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(An article review on “THE PHILIPPINES Political Party and Corruption)

The article “ THE PHILIPPINES Political Party and Corruption” portrays the roles ,
practices and responsiveness of the political party and political personalities whether elected or
not towards their subjects and the manner of their relationship held upon. The citizen voters
plays a vital role in the political system that holds the majority of approval for the candidate to
acquire position, of which, evidently belong in a democratic state. The emergence of side tricks
and practices of political parties that victimizes some of the nations subjects are continuously
propagating. The taking place of corruption and how it was done. The political turncoatism , is
then an esteemed tradition. The formation of political parties, likely main parties attained
derogatory called trapo, in short for” Traditional Politician”, additionally concluded their
presence and performance before, during and after the election. Thus, it weighs the manner of
quality and how dedicated are political personalities.

The arguments of this article sets in democratic manner, awareness, justice and holistic
service providing the betterment of state and state actors future. One that optimizes position,
constituting influence in varied approaches for various intentions. On the other ground, educating
citizens with diverse means and response to corruption. This question the certainty of affiance
within the relationship of political party to the political system with its development and
democratic union.

It is also mentioned in the article that the country constitutes two types of elite-based party,
namely traditional local notable party and the clienielistic party. Under which the trapo serves
the latter. Yet, for further time ,the trapo gone far beyond from simple clienielistic to
Patrimonialistic party concerning that “Philippine polity was structured less by organized
interest groups as in Western democracies than by networks of personal relationship largely
involving exchanges of favor between prosperous patrons and their poor and dependent

Moreover, the article features awakening and compelling movement to break the stagnant
development status. As the institutionalization of political parties where held, the clear difference
of lineage engage in assessing fundamental gaps.
I contend tgapswhereas appearing to be weak, sapless animals, the trapo parties, taken
collectively, are very voracious and impressive. The framework of chameleonic and
patrimonialistic trapo parties has, in reality, gotten to be the preeminent institution of the
Philippines’ “patrimonial oligarchic” or “ruthless” state. The degeneration of Philippine parties
from clientelist to patrimonialist legislative issues and the institutionalization of the trapo party
framework show that the building of solid and genuinely majority rule political parties and party
framework within the Philippines is turning out to be an excruciatingly troublesome and
complicated prepare. From Clientelistic to Patrimonialistic Parties.

From Clientelistic to Patrimonialistic Parties Conventional patron-client connections have

long been an critical include of Philippine legislative issues. In his presently classic 1965
consider on Philippine legislative issues, Carl Lande watched that the Philippine commonwealth
was organized less by organized intrigued bunches as in Western vote based systems than by
systems of individual connections, generally including trades of favors between affluent
benefactors and their destitute and subordinate clients.

In conclusion, Philippines is much stronger during Marcos times than before and after his
period as a President. And even before, vote – buying, fraud and violence is not a surprise when
it comes to election times. In addition to that, those politicians where only taking advantages to
us and keep on promising something during election but sadly, those where just part of there
platforms to became one of those who will sit on that position that they wanted to have to. It
might be unbelievable to hear but you should wake up and accept the reality of corruption. And
Philippines has become one of the corrupted country and has a large number of corrupt

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