENTER] key to access
nine common system menus, a help display function and a [CANCEL] key.

Assignment of functions to the keypad keys

The keypad contains 20 keys. Each of these keys has at least one function associated with it,
some keys have more functions. The following sections give descriptions and uses of each of
the keys on the keypad, as well as the diagnostic LEDs and the built-in display.

Improper Keypad Operation
Although the drive comes standard with a keypad interface, and the menu system is secured
with multiple, programmable password levels, for security or other reasons, the drive is
capable of running without the keypad.
Switching components during operation may cause personal injury or impair system functions.
Never add or remove the keypad with power applied to the control.

10.1.2 Fault Reset Key and Fault LED Indicator


The [FAULT RESET] key is located in the bottom left corner of the keypad and has a dual
● If a drive fault is present the reset will attempt to clear the fault.
● If there is no drive fault but an indication alarm is present then the fault reset acknowledges
the alarm.
The [FAULT RESET] key is a programmable key that works in conjunction with the drive SOP.
In its basic function the [FAULT RESET] key is used as a generic fault reset but it can be
changed to incorporate system logic specific to an application.

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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

Fault LED Conditions

The fault LED can be flashing, on continuously, or off.
● A flashing fault LED means that an alarm is either active or unacknowledged.
● A fault LED that is on continuously means that a fault condition exists.
LED conditions are detailed in the following table:

Table 10-1 Fault LED Status: Multi-language Keypad

Fault LED Condi‐ Display Fault Condi‐ Alarm Alarm Acknowledged

tion1 tion Condition (by means of Fault Re‐
Flashing Status display will be reduced in height and N/A Active (not ac‐ No
alarm name will be shown in yellow box at knowledged)
bottom of display.
Flashing* Status display will be reduced in height and N/A Cleared (not No
alarm name will be shown in yellow box at acknowledged)
bottom of display.
Flashing none N/A Active (ac‐ Yes
Flashing Status display will be reduced in height and N/A Multiple unac‐ No
(see figure below) alarm names will be shown in rotation in knowledged
yellow box at bottom of display. alarms
On continuously*** Fault name Active N/A No
Note: Background is red for fault display.
On continuously*** Fault name within display** Multiple N/A No
Note: Background is red for fault display. faults

Up to three faults can be displayed simultaneously on the display.
* After an alarm condition is cleared, the fault LED will continue to flash until the alarm is
acknowledged. Alarms are self-clearing.
Press the [FAULT RESET] key to acknowledge the alarm.
** Use the down and up arrow keys to cycle through the active fault list.
*** Assumes "Fault display override" (ID 8200) is "Off".

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Software User Interface
10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

Figure 10-2 Multiple Alarms Active

Clearing and resetting a fault

Fault Indication
If an alarm condition occurs before or during a fault condition, the LED and display will not
indicate the presence of an alarm until the fault condition is cleared and reset. Alarm conditions
are recorded in the alarm/fault log.
A fault signals system malfunction with the output of the drive disabled.
Clear and reset a fault condition immediately to ensure proper system function.

When a fault condition occurs, the fault indicator is red.

Perform the following steps to reset the system:
1. Check the display or the alarm/fault log to determine the cause of the fault.
2. Correct conditions that may have caused the fault.
3. Press the [FAULT RESET] key on the keypad to reset the system.

Clearing and resetting an alarm

When there are no fault conditions but an alarm condition occurs, the fault indicator will flash
red. Perform the following steps to acknowledge the alarm condition:
1. Check the display or the alarm/fault log to determine the cause of the alarm.
2. Correct conditions that may have caused the alarm.
3. Press the [FAULT RESET] key on the keypad to acknowledge the alarm.
Acknowledging an alarm will cause all alarms to no longer be displayed on the keypad
display. However, if any alarm condition still exists, the fault LED will flash red.

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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

4. View the alarm/fault log to verify the status of alarms.

5. If there are faults and alarms, press the [FAULT RESET] key twice to first reset the fault and
then acknowledge the alarms.
Acknowledging faults or alarms in alarm/fault log
When the alarm/fault log has more than 256 unacknowledged faults or alarms, the display
shows the message "Fault/Alarm log" "overflow".
The cause may be an alarm or several that have not been manually reset to "acknowledge"
the alarm.
An alarm sets and resets itself with no external intervention. However, to acknowledge an
alarm, you must manually reset the alarm using the fault reset button or remote fault reset.

10.1.3 Automatic Key

The [AUTOMATIC] key is a programmable key located to the right of the [FAULT RESET] key
on the keypad.
In standard applications the [AUTOMATIC] key is used in the SOP to determine the various
operating modes of the drive. In some air cooled drive applications, the [AUTOMATIC] key can
be used to turn on the blowers for maintenance purposes. In this case the blowers remains on
until the turn off timer expires.

Customizing automatic mode
Automatic mode can be customized to suit particular application needs by modifying the SOP.

Modifying the factory supplied program
Do not modify without first consulting Siemens customer service.

10.1.4 Stop Key

The [STOP] key is a programmable key located on the lower left side of the keypad.
In standard applications the [STOP] key is programmed via the SOP to select stop mode when
the drive is under local control. Stop mode shuts down the drive in a controlled manner.

Modifying the factory supplied program
Do not modify without first consulting Siemens customer service.

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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

10.1.5 Start Key

The [START] key is a programmable key located to the right of the [AUTOMATIC] key on the
left side of the keypad. In standard applications the [START] key is programmed via the SOP
to start the drive when under local control. The velocity command under local control is
controlled by the up and down arrows of the SIMATIC keypad or touch screen.

Modifying the factory supplied program
Do not modify without first consulting Siemens customer service.

10.1.6 Numeric Keys

The numeric keys are located on the right side of the keypad. On the SIMATIC Keypad Touch
Panel the numeric keys may be hidded by pressing the hide icon and shown by pressing the
show icon. These 10 keys, labeled 0 to 9, provide the following functions:
● Entry of security access codes
● Speed Menu function
● Numerical Menu Access mode
● Change the values of parameters

Entering a four digit security access code

Use the numeric keys to enter a four digit security access code. The security code consists of
any combination of digits 0 to 9 and hexadecimal digits A to F.

Entering hexadecimal values
Hexadecimal (hex) is a method of representing numbers using digits 0 to 9, and letters A to F.
Press the [SHIFT] key followed by numbers [1] to [6] to enter hex digits A to F. The following
table lists the keystrokes required to enter hex values A to F and the decimal equivalents.
The hexadecimal entry feature is available only during security code entry.

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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

Table 10-2 Hexadecimal digit assignments on the SIMATIC keypad

Key Combination Hex Value Decimal Equivalent

A 10

B 11

C 12

D 13

E 14

F 15

Accessing menus via the Speed Menu function

Use the numeric keys for the shortcut "Speed Menu" function. Use the Speed Menu function for
direct access to 10 basic menus. Each of the numeric keys has an associated menu name
printed at the top of each key.

Perform the following steps to access menus via the Speed Menu function:
1. Press [SHIFT] followed by the numeric key, e.g.
– Press [SHIFT]+[1] to access the Motor Menu.
– Press [SHIFT]+[2] to access the Drive Menu.

Figure 10-3 Numeric Touch Keypad Button

Accessing menus via Numerical Menu Access mode

Use the numeric keys for Numerical Menu Access mode, a second menu access function for
all remaining menus. Use to access the following:
● menus
● submenus

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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

● parameters
● pick lists
Numerical Menu Access mode requires more keystrokes than the Speed Menu function.
However, this feature provides access to all security-approved items rather than only the 10
basic menus.
Accessing items in this manner requires that you know the four digit ID number associated with
the target item. This number is listed on the display each time the item is displayed.
To use this feature, refer to Activating Numerical Access Mode in Section Arrow Keys of this

Changing values of system parameters

Use the numeric keys to change the values of system parameters:
1. Select a parameter for modification. As soon as a parameter is selected, the left most digit
of the parameter value is underlined and is called the active digit.
2. Press a numeric key to change the active digit.
This method automatically advances the underline to the next digit to the right.
3. Continue pressing numeric keys until the desired value is displayed.
4. Press [ENTER] to accept the new value.

Editing parameter values
When editing parameter values, you must use all four digit fields by using a zero where
For example, to change the value of a four digit parameter from 1234 to 975, enter 0975.

Signed parameters
For signed parameters, i.e. parameter values that can be either positive or negative, the first
active digit is the sign of the value.
To change the sign of a value:
● Use the up and down arrow keys. The active "digit" is the left most position and is underlined.
Either a "+" or a "-" is displayed during the editing process.
● Press [ENTER] to accept the new value.
When not being edited, positive values are displayed without the "+" sign. Negative values
always show the "-" sign unless the negative sign is implied in the parameter name itself.

10.1.7 Enter/Cancel Key

The [ENTER] key is located to the bottom left of the numeric keys.

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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

Its function is similar to the [ENTER] key on a standard PC keyboard.

The [ENTER] key is used to choose or accept a selection or confirm an operation.
For example: after locating and displaying a parameter within the menu structure, use the
[ENTER] key to edit the parameter’s value.
Common functions of the [ENTER] key include:
● selecting a submenu
● entering edit mode for a selected parameter value
● accepting a new parameter value after editing
● initiating a function within the menu system
Use the [SHIFT] key with the [ENTER] key as a cancel function. The secondary function
[CANCEL] is listed on the lower portion of the [ENTER] key.
Common functions of the [CANCEL] key include:
● aborting the current operation
● returning to the previous menu display.
● rejecting any modifications to a parameter value in edit mode.

10.1.8 Shift Function Keys

The [SHIFT] key is located in the bottom right corner of the numeric keys.
This key is used to access a second set of functions in conjunction with other keys on the
Keys that are used with the [SHIFT] key have two labels, one at the bottom and one in the center
of the key. The standard, un-shifted function of the key is listed in the center of the key in black
lettering. The shifted function of the key is shown at the bottom of the key in white lettering that
matches the white lettering of the [SHIFT] key, to identify that they are used together.
When the drive prompts you for a numerical value, e.g. during entry of the security access code
or parameter modification, the [SHIFT] function of numerical keys 1 to 6 changes from Speed
Menu functions to hexadecimal numbers A to F respectively. Refer to Table Hexadecimal digit
assignments on the keypad for more information.

Activating [SHIFT] Key Functions

Using the [SHIFT] key
It is not necessary to simultaneously press the [SHIFT] key and the desired function key.

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322 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

1. Press the [SHIFT] key.

2. Release the [SHIFT] key. When the [SHIFT] key is active it remains depressed. The
standard function label dissappears from the numeric keys, and the shifted function label
appears with the center of the key in black lettering. When depressed, the [SHIFT] key is
3. Press the desired function key. The [SHIFT] key becomes inactive and the display of the
numeric keys returns to their standard state.

Remove Pending SHIFT function
The SHIFT function is a toggle. Press [SHIFT] again before pressing any other key to remove
the pending SHIFT function.

Common [SHIFT] key functions

● Entering speed menus by pressing [SHIFT] plus the appropriate Speed Menu key from the
default meter display.
● Using the [CANCEL] function, by pressing [SHIFT] + [ENTER] in sequence.
● Entering hex values A to F, by pressing [SHIFT] + [1] to [SHIFT] + [6] when editing values
or entering security code. The SIMATIC touch pad replaces the numbers [1] through [9] with
the associated menu shortcut name when [SHIFT] is active.
● Accessing menus, parameters or pick lists based on ID numbers, by pressing [SHIFT] + [⇒].
● Returning to the top of the current menu or submenu, by pressing [SHIFT] + [⇑].
● Going to the bottom of the menu or submenu, by pressing [SHIFT] + [⇓].
● Resetting the current security level to 0, by pressing
[SHIFT] + [⇐] + [SHIFT] + [⇐] + [SHIFT] + [⇐] from the default meter display.
● Setting a parameter value back to its factory default, by pressing [SHIFT] + [⇐], while in the
parameter edit function.
A summary of [SHIFT] key sequences is listed in Section Summary of Common [SHIFT] key

10.1.9 Arrow Keys

There are four arrow keys on the keypad.
The up and down arrow keys [⇑] and [⇓] are located in the lower right corner of the keypad.
The left and right arrow keys [⇐] and [⇒] are located on the lower row of the keypad.

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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

Common arrow key functions

● Navigating through the menu structure
● Scrolling through lists of parameters
● Incrementing or decrementing parameter values in edit mode.
● Manually advancing to the next digit in edit mode.
● Increasing and decreasing the desired velocity demand of the drive in local manual mode.
● Clearing security level by pressing [SHIFT] + [⇐] three times from the default meter display.
● Entering Numerical Menu Access mode with [SHIFT] + [⇒].

Using the Left and Right Arrow Keys

1. Use the left [⇐] and right [⇒] arrow keys to navigate through the menu structure of the
2. Use the right arrow [⇒] to advance to a submenu structure or enter parameter edit mode.
3. Use the left arrow [⇐] to return to the previous menu.

Example: accessing the main menu

● From the default meter display, press the right arrow key [⇒] to access the main menu.
● [SHIFT] + [5] is a shortcut to the main menu.

Using the Up and Down Arrow Keys

Use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to scroll through lists of items.

Example: scrolling through the list of options within the main menu
After using the right arrow key [⇒] to reach the main menu, press the down arrow key [⇓] to
scroll through the list of options within the main menu.
These options may be parameters, pick lists, or submenus.
Refer to the next section for information about the structure of the menu system.

Example: incrementing or decrementing the velocity demand in manual mode

Use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to increment or decrement the desired velocity demand
when the system is in local manual mode.
As the up and down arrow keys are pressed, view the changes in desired velocity demand on
the display.

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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

02'( +$1'
67$57 530 

Figure 10-4 Control Velocity Demand using Up and Down Arrow Keys

Default assignment on the front panel display
The velocity demand field (DEMD) on the front panel display is assigned by default.
This display assignment, and the other three variables, can be changed from the menu system.

Editing Parameter Values

The arrow keys can be used to edit the values of parameters.
Perform the following steps to edit a parameter value:
1. Navigate through the menu structure using the arrow keys and locate the parameter to be
2. With the parameter displayed, press the [ENTER] key.
This places the selected parameter into edit mode.
Once in edit mode, an underscore is displayed beneath the first, i.e. the most significant
position of the parameter value.
3. The user now has alternative options to change the value of that position:
– You may press the desired numeric key.
– You may use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to scroll and wrap around through the
numbers 0 through 9 for that position.
– Use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to change the sign of signed number values.
– When using the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to edit the value of a parameter position,
press the right [⇒] and left [⇐] arrow keys to move to the next or previous position in the
number to be edited. This is required as opposed to using the number keys which
automatically shift the underscore to the next digit in the number.
4. Press the [ENTER] key to accept the new value or press [SHIFT] + [ENTER] to abort the

Canceling the Current Security Mode

Press the left arrow key with the [SHIFT] key to cancel the current security access level and
return to level 0.

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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

You can increase the security access level by entering the appropriate security codes, but
cannot lower the security access level using the standard "Change Security Code" option of the
main menu.

Returning to security level 0

If entering level 7 as an experienced user, or any other security level and you wish to return to
level 0 for security reasons when you are finished, you have the following options:
● Wait 15 minutes with no activity and security will return automatically to level 0.
● Use key sequence [SHIFT] + [⇐] + [SHIFT] + [⇐] + [SHIFT] + [⇐] from the default meter
display only. This method resets the security level to 0 without interrupting the operation of
the drive.
Do not disconnect control power as a method to reset the security level.
When the security level is reset, the display shows a "Security Level Cleared" message.

Sec lev cleared

Figure 10-5 Security Level Cleared message on the display

Activating Numerical Menu Access Mode

This mode allows you to go instantly to any security approved menu, parameter or pick list using
the four digit ID number associated with the target item.
Perform the following steps:
1. Press the [SHIFT] key followed by the right arrow key [⇒]. The display prompts you for the
desired ID number.
2. Enter the desired ID number using the numeric keys on the keypad.
If the number is a valid ID number and the current security level permits access to that item,
then the desired item will be displayed.

Accessing higher security level menus
If you request access to a menu number that is assigned a higher security level than the current
security level, the drive will prompt for the appropriate security level code.

Within the menu structure, when not in edit mode, the right arrow acts like the [ENTER] key
upon the menu item displayed while the left arrow climbs the menu hierarchy.

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10.1 SIMATIC Keypad

10.1.10 Diagnostic Indicators

The keypad and display interface contains three diagnostic LED indicators that are located
above the display:
● [RUN]

Functions of the diagnostic LED indicators

The [POWER ON] indicator is illuminated when control power is supplied to the system.

The [RUN] indicator is illuminated when the drive is running.

The [FAULT] indicator is illuminated solidly when one or more system errors have occurred,
e.g. boot-up test failure or over voltage fault.
The [FAULT] indicator blinks when one or more alarms are active or unacknowledged.
● Press the [FAULT RESET] key to clear any existing fault conditions and restore the system
to normal operation.

10.1.11 Display
After power up or reset, the Siemens identification and software version number is displayed for
a few seconds. Afterwards, the meter display is shown by default. The default meter display is
the starting point of the menu system. This display remains active until keys are pressed.

Re-displaying the Version Number

Use the display version number (8090) function in Meter Menu (8) to re-display the version
The version number is displayed on the identification/version screen.

02'( +$1'
SINAMICS Per fect Harmony '(0' 
Ve r s i o n #.#.# D ate 530 

Figure 10-6 SINAMICS Identification/Version Screen and Meter Display

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The meter display shown may appear differently depending upon the metering parameters

Description of the Meter Display

The meter display screen contains five fields that are monitored and updated dynamically.
● MODE: operational mode
● DEMD: velocity demand
● RPM: calculated revolutions per minute
● VLTS: motor voltage
● ITOT: total output current
The value or state of each field is shown dynamically in the second column of the display.


02'( .<3' )L[HGGLVSOD\

'(0'  ILHOG



Figure 10-7 Dynamic Programmable Meter Display

[MODE] field
The [MODE] field is fixed.
The last four fields on the display contain parameter values that can be defined by the user.
All four variable displays can be selected from a pick list using the display parameters (8000).
The [MODE] field displays the current operational mode of the system.
This field can have any one of the displays summarized in Table Line 1 of mode field depending
on the current operational mode or the current state of the drive.

Rollback [RLBK] Mode

The following figure depicts the display in rollback mode.

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5/%. .<3' )L[HGGLVSOD\

'(0'  ILHOG



Figure 10-8 Dynamic Programmable Meter Display in Rollback Mode

The KYPD field displays the current operational mode of the system.
This field can have any one of the displays summarized in Table Line 2 of mode field depending
on the current operational mode or the current state of the drive.

Regeneration [RGEN] Mode

The following figure depicts the display in regeneration mode.


5*(1 .<3' )L[HGGLVSOD\

'(0'  ILHOG



Figure 10-9 Dynamic Programmable Meter Display in Regeneration Mode

Modifying Parameter Values

The following sections illustrate the steps to take if attempting to locate and change the
following parameters:
● Ratio Control
● Motor Frequency

Example for changing ratio control parameters:

The metering display shows the commanded speed reference in percent.

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02'( +$1'
Figure 10-10 Status display in metering mode

1. Press the following key combination: [SHIFT] + [2].

Drive (2)
(A r row Keys Selec t)

Figure 10-11 Status display after [SHIFT] + [2] key sequence

2. From this point, you can select from the nine standard menus.
Use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys, to select the desired menu.
3. Press the down [⇓] arrow key twice. The following figure shows the display prior to the
selection of the Speed Setup Menu (2060).

Drive parameters
(20 0 0) (s u b m e n u)
Speed setup
(20 6 0) (s u b m e n u)
To r q u e r e f e r e n c e
(2 210) (s u b m e n u)

Figure 10-12 Status display after [⇓] [⇓] key sequence

4. Press the [ENTER] or right [⇒] arrow key to enter the Speed Setup Menu (2060).

Speed setup (20 6 0)

(A r row Keys Selec t)

Figure 10-13 Status display after [⇒] key sequence

5. Press the down [⇓] arrow key once to access the ratio control parameter (2070).


Figure 10-14 Status display after [⇓] key sequence

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6. Press [ENTER] to confirm and enter edit mode for the ratio control parameter. "(edit)"
appears in the display when a parameter is in edit mode.

Ratio control
(e d i t) -003.0 %

Figure 10-15 Status display after [ENTER] key to change a parameter

7. Use the left [⇐] and right [⇒] arrow keys to position the cursor under the desired digit or sign
to be changed.
Set the digit by using the number keys, or increment or decrement the digit using the up [⇑]
and down [⇓] arrow keys.
Use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to change the sign. The parameter is written into
memory once you press [ENTER] or the right [⇒] arrow key.
8. The following figure depicts the display when a number is entered and it is within the range
of the system.


Figure 10-16 Status display upon entering a value in the range of the system

Use of asterisks (*)
An asterisk (*) is used to denote when a parameter is changed from its current default value.
This allows you to quickly see which parameters have been changed.
To return a parameter to its factory value, press [SHIFT] + [⇐] while in edit mode.

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Example for changing motor frequency parameters:

1. Press [SHIFT] [⇒] to get to the parameter ID display.
Enter parameter ID for motor frequency (1020).

Speed Parameter
Enter Param ID 1020

Figure 10-17 Status display after pressing [SHIFT] [⇒] and entering ID 1020

2. Press the [ENTER] key once to show the motor frequency display and then press [ENTER]
again to edit its value.

Motor frequency
(e d i t) 010.0 Hz

Figure 10-18 Status display after pressing [ENTER] twice

The range of the variable is 15 to 330.

If, for example, you attempt to enter 010 for the motor frequency an error message will be
displayed for approximately four seconds.
Then the value shown before the attempted edit is displayed again.

Motor frequency

Figure 10-19 Status display upon entering a value beyond the range of the system

Summary of Operation Mode Fields of Line 1 and Line 2

The following tables list the possible operational mode fields of line 1 and 2 of the display in
order of precedence.

Table 10-3 Line 1 of mode field

Order Code Meaning Description

1 FRST Fault reset Displayed after the [FAULT RESET] button is pressed.
Note: This may not be visible because of the speed of response to a fault
2 TLIM Menu setting rollback Drive is being limited by a menu setting.
3 SPHS Single phasing rollback A single phasing condition of the input line is limiting drive torque.
4 UVLT Undervoltage rollback A undervoltage condition of the input line is limiting the drive torque.

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Order Code Meaning Description

5 T OL Thermal overload rollback The drive has limited the amount of torque produced to prevent thermal
overload of the input transformer.
6 F WK Field weakening rollback This condition exists when the motor flux is low and the application re‐
quires high torque. This prevents "motor pull-out", an unstable operating
condition of the motor, by decreasing the motor torque until flux is re-
established in the motor.
7 C OL Cell overload rollback A cell current overload model has calculated a thermal overload condition
of the drive cells and the drive has limited the amount of torque allowable.
8 NET1 Network 1 limit Torque limited by network 1 setting.
9 NET2 Network 2 limit Torque limited by network 2 setting.
10 ALIM Analog torque Limit Torque limited by analog input.
11 EALM External analog Limit Drive is in torque limit due to external analog limit when in torque mode.
12 ENLM External network Limit Drive is in torque limit due to external network limit when in torque mode.
13 EMLM External menu Limit Drive is in torque limit due to external menu limit when in torque mode.
14 CIMB Cell imbalance Limit AFE cells in regen limit when the sum of the three phase voltage gains
exceed 3 pu. Each phase voltage gain is equal to the number of installed
cells per phase, divided by the active cells in that phase.
15 RLBK Roll back Appears during acceleration if drive has reached its torque limit setting.
16 RGEN Regeneration During normal deceleration, this message will be displayed when the
drive is operating in regen torque limit.
17 BRKG Dual frequency braking Appears while drive is decelerating with dual frequency braking enabled.
18 OVLT Regen Limit for 6-step Indicates that the six-step regeneration torque limit is in effect. It is set
when the cell voltage gets too high, and serves to reduce the regen torque
limit to limit the energy flow from the output (motor) to the cells to prevent
cell overvoltage.
19 BYPS Cell bypassed Indicates that one or more cells are in bypass.
20 PRCH Pre-charge One of the pre-charge modes is selected and the drive is pre-charging, or
ready to pre-charge.
21 OLTM Open loop test mode Appears if drive control algorithm is set to open loop test mode.
22 MODE Normal mode display This is the typical display message during normal operation.
23 CURP Current profile mode limit Appears if the current limit is due to the current profile limit curve.
24 OTRB Over temperature rollback Occurs when cell OT and / or transformer OT switches are active.
25 TSRB Transformer secondary Occurs when cell power is too high for secondary power ratings.
26 IPIT Input interruption time test The input interruption time exceeded allowable limits or the function "Test
failure IP Interruption Time" (7126) has not been executed.
27 NT1R Network1 regen limits Regen limits commanded from Network 1.
28 NT2R Network2 regen limits Regen limits commanded from Network 2.

Table 10-4 Line 2 of mode field

Order Code Meaning Description

1 NOMV No medium voltage No input line voltage detected.
2 INH CR3 inhibit The CR3 or "drive inhibit" input is asserted.
3 OFF Idle state The drive is ready to run but is in an idle state.

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Order Code Meaning Description

4 MAGN Magnetizing motor state The drive is magnetizing the motor or passing through the magnetizing
drive state.
5 SPIN Spinning load state The drive is trying to detect the speed of the motor in order to synchronize
the drive frequency.
6 UXFR Up transfer state The drive is in the "Up Transfer State" preparing to transfer the motor to
the input line.
7 DXFR Down transfer state The drive is in the "Down Transfer State" preparing to transfer the motor
from the input line to the drive.
8 KYPD Keypad speed demand The drive speed demand source is the keypad.
9 TEST Speed/Torque test The drive is in a speed or torque test mode.
10 LOS Loss of Signal The drive 4 to 20 mA analog input signal has dropped below a predefined
11 NET1 Network 1 Indicates drive is being controlled from Network 1.
12 NET2 Network 2 Indicates drive is being controlled from Network 2.
13 AUTO Automatic mode The SOP flag AutoDisplayMode_O is set true usually to indicate drive
is receiving its speed demand from a source other than the keypad or
network. Typically used with an analog input speed source. This mode is
entirely determined by setting the SOP flag. It does not affect NXG op‐
14 HAND Hand mode Appears if the drive is running under normal conditions.
15 BRAK Dynamic Braking Indicates that dynamic braking is enabled.
16 DECL Decelerating (no braking) The drive is decelerating normally.
17 COAS Coasting to stop The drive is not controlling the motor and it is coasting to a stop due only
to friction.
18 TUNE Auto Tuning The drive is in a "Auto Tuning" mode used to determine motor charac‐
19 FALT Drive fault active This mode is selected if any drive fault exists, but is not usually displayed
as the fault message is displayed instead. This is shown if the "Fault
display override" (8200) feature is enabled.

10.1.12 Summary of Common Shift Key and Arrow Key Sequences

Menu System Structure

The menu system consists of the main menu and submenus that branch from the main menu
or other submenus. Parameters are contained within these menus.
While navigating inside a parameter list or pick list, select [CANCEL] to exit to the menu.

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While inside any menu select [CANCEL] to exit to the default meter display.

Table 10-5 Summary of common [SHIFT] key and arrow key sequences

Key Combination Description

 Speed Menu to the Motor Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7 02725 Enter hexadecimal "A" from value edit and security prompts.

 Speed Menu to the Drive Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7 '5,9( Enter hexadecimal "B" from value edit and security prompts.

 Speed Menu to the Stability Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7 67$% Enter hexadecimal "C" from value edit and security prompts.

Speed Menu to the Auto Menu. Access from the default meter display.

6+,)7 $872 Enter hexadecimal "D" from value edit and security prompts.

Speed Menu to the Main Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7 0$,1 Enter hexadecimal "E" from value edit and security prompts. Right arrow [⇒] also enters at this point
from outside of the menu system.

 Speed Menu to the Logs Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7 /2*6 Enter hexadecimal "F" from value edit and security prompts.

 Speed Menu to the Drive Protect Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7 '59352

 Speed Menu to the Meter Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7 0(7(5

 Speed Menu to the Communications Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7 &200

 Speed Menu to a context sensitive help menu. Access from anywhere except the default meter
6+,)7 +(/3 display.

Cancel the current action, abort the current keystroke or exit the menu system.
6+,)7 &$1&(/

Correct Use of SHIFT and ARROW Key Combinations

Use individually to navigate through the menu structure.
RU In edit mode, use to change the cursor position in the edit field of a parameter value.
It automatically jumps over a decimal point or field delimiter.
Use individually to scroll through lists of menu options, lists and parameters.
RU Use to change velocity demand from the default meter display.
In edit mode, increments/decrements digits under cursor and changes sign.

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Key Combination Description

Enter Numerical Menu Access Mode.
6+,)7 You are then prompted to enter the 4 digit number for the associated menu or parameter.

Return to the top item of the currently selected menu, submenu or pick list.

Restore the security level back to 0.

6+,)7 Enter the [SHIFT] + [⇐] key sequence 3 times in succession from the default meter display to restore
the security level back to 0.



Go to the bottom item of the currently selected menu, submenu or pick list.

When editing a value that has been changed from its factory default, this key sequence returns the
6+,)7 value to its factory default.

10.1.13 Adjusting the SIMATIC KTP700 HMI Display Brightness

To adjust the KTP700 display brighness, perform the following steps as indicated below:
1. Ensure that NXG control power is ON. The drive MODE must be NOMV, INH, or OFF.
2. Start at the NXG Main Screen with the touch keypad displayed.

Figure 10-20 NXG Main Menu Screen - touch keypad displayed

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3. Press SHIFT, then RIGHT ARROW. The Speed Parameter Screen is displayed.

Figure 10-21 Speed Parameter Screen

4. Type the number 5500 in the Parameter ID field; Press ENTER twice. (Press ENTER and
then press ENTER once again).

Figure 10-22 Security Code Screen

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5. Touch the POWER field at the top left of the display until the indicating symbol changes color
from red to green. This may require touching the POWER field more than once.

Figure 10-23 Security Code Change

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6. Type in Security Code 7777 as indicated in the Security Code Change screen.The SIMATIC
KTP700 HMI Start Center is now displayed.

Figure 10-24 Start Center Screen

7. The display brightness setting is located under the Display menu. Note that this setting is
saved in non-volatile memory.

Figure 10-25 Display Menu Screen

To return to the NXG Control menu, cycle power to the SIMATIC KTP700 HMI and reboot it.

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10.2 Multi-Language Keypad

The drive is equipped with a keypad and display interface located on the front of the drive
control cabinet.





Figure 10-26 Multi-Language Keypad and Display Interface

The multi-language keypad is intended as a direct replacement for the standard keypad. The
electrical connection and mechanical fit/mounting are the same between the multi-language
keypad and the standard keypad.

Keypad Functions
Use the keypad to:
● navigate through the menu system
● activate control functions
● reset the system after faults have occurred
● edit parameter values
● enter security access codes
● start or stop the drive when in local control

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Accessing control parameters and functions via the keypad

Use the keypad and display interface to access the control parameters and functions of the
Parameters are organized into logical groups and are accessible via a menu structure.
1. Navigate through the menu structure to the desired parameters, to view or edit parameters.
2. Use navigation arrow keys or special key sequences as short cuts. A summary of these key
sequences is given later in this chapter.
3. Use the [SHIFT] key in conjunction with the 10 numeric keys and the [ENTER] key to access
nine common system menus, a help display function and a [CANCEL] key.

Assignment of functions to the keypad keys

The keypad contains 20 keys. Each of these keys has at least one function associated with it,
some keys have more functions. The following sections give descriptions and uses of each of
the keys on the keypad, as well as the diagnostic LEDs and the built-in display.

Improper Keypad Operation
Although the drive comes standard with a keypad interface, and the menu system is secured
with multiple, programmable password levels, for security or other reasons, the drive is
capable of running without the keypad.
Switching components during operation may cause personal injury or impair system functions.
Never add or remove the keypad with power applied to the control.

10.2.1 Fault Reset Key and LED Indicator


The [FAULT RESET] key is located in the top left corner of the keypad and has a dual purpose:
● If a drive fault is present the reset will attempt to clear the fault.
● If there is no drive fault but an active alarm is present then the fault reset acknowledges the
The [FAULT RESET] key is a programmable key that works in conjunction with the drive SOP.
In its basic function the [FAULT RESET] key is used as a generic fault reset but it can be
changed to incorporate system logic specific to an application.

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Fault LED Conditions

The fault LED can be flashing, on continuously, or off.
● A flashing fault LED means that an alarm is either active or unacknowledged.
● A fault LED that is on continuously means that a fault condition exists.
LED conditions are detailed in the following table:

Table 10-6 Fault LED Status: Multi-language Keypad

Fault LED Condition1 Display Fault Condi‐ Alarm Condition Alarm Acknowl‐
tion edged
(by means of
Fault Reset)
Flashing Status display will be reduced in height and N/A Active (not ac‐ No
alarm name will be shown in yellow box at knowledged)
bottom of display.
Flashing* Status display will be reduced in height and N/A Cleared (not ac‐ No
alarm name will be shown in yellow box at knowledged)
bottom of display.
Flashing none N/A Active (acknowl‐ Yes
Flashing Status display will be reduced in height and N/A Multiple unac‐ No
(see figure below) alarm names will be shown in rotation in yel‐ knowledged
low box at bottom of display. alarms
On continuously*** Fault name Active N/A No
Note: Background is red for fault display.
On continuously*** Fault name within display** Multiple N/A No
Note: Background is red for fault display. faults

Up to three faults can be displayed simultaneously on the display.
* After an alarm condition is cleared, the fault LED will continue to flash until the alarm is
acknowledged. Alarms are self-clearing.
Press the [FAULT RESET] key to acknowledge the alarm.
** Use the down and up arrow keys to cycle through the active fault list.
*** Assumes "Fault display override" (ID 8200) is "Off".

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Figure 10-27 Multiple Alarms Active

Clearing and resetting a fault

Fault Indication
If an alarm condition occurs before or during a fault condition, the LED and display will not
indicate the presence of an alarm until the fault condition is cleared and reset. Alarm conditions
are recorded in the alarm/fault log.
A fault signals system malfunction with the output of the drive disabled.
Clear and reset a fault condition immediately to ensure proper system function.

When a fault condition occurs, the fault indicator is red.

Perform the following steps to reset the system:
1. Check the display or the alarm/fault log to determine the cause of the fault.
2. Correct conditions that may have caused the fault.
3. Press the [FAULT RESET] key on the keypad to reset the system.

Clearing and resetting an alarm

When there are no fault conditions but an alarm condition occurs, the fault indicator will flash
red. Perform the following steps to acknowledge the alarm condition:
1. Check the display or the alarm/fault log to determine the cause of the alarm.
2. Correct conditions that may have caused the alarm.
3. Press the [FAULT RESET] key on the keypad to acknowledge the alarm.
Acknowledging an alarm will cause all alarms to no longer be displayed on the keypad
display. However, if any alarm condition still exists, the fault LED will flash red.

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4. View the alarm/fault log to verify the status of alarms.

5. If there are faults and alarms, press the [FAULT RESET] key twice to first reset the fault and
then acknowledge the alarms.
Acknowledging faults or alarms in alarm/fault log
When the alarm/fault log has more than 256 unacknowledged faults or alarms, the display
shows the message "Fault/Alarm log" "overflow".
The cause may be an alarm or several that have not been manually reset to "acknowledge"
the alarm.
An alarm sets and resets itself with no external intervention. However, to acknowledge an
alarm, you must manually reset the alarm using the fault reset button or remote fault reset.

10.2.2 Automatic Key

The [AUTOMATIC] key is a programmable key located below the [FAULT RESET] key on the
In some air-cooled drive applications the AUTOMATIC] key is used to turn on the blowers for
maintenance purposes. For this instance, the blowers remain on until the turn-off timer expires.

Customizing automatic mode
Automatic mode can be customized to suit particular application needs by modifying the SOP.

Modifying the factory supplied program
Do not modify without first consulting Siemens customer service.

10.2.3 Manual Stop Key

The [MANUAL STOP] key is a programmable key located on the lower left side of the keypad.
In standard applications the [MANUAL STOP] key is programmed via the SOP to select stop
mode when the drive is under local control. Stop mode shuts down the drive in a controlled

Modifying the factory supplied program
Do not modify without first consulting Siemens customer service.

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10.2.4 Manual Start Key

The [MANUAL START] key is a programmable key located below the [AUTOMATIC] key on the
left side of the keypad.
In standard applications the [MANUAL START] key is programmed via the SOP to start the
drive when under local control. The velocity command under local control is controlled by the
up and down arrows of the keypad.

Modifying the factory supplied program
Do not modify without first consulting Siemens customer service.

10.2.5 Numeric Keys

The numeric keys are centrally located on the keypad. These 10 keys, labeled 0 to 9, provide
the following functions:
● Entry of security access codes
● Speed Menu function
● Numerical Menu Access mode
● Change the values of parameters

Entering a four digit security access code

Use the numeric keys to enter a four digit security access code. The security code consists of
any combination of digits 0 to 9 and hexadecimal digits A to F.

Entering hexadecimal values
Hexadecimal (hex) is a method of representing numbers using digits 0 to 9, and letters A to F.
Press the [SHIFT] key followed by numbers [1] to [6] to enter hex digits A to F. The following
table lists the keystrokes required to enter hex values A to F and the decimal equivalents.
The hexadecimal entry feature is available only during security code entry.

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Table 10-7 Hexadecimal digit assignments on the keypad

Key Combination Hex Value Decimal Equivalent

A 10

B 11

C 12

D 13

E 14

F 15

Accessing menus via the Speed Menu function

Use the numeric keys for the shortcut "Speed Menu" function. Use the Speed Menu function for
direct access to 10 basic menus. Each of the numeric keys has an associated menu name
printed at the top of each key.

Perform the following steps to access menus via the Speed Menu function:
1. Press [SHIFT] followed by the numeric key, e.g.
– Press [SHIFT]+[1] to access the Motor Menu.
– Press [SHIFT]+[2] to access the Drive Menu.

Figure 10-28 Numeric keypad key

Accessing menus via Numerical Menu Access mode

Use the numeric keys for Numerical Menu Access mode, a second menu access function for
all remaining menus. Use to access the following:
● menus
● submenus

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● parameters
● pick lists
Numerical Menu Access mode requires more keystrokes than the Speed Menu function.
However, this feature provides access to all security-approved items rather than only the 10
basic menus.
Accessing items in this manner requires that you know the four digit ID number associated with
the target item. This number is listed on the display each time the item is displayed.
To use this feature, refer to Activating Numerical Access Mode in Section Arrow Keys of this

Changing values of system parameters

Use the numeric keys to change the values of system parameters:
1. Select a parameter for modification. As soon as a parameter is selected, the left most digit
of the parameter value is underlined and is called the active digit.
2. Press a numeric key to change the active digit.
This method automatically advances the underline to the next digit to the right.
3. Continue pressing numeric keys until the desired value is displayed.
4. Press [ENTER] to accept the new value.

Editing parameter values
When editing parameter values, you must use all four digit fields by using a zero where
For example, to change the value of a four digit parameter from 1234 to 975, enter 0975.

Signed parameters
For signed parameters, i.e. parameter values that can be either positive or negative, the first
active digit is the sign of the value.
To change the sign of a value:
● Use the up and down arrow keys. The active "digit" is the left most position and is underlined.
Either a "+" or a "-" is displayed during the editing process.
● Press [ENTER] to accept the new value.
When not being edited, positive values are displayed without the "+" sign. Negative values
always show the "-" sign unless the negative sign is implied in the parameter name itself.

See also
Arrow Keys (Page 349)

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10.2.6 Enter/Cancel Key

The [ENTER] key is located below the up and down arrow keys on the right side of the keypad.
Its function is similar to the [ENTER] key on a standard PC keyboard.
The [ENTER] key is used to choose or accept a selection or confirm an operation.
For example: after locating and displaying a parameter within the menu structure, use the
[ENTER] key to edit the parameter’s value.
Common functions of the [ENTER] key include:
● selecting a submenu
● entering edit mode for a selected parameter value
● accepting a new parameter value after editing
● initiating a function within the menu system
Use the [SHIFT] key with the [ENTER] key as a cancel function. The secondary function
[CANCEL] is listed on the upper portion of the [ENTER] key.
Common functions of the [CANCEL] key include:
● aborting the current operation
● returning to the previous menu display.
● rejecting any modifications to a parameter value in edit mode.

10.2.7 Shift Function Keys

The [SHIFT] key is located in the bottom right corner of the keypad.
This key is used to access a second set of functions in conjunction with other keys on the
Keys that are used with the [SHIFT] key have two labels, one at the top and one in the center
of the key. The standard, un-shifted function of the key is listed in the center of the key in black
lettering. The shifted function of the key is shown at the top of the key in white lettering that
matches the white lettering of the [SHIFT] key, to identify that they are used together.
When the drive prompts you for a numerical value, e.g. during entry of the security access code
or parameter modification, the [SHIFT] function of numerical keys 1 to 6 changes from Speed
Menu functions to hexadecimal numbers A to F respectively. Refer to Table Hexadecimal digit
assignments on the keypad for more information.

Activating [SHIFT] Key Functions

Using the [SHIFT] key
It is not necessary to simultaneously press the [SHIFT] key and the desired function key.

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1. Press the [SHIFT] key.

2. Release the [SHIFT] key. An up arrow [⇑] appears in the lower right corner of the interface
display to indicate that the drive is waiting for the second key to be pressed.
3. Press the desired function key. The up arrow [⇑] is removed from the display.

Figure 10-29 Location of shift mode indicator on the display

The SHIFT function is a toggle. Press [SHIFT] again before pressing any other key to remove
the pending SHIFT function and clear the arrow indicator.

Common [SHIFT] key functions

● Entering speed menus by pressing [SHIFT] plus the appropriate Speed Menu key from the
default meter display.
● Using the [CANCEL] function, by pressing [SHIFT] + [ENTER] in sequence.
● Entering hex values A to F, by pressing [SHIFT] + [1] to [SHIFT] + [6] when editing values
or entering security code.
● Accessing menus, parameters or pick lists based on ID numbers, by pressing [SHIFT] + [⇒].
● Returning to the top of the current menu or submenu, by pressing [SHIFT] + [⇑].
● Going to the bottom of the menu or submenu, by pressing [SHIFT] + [⇓].
● Resetting the current security level to 0, by pressing
[SHIFT] + [⇐] + [SHIFT] + [⇐] + [SHIFT] + [⇐] from the default meter display.
● Setting a parameter value back to its factory default, by pressing [SHIFT] + [⇐], while in the
parameter edit function.
A summary of [SHIFT] key sequences is listed in Section Summary of Common [SHIFT] key

See also
Numeric Keys (Page 345)

10.2.8 Arrow Keys

There are four arrow keys on the keypad.
The up and down arrow keys [⇑] and [⇓] are located in the upper right corner of the keypad.
The left and right arrow keys [⇐] and [⇒] are located on the lower row of the keypad.

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Common arrow key functions

● Navigating through the menu structure
● Scrolling through lists of parameters
● Incrementing or decrementing parameter values in edit mode.
● Manually advancing to the next digit in edit mode.
● Increasing and decreasing the desired velocity demand of the drive in local manual mode.
● Clearing security level by pressing [SHIFT] + [⇐] three times from the default meter display.
● Entering Numerical Menu Access mode with [SHIFT] + [⇒].

Using the Left and Right Arrow Keys

1. Use the left [⇐] and right [⇒] arrow keys to navigate through the menu structure of the
2. Use the right arrow [⇒] to advance to a submenu structure or enter parameter edit mode.
3. Use the left arrow [⇐] to return to the previous menu.

Example: accessing the main menu

● From the default meter display, press the right arrow key [⇒] to access the main menu.
● [SHIFT] + [5] is a shortcut to the main menu.

Using the Up and Down Arrow Keys

Use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to scroll through lists of items.

Example: scrolling through the list of options within the main menu
After using the right arrow key [⇒] to reach the main menu, press the down arrow key [⇓] to
scroll through the list of options within the main menu.
These options may be parameters, pick lists, or submenus.
Refer to the next section for information about the structure of the menu system.

Example: incrementing or decrementing the velocity demand in manual mode

Use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to increment or decrement the desired velocity demand
when the system is in local manual mode.
As the up and down arrow keys are pressed, view the changes in desired velocity demand on
the display.

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02'( +$1'

Figure 10-30 Using the up and down arrow keys to control velocity demand

Default assignment on the front panel display
The velocity demand field (DEMD) on the front panel display is assigned by default.
This display assignment, and the other three variables, can be changed from the menu system.

Editing Parameter Values

The arrow keys can be used to edit the values of parameters.
Perform the following steps to edit a parameter value:
1. Navigate through the menu structure using the arrow keys and locate the parameter to be
2. With the parameter displayed, press the [ENTER] key.
This places the selected parameter into edit mode.
Once in edit mode, an underscore is displayed beneath the first, i.e. the most significant
position of the parameter value.
3. The user now has alternative options to change the value of that position:
– You may press the desired numeric key.
– You may use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to scroll and wrap around through the
numbers 0 through 9 for that position.
– Use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to change the sign of signed number values.
– When using the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to edit the value of a parameter position,
press the right [⇒] and left [⇐] arrow keys to move to the next or previous position in the
number to be edited. This is required as opposed to using the number keys which
automatically shift the underscore to the next digit in the number.
4. Press the [ENTER] key to accept the new value or press [SHIFT] + [ENTER] to abort the

Canceling the Current Security Mode

Press the left arrow key with the [SHIFT] key to cancel the current security access level and
return to level 0.

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You can increase the security access level by entering the appropriate security codes, but
cannot lower the security access level using the standard "Change Security Code" option of the
main menu.

Returning to security level 0

If entering level 7 as an experienced user, or any other security level and you wish to return to
level 0 for security reasons when you are finished, you have the following options:
● Wait 15 minutes with no activity and security will return automatically to level 0.
● Use key sequence [SHIFT] + [⇐] + [SHIFT] + [⇐] + [SHIFT] + [⇐] from the default meter
display only. This method resets the security level to 0 without interrupting the operation of
the drive.
Do not disconnect control power as a method to reset the security level.
When the security level is reset, the display shows a "Security Level Cleared" message.

Sec lev cleared

Figure 10-31 Security Level Cleared message on the display

Activating Numerical Menu Access Mode

This mode allows you to go instantly to any security approved menu, parameter or pick list using
the four digit ID number associated with the target item.
Perform the following steps:
1. Press the [SHIFT] key followed by the right arrow key [⇒]. The display prompts you for the
desired ID number.
2. Enter the desired ID number using the numeric keys on the keypad.
If the number is a valid ID number and the current security level permits access to that item,
then the desired item will be displayed.

Accessing higher security level menus
If you request access to a menu number that is assigned a higher security level than the current
security level, the drive will prompt for the appropriate security level code.

Within the menu structure, when not in edit mode, the right arrow acts like the [ENTER] key
upon the menu item displayed while the left arrow climbs the menu hierarchy.

See also
Summary of Common Shift Key and Arrow Key Sequences (Page 360)

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10.2 Multi-Language Keypad

10.2.9 Diagnostic Indicators

The multi-language keypad and display interface contains three diagnostic LED indicators that
are located above the display:
● [RUN]

Functions of the diagnostic LED indicators

The [POWER ON] indicator is illuminated when control power is supplied to the system.

The [RUN] indicator is illuminated when the drive is running.

The [FAULT] indicator is illuminated solidly when one or more system errors have occurred,
e.g. boot-up test failure or over voltage fault.
The [FAULT] indicator blinks when one or more alarms are active or unacknowledged.
● Press the [FAULT RESET] key to clear any existing fault conditions and restore the system
to normal operation.
Refer to Figure Multi-language Keypad and Display Interface for the location of the diagnostic

See also
Multi-Language Keypad (Page 340)

10.2.10 Display
After power up or reset, the Siemens identification and software version number is displayed for
a few seconds. Afterwards, the meter display is shown by default. The default meter display is
the starting point of the menu system. This display remains active until keys are pressed.

Re-displaying the Version Number

Use the display version number (8090) function in Meter Menu (8) to re-display the version
The version number is displayed on the identification/version screen.

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02'( +$1'
Siemens Harmony
Ve r s i o n #.#.# D a te

Figure 10-32 Identification/version screen and meter display

Meter Display Appearance
The meter display shown may appear differently depending upon the metering parameters

Description of the Meter Display

The meter display screen contains five fields that are monitored and updated dynamically.
● MODE: operational mode
● DEMD: velocity demand
● RPM: calculated revolutions per minute
● VLTS: motor voltage
● ITOT: total output current
The value or state of each field is shown dynamically in the second column of the display.

[MODE] field
The [MODE] field is fixed.
The last four fields on the display contain parameter values that can be defined by the user.
All four variable displays can be selected from a pick list using the display parameters (8000).
The [MODE] field displays the current operational mode of the system.
This field can have any one of the displays summarized in Table Line 1 of mode field depending
on the current operational mode or the current state of the drive.

Rollback [RLBK] Mode

The following figure depicts the display in rollback mode.

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5/%. .<3' )L[HGGLVSOD\
'(0'  ILHOG



Figure 10-33 Dynamic_Program_Meter_Display_Rollback

The KYPD field displays the current operational mode of the system.
This field can have any one of the displays summarized in Table Line 2 of mode display
depending on the current operational mode or the current state of the drive.

Regeneration [RGEN] Mode

The following figure depicts the display in regeneration mode.


5(*(1 .<3' )L[HGGLVSOD\
'(0'  ILHOG



Figure 10-34 Dynamic_Program_Meter_Display

Modifying Parameter Values

The following sections illustrate the steps to take if attempting to locate and change the
following parameters:
● Ratio Control
● Motor Frequency

Example for changing ratio control parameters:

The metering display shows the commanded speed reference in percent.

02'( +$1'
Figure 10-35 Status display in metering mode

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1. Press the following key combination: [SHIFT] + [2].

Drive (2)
(A r row Keys Selec t)

Figure 10-36 Status display after [SHIFT] + [2] key sequence

2. From this point, you can select from the nine standard menus.
Use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys, to select the desired menu.
3. Press the down [⇓] arrow key twice. The following figure shows the display prior to the
selection of the Speed Setup Menu (2060).

Drive parameters
(20 0 0) (s u b m e n u)
Speed setup
(20 6 0) (s u b m e n u)
To r q u e r e f e r e n c e
(2 210) (s u b m e n u)

Figure 10-37 Status display after [⇓] [⇓] key sequence

4. Press the [ENTER] or right [⇒] arrow key to enter the Speed Setup Menu (2060).

Speed setup (20 6 0)

(A r row Keys Selec t)

Figure 10-38 Status display after [⇒] key sequence

5. Press the down [⇓] arrow key once to access the ratio control parameter (2070).


Figure 10-39 Status display after [⇓] key sequence

6. Press [ENTER] to confirm and enter edit mode for the ratio control parameter. "(edit)"
appears in the display when a parameter is in edit mode.

Ratio control
(e d i t) -003.0 %

Figure 10-40 Status display after [ENTER] key to change a parameter

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7. Use the left [⇐] and right [⇒] arrow keys to position the cursor under the desired digit or sign
to be changed.
Set the digit by using the number keys, or increment or decrement the digit using the up [⇑]
and down [⇓] arrow keys.
Use the up [⇑] and down [⇓] arrow keys to change the sign. The parameter is written into
memory once you press [ENTER] or the right [⇒] arrow key.
8. The following figure depicts the display when a number is entered and it is within the range
of the system.


Figure 10-41 Status display upon entering a value in the range of the system

Use of asterisks (*)
An asterisk (*) is used to denote when a parameter is changed from its current default value.
This allows you to quickly see which parameters have been changed.
To return a parameter to its factory value, press [SHIFT] + [⇐] while in edit mode.

Example for changing motor frequency parameters:

1. Press [SHIFT] [⇒] to get to the parameter ID display.
Enter parameter ID for motor frequency (1020).

Speed Parameter
Enter Param ID 1020

Figure 10-42 Status display after pressing [SHIFT] [⇒] and entering ID 1020

2. Press the [ENTER] key once to show the motor frequency display and then press [ENTER]
again to edit its value.

Motor frequency
(e d i t) 010.0 Hz

Figure 10-43 Status display after pressing [ENTER] twice

The range of the variable is 15 to 330.

If, for example, you attempt to enter 010 for the motor frequency an error message will be

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displayed for approximately four seconds.

Then the value shown before the attempted edit is displayed again.

Motor frequency

Figure 10-44 Status display upon entering a value beyond the range of the system

Summary of Operation Mode Displays

The following tables list the possible operational mode displays of line 1 and 2 of the display in
order of precedence.

Table 10-8 Line 1 of mode field

Order Code Meaning Description

1 FRST Fault reset Displayed after the [FAULT RESET] button is pressed.
Note: This may not be visible because of the speed of response to a fault
2 TLIM Menu setting rollback Drive is being limited by a menu setting.
3 SPHS Single phasing rollback A single phasing condition of the input line is limiting drive torque.
4 UVLT Undervoltage rollback A undervoltage condition of the input line is limiting the drive torque.
5 T OL Thermal overload rollback The drive has limited the amount of torque produced to prevent thermal
overload of the input transformer.
6 F WK Field weakening rollback This condition exists when the motor flux is low and the application re‐
quires high torque. This prevents "motor pull-out", an unstable operating
condition of the motor, by decreasing the motor torque until flux is re-
established in the motor.
7 C OL Cell overload rollback A cell current overload model has calculated a thermal overload condition
of the drive cells and the drive has limited the amount of torque allowable.
8 NET1 Network 1 limit Torque limited by network 1 setting.
9 NET2 Network 2 limit Torque limited by network 2 setting.
10 ALIM Analog torque Limit Torque limited by analog input.
11 EALM External analog Limit Drive is in torque limit due to external analog limit when in torque mode.
12 ENLM External network Limit Drive is in torque limit due to external network limit when in torque mode.
13 EMLM External menu Limit Drive is in torque limit due to external menu limit when in torque mode.
14 CIMB Cell imbalance Limit AFE cells in regen limit when the sum of the three phase voltage gains
exceed 3 pu. Each phase voltage gain is equal to the number of installed
cells per phase, divided by the active cells in that phase.
15 RLBK Roll back Appears during acceleration if drive has reached its torque limit setting.
16 RGEN Regeneration During normal deceleration, this message will be displayed when the
drive is operating in regen torque limit.
17 BRKG Dual frequency braking Appears while drive is decelerating with dual frequency braking enabled.

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Order Code Meaning Description

18 OVLT Regen Limit for 6-step Indicates that the six-step regeneration torque limit is in effect. It is set
when the cell voltage gets too high, and serves to reduce the regen torque
limit to limit the energy flow from the output (motor) to the cells to prevent
overvoltaging the cells.
19 BYPS Cell bypassed Indicates that one or more cells are in bypass.
20 PRCH Pre-charge One of the pre-charge modes is selected and the drive is pre-charging, or
ready to pre-charge.
21 OLTM Open loop test mode Appears if drive control algorithm is set to open loop test mode.
22 MODE Normal mode display This is the typical display message during normal operation.
23 CURP Current profile mode limit Appears if the current limit is due to the current profile limit curve.

Table 10-9 Line 2 of mode field

Order Code Meaning Description

1 NOMV No medium voltage No input line voltage detected.
2 INH CR3 inhibit The CR3 or "drive inhibit" input is asserted.
3 OFF Idle state The drive is ready to run but is in an idle state.
4 MAGN Magnetizing motor state The drive is magnetizing the motor or passing through the magnetizing
drive state.
5 SPIN Spinning load state The drive is trying to detect the speed of the motor in order to synchronize
the drive frequency.
6 UXFR Up transfer state The drive is in the "Up Transfer State" preparing to transfer the motor to
the input line.
7 DXFR Down transfer state The drive is in the "Down Transfer State" preparing to transfer the motor
from the input line to the drive.
8 KYPD Keypad speed demand The drive speed demand source is the keypad.
9 TEST Speed/Torque test The drive is in a speed or torque test mode.
10 LOS Loss of Signal The drive 4 to 20 mA analog input signal has dropped below a predefined
11 NET1 Network 1 Indicates drive is being controlled from Network 1.
12 NET2 Network 2 Indicates drive is being controlled from Network 2.
13 AUTO Automatic mode The SOP flag AutoDisplayMode_O is set true usually to indicate drive
is receiving its speed demand from a source other than the keypad or
network. Typically used with an analog input speed source. This mode is
entirely determined by setting the SOP flag. It does not affect NXG op‐
14 HAND Hand mode Appears if the drive is running under normal conditions.
15 BRAK Dynamic Braking Indicates that dynamic braking is enabled.
16 DECL Decelerating (no braking) The drive is decelerating normally.
17 COAS Coasting to stop The drive is not controlling the motor and it is coasting to a stop due only
to friction.
18 TUNE Auto Tuning The drive is in a "Auto Tuning" mode used to determine motor charac‐
19 FALT Drive fault active This mode is selected if any drive fault exists, but is not usually displayed
as the fault message is displayed instead. This is shown if the "Fault
display override" (8200) feature is enabled.

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10.2.11 Summary of Common Shift Key and Arrow Key Sequences

Menu System Structure

The menu system consists of the main menu and submenus that branch from the main menu
or other submenus. Parameters are contained within these menus.
While navigating inside a parameter list or pick list, select [CANCEL] to exit to the menu.
While inside any menu select [CANCEL] to exit to the default meter display.

Table 10-10 Summary of common [SHIFT] key and arrow key sequences

Key Combination Description

02725 Speed Menu to the Motor Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7  Enter hexadecimal "A" from value edit and security prompts.

'5,9( Speed Menu to the Drive Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7  Enter hexadecimal "B" from value edit and security prompts.

67$% Speed Menu to the Stability Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7  Enter hexadecimal "C" from value edit and security prompts.

$872 Speed Menu to the Auto Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7  Enter hexadecimal "D" from value edit and security prompts.

0$,1 Speed Menu to the Main Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7  Enter hexadecimal "E" from value edit and security prompts. Right arrow [⇒] also enters at this point
from outside of the menu system.

/2*6 Speed Menu to the Logs Menu. Access from the default meter display.
6+,)7  Enter hexadecimal "F" from value edit and security prompts.

'59352 Speed Menu to the Drive Protect Menu. Access from the default meter display.

0(7(5 Speed Menu to the Meter Menu. Access from the default meter display.

&200 Speed Menu to the Communications Menu. Access from the default meter display.

+(/3 Speed Menu to a context sensitive help menu. Access from anywhere except the default meter
6+,)7  display.

&$1&(/ Cancel the current action, abort the current keystroke or exit the menu system.
6+,)7 (17(5

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10.2 Multi-Language Keypad

Key Combination Description

Use individually to navigate through the menu structure.
RU In edit mode, use to change the cursor position in the edit field of a parameter value.
It automatically jumps over a decimal point or field delimiter.
Use individually to scroll through lists of menu options, lists and parameters.
RU Use to change velocity demand from the default meter display.
In edit mode, increments/decrements digits under cursor and changes sign.
Enter Numerical Menu Access Mode.
6+,)7 You are then prompted to enter the 4 digit number for the associated menu or parameter.

Return to the top item of the currently selected menu, submenu or pick list.

Restore the security level back to 0.

6+,)7 Enter the [SHIFT] + [⇐] key sequence 3 times in succession from the default meter display to restore
the security level back to 0.



Go to the bottom item of the currently selected menu, submenu or pick list.

When editing a value that has been changed from its factory default, this key sequence returns the
6+,)7 value to its factory default.

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10.3 NXGpro ToolSuite

10.3 NXGpro ToolSuite

The NXGpro ToolSuite is a PC-based application software package that integrates various
software tools used for NXGpro based drives. One of the tools contained within ToolSuite is the
drive tool. The drive tool allows you to navigate through a drive’s features using a PC and a
mouse or touch screen, allowing you to monitor and control the drive’s functions. The drive tool
is a high-level GUI that runs on a PC equipped with a Microsoft Windows operating system. The
control, and the PC running the drive tool, interface with each other using ethernet and TCP/IP
The structure of the menu hierarchy is slightly different with this tool than with the keypad. For
full coverage of the drive tool, refer to the NXGpro ToolSuite Software Manual.

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10.4 Communication Interface

10.4 Communication Interface

The control provides a means for drives to be directly connected to several industry standard
PLC communication networks. A detailed description of the network capabilities is defined in
the NXGpro Communication Manual. A summary of the networks and their associated
capabilities are provided in the following subsections.

10.4.1 Available Networks

The control supports the following industry standard PLC networks:
● Modbus™
● Modbus™ Ethernet
● Profibus™
● ProfiDrive™ (compliant to ProfiDrive profile 4.1 version specification)
● DeviceNet™
● ControlNet™

10.4.2 Multiple Networks

The control allows you to operate two independent network interfaces at one time, where both
can monitor the drive, but only one can control the drive. The networks do not need to be
identical. Each can map data separately.
The ability to provide two networks is not implemented as a redundant or dual interface. The
VFD provides a means to use two separate ports and you can define which of the ports to use
to control the VFD. Switchover from one network port to the other is implemented via the SOP.

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10.5 Security Measures

10.5 Security Measures

10.5.1 Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the Industrial Security features available for SINAMICS
Perfect Harmony GH180 to protect against threats to the VFD control. The features protected
● Parameter security levels
● Write protection
● Network protection
● USB connection
● Virus protection (memory card)
Siemens strongly recommends using all available protections. Detailed procedures are
located within other chapters of this manual.

10.5.2 Industrial Security

Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, equipment and / or networks. They are
important components in a holistic industrial security concept. With this in mind, Siemens’
products and solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly that
you regularly check for product updates.
For the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, it is necessary to take suitable
preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and integrate each component into a holistic,
state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Third-party products that may be in use should also
be considered. For more information about industrial security, visit (

Danger as a result of unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulation (example: viruses, Trojan horse, malware, worms) can cause unsafe
operating states to develop during VFD installation. These unsafe states may result in death,
cause severe injuries to personnel, and / or result in material damage.
● Keep the software up to date.
Find relevant information and newsletters at this address: http://
● Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept for the installation or machine.
Find further information at this address:
● Be sure to include all installed products into the holistic industrials security concept.

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10.5 Security Measures

10.5.3 Benefits
Industrial security documentation contains recommendations and information for the planning
and design of secure systems or plants. The documentation serves as a reference material and
guideline. It is not a requirement.
The intent of the documentation is to support customers in safely operating their controls or
plants. The operator is responsible for implementing the security recommendations.

10.5.4 Parameter Security Levels

The SINAMICS Perfect Harmony GH180 provides for security levels for parameter changes.
These security levels are not meant for more than simple protection of inadvertent access to
parameters based upon the sophistication of the maintenance being performed. These security
levels are 0, 5, 7 and 8.
The SINAMICS Perfect Harmony GH180 control allows the user to perform the following:
● Change the security access code
● Set the security level for parameters
● Enable / disable the ability to change parameters while the drive is in operation

10.5.5 Write Protection

The GH180 drive contains a piece of software called a System Operating Program (SOP). This
system operating program can be modified such that parameter writing cannot occur. This SOP
can be programmed such that a specific digital input, network flag and or operating conditions
must be present to allow keypad parameter modification. Once set, this parameter write
protection also prevents selection of a new SOP via the keypad. This parameter write
protection also prevents parameter modification via the ToolSuite drive tool. Otherwise, the
flash card will need to be rewritten via ToolSuite’s Configuration Update Utility to enable
parameter modification.

Ensure that the SOP-based write protection can be turned off.
Otherwise, the flash card will need to be rewritten using the ToolSuite’s Configuration Update
Utility to enable parameter modification.

10.5.6 Network Protection

The SINAMICS Perfect Harmony GH180 drive supports three networks, two of which are field
bus networks. The third supported network is a maintenance Ethernet network.

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10.5 Security Measures

The maintenance Ethernet connection is located on the front door of the GH180 drive.

Only use the maintenance Ethernet connection for maintenance performed at the drive
If this port is to be available for use within the plant, Siemens recommends using a SCALANCE
S615 device to secure this connection.

See also
Field Bus Protection (Page 366)

10.5.7 Field Bus Protection

Some field bus networks such as Modbus TCB and Ethernet/IP™ are Ethernet based. Ethernet
based field bus networks must not be connected to the controller’s maintenance Ethernet
The GH180 supports parameter modification by means of field bus networks which must be
enabled using parameter selection. Unless enabled, no parameters may be read or written by
means of field bus networks.

See also
Network Protection (Page 365)

10.5.8 USB Connection

The GH180 drive supports the use of USB flash drives for log retrieval. While this USB interface
does not support loading of software into the control, great care should be taken with any
exchangeable storage media to ensure no malicious software is allowed to reside on this media.

Risk of death due to software manipulation when using exchangeable storage media
Storing files on exchangeable storage media poses an increased risk infection from malicious
software viruses and malware. Incorrect parameter assignment can cause machines to
malfunction, which can lead to death or injury to personnel.
● Be sure to protect files stored on exchangeable storage media
● Use appropriate software protection measures such as virus scanners.

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10.5 Security Measures

10.5.9 Virus Protection / Memory Card

The memory card must be handled with particular care for all SINAMICS devices that use a
memory card so that no malicious software is loaded to the system.

Risk of death due to software manipulation when using exchangeable storage media
Storing files on exchangeable storage media poses an increased risk infection from malicious
software viruses and malware. Incorrect parameter assignment can cause machines to
malfunction, which can lead to death or injury to personnel.
● Be sure to protect files stored on exchangeable storage media
● Use appropriate software protection measures such as virus scanners.

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10.5 Security Measures

NXGpro Control
368 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Software 11
A System Program (SOP) is developed for each drive application to configure the VFD to
function as desired by the end user. The SOP allows the end user to define the drive operation,
where possible, so that system response and I/O configuration is configured for the application.
The SOP is used to define reference sources, select a subset of operating parameters,
configure all I/O, and to define alarms and fault conditions as desired by the end user.

Certain internal drive-generated faults defined for drive protection cannot be modified by the

NXGpro Control
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Operating the Software
11.1 SOP Development and Operation

11.1 SOP Development and Operation

All Siemens LD system programs must adhere to Siemens standard procedures. Failure to do
so may result in damage to the drive and could void the system warranty.
The SOP file is written by Siemens and adheres to Siemens standards for protection of the
drive. The SOP can be modified by trained personnel for changing requirements. SOP testing
is performed at the Siemens LD facility.
The SOP file is downloaded to the drive in non-volatile memory. The operation of the SOP is
similar to a PLC in that it reads from top to bottom and left to right on a cyclical basis. The drive
must be in an idle state, that is, with output disabled for a new SOP to be downloaded and

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370 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Software
11.2 SOP Logic Functions

11.2 SOP Logic Functions

The drive contains customized programmable logic functions that define many features and
capabilities of the drive. These logic functions are combined into the SOP.

SOP changes must be approved by Siemens.

Examples of logic functions include:

● Start/stop control logic
● Input and output control logic, for example annunciators, interlocks, etc.
● Drive-to-machinery coordination
The SOP is stored on the CompactFlash card. Upon power-up, it is executed continuously by
the drive's run-time software in a repetitive fashion, causing the intended logic statements to
perform their functionality.

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Operating the Software
11.3 SOP Evaluation

11.3 SOP Evaluation

The source file is the text file containing the logic statements and I/O assignments performing
the desired operations of the drive. Evaluation of logic statements occurs in a top to bottom, left
to right manner as written in the source file. The only exception is the simple statements in
which the output variable, i.e. the flag, is set either true or false. These statements are
evaluated once only at the initialization of the SOP during power-up, or when a new SOP is
either downloaded or selected.
Once an output variable is set to either true or false, it is immediately available as an input to
any subsequent logic statements within the context of the logic tables. There is no limitation to
how many times an output variable may change logic states within the context of the program.
However, only the final evaluation is output to any assigned output flags or external I/O.

Reassignment of outputs is flagged as a fault by the SOP Utilities compiler.

The SOP evaluation cycle time is based on synchronization of the slow loop with the fault loop,
with worst case being two fault loop cycles or about 6.7 msec.

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372 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Software
11.4 Input Flags

11.4 Input Flags

Input flags are symbols that are encountered on the right hand side of a source statement. They
express the state of an input to the system.
Input flags are identified by <variable>_I.
Input flags represent items such as:
● digital inputs
● switches
● the state of a system process
● internal variables
● comparator flags
● a literal (TRUE, FALSE).
These input flags are combined using the unary and binary operators to form logic

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Operating the Software
11.5 Output Flags

11.5 Output Flags

Output flags are symbols that are encountered on the left hand side of the assignment "="
operator. They direct the result of the input expression towards an output purpose.
Output flags are identified by <variable>_O.
Output flags represent items such as:
● digital outputs
● system control switches.
The drive has a set of pre-defined symbols that describe control outputs or "switches" that can
be controlled by the SOP. These switches can control functions such as the source of the speed
reference, a selection for the system acceleration rate and many more. In most cases, to cause
the system to perform in the intended manner, the proper control switches must be set, and
others cleared, by the SOP.

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Operating the Software
11.6 Downloading the SOP

11.6 Downloading the SOP

The SOP must be downloaded to the drive to be used. The tools for downloading the SOP are
contained in the Siemens ToolSuite of tools.
Use one of the following methods to download the SOP:
● through a serial RS232 connection using the SOP Utilities.
● through an Ethernet connection using the Drive Tool.

Downloading the SOP via serial RS232 connection

Use a serial communications program to download the SOP via serial connection. A serial
communications program is included in the SOP Utilities, although any Windows based
terminal program can be used. The procedure to download the file is as follows:
1. Setup the drive to receive the new SOP via the SOP and Serial Functions Menu (9110).
2. Make sure the drive is connected to the PC running the communications program via a
properly configured cable.
3. Start the download process. Select the System program download (9120) function to initiate
the download process.
4. Once the drive is set to receive, start the transfer from the PC program.
If using the SOP Utilities, refer to the NXGpro ToolSuite Software Manual for details.
Once the program is downloaded, it becomes the active SOP.

Downloading the SOP via serial Ethernet connection

Use the Drive Tool to download the program via the Ethernet connection. You do not need to
set up anything through the drive menu, it is handled directly from the PC. Once downloaded,
the file becomes the active SOP.

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Operating the Software
11.7 Uploading the SOP

11.7 Uploading the SOP

The need may arise to view and/or modify the installed SOP file. This is done by
communications from the drive to an external PC, and is known as uploading. The tools for
uploading the SOP are contained in the Siemens ToolSuite of tools.
Use one of the following methods to upload the SOP:
● through the serial communications port using the SOP Utilities
● through the Ethernet port using the Drive Tool.

Uploading the SOP via serial communications port

Use a serial communications program to upload the SOP via serial communications port. You
must use a program that can capture and save the uploaded information in a file on the PC. The
SOP Utilities provides this functionality. The procedure to upload and save the file is as follows:
1. Setup the PC software to receive and save a file.
2. Select the System program upload (9130) function from the SOP and Serial Functions Menu
(9110) to start the transfer.

Uploading the SOP via serial Ethernet connection

Use the Drive Tool to upload the SOP via the Ethernet connection. Once a connection with the
drive is established, select the Upload System Program function from the Configuration Menu.
Refer to the NXGpro ToolSuite Software Manual for details about the Drive Tool.

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376 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Operating the Software
11.8 Multiple Configuration Files

11.8 Multiple Configuration Files

The control allows for the use of up to eight separate configuration files. This is to allow for use
of the drive with up to eight separate, non-identical motors. These files contain most of the
parameters of the drive, all motor parameters and most loop tuning parameters are contained
in these files.
To use multiple configuration files, enable parameter Multiple config files (9185) in the SOP &
Serial Functions Menu. The default is off. The associated submenu is Setup SOP config flags
(9186) where slave files can be created and assigned to the SOP variables via the menu items.
Refer to Section Options for Multiple Configuration Files in Chapter Parameter Assignment/
Addressing for information on creating and programming the slave files.
Once the files are created and enabled, they are selected via the eight SOP flags
SOPConfigFile1_O to SOPConfigFile8_O in the logic of the SOP file. Ensure that only one
valid flag is set true at a time within the SOP.

Potential Drive Instability or Trip
Switching SOP flags could cause drive instability and/or a trip.
Do not switch SOP flags while the drive is running.

Since the configuration files can also be changed via the menu, there is a potential conflict that
could arise between whether the menu or the SOP selected file is to be used. If the menu is
used to override the SOP selection, then the menu selection becomes the active configuration.
This will remain in effect until the SOP changes the configuration file to be different from the
menu selection.

See also
Options for Multiple Configuration Files (Page 164)

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Operating the Software
11.9 Selecting the active SOP

11.9 Selecting the active SOP

It is possible to store multiple system programs on the flash card. The purpose is for factory
testing or commissioning, as the SOP allows the drive to be run with minimal external

Requirement when selecting the active SOP
To select a different active SOP, the drive must not be running.
This could cause drive instability and/or a trip.

Use the parameter Select system program (9146) to select from a pick list of all available SOPs.
To determine the SOP that is currently selected, use the Display sys prog name (9140)
function. Find both parameters under the SOP and Serial Functions Menu (9110).

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378 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms 12
This chapter contains information for fault, alarm and error troubleshooting.

Electric Shock Hazard
Handling the equipment with main input power connected will cause death or severe injuries.
Always switch off the main input power to the equipment before attempting inspection or
maintenance procedure.

Qualified service personnel
Incorrect handling and maintenance may cause death or severe injuries.
Ensure that only qualified service personnel maintain SINAMICS PERFECT HARMONY
GH180 equipment and systems.

Refer to Chapter NXGpro Control Description for locations and details of major hardware
components of the NXGpro control. Refer to separate Operating Instructions manual for all
other details.

See also
NXGpro Control Description (Page 27)

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.1 Faults and Alarms

12.1 Faults and Alarms

If a fault or alarm condition exists, it will be annunciated on the keypad. The control software and
hardware sense faults and alarms, and store them within the alarm/fault log and the event log.
Faults are either detected via direct hardware sensing or by software algorithm.
The cell control system logic senses cell faults. The cell control system logic is located on the
cell control board in each output power cell. Each power cell has its own sense circuitry. The
control software interprets the cell faults and displays them and logs them based on the faulted
cell and the specific fault within the cell.
All faults will immediately inhibit the drive from running and remove power from the drive to the
motor. Some faults that are user defined can control the drive response via the SOP. Alarms
are annunciated and logged but usually do not inhibit the drive from operation.
Refer to the following table, to determine the drive response for the various fault and alarm

High Voltages
Disabling the drive does not necessarily remove voltage form the motor terminals.
The motor, especially if spinning, may have residual voltage on the terminals, and anything
connected to them.
Always adhere to the five safety rules and safety measures in Chapter Safety Notes.

Table 12-1 Fault/alarm type and drive responses

Type Drive responses

Fault or User Fault ● All IGBT gate drivers are inhibited.
● Motor coasts to stop.
● The fault is logged. Refer to the alarm/fault log menu (6210).
● The fault is displayed on the front panel.
● The keypad fault LED is ON.*
● Faults are logged to the event log and fault log.
Alarm or User ● Drive does not necessarily revert to the idle state via a coast or ramp stop unless specifically
Alarm required to by the SOP.
● The alarm is logged. Refer to the alarm/fault log menu (6210).
● The alarm is displayed on the front panel.
● The keypad fault LED flashes.*

* Refer to Chapter Software User Interface, Section Fault Reset key and LED Indicator for
information about the LED.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.1 Faults and Alarms

Fault handling
To reset a fault manually, use the [FAULT RESET] key on the keypad. Return the drive to the
run condition by performing manual start or by forcing the RunRequest_I equal to "true".
Certain faults can be reset automatically if enabled by the auto fault reset enable (7120). Refer
to Table Auto resettable faults, for a list of auto resettable faults. These are fixed and not
adjustable. If reset is successful, the drive will return to the run state automatically only if the
RunRequest_I is maintained at the value "true". The [FAULT RESET] key of the keypad is
also used to acknowledge alarms.

Table 12-2 Auto resettable faults

Over Speed Fault Keypad Communication Encoder Loss

Under Load Fault Network 1 Communication Loss of Signal 1 to 24
Output Ground Fault Network 2 Communication Int AI1 to AI12 Loss of Signal
IOC Motor Over Volt Fault Loss Of Drive Enable
Menu Initialization Back EMF Timeout Motor Pull-out Fault
Medium voltage low Flt Failed To Magnetize SMDC PLL Start-up Fault
Line Over Voltage Fault Loss Of Field Current SM Pole Slip

See also
Options for Log Control Menu (6) (Page 150)
Fault Reset Key and LED Indicator (Page 341)

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

The control senses all drive faults and alarms, either from direct hardware or via software
algorithms. Use the following tables to locate major causes of fault conditions. The tables list
the type of drive response, if it is a fault (F), alarm (A), or both (F/A), and whether it can be
enabled or disabled using the system program (SOP), or if it is permanently enabled, i.e. fixed
in software.

Handling Input Line Disturbance Faults

Table 12-3 Input line disturbance faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Input phase loss A Fixed Cause
Loss of input phase.
1. Check the input fuses and connection to verify that the input phases
are connected properly.
2. Use an oscilloscope to verify the presence of all three input
voltages VIA, VIB, VIC on the test point board. The test point board
must first be installed.
Input ground A Fixed Cause
The estimated input ground voltage is greater than the limit set by the
ground fault limit in the drive protection menu.
1. Use an oscilloscope to verify the symmetry (L-L and L-N) of the three
input voltages VIA, VIB, VIC on the test point board.
2. Use a voltmeter to check for common mode DC to neutral.
Line over voltage 1 A SOP Cause
The drive-input RMS voltage is greater than 110% of the drive rated input
Use a voltmeter to verify that the input voltages VIA, VIB, VIC are the
expected value for the rated voltage:
● NXGpro test point board: VIA, VIB, VIC ~3.8 Vrms. Values greater
than ~4.2 Vrms will trigger this alarm.
Note: This alarm can be caused by a transient condition, and may not be
present when making the measurements.
Line over voltage 2 A SOP Cause
The dive input RMS voltage is greater than 115% of the drive rated input
Use a voltmeter to verify that the input voltages VIA, VIB, VIC are the
expected value for the rated voltage:
● NXGpro test point board: VIA, VIB, VIC values greater than 4.37 Vrms
will trigger this alarm.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Line over voltage fault F SOP Cause
The drive-input RMS voltage is greater than 120% of the drive rated input
Use a voltmeter to verify that the input voltages VIA, VIB, VIC are the
expected value for the rated voltage:
● NXGpro test point board: VIA, VIB, VIC values greater than 4.56 Vrms
will trigger an alarm or trip, depending on the SOP.
Note: This fault will cause an input protection fault if dedicated I/O is used
for IP faults.
Medium voltage low 1 A SOP Cause
The drive-input RMS voltage is less than 90% of the drive rated input
Use a voltmeter to verify that the input voltages VIA, VIB, VIC are the
expected value for rated voltage:
● NXGpro test point board: VIA, VIB, VIC values less than 3.4 Vrms
(90% of rated) will trigger medium voltage low conditions.
Note: This alarm can be caused by a transient condition, and may not be
present when making the measurements.
Medium voltage low 2 A Fixed Cause
The drive-input RMS voltage is less than 70% of the drive rated input
Use a voltmeter to verify that the input voltages VIA, VIB, VIC are the
expected value for the rated voltage:
● NXGpro test point board: VIA, VIB, VIC values less than 2.66 Vrms
will trigger medium voltage low conditions.
Medium voltage low Flt F Fixed Cause
The drive-input RMS voltage is less than 60% of the drive rated input
Note: The fault will not occur, even after the threshold condition is met,
until the first cell fault occurs. This fault is then logged and associated cell
faults ignored.
Use a voltmeter to verify that the input voltages VIA, VIB, VIC are the
expected value for the rated voltage:
● NXGpro test point board: VIA, VIB, VIC values less than 2.28 Vrms
will trigger medium voltage low conditions.
Input one cycle F/A Fixed Cause
or Possible fault on the secondary side of the transformer.
excessive input reactive cur‐ Action
rent 1. Remove medium voltage and visually inspect all the cells and their
connections to the transformer secondary.
2. Contact Siemens customer service.
Note: This fault will cause an input protection fault if dedicated I/O is used
for IP faults.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Input phase imbal F/A SOP Cause
Drive input line current imbalance is greater than the setting in the phase
imbalance limit parameter in the drive protection menu. This fault / alarm
may be in conjunction with a neutral current path or ground fault condi‐
tion, or may be due to shorted windings in the transformer.
1. Use an oscilloscope and the NXGpro test point board to verify proper
symmetry of the input voltages and currents: VIA, VIB, VIC, IIB and
2. Check the values of the input attenuators.
Note: During pre-charge, if so equipped, it is normal for phases to be
PreChrg M1 Contactor Flt F Cause
This fault aborts pre-charge and the message is issued in lieu of the pre-
charge fault.
Possible causes include:
● No power to contactor coil.
● Incorrect wiring of contactor and auxiliary contact, and connection
with system interface board.
● Loose or defective cable between DCR and system interface board.
● Defective system interface board.
1. Check for control power to contactor (customer side).
2. Check wiring; check connections to system interface board.
3. Check cable connection between DCR and system interface board.
4. Replace system interface board.
5. Replace DCR.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

PreChrg Contactor Alarm A Cause
During pre-charge, if any pre-charge contactor (M2, M3, and M4) does
not respond as directed, this alarm is issued along with a pre-charge fault.
After pre-charge completes, the command to the pre-charge contactor
(M2, M3, and M4) is compared to feedback (acknowledge) and if they do
not agree, an alarm is issued.
Possible causes include:
● No power to contactor coils.
● Incorrect wiring of contactors and auxiliary contacts.
● Defective user I/O module 1.
● Loose or defective fiber optic cable between DCR and NXGpro user
I/O module.
1. Check for control power to contactors.
2. Check wiring; check connections to user I/O module 1.
3. Check fiber optic cable connection between DCR and NXGpro user I/
O module.
4. Replace user I/O module.
5. Replace DCR.
PreChrg Breaker Opened A Cause
This alarm indicates that the pre-charge breaker was commanded to
open when the precharge contactors M2, M3, or M4 failed to open. This
alarm is applicable to only pre-charge Type 5 or Type 6.
Possible causes include:
● Incorrect wiring from user I/O module 1 to the pre-charge contactors.
● The user I/O module is broken, which results in reporting incorrect
status of the contactors.
● Incorrect attenuation resistor values for required input voltage.
1. Check pre-charge contactors and auxiliary contacts.
2. Replace user I/O module.
3. Evaluate wiring.
4. Check input protection fault and correct.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Handling Motor/Output Related Faults

Table 12-4 Motor/output related faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Over speed alarm A SOP Cause
The motor speed is greater than 95% of parameter setting for Overspeed
(1170) in the limits menu (1120). An improperly set-up or mistuned drive
usually causes this fault.
Verify that the motor and drive nameplate settings match the correspond‐
ing parameters in motor parameter menu (1000) and drive parameter
menu (2000).
Over speed fault F Fixed Cause
The motor speed exceeds the parameter setting for Overspeed (1170) in
the limits menu (1120). An improperly set-up or mistuned drive usually
causes this fault.
Verify that the motor and drive nameplate settings match the correspond‐
ing parameters in motor parameter menu (1000) and drive parameter
menu (2000).
Output ground fault A Fixed Cause
This fault is caused due to an output ground fault condition, when the
estimated ground voltage exceeds parameter Ground Fault Limit (1245)
in the limits menu (1120).
1. Use an oscilloscope and the test point board to verify proper
symmetry of the input voltages and currents: VMA, VMB, and VMC. If
voltages are not a problem, check the divider resistors in the motor
sense unit or replace the system interface board.
2. Disconnect the motor from the VFD. Use a megometer to verify motor
and cable insulation.
Encoder loss Menu Menu Cause
The software has detected an encoder signal loss due to a faulty encoder
or faulty encoder interface.
1. Verify that the information in the encoder menu (1280) is correct for
the encoder being used.
2. Run the drive in open loop vector control mode. Select OLVC in the
control loop type (2050) of the drive parameter menu (2000).
3. Go to meter menu (8); select display parameters menu (8000) and set
one of the display parameters (8001-8004) to ERPM or %ESP and
observe if ERPM follows motor speed.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Mtr therm over load 1 A SOP Cause
Motor temperature or motor current, depending on choice of over-load
method, are above over-load pending setting.
1. Verify that parameter Overload pending (1139) is set correctly.
2. Check load conditions and, if applicable, verify that submenu Speed
Derate Curve (1151) matches the load conditions.
Mtr therm over load 2 A SOP Cause
Motor temperature or motor current, depending on choice of over-load
method, are above over-load setting.
Verify that parameter Overload (1140) is set correctly. Refer to Mtr therm
over load 1 section above.
Mtr therm over ld fault F Fixed Cause
Motor temperature or motor current, depending on choice of over-load
method, has exceeded the over-load setting for the time specified by the
over-load timeout parameter.
Verify that parameter Overload timeout (1150) is set correctly. Refer
to Mtr therm over load 1 section above.
Motor over volt alarm A SOP Cause
If motor voltage exceeds 90% of the motor overvoltage limit in the motor
limit menu.
Check menu settings for correct motor rating, and limit setting.
Motor over volt fault F SOP Cause
The measured motor voltage exceeds the threshold set by
parameter Motor trip volts (1160) in the limits menu (1120). An improperly
set-up or tuned drive usually causes this fault. This could include the
secondary tap setting. A high line condition can also cause this.
1. Verify that the motor and drive nameplate settings match the
corresponding parameters in motor parameter menu (1000) and drive
parameter menu (2000).
2. Verify that the signals on the VMA, VMB, and VMC test points are
operating properly within:
– 3.8 Vrms +/-0.20 V at full speed on the test point board.
If an incorrect voltage is noted, check the voltage divider in the motor
sense unit or replace the system interface board.
3. Also check the tap settings on the transformer. The tap setting may
have to be changed to accommodate a high input line.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Thermal OT Rollback A Parame‐ Cause
ter When enabled (Min Rollback Level, ID 7171 below 100%) and either two
cell OT alarms are active or the Transformer OT alarm is active, a torque
rollback is calculated. When this rollback affects the torque output, this
alarm will become active.
1. Check cooling system for clogged filters or reduced airflow
2. Check ambient air temperature.
3. Check wiring of transformer OT switch.
IOC F Fixed Cause
Drive instantaneous over-current (IOC) faults result when the signal from
test point IOC on the system interface board exceeds the level set by the
drive IOC setpoint (7110) parameter in the input protect menu (7000).
1. Verify that the motor current rating (1050) is below the Drive IOC
setpoint (7110) in the drive protect menu (7).
2. Verify that parameter Output current scaler (3440) is set to a number
that is close to 1.0.
3. Verify that the signals on test points IMB and IMC on the NXGpro test
point board match the percentage of full-scale signals.
Under load alarm A SOP Cause
The torque producing current of the drive has dropped below a preset
value set by the user.
This alarm usually indicates a loss of load condition. If this not the case,
verify the setting of parameter I underload (1182) in the limits menu
Under load fault F Menu Cause
This fault usually indicates a loss of load condition when the torque pro‐
ducing current of the drive has dropped below a preset value set by the
user for the specified amount of time.
If this is not an unexpected condition, verify the setting of parameter I
underload (1182) and parameter Underload timeout (1186) in the limits
menu (1120).
Output phase imbal A Fixed Cause
The software has detected an imbalance in the motor currents. This
alarm may be in conjunction with a neutral current path or ground fault
condition, or may be due to shorted windings in the motor.
Verify proper symmetry of the motor currents on test points VMA, VMB,
VMC, IMA, IMB, and IMC on the test point board. If the currents are
unsymmetrical, verify if the burden resistors for the Hall effect transduc‐
ers are connected correctly.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

In torque limit A SOP Cause
This alarm is issued when the drive is in speed rollback, due to a torque
limit condition, for more than 1 minute.
1. Check load conditions.
2. Check proper settings for drive and motor ratings.
In torq limit rollback F/A SOP Cause
This fault or alarm, depending on the SOP, is issued when the drive is in
speed rollback, due to a torque limit condition, for more than 30 minutes.
1. Check load conditions
2. Check proper settings for drive and motor ratings.
Minimum speed trip F/A SOP Cause
Motor speed is below the zero speed setting (2200). This is either due to
a motor stall condition, if speed demand is higher than the zero speed
setting, or a low speed demand condition, where speed demand is lower
than the zero speed setting.
Increase motor torque limit (1190, 1210 or 1230) if it is a stall condition or
adjust the zero speed setting to avoid the desired low speed operating
Loss of field current F/A SOP Cause
This occurs only with synchronous motor control due to field exciter fail‐
ure or loss of power to the exciter.
Check if the power supply to the exciter is energized. To determine if the
field exciter is operating correctly:
● reduce Flux demand (3150) to 0.40, increase Accel time 1 (2270) to
a larger value and run the motor with 5% speed demand.
If the drive magnetizing current reference (Ids,ref) does not go to zero,
then the field exciter is not working or is not adjusted properly.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Failed to magnetize F/A SOP Cause
This occurs only with induction motors due to high magnetizing current or
poor power factor. The trip occurs when Ids or magnetizing current is
greater than the magnetizing threshold of the rated current for a duration
more than five times the flux ramp rate parameter setting.
Note: This threshold is set by parameter set by the "Mag current thresh"
(1061) and is nominally set to 80% for most induction motors. For motors
with higher pole count of with lower power factor (less efficient) this num‐
ber may be much higher (was set to 95% for motors with 10 poles or
With induction motors, this trip normally occurs only when starting, either
due to incorrect settings for Stator resistance (1080) and Cable resist‐
ance (2940), i.e. settings that are higher than actual value, or due to the
incorrect setup of the spinning load. Once the motor is magnetized and
running, such an event is unlikely to occur.
Note: During high starting torque mode, the trip time used is the flux ramp
1. Increase the flux ramp time to give more time for magnetizing current
to settle down at startup.
2. Verify if parameter Stator resistance (1080) is set too high for the
application; reduce it if continuous operation at very low speed is not
desired. Check that spinning load is set correctly.
Back EMF timeout F Fixed The software timed out waiting for the motor back EMF voltage to decay
to a safe level for bypass or turn-on (drive enable). The safe voltage is the
amount of voltage that the drive can support. The back EMF is the motor
voltage when the drive is not active. If an induction machine has a long
time constant, or if a synchronous machine has not disabled its field, and
in either case the machine is spinning, the timeout threshold will cause a
fault. This is also possible for parallel drives connected to a single motor.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Handling System Related Faults

Table 12-5 System related faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Excessive drive losses SOP Fixed Cause
Estimated drive losses are too high, due to (1) internal problem in the
cells, or (2) scaling error in voltage and current measurement on input
and output side.
1. Remove medium voltage and visually inspect all the cells and their
connections to the transformer secondary. Inspect all transformer
2. Inspect all connections including bus bars for thermal damage.
3. Contact Siemens customer service for support.
4. With the drive operating above a 25% power rating, verify if estimated
drive efficiency is above 95%. If not, then voltage and current scaling
needs to be checked.
● This fault will cause an input protection fault if dedicated I/O is used for
IP faults.
● This drive protection will not function properly if the input CT’s are
installed incorrectly. This would be indicated by negative input power
on a two quadrant system.
Carrier frq set too low A Fixed Cause
The software detected a menu entry for carrier frequency menu (3580)
was below the lowest possible setting based on the system information.
1. Change the value entered in carrier frequency menu (3580).
2. Check the value of the installed cells/phase menu (2530).
3. Contact Siemens customer service.
System program F Fixed Cause
The software detected an error in the SOP file.
1. Reload SOP.
2. Contact Siemens customer service.
Menu initialization F Fixed Cause
The software detected an error in one of the files stored on the CPU board
compact flash card.
Contact Siemens customer service.
Config file write alarm A Fixed Cause
Occurs if system is not able to write a master or slave config file.
Contact Siemens customer service.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Interrupt failure F Fixed Cause
No interrupts detected on initialization.
1. Toggle control power.
2. If this does not solve the problem, contact Siemens customer service.
Config file read error F Fixed Cause
Occurs if system is not able to read data from a master of slave config file.
Contact Siemens customer service.
CPU temperature alarm A Fixed Cause
CPU temperature is > 70 C.
1. Check that area around CPU heatsink is not blocked.
2. Contact Siemens customer service.
CPU temperature fault F Fixed Cause
CPU temperature is > 85 C. This fault is not logged because the board
1. Check that area around CPU heatsink is not blocked.
2. Contact Siemens customer service.
A/D hardware fault F Fixed Cause
A/D board hardware error persists for more than 10 samples.
1. Verify analog power supply to DCR (+/- 15 VDC analog) is no greater
than -10 % out of specified output.
2. Replace DCR.
M1 Permit Watchdog F Fixed Cause
The "M1 Permit Watchdog" fault indicates an M1 permissive watchdog
time out has occurred. For further information about the M1 Permit watch‐
dog, refer to Section Watchdog Protections in Chapter NXGpro Control
1. Toggle control power.
2. Replace DCR.
3. Contact Siemens customer service.

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392 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

System Interface Conn F Fixed Cause
The system has sense lines which indicate whether or not the cable to the
system interface board is attached. This cable attached to the system via
the fifty pin connector on the main control board. If this cable is not at‐
tached a "System Interface Conn" fault will be generated.
1. Check that the cable to the system interface board is connected
2. Replace cable to system interface board.
3. Replace DCR.
4. Contact Siemens customer service.
Fiber Optic Board Conn F Fixed Cause
The system has sense lines which indicate whether or not the fiber optic
board is installed. If the fiber optic board is not installed properly a "Fiber
Optic Board Conn" fault will be generated.
1. Replace DCR.
2. Contact Siemens customer service.
FPGA CRC Error Fault F Fixed Cause
The NXGpro’s main FPGA incorporates a CRC check system which de‐
tects errors in the contained logic. This check system has an output which
is fed into the GLUE CPLD. The "FPGA CRC Error Fault" is generated
when the CRC error signal is received from the GLUE logic.
1. Toggle control power.
2. Replace DCR.
3. Contact Siemens customer service.
F.O. Exp Bd Not found F Fixed Cause
The system has sense lines which indicate whether or not each of the four
possible fiber optic expansion boards is installed. A "F.O. Exp Bd Not
found" fault will be generated if any the following conditions is satisfied:
1. The number of cells per phase parameter is greater than four and the
fiber optic expansion board for rank five is not installed.
2. The number of cells per phase parameter is greater than five and the
fiber optic expansion board for rank six is not installed.
3. The number of cells per phase parameter is greater than six and the
fiber optic expansion board for rank seven is not installed.
4. The number of cells per phase is equal to eight and the fiber optic
expansion board for rank eight is not installed.
1. Check that the proper number of cells is entered in the system
parameter menus.
2. Replace DCR.
3. Contact Siemens customer service.

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 393
Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

See also
Watchdog Protections (Page 51)

Handling Modulator Related Faults

Table 12-6 Modulator related faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Modulator configuration F Fixed Cause
During initialization of the digital control rack (DCR), a series of self-tests
run to ensure that the modulator is functioning properly.
The software detected a problem when attempting to initialize the mod‐
1. Review grounding of the DCR.
2. Replace DCR.
Modulator board fault F Fixed Cause
When a cell fault is detected, the fault routine starts the cell diagnostic
routine. If no cell fault is found, this fault displays. The cell fault indication
is from the modulator master fault register.
1. Review grounding of the DCR.
2. Replace DCR.
Cell fault/modulator F Fixed Cause
Modulator has an undefined fault from a cell. Cell shows fault but the fault
is undetectable.
Check fiber links and cell.
Bad cell data F Fixed Cause
Cell data packet mode bits incorrect.
1. Check both ends of fiber links.
2. Check cell control board and DCR.
Cell config fault F Fixed Cause
Modulator cell configuration does not agree with menu setting of installed
1. Ensure correct number of cells are entered into menu setting.
2. Check DCR.
3. Check that all fibers are connected.

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394 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Modulator watchdog flt F Fixed Cause
Modulator detected that the CPU stopped communicating with it.
1. Reset drive control power.
2. Check for proper grounding practices.
3. Replace DCR.
Loss of drive enable F SOP Cause
Modulator detected loss of drive enable.
1. Reset drive control power.
2. Check for proper grounding practices.

Handling Low Voltage Power Supply Related Faults

Table 12-7 Low voltage power supply related faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Hall effect pwr supply F Fixed Cause
All of the supplies that power the Hall Effects on the drive output have
1. Depending on the type used on the drive, verify that the power supply
to the DCR for the Hall Effect sensors are no greater that -10 % of the
specified output (+/-15 VDC or +/-24 VDC depending on the version
2. Check the physical condition and connections of the power supply
wiring harness.
3. Check connection of DB50 cable at the DCR (J3) and the SIB (P1)
4. Check the condition of the DB50 cable between the DCR and the
system interface board, ensure continuity of conductors for pins 41 to
50 from one connector through to the other side.
5. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Siemens customer
Power supply F Fixed Cause
The DCR power supply has indicated a loss of power. This can either be
due to loss of AC or a failed power supply.
1. Verify that the power supply to the DCR is operating correctly.
– 90 to 264 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz input
– 12 VDC no greater than -10 % of specified output
2. Check the physical condition and connections of the power supply
wiring harness.
3. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Siemens customer

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 395
Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Red Hall Effct Pwr Sup A SOP Cause
One or two of the redundant Hall Effect power supplies has failed. This
alarm is enabled when the SOP flag RedHallEfectPwrSupFailEn_O
is set true. This should only be done for systems which use redundant
Hall Effect power supplies.
1. Verify that both power supplies to the DCR for the Hall Effect sensors
is no greater than -10 % of the specified output (+/- 15 VDC or
+/-24 VDC depending on the version chosen).
2. Check the physical condition and connections of the power supplies
wiring harness.
3. Check connection of DB50 cable at the DCR (J3) and the SIB (P1)
4. Check the condition of the DB50 cable between the DCR and the SIB,
ensure continuity of conductors for pins 41 to 50 from one connector
to through to the other side
5. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Siemens customer
Red Main Pwr Sup Fail A SOP Cause
One or two of the redundant main power supplies has failed. This alarm
is enabled when the SOP flag RedMainPwrSupFailEn_O is set true.
This should only be done for systems which use redundant main power
1. Verify that both redundant power supplies to the DCR are operating
– 90 to 264 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz input
– 12 VDC no greater than -10% of specified output
2. Check the physical condition and connections of the power supply
wiring harness.
3. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Siemens customer
15V or -15V Power Fail F Fixed Cause
+/- 15 VA analog power supply has failed (main and redundant)
1. Verify analog power supply to DCR is no greater than -10 % out of the
specified output.
2. Check the physical condition and connection of the power supply
wiring harness.
3. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Siemens customer

NXGpro Control
396 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

F.O. Bd Power Supply F Fixed Cause
Fiber optic main board +5 VDC and/or +3.3 VDC power has failed.
1. Verify that the "+5VDC" and "+3.3VDC" LEDs are illuminated green.
2. Verify +5 VDC and +3.3 VDC have failed on the FO main board:
– +5 VDC: 5 V FAIL N = 0 VDC
– +3.3 VDC: 3.3 V FAIL N = 0 VDC
3. Verify +5 VDC and +3.3 VDC are no greater that -5 % of the specified
output on the FO main board:
– +5 VDC: 5 VDC – 5 % = 4.75 V minimum [(TP4: +5 V) – (TP1:
– +3.3 VDC: 3.3 VDC – 5 % = 3.15 VDC minimum [(TP2: +3.3 V) –
(TP1: GND)]
4. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Siemens customer

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 397
Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Regulated Power Supply F Fixed Cause
Internal Reg Pwr Supply One or more of the following on board power supplies has failed on the
(for version 6.3 and later s/w) main control board:
● +/-12 VA
● +5 VDC
● +3.3 VDC
1. Check the condition and connection of the power supply wiring
2. Verify that the power supplies are not out of tolerance on the main
control board:
– +/-12 VA: 24 VDC -10% = 21.6 VDC [(TP15: +12 VA) – (TP19:
-12 VA)]
– +5 VDC – 5% = 4.75 VDC [(TP12: +5 V) – (TP1: DGND)]
– +3.3 VDC – 5% = 3.15 VDC [(TP14: +3.3 V) – (TP1: DGND)]
3. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Siemens customer
M1 Permit Pwr Supply F Fixed Cause
The "M1 Permit Pwr Supply" fault indicates an M1 permissive power
supply on the system interface board has failed. This fault will only be
generated if M1 permissive is commanded to be closed.
1. Verify that the system interface board "M1 PWR" LED is illuminated
2. Check connection of DB50 cable at the DCR (J3) and the system
interface board (P1).
3. Check the condition of the DB50 cable between the DCR and the
system interface board. Ensure continuity of conductors for pins 39,
40, 45, 46 from one connector through to the other side.
4. Verify that there is no "POWER SUPPLY" or "RED MAIN PWR SUP
FAIL" fault.
5. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Siemens customer

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Handling WAGO I/O Related Faults

Table 12-8 WAGO I/O related faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Loss of signal (1 to 24) A Menu/ Cause
SOP The software detected a loss of signal on one of the 4 to 20 mA inputs (1
to 24). This is usually a result of an open circuit or defective driver on the
current loop.
1. Check connection to the WAGO 4 to 2 0 mA input corresponding to
the loss of signal message and associated wiring.
2. Replace affected WAGO module.
3. Contact Siemens customer service.
Wago communication alarm A Fixed Cause
The software was unable to establish or maintain communication with the
WAGO I/O system. The alarm is triggered when the lack of communica‐
tion exceeds timeout.
This alarm occurs only if the WAGO I/O system is detected but no I/O is
being used on the WAGO I/O system.
1. Verify that the cable between the DCR and Wago communication
alarm module is connected properly.
2. Replace WAGO communication module.
3. Replace the DCR.
4. Contact Siemens customer service.
Wago communication fault F SOP Cause
The software was unable to establish or maintain communication with the
WAGO I/O system. The fault is triggered when the lack of communication
exceeds timeout.
This fault occurs only if I/O is being used on the WAGO I/O system.
1. Verify that the cable between the DCR and WAGO communication
alarm module is connected properly.
2. Replace WAGO communication module.
3. Replace the DCR.
4. Contact Siemens customer service.
Wago configuration F Fixed Cause
Number of WAGO modules does not equal number set in menu.
1. Ensure correct number of WAGO modules are set in the menu.
2. Check WAGO modules and placement on the DIN rail.

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12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Handling Internal (User) I/O Related Faults

Table 12-9 Internal (user) I/O related faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Loss of signal (1 to 12) A Menu/ Cause
SOP The software detected a loss of signal on one of the 4 to 20 mA inputs (1
to 12). This is usually a result of an open circuit or defective driver on the
current loop.
1. Check connection to the user I/O module's 4 to 20 mA input
corresponding to the loss of signal message and associated wiring.
2. Replace affected user I/O module.
3. Contact Siemens customer service.
Int I/O Comm Fault F Fixed Cause
This fault occurs when the system has had a problem communicating to
a user I/O module. A number attached to the fault message will indicate
which module the system was trying to communicate with when the error
occurred. However, this number may not always be the actual module
which has a problem. Noise on the fiber optic network may give cause an
erroneous result.
1. Replace affected user I/O module.
2. Contact Siemens customer service.
Int I/O Internal Err F Fixed Cause
This fault occurs when a module reports an error. The three types of
module errors which are reported and therefore can generate this fault
● EEprom error
● board type error
● watchdog time out.
Which of those errors actually generated the fault may be identified by the
flashing LEDs on the module which reported the error. A number attached
to the fault message will indicate which module reported the error.
1. Replace affected user I/O module.
2. Contact Siemens customer service.

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400 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Int I/O Config Fault F Fixed Cause
Three different errors can generate this fault:
1. Bad module type. A received module type is not supported by the
system. There are currently two types supported:
– module type "1": 20 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs
– module type "2": 20 digital inputs, 16 digital outputs, 3 analog
inputs and 2 analog outputs
2. No modules found. No modules were found by the system and one or
more of the expected types set by the menu parameters are non-zero.
3. Wrong module type. A module type does not match the expected type
set by the menu parameters.
1. Ensure correct number of modules and types are set in the menu.
2. Check fiber optic cables to modules.
3. Replace affected user I/O module.
4. Contact Siemens customer service.
Int I/O Module Address F Fixed Cause
This fault is generated when the system finds that a module’s reported
previous address does not match its current address.
1. Check that the fiber optic chain is correct and the correct module is in
the correct position within it.
2. This condition can be corrected through the use of the "Set User I/O
Module Addresses Function".
3. If the "Set User I/O Module Addresses Function" doesn’t fix this,
contact Siemens customer service.
Int I/O Watchdog Fault F Fixed Cause
The firmware reports that the software has not transmitted the watchdog
bit in the User I/O Control register within the timeout period of 5 millisec‐
1. Toggle DCR power.
2. Replace DCR rack.
3. Contact Siemens customer service.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Voltage error module F Fixed Cause
This fault is generated when a module’s actual I/O voltage does not
match the setting in the menus. A number attached to the fault message
will indicate which module has the error. However, if multiple modules
have this error only the number of the first one will be shown in the fault
1. Check the module voltage setting in the menus.
2. Check that the module has the correct voltage rating.
Int IO Illegal Inp Type F Fixed Cause
The software generates this fault if a module’s analog input is set in the
menus as a speed input and that analog input’s type is set in the menus
as "-10 volts to +10 volts". Normally, the "Internal I/O Error Prevention"
function will prevent this from occurring.
Correct the menu settings.

Handling External Serial Communications Related Faults

Table 12-10 External serial communications related faults

Fault Display Type Enable Potential Causes and Corrective Actions

Keypad comm loss SOP SOP Cause
or Drive is not communicating to keypad.
Drive not communicating Action
1. Check keypad cable, connections.
2. Check for CPU failure.
Note: It is essential that the CPU Watchdog is enabled (2971) to properly
detect and respond to this situation.
Network 1 communication SOP SOP Cause
The drive is not communicating with the active external network.
1. Verify all network connections are secure.
2. Verify that the Anybus board #1 and communications board are
properly seated.
3. If the source of the problem is not found, then replace the Anybus
board #1 and then the communications board.
Network 2 communication SOP SOP Cause
The drive is not communicating with the active external network 2
1. Verify all network connections are secure.
2. Verify that the Anybus board #2 and communications board are
properly seated.
3. If the source of the problem is not found, then replace the Anybus
board #2 and then the communications board.

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12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Handling Tamper Resistant Input Protection Related Faults

Table 12-11 Tamper Resistant Input Protection related faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Input Breaker Required F Fixed Cause
If the drive has the "Drive has input breaker" menu parameter set to "no"
and an input breaker is required for the cell type in the drive then this fault
is issued.
Change the "Drive has input breaker" menu parameter to "yes" and make
sure drive has input breaker.

Handling Synchronous Transfer Related Faults

Table 12-12 Synch transfer related faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Up transfer failed A SOP Cause
Time-out has occurred from request to up synch transfer complete.
1. Check input line for voltage and distortion.
2. Check status of InsufficientOutputVolts_O flag or the output
voltage versus safe voltage to see if transfer is prohibited.
3. Increase menu setting, or set to zero to disable time out.
Down transfer failed A SOP Cause
Time-out has occurred from request to down synch transfer
1. Check feedback voltage waveform.
2. Check status of InsufficientOutputVolts_O flag or the output
voltage versus safe voltage to see if transfer is prohibited.
3. Increase menu setting, or set to zero to disable time out.
Phase sequence F/A SOP Cause
Sign of input frequency and operating frequency are opposite. This will
prohibit a transfer but is not fatal for normal operation. This fault needs to
be enabled via the system program flags for transfer operations.
Swap one pair of motor leads and change sign of speed command if

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12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Handling User Defined Faults

Table 12-13 User defined faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

User defined fault (64) F/A SOP Cause
The UserFault_1 to UserFault_64 flags in the SOP have been set to
the value "true". These can be set up as either faults or alarms, and the
message can be defined via the SOP.
Refer to Section User Faults and Alarms.

See also
User Faults and Alarms (Page 429)

Handling Cooling Related Faults

Table 12-14 Cooling related faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

One blower not avail A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm set when the OneBlowerLost_O SOP flag is set
true and the alarm is enabled by setting OneBlowerLost_EN_O true. On
an air cooled drive, when one of either of the cell blowers or transformer
blowers is not functioning, this is triggered via the SOP.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check for faulty blowers or obstruction.
3. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
All blowers not avail F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm or fault when AllBlowerLost_O SOP flag is set
true and the alarm/fault is enabled by setting the AllBlowerLostEn_O
flag true. This defaults to a fault with no way to change to a warning with
this release. If an alarm is desired, then the flag AllBlowersLostWn_O
must also be set true. This is triggered by the SOP when two of three cell
banks or both transformer banks of blowers are not functioning. This is
primarily used as a trip alarm preceding an over temperature trip, used on
air cooled drives as part of the standard SOP.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check for faulty blowers or obstruction.
3. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.

NXGpro Control
404 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Insufficient Cooling F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated fault/alarm when the InsufficientCooling_O SOP
flag is set true and the InsufficientCoolingEn_O flag is set true to
enable it. The default is a fault. If you desire an alarm, then the
flag InsufficientCoolingWn_O must be set true. This is used when
an air filter becomes clogged to warn of reduced air flow. This is not part
of the standard SOP.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Change filter or check for obstruction.
3. Check for loss of fan(s).
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Note: On recent drives a separate PLC controls the cooling. In this case, refer to the supplied documentation. The following
faults will not occur within the drive if a separate cooling PLC is used.
One pump not available A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the OnePumpFailure_O SOP flag is set true
and the OnePumpFailureEn_O flag is true to enable it. The default is an
alarm and it cannot be changed. This is used in the standard SOP for
water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check for faulty pumps tripped CBs, or obstruction.
3. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Both Pmps Not Available F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated fault/alarm when the AllPumpsFailure_O SOP flag is
set true and the AllPumpsFailureEn_O flag is true to enable it. The
default is a fault, but it can be changed to an alarm by setting
the AllPumpsFailureWn_O flag true. This is used in the standard SOP
for water-cooled drives as a trip alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check for faulty pumps tripped CBs, or obstruction.
3. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Coolnt Conduct > 3 μS A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the CoolantConductivityAlarm_O SOP
flag is set true and the CoolantConductivityAlarmEn_O flag is true
to enable it. The default is an alarm and it cannot be changed. This is used
in the standard SOP for water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check conductivity level.
3. Check ionizer.
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 405
Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Coolnt Conduct > 5 μS F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated fault/alarm when the CoolantConductivityFault_O
SOP flag is set true and the CoolantConductivityFaultEn_O flag is
true to enable it. The default is a fault, but it can be changed to an alarm
by setting the CoolantConductivityFaultWn_O flag true. This is
used in the standard SOP for water-cooled drives as a trip alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check conductivity level.
3. Check ionizer.
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Coolnt Inlet Temp > 60C F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the InletWaterTempHigh_O SOP flag is set
true and the InletWaterTempHighEn_O flag is true to enable it. The
default is an alarm but it can be changed to a fault by setting
the InletWaterTempHighWn_O flag to false. True is an alarm. This is
used in the standard SOP for water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check coolant temperature.
3. Check for flow.
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Coolnt Inlet Temp < 22C F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the InletWaterTempLow_O SOP flag is set
true and the InletWaterTempLowEn_O flag is true to enable it. The
default is an alarm but it can be changed to a fault by setting
the InletWaterTempLowWn_O flag to false. True is an alarm. This is
used in the standard SOP for water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check coolant temperature.
3. Check for flow.
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Cell Water Temp High F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the CellWaterTempHigh_O SOP flag is set
true and the CellWaterTempHighEn_O flag is true to enable it. The
default is an alarm but it can be changed to a fault by setting
the CellWaterTempHighWn_O flag to false. True is an alarm. This is
used in the standard SOP for water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check coolant temperature.
3. Check for flow.
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.

NXGpro Control
406 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Coolnt Tank Level < 30" A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the LowWaterLevelAlarm_O SOP flag is set
true and the LowWaterLevelAlarmEn_O flag is true to enable it. The
default is an alarm and it cannot be changed. This is used in the standard
SOP for water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check sensor.
3. Check and fill tank.
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Coolnt Tank Level < 20" F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated fault/alarm when the LowWaterLevelFault_O SOP flag
is set true and the LowWaterLevelFaultEn_O flag is true to enable it.
The default is a fault, but it can be changed to an alarm by setting the
LowWaterLevelFaultWn_O flag true. This is used in the standard SOP
for water-cooled drives as a trip alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check sensor.
3. Check and fill tank.
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Low Coolant Flow < 60% A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the LowWaterFlowAlarm_O SOP flag is set
true and the LowWaterFlowAlarmEn_O flag is true to enable it. The
default is an alarm and it cannot be changed. This is used in the standard
SOP for water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check sensor.
3. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Low Coolant Flow < 20% F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated fault/alarm when the LowWaterFlowFault_O SOP flag is
set true and the LowWaterFlowFaultEn_O flag is true to enable it. The
default is a fault, but it can be changed to an alarm by setting
the LowWaterFlowFaultWn_O flag true. This is used in the standard
SOP for water-cooled drives as a trip alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check sensor.
3. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Loss One HEX Fan A SOP Cause
Note: Hex fans are used on Drive initiated alarm when the LossOneHexFan_O SOP flag is set true
a water to air heat exchang‐ and the LossOneHexFanEn_O flag is true to enable it. The default is an
er on water-cooled drives. alarm and it cannot be changed. This is used in the standard SOP for
water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check sensor.
3. Check for faulty fan.
4. Check for obstruction.
5. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Loss All HEX Fans F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm/fault when the LossAllHexFan_O SOP flag is set
true and the LossAllHexFanEn_O flag is true to enable it. The default is
an alarm but it can be changed to a fault by setting
the LossAllHexFanWn_O flag to false. True is an alarm. This is used in
the standard SOP for water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check sensor.
3. Check for faulty fan..
4. Check for obstruction.
5. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
All HEX Fans On A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the AllHexFansOn_O SOP flag is set true
and the AllHexFansOnEn_O flag is true to enable it. The default is an
alarm and it cannot be changed. This is used in the standard SOP for
water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check sensor.
3. Check for faulty fan.
4. Check for obstruction.
5. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.

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12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Handling Input Transformer Temperature Related Faults

Table 12-15 Input transformer temperature related faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Xformer OT Alarm A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the XformerOverTempAlarm1_O SOP flag
is set true and the XformerOverTempAlarm1En_O flag is true to enable
it. The default is an alarm and it cannot be changed. This is used in the
standard SOP for water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check sensors.
3. Check blowers if air cooled or flow and water temperature if water-
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Xformer OT Trip Alarm A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the XformerOverTempAlarm2_O SOP flag
is set true and the XformerOverTempAlarm2En_O flag is true to enable
it. The default is an alarm and it cannot be changed. This is used in the
standard SOP for water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check sensors.
3. Check blowers if air cooled or flow and water temperature if water-
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.

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12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Xformer OT Fault F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated fault/alarm when the XformerOverTempFault_O SOP
flag is set true and the XformerOverTempFaultEn_O flag is true to
enable it. The default is a fault, but it can be changed to an alarm by
setting the XformerOverTempFaultWn_O flag true. This is used in the
standard SOP for water-cooled drives as a trip alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check sensors.
3. Check blowers if air cooled or flow and water temperature if water-
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Xfrm Cool OT Trip Alarm A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm/fault when the XformerWaterTempHigh_O SOP
flag is set true and the XformerWaterTempHighEn_O flag is true to
enable it. The default is an alarm and it cannot be changed. This is used
in the Standard SOP for water-cooled drive as an alarm.
1. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
2. Check flow and water temperature.
3. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.

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12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Handling Input Reactor Temperature Related Faults

Table 12-16 Input reactor temperature related faults

Fault Display Type Enable Potential Causes and Corrective Actions

Reactor OT Alarm A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the ReactorTemperature1_O SOP flag is
set true and the ReactorTemperature1En_O flag is true to enable it.
The default is an alarm and it cannot be changed. This is used in the
Standard SOP for water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check output current waveform for sinusoidal shape.
2. Check sensor.
3. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Reactor OT Trip Alarm A SOP Cause
Drive initiated alarm when the ReactorTemperature2_O SOP flag is
set true and the ReactorTemperature2En_O flag is true to enable it.
The default is an alarm and it cannot be changed. This is used in the
Standard SOP for water-cooled drives as an alarm.
1. Check output current waveform for sinusoidal shape.
2. Check sensor.
3. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.
Reactor OT Fault F/A SOP Cause
Drive initiated fault/alarm when the ReactorTemperatureFault_O
SOP flag is set true and the ReactorTemperatureFaultEn_O flag is
true to enable it. The default is a fault, but it can be changed to an alarm
by setting the ReactorTemperatureFaultWn_O flag true. This is used
in the Standard SOP for water-cooled drives as a trip alarm.
1. Check output current waveform for sinusoidal shape.
2. Check sensor.
3. Check physical input connected to SOP flag.
4. Consult Siemens customer service for correct SOP logic.

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12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Handling Cell Bypass Related Faults

Table 12-17 Cell bypass related faults

Fault Display Type Enable Potential Causes and Corrective Actions

Cell Bypass COM Fail F Fixed Cause
The control system is not communicating with the MV bypass board.
Bypass is in use.
1. Verify the fiber optic connection between the DCR and MV bypass
board is intact.
2. Replace MV bypass board.
3. Replace DCR.
Cell Bypass Acknowledge F Fixed Cause
The control issued a command to bypass a cell, but the MV bypass board
did not return an acknowledgement.
1. Verify that the bypass contactor is working properly.
2. Check wiring between MV bypass board and contactor.
3. Replace MV bypass board or contactor.
Cell Bypass Link F Fixed Cause
The control system is not communicating with the MV bypass board, i.e.
the MV bypass board is either not receiving commands, or is getting
parity errors in the messages from the modulator. Bypass is in use.
Refer to Cell bypass COM fail above.
Cell Bypass COM Alarm A Fixed Cause
The control system is not communicating with the MV bypass board, but
the bypass system is not in use.
Refer to Cell bypass COM fail above.
Cell Bypass Link Alarm A Fixed Cause
The modulator is not communicating with the MV bypass board, but the
bypass system is not in use.
Refer to Cell bypass COM fail above.
Cell Bypass Fault F Fixed Cause
The cell failed to go into bypass when commanded to do so.
1. Check bypass system and contactor MV bypass board.
2. Refer to Cell bypass COM fail above.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Fault Display Type Enable Potential Causes and Corrective Actions

Bypass Hardware Alarm A Fixed Cause
This alarm occurs when the mechanical bypass is enabled, no Cell By‐
pass Link Alarm and Cell Bypass Com Alarm are detected, and any one
of the following occur(s):
● Coil acknowledges are not valid (i.e., acknowledge is high when in-
bypass is not requested).
● Bypass board does not acknowledge enable signal.
● 32 V is missing on the bypass board.
● 72 V is missing on the bypass board.
● Watchdog Reset is active on the bypass board.
● Power Reset is active on the bypass board.
1. Check supply voltage to MV bypass board.
2. Replace MV bypass board.
xx Bypass Verify Failed F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Bypass contactor closure verify failed. Request and acknowledge do not
Check bypass system and contactor MV bypass board.
xx Bypass Ack Failed F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Bypass contactor closure acknowledge failed.
Check bypass system and contactor MV bypass board.
xx Bypass Avail Warning A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Cell level bypass unavailable alarm. Only if bypass is used but not active.
Check bypass system, fiber optic cable, MV bypass board, and supply.

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12.2 Drive Faults and Alarms

Handling Non-specific (Global) Cell Related Faults

Table 12-18 Non-specific (global) cell related faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

Cell Count Mismatch F Fixed Cause
The software detected a difference in the number of cells detected versus
the installed cells/phase menu (2530).
1. Verify that the installed cells/phase menu (2530) matches the actual
number of cells in the system.
2. Verify all fiber optic cable connections are correct.
3. Replace main control board.
4. Replace fiber optic board(s).
Cell DC Bus Low A Fixed Cause
Cell DC bus below alarm level. This is set by the cell control board and
comes back from the cell as Cell DC bus low for water-cooled 6SR325
cells, HV cells and HV AP cells only (CellBusLowFlag_I SOP flag).
1. Check for single phase input, low input line conditions, blown input
2. Check for a cell control board failure.
HV AP Cell Mismatch Flt F Fixed Cause
Only occurs with HV cell types. If 1375 HV is selected, any AP type cell
detected will set this fault.
When the 1375 HV AP cell type is selected, a non-AP cell type (no link
fault) or an AP cell that produces a HV AP configuration cell fault, will set
the mismatch fault. This drive fault is persistent and not resettable.
1. Program cell with proper firmware if all protections are in place.
2. Replace non-matching cell.

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12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Cell originating faults and alarms are logged by the PC board following a power cell fault
indication. These faults are available for inspection using one of the following methods:
● through the keypad display
● uploaded to a PC via the serial port
● uploaded to a PC via the Drive Tool
All active cell faults and alarms are displayed on the keypad display. Use the arrow keys to
scroll up and down through the faults. Use the alarm/fault log upload function (6230) in the
alarm/fault log menu (6210) to upload the log to a PC for analysis and for sending to the
appropriate Siemens or plant personnel.
All cell faults are generated by circuitry located on the cell control board (CCB) of each power
cell and are received by the microprocessor board through circuitry on the digital modulator.
Use the following table as a quick troubleshooting guide to locate the cause of the fault
condition. This table lists faults that may occur in all SINAMICS PERFECT HARMONY GH180
drives unless otherwise noted. All cell faults are initiated by the CCB located in each power

Handling Specific (Individual) Cell Faults

Table 12-19 Specific (individual) cell faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

xx Control Fuse Blown F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted One or more of the input power fuses to a cell are open.
Determine the reason for the fuse failure then repair, if required, and
replace the fuse.
xx OverTemp Warning A SOP Cause
xx = cell that has alarm Cell temperature is above the programmable alarm limit. Each cell sends
a PWM signal to the modulator. On AP cells - water-cooled 6SR325,
LNG, and HV AP, the temperature is returned in a word of this protocol.
This signal represents the heat sink temperature. The temperature has
exceeded the alarm level (20% duty cycle default setting.)
1. Check the condition of the cooling system.
2. Check motor load conditions.
xx Over Temperature F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Each cell sends a PWM signal to the modulator. On AP cells - water-
cooled 6SR325, LNG, and HV AP, the temperature is returned in a word
of this protocol.
This signal represents the heat sink temperature. The temperature has
exceeded the fixed fault level (80% duty cycle).
1. Check the condition of the cooling system.
2. Refer to the Operating Instructions manual.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

xx Device Alarm A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that has alarm In water-cooled 6SR325, LNG, and HV cells, a number of conditions are
monitored that put stress on the device (OOS, switching fail, or switch
without command). After a combination of several events occurs, this
pending alarm is set and cannot be cleared. After 18 OOS events occur
(non-sequential) the alarm is set.
1. Acknowledge alarm to continue running until one of the following
options can be done.
2. Replace cell.
3. Replace device in cell. Reset cell internally (Siemens personnel only).
xx Device Failure F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted In water-cooled 6SR325, LNG, and HV Cells, a number of conditions are
monitored that put stress on the device. After a combination of additional
events occur after an alarm, or three successive events within 60 sec‐
onds, this fault is set and cannot be cleared. If 20 non-sequential OOS
events occur (or three successive OOS events within 60 seconds) the
fault is set.
This fault can also occur if the cell control board is malfunctioning. It is
also set by arc detection, or voltage or current in idle, a CCB watchdog
trip, or bootloader problem.
Sets the "Cell_I" SOP flag.
1. Reset fault to bypass cell to continue running until one of the following
options can be done.
2. Change out cell.
3. Change out device in cell. Reset cell internally (Siemens personnel
xx Control Power F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted MV is okay but control power to the cell is below an acceptable level. One
or more of the control power fuses is blown and/or the DC bus is low
possibly due to power fuses. Not all cells have control power fuses.
1. Check and replace blown cell control fuse or input power fuses.
2. Repair or replace the CCB.
xx IGBT OOS n F Fixed Cause
n = 1,2,3,4 Each gate driver board includes circuits which verify that each IGBT has
xx = cell that is faulted fully turned on. This fault may indicate a bad gate driver, an open IGBT,
or a failure in the detection circuitry, i.e. logic low signals on opto-couplers
on gate driver board usually as a result of a Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4 collector-
to-emitter short in the cell’s power bridge.
Check the cell’s power components and gate driver board.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

xx Cap Share F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted A capacitor share fault usually indicates that the voltage shared by the
two or three DC link capacitors in series, is not being shared equally, i.e.
the voltage on an individual capacitor in a cell has been detected over 1/2
or 1/3 rated cell DC bus voltage. This can be caused by a broken bleeder
resistor, or wire, or a failed DC link capacitor (C1 and/or C2).
1. Refer to the Operating Instructions manual.
2. Contact Siemens customer service.
xx Link F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Cell communication link failure. The cell failed to respond to a modulator
command packet.
1. Check fiber optic cable connection on both ends.
2. Cell may need to be serviced.
3. Change fiber optic cable.
4. Change CCB.
5. Contact Siemens customer service.
xx Communication F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted An error in the optical communications from the modulator was detected
by a cell. This is usually a parity error caused by noise, but can also be a
time-out error caused by a faulty communications channel on the CCB.
1. Check fiber connections.
2. Cell may need to be serviced.
3. Change fiber.
4. Change CCB.
5. Contact Siemens customer service.
xx Control Fuse Blown F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Cell control power fuse blown. This is rarely seen since the CCB has a
dual source of power.
Check cell fuses, replace if necessary.
xx DC Bus Low Warning A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that has alarm Cell DC bus is below alarm level. This is for water-cooled 6SR325, LNG,
or HV cells only.
Check for single phase input, low input line conditions, blown input fuses.

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12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

xx AC Vav Low Warning A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that has alarm Cell AC input is below alarm level. This is set by the CCB and comes back
from the cell as /Vavail_ok internal flag in all cells except water-
cooled 6SR325, LNG, and HV.
1. Check for single phase input, low input line conditions, blown input
2. Check for CCB failure.
xx DC Bus Over Volt F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted The bus voltage in a cell has been detected over limit, i.e., the signal on
the VDC test point is >8.0 VDC. This is usually caused by a regeneration
limit that is too high, or improper tuning of the drive.
Refer to the Operating Instructions manual.
xx DC Bus Under Volt F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted The DC bus voltage detected in a cell is abnormally low. The signal on
test point VDC on the CCB is <3.5 VDC. If this symptom is reported by
more than one cell, it is usually caused by a low primary voltage on the
main transformer T1.
1. Check input line voltage.
2. Check for faults on other cells.

The following cell faults will occur only during the cell diagnostic mode immediately following
initialization or reset. All IGBTs in each cell are sequentially gated and checked for proper
operation, i.e. blocking or not blocking. See Table Diagnostic cell faults.

Switching and blocking tests
Not every cell type has switching and blocking tests. Refer to the Operating Instructions manual.

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12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Table 12-20 Diagnostic cell faults

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

xx Blocking Qn F Fixed Cause
n = 1,2,3,4 During cell diagnostic mode, the drive checks the voltage across each
xx = cell that is faulted IGBT under "gate off" conditions. A blocking failure is reported if insuffi‐
cient voltage is detected when power transistors are off (not gated). This
may indicate a damaged IGBT, or a malfunctioning gate driver board or
CCB. No subsequent switching test will be performed on the cell.
Refer to the Operating Instructions manual.
xx Switching Qn F Fixed Cause
n = 1,2,3,4 During cell diagnostic mode, the drive turns each IGBT on one-by-one,
xx = cell that is faulted and verifies the collapse of voltage across the devices. A switching failure
is reported if a device is supporting voltage while it is gated on, i.e. vol‐
tages on test points VT1 and VT2 on the CCB are > ±0.5 VDC when
power transistors Q1-Q4 are gated. Usually, this fault is caused by a
malfunctioning gate driver board, IGBT, or CCB.
Refer to the Operating Instructions manual.
xx Blocking Timeout F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Blocking test timeout. A cell failed the blocking test. No subsequent
switching test will be performed on the cell.
Check cell, or back EMF too high.
xx Switching Timeout F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Switching test timeout. A device failed the switching test after success‐
fully passing blocking.
Check cell, or back EMF too high to run the test.
xx Bad Cell Data F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted For non-AP cells, the mode returning does not match requested mode
For AP cells, the returned data is not as expected (EPLD status lower 4
bits does not equal Dh).
1. Check fiber optic connections on both CCB and DCR end.
2. Change CCB.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Fault display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

xx Cell Fault/Modulator F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Cell is showing a fault, but no fault can be determined.
1. Check fiber optic connections on both CCB and DCR end.
2. Change CCB.
xx DC Bus Dischrge alrm A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that has alarm For HV Cells, upon removal of the input voltage, a discharge bleeding
resistor connects across the DC bus in 3 seconds. Failure to turn on
causes the alarm.
Cell must be repaired. Failure in this circuit allows an unsafe voltage to
remain in the cell for an extended time.

The faults listed in the following table are related only to cells that have advanced protocol (AP);
600V AFE, 750V AP, 750V AP 4Q, and 1375 HV AP cells. Some apply specifically to only one
type and are noted as such.

Table 12-21 AP cell faults

Fault Display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

xx AFE Over-current F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Excessive current detection in the active front end of the cell.
1. Check for excessive line transients.
2. Check tuning in 600V AFE cells.
3. Check angles in 750V AP 4Q.
4. Check cell Hall effect.
5. Check for loose connections.
6. Replace CCB.
xx AFE Current Dev. F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted An AFE Current Dev fault occurs only for 600V AP AFE cells. This fault
indicates the cell is not able to produce the current requested.
1. Check inductance of the input line reactors and replace if incorrect.
2. Check Hall effect transducers and CCB.
3. Study line conditions and reactive current demand at the time of the
4. Adjust "AFE Sat. filter" parameter ID 3046 as necessary.
5. Verify current loop tuning parameters are set correctly.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Fault Display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

xx AFE Loss of Lock A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that has alarm This alarm occurs when the power cells AFE sync signal generated from
the modulator is lost for 22 mS or the cell fails to get an update after 58
carrier cycles.
If it is determined that the line frequency did not go too low or that the input
breaker did not open while the drive was in operation, replace the CCB
and /or power cell.
xx Inlet Sensor Loss A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that has alarm This is a cell alarm that indicates the water temperature thermistor re‐
sistance is too high. This alarm applies to 600 AP AFE, 750 AP, and 750
AP 4Q cells.
1. Fix any loose connections.
2. Replace inlet water thermistor.
3. Replace CCB.
xx Outlet Sensor Loss F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Outlet Sensor Loss is a cell fault that indicates the water temperature
thermistor resistance is too high. This fault only applies to 600 AP AFE,
750 AP, and 750 AP 4Q cells.
1. Fix any loose connections.
2. Replace outlet water thermistor.
3. Replace CCB.
xx Air Temp. Warning A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that has alarm This alarm occurs when the power cell detects an air temperature greater
than 60° C at the CCB. This alarm applies to 600 AP AFE, 750 AP, 750
AP 4Q, and 1375 HV AP cells.
1. Check for air restrictions to the cell and clear any obstructions.
2. Check for proper operation of heat exchanger blowers within the cell
cabinet and repair as necessary.
3. Fix any loose connections, replace outlet water thermistor, or replace
xx Over Temp. Switch A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that has alarm The over-temperature switch alarm occurs if water flow to the power cell
is insufficient to cool the cell. The overtemperature switch alarm is appli‐
cable to 600 AP AFE, 750 AP, and 750 AP 4Q cells.
1. Check for restricted water flow to the cell and correct as necessary.
2. Fix any loose connections.
3. Replace CCB or replace cell.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Fault Display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

xx ADC Fail F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted This fault occurs if the analog to digital converter within the CCB ceases
to function. Applies to 600 AP AFE, 750 AP, 750 AP 4Q, and 1375 HV AP
Replace CCB or power cell.
xx IGBT OOS n F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted Occurs when the IGBT doesn't switch properly when turned on, but has
n = 11, 12, 13,14,15,16 a voltage higher than the forward dropping voltage on the device. Applies
to 600 AP AFE and 750 AP 4Q cells.
1. Check cell connections between boards, including the fiber link.
2. Change gate driver boards.
3. Change cell CCB.
4. Change IGBT.
xx AFE Configuration F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted The AFE configuration fault occurs when a cell is not configured properly.
The AFE configuration switch fault is applicable to 600 AP AFE, 750 AP,
750 AP 4Q, and 1375 HV AP cells.
Note: On 1375 HV AP cells, this causes an unresettable HV AP mismatch
fault as well.
1. Check fiber optic link connections.
2. Replace CCB.
3. Contact Siemens customer service.
xx Diff. Temp Warning A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that has alarm 600 AP AFE, 750V AP, 750V AP 4Q, and 1375 HV AP cells contain
sensors that monitor the inlet and outlet water temperature to the heat
sink within the cell. This difference between the inlet and outlet water
temperature is passed from each CCB to the modulator. The main con‐
troller reads this difference in temperature and compares the value to
parameter AP diff temp fault lvl (2596).
When the difference between the inlet and outlet water temperature ex‐
ceeds the value of parameter (2596), a Cell Diff Temp alarm will occur.
1. Replace clogged components within water path, i.e., cell, hoses, input
2. Replace power cell.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Fault Display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

xx Diff. Temp Fault F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted 600 AP AFE, 750V AP, 750V AP 4Q, and 1375 HV AP cells contain
sensors that monitor the inlet and outlet water temperature to the heat
sink within the cell. This difference between the inlet and outlet water
temperature is passed from each CCB to the modulator. The main con‐
troller reads this difference in temperature and compares the value to
parameter AP diff temp fault lvl (2596).
When the difference between the inlet and outlet water temperature ex‐
ceeds the value of parameter (2596) by more than 2°C, a Cell Diff Temp
fault will occur.
1. Replace clogged components within water path, i.e., cell, hoses, input
2. Replace power cell.
xx AFE Will Not Run F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted This fault occurs if the AFE portion is asked to run when the conditions
within the cell will not allow the cells AFE portion to run. This applies to
AFE cells only (600V AFE AP and 750V AP 4Q).
1. Verify that all fiber optic links are correctly connected to the
appropriate cells.
2. Verify input voltage feedback.
3. Apply medium voltage and use the "Set Angles" function to correctly
set the cell angles.
xx Cell Protect Fault F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted This fault only applies when cells that use AP are used in the system. This
fault can be caused by the following conditions:
● CCB detected arc occurred by cell detection hardware.
● CCB detected bus over voltage while cell is in bypass.
● CCB detected input over current while cell is in bypass.
If no cause can be detected, or if the cell data cannot be retrieved, a
General Protection fault will appear alone.
1. Check for evidence of cell damage.
2. Replace the cell.
xx Improper cell type F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted This fault occurs if six-step cell is selected (750V AP 4Q) and cells do not
configure properly for any of the following reasons:
● Not a four-quadrant (regen) type cell.
● DSP does not acknowledge six-step enabled.
● EPLD does not acknowledge six-step enabled.
1. Check for proper CCB firmware and software.
2. Replace failed cell(s) during maintenance.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Fault Display Type Enable Potential causes and corrective actions

xx AFE Not Ready Warn A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that has alarm This alarm only applies when AFE cells that use AP are used in the
system. This alarm is caused by the following conditions:
● Medium voltage is OK
● Cell Diagnostics is finished
● AfeReadyToRun_I is false
● InvReadyToRun_I is true
1. Determine cause of cell alarm.
2. Re-run the angles on the cells.
3. Check cell input fuses.
4. Check running of fiber optics.
5. Replace the CCB.
xx In/Out Sensor Loss A Fixed Cause
xx = cell that has alarm This alarm occurs when either the heatsink OT sensor or the inlet tem‐
perature sensor detect a condition higher than their setpoint. This applies
only to 1375 HV AP cells.
1. Check for restricted water flow to the cell and correct as necessary.
2. Fix any loose connections.
3. Replace CCB or replace cell.
xx HV AP Configuration F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted The fault is set when the 1375 HV AP cell type is selected, and a non-AP
cell type (no link fault) is detected, or an AP cell that won't configure. This
cell fault will set the HV AP mismatch fault. This drive fault is persistent
and not resettable.
1. Program cell with proper firmware if all protections are in place.
2. Replace non-matching cell.
xx HSink Thermstr Loss F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted HSink Sensor Loss is a cell fault that indicates the water temperature
thermistor resistance is too high. This fault only applies to 1375 HV AP
1. Fix any loose connections.
2. Replace outlet water thermistor
3. Replace CCB.
xx Over Temp. Fault F Fixed Cause
xx = cell that is faulted The over-temperature switch fault occurs if water flow to the power cell
is insufficient to cool the cell. The fault is applicable to 1375 HV AP cells.
1. Check for restricted water flow to the cell and correct as necessary.
2. Fix any loose connections.
3. Replace CCB or replace cell.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

12.3.1 Troubleshooting General Power Cell and Power Cell Circuitry Faults
This section may vary per product. Refer to the Operating Instructions manual for specific
details. The types of faults addressed in this section include the following:
● AC fuse(s) blown faults
● control power faults
● device out of saturation (OOS) faults
● capacitor sharing faults
● bypass failed faults
● VDC undervoltage faults
● blocking failure faults
● switching failure faults
● input rectifier fault (shorted diode, open diode, or AC input short-circuit)

Handling AC fuse(s) blown faults

These faults are caused by the blowing of the power fuses on the front end of the cell.

1. Check the fuses and replace any that are blown, more than one could be blown.
2. Replace defective or damaged parts.

Handling control power faults

This fault is caused when one or more of the control fuses that supply power to the CCB are
blown. This is rarely seen because the CCB is supplied by 2 circuits: the control power supply
bridge and the DC link. If a control power fault is observed, the AC fuses might also be blown.

Replace the defective or damaged parts.

Handling capacitor sharing faults

The cell capacitor bank is made up of from 2 to 3 series capacitor banks. Circuitry on the CCB
measures the voltage on each section and if the voltages are off by any amount, the fault is set.
This indicates that under load the capacitors are not sharing load evenly and could be the result
of faulty capacitors or loose connections.

Fix or replace damaged or defective components.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Handling Q1-Q4 out of saturation (OOS) faults

Out of saturation faults occur when the transistor junction is depleted of charge carriers
resulting in a higher junction resistance. This in turn created a larger voltage drop and more
losses in the transistor which can lead to premature failure. The cause of the OOS can be a
defective gate driver board or a high di/dt transition on the device. The gate board is designed
with circuitry to detect the larger voltage drop when the device should be on, shutting down the
device in a fault condition. The fault can also be caused by a defective CCB.
Repetitive OOS faults on a device can shorten the life of the device. The damage to the device
can be cumulative.

The exact cause needs to be determined before pulling a power cell out of service.

Handling faults when bypass failed

This fault results from the failure of a cell to go into bypass when faulted. The cause can be from
a defective modulator, bad link between the modulator and the MV bypass board, a defective
MV bypass board or supply, or a defective bypass contactor.

Find and replace the faulty components.

Handling VDC undervoltage faults

The undervoltage fault occurs when the voltage drops below the threshold of the detection
circuitry on the CCB. This can be the result of a low MV level coupled with a high current
drainage by the load, or simply as an excessive load that may give a momentary spike in
current. It can also occur if one of the AC power fuses fails under load.

1. Check the cell fuses and check the historic log for line dips.
2. Correct the problem before continuing operation. A faulty CCB could also give a false
3. Replace defective or faulty parts.

Handling blocking failure faults

Blocking failures occur when IGBTs short due to perforation of their junction caused by
excessive current, i.e. high current density. This may be a result of out of saturation conditions
and frequent trips. The device will need to be replaced when the cell is removed for service. A
defective gate driver may be the root cause. A faulty CCB or bad data from the CCB could give
a faulty indication of this fault.

Replace damaged or defective parts.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

Handling switching failure faults

Switching failures occur when a device opens or fails to turn on. It could also be caused by a
defective gate driver or a damaged device. Also, a defective CCB or modulator could give a
faulty indication.
Repetitive OOS failures can degrade the device by reducing the conduction area. This would
result in higher current density, which could lead to eventual switching failure.

Replace defective parts.

12.3.2 Troubleshooting Cell Over Temperature Faults

For water-cooled drives only, cell over temperature faults are typically caused by problems in
the coolant system. Use the following steps to troubleshoot this type of fault:

Course of action
1. Check the coolant system for proper flows and temperatures.
2. Inspect cell cooling paths for kinked hoses or major leaks.
3. Be sure all cell cabinet manifold valves are fully open.
4. Check that the blowers are working properly.
5. Check ambient temperature. Verify that all cabinet doors are shut to ensure proper air flow.
6. Check for faulty RTD on cell or a faulty CCB.

12.3.3 Troubleshooting Overvoltage Faults

This fault is usually caused by an improperly set-up or tuned drive. Use the following steps to
troubleshoot this type of fault.

Course of action
1. Verify that the motor and drive nameplate settings match parameters in the motor parameter
menu (1000) and drive parameter menu (2000).
2. Reduce the regen torque limit parameters (1200, 1220, 1240) in the limits menu (1120). For
water-cooled 6SR325 (2 quadrant) drives and HV drives, set regen torque limit parameters
to 0.15 %.
3. Reduce flux regulator proportional gain (3110) and flux regulator integral gain (3120)
parameters in the flux control menu (3100).
4. If the failure is occurring in bypass mode, increase the energy saver minimum flux (3170)
parameter in the flux control menu (3100) to at least 50%.
5. If the measured signals from the previous section seem to be correct, change the main
control board.

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12.3 Cell Faults and Alarms

12.3.4 Troubleshooting Cell Communications and Link Faults

Faults of this variety can be the result of circuit failures on either the control or power cell CCB.

Course of action
1. Check fiber optic links and replace them, if defective.
2. Check or replace the CCB.
3. Contact Siemens customer service.

12.3.5 Status Indicator Summaries for MV Mechanical Bypass Boards

The MV mechanical bypass board includes three LEDs that provide complete status of the MV
board. These LEDs are summarized in the following table.

Designations for faults and alarms
User faults and alarms are closely tied to the SOP configuration and are designated here
generically as faults although they can be programmed as alarms only. Refer to
Chapter Operating the Software for more information.

Table 12-22 MV Mechanical Bypass Board Status LEDs

LED function Color Description

CommOK Green Indicates active communication link established with modulator.
Fault Red Indicates that a bypass fault is active.
PwrOK Green This LED is hardware controlled and indicates that the 5 / 15 VDC supplies are in tolerance.

See also
Operating the Software (Page 369)

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.4 User Faults and Alarms

12.4 User Faults and Alarms

User faults occur due to conditions defined in the SOP. User faults are displayed on the keypad
in the form of user defined fault #n, where n equals 1 to 64. The faults can also be displayed
using user-defined text strings. Most user-defined faults are written to respond to various
signals from the WAGO I/O, such as the analog input modules through the use of comparators,
and the digital input modules.
A copy of the SOP is required to specifically define the origin of the fault. For example, the flag
UserFault1_O flag is used to display the event of a blower fault. The UserText1 string
pointer is used to display the specific fault message. If this string pointer is not used, then the
fault displayed would be "User Fault x" where x = 1 to 64.

Beginning with software version 6.3.0, the "UserFaultxxWn_O" will not allow transition between
the corresponding fault/alarm states (from fault to alarm, or from alarm to fault) if an active alarm
or fault exists for the associated user fault. Once the state clears or is reset, the transition will
occur. This could lead to confusion if not taken into account in the logic.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.5 Unexpected Output Conditions

12.5 Unexpected Output Conditions

In some cases, the drive will revert to operating conditions which limit the amount of output
current, output speed, or output voltage, with no apparent fault condition displayed. The most
usual causes of these conditions are described in the subsections that follow.
The keypad mode displays can sometimes be used to troubleshoot the cause of the output
limitation. On the standard keypad, the modes are displayed in two lines at the left of the keypad
display. On the multi-language keypad, the modes are displayed in two lines at the top of the
keypad display. Refer to Figures Dynamic Programmable Meter Display for each keypad in
Chapter Software User Interface.
Refer to Tables Summary of operation mode displays: line 1 and line 2 in Section Display of
Chapter Software User Interface . The tables list and describe the mode displays for the first
and second lines. The Code column of the tables lists the abbreviated message that is shown
on the keypad display. Further descriptions of possible limit situations and troubleshooting tips
are listed in the subsections that follow.
If the mode display shows one of the torque limit modes listed in the tables, the drive may be
in speed rollback mode. The drive is attempting to reduce the output speed due to a torque limit
condition. Use the following steps to troubleshoot this type of fault:

1. Check the motor torque limit parameters (1190, 1210, 1230) in the limits menu (1120).
2. Check all motor and drive nameplate ratings against parameters set in the motor parameter
menu (1000) and the drive parameter menu (2000).
3. Check all causes of torque limit.
Identifying spare parts
Spare parts are available through Siemens customer service. Check Operating Instructions
manual for parts identification.

12.5.1 Speed Rollback

Speed rollback is a feature of the speed regulator to prevent windup of the integrator term when
the regulator enters the non-linear state of being in torque limit. The output of the regulator,
which is the torque current reference, is clamped to one of the torque limits. This sets the
internal indicator as to whether the minimum limit (regeneration in forward direction) or
maximum limit (motoring in forward direction) is the active limit. The integrator is prevented
from winding up any further past the limit.
In the command generator algorithm, the speed ramp output (the speed regulator input) is
"rolled back" so that it maintains the speed regulator in saturation at the clamp limit but then
resets the ramp internal storage to that level.
This allows for a smooth transition when the limiting condition is removed. In recovery, the ramp
will then continue on from that point, to the desired speed demand until the speed regulator is
satisfied and the output speed matches the desired speed.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.5 Unexpected Output Conditions

This action prevents a sudden speed or torque step should the torque limiting source, usually
the load, suddenly change. This allows for a smooth transition from the non-linear operating

SOP Indication of a Limiting Condition

When a torque limit is in effect and the speed rollback condition is in effect, the torque limit
causing the rollback can be indicated by one of the following indicator flags.
These flags are different than normal SOP flags. Once they are set, they will remain set until a
command is issued from the SOP to reset them. This is true even if the condition causing the
speed rollback is transitory. As shown in the following table, the first 10 flags are specific
indicators, the 11th flag is a generic flag that will be set when any rollback is in effect, and the
12th flag is toggled within the SOP to reset the latch on the other flags.
The idea of the latched flags is to prevent missing any conditions during a transitory rollback.

Table 12-23 Speed Rollback Indicator Flags

Speed Rollback Indicator Flag Description

MenuTorqRollback_I Menu torque limit is causing rollback
CellOverloadRollback_I Cell overload is causing rollback
SinglePhaseRollback_I Single phase condition is causing rollback
UndervoltageRollback_I Under voltage condition is causing rollback
FldWeakeningRollback_I Field weakening is causing rollback
TolRollback_I Thermal overload (TOL) is causing rollback
Network1Rollback_I Network1 torque limit is causing rollback
Network2Rollback_I Network2 torque limit is causing rollback
AnalogInRollback_I Analog input torque limit is causing rollback
OverVoltRegenRollback_I Regenerative rollback for six-step overvoltage is active
ARollbackOccurred_I Any rollback has occurred (global generic flag)
ResetIndicatorFlags_O Resets all the above latching indicator flags
SpeedRollupActive_I The drive is in the regenerative limit rollback state. This is known as "rollup" since the ramp
output is adjusted as for motoring torque limit Rollback, but the result is a speed reference
higher than before the limit condition occurs. This flag is not latched.

Disabling Speed Rollup

Speed rollback is a normal process during ramp stopping, or in full four quadrant control. Not
all processes are conducive to the speed rollback operation when the drive is in a regeneration
limit. Other processes may find it unacceptable when the torque limit occurs during the
regeneration quadrant in the motor, resulting in "speed rollup". This is when the torque limit is
preventing the motor from regenerating too quickly. The ramp is still affected, but the ramp
output will be forced to go up in speed to get to the equilibrium point of the speed reference (the
input of the speed regulator) to maintain the regulator just inside the saturation point.
This is generally true if the load is slowing down more than the speed ramp, resulting in a
regenerative condition of the motor. The ramp will "rollup" to prevent the speed error from
climbing too high. This type of load is referred to as an "over-hauling" load. An example might
be a pump with a large column of liquid or a draft fan with air flow pushing back on the blade.

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12.5 Unexpected Output Conditions

These would tend to push the motor in the reverse direction requiring the drive to "regen" to a
stop before going forward. In four quadrant drive applications, this type of load is more common.
SOP flags can be used to identify or disable this condition as listed in the table below.
Table 8-10: Speed Rollup Control Flags

Table 12-24 Speed Rollup Control Flags

Speed Rollup Control Flag Description

DisableSpeedRollup_O This flag disables the speed rollback completely, for both minimum and maximum limits in
motoring and in regeneration of the motor.
SpeedRollupActive_I This flag is set when the regenerative limit is in effect and a rollup condition exists.

A special condition can occur in lightly loaded drives, usually on test stands where small motors
are used on a much bigger drive, or if a transorb in the output voltage feedback goes bad. With
rollup in this case, the speed reference goes higher than the commanded speed (speed
demand). Disable speed rollup to eliminate this condition.

Speed Rollup Disable Flag

The speed rollup disable flag can be set in two ways:
● setting the SOP flag true
● setting the SOP flag conditionally.
When enabled it works as follows. If a rollup condition exists, the drive will set the
SpeedRollupActive_I flag. This can be used in the SOP as an indicator, but is not required
in the operation of this feature.
When the motor is above 10% rated speed, the feature will simply disable rollback of the speed
ramp, and the ramp will work normally. This may cause a larger speed error since nothing is
limiting the speed reference - the output of the ramp and input to the speed regulator.
Since the speed regulator output (the regenerative torque reference) is already clamped, the
condition is transparent to the system. When the ramp feedback goes below 10% of rated
speed, it goes into a special hold mode that does not let it go any lower until the speed feedback
gets down to 10%. Once the motor speed feedback goes below 10%, the speed rollup is
disabled, and the drive will continue to run as if the feature is disabled.

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.6 Drive Input Protection

12.6 Drive Input Protection

This section describes the routines used to detect abnormal conditions due to an internal drive
failure and provide protection to the drive. The faults generated by the routines may be used
with suitable interlocking, via a relay output and/or serial communication, to disconnect medium
voltage from the drive input.
Setting the input protection fault produces the fault message "Input Protection Fault". An
external key-switch is required for resetting the fault and the LFR.
For air-cooled 6SR4, 6SR5, or water-cooled 6SR325 cells, the input protection is handled
entirely via the dedicated I/O on module 1 of the internal I/O. This also applies to drives with
parameter Dedicated Input Protect (7108) enabled "on". Refer to Section Dedicated I/O For
Input Protection.

Input Over-Voltage Fault

From Version 5.1.0 software onwards, this fault will create an Input Protection (IP) fault. It is
hard-coded to create the fault if the input line voltage exceeds 120%. This is only true for
dedicated I/O IP. SOP based IP must include the input over-
voltage, LineOverVoltageFault_I, fault in the IP logic.

Cell Based Protection Faults

Cells with the AP protocol may have additional cell-based IP sensing. Refer to the Operating
Instructions manual. These include:
● arc flash detection
● over-voltage with cell in bypass
● over-current with cell in bypass.
These are cell dependent. If the cells contain these faults, they too will trigger an IP fault.

SOP Triggered Input Protection

External events can be used to trigger an IP fault. This is accomplished through the use of the
SOP flag SetIPFault_O. Setting this true for any SOP logic statement will result in generating
an IP fault.

Transformer Over-Temperature and Loss of Cooling

The temperatures of all secondary windings are monitored using two series-connected sets of
thermal switches which are normally closed. The first set opens when the transformer
temperature is above the alarm 1 temperature, the second set opens when the transformer
temperature is above the alarm 2 temperature. Two outputs, one output corresponding to each
set, are read by the control logic. A Xfrmr Temperature Alarm 1 is issued when one or more
alarm 1 switches open. A Xfrmr Temperature Alarm 2 is issued when one or more alarm 2
switches open. When both these conditions exist for 30 seconds, a Xfrmr Over Temp Fault is
generated that causes the drive to trip.
A flow sensor monitors liquid coolant flow through the Water-cooled Drive. The implementation
and use of this sensor are application dependent. As a standard default, the alarm Loss of

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.6 Drive Input Protection

Coolant Flow is issued whenever the detected coolant flow rate is below a pre-set level for a pre-
set time.
The SOP can be used to trip the input Medium Voltage Breaker when the conditions of Xfrmr
Temperature Alarm 1, Xfrmr Temperature Alarm 2, and Loss of Coolant Flow exist

Dedicated I/O For Input Protection

For air-cooled 6SR4_0 or water-cooled 6SR325 drives, the NXGpro software controls the I/O
involved with input protection. No intervention is required for activating this usage other than
selecting one of these cell types.
Dedicated I/O protection is supported by the Dedicated Input Protect parameter (7108). It
selects the dedicated I/O used with air-cooled 6SR4_0 or water-cooled 6SR325 for any cell
type. The parameter "Drive Has Input Breaker" (7127) must also be set to "yes". All input
protection is handled independent of the SOP.
For drives other than air-cooled 6SR4_0 or water-cooled 6SR325, the parameter Dedicated
Input Protect (7018) can be used to enable the same protection if the inputs and outputs are
wired correctly. The SOP flags that would normally be associated with these inputs and outputs
are disabled, and have no effect when the associated cells are selected.
This parameter can only enable, and cannot disable pre-assigned cell types currently hard-
coded. The fall-back for all cell types, if the parameter is not set, is to use SOP flags.

If this parameter is not used for HV-AP cell types, then all associated cell protection SOP flags
must be added to the SOP Input Protection logic to ensure that the drive has the required

In fall-back mode, the SOP is responsible for acting on protection detection SOP flags,and in
opening the input MV breaker. The SOP for these cases, must contain all the logic to properly
utilize the protection flags and assert the proper I/O to remove the connection to the MV supply
in a timely manner.
The following inputs and outputs are dedicated to input protection:

System Interface Board Contacts

TB1-51 C M1 permissive (al‐ This opens with an IP fault and closes after the IP fault is reset,
TB1-53 NC lows the circuit to including the Latch Fault Relay (LFR). When opened, this causes
close M1 to be com‐ the TIMV to drop out to trip the MV breaker.
TB1-55 NO
pleted by the custom‐
User I/O Module 1 Contacts
IDO_9 Close command This is used only with pre-charge types 5 and 6.
● Closes the CIMV relay to pick up the MV breaker.
● Opens if TIMV drops out on an IP fault.
IDO_14 Close command This is used only with pre-charge type 4.
● Closes the CIMV relay to pick up the MV breaker.
● Opens if TIMV drops out on an IP fault.

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12.6 Drive Input Protection

IDO_15 LFR IP latch pulse This delivers a 1 second pulse to trip the LFR with an input pro‐
tection fault.
DI-3E LFR Status This reports the status of the LFR.
(Input protection)

Refer to Section User Inputs and Outputs in Chapter Hardware Interface Description, for
descriptions of the internal I/O. If the dedicated feature is turned on, the associated SOP flags
are no longer connected.

System Arc Fault

This feature allows external detection circuitry to inform the control that an arc fault occurred
and to remove MV power. The drive is then aware of the external event, and will log it in the fault
and event logs. This fault does not cause the removal of the MV power, it records the event after
the fact. Refer to Section System Arc Detection of Chapter Operating the Control for
information about this safety feature.

See also
User Inputs and Outputs (Page 62)
System Arc Detection (Page 204)

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Troubleshooting Faults and Alarms
12.7 Flash Disk Corruption

12.7 Flash Disk Corruption

Do not use Windows Explorer or any other operating system to update flash disk files or copy
files to the flash disk. Doing so can corrupt the flash disk contents without any visible warnings.
This is due to an incomplete write function or corruption of the boot sector of the flash disk.
Only use the Configuration Update Tool in the ToolSuite to update drive software or to copy or
clone drive settings. Proper use of this tool can help prevent corruption of flash media. Use the
Drive Tool for adding or removing SOP files.
Do not remove control power while a flash write operation is in progress. This can also corrupt
the flash disk. Wait 1 minute before removing control power after a drive fault or parameter
change, to allow sufficient time for the flash write to complete. Both the event log and parameter
configuration file reside on the flash disk.
The latest ToolSuite tools provide all the necessary functionality to update, copy, or delete files
from the flash disk. It is not necessary to use Windows Explorer, or other OS tools to read or
write to the flash disk.

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12.8 Loss of Communication to Keypad

12.8 Loss of Communication to Keypad

If the keypad detects that the drive’s control system is no longer communicating with it, the
keypad will display the following screen.

Figure 12-1 Loss of Communication to Keypad Screen

If this screen is shown:

● Check the cable between the drive’s control system and the keypad.
● Make sure that drive’s control system is functioning correctly.
● Recycling the power to the control system may rectify the problem.
● If these steps do not resolve the issue, contact Siemens customer service.

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12.8 Loss of Communication to Keypad

NXGpro Control
438 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
NEMA Table A
The inverse time algorithms will only work correctly if the proper Max Motor Inertia is used. If this
is known from the manufacturer, enter this value into parameter “Maximum Motor Inertia” (ID
If this value is zero, the NXGpro software will attempt to calculate the value based on the “Motor
kW Rating” (1010) and the synchronous speed (based on Motor Frequency (1020) and Full
Load Speed (1030)).
If the values are outside of the range of the NEMA Table 20-1 from NEMA Standard MG-1 in
either HP (kW) or Synchronous Speed, then the maximum value for the synchronous speed
column must be used.
The table below provides the NEMA table values in SI units, converted from lb-ft² to kg-m², for
easier application on the drive. Enter the result into the Maximum Motor Inertia parameter.
The table below was created by converting NEMA Table 20-1 values using the following

Load Wk² = A * [Hp0.95 / (rpm/1000)2.4] - 0.0685 * [Hp1.5 / (rpm/1000)1.8]

Hp column and converting to kW by multiplying HP * 0.746
kW = 0.746 * Hp
Then converting the equivalent inertia from Wk² to SI by dividing lb-ft² by 23.73
1 kg-m² = 23.73 lb-ft² therefore:
J (kg-m²) = J (lb-ft²) / 23.73

Table A-1 NEMA Table 20-1 from NEMA Standard MG-1 1993 Part 20.42 converted to SI units, Maximum Load Inertia for
Polyphase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors in kg-m²

Inertia from kW and speed in units of Kg-m² (23.73 lb-ft² = 1 kg-m²)

Hp kW 3600 1800 1200 900 720 600 514 450 400 360 327 300
100 75 533.9 709.2 914.5 1150.9 1419.7
125 93 657.8 874.4 1127.7 1419.3 1750.9
150 112 565.1 780.4 1037.1 1338.0 1683.9 2077.5
200 149 508.2 738.7 1020.6 1356.9 1750.5 2204.0 2718.1
250 187 401.6 624.9 908.6 1255.8 1670.5 2157.6 2713.9 3350.2
300 224 275.6 474.9 739.6 1075.9 1487.1 1978.9 2553.7 3219.6 3973.9
350 261 317.3 547.0 852.5 1240.2 1715.5 2284.0 2945.6 3712.6 4584.9
400 298 176.9 358.2 617.8 963.8 1402.4 1940.6 2583.2 3337.5 4205.6 5191.7
450 336 196.6 398.7 687.7 1073.3 1563.0 2161.8 2878.2 3721.0 4690.3 5790.1
500 373 216.2 438.3 756.8 1182.0 1721.4 2385.2 3173.2 4100.3 5166.5 6384.3
600 448 18.7 92.8 254.1 516.2 893.0 1395.3 2033.7 2815.0 3754.7 4850.4 6114.6 7555.8
700 522 21.2 105.9 290.8 592.5 1025. 1604.3 2338.8 3240.6 4323.6 5587.9 7045.9 8710.5

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 439
NEMA Table

Inertia from kW and speed in units of Kg-m² (23.73 lb-ft² = 1 kg-m²)

Hp kW 3600 1800 1200 900 720 600 514 450 400 360 327 300
800 597 23.6 118.6 327.0 667.1 1156. 1809.9 2642.2 3662.0 4884.1 6312.7 7964.6 9848.3
900 671 25.9 131.0 362.0 740.0 1284. 2011.8 2937.2 4075.0 5436.2 7033.3 8874.8 10969.2
1000 746 28.2 143.0 396.5 811.6 1410. 2212.4 3228.0 4483.8 5979.8 7741.3 9768.2 12081.8
1250 933 33.3 171.6 479.6 985.7 1716. 2697.0 3944.4 5478.3 7315.6 9473.2 11963. 14804.0
8 8
1500 1119 38.0 198.6 558.8 1152. 2012. 3164.8 4635.5 6447.5 8617.8 11167. 14108. 17463.1
5 2 3 7
1750 1306 42.3 223.8 634.2 1313. 2296. 3619.9 5309.7 7391.5 9886.2 12819. 16207. 20067.4
5 7 2 3
2000 1492 46.2 247.8 707.1 1469. 2574. 4066.6 5967.1 8314.4 11129. 14437. 18259. 22629.6
0 8 4 4 6
2250 1679 49.7 270.5 776.7 1619. 2848. 4500.6 6611.9 9216.2 12347. 16026. 20278. 25115.9
5 7 2 1 1
2500 1865 52.9 292.0 844.1 1765. 3110. 4922.0 7239.8 10101. 13539. 17585. 22250. 27602.2
7 0 1 8 3 3
3000 2238 58.4 331.2 970.9 2044. 3615. 5739.6 8457.6 11820. 15866. 20623. 26127. 32406.2
7 7 5 0 7 3
3500 2611 62.8 366.6 1089. 2309. 4100. 6523.4 9633.4 13480. 18112. 23556. 29877. 37126.0
3 3 3 8 1 7 8
4000 2984 66.2 398.7 1199. 2557. 4559. 7273.5 10762. 15086. 20295. 26422. 33544. 41677.2
3 9 6 7 4 0 3 0
4500 3357 68.6 426.5 1301. 2793. 5002. 7998.3 11858. 16645. 22418. 29203. 37126. 46144.1
7 9 1 4 6 9 5 0
5000 3730 70.0 451.7 1397. 3021. 5423. 8697.9 12916. 18154. 24483. 31942. 40581. 50484.6
4 5 5 1 2 8 7 5
5500 4103 70.7 473.7 1486. 3232. 5828. 9367.9 13940. 19620. 26464. 34597. 43994. 54740.8
7 2 1 2 7 4 6 9
6000 4476 492.6 1569. 3434. 6215. 10021. 14934. 21049. 28445. 37168. 47324. 58912.8
7 5 8 1 7 3 0 1 1
7000 5222 522.5 1718. 3813. 6949. 11255. 16835. 23809. 32195. 42182. 53729. 67003.8
1 7 0 8 2 5 5 9 5
8000 5968 542.4 1845. 4150. 7627. 12410. 18630. 26380. 35819. 46944. 59924. 74799.8
3 9 5 5 4 1 6 8 1
9000 6714 552.9 1952. 4454. 8251. 13493. 20324. 28866. 39233. 51538. 65866. 82300.9
4 3 2 5 5 4 0 1 0
10000 7460 555.0 2040. 4728. 8824. 14504. 21913. 31226. 42520. 55920. 71597. 89549.1
9 2 3 8 2 3 0 8 1
11000 8206 2111. 4968. 9351. 15453. 23430. 33459. 45680. 60177. 77117. 96544.5
3 4 0 0 3 8 6 0 6
12000 8952 2166. 5183. 9839. 16338. 24863. 35608. 48672. 64222. 82427. 103329.
0 3 9 0 0 9 6 5 3 1
13000 9698 2204. 5372. 10282 17168. 26211. 37631. 51580. 68141. 87568. 109903.
0 9 .3 1 5 7 3 6 5 1

NXGpro Control
440 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
NEMA Table

Inertia from kW and speed in units of Kg-m² (23.73 lb-ft² = 1 kg-m²)

Hp kW 3600 1800 1200 900 720 600 514 450 400 360 327 300
14000 10444 2229. 5533. 10686 17943. 27517. 39570. 54319. 71934. 92498. 116224.
2 1 .9 5 9 2 4 3 9 2
15000 11190 2237. 5667. 11057 18664. 28697. 41424. 56974. 75558. 97303. 122376.
7 9 .7 1 9 4 3 4 0 7

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 441
NEMA Table

NXGpro Control
442 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Abbreviations B
This appendix contains a list of symbols and abbreviations commonly used throughout this
manual group.

Table B-1 Commonly Used Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
• Boolean AND function
+ Addition or Boolean OR function
∑ Summation
µ Microsecond
A Amp, Ampere
AC Alternating Current
accel Acceleration
A/D Analog-to-digital (converter)
AI Analog Input
Alg Analog
AP Advanced protocol for cell communication
avail Available
BTU British thermal units
C Centigrade or Capacitor
cap Capacitor
CCB Cell Control Board
ccw Counter clockwise
CE Formerly European Conformity, now true definition
CFM Cubic Feet per Minute
CLVC Closed Loop Vector Control
cmd Command
com Common
conn Connector
CPS Control Power Supply
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSMC Closed Loop Synchronous Motor Control
CT Current Transformer
cu Cubic
curr, I Current
cw Clockwise
D Derivative (PID), depth
D/A Digital-to-analog (converter)
db Decibel
DC Direct Current

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 443

Abbreviation Meaning
DCR Digital Control Rack
DCS Distributed Control System
decel Deceleration
deg, ° Degrees
Div Division
dmd Demand
e Error
ELV Extra Low Voltage
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMF Electromotive Force
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EPS Encoder Power Supply
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESP Electrical Submersible Pump
ESTOP, e-stop Emergency Stop
fb, fdbk Feedback
ffwd Feed Forward
FLC Full Load Current
freq Frequency
ft, ' Feet
fwd Forward
gnd Ground
GUI Graphical User Interface
H Height
hex Hexadecimal
hist Historic
Hp Horsepower
hr Hour
HVAC Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning
HVF Harmonic Voltage Factor
Hz Hertz
I Integral (PID)
ID Identification
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
In Input
In, " Inches
INH Inhibit
I/O Input(s)/Output(s)
IOC Instantaneous Overcurrent
IP Input Protection
k 1,000 (e.g., Kohm)

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444 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN

Abbreviation Meaning
kHz KiloHertz
kV Kilo Volts
kVA One Thousand Volt Amps
kW Kilowatt
L Inductor
LAN Local Area Network
Lbs Pounds (weight)
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
ld Load
LED Light-emitting Diode
LFR Latch Fault Relay
LOTO Lock-Out-Tag-Out
Lim Limit
LOS Loss Of Signal
lps Liters Per Second
mA Milliamperes
mag Magnetizing
max Maximum
MCC Motor Control Center
Mg Milligram
Min Minimum, Minute
msec Millisecond(S)
Msl Mean Sea Level
MV Medium Voltage
mvlt Motor Voltage
MW Megawatt
NC Normally Closed
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association
No Normally Open
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
NXG Next Generation Control
NXGpro Next Generation Control pro
OLVC Open Loop Vector Control
O-M Overmodulation
OOS Out of Saturation (IGBT)
overld Overload
P Proportional (PID)
Pa Pascals
pb Push Button
PC Personal Computer or Printed Circuit
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PID Proportional Integral Derivative
PLC Programmable Logic Controller

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 445

Abbreviation Meaning
PLL Phase Locked Loop
pot Potentiometer
pp Peak-to-peak
ppm Parts per Million
PPR Pulses per Revolution
PQM Power Quality Meter
Process Tolerant Protection Strategy
PSDBP Power Spectral Density Break Point
psi Pounds Per Square Inch
pt Point
PT Potential Transformer
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 Output Transistor Designations
rad Radians
RAM Random Access Memory
ref Reference
rev Reverse, Revolution(S)
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RLBK Rollback
rms Root-mean-squared
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RTD Resistance Temperature Detector
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
RX Receive (RS232 Communications)
s Second(s)
SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier
sec Second(s)
ser Serial
SIB System Interface Board
SMC Synchronous Motor Control
SOP Sum of Products; System Operating Program
spd Speed
stab Stability
std Standard
sw Switch
T1, T2 Output Terminals TI and T2
TB Terminal Block
TBD To Be Determined
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
TOL Thermal Overload
TP Test Point
trq, τ Torque

NXGpro Control
446 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN

Abbreviation Meaning
TX Transmit (RS232 Communications)
UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply
V Voltage, Volts
VA Volt-Amperes
VAC Volts AC
var Variable
VDC Volts DC
vel Velocity (speed)
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
V/Hz Volts per Hertz
vlts Voltage(s), Volts
W Width, Watts
WAGO Expansion I/O System (brand name)
xfmr, xformer Transformer

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Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 447

NXGpro Control
448 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Historical Logger C
C.1 Historic Log
The historic log records operating data of the drive and is frozen upon detection of a fault. The
data recorded consists of both fixed and programmable data points, which are sampled at the
slow loop rate, typically 450 Hz. Upon detection of a drive fault by the NXGpro software, the
fault is recorded at time = 0 and the drive continues to record data for a brief period after the
fault. This allows recovery of data just prior to and after any fault so that operational data prior
to and after a fault can be reviewed. A new fault will overwrite the recorded historic log. The
event log includes the option to copy and record the historic log so that all fault events are
The historic log is stored in memory with a total of 512 records. Non-volatile memory is used to
store the most recent 78 records. Snapshots are recorded at the slow cycle update rate:
● Most snapshots are recorded before a fault occurs.
● 20 snapshots are recorded after a fault occurs.
If parameter Store in event log (6255) is on at the time of a drive fault, the non-volatile portion
of the historic log is stored in the event log following the fault message.
Refer to the Historic Log Menu (6250) in Section Options for Log Control Menu (6) of Chapter
Parameter Assignment / Addressing for associated parameters.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 449
Historical Logger
C.2 Historical Logger

C.2 Historical Logger

The NXGpro provides a historical log for continuously logging a series of records consisting of
10 entries. The entries consist of the drive state, seven user programmable variables, and two
fault data words. This information is sampled every speed loop update cycle, and is stored in
a circular buffer. When a fault condition occurs, 491 pre-fault samples and 20 post-fault
samples are recorded along with the current sample (for a total of 512 samples) in nonvolatile
memory along with the time/date stamp. This information stays in nonvolatile memory until the
next fault occurs, at which time the old information is overwritten. To preserve multiple records
of historical logs, the user can enable (default is enabled) saving the historical logs into the
event log file. To prevent overrunning the event log with too much historical log information, the
number of pre-fault samples is reduced to 57 samples. This data is preserved on the Compact
FLASH. The user-defined variables are to be selected from a predefined pick list of variables
for historic log. The fault information is stored in the four fault data words.

Figure C-1 Example of historic log as viewed in Drive Tool

The following serves as a reference for the individual meaning of each fault bit.

NXGpro Control
450 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Historical Logger
C.2 Historical Logger

Fault Word 1

0000 0000 0000 0000

LossOfFieldFault bit60 OverSpeedAlarm bit0

LowMotorSpeedFault bit61 OverSpeedFault bit1
ExcessiveDriveLosses bit62 UnderLoadAlarm bit2
WagoCommunicationAlarm bit63 UnderLoadFault bit3

ModulatorWatchdogTimeout bit56 MotorThermalOverLoad1 bit4

CellDcBusLowWarning bit57 MotorThermalOverLoad2 bit5
ToolCommunication bit58 MotorThermalOverLoadFault bit6
FailedToMagnetizeFault bit59 OutputPhaseImbalance bit7

BackEmfTimeout bit52 OutputPhaseOpen bit8

HallEffectPowerSupplyFault bit53 OutputGroundFault bit9
UnknownModulatorFault bit54 IOC bit10
Unused55 bit55 MenuInit bit11

CellBypassLinkWarning bit48 Cells bit12

CellBypassFault bit49 InTorqueLimit bit13
CellConfigurationFault bit50 InTorqueLimitRollback bit14
EffectiveSwitchFreqAlarm bit51 InputPhaseLoss bit15

Network2Communication bit44 PhaseSequence bit16

MotorOverVoltageAlarm bit45 CPUTempAlarm bit17
MotorOverVoltageFault bit46 CPUTempFault bit18
CellBypassComWarning bit47 CellOverTempAlarm bit19

InputGroundFault bit40 CellOverTempFault bit20

EncoderLoss bit41 ModulatorInitializationFault bit21
KeypadCommunication bit42 CellCountMissMatch bit22
Network1Communication bit43 PowerSupplyFault bit23

LineOverVoltage2 bit36 WagoCommunicationFault bit24

LineOverVoltageFault bit37 WagoConfiguration bit25
InputPhaseImbalance bit38 CellBypassComFailure bit26
InputOneCycle bit39 CellBypassAckFailure bit27

MediumVoltageLowAlarm2 bit32 CellBypassLinkFailure bit28

MediumVoltageLowFault bit33 WeakBattery bit29
CellAlarm bit34 SystemProgram bit30
LineOverVoltage1 bit35 MediumVoltageLowAlarm1 bit31

Figure C-2 Fault Word 1

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 451
Historical Logger
C.2 Historical Logger

Fault Word 2

0000 0000 0000 0000

LossOfSignal21 bit60 OneBlowerLost bit0

LossOfSignal22 bit61 AllBlowersLost bit1
LossOfSignal23 bit62 Insufficient Cooling bit2
LossOfSignal24 bit63 ReactorTemperature bit3

LossOfSignal17 bit56 ReactorTemperature2 bit4

LossOfSignal18 bit57 ReactorTemperatureFault bit5
LossOfSignal19 bit58 XformerOverTempAlarm1 bit6
LossOfSignal20 bit59 XformerOverTempAlarm2 bit7

LossOfSignal13 bit52 XformerOverTempFault bit8

LossOfSignal14 bit53 OnePumpFailure bit9
LossOfSignal15 bit54 AllPumpsFailure bit10
LossOfSignal16 bit55 CoolantConductivityAlarm bit11

LossOfSignal9 bit48 CoolantConductivityFault bit12

LossOfSignal10 bit49 InletWaterTempHigh bit13
LossOfSignal11 bit50 InletWaterTempLow bit14
LossOfSignal12 bit51 CellWaterTempHigh bit15

LossOfSignal5 bit44 XformerWaterTempHigh bit16

LossOfSignal6 bit45 LowWaterLevelAlarm bit17
LossOfSignal7 bit46 LowWaterLevelFault bit18
LossOfSignal8 bit47 LowWaterFlowAlarm bit19

LossOfSignal1 bit40 LowWaterFlowFault bit20

LossOfSignal2 bit41 LossOneHexFan bit21
LossOfSignal3 bit42 LossAllHexFan bit22
LossOfSignal4 bit43 AllHexFansOn bit23

WagoCouplerErrorAlarm bit36 LossOfDriveEnable bit24

WagoErrorAfterModuleAlarm bit37 UpTransferAlarm bit25
WagoErrorAtModuleAlarm bit38 DownTransferAlarm bit26
LossOfSignalInternal bit39 AdcHardwareErrorAlarm bit27

WagoCouplerErrorFault bit32 AdchardwareErrorFault bit28

WagoErrorAfterModuleFault bit33 ConfigFileWriteAlarm bit29
WagoErrorAtModuleFault bit34 ConfigFileReadFault bit30
WagoInternalErrorAlarm bit35 WagoInternalErrorFault bit31

Figure C-3 Fault Word 2

NXGpro Control
452 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
Historical Logger
C.2 Historical Logger

Fault Word 3

0000 0000 0000 0000

UserFault61 bit60 UserFault1 bit0

UserFault62 bit61 UserFault2 bit1
UserFault63 bit62 UserFault3 bit2
UserFault64 bit63 UserFault4 bit3

UserFault57 bit56 UserFault5 bit4

UserFault58 bit57 UserFault6 bit5
UserFault59 bit58 UserFault7 bit6
UserFault60 bit59 UserFault8 bit7

UserFault53 bit52 UserFault9 bit8

UserFault54 bit53 UserFault10 bit9
UserFault55 bit54 UserFault11 bit10
UserFault56 bit55 UserFault12 bit11

UserFault49 bit48 UserFault13 bit12

UserFault50 bit49 UserFault14 bit13
UserFault51 bit50 UserFault15 bit14
UserFault52 bit51 UserFault16 bit15

UserFault45 bit44 UserFault17 bit16

UserFault46 bit45 UserFault18 bit17
UserFault47 bit46 UserFault19 bit18
UserFault48 bit47 UserFault20 bit19

UserFault41 bit40 UserFault21 bit20

UserFault42 bit41 UserFault22 bit21
UserFault43 bit42 UserFault23 bit22
UserFault44 bit43 UserFault24 bit23

UserFault37 bit36 UserFault25 bit24

UserFault38 bit37 UserFault26 bit25
UserFault39 bit38 UserFault27 bit26
UserFault40 bit39 UserFault28 bit27

UserFault33 bit32 UserFault29 bit28

UserFault34 bit33 UserFault30 bit29
UserFault35 bit34 UserFault31 bit30
UserFault36 bit35 UserFault32 bit31

Figure C-4 Fault Word 3

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 453
Historical Logger
C.2 Historical Logger

Fault Word 4
faultword4b faultword4a
0000 0000 0000 0000

M1PermissiveWatchdog bit60 InternalLossofSignal1 bit0

PwrSupl15VFail bit61 InternalLossofSignal2 bit1
FoBoardPwrSuplFail bit62 InternalLossofSignal3 bit2
RegulatedPwrSuplFail bit63 PrechargeFault bit3

FiberOpticConnectionFault bit56 AfeCellDiffTempAlarm bit4

FpgaCrcErrorFault bit57 UnusedBit5 bit5
FoExpansionBdSense bit58 UnusedBit6 bit6
M1PermissivePwrSupFail bit59 ApCellAirTempAlarm bit7

InternalLossOfSignal12 bit52 Input Frequency Alarm bit8

InternalIoModuleVoltage bit53 AfeCellDiffTempFault bit9
IntIoIllegalInputType bit54 FieldExciterFault bit10
SystemInterfaceConnectionFault bit55 SMDCStartupFault bit11

InternalLossOfSignal8 bit48 PrechargeBreakerOpened bit12

InternalLossOfSignal9 bit49 InputProtection bit13
InternalLossOfSignal10 bit50 PoleSlip bit14
InternalLossOfSignal11 bit51 ReservedBit15 bit15

InternalLossOfSignal4 bit44 ReservedBit16 bit16

InternalLossOfSignal5 bit45 PrechargeContactorAlarm bit17
InternalLossOfSignal6 bit46 MainContactorFault bit18
InternalLossOfSignal7 bit47 BypassHardwareAlarm bit19

IntIoInternalError bit40 ReservedBit20 bit20

IntIoConfigFault bit41 MotorPullOut bit21
IntIoModuleAddress bit42 HvApMismatch bit22
IntIoWatchDogFault bit43 NetCustError1 bit23

RedundantHallEffectPsFail bit36 NetCustError2 bit24

RedundantMainPsFail bit37 NetCustWarning1 bit25
InputBreakerRequired bit38 NetCustWarning2 bit26
IntIoCommFault bit39 ThermalOTRollback bit27

UnusedBit32 bit32 SystemArcFault bit28

UnusedBit33 bit33 PrechargeAttemptsAlarm bit29
UnusedBit34 bit34 Trans2ndAlarm bit30
UnusedBit35 bit35 Trans2ndFault bit31

Figure C-5 Fault Word 4

NXGpro Control
454 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN

AND is a logical Boolean function whose output is true if all of the inputs are true in SOP
notation, AND is represented as "∗" (e.g., C=A∗B), although sometimes it may be omitted
between operands with the AND operation being implied (e.g., C=AB).

ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a set of 8-bit
computer codes used for the representation of text.

Baud rate
Baud rate is a measure of the switching speed of a line, representing the number of changes
of state of the line per second. The baud rate of the serial port is selected through the Baud Rate
parameter in the Communications Menu [9].

Bit is an acronym for BInary digiT. Typically, bits are used to indicate either a true (1) or false
(0) state within the drive’s programming.

Boolean algebra
A form of mathematical rules developed by the mathematician George Boole used in the design
of digital and logic systems.

Carrier frequency
Carrier frequency is the set switching frequency of the power devices (IGBTs) in the power
section of each cell. The carrier frequency is measured in cycles per second (Hz).

Catch a spinning load

"Catch a spinning load" is a feature that can be used with high-inertia loads (e.g., fans), in which
the drive may attempt to turn on while the motor is already turning. This feature can be enabled
via the control menu system.

An acronym for Closed Loop Vector Control, one of the control modes in the drive. This is flux
vector control for an induction machine (IM), utilizing an encoder for speed feedback.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 455


A comparator is a device that compares 2 quantities and determines their equality. The
comparator submenus allow the programmer to specify two variables to be compared. The
results of the custom comparison operations can be used in the system program.

Configuration Update
see Tool Suite definition.

The converter is the component of the drive that changes AC voltage to DC voltage.

Critical speed avoidance

Critical speed avoidance is a feature that allows the operator to program up to 3 mechanical
system frequencies that the drive will "skip over" during its operation.

An acronym for Closed Loop Synchronous Machine (SM) Control, one of the control modes of
the drive. This is a flux vector control for a synchronous machine, utilizing an encoder for speed
feedback and providing a field excitation command for use by an external field exciter.

DC link
The DC link is a large capacitor bank between the converter and inverter section of the drive.
The DC link, along with the converter, establishes the voltage source for the inverter.

De Morgan’s Theorem
The duality principal of Boolean algebra used to convert system logic equations into sum-of-
products notation.

Debug Tool
see Tool Suite definition.

Downloading is a process by which information is transmitted from a remote device (such as a
PC) to the drive. The term "downloading" implies the transmission of an entire file of information
(e.g., the system program) rather than continued interactive communications between the two
devices. The use of a PC for downloading requires special serial communications software to

NXGpro Control
456 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN

be available on the PC, which may link to the drive via RS232 or through the Host Simulator via
an ethernet connection.

Directory file for system tokens and flags used in the compilation of system programs. It
provides a direct lookup table of ASCII names to internal ID numbers. It also identifies whether
the flag is a word or bit-field, and also whether it can be used as an input or output only, or can
be used for both.

The term "drive" refers to the power conversion equipment that converts utility power into power
for a motor in a controlled manner.

ELV is an acronym for extra low voltage, and represents any voltage not exceeding a limit that
is generally accepted to be 50 VAC and 120 VDC (ripple free).


ESD is an acronym for ElectroStatic Discharge. ESD is an undesirable electrical side effect that
occurs when static charges build up on a surface and are discharged to another. When printed
circuit boards are involved, impaired operation and component damage are possible side
effects due to the static-sensitive nature of the PC board components. These side effects may
manifest themselves as intermittent problems or total component failures. It is important to
recognize that these effects are cumulative and may not be obvious.

Fault log
Fault messages are saved to memory so that the operator may view them at a later time. This
memory location is called the fault log. The fault log lists both fault and alarm messages, the
date and time that they occurred, and the time and date that they are reset.

Faults are error conditions that have occurred in the system. The severity of faults vary.
Likewise, the treatment or corrective action for a fault may vary from changing a parameter
value to replacing a hardware component such as a fuse.

Flash Card
Non-volatile memory storage device for the control. It stores the drive program, system
program, logs, parameters, and other related drive files.

NXGpro Control
Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN 457

Field Programmable Gate Array. An FPGA is an integrated circuit that contains thousands of
logic gates.

A function is one of four components found in the menu system. Functions are built-in programs
that perform specific tasks. Examples of functions include System Program Upload/Download
and Display System Program Name.

Harmonics are undesirable AC currents or voltages at integer multiples of the fundamental
frequency. The fundamental frequency is the lowest frequency in the wave form (generally the
repetition frequency). Harmonics are present in any non-sinusoidal wave form and cannot
transfer power on average.
Harmonics arise from non-linear loads in which current is not strictly proportional to voltage.
Linear loads like resistors, capacitors, and inductors do not produce harmonics. However, non-
linear devices such as diodes and silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) do generate harmonic
currents. Harmonics are also found in uninterruptable power supplies (UPSs), rectifiers,
transformers, ballasts, welders, arc furnaces, and personal computers.

Hexadecimal digits
Hexadecimal (or "hex") digits are the "numerals" used to represent numbers in the base 16
(hex) number system. Unlike the more familiar decimal system, which uses the numerals 0
through 9 to make numbers in powers of 10, the base 16 number system uses the numerals 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F to make numbers in powers of 16.

Historic log
The historic log is a troubleshooting/diagnostic tool of the control. The historic log continuously
logs drive status, including the drive state, internal fault words, and multiple user-selectable
variables. This information is sampled every slow loop cycle of the control (typically 450 to 900
times per second). If a fault occurs, the log is frozen a predefined number of samples after the
fault event, and data samples prior to and after the fault condition are recorded to allow post-
fault analysis. The number of samples recorded are user-selectable via the control, as well as
the option to record the historic log within the VFD event log.

Host Simulator
see Tool Suite definition.

I/O is an acronym for input/output. I/O refers to any and all inputs and outputs connected to a
computer system. Both inputs and outputs can be classified as analog (e.g., input power, drive
output, meter outputs, etc.) or digital (e.g., contact closures or switch inputs, relay outputs, etc.).

NXGpro Control
458 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN

IGBT is an acronym for Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors. IGBTs are semiconductors that are
used in the drive to provide reliable, high-speed switching, high-power capabilities, improved
control accuracy, and reduced motor noise.

Induction motor
An induction motor is an AC motor that produces torque by the reaction between a varying
magnetic field (generated in the stator) and the current induced in the coils of the rotor.

Intel hex
Intel hex refers to a file format in which records consist of ASCII format hexadecimal (base 16)
numbers with load address information and error checking embedded.

The inverter is a portion of the drive that changes DC voltage into AC voltage. The term
"inverter" is sometimes used mistakenly to refer to the entire drive (the converter, DC link, and
inverter sections).

Jog mode
Jog mode is an operational mode that uses a pre-programmed jog speed when a digital input
(programmed as the jog mode input) is closed.

Jumper blocks are groups of pins that can control functions of the system, based on the state
of the jumpers. Jumpers (small, removable connectors) are either installed (on) or not installed
(off) to provide a hardware switch.

Ladder logic (Also Ladder Diagram)

A graphical representation of logic in which two vertical lines, representing power, flow from the
source on the left and the sink on the right, with logic branches running between, resembling
rungs of a ladder. Each branch consists of various labeled contacts placed in series and
connected to a single relay coil (or function block) on the right.

Loss of signal feature

The loss of signal feature is a control scheme that gives the operator the ability to select one of
three possible actions in the event that the signal from an external sensor, configured to specify
the speed demand, is lost. Under this condition, the operator may program the drive (through
the system program) to (1) revert to a fixed, pre-programmed speed, (2) maintain the current
speed, or (3) perform a controlled (ramped) stop of the drive. By default, current speed is

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LVD is an acronym for Low Voltage Directive, a safety directive in the EU.

Lvl RH
This term refers the two security fields associated with each parameter of the system. These
fields allow the operator to individually customize specific security features for each menu
option (submenu, parameter, pick list, and function). These fields are shown in parameter
dumps and have the following meanings. Lvl is the term for the security level. Setting R=1
blocks parameter change, and setting H=1 hides the menu option from view until the
appropriate access level has been activated.

Memory is the working storage area for the drive that is a collection of RAM chips.

Microprocessor Microprocessor

NEMA 1 and NEMA 12

NEMA 1 is an enclosure rating in which no openings allow penetration of a 0.25-inch diameter
rod. NEMA 1 enclosures are intended for indoor use only. NEMA 12 is a more stringent NEMA
rating in which the cabinet is said to be "dust tight" (although it is still not advisable to use NEMA
12 in conductive dust atmospheres). The approximate equivalent IEC rating is IP52.

Normally closed (NC)

Normally closed refers to the contact of a relay that is closed when the coil is de-energized.

Normally open (NO)

Normally open refers to the contact of a relay that is open when the coil is de-energized.

An acronym for Open Loop Test Mode, one of the control modes of the drive.

An acronym for Open Loop Vector Control, also known as Encoderless Vector Control. OLVC
is a flux vector control that is one of the control modes of the drive. The drive computes the
rotational speed of the rotor and uses it for speed feedback.

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460 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN

OOS is an abbreviation for out of saturation - a type of fault condition in which a voltage drop
is detected across one of the IGBTs during conduction. This can indicate that the motor is
drawing current too rapidly or in excess.

OR is a logical Boolean function whose output is true if any of the inputs is true. In SOP notation,
OR is represented as "+".

A parameter is one of four items found in the menu system. Parameters are system attributes
that have corresponding values that can be monitored or, in some cases, changed by the user.


Pick list
A pick list is one of four items found in the menu system. Pick lists are parameters that have a
finite list of pre-defined "values" from which to choose, rather than a value range used by

PID is an acronym for proportional + integral + derivative, a control scheme used to control
modulating equipment in such a way that the control output is based on (1) a proportional
amount of the error between the desired setpoint and the actual feedback value, (2) the
summation of this error over time, and (3) the change in error over time. Output contributions
from each of these three components are combined to create a single output response. The
amount of contribution from each component is programmable through gain parameters. By
optimizing these gain parameters, the operator can "tune" the PID control loop for maximum
efficiency, minimal overshoot, quick response time, and minimal cycling.

Qualified user
A qualified user is a properly trained individual who is familiar with the construction and
operation of the equipment and the hazards involved.

RAM is an acronym for Random Access Memory, a temporary storage area for drive
information. The information in RAM is lost when power is no longer supplied to it. Therefore,
it is referred to as volatile memory.

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Regeneration is the characteristic of an AC motor to act as a generator when the rotor’s
mechanical frequency is greater than the applied electrical frequency.

A relay is an electrically controlled device that causes electrical contacts to change their status.
Open contacts will close and closed contacts will open when rated voltage is applied to the coil
of a relay.

RS232C is a serial communications standard of the Electronics Industries Association (EIA).

Set point
Set point is the desired or optimal speed of the VFD to maintain process levels (speed

Slip is the difference between the stator electrical frequency of the motor and the rotor
mechanical frequency of the motor, normalized to the stator frequency as shown in the
following equation:
Slip = (ωS - ωR) / ωS

Slip compensation
Slip compensation is a method of increasing the speed reference to the speed regulator circuit
(based on the motor torque) to maintain motor speed as the load on the motor changes. The
slip compensation circuit increases the frequency at which the inverter section is controlled to
compensate for decreased speed due to load droop. For example, a motor with a full load
speed of 1760 rpm has a slip of 40 rpm. The no load rpm would be 1800 rpm. If the motor
nameplate current is 100 A, the drive is sending a 60 Hz wave form to the motor (fully loaded);
then the slip compensation circuit would cause the inverter to run 1.33 Hz faster to allow the
motor to operate at 1800 rpm, which is the synchronous speed of the motor.

Is an acronym for Synchronous Motor Control, one of the control modes of the drive. This mode
computes the rotational speed similarly to open-loop vector control, and controls the field
reference or the synchronous motor as in closed-loop synchronous motor control.

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SOP - (1)

SOP Utilities
The program within the Siemens Tool suite used for converting between text and machine
loadable code. It can also be used for uploading and downloading files over the RS232
See Tool Suite definition.

Speed Menu function

Speed menu is a feature of the menu system that allows the operator to directly access any of
the menus or parameters, rather than scrolling through menus to the appropriate item. This
feature uses the [Shift] button in conjunction with the right arrow. The user is prompted to enter
the four digit ID number associated with the desired menu or parameter.

Stop mode
Stop mode is used to shut down the drive in a controlled manner, regardless of its current state.

A submenu is one of four components found in the menu system. Submenus are nested menus
(i.e., menus within other menus). Submenus are used to logically group menu items based on
similar functionality or use.

Synchronous speed
Synchronous speed refers to the speed of an AC induction motor’s rotating magnetic field. It is
determined by the frequency applied to the stator and the number of magnetic poles present in
each phase of the stator windings. Synchronous Speed equals 120 times the applied
Frequency (in Hz) divided by the number of poles per phase.

System Operating Program

The functions of the programmable inputs and outputs are determined by the default system
program. These functions can be changed by modifying the appropriate setup menus from the
front keypad and display. I/O assignments can also be changed by editing the system program
(an ASCII text file with the extension .SOP), compiling it using the compiler program, and then
downloading it to the controller through its serial port, all by utilizing the SOP Utility Program
with the Siemens ToolSuite.

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Tool Suite
Is the suite of programs developed by Siemens that allows easier access to the drive for
programming and monitoring. It is comprised of the following components:
● Tool Suite Launcher - also referred to as Tool Suite; used for coordinating other tools.
● SOP Utilities - used to launch an editor that compiles or reverse compiles a System
Program. It also allows for serial connection to the drive for uploading and downloading
System Programs.
● Configuration Update - allows for backing-up, updating, and cloning drives via direct access
to the Flash Disk.
● Host Simulator - used for monitoring, programming, and controlling a drive remotely from a
PC over the built-in ethernet port of the drive. Parameter changes, status display, and
graphing of internal variables are its main functions.
● Debug Tool - this tool is used to display the diagnostic screens of the drive for diagnosing
drive problems or improving performance via the built-in ethernet port of the drive.

Tool Suite Launcher

see Tool Suite definition.

The force that produces (or attempts to produce) rotation, as in the case of a motor.

Uploading is a process by which information is transmitted from the drive to a remote device
such as a PC. The term uploading implies the transmission of an entire file of information (e.g.,
the system program) rather than continued interactive communications between the two
devices. The use of a PC for uploading requires communications software to be available on
the PC.

Variable frequency drive (VFD)

A VFD is a device that takes a fixed voltage and fixed frequency AC input source and converts
it to a variable voltage, variable frequency output that can control the speed of a motor.

Is an acronym for Volts per Hertz control, one of the control modes in the drive. This mode is
intended for multiple motors connected in parallel. Therefore, it disables spinning load and fast
bypass. This is essentially open-loop vector control with de-tuned (smaller bandwidth obtained
by reducing the gain) current regulators.

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464 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN
cell current overload setting, 210
parameter, 210
A cell fault, 59
cell trip, 59
abbreviations, 443
closed loop vector control, 39, 61
Advanced Protocol, 14
command generator, 212, 251, 430
cell faults, 420
analog input sources, 212
alarm, 225, 379, 380
set point sources, 214
cell, 415
Commissioning, 17
troubleshooting, 379
communication interfaces, 363
alarm/fault log, 318, 344
Communications Menu, 161
analog input sources, 212
Serial Port Setup Menu, 162
analog inputs/outputs, 66, 68
SOP and Serial Functions Menu, 162
Anybus™, 297
TCP/IP Setup Menu, 163
Arcing, 21
communications protocol, 257
Asynchronous motors, 17
configuration update tool, 436
Auto Menu, 134
Control Loops, 52
Analog Input Menu, 135
control modes, 250
Analog Output Menu, 141
summary, 35
Incremental Speed Setup Menu, 143
Control Overview, 13
PID Select Menu, 143
control signals, 170
Speed Profile Menu, 134
frame of reference, 170
Speed Setpoint Menu, 142
control system
automatic mode, 318, 344
NXGpro, 28
Auto-tuning, 88, 219
critical speed avoidance, 215
motor equivalent circuit parameters, 219
parameter, 215
spinning of the motor, 221
Current Limit Profile, 90
Stage 1, 131, 220
Current Loop, 52
Stage 2, 38, 88, 131, 220
Auxiliary Inputs, 139
Auxiliary power supply, 17
available networks, 363
motor related, 241
B data loggers, 223
DC injection braking, 237
braking torque, 241
dedicated I/O, 69
Dual-frequency braking, 237
C Limitations, 241
cables digital control rack
drive base impedance, 306 fiber optic board, 29, 30
inductance compensation, 306 main control board, 29, 30
long, 249, 296, 306 single board computer, 29
parameter, 306 digital I/O, 68
reflections, 249 digital inputs/outputs, 66
shielded output, 249 down transfer
Cabling, 17 induction motor, 255
cell control board, 428 preconditions, 258
synchronous motor, 258

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drive core software, 68 ethernet, 362, 375, 376

drive efficiency, 195 communications network, 256
drive losses connection, 60
calculating, 202 Ethernet port, 223
Drive Menu, 92 Excessive drive losses
AP Settings, 101 implementation, 203
Cell Menu, 99 internal threshold, 203
Conditional Timer Setup Menu, 98 inverse time curve, 203
Critical Frequency Menu, 97 parameters, 204
Drive Parameter Menu, 93 External and internal inputs
External I/O Menu, 103 configuring, 135
High Starting Torque Menu, 120 external flux reference, 236
Internal analog input menus, 112, 113, 114, 115, parameters, 236
116 external I/O, 66
Internal Analog Output Menus, 116, 117, 118, configuring, 103
119 External outputs
Internal I/O Menu, 104 configuring, 141
Internal I/O Module 1, 105
Internal I/O Module 2, 105
Internal I/O Module 3, 106 F
Internal I/O Module 4, 107
fast bypass, 59, 98
Internal Test Point Menus, 107
cell fault detection, 173
Speed Ramp Setup Menu, 97
limitations, 174
Speed Setup Menu, 95
number of cells, 173
Spinning Load Menu, 98
fault, 225, 369, 379, 380
Synchronous Transfer Menu, 102
AC fuse blown, 425
Torque Reference Menu, 96
auto resettable, 381
Drive Protect Menu, 153
blocking failure, 426
Input Protect Menu, 154
bypass failed, 426
Single Phasing Menu, 155
capacitor sharing, 425
drive tool, 313, 362, 375, 376, 436
cell, 414, 415
Drive trip, 173
cell AP, 420
drive tuning, 219
cell based protection, 433
Dual-frequency braking, 133, 237
cell bypass, 412
limitations, 241
cell communications, 428
operation, 237
cell diagnostic, 419
parameter, 240
cell over temperature, 427
control power, 425
cooling, 404
E display, 415
Electromagnetic fields, 24 external serial communications, 402
electro smog, 24 handling, 381
Electrostatic discharge, 22 input line disturbance, 382
Electrostatic Protective Measures, 23 input over-voltage, 433
EMC-compliant installation, 17 input protection, 433
encoder, 61, 295 internal I/O, 400
speed feedback, 295 low voltage power supply, 395
energy saver, 184 modulator, 394
parameter, 184 motor/output, 386
error MV mechanical bypass board, 428
troubleshooting, 379 power circuitry, 425
ESD guidelines, 22 Q1-Q4 out of saturation, 426

NXGpro Control
466 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN

switching failure, 427 inverse time curve, 203

synchronous transfer, 403 inverse time TOL, 87
system, 391
tamper resistant input protection, 403
troubleshooting, 379 K
user, 380, 404, 429
keypad, 60
VDC undervoltage, 426
accessing control parameters, 315, 341
WAGO I/O, 399
accessing security level, 326, 352
fiber optic, 59
accessing the main menu, 324, 350
cable, 58
activating numerical menu access mode, 326,
Field-Weakening Limit, 210
Five safety rules, 19
arrow keys, 323, 335, 349, 360
flash card, 378
automatic key, 318, 344
flash disk
cancel key, 322, 348
control power, 436
canceling security mode, 325, 351
files, 436
changing system parameters, 321, 347
flux feed-forward, 234
clearing and resetting a fault, 317, 343
parameters, 235
clearing and resetting an alarm, 317, 343
saliency constant parameter, 234
default meter display, 327, 353
Flux loop, 53
diagnostic LED indicators, 327, 353
flux profile, 236
display interface, 340
editing parameter values, 325, 351
enter key, 322, 348
G fault LED conditions, 316, 342
Grounding, 17 fault reset key, 315, 341
front panel display, 325, 351
functions, 314, 340
H hexadecimal values, 319, 345
manual start key, 319, 345
harmonic component, 195
manual stop key, 318, 344
high performance control, 295, 312
menu structure, 362
high starting torque, 295
menu system structure, 334, 360
high starting torque mode, 39, 295
meter display, 328, 354
parameters, 296
mode field, 328, 354
human machine interface, 60
modifying parameter values, 329, 355
multi-language, 313, 340
numeric keys, 319, 345
I numerical menu access mode, 320, 346
induction motor, 33, 39, 295 operation, 315, 341
Industrial network, 17 operation mode displays, 332, 358
input protection, 201, 433 regeneration mode, 329, 355
dedicated I/O, 434 rollback mode, 328, 354
input reactive current, 196 security access code, 319, 345
Input side monitoring, 195 shift key, 319, 322, 335, 345, 348, 360
input/output (I/O) signals, 62 signed parameters, 321, 347
Installation, 17 speed menu function, 320, 346
integral timer, 197 standard, 313
Internal Analog Input Menus, 112 velocity demand, 324, 350
Internal Analog Output Menus, 116
Internal I/O, 104
Internal Test Point Menus, 107
internal threshold, 203

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Motor Parameter Menu, 82

Speed Derate Curve Menu, 87
L motor thermal overload, 186
alarms, 186
LED, 380, 428
inverse time with speed derating, 186
line-to-line voltage, 177
motor thermal model, 187
Lock-out / Tag-out procedure, 20
parameters, 186
Log Control Menu, 150
straight inverse time, 186
Alarm/Fault Log Menu, 150
multiple configuration files, 256
Event Log Menu, 150
creating, 164
Historic Log Menu, 151
file extension, 164
multiple motors, 256
alarm/fault log, 223
slave setup and configuration parameters, 165
event log, 223
multiple drives in parallel, 289
fault or alarm, 225
multiple motors, 39
historic log, 224, 449
multiple networks, 363
Loss of field fault, 38
loss of signal, 136
low speed operation, 295, 312
low-level fault currents, 201
network, 313
network interface, 363
M neutral point shift
15 cell drive in which no cells are bypassed, 178
Main entry, 126, 187
after loss of 3 cells, 180
Main Menu, 146
after loss of 5 cells, 181
Security Edit Functions Menu, 148
Drive output with 2 cells bypassed, 178
master-slave drive control, 291
mechanical cell bypass
activating, 177
limitations, 177
Meter Menu, 156 One cycle protection, 196
Display Parameters Menu, 156 integral timer, 197
Hour Meter Setup, 159 parameter, 198
Input Harmonics Menu, 160 transformer model, 197
Modbus transformer protection constant, 198
coupler, 68 Open Loop Test Mode, 36
Modbus™, 297 Open Loop Vector Control, 36, 39
modulator, 58, 59 output filters, 249
watchdog, 59
base impedance, 312 P
equivalent circuit parameters, 311
parallel drive control, 289
manufacturer’s data sheet, 311
parameter, 77
parameter values, 311
changing, 77, 80
protection, 186
download functions, 163
signal polarities, 171
Drive running inhibit, 148
Motor Menu, 82
help, 81
Auto-tune Menu, 88
menu structure, 77
Current Profile Menu, 89
rated values, 92
Encoder Menu, 89
upload functions, 162
Limits Menu, 84
values, 80
Peak Reduction Enable, 86

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Permanent magnet motor control regulator

auto mode, 41 flux, 233
auto phase advance mode, 43 frequency, 228, 246
disabled mode, 40 internal field control, 259
manual mode, 41 magnetizing current, 247
manual network mode, 42 speed, 230, 430
parameters, 44 torque current, 246
permanent magnet motors, 39, 295 rollback, 205
phase lock loop, 248 single-phase, 208
PID controller, 143, 213 transformer thermal, 209
configuring, 213 RS232 serial connection, 375
parameter, 213 RS485 serial port, 256
PLC, 289
cooling, 405
polarity control, 215 S
pole of software integrator, 126
power cell CCB, 428
electrical hazard, 245, 379
Power cell overload capability, 210
high voltages, 380
power supply, 31
scaling, 136
Power Quality Meters, 185
default access codes, 149
750 V AP type cells, 271
Security Edit Functions, 148
air-cooled cells, 283
menu, 149
cell faults, 280, 286
serial communications port, 376
cells in bypass, 263, 277
set point sources, 214
circuit design, 263, 265, 278, 283
Shielding, 17
fatal fault SOP flag, 280, 286
Signal Polarities, 171
fault, 277, 282
Single induction motors, 36
faults, 265, 267, 269
slip compensation, 230
maintenance or service operation, 282, 288
calculations, 230
preconditions, 261, 275
disabling, 231
sequence of operation, 264, 266, 268, 279, 285
motor speed, 230
type 2, 265
software version, 11, 327, 353
type 5, 271, 277
SOP, 369
type 5 parameters, 282
SOP utilities, 375
type 6, 271, 282
spare parts, 430
type 6 parameters, 288
speed demand, 292
type 1, 263
speed droop, 232, 292
parameter, 232
excessive drive loss, 201
speed feedback signals, 61
ProToPS, 217
speed limit, 216
implementing, 218
Speed Loop, 52
pulsation frequency, 238
speed profile
parameter, 214
Speed Profiling Control, 135
R speed ramp, 216
ratio control, 212 speed reference, 143, 297
regeneration, 170 speed rollback, 430
regenerative braking, 242 disabling, 431
limit conditions, 243 indicator flags, 431
OV rollback function, 242 speed rollup, 431
parameters, 242

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speed rollup
control flags, 432
disabling, 432 T
spinning load, 36, 39, 98, 221, 258, 295
tamper resistant input protection, 72, 155, 403
parameter, 222
TCP/IP, 362
Stability Menu, 122
ToolSuite, 362, 376, 436
Braking Menu, 132
torque demand, 292, 297
Control Loop Test Menu, 133
torque limit, 431
Flux Control Menu, 127
Torque Limit Setting, 209
Input Processing Menu, 123
parameter, 209
Low Frequency Compensation Menu, 125
torque mode, 292
Output Processing Menu, 124
parameters, 293
Speed Loop Menu, 131
torque reference, 292
Stator Resistance Estimator Menu, 132
trained personnel, 68
Var Control Menu, 124
transformer, 197
stop mode, 318, 344
transformer model
stopping modes, 212
one cycle protection, 197
symbols, 443
Transport, 17
synchronous motor, 33, 39, 50, 236, 250, 295
troubleshooting, 433
control, 37
electrical hazard, 379
with AC Brushless Exciter, 37
high voltages, 380
synchronous motor operation with DC brushless
transformer over-temperature:loss of cooling, 433
unexpected output, 430
parameters, 50
Synchronous motors, 17
synchronous transfer, 249, 250, 251, 257
circuitry damage, 257
down transfer, 250 up / down transfer
fault, 250, 252 timeout, 103
implementing, 251 up transfer
input/output signals, 252 induction motor, 255
multiple motors, 256 synchronous motor, 258
parameters, 260 USB port, 223
PLC interface, 256 user I/O, 31
synchronous motor, 257 user I/O board, 69
up transfer, 250
system interface board, 30, 56
system program, 66, 369, 370, 429 V
active SOP, 378
Variable-Speed Drives, 17
compactflash card, 371
vector control
downloading, 375
algorithms, 33, 34
input flags, 373
current regulators, 33
logic functions, 371
feed-forward compensation, 34
logic statements, 372
flux and speed regulators, 33
output flags, 374
modes, 35
SOP flag switching, 377
motor model, 33
source file, 372
voltage attenuator resistors, 245
uploading, 376
electrical hazard, 245
system program interpreter, 68
supported voltages, 245
Volts/hertz control, 39

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470 Operating Manual, AH, A5E33474566_EN

WAGO, 429
timeout, 104
WAGO I/O system, 67
Watchdog Menu, 121
watchdog protection
CPU watchdog, 51
I/O watchdog, 51
Input breaker watchdog, 51
M1 Permit watchdog, 51
Modulator watchdog, 51
parameter, 51
waveforms, 185

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