Business Law 1

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Semester 2, May 2021

1. This is an individual assignment. It covers knowledge acquired from Units 1 and 2.
2. Please answer ALL questions in ASSIGNMENT 1. Submission is to be done online through
OAS on or before the stipulated deadline (to refer to
3. You are advised against sharing the answer with others as plagiarism will be penalized,
any evidence of plagiarism or collusion may result in a ZERO mark awarded to all involved
and further disciplinary action. Please be familiar with the University’s definitions of
plagiarism and collusion.
4. Please NOTE that students are highly encouraged to passage their ASSIGNMENTs
to the Turnitin system before submission to encourage good academic writing.
However, it is not mandatory except for Project courses.
5. Total marks awarded for the ASSIGNMENT1 is 100, which contributes to 35% of the entire
course marks.
6. Your assignment will be assessed on the factual answer provided based on your reading
and analysis from various references related to this course. Besides, you should
demonstrate a sound knowledge of corporate compliance and management.
7. You are advised to adhere to the following about your written answer:
• Font type: Arial
• Font size: 12 point
• Margin: left – 1.2”, right – 1.0”, top – 1.0”, bottom – 1.0”
• Alignment: justify
• Spacing: 1.5 line
• Paper size: A4
• Pagination: right bottom aligned, font size 10
• Header: right hand, top aligned, Arial, 11 point and bold
• Total word count: not more than 1,000 words
8. Information on the cover page:
• Course code and title
• Student name, ID, and I/C no
• Name of tutor
• Class code
• Indication of ASSIGNMENT 1
9. Please do not send this information on the cover page into Turn-It-In to avoid a high
similarity index
• You shall retain a copy of the answer to ASSIGNMENT 1 for easy reference.
• You are advised to adhere to the rubric stated in completing your assignment
Answer ALL the questions.

1. (a) Explain the “doctrine of precedent”. (10 marks)

(b) Explain the principle in the decided case of Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC
562. (20 marks)

2. Elaborate the THREE (3) ways in which a contract may be discharged? (30 marks)

3. Where there is a breach of contract, the party seeking damages is under a duty to
mitigate the loss. Explain the phrase “mitigate the loss”. (30 marks)

4. Describe the basic elements of a contract. (10 marks)


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