Department of Marketing Jahangirnagar University: Faculty of Business Studies

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Department of Marketing

Faculty of Business Studies

Program: MBA Program

Name: Md Tanvir Islam

Reg. NO: 40916

MBA (1st semester)

Sixth Batch

Course Name: Digital Marketing

Course Code: MKT 505

Date of Submission: 02.07.2021

Question 1: How can Raymond use digital marketing to sustain the growth of Parx
Raymond can help the Parx brand grow in a multitude of ways by utilizing digital
marketing. In today's market, digital marketing is more significant than traditional marketing. It
allows you to create more money for less money than traditional marketing would allow. It is
especially crucial. For example, Raymond is a clothes line. Here are some ideas for how Raymond
may use digital marketing to help the Parx brand grow.

❖ Continuous Concentration on a Single Target Market: Two or more target markets should be chosen.
They should not focus on anything other than their target markets.

❖ Social Media Use: The primary target market for Raymond's Parx is Generation Y, who are increasingly
engaged on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Raymond can
utilize these channels to communicate with the people who are important to him. They may be able to reach
the largest potential audience with their merchandise.

❖ Raymond should come up with a digital media-based marketing strategy. It also aids them in receiving
quick feedback from clients.

❖ Building an Online Visible Presence: Raymond will require an online presence in order to measure the
influence of digital marketing on business growth and development. While attempting to optimize a brand's
impact, it should also establish a social media presence.

❖ Direct Customer Contact or Text Messages: One of the few areas where a corporation has complete
control over the message and, in some cases, the company's response to customer criticism is digital media.
It's useful for gaining direct feedback and assisting in decision-making.
Question 2: In the context of the above case, highlight the benefits of targeting in digital

After reading this case, consider the following benefits of digital marketing in the context of the

❖ Geographical Expansion and Broader Reach: By implementing a successful digital strategy,

a company may easily expand into new countries and areas using marketing strategies while
avoiding the challenges of traditional marketing.

❖ Design of Marketing Campaigns: Digital marketing campaigns can be set up quickly and
successfully, and they are extremely versatile, allowing for easy market targeting.

❖ Digital marketing initiatives are cost-effective: since they do not require a significant volume
of money and may reach a large number of individuals. for a lower cost to reach a bigger, more
targeted audience

❖ Better Revenues and Profits: A successful digital marketing plan can assist Reymond produce
much more money when compared to traditional marketing tactics.

❖ Increased Return on Investment (ROI): It also aids in attaining a larger return on investment.
Digital marketing strategies are simple to track, making it easy to evaluate their impact on the
target market.
Question 3: Which media would you recommend to engage consumers belonging to Gen
Y? Justify your answer.

The Millennial generation, commonly known as Gen Y, comes after Generation X but
before Generation Z. They are very conscious of their public image. Because Gen Y is so brand-
conscious, I would recommend keeping an eye on digital media sites that they can use.

❖ Facebook: This social networking site is primarily used by Gen Y clients between the ages of
18 and 24. Raymond Parx's target clients use Facebook in large numbers (about 90 percent). It's
an excellent strategy to contact as many Generation Y clients as possible. Furthermore, it becomes
a low-cost method of promoting the company and recruiting clients.

❖ YouTube: In today's world, YouTube is the most popular tool for reaching out to new clients.
It's a unique social media platform that lets you communicate with a big number of potential
customers. The concept of weighted content creation has been accepted by Generation Y. One is
paid. Promotion and sponsorship can be incredibly beneficial in disseminating the message in these

❖ E-mail marketing: In the digital media platform, e-mail is a well-known concept. Raymond
can communicate directly with customers over the internet. Reaching out to the database's
classified audiences through various surveys and direct mail can be beneficial.

❖ Direct call and messaging: This is the most effective technique to learn about potential clients'
brand perceptions. Some ongoing deals can be communicated by direct message, which can help
to capture the attention of the target audience. Because Generation Y shoppers are selective, a
marketing strategy for apparel should be sensitive and careful.

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