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Installing Galileo SSL Connectivity Client

Software Version

Table of Contents
Software Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 1
SSL Tunnel Service .................................................................................................................................................... 3
SSL Connectivity Client Removal Error: Another version of this product is already installed.................................................. 3

Software Installation

Download the software locally to your machine…

At the time of release, is the current version

Download the latest release

Click Save

Then click Open Folder, you should see the file you just downloaded, in some cases the file may be blocked

Right click on the file - Properties - check Unblock

Put a check in Unblock to unblock the file, then

Right click on the file – Run as Administrator

Click Yes
If an existing version exists, it will be automatically removed

Complete and Finish the installation.

SSL Tunnel Service
The Galileo SSL Connectivity client run’s as a service on your workstation, if at any stage your Travelport
software won’t connect, please try the following:

Press Win Key + r (to get a Run box)

In the Run box type services.msc (to display running services)

Locate and Start the Galileo SSL Tunnel Service if stopped

SSL Connectivity Client Removal Error: Another version of this product is already installed.
You may see this trying to upgrade the SSL client software:

Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use
Add/Remove Programs on the control panel.


Resolution: Delete key in the registry

Warning Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by
using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall the operating system. Microsoft
cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk.

Location: Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\CC7941BE1D9C13549B2F475FE8BD197D

Or, Start the registry editor, search for the following string:

The following appears, ENSURE Galileo SSL is visible and delete the associated highlighted key on the left

From the registry:

Then re-install The Galileo SSL Client software, you should no longer see the error, this document is for
Technical support people, please do not try this if you are not proficient in working in the registry.


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