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Written by Rohit Behl.

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Construction of Buti Wada – and the end of Sai
Baba’s avatar
Gopalrao Buti was an extremely rich devotee of Sai Baba who hailed from Nagpur met
Baba in 1907.  From 1910, he shifted to Shirdi permanently to live with Sai Baba and was
contemplating to build a house for him there. One night, Baba appeared in Buti’s dream and
asked him to construct a Wada (Mansion) with a temple in it.  Very surprisingly, in the same
night, Baba appeared in Madhavrao Deshpande’s dream and said “Let there be a wada with
temple so that I can satisfy the desires of all”. Both were sleeping in Dixit Wada when this
When they shared the experience with each other, Buti decided to build a grand mansion
with black stones. With Sai Baba’s blessing and also approval of the building plan, the
construction started in 1915. Buti wanted to install, in the sanctum sanctorum, Lord
Muralidhar (Krishna playing flute) there.

Madhavrao supervised the construction of the ground floor. Sai Baba visited the site while
construction was in progress and offered some suggestions too. Sai Baba once said “When
the temple is built, we shall inhabit it and ever live in joy there!”

While the construction was nearing the end, Sai Baba fell sick and his condition started
deteriorating. Gopalrao Buti became restless. He wondered whether Baba would live to see
the temple, let alone come and stay there as promised by him. “If Baba is not going to live
there, what is the point in constructing this wada and temple?” he thought.

Baba’s close devotees nursed him with all love and care, but there was so sign of recovery.
Baba’s last words were: “Take me to the wada. I would feel better there”.   But before his
devotees could shift him, He breathed his last at 2:35PM on 15th October 1918 at the

Masjid. News spread quickly and all close devotees of Sai Baba thronged at the Masjid.

Unfortunately, there were discordant opinions in conducting the last rites for Baba’ body 
between Sai’s Hindu devotees (who were in majority) and the Muslims.  The Muslim
devotees headed by Bade Baba did not want Hindus to touch Sai Baba’s body and they
wanted to take the body to kabari-sthan  as per Islamic rites. Against Muslims’ stiff
resistance, Sai’s devotee Laxman Bhat performed puja to Sai’s body as per Hindu traditions
and applied tilak  at Sai’s forehead. Hindus planned to shift Sai’s body to Buti Wada and
place it in a samadhi and started necessary digging work work there.

Mamledar (Revenue administrative officer) of Kopargaon mediated between Hindus and

Muslims and a compromise was arrived. Muslims finally yielded and allowed the Hindu
devotees to proceed with their Samadhi plan at Buti Wada on the condition that Muslims
would be given continued access to Masjid and also to Sai Baba’s samadhi, to which Hindus
gladly agreed.

On 16th October evening, Sai Baba’s body was taken ceremoniously in procession to Buti
Wada and placed in the sanctum sanctorum where originally an idol of Lord Muralidhar had
been planned to be installed. Saibaba’s body was laid and a samadhi was built there.

Sai Baba had said earlier:

 “I never forsake anyone who relies on me.    If you cast your burden on me, I will
bear it.   My eye is ever on those who love me.”
 “Remember my words even when I am no more. My bones will assure you from my
samadhi. It will communicate with you, it will respond to him who surrenders to it.”
 “Here, in Shirdi, my men will come like ants“.

It is indeed true — even after passage of a century!


The Shrine which houses Baba’s Samadhi was originally constructed as a

Wada (large private house) 
during Baba’s last years in his physical body. 
It is built on the land that Baba had tended as a garden. Sai Baba
seemed to like growing plants 
and in his early days he cleared and levelled this land, which had been
used as dumping ground. 
Using seeds that he had brought from Rahata, he planted it with jasmine
and marigold. 
For about three years Baba would water the plants every day and
distribute the flowers to the local temples. 

The Shrine was built by Shri Gopalrao Mukund Butty (Bapusaheb Butty),

the famous multi-millionaire of Nagpur.
He was introduced to Sai Baba by a Lawyer from Nasik "Shri Sakharam
Balwant Dhumal", 
about ten years before Baba’s Mahasamadhi.

Shri Sakharam Balwant Dhumal


Once an idea arose in Bapusaheb Butty's mind that he should have a

building of his own there. Sometime after this, once while he was
sleeping in Dixit's Wada, he got a vision. Baba appeared in his dream
and ordered him to build a Wada of his own, with a temple. Shama who
was sleeping there, got also a similar vision. When Bapusaheb awoke, 
he saw Shama crying and asked him why. 
Shama replied that in his vision Baba came close to him and ordered
distinctly – 

"Build the Wada with the temple. I shall fulfill the desires of all. Hearing
the sweet and loving words of Baba, 
I was overpowered with emotion, my throat was choked, 
my eyes were overflowing with tears, and I began to cry." 

Bapusaheb was surprised to see that both their visions tallied. Being a

rich and capable man, he decided to build a Wada there and drew up a
plan with Madhavarao (Shama). Kakasaheb Dixit also approved of it. And
when placed before Baba, it was sanctioned immediately. 

Shri Gopalrao Mukund Butty (Bapusaheb)                Shri

MadhavRao Deshpande (Shama)


The construction started around 1915. It was built in stone and was
therefore known as Dagadi (stone) Wada. But Baba had mentioned
about this construction in 1913 itself to Narke.Sri Butty, with the help of
Shama, Kaka Saheb Dixit and others, had procured the material required
for the construction of the Wada, and engaged the required workers.
Shama was supervising the work. 

The underground structure, the outside structure and digging of the well
were completed. Baba also saw the construction work daily on his way to
Lendi Bagh and back to the mosque. Sometimes, Baba would indicate
some alterations and give some suggestions. Slowly the workers also
developed devotion and faith in Baba. They saluted Baba every day
before the commencement of work and also at closing time. The building
material and the implements were taken care of by Bapu Saheb
Jog. With Baba’s blessings, the building rose quickly . 

Then Shama asked Baba whether it was the auspicious time to begin the
foundation-work of the Shrine's central room. Baba gave an affirmative
reply and so Shama immediately fetched and broke a coconut as
Mahurat (good omen) and the work was begun. The foundation was
quickly laid, and while the  pedestal was being prepared, an idea struck
Bapusaheb Butty's mind that in the center an Idol of Murlidhar (Lord
Krishna with the flute) be installed. He asked Shama to refer this matter
to Baba and get His consent. So Shama asked Baba about this when
Baba was just passing by the Wada. 
Baba declined to give permission, stating that 
"After the temple is complete I will come there to stay" and staring at
the Wada he added - 
"After the Wada is complete, we shall use it ourselves, we shall live,
move and play there, 
embrace each other, and be very happy."  

On another occasion, Baba sat cross-legged on the "Base" constructed
for installing Sri Krishna’s idol. 
Butty once again asked Baba’s permission to get the idol prepared -
Baba asked whether he was not Sri Krishna. 
He told Butty to wait patiently for some time, saying that the idol could
be installed afterwards. 
Nobody could understand the inner meaning of Baba’s words. 

Then on 28th September`1918, Baba got a slight attack of fever which

lasted for a couple of days, 
but afterwards Baba gave up his food and thereby he grew weaker and
Butty felt dejected, wondering whether Baba would live to even see the
completed wada, never mind grace it with his presence. 
The whole construction seemed pointless to him if Baba was not going to
remain there in his body. 

However, Baba was to move into the Wada in a way that had not
been foreseen by others. 
Baba's health rapidly deteriorated and on Tuesday 15th
Baba told that He did not feel well there (in the Masjid) 
and that He should be taken to the Dagadi (stone) Wada of Butty,
where He would be alright. 
Saying these last words, He leaned on Bayaji's body and at about
02:30 p.m Baba breathed His last. 
(Vide Professor G.G. Narke's letter, dated 05th November`1918,
to Dadasaheb Khaparde 
- Leela magazine, Page 78, 1st year).

After a few hours, the question as to what to do with Baba’s mortal

remains arose. 
Some Muslims requested that the body of Sai Baba be kept in Samadhi,
outside the mosque in the open space. 
Khushal Chand and Amir Shakkar also supported this. 
But the village officer, Mr.Ramachander Patil took a firm decision that
Baba’s Samadhi should be in Butty Wada only. 
Discussion regarding this went on till Wednesday. Finally, paying due
respect to Baba's last words, 
everyone decided to place Baba's body in the Wada itself. Then in the
evening around 04:00 pm, 
it was decided to bathe Baba's body which was kept on a handcart the

whole night. 

When they tried to remove Baba's Kafni, the hands bent as usual. In
ordinary cases the limbs cannot be bent as they stiffen. 
Baba’s body was laid on a big table before Dwarakamai, and potfuls
of water were poured on the body with devotion. 
After that they spread a white cloth on the body and put flowers,
sandalwood and akshatas (rice) over the cloth. 

A grave, 6 feet in length was dug in Butty Wada’s central

The body was taken into Butty Wada in procession to the sounds
of various musical instruments. 
First, the broken brick of Baba was broken into smaller pieces
and put in the grave, over that soft beds 
were spread. Dixit, Butty, Shama and Mahalsapati slowly lifted
the body. 
A few of them got into the grave and from below caught the body
and it was slowly lowered . 
The head side went down first. The entire body was lowered and
rested on the soft beds. 
Rose water and perfumes were sprayed on the body. 

Thirty-six hours after he had left his body, Baba was finally interred. 
Certain personal articles were buried with him: 
the broken brick, now mended with gold and silver wire, one of his
satkas, a chillum, needle and cotton 
(Baba would mend his clothes until they were a mass of repairs, a cause
of affectionate amusement among devotees), 
some spices to preserve the body, and an old cloth bag containing a
green kafni and a cap,
 which Baba never allowed anyone to touch. 


The burial was completed by early Thursday morning. 

At 05:00 pm in the evening, after the Samadhi, 
Bapu Saheb Jog and Laxman Mama gave Sandhya aarti in Butty temple
for the first time on 16th October`1918. 
Nanavalli, who was like Baba’s life, watched the Samadhi from a
He stopped taking food from that day and died on the 13th day.
Das Ganu, after reaching Shirdi on Thursday morning, 
did sankeertan for two days near the Samadhi of Baba and he fed a
large number of people.
Baba Saheb Bhate and Upasini Baba of Sakori Ashram performed the last
rites of Baba . 
Where Butty wanted to install the idol of Sri Krishna, Baba’s Samadhi
came up. This way Baba became Muralidhar. 


A Committee was formed to manage Sai Baba's Samadhi, comprising of

15 members 
with Shriman Bapusaheb Butty as the Chairman. Butty employed
G.K.Dixit to take care of Baba's Samadhi. 

The conduct of the Gurupurnima festival was the responsibility of

Bapusaheb Butty 
after whom his sons conducted this festival till 1940, and since 1941, the
Sansthan has been conducting this festival, 

the sons of Butty were then contributing Rs.100/- as part of the

A Photograph of Sai Baba was placed on a Throne on the platform of the

It remained there until the statue was installed in 1954. 
Blessed and fortunate is Bapusaheb Butty in whose Wada lies the holy
and the pure body of Baba.
The Butty Temple with Baba’s Samadhi in it had become the holiest
of the holy places, 
fulfilling the prayers of millions of devotees.


Submitted to SBOI by Rohit Bhel

Shri.Gopalrao Mukund alias Bapusaheb Buti was a rich person from Nagpur and was
an great devotee of Baba. He was brought to Sai Baba fold by Shri.S.B.Dhumal in
the year 1910. He came along with his family and stayed in Shirdi permanently to
serve Baba. Sai Baba used to call Bapusaheb Buti as “Butayya”.

He some times felt that he should buy a plot in Shirdi and construct a house for him
for staying permanently in Shirdi. Every day, after the noon Aarti, Buti used to take
his afternoon meal sitting on the left side of Baba in the masjid.

Once Bapusaheb Buti once had severe diarrhoea and repeated bouts of vomiting
due to a chill in the stomach. His cupboard was full of all sorts of medicines, but
none of them were effective in curing his illness. Bapusaheb Buti was frightened in
his heart and began to worry. Bapusaheb became very weak due to purgings and
vomittings and, therefore, was unable to go to the masjid for Baba's darshan which
was his regular practice. News of Buti's illness reached Sai Baba. Baba then sent for
him and made him sit before him and said, "Mind you! from now onwards, you will
not go for evacuation of bowels!" and remember even the vomiting must stop".
Facing Buti, Sai Baba showed His forefinger and once again, repeated the same
words to him. Sai Baba's words were so powerful that both the afflictions took to
their heels at once. Bapusaheb Buti thus got relief from the disease
immediately. Once before, Buti had suffered from Cholera. His throat parched with
thirst, the stomach had a constant sick, uneasy feeling. Dr.Pillay tried all sorts of
remedies but in vain. Then Buti went to Baba for relief. Sai Baba asked Buti to take
Boiled Milk mixed with almonds, Pistachio and walnuts. Normally this combination
would aggravate the illness according to any doctor or a physician, but Buti obeyed
Baba's orders and drank the infusion so prepared and his illness was cured
immediately (Chapter 13, Shri Sai Satcharitra).

Once Nana Saheb Dengle, a great astrologer told Buti "today is the most
inauspicious day for you. But have courage in your heart and be very alert".
Hearing this, Bapusaheb Buti became very restless in his mind and kept on
worrying. The day seemed very long to Buti. Later at the usual time Buti went to
Masjid along with Nana Saheb and other devotees and sat in front of Baba.
Immediately Sai questioned Buti "what does this Nana say to you? Did he say, your
time is not good today and that you will be killed?". Later in the evening, when
Bapusaheb Buti went for nature's call, a snake had crept in there at that time.
Seeing that terrible obstruction, Bapusaheb came out at once. His servant Lahanu,
thought that he would kill the snake with a stone. But as he was about to pick up a
stone, Bapusaheb stopped him saying "go and fetch a stick instead". Even as the
servant went for the stick, the snake began to climb on the wall, lost its balance
and fell down and went through a hole. Buti remembered Sai's words and marvelled
at His way of averting the danger, both to himself and the snake (Chapter 22,
Shri Sai Satcharitra).

Once Bapusaheb Buti had an interesting vision, while he was asleep on the upper
storey of Dixitwada. Even Madhav Rao Deshpande alias Shama was also sleepin the
same place next to him. Even he had the same vision. Both of them were
astonished that they had the same vision. Bapusaheb had a dream in which Sai
Baba commanded him to build a wada with a temple included in it. On seeing the
vision, immediately Buti woke up trying to remember the dream from the beginning
as he lay in his bed. While this was happening, Madhav Rao was suddenly heard
weeping and as Buti called out to him to wake up, the dream vanished. When Buti
asked Madhav Rao why he was weeping, he said "I had a vision in which Baba
commanded me to build a wada with a temple included in it". Buti was quite
amazed that both of them had the same vision. He immediately resolved to
construct a wada with a temple included in it. They both sat together and fixed the
general outline of the project, which was approved by Kaka Saheb Dixit. Next day
morning, all the three of them went to Baba. Shama told Sai Baba about the dream
that he and Buti had last night. Baba immediately gave permission to build the
wada with the temple.

Thus the construction of Butiwada began around 30th December

1915 (Kapharde Dairy, Page 123). Madhav Rao immediately swung into action
and built the basement and the ground floor. The well was also constructed. Baba
used to watch the progress on his way to Lendi Baugh and on his return as the
doors and windows were being fixed. Baba used to often direct "put a door here, a
window there. Here, to the east, take out a gallery. It will enhance the beauty". As
the work was fast progressing, Buti had an idea to build a Sanctum Sanctorum
where an Idol of Muralidhar could be placed. But without consulting Baba, Buti
never started anything. While on his daily round, as Sai Baba came near the wada
and reached the door, Madhav Rao told the plan of Buti to Him. On hearing Madhav
Rao's words, Baba happily said, "All right. Once the temple is ready, we too, wil
come there to stay". Madhav Rao asked Baba, "if this is His final direction, let us lay
the foundation stone on this day. Is this time auspicious, O God? Shall I bring and
break the coconut, right away?". To that Sai Baba said "Break, break!" Accordingly

Madhav Rao brought a coconut and broke it. Later on, the Sanctum Sanctorum was
made, along with the platform for the idol of Lord Muralidhar. But, later it so
happened that Baba became severly ill and the end came near. All the devotees
were greatly agitated in their minds. Bapusaheb grew restless too and was very sad
as to what the condition of the wada would thereafter be?. He was worried that
Baba's feet won't touch the temple. Lakhs of rupees were spent by that time and
this obstacle had come in the way. Hence, Buti was totally dejected. But Baba
before passing away, expressed “Place or keep me in the Wada” and this had
consoled Bapusaheb Buti and after Baba passed away, as per Baba’s desire, Baba’s
holy body was placed and preserved in the central shrine meant for Murlidhar and
Baba himself became Murlidhar and the "Butiwada" became the Samadhi Mandir
of Sai Baba (Chapter 39, Shri Sai Satcharitra).

Buti''s outstanding service to Shri Sai Baba Sansthan was remarkable as he

constructed the huge stone building and devoted it entirely for the Mahasamadhi
Shrine of Baba. This stone building is hence known by the name "Butiwada". Baba
used to refer it as Dagadi (stone) Wada.

The construction, though started in 1915, Baba had mentioned about this
construction in 1913 to Narke, son-in-law of Buti and also said that Narke would
administer the management of Butiwada. Every year dramatic performances and
celebrations were held at Shirdi in front of Chavadi. Bapusaheb Booty would
annually donate a large sum of Rs.500 towards the expenses. Many people used to
come from the surrounding villages to witness these celebrations.

A committee was formed on 27th October 1918 comprising of 15 members with
Shri.Bapusaheb Buti as the Chairman to manage the worship of Sai Baba's
Samadhi. Buti engaged Dixit to take care of Baba's Samadhi.

Buti served Baba with utmost devotion till his last breath. Buti passed away in the
year 1921 at Bombay.

(Source: Shri Sai Satcharitra, Chapters 13, 22 & 39 published by Shri Sai
Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi).


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