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Function Manual



Security Information 1

Safety notes 2

Introduction 3
Advanced Motor Protection
Parameters 4
Advanced Motor Protection for
RTD Terminal Connections 5
Variable Speed Operation
Advanced Motor Protection
and RTD Protection 6

Alarms, Faults, and Logging

Messages 7
NXGpro AMP Alarms/Faults,
Protection Variables, and 8
RTD Status Screens

Troubleshooting 9

Spare Parts Data 10

Appendix A

Service and support 11

ESD guidelines A

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified
personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding
potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this
publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG A5E46373908A Copyright © Siemens AG 2019.

Global Services Information Technology Ⓟ 06/2019 Subject to change All rights reserved
Table of contents

1 Security Information......................................................................................................................................9
1.1 Security information .................................................................................................................9
2 Safety notes................................................................................................................................................11
2.1 General Safety Information ....................................................................................................11
2.2 Observing the Five Safety Rules............................................................................................12
2.3 Safety Information and Warnings...........................................................................................13
3 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................15
3.1 Background ...........................................................................................................................15
4 Advanced Motor Protection Parameters.....................................................................................................17
4.1 Standard Protections Block Diagram .....................................................................................17
4.2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................23
4.3 Protection Function Enable Types .........................................................................................26
5 RTD Terminal Connections ........................................................................................................................27
5.1 Installation External Wiring.....................................................................................................27
6 Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions .......................................................................29
6.1 Top Level Menu and Submenus ............................................................................................29
6.2 Device 12 - Fixed Pickup Overspeed.....................................................................................31
6.3 Device 12 - Variable Pickup Overspeed ................................................................................33
6.4 Device 14 - Fixed Pickup Underspeed...................................................................................37
6.5 Device 14 - Variable Pickup Underspeed ..............................................................................39
6.6 Device 37 - Fixed Pickup Undercurrent .................................................................................43
6.7 Device 37 - Variable Pickup Undercurrent .............................................................................45
6.8 Device 37P - Fixed Underpower Relay .................................................................................48
6.9 Device 38 - Fixed Bearing Temperature Protective Device ...................................................50
6.10 Device 39 - Mechanical Condition Monitor - Fixed Pickup Torque Pulsation.........................51
6.11 Device 46_2 - Phase-Balance Current - Fixed Pickup Negative Sequence Overcurrent
Delay ......................................................................................................................................54
6.12 Device 48 - Incomplete Sequence Relay Device - Maximum Start Time...............................56
6.13 Device 48 - Incomplete Sequence Relay Device - Maximum Stop Time...............................57
6.14 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload........................58
6.15 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Parameter Thermal Overload ...................63

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 3
Table of contents

6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection........................70
6.17 Device 50 - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Overcurrent Device ...............................................80
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent .........................................................................82
6.18.1 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent .........................................................................82
6.18.2 Function 51 IEEE Pickup and Reset .....................................................................................86
6.18.3 Function 51 ANSI Pickup and Reset .....................................................................................93
6.18.4 Function 51 IAC Pickup and Reset .....................................................................................102
6.18.5 Function 51 IEC Pickup and Reset ......................................................................................111
6.18.6 Function 51 I2T Pickup and Reset ......................................................................................119
6.18.7 Function 51 I4T Pickup and Reset ......................................................................................121
6.19 Device 55 - Fixed Pickup Maximum Power Factor ..............................................................124
6.20 Device 55 - Power Factor Relay Device (Fixed minimum power factor)..............................126
6.21 Device 59G - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Overvoltage .............................128
6.22 Device 59G - Fixed Pickup Definite Minimum Time Zero Sequence Overvoltage...............130
6.23 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Starts per Hour ..................................................133
6.24 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Cold Starts per Hour ..........................................134
6.25 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Hot Starts per Hour............................................135
6.26 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Maximum Thermal Capacity Used to Start ........136
6.27 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup Overfrequency.............................................................................137
6.28 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Overfrequency ........................................................................139
6.29 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup Underfrequency...........................................................................143
6.30 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Underfrequency ......................................................................145
6.31 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup High Frequency Rate of Change.................................................149
6.32 Changing RTD Type ............................................................................................................151
6.32.1 Changing RTD Type ............................................................................................................151
7 Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages ...................................................................................................153
7.1 Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages ...............................................................................153
8 NXGpro AMP Alarms/Faults, Protection Variables, and RTD Status Screens........................................159
8.1 Viewing Protection Variables ...............................................................................................159
8.1.1 AMP Data Screen ................................................................................................................160
8.1.2 AMP Alarms / Faults ............................................................................................................161
8.1.3 RTD Status Screen ..............................................................................................................164
9 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................................165
9.1 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................165
10 Spare Parts Data .....................................................................................................................................167
10.1 AMP Replaceable Spart Parts List.......................................................................................167
A Appendix...................................................................................................................................................169
A.1 IEEE Device Numbers and Functions..................................................................................169

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

4 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Table of contents

A.2 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................171

11 Service and support..................................................................................................................................173
11.1 Field Service Operation........................................................................................................173
A ESD guidelines .........................................................................................................................................175
A.1 ESD-sensitive Components .................................................................................................175


Table 4-1 Pickup Level Settings for Variable Undercurrent Protection Example ........................................20
Table 4-2 Example of per-unit and engineering unit quantities ...................................................................25
Table 6-1 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Over Speed (ID 7181) ...................................31
Table 6-2 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Variable Pickup Over Speed (ID 7189)...............................33
Table 6-3 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Underspeed Device (ID 7217).......................37
Table 6-4 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Variable Pickup Underspeed (ID 7226) ..............................39
Table 6-5 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Undercurrent Device (ID 7256) .....................43
Table 6-6 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Variable Pickup Undercurrent Device (ID 7266).................45
Table 6-7 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Underpower Relay (ID 7297) ........................48
Table 6-8 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Mechanical Condition Monitor - Fixed Pickup Torque
Pulsation (ID 7306)......................................................................................................................51
Table 6-9 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Phase Balance Current - Fixed Negative Sequence
Over Current (ID 7316)................................................................................................................54
Table 6-10 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Incomplete Sequence - Maximum Start Time (ID 7325)......56
Table 6-11 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Incomplete Sequence - Maximum Stop Time (ID 7330)......57
Table 6-12 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Machine Thermal Model - Fixed Parameter Thermal
Overload (ID 7335)......................................................................................................................58
Table 6-13 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Thermal Overload
(ID 7352) .....................................................................................................................................63
Table 6-14 Values of the k-Factor Settings ...................................................................................................69
Table 6-15 RTD Protection Menu - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection (ID 7429)......70
Table 6-16 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Overcurrent (ID 7515) ...........80
Table 6-17 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Inverse Time Overcurrent (ID 7533) .............82
Table 6-18 IEEE Curve Data Table ...............................................................................................................87
Table 6-19 ANSI Curve Data Table...............................................................................................................94
Table 6-20 IAC Curve Data Table ...............................................................................................................103
Table 6-21 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Maximum Power Factor (ID 7573) ..............124
Table 6-22 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Minimum Power Factor (ID 7582) ...............126
Table 6-23 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed PickupInstantaneous Zero Sequence
Overvoltage (ID 7563) ...............................................................................................................128
Table 6-24 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Overcurrent (ID 7524) .........130

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

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Table of contents

Table 6-25 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Starts per Hour (ID 7590) ................................................133
Table 6-26 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Notching or Jogging - Cold Starts per Hour (ID 7593).....134
Table 6-27 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Hot Starts per Hour (ID 7598)..........................................135
Table 6-28 Motor Protection Menu - Maximum Thermal Capacity Used to Start (ID 7603) .......................136
Table 6-29 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Overfrequency (ID 7606).............................137
Table 6-30 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Variable Pickup Overfrequency (ID 7615) ........................139
Table 6-31 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Underfrequency (ID 7645)...........................143
Table 6-32 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Variable Pickup Underfrequency (ID 7654) .....................145
Table 6-33 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup High Frequency Rate of Change (ID 7684)....149
Table 7-1 Advanced Motor Protection Function Event Log Table .............................................................153
Table 7-2 RTD Protection Function Event Log Table................................................................................156


Figure 4-1 Generalized Protection Function Block Diagram.........................................................................17

Figure 4-2 Various Pickup and Dropout Time Delay Counter Examples of Operation .................................19
Figure 4-3 Variable Pickup Under Current Graph.........................................................................................21
Figure 4-4 AMP Hardware Block Diagram....................................................................................................24
Figure 5-1 RTD Termination Diagram (for internal and external wiring).......................................................27
Figure 5-2 Internal and External Wiring for Unused RTD Inputs ..................................................................28
Figure 6-1 Overspeed Protection Diagram ...................................................................................................32
Figure 6-2 Overspeed Protection Diagram ...................................................................................................36
Figure 6-3 Underspeed Protection Diagram .................................................................................................38
Figure 6-4 Underspeed Protection Diagram .................................................................................................42
Figure 6-5 UnderCurrent Protection .............................................................................................................44
Figure 6-6 Undercurrent Protection Diagram................................................................................................47
Figure 6-7 Underpower Protection Diagram .................................................................................................49
Figure 6-8 Per Unit Torque ...........................................................................................................................52
Figure 6-9 Mean of Torque Dataset .............................................................................................................52
Figure 6-10 RMS Value of Pulsating Torque ..................................................................................................52
Figure 6-11 Torque Pulsation Diagram...........................................................................................................53
Figure 6-12 Negative Sequence Current Diagram .........................................................................................55
Figure 6-13 Thermal Capacity used as determined by Stator Temperature...................................................61
Figure 6-14 Example of Variable Parameter Thermal Overload Protection k-Factor ....................................69
Figure 6-15 Overcurrent Protection Diagram..................................................................................................81
Figure 6-16 User Programmed OverCurrent Trip Curve Example .................................................................85
Figure 6-17 IEEE Pickup Curve Equation.......................................................................................................87
Figure 6-18 IEEE Reset Curve Equation ........................................................................................................87
Figure 6-19 IEEE Extremely Inverse Pickup Time..........................................................................................88

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

6 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Table of contents

Figure 6-20 IEEE Extremely Inverse Reset Time ...........................................................................................89

Figure 6-21 IEEE Very Inverse Pickup Time ..................................................................................................90
Figure 6-22 IEEE Very Inverse Reset Time....................................................................................................91
Figure 6-23 IEEE Moderately Inverse Pickup Time........................................................................................92
Figure 6-24 IEEE Moderately Inverse Reset Time .........................................................................................93
Figure 6-25 ANSI Pickup Curve Equation ......................................................................................................94
Figure 6-26 ANSI Reset Curve Equation........................................................................................................94
Figure 6-27 ANSI Extremely Inverse Pickup Time .........................................................................................95
Figure 6-28 ANSI Extremely Inverse Reset Time...........................................................................................96
Figure 6-29 ANSI Very Inverse Pickup Time ..................................................................................................97
Figure 6-30 ANSI Very Inverse Reset Time ...................................................................................................98
Figure 6-31 ANSI Inverse Pickup Time ..........................................................................................................99
Figure 6-32 ANSI Inverse Reset Time..........................................................................................................100
Figure 6-33 ANSI Moderately Inverse Pickup Time......................................................................................101
Figure 6-34 ANSI Moderately Inverse Reset Time .......................................................................................102
Figure 6-35 IAC pickup-curve equation ........................................................................................................103
Figure 6-36 IAC Reset Curve Equation ........................................................................................................103
Figure 6-37 IAC Extremely Inverse Pickup Time..........................................................................................104
Figure 6-38 IAC Extremely Inverse Reset Time ...........................................................................................105
Figure 6-39 IAC Very Inverse Pickup Time ..................................................................................................106
Figure 6-40 IAC Very Inverse Reset Time....................................................................................................107
Figure 6-41 IAC Inverse Pickup Time...........................................................................................................108
Figure 6-42 IAC Inverse Reset Time ............................................................................................................109
Figure 6-43 IAC Short Inverse Pickup Time .................................................................................................110
Figure 6-44 IAC Short Inverse Reset Time...................................................................................................111
Figure 6-45 IEC Pickup Curve Equation.......................................................................................................111
Figure 6-46 IEC Reset Curve Equation ........................................................................................................111
Figure 6-47 IEC Inverse Pickup Time...........................................................................................................112
Figure 6-48 IEC Inverse Reset Time ............................................................................................................113
Figure 6-49 IEC Extremely Inverse Pickup Time..........................................................................................114
Figure 6-50 IEC Extremely Inverse Reset Time ...........................................................................................115
Figure 6-51 IEC Short Inverse Pickup Time .................................................................................................116
Figure 6-52 IEC Short Inverse Reset Time...................................................................................................117
Figure 6-53 IEC Very Inverse Pickup Time ..................................................................................................118
Figure 6-54 IEC Very Inverse Reset Time....................................................................................................119
Figure 6-55 I2t Pickup Time Equation ..........................................................................................................119
Figure 6-56 I2t Reset Time Equation............................................................................................................120
Figure 6-57 I2t Inverse Pickup Time.............................................................................................................120
Figure 6-58 I2t Inverse Reset Time ..............................................................................................................121

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

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Table of contents

Figure 6-59 I4t Pickup Time equation...........................................................................................................121

Figure 6-60 I4t Reset Time equation ............................................................................................................122
Figure 6-61 I4t Inverse Pickup......................................................................................................................122
Figure 6-62 I4t Inverse Reset .......................................................................................................................123
Figure 6-63 OverPF Protection Diagram ......................................................................................................125
Figure 6-64 UnderPF Protection Diagram ....................................................................................................127
Figure 6-65 OverZeroSeqVoltage Protection Diagram.................................................................................129
Figure 6-66 OverZeroSeqVoltage Protection Diagram.................................................................................131
Figure 6-67 OverFrequency Protection Diagram..........................................................................................138
Figure 6-68 Overfrequency Protection Diagram ...........................................................................................142
Figure 6-69 UnderFrequency Protection Diagram........................................................................................144
Figure 6-70 Underfrequency Protection Diagram .........................................................................................148
Figure 6-71 OverFrequencyRate Protection.................................................................................................150
Figure 8-1 Display Parameters ...................................................................................................................159
Figure 8-2 AMP Data Screen......................................................................................................................161
Figure 8-3 AMP Alarms / Faults Screen .....................................................................................................162
Figure 8-4 Output Data IDs ........................................................................................................................163
Figure 8-5 RTD Status Screen ...................................................................................................................164
Figure A-1 ESD Protective Measures .........................................................................................................177

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

8 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Security Information 1
1.1 Security information
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected
to an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and
only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation) are in
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are available
and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no longer
supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed under

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 9
Security Information
1.1 Security information

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

10 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Safety notes 2
2.1 General Safety Information

Proper Use
SINAMICS Perfect Harmony™ GH180 medium voltage drives must always be installed in
closed electrical operating areas. The drive is connected to the industrial network via a circuit-
breaker or contactor that is electrically connected to the VFD control to enable the drive
protection features.
The specific transport conditions must be observed when the equipment is transported. The
equipment shall be assembled/installed and the separate cabinet units connected properly by
cable and/or busbar in accordance with the assembly/installation instructions. The relevant
instructions regarding correct storage, EMC-compliant installation, cabling, shielding and
grounding and an adequate auxiliary power supply must be strictly observed. Fault-free
operation is also dependent on careful operation and maintenance.
The power sections are designed for variable-speed drives use with synchronous and
asynchronous motors. Operating modes, overload conditions, load cycles, and ambient
conditions different to those described in this document are allowed only by special
arrangement with the manufacturer.
Commissioning should only be carried out by trained service personnel in accordance with the
commissioning instructions.
System components such as circuit-breaker, transformer, cables, cooling unit, motor, speed
sensors, etc., must be matched to VFD operation. System configuration may only be carried out
by an experienced system integrator.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

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Safety notes
2.2 Observing the Five Safety Rules

2.2 Observing the Five Safety Rules

There are five safety rules that must always be observed to assure not only personal safety, but
to prevent material damage as well. Always obey safety-related labels located on the product
itself and always read and understand each safety precaution prior to operating or working on
the drive.
The five safety rules:
1. Disconnect the power applied to the system.
2. Protect against reapplication of power.
3. Make sure that the equipment is de-energized.
4. Apply grounding (earthing) means.
5. Cover or enclose adjacent components to secure all forms of hazardous energy.

Danger Due to High Voltages
High voltages cause death or serious injury if the safety instructions are not observed or if the
equipment is handled incorrectly.
Potentially fatal voltages occur when this equipment is in operation which can remain present
even after the VFD is switched off.
Ensure that only qualified and trained personnel carry out work on the equipment.
Follow the five safety rules during each stage of the work.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

12 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Safety notes
2.3 Safety Information and Warnings

2.3 Safety Information and Warnings

Hazardous Voltage!
● Always follow the proper lock-out/tag-out procedures before beginning any maintenance
or troubleshooting work on the VFD.
● Always follow standard safety precautions and local codes during installation of external
wiring. The installation must follow wiring practices and insulation systems as specified in
IEC 61800-5-1.
● Hazardous voltages may still exist within the VFD cabinets even when the disconnect
switch is open (off) and the supply power is shut off.
● Only qualified individuals should install, operate, troubleshoot, and maintain this VFD. A
qualified individual is "a person, who is familiar with the construction and operation of the
equipment and the hazards involved."
● Always work with one hand, wear electrical safety gloves, wear insulated electrical hazard
rated safety shoes, and safety goggles. Also, always work with another person present.
● Always use extreme caution when handling or measuring components that are inside the
enclosure. Be careful to prevent meter leads from shorting together or from touching other
● Use only instrumentation (e.g., meters, oscilloscopes, etc.) intended for high voltage
measurements (that is, isolation is provided inside the instrument, not provided by isolating
the chassis ground of the instrument).
● Never assume that switching off the input disconnector will remove all voltage from internal
components. Voltage is still present on the terminals of the input disconnector. Also, there
may be voltages present that are applied from other external sources.
● Never touch anything within the VFD cabinets until verifying that it is neither thermally hot
nor electrically alive.
● Never remove safety shields (marked with a HIGH VOLTAGE sign) or attempt to measure
points beneath the shields.
● Never operate the VFD with cabinet doors open. The only exception is the control cabinet.
● Never connect any grounded (i.e., non-isolated) meters or oscilloscopes to the system.
● Never connect or disconnect any meters, wiring, or printed circuit boards while the VFD is
● Never defeat the instrument’s grounding.
● When a system is configured with VFD bypass switchgear (e.g. contactors between line
and motor, and VFD and motor), these switches should be interlocked so that the line
voltage is never applied to the VFD output if the medium voltage input is removed from the
● When a system is configured with VFD pre-charge, medium voltage is present on the
primary side of the input transformer and upstream device even though the MV contactor
is not closed.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

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Safety notes
2.3 Safety Information and Warnings

Potential Arc Hazard
● Arcing can result in damage to property, serious injury and even death.
● The equipment has not been tested and rated for arc flash protection.
● Avoiding arc hazard risks is dependent upon proper installation and maintenance.
● Incorrectly applied equipment, incorrectly selected, connected or unconnected cables, or
the presence of foreign materials can cause arcing in the equipment.
● Follow all applicable precautionary rules and guidelines as used in working with medium
voltage equipment.
● The equipment may be used only:
– for the applications defined as suitable in the technical description.
– in combination with equipment and components supplied by other manufacturers which
have been approved and recommended by Siemens.
● Always follow the facility / installation site rules / guidelines for Personal Protectiive
Equipment (PPE) based on the Arc Flash study of that facility.

Additional safety precautions and warnings appear throughout this manual. These important
messages should be followed to reduce the risk of personal injury or equipment damage.

Obey Rules to Avoid Risk of Death
● Always comply with local codes and requirements if disposal of failed components is
● Always ensure the use of an even and flat truck bed to transport the VFD system. Before
unloading, be sure that the concrete pad is level for storage and permanent positioning.
● Always confirm proper tonnage ratings of cranes, cables, and hooks when lifting the VFD
system. Dropping the cabinet or lowering it too quickly could damage the unit.
● Never disconnect control power while medium voltage is energized. This could cause
severe system overheating and/or damage.
● Never store flammable material in, on, or near the drive enclosure. This includes
equipment drawings and manuals.
● Never use fork trucks to lift cabinets that are not equipped with lifting tubes. Be sure that
the fork truck tines fit the lifting tubes properly and are the appropriate length.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

14 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Introduction 3
3.1 Background
Unlike other motor protection management relays, the SINAMICS Advanced Motor Protection
(AMP) is fully integrated into the drive itself, requiring no installation or mounting. Protection
variables and RTD data used by the AMP are tested to ensure that the AMP is functioning
properly and is ready for parameter setting before leaving the factory. To assure motor and
process protection, it is necessary to define protection settings in such a way as to prevent
motor and process damage, which can occur in various manners and conditions.
Today industrial equipment is designed to be operated for 20 years or longer. Medium voltage
motors are exposed to environmental and mechanical stresses that, over time, could lead to
motor degradation and malfunction. The monitoring and protection of such medium voltage
motors is an essential element in the overall industrial process protection. These protection
schemes are needed to avoid financial losses caused by unexpected process downtown.
Medium voltage motors are operated either directly on line (DOL) or through variable frequency
drives (VFDs). Thus, they require protection from the following conditions:
● input line events
● high temperatures, insulation and bearing failures
● conditions created by a change in a load
– overload
– underload
– imbalance
– jamming
The advanced motor protection algorithms described in this manual can be used to protect
systems from such events. In addition, some features can also be configured to detect and
protect against undesirable process conditions.
The following chapters provide an overview of the function itself, followed by the function as
implemented in the GH180 drive.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

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3.1 Background

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

16 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection Parameters 4
4.1 Standard Protections Block Diagram
Time Protections Standard Block Diagram
A standard block diagram is used for many definite time protections. The Motor Protection
Relay function design for various time protections is shown in the figure Generalized Protection
Function Block Diagram.



Enable (1)
Disable (0)

Low Pass
Protec!on Variable Filter
(Voltage, Current, Count Pickup
Enable Timed
etc.) 1=pickup
Pickup Output Out Trip or Alarm
> 0=dropout Time Delay >=
Pickup Low Pass Σ < (Counter)
Level Filter - Zero Reset

Time Delay

Level) Count
Dropout Output
Time Delay
Zero Reset

Dropout Out

Time Delay

Latch Control
1 = latched

Figure 4-1 Generalized Protection Function Block Diagram

Refer to the appendix of this manual and IEEE C37.2 to obtain further information about device
numbers and functions.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

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Advanced Motor Protection Parameters
4.1 Standard Protections Block Diagram

The functions that operate in accordance with the standard architecture are:
● Device 12 - Fixed pickup overspeed
● Device 12 - Variable pickup overspeed
● Device 14 - Fixed pickup underspeed
● Device 14 - Variable pickup underspeed
● Device 37 - Fixed pickup undercurrent
● Device 37 - Variable pickup undercurrent
● Device 37P - Fixed pickup underpower
● Device 39 - Mechanical condition monitor - Fixed pickup torque pulsation
● Device 46_2 - Phase-balance current - Fixed pickup negative sequence overcurrent
● Device 49RTD - Machine thermal overload - Fixed pickup RTD protection
● Device 50 - Fixed pickup instantaneous overcurrent
● Device 51 - Fixed pickup inverse time overcurrent
● Device 55 - Fixed pickup maximum power factor
● Device 55 - Fixed pickup minimum power factor
● Device 59G - Fixed pickup definite minimum time zero sequence overvoltage
● Device 81 - Fixed pickup overfrequency
● Device 81 - Variable pickup overfrequency
● Device 81 - Fixed pickup underfrequency
● Device 81 - Fixed pickup high frequency rate of change
The standard block compares a protection variable to a reference which is referred to in the
block diagram as the pickup level. To illustrate, for the fixed underspeed protection, the
reference would be motor speed, and the pickup level would be the Fixed Underspeed Pickup
Level (7218).
The comparator can be configured to make the block an "over" function (a trip or alarm can be
generated when the protection variable is higher than the pickup level) or an "under" function
(a trip or alarm can be generated when the protection variable is lower than the pickup level).
Adjustable low pass filtering is accomplished on both the protection variable and the pickup
level prior to the variables being applied to the greater than or less than comparator function.
A true state (logic one) at the output of the comparator indicates that a pickup is occurring and
that a trip or alarm may result. The pickup condition modifies the threshold of the comparator
with a programmable amount of hysteresis to avoid excessive toggling due to noise in the
reference or protection variable. The amount of hysteresis is determined as a percentage of the
pickup level by the adjustable parameter referred to as the dropout level.
The block uses two counters to control the generation of an alarm or trip output. The output can
be used as a trip signal or as an alarm signal where the alarm can be set to a latched mode or
an unlatched mode. The two counters are the pickup time delay counter and the dropout time
delay counter. The pickup time delay counter is used to delay the time between a pickup and
the generation of a trip or alarm signal. The pickup time delay is a programmable parameter that
can be adjusted over a range that depends on the particular protection variable being used.The

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

18 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection Parameters
4.1 Standard Protections Block Diagram

dropout time delay counter is used to delay the reset of the pickup timer if the protection variable
changes such as to cause the pickup signal to return to a false (logic zero) condition.
In the simplest case of operation, the protection variable exceeds the pickup level and remains
there. The pickup time delay counter would start counting until the value of the counter exceeds
the "pickup time delay" and a trip or alarm would be generated. The dropout time delay counter
has no involvement in this simplest type of operation. This case is shown in the top line of figure
Various Pickup and Dropout Time Delay Counter Various Examples of Operation for the cases
of latched and unlatched operation.

Figure 4-2 Various Pickup and Dropout Time Delay Counter Examples of Operation

The dropout time delay counter is used to reset the pickup time delay counter when the pickup
condition disappears. The second line of Various Pickup and Dropout Time Delay Counter
Examples of Operation shows the case where the pickup signal goes to zero for a time greater
than the value of the dropout time delay. The dropout time delay is a programmable parameter
that is shown in figure Generalized Protection Function Block Diagram. The dropout time delay
counter counts up once the pickup signal becomes false and resets the pickup time delay

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 19
Advanced Motor Protection Parameters
4.1 Standard Protections Block Diagram

The bottom two rows of the second figure shown show more complex behaviors involving
shorter time variations of the pickup signal.
Boolean Logic equations for the counters are

Pickup Counter
● Count = /Pickup timed out * enabled * pickup
● Reset = Reset (ext) + Dropout timed out

Dropout Counter
● Count = /(/Pickup * /Pickup timer) * (/Pickup timed out + /Latch
control * Pickup timed out)
● Reset = /(Dropout timed out + /Dropout) * (Pickup timed out * Latch
control) + Reset (ext)
/ indicates a logical inversion (not)
+ indicates a logical OR
* indicates a logical AND

Fixed Pickup Protections

Fixed pickup protection functions allow a single pickup level to be programmed that remains a
constant over the entire operating speed range of the drive.
Example: For fixed pickup overspeed protection, when the speed of the machine exceeds the
programmed pickup level then the logic of the standard block diagram starts the pickup timer.
If the pickup condition persists for longer than the programmed time then a trip or alarm will
The pickup level is independent of the speed setting (speed demand) of the drive.

Demand Dependency for Variable Pickup Protections

Variable pickup protection functions allow a pickup level to be programmed as a function of the
commanded speed of the drive (speed demand). The pickup levels are entered as a set of 20
points starting from 0% demand to 190% demand setting. Linear interpolation is used between
the points.
Example: If a 10% overspeed pickup is set at 0% demand and a 20% overspeed pickup is set
at 10% demand, the effective pickup level at 5% demand will be 15%. The pickup level will
remain constant at the 190% demand setting for demand settings in excess of 190%. If the
190% demand setting pickup level is set to 210%, the pickup level at 200% demand will also be
210%. See Figure Variable Pickup Undercurrent.
To further illustrate, assume that the variable pickup undercurrent function is being used; and
the pickup levels are set to the values shown in column 2 of Table "Pickup Level Settings for
Level Settings for Variable Undercurrent Protection Example".

Table 4-1 Pickup Level Settings for Variable Undercurrent Protection Example

Speed Demand (%) Undercurrent Pickup Level (%)

0 10
10 10
20 10

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

20 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection Parameters
4.1 Standard Protections Block Diagram

Speed Demand (%) Undercurrent Pickup Level (%)

30 10
40 20
50 30
60 40
70 50
70 55
90 60
100 75
110 75
120 75
130 75
140 75
150 75
160 75
170 75
180 75
190 60

The resulting speed demand dependent pickup levels as shown in the figure titled "Variable
Pickup Undercurrent Graph " shown below.

Variable Pickup Undercurrent


Undercurrent 50
Pickup Level 40
(%) 30
0 50 100 150 200 250
Speed Demand (%)

Figure 4-3 Variable Pickup Under Current Graph

Thermal Overload
The thermal overload protection functions use a thermodynamic model of the machine to
predict the total amount of thermal capacity (basically margin to maximum temperature) that
has been used as the machine temperature increases. A value of 100% thermal capacity used
would imply that the machine is at the maximum allowable temperature. The thermal model
uses a k-factor to adjust the value of current at which the machine will eventually reach full rated

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 21
Advanced Motor Protection Parameters
4.1 Standard Protections Block Diagram

temperature at maximum rated ambient temperature. There are also heating, cooling, and
stopped thermal time constants that dynamically adjust the model to match how quickly the
machine will heat up and cool down either when moving or when stopped.
A fixed thermal overload protection function and a variable thermal overload function are
provided. The fixed thermal overload function allows the use of a fixed value (does not vary with
the drive speed demand setting) of k-factor and the time constants. The variable thermal
overload function allows the k-factor, the heating time constant, and the cooling time constant
to be made a function of the speed demand setting. The parameters are programmed over a
range of speed demand setting from 0 to 190% in the same way as the pickup parameters are
set for the variable pickup level protection functions. The k-factor would be adjusted as a
function of speed to account for changes in the machine losses as the electrical frequency
changes. The time constants would be adjusted to account for changes in the heat transfer
characteristics of the machine as the speed changes.

See also
Installation External Wiring (Page 27)
IEEE Device Numbers and Functions (Page 169)

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

22 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection Parameters
4.2 Introduction

4.2 Introduction
The next chapters of this manual provide a brief of description of each AMP device protection.
Additional technical data, including keypad and tool parameter text, ID, units, and values are
shown in table format which provideds the end-user with easy access to device specific data.
Where applicable, block diagrams, equations, and curves are also provided.

AMP Hardware Block Diagram

To better understand advanced motor protection hardware provided with your drive, refer to the
AMP Hardware Block Diagram. Along with the type of hardware, the input to the 4-channel and
8-channel RTDs, the PLC input, Ethernet Switch, RTD channels, and power are depicted.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 23
Advanced Motor Protection Parameters
4.2 Introduction

4 Resistance Temperature Detectors

8 Resistance Temperature Detectors

S7-1200 4 Channel
Programmable Resistance 8 Channel
Logic Temperature Resistance Temperature
Controller Detector Detector Module



+24V Power

Figure 4-4 AMP Hardware Block Diagram

Per-unit Values
All the AMP functions use per-unit values to set pickup and dropout levels as well as speed-
based enables. In a per-unit system, engineering quantities (such as voltages or currents) are
normalized to their rated or maximum values. The value of the resultant per-unit values is
typically zero to one although the values can be and are often expressed in percentages. The
AMP system uses percentage values to set per-unit quantities. Voltage, current, frequency,

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

24 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection Parameters
4.2 Introduction

power, torque, and speed are per-unit quantities in the AMP. Time, temperature, and power
factor are not handled as per-unit quantities and are expressed in units of seconds and degrees
Celsius or Fahrenheit, power factor does not have any associated units. For example,
consider a 1 MW machine with a rated voltage of 4160 V, and a full load current of 162A with
a rated speed of 1785 RPM that is designed to operate with 60 Hz power. This is a four-pole
machine, so the synchronous speed of the machine is 1800 RPM. The relationship between the
engineering units and per-unit quantities are shown in the table titled, "Per-unit Engineering
Unit Quantities".

Table 4-2 Example of per-unit and engineering unit quantities

Quantity 1 Per Unit Value (100%)

Speed 1800 RPM
Power 1 MW
Current (positive or negative sequence) 162 ARMS
Torque 5350 N-m
Voltage (line-to-line, positive or negative sequence) 4160 VRMS
Voltage (zero sequence) 2402 VRMS
Frequency 60 Hz

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 25
Advanced Motor Protection Parameters
4.3 Protection Function Enable Types

4.3 Protection Function Enable Types

There are four types of enables used to control startup and disabling of the protection functions.
They are: Startup Time, Minimum Speed Enable, Minimum Speed Reset, and Fixed Torque
Pulsation Minimum Speed Enable.
The following paragraphs describe the operation of the various enables.
1. Startup Time is used to delay the startup of the protection function from the time that the run
command is issued. Following startup, the protection function will remain disabled until the
startup time has elapsed. Once the Startup Time has been met, the protection function will
be enabled unless another startup function continues to disable the protection function. The
startup time delay will be repeated if the drive is stopped and then started again.
2. Minimum Speed Enable is used to delay the startup of the protection function until the
machine achieves a minimum speed. Once the speed of the machine exceeds the Minimum
Speed Enable setting, the function is enabled and will remain enabled until the drive is
stopped (stop command, trip, etc.) unless another startup function continues to disable the
protection function (such as Startup Time). The function will remain enabled even if the
speed is reduced below the Minimum Speed Enable setting once that setting has been
exceeded for the first time. The Minimum Speed Enable is reset when the drive is stopped,
and the minimum speed will have to be reached again if the drive is stopped and then started
3. Minimum Speed Reset is used to disable a protection function when the speed demand is
less than a specified value. When the demand setting is below the Minimum Speed Reset
setting, the protection function is reset. Any startup time delay or minimum speed enable will
be reset and the conditions of those enables will have to be met before the protection
function will be enabled again.
4. Fixed Torque Pulsation Minimum Speed Enable is a unique enable applicable only to the
excessive torque pulsation protection function. The setting resets the protection when the
motor speed is below the setting. This setting should be used to avoid trips due to conditions
where low motor speed is likely to result in false trips due to the finite sampling window of
the torque pulsation function.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

26 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
RTD Terminal Connections 5
5.1 Installation External Wiring
Installation External Wiring
Customer-supplied low-voltage control cables enter via access plates in the top or bottom of the
VFD enclosure. Refer to the project drawings for access plate locations.
Customer-supplied Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) extension wiring terminates to
terminal block TB2RTD in the VFD enclosure. An example is shown below in figure RTD
Termination Diagram. Refer to the project drawings for complete TB2RTD layout details.

9)',17(51$/:,5,1* (;7(51$/:,5,1*
%<6,(0(16 %<&86720(5


723/& 57'

Figure 5-1 RTD Termination Diagram (for internal and external wiring)

Customer must loop-back (short) all unused RTD inputs. Doing so avoids interference pickup
on unused channels which can couple into the channels that are being used. Ensure all unused
RTD inputs are shorted to earth ground. Refer to figure Internal and External Wiring for Unused
RTD inputs.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 27
RTD Terminal Connections
5.1 Installation External Wiring

Figure 5-2 Internal and External Wiring for Unused RTD Inputs

See also
Standard Protections Block Diagram (Page 17)

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

28 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection
Functions 6
6.1 Top Level Menu and Submenus
The following tables contain the Advanced Motor Protection parameters. Refer to the NXGpro
Control Manual (A5E33474566) to view the GH180 standard motor protection parameters.
This menu item is located at the end of the menu for Drive Protections - "Drive Protect" (7) and
follows menu "Thermal OT Rollback" (7170) in menu (7).

Menu 7 is the top of the 7000 series Drive Protect parameters.

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description

Advanced Motor Protec‐ 7180 Sub-menu Advanced Motor Protection Features

Advanced Motor Protect Menu (7180) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description
Temperature Units 7173 degree Celsius Temperature Units that apply to all temper‐
ature entries selectable by means of a drop-
down menu:
● Celsius
● Fahrenheit
Fixed Over Speed 7181 Sub-menu Device 12 - Fixed Pickup Overspeed
Variable Over Speed 7189 Sub-menu Device 12 - Variable Pickup Overspeed
Fixed Under Speed 7217 Sub-menu Device 14 - Fixed Pickup Underspeed
Variable Under Speed 7226 Sub-menu Device 14 - Variable Pickup Underspeed
Fixed Under Current 7256 Sub-menu Device 37 - Fixed Pickup Undercurrent
Variable Under Current 7266 Sub-menu Device 37 - Variable Pickup Undercurrent
Fixed Under Power 7297 Sub-menu Device 37P - Fixed Pickup Underpower
Fixed Torque Pulsation 7306 Sub-menu Device 39 - Mechanical Condition Monitor -
Fixed Pickup Torque Pulsation
Fixed NegSeq Over I 7316 Sub-menu Device 46_2 - Phase Balance Current -
Fixed Pickup Negative Sequence Overcur‐
Maximum Start Time 7325 Sub-menu Device 48 - Incomplete Sequence - Maxi‐
mum Start Time
Maximum Stop Time 7330 Sub-menu Device 48 - Incomplete Sequence - Maxi‐
mum Stop Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 29
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.1 Top Level Menu and Submenus

Advanced Motor Protect Menu (7180) Parameters

Parameter ID Unit Default Min Max Description
Fixed Thermal Overload 7335 Sub-menu Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model -
Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload
Var. Thermal Overload 7352 Sub-menu Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Var‐
iable Thermal Overload
RTD Protection 7429 Sub-menu Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload
- Fixed Pickup RTD Protection
Fixed Inst. OverCurrent 7515 Sub-menu Device 50 – Fixed Pickup Instantaneous
Fixed ZeroSeq OverVolt 7524 Sub-menu Device 59G – Fixed Pickup Definite Mini‐
mum Time Zero Sequence Overvoltage
InverseTime OverCurrent 7533 Sub-menu Device 51 – Fixed Pickup Inverse Time
Inst. Zero Seq OverVolt 7563 Sub-menu Device 59G - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous
Zero Sequence Overvoltage
Fixed Max Power Factor 7572 Sub-menu Device 55 - Fixed Pickup Maximum Power
Fixed Min Power Factor 7581 Sub-menu Device 55 - Fixed Pickup Minimum Power
Min Starting Interval 7590 Sub-menu Device 66 – Notching or jogging – Starts Per
Max Cold Starts per hr 7593 Sub-menu Device 66 – Notching or jogging – Cold
Starts Per Hour
Max Hot Starts per hr 7598 Sub-menu Device 66 – Notching or jogging – Hot Starts
Per Hour
Min Therm Cap to Start 7603 Sub-menu Device 66 – Notching or jogging – Maximum
Thermal Capacity Used to Start
Fixed Over Frequency 7606 Sub-menu Device 81 - Fixed Pickup Overfrequency
Variable Over Frequency 7615 Sub-menu Device 81 - Variable Pickup Overfrequency
Fixed Under Frequency 7645 Sub-menu Device 81 - Fixed Pickup Underfrequency
Variable Underfreq 7654 Sub-menu Device 81 - Variable Pickup Underfrequency
Fixed High-Freq Rate 7684 Sub-menu Device 81 - Fixed Pickup High Frequency
Rate of Change

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

30 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.2 Device 12 - Fixed Pickup Overspeed

6.2 Device 12 - Fixed Pickup Overspeed

Fixed pickup overspeed is used to protect the motor and connected load against excessive
speed. The fixed pickup overspeed function provides a single speed point setting that produces
a trip or alarm condition when that speed is exceeded. The function can be enabled once a
programmable time period has elapsed since the starting of the motor. The per-unit speed
protection variable may be derived from a flux based Phase Locked Loop (PLL) or encoder.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 12 provides parameter settings as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Over Speed.

Table 6-1 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Over Speed (ID 7181)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum

Tool Parameter Text Value Value
Pickup Level 7182 % 110 0 - 200
Fixed Overspeed Pickup Level
Pickup Delay 7183 sec 1 0 - 6000
Fixed Overspeed Pickup Delay
Dropout Level 7184 % 2 0 - 50
Fixed Overspeed Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7185 sec 0.1 0 - 6000
Fixed Overspeed Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7186 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Overspeed Low Pass Time Con‐
Startup Time 7187 sec 0 0 - 6000
Fixed Overspeed Delay from Startup

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7188 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Pickup Overspeed Enable State ● Alarm
● Latched/Alarm
● Trip

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 20 milliseconds. Fixed
Pickup Overspeed is mutually exclusive with Variable Pickup Overspeed.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 31
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.2 Device 12 - Fixed Pickup Overspeed



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Motor Speed Low Pass

Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ > (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-1 Overspeed Protection Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

32 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.3 Device 12 - Variable Pickup Overspeed

6.3 Device 12 - Variable Pickup Overspeed

Variable pickup overspeed is used to protect the motor and connected load against excessive
speed or to detect conditions under which the motor speed has risen in excess of the desired
setpoint. The variable pickup overspeed function provides a curve of overspeed points as a
function of the commanded motor speed. A trip or alarm condition occurs when that speed is
exceeded. The function can be enabled once a programmable time period has elapsed since
the starting of the motor. The per-unit speed protection variable may be derived from a flux
based Phase Locked Loop (PLL) or encoder.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 12 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Variable Pickup Over Speed.

Table 6-2 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Variable Pickup Over Speed (ID 7189)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Val‐ Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text ue
OverSpeed Curve 7190 Sub-menu
OverSpeed Curve
Pickup Delay 7211 sec 1 0 - 6000
Variable Overspeed Pickup Delay
Dropout Level 7212 % 2 0 - 50
Variable Overspeed Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7213 sec 0.1 0 - 6000
Variable Overspeed Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7214 msec 0 0 - 1000
Variable Overspeed Low Pass Time Constant
Startup Time 7215 sec 0 0 - 6000
Variable Overspeed Delay from Startup

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7216 Disabled ● Disabled
Variable Pickup Overspeed Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 33
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.3 Device 12 - Variable Pickup Overspeed

OverSpeed Curve Menu (7190)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
7191 % 10 0 - 250
0% Speed Pickup
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 10% Demanded
10% Speed Pickup 7192 % 20 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 20% Demanded
20% Speed Pickup 7193 % 30 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 30% Demanded
30% Speed Pickup 7194 % 40 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed 40% Demanded
40% Speed Pickup 7195 % 50 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 50% Demanded
50% Speed Pickup 7196 % 60 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 60% Demanded
60% Speed Pickup 7197 % 70 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 70% Demanded
70% Speed Pickup 7198 % 80 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 80% Demanded
80% Speed Pickup 7199 % 90 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 90% Demanded
90% Speed Pickup 7200 % 100 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 100% Demanded
100% Speed Pickup 7201 % 110 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 110% Demanded
110% Speed Pickup 7202 % 120 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at-120% Demanded
120% Speed Pickup 7203 % 130 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 130% Demanded
130% Speed Pickup 7204 % 140 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 140% Demanded

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

34 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.3 Device 12 - Variable Pickup Overspeed

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
140% Speed Pickup 7205 % 150 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 150% Demanded
150% Speed Pickup 7206 % 160 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 160% Demanded
160% Speed Pickup 7207 % 170 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 170% Demanded
170% Speed Pickup 7208 % 180 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 180% Demanded
180% Speed Pickup 7209 % 190 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 190% Demanded
190% Speed Pickup 7210 % 200 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 200% Demanded

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 20 milliseconds. Variable
Pickup Overspeed is mutually exclusive with Fixed Overspeed.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 35
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.3 Device 12 - Variable Pickup Overspeed



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Motor Speed Low Pass

Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ > (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-2 Overspeed Protection Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

36 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.4 Device 14 - Fixed Pickup Underspeed

6.4 Device 14 - Fixed Pickup Underspeed

Fixed pickup underspeed is used to protect the motor and connected load against operation at
speeds below the desired speed. The fixed pickup underspeed function provides a single
underspeed point setting that produces a trip or alarm condition when that speed falls below
that value. The function offers a minimum speed enable that only allows activation of this
function after the programmable minimum speed has been reached. Once the minimum speed
has been reached, the function remains enabled regardless of speed until the drive stops. The
per-unit speed protection variable may be derived from a flux based Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
or encoder.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Setting Fixed Pickup and Variable Pickup Underspeed Protection Parameters
When setting Fixed Pickup and Variable Pickup Underspeed Protection Parameters, ensure
that settings are consistent with drive capabilities and with the settings of the accelerationramp
settings, Refer to the relevant NXGpro Control Manual (A5E33474566) provided with your

Device 14 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Underspeed.

Table 6-3 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Underspeed Device (ID 7217)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Pickup Level 7218 % 5 0 - 100
Fixed Underspeed Pickup Level
Pickup Delay 7219 sec 1 0 - 180
Fixed Underspeed Pickup Delay
Dropout Level 7220 % 102 100 - 200
Fixed Underspeed Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7221 sec 0.1 0 - 180
Fixed Underspeed Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7222 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Underspeed Low Pass Time Constant
Minimum Speed Enable 7223 % 50 0 - 100
Startup Time 7224 sec 0 0 - 200
Fixed Pickup Underspeed Delay from Startup

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 37
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.4 Device 14 - Fixed Pickup Underspeed

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7225 0 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Underspeed w/ Min Speed Enable - Enable ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 20 milliseconds. Fixed
Pickup Underspeed is mutually exclusive with Variable Pickup Underspeed.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Low Pass
Motor Speed Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ < (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


1 - Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-3 Underspeed Protection Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

38 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.5 Device 14 - Variable Pickup Underspeed

6.5 Device 14 - Variable Pickup Underspeed

Variable pickup underspeed is used to protect the motor and connected load against operation
at lower speeds than desired or to detect conditions under which the motor speed has fallen
below the desired setpoint due to problems with excessive load torque or torque production
difficulties in the machine. The variable pickup underspeed function provides a curve of speed
points as a function of the commanded motor speed. A trip or alarm condition occurs when that
speed falls below the curve at a given speed setting. The function offers a minimum speed
enable that only allows activation of this function after the programmable minimum speed has
been reached. Once the minimum speed has been reached, the function remains enabled
regardless of speed until the drive stops or the demand is set to a value below the minimum
speed reset. The minimum speed reset is used to define a range of demand settings below
which the function will remain in a reset condition. The per-unit speed protection variable may
be derived from a flux based Phase Locked Loop (PLL) or encoder.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Setting Fixed Pickup and Variable Pickup Underspeed Protection Parameters
When setting Fixed Pickup and Variable Pickup Underspeed Protection Parameters, ensure
that settings are consistent with drive capabilities and with the settings of the accelerationramp
settings, Refer to the relevant NXGpro Control Manual NXGpro Control Manual
(A5E33474566) provided with your drive.

Device 14 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Variable Pickup Underspeed .

Table 6-4 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Variable Pickup Underspeed (ID 7226)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
UnderSpeed Curve 7227 Sub-menu
UnderSpeed Curve
Pickup Delay 7248 sec 1 0 - 6000
Variable Underspeed w/ Min Speed Enable Pickup
Dropout Level 7249 % 102 100 - 200
Variable Underspeed w/ Min Speed Enable Drop‐
out Level
Dropout Delay 7250 sec 0.1 0 - 600
Variable Underspeed w/ Min Speed Enable Drop‐
out Delay

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 39
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.5 Device 14 - Variable Pickup Underspeed

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
Low Pass Time Constant 7251 msec 0 0 - 1000
Variable Underspeed w/ Min Speed Enable Low
Pass Time Constant
Minimum Speed 7252 % 0 0 - 100
Variable Underspeed w/ Min Speed Enable Point
Minimum Speed Reset 7253 % 10 0 - 100
Variable Underspeed w/ Min Speed Enable Speed
Reset Point
Startup Time 7254 sec 0 0 - 6000
Variable Underspeed w/ Min Speed Enable from

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7255 Disabled ● Disabled
Variable Underspeed Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

UnderSpeed Curve Menu (7227)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
0% Speed Pickup 7228 % 0 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 0% Demanded
10% Speed Pickup 7229 % 0 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 10% Demanded
20% Speed Pickup 7230 % 10 0 -200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 20% Demanded
30% Speed Pickup 7231 % 20 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 30% Demanded
40% Speed Pickup 7232 % 30 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 40% Demanded
50% Speed Pickup 7233 % 40 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 50% Demanded
60% Speed Pickup 7234 % 50 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 60% Demanded

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

40 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.5 Device 14 - Variable Pickup Underspeed

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
70% Speed Pickup 7235 % 60 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 70% Demanded
80% Speed Pickup 7236 % 70 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 80% Demanded
90% Speed Pickup 7237 % 80 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 90% Demanded
100% Speed Pickup 7238 % 90 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 100% Demanded
110% Speed Pickup 7239 % 100 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 110% Demanded
120% Speed Pickup 7240 % 110 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 120% Demanded
130% Speed Pickup 7241 % 120 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 130% Demanded
140% Speed Pickup 7242 % 130 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 140% Demanded
150% Speed Pickup 7243 % 140 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 150% Demanded
160% Speed Pickup 7244 % 150 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 160% Demanded
170% Speed Pickup 7245 % 160 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 170% Demanded
180% Speed Pickup 7246 % 170 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 180% Demanded
190% Speed Pickup 7247 % 180 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 190% Demanded

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 20 milliseconds. Variable
Underspeed is mutually exclusive with Fixed Underspeed.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 41
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.5 Device 14 - Variable Pickup Underspeed



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Low Pass
Motor Speed Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ < (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


1 - Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-4 Underspeed Protection Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

42 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.6 Device 37 - Fixed Pickup Undercurrent

6.6 Device 37 - Fixed Pickup Undercurrent

Fixed pickup undercurrent is used to protect the motor against operation with RMS phase
currents that are below the desired level. The fixed pickup undercurrent function provides an
RMS phase current setting that produces a trip or alarm condition when the current falls below
that value. The function can be programmed to produce a trip or an alarm when any one, any
two, or all three of the phase currents (Phase A, Phase B, Phase C RMS currents) is below the
set point. The function offers a minimum speed enable that only allows activation of this function
after the programmable minimum speed has been reached. Once the minimum speed has
been reached, the function remains enabled regardless of speed until the drive stops or the
demand is set to a value below the minimum speed reset. The minimum speed reset is used to
define a range of demand settings below which the function will remain in a reset condition. The
per-unit speed protection variable may be derived from a flux based Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
or encoder.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 37 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Undercurrent.

Table 6-5 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Undercurrent Device (ID 7256)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum

Tool Parameter Text Value Value
Pickup Level 7257 % 5 0 - 100
Fixed Under Current Pickup Level
Pickup Delay 7258 sec 1 0 - 180
Fixed Under Current Pickup Delay
Dropout Level 7259 % 102 100 - 200
Fixed Under Current Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7260 sec 0.1 0 - 180
Fixed Under Current Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7261 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Under Current Low Pass Time Constant
Minimum Speed Enable 7262 % 20 0 - 100
Fixed Under Current Enable Point
Startup Time 7263 sec 5 0 - 200
Fixed Under Current Delay from Startup

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 43
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.6 Device 37 - Fixed Pickup Undercurrent

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7264 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Under Current Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
Phase Selection 7265 Any Phase ● Any Phase
Fixed Under Current Select Phases to Monitor ● Any Two Phases
● All Phases

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 10 milliseconds. Fixed
Pickup Under Current is mutually exclusive with Variable Pickup Under Current.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

RMS Phase Low Pass

Current Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ < (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


1 - Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-5 UnderCurrent Protection

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

44 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.7 Device 37 - Variable Pickup Undercurrent

6.7 Device 37 - Variable Pickup Undercurrent

Variable pickup undercurrent is used to protect the load / system operation with RMS phase
currents that are below the desired level where sensitivity to the speed demand setting is
important. The variable pickup undercurrent function provides a curve of undercurrent set
points as a function of the commanded motor speed. A trip or alarm condition occurs when the
current falls below the curve at a given speed setting. The function can be programmed to
produce a trip or an alarm when any one, any two, or all three of the phase currents is below the
set point. The function offers a minimum speed enable that only allows activation of this function
after the programmable minimum speed has been reached. Once the minimum speed has
been reached, the function remains enabled regardless of speed until the drive stops or the
demand is set to a value below the minimum speed reset. The minimum speed reset is used to
define a range of demand settings below which the function will remain in a reset condition. The
function can also be enabled once a programmable time period has elapsed since the starting
of the motor. The per-unit speed protection variable may be derived from a flux based Phase
Locked Loop (PLL) or encoder.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 37 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Variable Pickup Undercurrent .

Table 6-6 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Variable Pickup Undercurrent Device (ID 7266)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Default Units Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
Under Current Curve 7267 Sub-menu
Pickup Delay 7288 1 sec 0 - 180
Variable Underspeed Pickup Delay
Dropout Level 7289 102 % 100 - 200
Variable Underspeed Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7290 0.1 sec 0 - 180
Variable Underspeed Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7291 0 msec 0 - 1000
Variable Underspeed Low Pass Time Constant
Minimum Speed 7292 20 % 0 - 100
Variable Underspeed Enable Point
Minimum Speed Reset 7293 10 % 0 - 100
Variable Underspeed Speed Reset Point
Startup Time 7294 5 sec 0 - 6000
Variable Underspeed from Startup

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 45
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.7 Device 37 - Variable Pickup Undercurrent

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7295 Disa‐ ● Disabled
Variable Under Current w/ Min Speed Enable - Enable State bled ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
Phase Selection 7296 Any ● Any Phase
Variable Under Current Select Phases to Monitor Phase ● Any Two Phases
● All Phases

Under Current Curve Menu (7267)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Default Units Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
0% Speed Pickup 7268 0 % -1 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at at 0% Demanded Speed
10% Speed Pickup 7269 0.9 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 10% Demanded Speed
20% Speed Pickup 7270 3.6 % 0 -200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 20% Demanded Speed
30% Speed Pickup 7271 8.1 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 30% Demanded Speed
40% Speed Pickup 7272 14.4 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 40% Demanded Speed
50% Speed Pickup 7273 22.5 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 50% Demanded Speed
60% Speed Pickup 7274 32.4 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 60% Demanded Speed
70% Speed Pickup 7275 44.1 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 70% Demanded Speed
80% Speed Pickup 7276 57.6 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 80% Demanded Speed
90% Speed Pickup 7277 72.9 % 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 90% Demanded Speed
100% Speed Pickup 7278 90 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 100% Demanded Speed
110% Speed Pickup 7279 90 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 110% Demanded Speed
120% Speed Pickup 7280 90 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 120% Demanded Speed
130% Speed Pickup 7281 90 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 130% Demanded Speed
140% Speed Pickup 7282 90 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 140% Demanded Speed

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

46 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.7 Device 37 - Variable Pickup Undercurrent

Keypad Parameter Text ID Default Units Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
150% Speed Pickup 7283 90 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 150% Demanded Speed
160% Speed Pickup 7284 90 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 160% Demanded Speed
170% Speed Pickup 7285 90 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 170% Demanded Speed
180% Speed Pickup 7286 90 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 180% Demanded Speed
190% Speed Pickup 7287 90 % 0 - 200
Define Pickup Level in % of FLA at 190% Demanded Speed

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 10 milliseconds. Variable
Pickup Undercurrent is mutually exclusive with Fixed Pickup Undercurrent.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

RMS Phase Low Pass

Current Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ < (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


1 - Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-6 Undercurrent Protection Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 47
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.8 Device 37P - Fixed Underpower Relay

6.8 Device 37P - Fixed Underpower Relay

Fixed pickup underpower is used to protect the motor and connected load against operation at
power levels below desired. The fixed pickup underpower function provides a single power
point setting that produces a trip or alarm condition when the power falls below that value. The
function offers an enable that latches once a programmable minimum speed has been
reached. The function can also be enabled once a programmable time period has elapsed
since the starting of the motor. The per-unit speed protection variable may be derived from a
flux based Phase Locked Loop (PLL) or encoder.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 37P provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Underpower Relay.

Table 6-7 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Underpower Relay (ID 7297)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Pickup Level 7298 % 5 0 - 100
Fixed Under Power w/ Min Speed Enable Pickup
Pickup Delay 7299 sec 1 0 - 180
Fixed Under Power w/ Min Speed Enable Pickup
Dropout Level 7300 % 102 100 - 200
Fixed Under Power w/ Min Speed Enable Drop‐
out Level
Dropout Delay 7301 sec 0.1 0 - 180
Fixed Under Power w/ Min Speed Enable Drop‐
out Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7302 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Under Power w/ Min Speed Enable Low
Pass Time Constant
Minimum Speed 7303 % 20 0 - 100
Fixed Under Power w/ Min Speed enable Min
Speed Enable Point
Startup Time 7304 sec 5 0 - 6000
Fixed Under Power w/ Min Speed Enable Delay
from Startup

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

48 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.8 Device 37P - Fixed Underpower Relay

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7305 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Under Power w/ Min Speed Enable - Ena‐ ● Alarm
ble State
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 10 milliseconds.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Low Pass
Motor Power Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ < (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


1 - Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-7 Underpower Protection Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 49
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.9 Device 38 - Fixed Bearing Temperature Protective Device

6.9 Device 38 - Fixed Bearing Temperature Protective Device

Refer to Device 49 - Machine Thermal Overload for parameters and settings.

● Input measurements:
– Uses any RTD protections identified as "bearing"
● Configuration parameters:
– Refer to Device 49 - Machine Thermal Overload for parameters and settings
The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 50 milliseconds.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

50 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.10 Device 39 - Mechanical Condition Monitor - Fixed Pickup Torque Pulsation

6.10 Device 39 - Mechanical Condition Monitor - Fixed Pickup Torque

Fixed pickup torque pulsation is used to protect the motor and connected load against
operation under conditions of high torque pulsation. The fixed pickup torque pulsation function
provides a single RMS torque pulsation point setting that produces a trip or alarm condition
when RMS torque pulsation rises above that value. The function can be enabled when above
a minimum speed. The function can also be enabled once a programmable time period has
elapsed since the starting of the motor.
Device 39 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Mechanical Condition Monitor - Fixed Pickup Torque Pulsation.

Table 6-8 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Mechanical Condition Monitor - Fixed Pickup Torque Pulsation (ID 7306)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Pickup Level 7307 % 5 0 - 100
Fixed Torque Pulsation Pickup Level
Pickup Delay 7308 sec 1 0 - 180
Fixed Torque Pulsation Pickup Delay
Dropout Level 7309 % 2 0 - 50
Fixed Torque Pulsation Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7310 sec 0.1 0 - 180
Fixed Torque Pulsation Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7311 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Torque Pulsation Low Pass Time Constant
Minimum Speed Enable 7312 % 20 5 - 100
Fixed Torque Pulsation Enable Point
Startup Time 7313 sec 5 0 - 200
Fixed Torque Pulsation Delay from Startup
Window Duration 7314 sec 0.1 0.01 - 5
Fixed Torque Pulsation Trms Calc Window Duration

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7315 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Torque Pulsation Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

Torque producing current and motor flux associated with motor operation allows for the
calculation of motor torque as the product of torque producing current (iqs) and the machine
magnetic flux (λs). The torque producing current is the component of machine current that is in
phase with the machine voltage. A given machine has a maximum rated value of torque
producing current that combines with any flux producing current to form the overall rated stator

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 51
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.10 Device 39 - Mechanical Condition Monitor - Fixed Pickup Torque Pulsation

current. The torque producing current (iqs) is scaled using a per unit system with one per unit iqs
equal to the rated value of iqs for the particular machine being used. Similarly, the rated
magnetic flux (stator flux) is scaled such that one per unit flux has been achieved when the
machine exhibits rated voltage at rated speed.
The per-unit torque is then given by:

Tperunit = iqs × λs
Figure 6-8 Per Unit Torque

The torque should be steady and continuous but may contain small amounts of amplitude
variation over time. Typically, these variations occur over fixed amounts of time and tend to
repeat over those fixed amounts of time.
The torque can be resolved into two components, one component being the torque average
value and the other being small amplitude variation (or cyclical component) that can be added
together to obtain the total torque. Torque pulsation protection focuses on the time duration
varying part, specifically the RMS value of the pulsating part of the torque.
The protection calculates RMS torque pulsation by sampling and recording the torque over a
specific length time window. The window of time is selectable and should be chosen to be long
enough to contain several cycles of torque variation. The window will contain N samples of
torque (T(n)). The mean of the dataset is first calculated:

n =1
Tmean =
∑ T (n)

Figure 6-9 Mean of Torque Dataset

The mean is subtracted from the torque to obtain only the pulsating part. The RMS value of the
remaining pulsating part is calculated:

n =1
1 2
Trms =
∑ (T (n ) − T )

Figure 6-10 RMS Value of Pulsating Torque

The RMS torque is used as an input to a standard protection block and can be configured in the
same manner as other protection functions that are based on the standard protection block
The maximum response time must be calculated at full speed
The Advanced Motor Protection function design for RMS Torque Pulsation is shown below.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

52 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.10 Device 39 - Mechanical Condition Monitor - Fixed Pickup Torque Pulsation



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

RMS Torque Low Pass

Pulsa!on Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ > (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-11 Torque Pulsation Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 53
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.11 Device 46_2 - Phase-Balance Current - Fixed Pickup Negative Sequence Overcurrent Delay

6.11 Device 46_2 - Phase-Balance Current - Fixed Pickup Negative

Sequence Overcurrent Delay
Fixed pickup negative sequence overcurrent is used to protect the motor and connected load
against operation under conditions of high negative sequence current or phase current
imbalance. The fixed pickup negative sequence overcurrent function provides a single
negative sequence overcurrent setting that produces a trip or alarm condition when the
negative sequence current rises above that value. The function offers an enable that latches
once a programmable minimum speed has been reached. The function can also be enabled
once a programmable time period has elapsed since the starting of the motor. The per-unit
speed protection variable may be derived from a flux based Phase Locked Loop (PLL) or

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 46_2 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Negative Sequence Overcurrent.

Table 6-9 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Phase Balance Current - Fixed Negative Sequence Over Current (ID 7316)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Pickup Level 7317 % 5 0 - 100
Fixed Negative Sequence Overcurrent
Pickup Level
Pickup Delay 7318 sec 1 0 - 180
Fixed Negative Sequence Overcurrent De‐
lay Pickup Level
Dropout Level 7319 % 2 0 - 50
Fixed Negative Sequence Overcurrent
Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7320 sec 0.1 0 - 180
Fixed Negative Sequence Overcurrent
Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Const 7321 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Negative Sequence Overcurrent
Low Pass Time Constant
Minimum Speed 7322 % 20 0 100
Fixed Negative Sequence Overcurren Min
Speed Enable Point
Startup Time 7323 sec 5 0 - 6000
Fixed Negative Sequence Overcurrent De‐
lay from Startup

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

54 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.11 Device 46_2 - Phase-Balance Current - Fixed Pickup Negative Sequence Overcurrent Delay

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7324 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Negative Sequence Overcurrent En‐ ● Alarm
able State
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 20 milliseconds.
The Advamced Protection function design for Negative Sequence Current is shown below.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Nega!ve Sequence Low Pass

Current Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ > (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-12 Negative Sequence Current Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 55
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.12 Device 48 - Incomplete Sequence Relay Device - Maximum Start Time

6.12 Device 48 - Incomplete Sequence Relay Device - Maximum Start Time

Maximum start time protects the motor against excessive time between starting and reaching
a desired speed. The function produces a trip or alarm condition when the machine fails to
reach an adjustable speed threshold in an adjustable time period following a start. The per-unit
speed protection variable may be derived from a flux based Phase Locked Loop (PLL) or

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 48 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Maximum Start Time.

Table 6-10 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Incomplete Sequence - Maximum Start Time (ID 7325)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Maximum Start Time 7326 sec 10 0 - 180
Incomplete Sequence Maximum Start
Time Starting Time
Minimum Speed 7327 % 50 0 - 200
Incomplete Sequence Maximum Start
Time Minimum Speed
Low Pass Time Const 7328 msec 0 0 - 1000
Incomplete Sequence Maximum Start
Time Low Pass Time Constant

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7329 Disabled ● Disabled
Maximum Start Time Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 50 milliseconds.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

56 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.13 Device 48 - Incomplete Sequence Relay Device - Maximum Stop Time

6.13 Device 48 - Incomplete Sequence Relay Device - Maximum Stop Time

Maximum stop time protects the motor against excessive time between the stop command and
dropping down to a desired speed. The function produces a trip or alarm condition when the
machine fails to reach an adjustable speed threshold in an adjustable time period following a
stop. The per-unit speed protection variable may be derived from a flux based Phase Locked
Loop (PLL) or encoder.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 48 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Incomplete Sequence - Maximum Stop Time

Table 6-11 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Incomplete Sequence - Maximum Stop Time (ID 7330)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Maximum Stop Time 7331 sec 10 0 - 180
Incomplete Sequence Maximum Stop
Time Stopping Time
Maximum Speed 7332 % 5 0 - 100
Incomplete Sequence Maximum Stop
Time Maximum Speed
Low Pass Time Const 7333 msec 0 0 - 1000
Incomplete Sequence Maximum Stop
Time Low Pass Time Constant

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7334 ● Disabled
Maximum Stop Time Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 50 milliseconds.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 57
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.14 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload

6.14 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Fixed Parameter Thermal

The fixed parameter thermal overload function uses a first order differential equation to track
the amount of thermal capacity used in the machine as described in IEC 60255-149. Thermal
capacity is used up as the machine temperatures approach maximum rated or allowable
conditions. An equivalent heating current is calculated that takes into account the RMS phase
currents of the machine as well as the amount of negative sequence current. The heat input to
the machine is determined based on the square of the equivalent heating current divided by an
adjustable rated current. The thermal capacity is adjusted based on thermal time constants for
heating, cooling, or stopped conditions in the machine in accordance with a first order
differential equation that accounts for heat inputs and heat outputs in the machine. The fixed
parameter function uses single values of rated current, heating time constant, and cooling time
constant. An adjustable threshold can be set to limit the maximum amount of thermal capacity
used. The function reports a trip or alarm condition or can block starting of the motor when the
thermal capacity used exceeds the programmed value. The thermal model of the machine can
be biased by RTD measurements of ambient temperature and/or stator temperature. Ambient
RTD readings are used to compensate for the effects of an ambient temperature other than
rated, stator RTD readings are used to set minimum thermal capacity used values based on the
stator temperature.
Device 49T provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Machine Thermal Model - Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload.

Table 6-12 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Machine Thermal Model - Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload (ID 7335)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Alarm Pickup Level 7336 % 80 0 - 150
Trip Pickup Level 7337 % 100 0 - 150
Heating Time Constant 7338 min 15 1 - 1000
Cooling Time Constant 7339 min 15 1 - 1000
Stopped Time Constant 7340 min 30 1 - 1000
Curve k-factor 7341 1.15 1 - 1.5
Negative Seq q-Factor 7342 4 0 - 15
Tmax 7345 ° 180 50 - 572
Tlimit 7346 ° 40 25 - 212
Tmaxoper 7347 ° 130 50 -572
HCSR 7348 1 0.1 - 1

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Use Ambient RTDs 7343 No Ambient ● No Ambient
● Use Ambient
Use Stator RTDs 7344 No Stator ● No Stator
● Use Stator

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

58 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.14 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State Out1 7350 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload Ena‐ ● Alarm
ble State
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
Enable State Out2 7351 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload Ena‐ ● Alarm
ble State
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start

Fixed Thermal Overload is mutually exclusive with Variable Thermal Overload.

Discussion of Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload Protection Model

The thermal overload function uses a differential equation model to predict the amount of
thermal capacity used. The equation calculates H(t), an H(t) value of 1.0 indicates that 100%
of the thermal capacity of the machine has been used and basically that the machine is at the
maximum allowable temperature.
The differential equation is given by:

 i ( t )  ∆t τ
H ( t ) =  eq  Fa + H ( t − ∆t )
 k  τ + ∆ t τ + ∆t

One of the inputs to the equation is ieq(t) is the equivalent heating current expressed in per unit.
One per unit current in this context is equal to the rated current of the machine being protected.
Both H(t) and ieq(t) are functions of time while the other variables in the equation are fixed
(although adjustable) parameters.
The equivalent heating current is a function of the RMS value of the stator current and the
negative sequence stator current. ieq(t) is given by:

ieq = i avg2 + qi qi2


iarms + ibrms + icrms

iavg =
The equivalent current is a function of the average RMS stator current plus a term related to the
negative sequence current i2. The q factor weights the negative sequence current in the
calculation of the equivalent heating current ieq. The q factor should be adjusted to account for
the additional heating effects of negative sequence current and in many cases of induction
machines should be chosen to be equal to the ratio of negative sequence rotor resistance to the
positive sequence rotor resistance.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 59
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.14 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload

Another parameter of the equation is the k-Factor which effectively scales the current, irated. The
k factor is indicative of the amount of additional thermal capacity in the machine beyond
operation at rated current in the rated ambient temperature environment. A k factor of greater
than one implies that additional thermal capacity exists under rated operating conditions. Tau
(τ) is the time constant which determines how fast changes in equivalent stator current affect
the amount of thermal capacity used. The time constant is selected by the model depending on
rather the machine is cooling, heating, or stopped. Delta t (Δt) is the sampling interval used to
calculate the differential (difference) equation. The sampling time is set by the drive
configuration and is on the order of a few milliseconds. The Fa term is used to account for
operation in ambient temperatures other than the maximum rated ambient temperature. The Fa
term is set equal to one unless RTD sensors are used to provide a measured ambient
temperature. A more detailed discussion of the effect of Fa will be given later when the effects
of RTD usage are presented. The time constant determines how quickly changes in effective
current result in changes in the amount of thermal capacity used. A steady equivalent current
will eventually drive the thermal capacity used to a steady state value.
The steady state value of H(t) is given by:

i 
H steady − state =  eq  Fa
k 
In the case where ambient temperature RTD(s) are not being used then the steady state
equation becomes:

i 
H steady − state =  eq 
k 
It can be seen that when the per unit (PU) equivalent stator current is equal to the k-Factor, then
the thermal capacity used will eventually reach 100%. Note that H is scaled such that an H
value of 1 corresponds to 100%.
The time constants determine how fast the thermal capacity changes in response to a change
in the equivalent current ieq. There are three time constants that apply during different
operating modes of the machine. The stopped time constant is used when the machine is
stopped. The heating and cooling time constants are used when the machine is running. The
heating time constant is used when the thermal capacity used is increasing and the cooling time
constant is used when the thermal capacity used is falling.

Use of RTD(s) in the Thermal Overload Protection Model

RTDs that affect the thermal model are assigned to group names of either stator or ambient in
the parameter menus for the particular RTD. The hottest RTD in each group is selected and the
ambient or stator temperature is determined by that reading. The usage of ambient and/or
stator temperature RTD readings in the thermal overload protection model is controlled by the
model parameters named "Use Ambient RTDs" or "Use Stator RTDs". Either or both may be
selected for use in the thermal model.
The ambient RTD group temperature affects the value of Fa as defined in the equation for Fa
shown below.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

60 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.14 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload

 T − Tlim it 
Fa =  max 
 Tmax − Ta 
Tlimit is the maximum ambient temperature in which the machine is rated to operate. Ta is the
actual value of ambient temperature as measured by the RTD(s) assigned to the "ambient"
group. Ta is set equal to Tlimit in the case where no ambient temperature measurement is
provided making the value of Fa equal to one. Tmax is the maximum operating temperature of the
stator winding. As equation 4 shows, the value of Fa basically scales the steady state value of
the amount of thermal capacity used. A high value of ambient temperature will increase the
amount of steady state thermal capacity used while a low value of ambient temperature will
decrease it. An ambient temperature in excess of Tmax will force the thermal capacity used to the
saturation value of 500%.
The stator group temperature is used to determine a minimum value of thermal capacity used
that is based on the stator temperature reading. The value of thermal capacity used that is
predicted by the model is overridden when the value of thermal capacity used as determined
by the stator RTD(s) is higher when the "use stator RTDs" parameter is selected such as to use
the stator temperature measurement. The thermal capacity used based on the temperature
reported by the stator RTD group is shown in "Thermal Capacity used as determined by Stator


Thermal Capacity Used


(1 – HCSR) x 100%

Tlimit Tmaxoper Tmax

Stator RTD Temperature

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 61
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.14 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload

Figure 6-13 Thermal Capacity used as determined by Stator Temperature

The variables Tlimit and Tmax are the maximum rated ambient temperature and the maximum
allowable insulation temperature as earlier defined. The variable Tmaxoper is the operating
temperature of the stator at full rated load and at an ambient temperature of Tlimit. The amount
of thermal capacity used when the stator temperature is at Tmaxoper is determined based on the
hot to cold stall ratio (HCSR) in accordance with the equation below:

H (Tstator = Tmax oper ) = (1 − HCSR )

Note that H is scaled such that a value of H=1 corresponds to 100% thermal capacity used. The
hot to cold stall ratio is defined as the ratio of the rated maximum stall time of a machine which
has been operating at full rated load in a maximum rated ambient temperature environment for
a time period long enough to reach thermal equilibrium to the maximum to the rated maximum
stall time of a machine which has stabilized in the same ambient temperature environment
without operating.
The value of HCSR will presumably be less than or equal to one since the allowable stall time
with a hot stator winding should be less than the allowable stall time with a cold stator winding.
For example, if the allowable stall time of a machine is 5 seconds with a cold stator, and 4
seconds with a hot stator, then the HCSR will be equal to 0.8 and the amount of thermal
capacity used when the stator RTDs report a temperature equal to Tmaxoper will be 20%. When
the stator RTD(s) are enabled, the thermal overload function will report the model predicted
value if that value is greater than 20% or the value of 20% obtained from the stator temperature

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

62 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.15 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Parameter Thermal Overload

6.15 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Parameter Thermal

The variable parameter thermal overload function uses a first order differential equation to track
the amount of thermal capacity used in the machine as described in IEC 60255-149. Thermal
capacity is used up as the machine temperatures approach maximum rated or allowable
conditions. An equivalent heating current is calculated that takes into account the RMS phase
currents of the machine as well as the amount of negative sequence current. The heat input to
the machine is determined based on the square of the equivalent heating current divided by an
adjustable rated current. The thermal capacity is adjusted based on thermal time constants for
heating, cooling, or stopped conditions in the machine in accordance with a first order
differential equation that accounts for heat inputs and heat outputs in the machine. The variable
parameter function uses values of rated current, heating time constant, and cooling time
constant that are a function of the demand speed. An adjustable threshold can be set to limit the
maximum amount of thermal capacity used. The function reports a trip or alarm condition or can
block starting of the motor when the thermal capacity used exceeds the programmed value.
The thermal model of the machine can be biased by RTD measurements of ambient
temperature and/or stator temperature. Ambient RTD readings are used to compensate for the
effects of an ambient temperature other than rated, stator RTD readings are used to set
minimum thermal capacity used values based on the stator temperature.
Device 49T provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Machine Thermal Model - Variable Parameter Thermal Overload

Table 6-13 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Thermal Overload (ID 7352)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maxium Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
Alarm Pickup Level 7353 % 80 0 - 150
Variable Thermal Overload Alarm Pickup Level
Trip Pickup Level 7354 % 100 1 - 1000
Variable Thermal Overload Trip Pickup
Heating Time Constant 7355 sec 1 - 1000
Heating Time Constant
Cooling Time Constant 7376 sec 1 - 1000
Cooling Time Constant
Curve k-factor 7396 0.1 - 1.5
Negative Seq q Factor 7419 4 0 - 15
Use Ambient RTDs 7420 Use Ambient ● Use Ambient
● No Ambient
Use Stator RTDs 7421 Use Stator ● Use Stator
● No Stator
Tmax 7422 ° 180 50 - 572
Tlimit 7423 ° 40 25 - 212

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 63
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.15 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Parameter Thermal Overload

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maxium Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
Tmaxoper 7424 ° 130 50 -572
HCSR 7425 1 0.1 - 1
Variable Parameter Thermal Overload Hot/Cold
safe stall time ratio (HCSR) for Motor

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State Out1 7350 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
Enable State Out2 7351 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 20 milliseconds.
The details of the variable thermal overload function are the same as in the case of the fixed
thermal overload function except that three of the model parameters can be varied as a function
of the speed command of the drive (% demand). Please refer to the fixed model function,
(Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Fixed Parameter Thermal Overload (ID 7335), for the
specific details and equations of the thermal overload model.

Heating Time Constant Menu (7355)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
0% Speed HTimeConst 7356 min 30 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 0% Speed
0% Speed HT1imeConst 7357 min 28.5 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 10% Speed
20% Speed HTimeConst 7358 min 27 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 20% Speed
30% Speed HTimeConst 7359 min 25.5 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 30% Speed
40% Speed HTimeConst 7360 min 24 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 40% Speed

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

64 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.15 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Parameter Thermal Overload

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
50% Speed HTimeConst 7361 min 22.5 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 50% Speed
60% Speed HTimeConst 7362 min 21 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 60% Speed
70% Speed HTimeConst 7363 min 19.5 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 70% Speed
80% Speed HTimeConst 7364 min 18 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 80% Speed
90% Speed HTimeConst 7365 min 16.5 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 90% Speed
100% Speed HTimeConst 7366 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 100% Speed
110% SpeedHTimeConst 7367 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 110% Speed
120% SpeedHTimeConst 7368 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 120% Speed
130% SpeedHTimeConst 7369 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 130% Speed
140% SpeedHTimeConst 7370 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 140% Speed
150% SpeedHtimeConst 7371 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 150% Speed
160% SpeedHtimeConst 7372 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 160% Speed
170% SpeedHtimeConst 7373 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 170% Speed
180% SpeedHtimeConst 7374 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 180% Speed
190% SpeedHtimeConst 7375 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 190% Speed

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 65
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.15 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Parameter Thermal Overload

Cooling Time Constant menu (7376)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
0% Speed CTimeConst 7377 min 30 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 0% Speed
0% Speed HT1imeConst 7378 min 28.5 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 10% Speed
20% Speed CTimeConst 7379 min 27 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 20% Speed
30% Speed CTimeConst 7380 min 25.5 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 30% Speed
40% Speed CTimeConst 7381 min 24 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 40% Speed
50% Speed CTimeConst 7382 min 22.5 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 50% Speed
60% Speed CTimeConst 7383 min 21 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 60% Speed
70% Speed CTimeConst 7384 min 19.5 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 70% Speed
80% Speed CTimeConst 7385 min 18 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 80% Speed
90% Speed CTimeConst 7386 min 16.5 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 90% Speed
100% Speed CTimeConst 7387 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 100% Speed
110% SpeedCTimeConst 7388 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 110% Speed
120% SpeedCTimeConst 7389 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 120% Speed
130% SpeedCTimeConst 7390 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 130% Speed
140% SpeedCTimeConst 7391 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 140% Speed

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

66 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.15 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Parameter Thermal Overload

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
150% SpeedCTimeConst 7392 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 150% Speed
160% SpeedCTimeConst 7393 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 160% Speed
170% SpeedCTimeConst 7394 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 170% Speed
180% SpeedCTimeConst 7395 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 180% Speed
190% SpeedCTimeConst 7396 min 15 1 - 1000
Define Time Constant in Seconds at 190% Speed

Thermal Overload Protection Model - Curve k-Factor Menu (7398)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
0% Speed k-Factor 7399 0.75 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
0% Speed Demand
10% Speed k-Factor 7400 0.79 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
10% Speed Demand
20% Speed k-Factor 7401 0.83 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
20% Speed Demand
30% Speed k-Factor 7402 0.87 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
30% Speed Demand
40% Speed k-Factor 7403 0.91 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
40% Speed Demand
50% Speed k-Factor 7404 0.95 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
50% Speed Demand
60% Speed k-Factor 7405 0.99 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
60% Speed Demand
70% Speed k-Factor 7406 1.02 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
70% Speed Demand
80% Speed k-Factor 7407 1.06 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
80% Speed Demand

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 67
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.15 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Parameter Thermal Overload

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
90% Speed k-Factor 7408 1.15 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
90% Speed Demand
100% Speed k-Factor 7409 1.1 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
100% Speed Demand
110% Speed k-Factor 7410 1.06 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
110% Speed Demand
120% Speed k-Factor 7411 1.02 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
120% Speed Demand
130% Speed k-Factor 7412 0.99 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
130% Speed Demand
140% Speed k-Factor 7413 0.95 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
140% Speed Demand
150% Speed k-Factor 7414 0.91 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
150% Speed Demand
160% Speed k-Factor 7415 0.87 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
160% Speed Demand
170% Speed k-Factor 7416 0.83 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
170% Speed Demand
180% Speed k-Factor 7417 0.79 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
180% Speed Demand
190% Speed k-Factor 7418 0.75 0 - 1.5
Define Ratio of Max I to Infinite time trip I in Seconds at
190% Speed Demand

The k-Factor can be varied as a function of the demand to effectively change the value of
current at which the steady state value of the thermal capacity used is equal to 100%. Since
losses increase with increasing frequency, the current required to reach rated machine
temperature is likely to be lower at high speeds. A reduced k factor at higher demand settings
can be used to adjust the steady state value of thermal capacity used to account for such speed
effects. Adjustment of the k factor as a function of the speed demand can also be used to
account for decreased cooling effects at low speeds in cases where the cooling is diminished
at low speeds. Figure " Use of a Variable k-Factor in Variable Thermal Overload Protection
Function" shows an example of how to use the 20 parameters to define a k-Factor variation with
the demand setting. The values of the parameters are given in Table "Values of the k-Factor
Settings". Note that the programmed value at 190% demand is used at all speeds in excess of

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

68 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.15 Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Parameter Thermal Overload

k Factor
k Factor
0 50 100 150 200 250
Speed Demand (%)

Figure 6-14 Example of Variable Parameter Thermal Overload Protection k-Factor

Table 6-14 Values of the k-Factor Settings

% Demand k-Factor
0 0.7
10 0.8
20 0.9
30 1
40 1
50 1
60 1
70 1.05
80 1.1
90 1.15
100 1.15
110 1.1
120 1.05
130 1
140 0.95
150 0.9
160 0.85
170 0.8
180 0.75
190 0.7

See also
AMP Data Screen (Page 160)

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 69
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection

6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD

The RTD function allows the use of up to 12 RTD temperature sensors to provide general
overtemperature protection. A fixed temperature pickup level can be assigned to each RTD
individually. RTDs can also be assigned to the Stator or Ambient groups for use in either the
fixed or variable pickup thermal models. An alarm or trip response to an open or shorted RTD
can be selected.
Device 49RTD provides parameter status as shown in table RTD Protection Menu - Machine
Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection.

Table 6-15 RTD Protection Menu - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection (ID 7429)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
Low Pass Time Const 7430 msec 0 0 - 1000
Low Pass Time Constant for RTD Measurement Filtering
RTD 1 Menu 7431 Sub-menu
RTD 1 Protection Menu
RTD 2 Menu 7438 Sub-menu
RTD 2 Protection Menu
RTD 3 Menu 7445 Sub-menu
RTD 3 Protection Menu
RTD 4 Menu 7452 Sub-menu
RTD 4 Protection Menu
RTD 5 Menu 7459 Sub-menu
RTD 5 Protection Menu
RTD 6 Menu 7466 Sub-menu
RTD 6 Protection Menu
RTD 7 Menu 7473 Sub-menu
RTD 7 Protection Menu
RTD 8 Menu 7480 Sub-menu
RTD 8 Protection Menu
RTD 9 Menu 7487 Sub-menu
RTD 9 Protection Menu
RTD 10 Menu 7494 Sub-menu
RTD 10 Protection Menu
RTD 11 Menu 7501 Sub-menu
RTD 11 Protection Menu
RTD 12 Menu 7508 Sub-menu
RTD 12 Protection Menu

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

70 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection

RTD 1 Menu (7431)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
RTD 1 Pickup Level 7433 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 1 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 1 Dropout Level 7434 % 2 0 -50
RTD 1 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 1 Pickup Delay 7435 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 1 Pickup Delay
RTD 1 Dropout Delay 7436 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 1 Time to Reset

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 1 Usage 7432 None ● Ambient
RTD 1 Bearing, Ambient, etc. ● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 1 Output Type 7437 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 1 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 1 Failure Response 7712 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 1 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

RTD 2 Menu (7438)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
RTD 2 Pickup Level 7440 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 2 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 2 Dropout Level 7441 % 2 0 -50
RTD 2 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 2 Pickup Delay 7442 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 2 Pickup Delay
RTD 2 Dropout Delay 7443 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 2 Time to Reset

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 71
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 2 Usage 7439 None ● Ambient
RTD 2 Bearing, Ambient, etc. ● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 2 Output Type 7444 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 2 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 2 Failure Response 7713 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 2 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

RTD 3 Menu (7445)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
RTD 3 Pickup Level 7447 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 3 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 3 Dropout Level 7448 % 2 0 -50
RTD 3 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 3 Pickup Delay 7449 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 3 Pickup Delay
RTD 3 Dropout Delay 7450 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 3 Time to Reset

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 3 Usage 7446 None ● Ambient
RTD 3 Bearing, Ambient, etc. ● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 3 Output Type 7451 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 3 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 3 Failure Response 7714 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 3 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

72 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection

RTD 4 Menu (7452)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
RTD 4 Pickup Level 7454 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 4 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 4 Dropout Level 7455 % 2 0 -50
RTD 4 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 4 Pickup Delay 7456 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 4 Pickup Delay
RTD 4 Dropout Delay 7457 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 4 Time to Reset

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 4 Usage 7453 None ● Ambient
RTD 24 Bearing, Ambient, etc. ● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 4 Output Type 7458 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 4 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 4 Failure Response 7715 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 4 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

RTD 5 Menu (7459)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
RTD 5 Pickup Level 7461 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 5 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 5 Dropout Level 7462 % 2 0 -50
RTD 5 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 5 Pickup Delay 7463 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 5 Pickup Delay
RTD 5 Dropout Delay 7464 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 5 Time to Reset

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 73
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 5 Usage 7460 None ● Ambient
RTD 5 Bearing, Ambient, etc. ● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 5 Output Type 7465 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 5 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 5 Failure Response 7716 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 5 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

RTD 6 Menu (7466)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
RTD 6 Pickup Level 7461 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 6 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 6 Dropout Level 7462 % 2 0 -50
RTD 6 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 6 Pickup Delay 7463 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 6 Pickup Delay
RTD 6 Dropout Delay 7464 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 6 Time to Reset

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 6 Usage 7467 None ● Ambient
● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 6 Output Type 7472 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 6 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 6 Failure Response 7717 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 6 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

74 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection

RTD 7 Menu (7473)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
RTD 7 Pickup Level 7475 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 7 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 7 Dropout Level 7476 % 2 0 -50
RTD 7 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 7 Pickup Delay 7477 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 7 Pickup Delay
RTD 7 Dropout Delay 7478 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 7 Time to Reset

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 7 Usage 7474 None ● Ambient
● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 7 Output Type 7479 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 7 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 7 Failure Response 7718 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 7 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

RTD 8 Menu (7480)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
RTD 8 Pickup Level 7482 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 8 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 8 Dropout Level 7483 % 2 0 -50
RTD 8 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 8 Pickup Delay 7485 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 8 Pickup Delay
RTD 8 Dropout Delay 7486 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 8 Time to Reset

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 75
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 8 Usage 7481 None ● Ambient
● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 8 Output Type 7486 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 8 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 8 Failure Response 7719 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 8 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

RTD 9 Menu (7487)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
RTD 9 Pickup Level 7489 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 9 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 9 Dropout Level 7490 % 2 0 -50
RTD 9 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 9 Pickup Delay 7491 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 9 Pickup Delay
RTD 9 Dropout Delay 7492 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 9 Time to Reset

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 9 Usage 7488 None ● Ambient
● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 9 Output Type 7493 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 9 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 9 Failure Response 7720 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 9 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

76 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection

RTD 10 Menu (7494)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
RTD 10 Pickup Level 7496 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 10 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 10 Dropout Level 7497 % 2 0 -50
RTD 10 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 10 Pickup Delay 7498 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 10 Pickup Delay
RTD 10 Dropout Delay 7499 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 10 Time to Reset

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 10 Usage 7495 None ● Ambient
● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 10 Output Type 7500 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 10 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 10 Failure Response 7721 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 10 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

RTD 11 Menu (7501)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
RTD 11 Pickup Level 7503 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 11 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 11 Dropout Level 7504 % 2 0 -50
RTD 11 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 11 Pickup Delay 7505 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 11 Pickup Delay
RTD 11 Dropout Delay 7506 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 11 Time to Reset

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 77
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 11 Usage 7502 None ● Ambient
RTD 11 Bearing, Ambient, etc. ● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 11 Output Type 7507 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 11 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 11 Failure Response 7722 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 11 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

RTD 12 Menu (7508)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
RTD 12 Pickup Level 7510 ● °C 150 °C 0 - 572
RTD 12 Pickup Level ● °F
RTD 12 Dropout Level 7511 % 2 0 -50
RTD 12 Percentage under Pickup Level for Reset
RTD 12 Pickup Delay 7512 sec 10 0 -180
RTD 12 Pickup Delay
RTD 12 Dropout Delay 7513 sec 5 0 - 180
RTD 12 Time to Reset

Picklist ID Units Default Values

RTD 12 Usage 7509 None ● Ambient
RTD 12 Bearing, Ambient, etc. ● Stator
● Bearing
● Other
● None
RTD 12 Output Type 7514 Disabled ● Disabled
RTD 12 Output Type Alarm, Fault, etc. ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
RTD 12 Failure Response 7723 Alarm ● Alarm
RTD 12 Response to a shorted or open RTD ● Trip

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

78 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.16 Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter = 0) is 10 milliseconds for RTDs
1 through 12 is 50 milliseconds.

See also
AMP Data Screen (Page 160)
RTD Status Screen (Page 164)

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 79
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.17 Device 50 - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Overcurrent Device

6.17 Device 50 - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Overcurrent Device

Fixed pickup instantaneous overcurrent is used to protect the motor and connected load very
quickly against operation under conditions of high current. The fixed pickup instantaneous
overcurrent function provides a single instantaneous overcurrent setting that produces a trip or
alarm condition when the current rises above that value. The function can be programmed to
produce a trip or an alarm when any one, any two, or all three of the phase currents is above
the set point. The function offers an enable that latches once a programmable minimum speed
has been reached. The function can also be enabled once a programmable time period has
elapsed since the starting of the motor.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 50 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Overcurrent.

Table 6-16 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Overcurrent (ID 7515)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Value Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text
Pickup Level 7516 % 100 0 - 190
Dropout Level 7518 % 2 0 - 50
Low Pass Time Const 7520 msec 0 0 -1000
Minimum Speed 7521 % 0 0 -100
Startup Time 7522 sec 0 0 - 6000

Picklist ID Units Default Value Values

Enable State 7523 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Overcurrent Ena‐ ● Alarm
ble State
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start
Phase Selection 7710 Any Phase ● Any Phase
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Overcurrent Select ● Any Two Phases
Phases to Monitor
● All Phases

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 5 milliseconds.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

80 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.17 Device 50 - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Overcurrent Device



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

RMS Phase Low Pass

Current Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ > (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-15 Overcurrent Protection Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 81
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

6.18.1 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

Fixed pickup inverse time overcurrent is used to protect the motor and connected load against
operation under conditions of high current with a trip time that is inversely related to the amount
of current. The fixed pickup inverse time overcurrent function provides a single instantaneous
overcurrent setting that produces a trip or alarm condition when the chosen inverse time
characteristic is met. The function can be programmed to produce a trip or an alarm when any
one, any two, or all three of the phase currents has met its inverse time curve. A variety of IEEE,
ANSI, IEC, and IAC inverse time curves are selectable as well as a user defined curve function.
The function offers an enable that latches once a programmable minimum speed has been
reached. The function can also be enabled once a programmable time period has elapsed
since the starting of the motor. Flux based PLL or encoder provides per unit speed (absolute

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 51 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Inverse Time Overcurrent.

Table 6-17 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Inverse Time Overcurrent (ID 7533)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Time Dial Multiplier (TDM) 7534 1.0 0.01 - 600
Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup Level Time
Dial Multiplier
Pickup Level 7536 % 100 0 - 190
Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup Level
Def. Time Pickup Delay 7517 sec 1 0 - 180
Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup Delay
Def. Time Dropout Delay 7519 sec 1 0 - 180
Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent Dropout Delay
User Programmed Curve 7538 Sub-menu
User Programmed Curve
Low Pass Time Const 7559 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent Low Pass Time
Minimum Speed 7560 % 0 0 - 100
Startup Time 7561 sec 0 0 - 6000
Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

82 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Reset Type 7535 Timed ● Timed
Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup Level Reset ● Instantaneous
Curve Type 7537 Definite Time ● Definite Time
Select Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup Level ● IEEE Ext Inv
● IEEE Very Inv
● IEEE Mod Inv
● ANSI Ext Inv
● ANSI Norm Inv
● ANSI Mod Inv
● IEC Curve A
● IEC Curve B
● IEC Curve C
● Short Inv
● IAC Ext Inv
● IAC Very Inv
● IAC Norm Inv
● IAC Short Inv
● I2t
● I4t
● User Prog
Enable State 7562 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Maximum Power Factor Enable State: ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

Selecting User Prog will display the User Programmed Curve Menu (7538) shown below.

User Programmed Curve Menu (7538)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maxium Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
0% Speed Pickup 7539 sec 6000 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
10% Speed Pickup 7540 sec 6000 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
20% Speed Pickup 7542 sec 6000 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 83
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maxium Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
30% Speed Pickup 7543 sec 6000 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
40% Speed Pickup 7544 sec 6000 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
50% Speed Pickup 7545 sec 6000 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
60% Speed Pickup 7546 sec 6000 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
70% Speed Pickup 7547 sec 6000 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
80% Speed Pickup 7548 sec 6000 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
90% Speed Pickup 7549 sec 6000 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
100% Speed Pickup 7550 sec 33.1 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
110% Speed Pickup 7551 sec 27.8 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
120% Speed Pickup 7552 sec 23.7 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
130% Speed Pickup 7553 sec 20.4 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
140% Speed Pickup 7554 sec 17.8 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
150% Speed Pickup 7555 sec 15.6 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
160% Speed Pickup 7556 sec 13.8 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
170% Speed Pickup 7557 sec 12.3 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

84 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maxium Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
180% Speed Pickup 7556 sec 11.1 0 - 6000
Define Time to Trip in Seconds dependent on RMS
190% Speed Pickup 7558 sec 0 0 - 6000
Define Pickup Level in %Speed at 190% Demanded

User Programmed Curve

A user defined pickup and dropout time curve may be selected that allows pickup and drop out
times to be entered over the range of 0 to 190% per unit current. The pickup level that is set
defines the point on the curve that divides between dropout times and pickup times. Pickup and
dropout times are linearly interpolated between points except for that the 190% point defines
the pickup time for all values above that point. Typically, the VFD cannot measure output
currents in excess of 200% and current readings will tend to saturate in the case of currents in
excess of that value (this should be verified for the specific VFD in cases where protection may
be affected by output current sensor saturation). The pickup or dropout time is assumed to be
constant between the closest point to the pickup level and the pickup level itself. Refer to the
figure below to view an example of a user programmed curve.

User Programmed OverCurrent Trip Curve

Pickup Level
70 = 115%


Trip Time
(seconds) Reset Time Pickup Time



0 50 100 150 200
RMS Current (%)

Figure 6-16 User Programmed OverCurrent Trip Curve Example

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 85
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

The table shown below contains the parameters used to generate the User Programmed
OverCurrent Trip Curve Example diagram.

RMS Current (%) Trip Time (seconds)

0 10
10 15
20 15
30 15
40 15
50 20
60 30
70 40
80 50
90 60
100 60
110 60
120 73
130 63
140 54
150 47
160 41
170 37
180 33
190 29

The time dial multipler (TDM) affects the actual value of the trip time as well as the curve input
data. If the TDM is set to one, then the times in the table will be obtained but the times may also
be scaled with a non-unity value of the TDM setting. The reset type must also be set to "timed"
for the reset values in the table to apply. With reset type set to "instantaneous", an
instantaneous reset will occur when the current falls below the pickup level.

6.18.2 Function 51 IEEE Pickup and Reset

Pickup and Reset Curve Equations and Tables

Pickup time as a function of current as well as the reset time are shown for IEEE curves as
shown in the following paragraphs.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

86 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

IEEE Curve
The pickup time as a function of current is given by:

Figure 6-17 IEEE Pickup Curve Equation

The reset time is either zero (selectable) or given by:

 τ 
Tdo − TDM  I pu 2 

 1−( I ) 
 rms 
Figure 6-18 IEEE Reset Curve Equation

Table 6-18 IEEE Curve Data Table

IEEE Curve A B p τreset

Extremely Inverse 28.2 0.1217 2.000 29.1
Very Inverse 19.61 0.491 2.000 21.6
Moderately Inverse 0.0515 0.1140 0.02000 4.85

Each graphic below depicts the IEEE Curve for each curve type using the data given in the
IEEE Curve Data Table.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 87
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

extremely inverse curve

trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-19 IEEE Extremely Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

88 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

extremely inverse reset time
reset time


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-20 IEEE Extremely Inverse Reset Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 89
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

very inverse curve
trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-21 IEEE Very Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

90 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

very inverse reset time
reset time


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-22 IEEE Very Inverse Reset Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 91
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

moderately inverse curve
trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-23 IEEE Moderately Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

92 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

moderately inverse reset time
reset time


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-24 IEEE Moderately Inverse Reset Time

6.18.3 Function 51 ANSI Pickup and Reset

Pickup and Reset Curve Equations and Tables

Pickup time as a function of current as well as the reset time are shown for ANSI curves as
shown in the following paragraphs.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 93
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

ANSI Curve
The pickup time as a function of current is given by:

Figure 6-25 ANSI Pickup Curve Equation

The reset time is either zero (selectable) or given by:

 τ 
Tdo − TDM  I pu 2 

 1−( I ) 
 rms 
Figure 6-26 ANSI Reset Curve Equation

Table 6-19 ANSI Curve Data Table

ANSI Curve A B C D E τreset

Extremely Inverse 0.0399 0.2294 0.500 3.0094 0.7222 5.67
Very Inverse 0.0615 0.7989 0.3400 - 0.2840 4.0505 3.88
Inverse 0.0274 2.2614 0.3000 - 4.1899 9.1272 5.95
Moderately Inverse 0.1735 0.6791 0.8000 - 0.0800 0.1271 1.08

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

94 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

extremely inverse curve

trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-27 ANSI Extremely Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 95
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

extremely inverse reset time
reset time 10


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-28 ANSI Extremely Inverse Reset Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

96 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

very inverse curve

trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-29 ANSI Very Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 97
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

very inverse reset time
reset time 10


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-30 ANSI Very Inverse Reset Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

98 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

inverse curve

trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-31 ANSI Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 99
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

inverse reset time
reset time 10


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-32 ANSI Inverse Reset Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

100 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

moderately inverse curve

trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-33 ANSI Moderately Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 101
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

moderately inverse reset time



reset time



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-34 ANSI Moderately Inverse Reset Time

6.18.4 Function 51 IAC Pickup and Reset

Pickup and Reset Curve Equations and Tables

Pickup time as a function of current as well as the reset time are shown for IAC curves as shown
in the following paragraphs.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

102 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

IAC Curve
The pickup time as a function of current is given by:

Figure 6-35 IAC pickup-curve equation

The reset time is either zero (selectable) or given by:

 τ 
Tdo − TDM  I pu 2 

 1−( I ) 
 rms 
Figure 6-36 IAC Reset Curve Equation

Table 6-20 IAC Curve Data Table

IAC Curve A B C D E τreset

Extremely Inverse 0.0040 0.6379 0.6200 1.7873 0.2461 6.008
Very Inverse 0.0900 0.7965 0.1000 - 1.2885 7.9586 4.678
Inverse 0.2078 0.8630 0.8000 - 0.4180 0 0.990
Short Inverse 0.0428 0.0609 0.6200 - 0.0010 0.0221 0.222

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 103
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

extremely inverse curve


trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-37 IAC Extremely Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

104 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

extremely inverse reset time
reset time


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
stator current to pickup current ratio
Figure 6-38 IAC Extremely Inverse Reset Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 105
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

very inverse curve

trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-39 IAC Very Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

106 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

very inverse reset time
reset time


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-40 IAC Very Inverse Reset Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 107
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

inverse curve

trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-41 IAC Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

108 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

inverse reset time



reset time


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-42 IAC Inverse Reset Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 109
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

short inverse curve
trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-43 IAC Short Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

110 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

short inverse reset time





reset time




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-44 IAC Short Inverse Reset Time

6.18.5 Function 51 IEC Pickup and Reset

Pickup and Reset Curve Equations

Pickup time as a function of current as well as the reset time are shown for IEC curves as shown
in the following paragraphs.

 
Tpu = TDM  K 
  I rms E −1 
  I pu  
  
Figure 6-45 IEC Pickup Curve Equation

 
Tdo − TDM  τ reset
 1−( II pu ) 

 rms 
Figure 6-46 IEC Reset Curve Equation

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 111
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

IEC Curve K E τreset

Curve A 0.140 0.020 9.7
Curve B 13.500 1.000 43.2
(Very Inverse)
Curve C 80.000 2.000 58.2
(Extremely Inverse)
Short Inverse 0.050 0.040 0.500

inverse curve
trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-47 IEC Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

112 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

inverse reset time
reset time


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-48 IEC Inverse Reset Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 113
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

extremely inverse curve

trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-49 IEC Extremely Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

114 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

extremely inverse reset time
reset time


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-50 IEC Extremely Inverse Reset Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 115
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

short inverse curve

trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-51 IEC Short Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

116 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

short inverse reset time



reset time




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-52 IEC Short Inverse Reset Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 117
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

very inverse curve

trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-53 IEC Very Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

118 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

very inverse reset time
reset time


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-54 IEC Very Inverse Reset Time

6.18.6 Function 51 I2T Pickup and Reset

Pickup and Reset Curve Equations and Tables

Pickup time as a function of current as well as the reset time are shown below for I2t

Figure 6-55 I2t Pickup Time Equation

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 119
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

 

Tdo = TDM I 2 100 
  pu  
  I rms  
Figure 6-56 I2t Reset Time Equation

I t
inverse curve
trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-57 I2t Inverse Pickup Time

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

120 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

I t
inverse reset time





reset time



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-58 I2t Inverse Reset Time

6.18.7 Function 51 I4T Pickup and Reset

Pickup and Reset Curve Equations and Tables

Pickup time as a function of current as well as the reset time are shown for I4t curves as shown

I4t Curve
The pickup time as a function of current is given by:

 
Tpu = TDM  100 4 
  I rms  
  I pu  
  
Figure 6-59 I4t Pickup Time equation

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 121
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

The reset time is either zero (selectable) or given by:

 
Tdo = TDM  I100 4 
  pu  
  I rms  
Figure 6-60 I4t Reset Time equation

Each graphic below depicts the I4t for each curve type .

I t
inverse curve

trip time


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-61 I4t Inverse Pickup

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

122 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.18 Device 51 - Fixed Inverse Time Overcurrent

I t
inverse reset time






reset time




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

stator current to pickup current ratio

Figure 6-62 I4t Inverse Reset

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 123
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.19 Device 55 - Fixed Pickup Maximum Power Factor

6.19 Device 55 - Fixed Pickup Maximum Power Factor

Fixed pickup maximum power factor is used to protect the motor against operation under
conditions of high power factor that would indicate abnormal conditions in the machine. The
fixed pickup maximum power factor function provides a single maximum power factor setting
that produces a trip or alarm condition when the power factor. The function can be enabled
when the speed demand is above a programmable level. The function can also be enabled
once a programmable time period has elapsed since the starting of the motor.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 55 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Maximum Power Factor

Table 6-21 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Maximum Power Factor (ID 7573)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Value Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text
Pickup Level 7573 0.95 0.01 - 1
Fixed Maximum Power Factor
Pickup Level
Pickup Delay 7574 sec 1 0 - 6000
Fixed Maximum Power Factor
Pickup Delay
Dropout Level 7575 % 2 0 - 50
Fixed Maximum Power Factor
Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7576 sec 0.1 0 - 6000
Fixed Maximum Power Factor
Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7577 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Maximum Power Factor
Low Pass Time Constant
Minimum Speed 7578 % 10 0 - 100
Fixed Maximum Power Factor
Minimum Speed Enable Point
Startup Time 7579 sec 5 0 - 6000
Fixed Maximum Power Factor
Delay from Startup

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

124 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.19 Device 55 - Fixed Pickup Maximum Power Factor

Picklist ID Units Default Value Values

Enable State 7580 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Maximum Power Factor ● Alarm
Enable State:
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 20 milliseconds.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Motor Power Low Pass

Factor Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ > (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-63 OverPF Protection Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 125
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.20 Device 55 - Power Factor Relay Device (Fixed minimum power factor)

6.20 Device 55 - Power Factor Relay Device (Fixed minimum power factor)
Fixed pickup minimum power factor is used to protect the motor against operation under
conditions of low power factor that would indicate abnormal conditions in the machine. The
fixed pickup minimum power factor function provides a single minimum power factor setting
that produces a trip or alarm condition when the power factor. The function can be enabled
when the speed demand is above a programmable level. The function can also be enabled
once a programmable time period has elapsed since the starting of the motor.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 55 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Minimum Power Factor.

Table 6-22 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Minimum Power Factor (ID 7582)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Value Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text
Pickup Level 7582 0.5 0.01 - 1
Fixed Minimum Power Factor
Pickup Level
Pickup Delay 7583 sec 1 0 - 6000
Fixed Minimum Power Factor
Pickup Delay
Dropout Level 7584 % 102 100 - 200
Fixed Minimum Power Factor
Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7585 sec 0.1 0 - 6000
Fixed Minimum Power Factor
Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7586 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Minimum Power Factor
Low Pass Time Constant
Minimum Speed 7587 % 10 0 - 100
Fixed Minimum Power Factor
Minimum Speed Enable Point
Startup Time 7588 sec 5 0 - 6000
Fixed Minimum Power Factor
Delay from Startup

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

126 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.20 Device 55 - Power Factor Relay Device (Fixed minimum power factor)

Picklist ID Units Default Value Values

Enable State 7589 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Minimum Power Factor ● Alarm
Enable State:
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 20 milliseconds.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Motor Power Low Pass

Factor Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ < (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


1 - Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-64 UnderPF Protection Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 127
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.21 Device 59G - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Overvoltage

6.21 Device 59G - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence

Fixed pickup instantaneous zero sequence overvoltage is used to protect the motor very
quickly under conditions of high zero sequence voltage which could be caused by high phase
to ground leakage or a ground fault. The fixed pickup zero sequence overvoltage function
provides a single zero sequence overvoltage setting that produces a trip or alarm condition
when the zero sequence voltage rises above that value. The function offers an enable that
latches once a programmable minimum speed has been reached. The function can also be
enabled once a programmable time period has elapsed since the starting of the motor.

The zero-sequence voltage uses a per unit system based on the rated line to neutral voltage of
the machine. A 100% zero sequence voltage will occur when the RMS value of the average of
the three phase voltages with respect to earth ground is equal to the rated machine voltage
(given as a line-to-line voltage) divided by the square root of 3.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 59G provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Overvoltage

Table 6-23 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Overvoltage (ID 7563)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maxium Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Pickup Level 7564 % 5 0 - 175
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Overvolt‐
age Pickup Level
Dropout Level 7566 % 2 0 - 50
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Overvolt‐
age Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7567 % 0.1 0 - 6000
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Overvolt‐
age Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Const 7568 sec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Overvolt‐
age Low Pass Time Constant
Minimum Speed 7569 msec 0 0 -100
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Overvolt‐
age Minimum Speed Enable Point
Startup Time 7570 % 0 0 - 6000
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Overvolt‐
age Delay from Startup

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

128 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.21 Device 59G - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Overvoltage

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7571 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed High Frequency Rate of Change w/ Min Speed ● Alarm
Enable Min Speed Enable Point
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter = 0) is 5 ms. The maxium pickup
time is zero.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Zero Sequence Low Pass

Voltage Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ > (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-65 OverZeroSeqVoltage Protection Diagram

OverZeroSeqVoltage Protection Diagram
Fixed Pickup Instanteous Zero Sequence Overvoltage and fixed Pickup Definite Minimum
Time Sequence Overvoltage use the same diagram. To provide clarity to the end-user, the titles
are repeated so that the graph is adjacent to the text description of the function. This method
of description is applied consistently throught this manual.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 129
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.22 Device 59G - Fixed Pickup Definite Minimum Time Zero Sequence Overvoltage

6.22 Device 59G - Fixed Pickup Definite Minimum Time Zero Sequence
Fixed pickup definite minimum time zero sequence overvoltage is used to protect the motor
against sustained operation under conditions of high zero sequence voltage which could be
caused by high phase to ground leakage or a ground fault. The fixed pickup zero sequence
overvoltage function provides a single zero sequence overvoltage setting that produces a trip
or alarm condition when the zero sequence voltage rises above that value. The function offers
an enable that latches once a programmable minimum speed has been reached. The function
can also be enabled once a programmable time period has elapsed since the starting of the

The zero-sequence voltage uses a per unit system based on the rated line to neutral voltage of
the machine. A 100% zero sequence voltage will occur when the RMS value of the average of
the three phase voltages with respect to earth ground is equal to the rated machine voltage
(given as a line-to-line voltage) divided by the square root of 3.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 59G provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Definite Minimum Time Zero Sequence Overvoltage.

Table 6-24 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Overcurrent (ID 7524)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maxium Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Pickup Level 7525 % 100 0 - 190
Fixed Instantaneous Zero Sequence OverVolt Pick‐
up Level
Pickup Delay 7526 sec 0-1 0 - 6000
Fixed Instantaneous Zero Sequence OverVolt Pick‐
up Delay
Dropout Level 7527 % 2 0 - 50
Fixed Instantaneous Zero Sequence OverVolt
Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7528 sec 0-1 0 - 6000
Fixed Instantaneous Zero Sequence OverVolt
Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Const 7529 msec 0 0 -1000
Fixed Instantaneous Zero Sequence OverVolt Low
Pass Time Const

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

130 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.22 Device 59G - Fixed Pickup Definite Minimum Time Zero Sequence Overvoltage

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maxium Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Minimum Speed 7530 % 0 0 -100
Fixed Instantaneous Zero Sequence OverVolt Ena‐
ble State
Startup Time 7531 sec 0 0 - 6000
Fixed Instantaneous Zero Sequence OverVolt De‐
lay from Startup

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7532 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence Over‐ ● Alarm
Volt Enable State
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter = 0) is 10 ms. The maximum
pickup time is zero.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Zero Sequence Low Pass

Voltage Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ > (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 131
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.22 Device 59G - Fixed Pickup Definite Minimum Time Zero Sequence Overvoltage

Figure 6-66 OverZeroSeqVoltage Protection Diagram

OverZeroSeqVoltage Protection Diagram
Fixed Pickup Instanteous Zero Sequence Overvoltage and fixed Pickup Definite Minimum
Time Sequence Overvoltage use the same diagram. To provide clarity to the end-user, the titles
are repeated so that the graph is adjacent to the text description of the function. This method
of description is applied consistently throught this manual.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

132 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.23 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Starts per Hour

6.23 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Starts per Hour

The starts per hour function is used to enforce a minimum time between starts of the machine.
A programmable minimum time since last start can be set. A start attempt prior to the expiration
of the minimum time can be programmed to trip, alarm, or block start.

The Protection Systems Engineer must ensure that either the fixed or variable Thermal Model
protection parameters are properly set.
A thermal model is required for hot starts, cold starts, and minimum thermal capacity to run. It
is not possible to use these functions without a thermal model. The software is arranged to
automatically enable the fixed thermal model once one the three functions is enabled. That is,
the thermal model cannot be disabled as long as the hot starts, cold starts, or minimum thermal
capacity functions are enabled.
If the thermal model is not configured properly, the system will not be protected as intended.

Device 66 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Starts per Hour.

Table 6-25 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Starts per Hour (ID 7590)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Min Time Since Start 7591 sec 60 0 - 18000
Minimum Starting Interval (Wait Period
between Starts)

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7592 Disabled ● Disabled
Minimum Starting Interval Enable ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter = 0) is 50 milliseconds.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 133
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.24 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Cold Starts per Hour

6.24 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Cold Starts per Hour

The cold starts per hour function is used to enforce a maximum number of cold starts of the
machine over an adjustable time period. An attempt to cold start the machine in excess of the
allowable number can be programmed to trip, alarm, or block start. A cold start is defined as a
start that occurs when the thermal capacity used is below an adjustable value

The Protection Systems Engineer must ensure that either the fixed or variable Thermal Model
protection parameters are properly set.
A thermal model is required for hot starts, cold starts, and minimum thermal capacity to run. It
is not possible to use these functions without a thermal model. The software is arranged to
automatically enable the fixed thermal model once one the three functions is enabled. That is,
the thermal model cannot be disabled as long as the hot starts, cold starts, or minimum thermal
capacity functions are enabled.
If the thermal model is not configured properly, the system will not be protected as intended.

Device 66 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Notching or Jogging - Cold Starts per Hour.

Table 6-26 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Notching or Jogging - Cold Starts per Hour (ID 7593)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
% Thermal Capacity used to define a Cold 7594 % 5 0 - 100
Max Cold Starts per Hour
Max Cold Starts 7595 2 0 - 16
Maximum Number of Cold Starts per the
time interval
Time Interval 7596 sec 3600 0 - 18000
Time Interval

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7597 Disabled ● Disabled
Max Cold Starts per Hour Enable State ● Alarm
● Latched Alarm
● Trip

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter = 0) is 50 milliseconds.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

134 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.25 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Hot Starts per Hour

6.25 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Hot Starts per Hour

The hot starts per hour function is used to enforce a maximum number of hot starts of the
machine over an adjustable time period. An attempt to hot start the machine in excess of the
allowable number can be programmed to trip, alarm, or block start. A hot start can be defined
as any start or a start that occurs when the thermal capacity used is above the adjustable value
used by the cold starts per hour function.

The Protection Systems Engineer must ensure that either the fixed or variable Thermal Model
protection parameters are properly set.
A thermal model is required for hot starts, cold starts, and minimum thermal capacity to run. It
is not possible to use these functions without a thermal model. The software is arranged to
automatically enable the fixed thermal model once one the three functions is enabled. That is,
the thermal model cannot be disabled as long as the hot starts, cold starts, or minimum thermal
capacity functions are enabled.
If the thermal model is not configured properly, the system will not be protected as intended.

Device 66 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Hot
Starts per Hour

Table 6-27 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Hot Starts per Hour (ID 7598)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Value Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text
% Thermal Capacity used to define Hot Start 7599 % 5 0 - 100
Max Hot Starts per hour
Max Hot Starts 7600 2 0 - 16
Maximum Number of Hot Starts per the time
Time Interval 7601 sec 3600 0 - 18000
Time Interval

Picklist ID Units Default Value Values

Enable State 7602 Disabled ● Disabled
Max Hot Starts per Hour Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip
● Block Start

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter = 0) is 50 milliseconds.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 135
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.26 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Maximum Thermal Capacity Used to Start

6.26 Device 66 - Notching or Jogging Device - Maximum Thermal Capacity

Used to Start
The maximum thermal capacity used to start function is used to ensure that the machine has
sufficient thermal capacity available to allow a start. An attempt to start the machine without
sufficient thermal capacity available can be programmed to trip, alarm, or block start. The
maximum amount of thermal capacity used when a start is no longer allowed is an adjustable

The Protection Systems Engineer must ensure that either the fixed or variable Thermal Model
protection parameters are properly set.
A thermal model is required for hot starts, cold starts, and minimum thermal capacity to run. It
is not possible to use these functions without a thermal model. The software is arranged to
automatically enable the fixed thermal model once one the three functions is enabled. That is,
the thermal model cannot be disabled as long as the hot starts, cold starts, or minimum thermal
capacity functions are enabled.
If the thermal model is not configured properly, the system will not be protected as intended.

Device 66 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Notching or Jogging - Maximum Thermal Capacity Used to Start

Table 6-28 Motor Protection Menu - Maximum Thermal Capacity Used to Start (ID 7603)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Max Therm Cap Allowed 7604 % 80 0 - 100
Maximum Thermal Capacity allowed for start

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7605 Disabled ● Disabled
Maximum Thermal Capacity Used to Start Enable ● Alarm
● Latched/Alarm
● Trip
● Block Start

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter = 0) is 50 milliseconds.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

136 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.27 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup Overfrequency

6.27 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup Overfrequency

Fixed pickup overfrequency is used to protect the motor and connected load against sustained
operation under conditions of higher than desired frequency. The fixed pickup overfrequency
function provides a single overfrequency setting that produces a trip or alarm condition when
the frequency rises above that value. The function offers an enable that latches once a
programmable minimum speed has been reached. The function will remain enabled until the
drive stops or the demand is set to a value below the minimum speed reset. The minimum
speed reset is used to define a range of demand settings below which the function will remain
in a reset condition. The per-unit speed protection variable may be derived from a flux based
Phase Locked Loop (PLL) or encoder.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), the drive will either
default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed information or the drive will stop.

Device 81 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Overfrequency

Over-frequency is enabled by a minimum speed or by a starting time, both of which can be set
to zero. If set to zero, the function is enabled on start-up.

Table 6-29 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Overfrequency (ID 7606)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Pickup Level 7607 % 110 0 - 250
Fixed Pickup Overfrequency Pickup Level
Pickup Delay 7608 sec 1 0 - 6000
Fixed Pickup Overfrequency Pickup Delay
Pickup Delay 7609 % 2 0 - 50
Fixed Pickup Overfrequency Pickup Delay
Dropout Delay 7610 sec 0.1 0 - 6000
Fixed Pickup Overfrequency Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7611 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Pickup Overfrequency Low Pass Time Con‐
Minimum Speed 7612 % 0 0 - 100
Startup Time 7613 sec 5 0 - 6000
Fixed Pickup Overfrequency Delay from Startup

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 137
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.27 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup Overfrequency

Picklist ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Enable State 7614 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Pickup Overfrequency Enable State ● Trip
● Alarm
● Latched Alarm

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 20 milliseconds. Fixed Over
Frequency is mutually exclusive with Variable Over Frequency.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Motor Frequency Low Pass

Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ > (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-67 OverFrequency Protection Diagram

Overfrequency Protection Diagram
Fixed Pickup Overfrequency and Variable Pickup Overfrequency use the same diagram. To
provide clarity to the end-user, the titles are repeated so that the graph is adjacent to the text
description of the function. This method of description is applied consistently throught this

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

138 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.28 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Overfrequency

6.28 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Overfrequency

Variable pickup overfrequency is used to protect the motor and connected load against
operation at higher frequencies than desired or to detect conditions under which the motor
frequency has risen above the desired setpoint due to problems with load regeneration or other
difficulties in the machine or load. The variable pickup overfrequency function provides a curve
of overfrequency points as a function of the commanded motor speed. A trip or alarm condition
occurs when that frequency rises above the curve at a given speed setting. The function offers
an enable that latches once a programmable minimum speed has been reached. The function
will remain enabled until the drive stops or the demand is set to a value below the minimum
speed reset. The minimum speed reset is used to define a range of demand settings below
which the function will remain in a reset condition. The function can also be enabled once a
programmable time period has elapsed since the starting of the motor. The per-unit speed
protection variable may be derived from a flux based Phase Locked Loop (PLL) or encoder.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 81 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Variable Pickup Overfrequency.

Over-frequency is enabled by a minimum speed or by a starting time, both of which can be set
to zero. If set to zero, the function is enabled on start-up.

Table 6-30 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Variable Pickup Overfrequency (ID 7615)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
Variable Over Frequency Curve 7616 Sub-menu
Var Over Freq Curve
Pickup Delay 7637 sec 1 0 - 6000
Variable Over Frequency w/ Min Speed Enable Pickup
Dropout Level 7638 % 2 0 - 50
Variable Over Frequency w/ Min Speed Enable Drop‐
out Level
Dropout Delay 7639 sec 0.1 0 - 6000
Variable Over Frequency w/ Min Speed Enable Drop‐
out Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7640 msec 0 0 - 1000
Variable Over Frequency w/ Min Speed Enable Low
Pass Time Constant

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 139
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.28 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Overfrequency

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Val‐

Tool Parameter Help Text Value ue
Minimum Speed 7641 % 0 0 - 100
Variable Over Frequency w/ Min Speed Enable Point
Minimum Speed Reset 7642 % 10 0 - 100
Variable Over Frequency w/ Min Speed Enable Speed
Reset Point
Startup Time 7643 5 0 - 6000
Variable Over Frequency w/ Min Speed Enable from

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7644 Disabled ● Disabled
Variable Over Frequency Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Variable Overfrequency Curve Menu (ID 7616)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
0% Speed Pickup 7617 % 10 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at 0% Demanded
10% Speed Pickup 7618 % 20 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %of Rated Hz at at 10% Deman‐
ded Speed
20% Speed Pickup 7619 % 30 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 20% Deman‐
ded Speed
30% Speed Pickup 7620 % 40 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 30% Deman‐
ded Speed
40% Speed Pickup 7621 % 50 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 40% Deman‐
ded Speed
50% Speed Pickup 7622 % 60 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 50% Deman‐
ded Speed
60% Speed Pickup 7623 % 70 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 60% Deman‐
ded Speed
70% Speed Pickup 7624 % 80 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 70% Deman‐
ded Speed

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

140 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.28 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Overfrequency

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
80% Speed Pickup 7625 % 90 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 80% Deman‐
ded Speed
90% Speed Pickup 7626 % 100 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 90% Deman‐
ded Speed
100% Speed Pickup 7627 % 110 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 100% De‐
manded Speed
110% Speed Pickup 7628 % 120 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 110% De‐
manded Speed
120% Speed Pickup 7629 % 130 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 120% De‐
manded Speed
130% Speed Pickup 7630 % 140 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 130% De‐
manded Speed
140% Speed Pickup 7631 % 150 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 140% De‐
manded Speed
150% Speed Pickup 7632 % 160 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 150% De‐
manded Speed
160% Speed Pickup 7633 % 170 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 160% De‐
manded Speed
170% Speed Pickup 7634 % 180 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 170% De‐
manded Speed
180% Speed Pickup 7635 % 190 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 180% De‐
manded Speed
190% Speed Pickup 7636 % 200 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 190% De‐
manded Speed

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 20 milliseconds.. Variable
Over Frequency is mutually exclusive with Fixed Over Frequency.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 141
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.28 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Overfrequency



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Motor Frequency Low Pass

Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ > (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-68 Overfrequency Protection Diagram

Overfrequency Protection Diagram
Fixed Pickup Overfrequency and Variable Pickup Overfrequency use the same diagram. To
provide clarity to the end-user, the titles are repeated so that the graph is adjacent to the text
description of the function. This method of description is applied consistently throught this

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

142 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.29 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup Underfrequency

6.29 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup Underfrequency

Fixed pickup underfrequency is used to protect the motor and connected load against
sustained operation under conditions of lower than desired frequency. The fixed pickup
underfrequency function provides a single underfrequency setting that produces a trip or alarm
condition when the frequency falls below that value. The function offers an enable that latches
once a programmable minimum speed has been reached. The function can also be enabled
once a programmable time period has elapsed since the starting of the motor.reached. The
function will remain enabled until the drive stops or the demand is set to a value below the
minimum speed reset. The minimum speed reset is used to define a range of demand settings
below which the function will remain in a reset condition. The per-unit speed protection variable
may be derived from a flux based Phase Locked Loop (PLL) or encoder.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 81 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup Overfrequency.

Table 6-31 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup Underfrequency (ID 7645)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Pickup Level 7546 % 5 200
Fixed Pickup Underfrequency Pickup Level
Pickup Delay 7647 sec 1 0 - 6000
Fixed Pickup Underfrequency Pickup Delay
Dropout Level 7648 % 102 100 - 200
Fixed Pickup Underfrequency Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7649 sec 0.1 0 - 6000
Fixed Pickup Underfrequency Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7650 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed Pickup Underfrequency Low Pass Time Con‐
Minimum Speed 7651 % 20 0 - 100
Fixed Pickup Underfrequency Minimum Speed En‐
able Point
Startup Time 7652 sec 5 0 - 6000
Fixed Pickup Underfrequency Delay from Startup

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 143
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.29 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup Underfrequency

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7653 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed Pickup Underfrequency Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter=0) is 20 milliseconds. Fixed
Pickup Underfrequency is mutually exclusive with the Variable Pickup Underfrequency.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Low Pass
Motor Frequency Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ < (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


1 - Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-69 UnderFrequency Protection Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

144 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.30 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Underfrequency

6.30 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Underfrequency

Variable pickup underfrequency is used to protect the motor and connected load against
operation at lower frequencies than desired or to detect conditions under which the motor
frequency has fallen below the desired setpoint due to problems with excessive load torque or
other difficulties in the machine or load. The variable pickup underfrequency function provides
a curve of underfrequency points as a function of the commanded motor speed. A trip or alarm
condition occurs when that frequency falls below the curve at a given speed setting. The
function offers an enable that latches once a programmable minimum speed has been
reached. The function will remain enabled until the drive stops or the demand is set to a value
below the minimum speed reset. The minimum speed reset is used to define a range of demand
settings below which the function will remain in a reset condition. A flux based phase-lock-loop
(PLL) or encoder provides the per unit speed (absolute value) input measurement data. The
default is PLL.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response), when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 81 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Variable Pickup Underfrequency.

Table 6-32 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Variable Pickup Underfrequency (ID 7654)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
Variable Under Frequency Curve 7655 Sub-menu
Var Under Freq Curve
Pickup Delay 7676 sec 1 0 - 6000
Variable Pickup Underfrequency Pickup Delay
Dropout Level 7677 % 102 100 - 200
Variable Over Frequency Dropout Level
Dropout Delay 7678 sec 0.1 0 - 6000
Variable Pickup Underfrequency Dropout Delay
Low Pass Time Constant 7679 msec 0 0 - 1000
Variable Pickup Underfrequency Low Pass Time Con‐
Minimum Speed 7680 % 20 0 - 100
Variable Pickup Underfrequency Minimum Speed Ena‐
ble Point
Minimum Speed Reset 7681 % 10 0 - 100
Variable Pickup Underfrequency Enable Speed Reset
Startup Time 7682 sec 5 0 - 6000

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 145
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.30 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Underfrequency

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7683 Disabled ● Disabled
Variable Pickup Underfrequency Enable State ● Alarm
● LatchedAlarm
● Trip

Variable Underfrequency Curve Menu (7655)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value

0% Speed Pickup 7656 % -1 0 - 250

Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at 0% Deman‐
ded Speed
10% Speed Pickup 7657 % 0 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in %of Rated Hz at at 10% De‐
manded Speed
20% Speed Pickup 7658 % 10 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 20% De‐
manded Speed
30% Speed Pickup 7659 % 20 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 30% De‐
manded Speed
40% Speed Pickup 7660 % 30 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 40% De‐
manded Speed
50% Speed Pickup 7661 % 40 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 50% De‐
manded Speed
60% Speed Pickup 7662 % 50 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 60% De‐
manded Speed
70% Speed Pickup 7663 % 60 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 70% De‐
manded Speed
80% Speed Pickup 7664 % 70 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 80% De‐
manded Speed
90% Speed Pickup 7665 % 80 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 90% De‐
manded Speed
100% Speed Pickup 7666 % 90 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 100% De‐
manded Speed

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

146 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.30 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Underfrequency

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Help Text Value
110% Speed Pickup 7667 % 100 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 110% De‐
manded Speed
120% Speed Pickup 7668 % 110 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 120% De‐
manded Speed
130% Speed Pickup 7669 % 120 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 130% De‐
manded Speed
140% Speed Pickup 7670 % 130 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 140% De‐
manded Speed
150% Speed Pickup 7671 % 140 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 150% De‐
manded Speed
160% Speed Pickup 7672 % 150 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 160% De‐
manded Speed
170% Speed Pickup 7673 % 160 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 170% De‐
manded Speed
180% Speed Pickup 7674 % 170 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 180% De‐
manded Speed
190% Speed Pickup 7675 % 180 0 - 250
Define Pickup Level in % of Rated Hz at at 190% De‐
manded Speed

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter = 0) is 20 milliseconds. Variable
Pickup Underfrequency is mutually exclusive with the Fixed Pickup Underfrequency.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 147
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.30 Device 81 - Variable Pickup Underfrequency



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Low Pass
Motor Frequency Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ < (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


1 - Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-70 Underfrequency Protection Diagram

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

148 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.31 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup High Frequency Rate of Change

6.31 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup High Frequency Rate of Change

Fixed pickup high frequency rate of change is used to protect the motor and connected load
against fast changing frequencies or high rates of acceleration. The fixed pickup high frequency
rate-of-change function provides a single frequency rate of change setting that produces a trip
or an alarm condition when the rate-of-change of frequency rises above that value. The function
offers an enable that latches once a programmable minimum speed has been reached. The
function can also be enabled once a programmable time period has elapsed since the starting
of the motor. The per-unit speed protection variable may be derived from a flux based Phase
Locked Loop (PLL) or encoder. The default is PLL.

Encoder Loss
Depending upon the value of parameter 1320 (encoder loss response),when a loss of the
encoder occurs, the drive will either default to the phase locked loop to obtain motor speed
information or the drive will stop.

Device 81 provides parameter status as shown in table Advanced Motor Protection Menu -
Fixed Pickup High Frequency Rate of Change.

Table 6-33 Advanced Motor Protection Menu - Fixed Pickup High Frequency Rate of Change (ID 7684)

Keypad Parameter Text ID Units Default Minimum - Maximum Value

Tool Parameter Text Value
Pickup Level 7685 % 10 0 - 200
Fixed High Frequency Rate of Change Pickup Level
max % per second change
Pickup Delay 7686 sec 1 0 - 6000
Fixed High Frequency Rate of Change Pickup Delay
Dropout Level 7687 % 2 100 - 200
Fixed High Frequency Rate of Change Dropout
Dropout Delay 7688 sec 0.1 0 - 6000
Fixed High Frequency Rate of Change Dropout De‐
Low Pass Time Constant 7689 msec 0 0 - 1000
Fixed High Frequency Rate of Change Low Pass
Time Constant
Minimum Speed 7690 % 20 0 - 100
Fixed Under Frequency Enable Point
Startup Time 7691 sec 5 0 - 6000
Fixed High Frequency Rate of Change Delay from

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 149
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.31 Device 81 - Fixed Pickup High Frequency Rate of Change

Picklist ID Units Default Values

Enable State 7692 Disabled ● Disabled
Fixed High Frequency Rate of Change Min Speed ● Alarm
Enable State
● LatchedAlalrm
● Trip

The maximum response time with zero delay (pickup counter = 0) is 10 milliseconds.



1 = Enable
0 = Disable

Rate of Change of Low Pass

Motor Frequency Filter Count
Enable Pickup Output Trip or
Time Delay >= Alarm
+ Σ > (Counter) Pickup
Pickup Low Pass Output
1 = pickup Timed
Level Filter - Zero Reset
0 = dropout Pickup Out
Time Delay


Dropout Count
Level Enable Dropout
Time Delay
(Counter) >=

Zero Reset
Dropout Out
Time Delay

1 = Latched

Figure 6-71 OverFrequencyRate Protection

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

150 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.32 Changing RTD Type

6.32 Changing RTD Type

6.32.1 Changing RTD Type

The Advanced Motor Protection, can be set up for a wide variety of RTD types. However, it is
set up at the factory for the desired RTD type. It is NOT field adjustable. If a type change in RTD
type is needed, please contact Siemens support.at 1 800 333 7421.

Specify RTD Type at Time of Manufacture
The AMP is configured to use PT-100 Type RTDs at time of manufacture by default.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 151
Advanced Motor Protection and RTD Protection Functions
6.32 Changing RTD Type

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

152 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages 7
7.1 Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages
The AMP function displays "AMP General Alarm" when an AMP function that is enabled as
either Alarm, Latched Alarm, or Block Start and has an active output. The function displays
"AMP General Fault" in the event that a function that is enabled as TRIP and has an active
The "AMP General Alarm" and "AMP General Fault" do not describe the specific AMP function
that triggered the output. To view the specific function that triggered this alarm or fault, one must
either consult the Debug Screens "AMP Alarms/Faults" and "AMP Data", or the Event Log.
The Event Log displays which specific AMP function triggered the active General Alarm or
General Fault along with the exact time at which the event occurred. Siemens recommends
using the Event Log data as a diagnostic tool when investigating the cause of displayed
The following table contains the AMP functions and their associated Event Log Messages that
could trigger the AMP Alarm or Fault.

All function outputs are visible at the networkms through manual IDs.

Table 7-1 Advanced Motor Protection Function Event Log Table

Function Name Menu ID Event Log Message1

Fixed UnderSpeed 7217 Alarm: Fixed Under Speed
Fault: Under Speed
Variable UnderSpeed 7226 Alarm: Variable Under Speed
Fault: Variable Under Speed
Fixed OverSpeed 7181 Alarm: Fixed Over Speed
Fault: Fixed Over Speed
Variable OverSpeed 7189 Alarm: Variable Over Speed
Fault: Variable Over Speed
Fixed UnderCurrent 7256 (3 Phase) Alarm: Fixed Under Current RMSA
Fault: Fixed Under Current RMSA
Alarm: Fixed Under Current RMSB
Fault: Fixed Under Current RMSB
Alarm: Fixed Under Current RMSC
Fault: Fixed Under Current RMSC

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 153
Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages
7.1 Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages

Function Name Menu ID Event Log Message1

Variable UnderCurrent 7266 (3 Phase) Alarm: Variable Under Current RMSA
Fault: Variable Under Current RMSA
Alarm: Variable Under Current RMSB
Fault: Variable Under Current RMSB
Alarm: Variable Under Current RMSC
Fault: Variable Under Current RMSC
Fixed Under Power 7297 Alarm: Fixed Under Power
Fault: Fixed Under Power
Fixed Torque Pulsation 7306 Alarm: Fixed Torque Pulsation
Fault: Fixed Torque Pulsation
Fixed Negative Se‐ 7316 Alarm: Fixed Negative Sequence Over Current
quence OverCurrent Fault: Fixed Negative Sequence Over Current
Maximum Start Time 7325 Alarm: Maximum Start Time
Fault: Maximum Start Time
Maximum Stop Time 7330 Alarm: Maximum Stop Time
Fault: Maximum Stop Time
Fixed Thermal Overload 7335 Alarm: Fixed Thermal Overload 1
Fault: Fixed Thermal Overload 1
Alarm: Fixed Thermal Overload 2
Fault: Fixed Thermal Overload 2
Note: If Configured for Block Start Enable State, Log Message displayed is:
AMP Fixed Thermal Overload Block Start
Variable Thermal Over‐ 7352 Alarm: Variable Thermal Overload 1
load Fault: Variable Thermal Overload 1
Alarm: Variable Thermal Overload 2
Fault: Variable Thermal Overload 2
Note: If Configured for Block Start Enable State, Log Message displayed is:
AMP Variable Thermal Overload Block Start
Fixed Instantaneous 7515 (3 Phases) Alarm: Fixed Instantaneous Over Current RMSA
OverCurrent Fault: Fixed Instantaneous Over Current RMSA
Alarm: Fixed Instantaneous Over Current RMSB
Fault: Fixed Instantaneous Over Current RMSB
Alarm: Fixed Instantaneous Over Current RMSC
Fault: Fixed Instantaneous Over Current RMSC
Inverse Time OverCurrent 7533 (3 Phases) Alarm: Inverse Time Over Current Current RMSA
Fault: Inverse Time Over Current RMSA
Alarm: Inverse Time Over Current Current RMSA
Fault: Inverse Time Over Current RMSA
Alarm: Inverse Time Over Current Current RMSA
Fault: Inverse Time Over Current RMSA
Fixed Zero Sequence 7524 Alarm: Fixed Zero Sequence Over Voltage
Over Voltage Fault: Fixed Zero Sequence Over Voltage

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

154 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages
7.1 Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages

Function Name Menu ID Event Log Message1

Fixed Instantaneous Zero 7563 Alarm: Fixed Instantaneous Zero Sequence Over Voltage
Sequence Over Voltage Fault: Fixed Instantaneous Zero Sequence Over Voltage
Fixed Maximum Power 7572 Alarm: Fixed Maximum Power Factor
Factor Fault: Fixed Maximum Power Factor
Fixed Minimum Power 7581 Alarm: Fixed Minimum Power Factor
Factor Fault: Fixed Minimum Power Factor
Fixed Over Frequency 7606 Alarm: Fixed Over Frequency
Fault: Fixed Over Frequency
Variable Over Frequency 7615 Alarm: Variable Over Frequency
Fault: Variable Over Frequency
Fixed Under Frequency 7645 Alarm: Fixed Under Frequency
Fault: Fixed Under Frequency
Variable Under Frequen‐ 7654 Alarm: Variable Under Frequency
cy Fault: Variable Under Frequency
Fixed High Frequency 7684 Alarm: Fixed High Frequency Rate of Change
Rate of Change Fault: Fixed High Frequency Rate of Change
Minimum Thermal Ca‐ 7603 Alarm: Minimum Thermal Capacity to Start
pacity to Start Fault: Minimum Thermal Capacity to Start
Note: If Configured for Block Start Enable State, Log Message displayed is:
AMP Thermal Bockstart
Maximum Number of 7593 Alarm: Maximum Number of Cold Starts
Cold Starts Fault: Maximum Number of Cold Starts
Note: If Configured for Block Start Enable State, Log Message displayed is:
AMP Max Hot Start Bockstart
Maximum Number of Hot 7598 Alarm: Maximum Number of Hot Starts
Starts Fault: Maximum Number of Hot Starts
Note: If Configured for Block Start Enable State, Log Message displayed is:
AMP Max Hot Start Bockstart
Minimum Time Between 7590 Alarm: Minimum Time Between Starts
Starts Fault: Minimum Time Between Starts
Note: If Configured for Block Start Enable State, Log Message displayed is:
AMP Starting Time Interval Blockstart
Display will show either Alarm or Fault depending upon configuration

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 155
Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages
7.1 Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages

Displayed Event Log Message

In the following table the text shown between brackets, "<#>", is replaced with the RTD number
(1 through 12) associated with the event. For example, if RTD 1 exceeded its temperature
setpoint and was enabled as an alarm, the event log message would display "RTD Alarm: RTD
1 OT".

Table 7-2 RTD Protection Function Event Log Table

Function Name Menu ID Displayed Event Log Message1

RTD Protection 7429 (12 RTDs) Alarm: RTD <#> OT
: RTD <1> OT
: RTD <2> OT
: RTD <3> OT through
:RTD <12> OT
Fault: RTD <#> OT
: RTD <1> OT
: RTD <2> OT
: RTD <3> OT through
: RTD <12> OT
Note: OT = Over Temperature
Alarm: RTD <#> Shrt
: RTD <1> Shrt
: RTD <2> Shrt
: RTD <3> Shrt through
: RTD <12> Shrt
Fault: RTD <#> Shrt
: RTD <1> Shrt
: RTD <2> Shrt
: RTD <3> Shrt through
: RTD <12> Shrt
Note: Shrt = Short

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

156 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages
7.1 Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages

Function Name Menu ID Displayed Event Log Message1

Alarm: RTD <#> Open
: RTD <1> Open
: RTD <2> Open
: RTD <3> Open through
:RTD <12> Open
Fault: RTD <#> Open
: RTD <1> Open
: RTD <2> Open
: RTD <3> Open through
: RTD <12> Open
AMP RTD Communications Lost
AMP RTD Block Start

See also
AMP Alarms / Faults (Page 161)

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 157
Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages
7.1 Alarms, Faults, and Logging Messages

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

158 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
NXGpro AMP Alarms/Faults, Protection Variables,
and RTD Status Screens 8
8.1 Viewing Protection Variables

Selecting Menu Display Protection Variables

The display parameters menu (8000) contains the pick lists to select the variable to be
displayed on the front panel default display.
Selecting this menu provides the user to view / set parameters to be displayed.

(80 0 0) (menu)

Figure 8-1 Display Parameters

After selecting the Display Parameters menu as shown above, scroll using the arrow to select
one of the following picklist variable parameters to display.

Picklist Variable Displayed Description Unit

IMRF Mag current ref (A)
ITRF Trq current ref (A)
FLDS Flux DS (%)
FLQS Flux QS (%)
VDRF Vds reference (%)
VQRF Vqs reference (%)
SLIP Slip frequency (%)
%SPD Motor speed (%)
FREQ Output Frequency (Hz)
RPM Motor speed (RPM)
VLTS Motor voltage (V)
IMAG Mag current filtered (A)
ITRQ Trq current filtered (A)
ITOT Motor current (A)
%TRQ Torque out (%)
KWO Output power (KW)
RESS Stator resistance (%)
DEMD Speed demand (%)
SREF Speed reference (%)
FDMD Raw flux demand (%)

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 159
NXGpro AMP Alarms/Faults, Protection Variables, and RTD Status Screens
8.1 Viewing Protection Variables

Picklist Variable Displayed Description Unit

FXRF Flux reference (%) (%)
IDIN Id input current (A)
IQIN Iq input current (A)
IAIN Phase A input current (A)
IBIN Phase B input current (A)
ICIN Phase C input current (A)
IAVI Total input current (A)
VAIN Phase A input voltage (V)
VBIN Phase B input voltage (V)
VCIN Phase C input voltage (V)
VZSQ Zero sequence voltage (V)

The additional screens as discussed in the following paragraphs provide the user with the
ability to view protection variables. These screens are:
● AMP Data Screen
● AMP Alarms / Faults Screen
● RTD Status Screen

8.1.1 AMP Data Screen

AMP Data
The AMP Data screen displays data points associated with the AMP functions. The upper half
of this screen shows values that are used as inputs to the various protection functions.
The lower portion of this screen contains several function outputs not seen on the AMP
Faults / Alarms screen as described in another section of this chapter. The lower portion of the
display screen also displays temperatures from RTDs that are used in algorithms associated
with the Thermal Overload function (Hottest Ambient RTD, Hottest Stator RTD).

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

160 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
NXGpro AMP Alarms/Faults, Protection Variables, and RTD Status Screens
8.1 Viewing Protection Variables

Figure 8-2 AMP Data Screen

See also
AMP Alarms / Faults (Page 161)
Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection (Page 70)
Device 49T - Machine Thermal Model - Variable Parameter Thermal Overload (Page 63)

8.1.2 AMP Alarms / Faults

Alarms / Fault Screen
The AMP Alarms/Faults screen displays the Boolean value of each individual AMP function
output. This screen can be used to evaluate which function activated the AMP General Alarm
or AMP General Fault.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 161
NXGpro AMP Alarms/Faults, Protection Variables, and RTD Status Screens
8.1 Viewing Protection Variables

Figure 8-3 AMP Alarms / Faults Screen

Understanding the AMP / Faults Screen

Using the screen capture shown in the AMP Alarms / Faults Screen, it can be seen that the
Phase A, Phase B, and Phase C Instantaneous Over Current all show a 0 bit status. Refer to
the NXGpro Communications Manual, version AC or higher and open the Appendix "Output
Data IDs". The Instantaneous Over Current Data ID 2023 shows that the point description for
each phase overcurrent A, B, C corresponds to bit fields 11, 12, 13 respectively. If a "1" instead
of "0" displays, that would mean that a fault or alarm (depending on configuration) has
occurred. An capture of one of the pages in this Output ID appendix is provided below for
additional clarification.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

162 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
NXGpro AMP Alarms/Faults, Protection Variables, and RTD Status Screens
8.1 Viewing Protection Variables

Figure 8-4 Output Data IDs

See also
AMP Data Screen (Page 160)

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 163
NXGpro AMP Alarms/Faults, Protection Variables, and RTD Status Screens
8.1 Viewing Protection Variables

8.1.3 RTD Status Screen

RTD Status
The RTD Status Screen displays the status and temperature of all RTD inputs. The RTD status
may be displayed as OK, Short, Open, or Disable.
Referring to the RTD Status Screen shown below, it can be seen that RTD1 (RT1) displays a
status of OK. This means that the RTD1 is enabled, and neither shorted, nor opened. Viewing
the lower portion of the status screen, it can be seen that RTD1 shows a valid temperature of
94.2 °C . The remaining RTDs in the status screen display a status of Disable.
Looking at the lower portion of the screen, it can be seen all but the valid RTD have a
temperature value of 3276 °C. This is a purposely programmed value to show that the RTD
does not have an OK status. In this screen, the status of those RTDs with invalid temperature
show a Disable status. Other valid status for invalid temperature display may be Short, Open,
or Disable.

Figure 8-5 RTD Status Screen

See also
Device 49RTD - Machine Thermal Overload - Fixed Pickup RTD Protection (Page 70)

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

164 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Troubleshooting 9
9.1 Troubleshooting
Should the AMP menu not display properly, ensure that the PLC is correctly installed. The
protection engineer responsible for the initial programming should be able to correct this
If this issue persists, contact Siemens Support. This information is contained in the Service and
Support chapter of this manual.

The PLC is a ‘key’ to unlock the AMP and RTD functions in the VFD control.
● Should the AMP menu not display properly on the PLC, please check for loose connections
to the PLC and verify that the internal IP address of the VFD is set to
(Parameter #9310).
● The PLC contains an encrypted passcode. The passcode only gives access to the PLC
software in the VFD control. This passcode is not required to program the protection
functions of the motor that AMP provides.
● If a PLC issue persists, please contact Siemens Support. This information is contained in
the Service and Support chapter of this manual.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 165
9.1 Troubleshooting

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

166 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Spare Parts Data 10
10.1 AMP Replaceable Spart Parts List

Part Number MLFB Description

A5E33854477 6ES72315PD320XB0 4 CH AI
A5E33854924 6ES72315PF320XB0 8 CH AI
A5E35553741 6EP13315BA10 Power Supply
A5E30574338 6GK72771AA100AA0 Network Switch

The links below provide the technical specification data for the Advanced Motor Protection

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 167
Spare Parts Data
10.1 AMP Replaceable Spart Parts List

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

168 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Appendix A
A.1 IEEE Device Numbers and Functions

IEEE device numbers and functions

Each standard device number, its definition and its functions are based on a system adopted
as standard for automatic switchgear by IEEE, and incorporated in American Standard C37.2
- (1979). The table provides the definition of only those functions used in motor relay protection
for Sinamics GH180 Medium Voltage Variable Frequency Drives.

Device Definition and Function

12 Overspeed device is usually a direct-connected speed switch that functions on machine overspeed.
14 Underspeed device functions when the speed of a machine falls below a pre-determined value.
37 Undercurrent or underpower relay functions when the current or power flow decreases below a predetermined
38 Bearing protective device functions on excessive bearing temperature or on other abnormal mechanical con‐
ditions associated with the bearing, such a s undue wear, which may eventually result in excessive bearing
temperature or failure.
46 Reverse-phase or phase-balance current relay is a relay that functions when the polyphase currents are of
reverse phase sequence or when the polyphase currents are unbalanced or contain negative phase-sequence
components above a given amount.
48 Incomplete sequence relay is a relay that generally returns the equipment to the normal, or off, position and
locks it out if the normal starting, operating, or stopping sequence is not properly completed within a prede‐
termined time. If the device is used for alarm purposes only, it should preferably be designated as 48A alarm.
49 Machine or transformer thermal relay is a relay that functions when the temperature of a machine armature
winding or other load carry winding or element of a machine or power transformer exceeds a predetermined
50 Instantaneous overcurrent relay is a relay that functions instantaneously on an excessive value of current.
51 AC time overcurrent relay is a relay with either a definite or inverse time characteristic that functions when the
ac input current exceeds a predetermined value, and in which the input current and operating time are inde‐
pendently related or inversely related through a substantial portion of the performance range.
55 Power factor relay is a relay that operates when the power factor in an ac circuit rises above or falls below a
predetermined value.
66 Notching or jogging device functions to allow only a specified number of operations of a given device or
equipment, or a specified number of successive operations within a given time of each other. It is also a device
that functions to energize a circuit periodically or for fractions of specified time intervals, or that is used to permit
intermittent acceleration or jogging of a machine at low speeds for mechanical positioning,
81 Frequency relay is a relay that responds to the frequency of an electrical quantity, operating when the frequency
or rate of change of frequency exceeds or is less than a predetermind value.

Separate descriptive tables as configured for the devices used in Motor Protection for
SINAMICS GH180 Medium Voltage Variable Frequency Drives are provided in the sections
that follow.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 169
A.1 IEEE Device Numbers and Functions

See also
Standard Protections Block Diagram (Page 17)

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

170 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
A.2 Abbreviations

A.2 Abbreviations
The following table provides a listing of acronyms / abbreviations used in the manual along with
its full nomenclature.

Acronym / Ab‐ Full Phrase

AMP Advanced Motor Protection
CT Current Transformer
DCS Distributed Control System
DOL Direct-On-Line
HMI Human-Machine Interface
Hz Hertz
MPR Motor Protection Relay
PT Potential Transformer
RMS Root Mean Square
RTD Resistance Temperature Detectors
VFD Variable Frequency Drive

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 171
A.2 Abbreviations

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

172 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
Service and support 11
11.1 Field Service Operation
Siemens can provide trained and certified field service representatives to provide technical
guidance and assistance for the installation, startup/commissioning, repair and maintenance of
Siemens SINAMICS Perfect Harmony™ GH180 VFD equipment and systems. Contact your
regional service call center or sales office for details.
For all regional information, use the following link: www.siemens.com/yourcontact
Siemens service call centers can be reached at the regional locations listed below.

Untrained personnel performing work on equipment may cause personal injury, death,
equipment damage, VFD operational integrity
Ensure that only personnel trained by Siemens work on the equipment.
Certain components described in this documentation may be replaced or repaired only by
personnel trained by Siemens.
Work incorrectly performed on the drive can result in damage to the equipment, degrade VFD
operational integrity, and possibly cause physical injury to personnel or even death.
Siemens accepts no liability for any damage that occurs because these instructions have not
been observed, e.g. if an untrained person carries out a repair or replaces components.

Technical Support (Hotline)

● For emergency service or technical support please call 1-800-333-7421
● America time zone:

Johnson City, TN, USA 800 333 7421 +1 423 262 5710

● Asia and Australia time zone:

Beijing, China +86 400 810 4288

● Europe and Africa time zone:

Nuremberg, Germany +49 911 895 7222 +49 180 5050 222

Technical Support (Internet)

Send your inquiries directly via the internet to a specialist in technical support:

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 173
Service and support
11.1 Field Service Operation

● Technical support is available round the clock 24 hours / 365 days a year.
● Your inquiries are delivered directly to the responsible specialist.
● Have all relevant data available and technical support can respond to your inquiry as quickly
as possible.
● Send records, screen shots and photos to the specialists to support fault analysis.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

174 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
ESD guidelines A
A.1 ESD-sensitive Components

Guidelines for Handling Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESD)

ESD Sensitive Equipment
● Always be aware of electrostatic discharge (ESD) when working near or touching
components inside the VFD cabinet. The printed circuit boards contain components that
are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Handling and servicing of components that are
sensitive to ESD should be done only by qualified personnel and only after reading and
understanding proper ESD techniques. The following ESD guidelines should be observed.
Following these rules can greatly reduce the possibility of ESD damage to printed circuit
board (PCB) components.
● Always transport static sensitive equipment in antistatic bags.
● Always use a soldering iron that has a grounded tip. Also, use either a metallic vacuum-
style plunger or copper braid when desoldering.
● Ensure that anyone handling the printed circuit boards is wearing a properly grounded
static strap. The wrist strap should be connected to ground through a 1 Megohm resistor.
Grounding kits are available commercially through most electronic wholesalers.
● Static charge build-up can be removed from a conductive object by touching the object with
a properly grounded piece of metal.
● When handling a PC board, always hold the card by its edges.
● Do not slide printed circuit boards (PCBs) across any surface (e.g., a table or work bench).
If possible, perform PCB maintenance at a workstation that has a conductive covering that
is grounded through a 1 Megohm resistor. If a conductive tabletop cover is unavailable, a
clean steel or aluminum tabletop is an excellent substitute.
● Avoid plastic Styrofoam™, vinyl and other non-conductive materials. They are excellent
static generators and do not give up their charge easily.
● When returning components to Siemens Industry, Inc. always use static-safe packing. This
limits any further component damage due to ESD.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 175
ESD guidelines
A.1 ESD-sensitive Components

Components that can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge (ESD)

Electrostatic discharge
Electronic components can be destroyed in the event of improper handling, transporting,
storage, and shipping.
Pack the electronic components in appropriate ESD packaging; e.g. ESD foam, ESD
packaging bags and ESD transport containers.
To protect your equipment against damage, follow the instructions given below.

● Avoid physical contact with electronic components. If you need to perform absolutely
essential work on these components, then you must wear one of the following protective
– Grounded ESD wrist strap
– ESD shoes or ESD shoe grounding strips if there is also an ESD floor.
● Do not place electronic components close to data terminals, monitors or televisions.
Maintain a minimum clearance to the screen (> 10 cm).
● Electronic components should not be brought into contact with electrically insulating
materials such as plastic foil, plastic parts, insulating table supports or clothing made of
synthetic fibers.
● Place components in contact with ESD-suited materials e.g. ESD tables, ESD surfaces,
ESD packaging.
● Measure on the components only if one of the following conditions is met:
– The measuring device is grounded with a protective conductor.
– The measuring head of a floating measuring device has been discharged directly before
the measurement.
The necessary ESD protective measures for the entire working range for electrostatically
sensitive devices are illustrated once again in the following drawings. Precise instructions for
ESD protective measures are specified in the standard IEC 61340-5-1.

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

176 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A
ESD guidelines
A.1 ESD-sensitive Components




1 Sitting
2 Standing
3 Standing/sitting
a Conductive floor surface, only effective in conjunction with ESD shoes or ESD shoe grounding
b ESD furniture
c ESD shoes or ESD shoe grounding strips are only effective in conjunction with conductive floor‐
d ESD clothing
e ESD wristband
f Cabinet ground connection
Figure A-1 ESD Protective Measures

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 177
ESD guidelines
A.1 ESD-sensitive Components

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

178 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A

Arcing, 14 Lock-out / Tag-out procedure, 13
Asynchronous motors, 11
Auxiliary power supply, 11
Main entry, 160
C Subentry, 139
Cabling, 11
Commissioning, 11
contact S
hotline, 173
Shielding, 11
website, 173
Starts per Hour, 133
Synchronous motors, 11
Electrostatic discharge, 175 T
Electrostatic Protective Measures, 177
technical support
EMC-compliant installation, 11
hotline, 173
Transport, 11
Five safety rules, 12 V
Fixed Under Frequency with MSE,
Variable Pickup Overfrequency, 139
Fixed Under Power with MSE,
Variable Pickup Underfrequency, 137, 145
Fixed Over Speed, 31, 54, 56, 57, 134, 135, 136,
Variable Thermal Overload, 63
Variable-Speed Drives, 11
Fixed Pickup Instantaneous Zero Sequence
Overvoltage, 128
Fixed Pickup Maximum Power Factor, 124
Fixed Pickup Minimum Power Factor, 126
Fixed Pickup Underfrequency, 143
Fixed Under Power with MSE, 48, 58, 80, 82, 130

Grounding, 11

Industrial network, 11
Installation, 11

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Manual, AA, A5E46373908A 179

Advanced Motor Protection for Variable Speed Operation

180 Manual, AA, A5E46373908A



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