Integrated Water Resource Management in New Zealand - Legislative

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Universities Council on Water Resources

Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education
Issue 135, Pages 86-99 December 2006

Integrated Water Resource Management in New Zealand:

Legislative Framework and Implementation
1 2
Matthew D. Davis and John Threlfall

1 2
CAL Engineering Management and Otago Regional Council

brief overview of Integrated Water
Resources Management (IWRM) in
New Zealand is presented, covering the
legislative framework and implementation. Two
examples are discussed: wet weather quality
management in the Auckland Region and water Auckland Region

allocation in the Otago Region (Figure 1). It will

be shown that a strong legislative framework and
territorial organization exist in New Zealand to
facilitate IWRM. Translating the framework into
actions that support multiple objective IWRM
goals remains the current challenge.
IWRM is a process or means to achieve
Otago Region

sustainable water use and sustainable water resource

systems. Sustainable water use and sustainable
water resource systems support social objectives
into the indefinite future without undermining
hydrologic and ecological integrity (Gleick et al. Figure 1. New Zealand and Auckland and Otago
1995; American Society of Civil Engineers and Regions.
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization 1998). IWRM is best achieved implemented, monitored, and adapted. IWRM,
at the river basin or catchment scale – that is at thus, is comprised of both strategic and operational
scales comprised of hydrologic drainage basins or planning approaches and actions (Mitchell 1990).
subbasins. Cases exist where IWRM can extend Integrated Water Resources Management
beyond hydrologic drainage basin boundaries to
what can be defined as problemsheds, in particular The concept of IWRM has regained prominence
when addressing habitat protection. IWRM can in recent years through the Global Water Partnership,
also address subsets of basins, particularly when World Water Council, multi-lateral lending
the spatial extent of a catchment or basin is large. institutions, and other prominent international
Implementation of IWRM can take many fora, including the World Sustainability Summits.
forms, although there are general pathways These efforts are primarily focused on less-
it often follows (Lee 1999, Molle 2003). In developed countries to address primary issues of
well functioning systems, IWRM is made of poverty reduction and sustainable development
policies with clear objectives that in turn are criteria, as discussed in Johannesburg in 2002 and
incorporated into the “Millennium Development

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IWRM in New Zealand: Legislative Framework and Implementation 87

Goals.” In less-developed countries, IWRM also $17,500 (Auckland Regional Council et al. 2006).
is associated with coordinating water resource The climate is temperate, subtropical. Rainfall
development in river basins (Guerquin et al. differs dramatically across the country from more
2003). than 13,000 mm on the west side of the Southern
While sharing many basic tenants, IWRM in Alps to less than 400 mm in the rain shadow of the
developed countries often is motivated by other Southern Alps (Kirkpatrick 1999).
issues and sometimes not recognized or termed IWRM and river basin management in New
as IWRM. Particular differences are that the Zealand were initiated to address early erosion
poverty reduction and provision of basic water and flood control problems in the newly colonized
and sanitation services generally have been dealt lands. The country began to organize around river
with in developed countries. At least three patterns basins as early as 1868 with establishment of river
emerge for IWRM in developed countries. A first boards. The erosion and flood problems of the
pattern is the creation of river basin organizations 1930s led to the 1941 Soils and Rivers Control Act,
or water infrastructure related organizations to one of the first pieces of legislation in the world
develop water resources for economic growth. to link land and water resources. The intensity of
Examples are the Tennessee River Valley Authority land use and continuing soil erosion problems led
in the United States and the Murray-Darling Basin to a broadening of the scope of existing legislation
Commission in Australia. A second pattern is that and promulgation of the 1967 Water and Soils Act.
particular issues, often with an environmental The Act promoted a national policy for water, soil
focus, instigate actions that require some form of conservation, flood alleviation, community water
IWRM, although in many respects these reflect sub- supply needs, and ecosystem protection. Further,
components of IWRM. Issues include improving it introduced water quality as a water management
ambient river water quality, restoring river habitat, objective and established 20 catchment boards. In
or reconciling competing water uses. Last, another 1981 the Act was amended, adding provisions for
pattern is that in a limited number of countries or Water Conservation Orders to protect “outstanding”
regions, water and other regulatory governance areas of nationally or locally important water
institutions have been re-organized around natural bodies. Twenty-one Water Conservation Order
catchment boundaries. This activity has occurred applications have been submitted, with 11 areas
in France and New Zealand, for example. conferred to date (Newson 1997, Deans 2004a).
IWRM is in fact an old concept that has re-taken In October 1991, the Resource Management
prominence recently. It has progressed actively in Act became governing legislation for the majority
some countries since the early 1900s in different of resource use. The Resource Management Act
forms and under various titles including river basin repealed over 60 acts and amended more than
development, water resource master planning and 150 others; it transformed a legal mosaic into a
catchment management. Historically, however, more integrated regime for air, land, water, and
it has proven difficult to achieve and/or sustain ecosystem management (Randerson 1997, Harris
—either locally or universally (White 1998, 2004, Government of New Zealand 2005). The
Biswas 2004). Nonetheless, due to its promise and Resource Management Act, together with the 1987
growing competition and stress on water resources, Conservation Act, the 2002 Local Government
it remains a principal concept to embrace when Act (which revamped an earlier Act of 1974), the
seeking to achieve improved water and land 1841 Treaty of Waitangi, and the restructuring of
management—thus leading to a recent re-focus in regional and local councils that occurred in the
international circles. 1980s, constitute a strong foundation for IWRM,
based on sustainable water use and sustainable
Background water resource systems principles. Implementation
New Zealand is comprised of three main islands however, largely occurs at the regional and local
of 268,680 square kilometers, with a population council levels.
of just over 4 million people. It has a purchasing
power parity per capita gross national product of

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88 Davis and Threlfall

Resource Management Act

of Waitangi.
Together, these acts and re-organization of
National Environmental Standards and Regulations regional and local councils produced: (a) wholesale
privatization of the country’s resource base
New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement National Policy Statements
and infrastructure, (b) redrawing of the internal
Minister of Conservation Minister for the Environment
political map using catchment boundaries as the
Regional Policy Statement primary organizing principle, (c) amalgamating
Other Management Plans
Regional Councils
Iwi Management Plans
local councils, and (d) explicitly adopting
Fisheries and Other Regulations sustainability as the dominant national policy for
Regional Coastal Plan Regional Plans
Plans of Adjacent Councils renewable natural resource management (Burton
Regional Councils Regional Councils
and Cocklin 1996). At the same time efforts were
District / City Policy Statements renewed to reconcile European and Maori (pre-
District or City Councils European) cultures and Maori resource claims and
environmental values (Orange 1987, Ward 1999,
District Plan
Government of New Zealand 2004, 2005).
District or City Councils

District / City Bylaws and Standards

Resource Management Act
District or City Councils / Water and Sanitation In October 1991, the Resource Management
Act became the governing legislation for nearly
Figure 2. Resource management document hierarchy. all resource use in New Zealand. The purpose of
Source: Ministry for the Environment 2001, modified. the Resource Management Act is “ promote the
sustainable management of natural and physical
Regulatory Framework resources” (Government of New Zealand 2005: 38).
In legal, economic, and social terms, water is Within the context of the Resource Management
regarded as a public good in New Zealand. Regional Act, the environment is defined as encompassing
councils, that is government that is comprised of …ecosystems and their constituent parts,
the territory governed by several local councils, including: (a) people and communities, (b) all
administer most aspects of freshwater, while natural and physical resources, (c) amenity
local councils in turn are primarily involved in values and (d) the social, economic, aesthetic
regulating local land use decisions. Furthermore, and cultural conditions which affect the matters
regional councils retain regulatory provisions stated or which are affected by these matters...
over regional land use. No entity may take, use, (Government of New Zealand 2005: 19).
dam, divert, or discharge to any water (or heat or The Resource Management Act is effects-based
energy from water, or heat or energy from material legislation that provides a framework for manage-
surrounding geothermal water) unless expressly ment and mitigation of adverse environmental
allowed by a rule in a regional plan, granted in a impacts of activities. The Resource Management
resource consent or falling within a limited number Act proposes that “sustainable management” be
of exemptions. Rights to take, use, dam, divert, or achieved through explicit management of the ef-
discharge have fixed terms, while at the same time fects of activities of local and regional councils
existing use rights, some of which are significant and private entities. The Resource Management
and for extended periods of time are recognized. Act sets the framework for the control of air, land,
The English Common Law approach to water and water based on a hierarchy of documents, in-
was abandoned with the 1967 Water and Soils Act cluding: (1) policies, (2) plans, and (3) resource
in place of administrative control, reinforced in consents (Figure 2).
the 1991 Resource Management Act (Berry and The Resource Management Act co-opted most
Cowper 1997, Deans 2004a). Primary legislation of the 1967 Water and Soils Act and its 1981
with respect to water and IWRM are the 1991 amendment. It sets out five matters of national
Resource Management Act, 1987 Conservation importance regarding water: (1) preservation of
Act, 2002 Local Government Act, and 1841 Treaty the natural character of the coastal environment,

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IWRM in New Zealand: Legislative Framework and Implementation 89

Table 1. Activities and consents.

Activity Definition
Permitted No consent is required if the effects comply with the conditions specified in the planning docu-
ments. A certificate of compliance can be issued by the relevant authority to verify this status
Controlled Generally a non-notified application.
Consent must be granted, but conditions can be imposed
Discretionary Generally a notified application.
Consent may or may not be granted, depending on criteria specified in the planning document.
Non-complying contravenes plan, but not a prohibited activity.
Notified application
Consent may be granted or refused.
Prohibited Consent cannot be granted in any circumstances.
No application permitted.
Need a change to the controls to proceed
Sources: Randerson 1997, Harris 2004, Government of New Zealand 2005.

wetlands, lakes, and rivers and their margins, allow activities provided that they allow for
(2) protection of these areas from inappropriate protection of the specified “outstanding resource”
subdivision, use, and development, (3) protection (Deans 2004b, Government of New Zealand
of outstanding natural features, areas of significant 2005).
indigenous vegetation and significant habitats
of indigenous fauna, (4) maintenance and National Water Policy
enhancement of public access to the coastal marine Water allocation and management are recognized
area, lakes and rivers, and (5) maintenance and as issues of regional and national importance.
enhancement of the relationship of Maori and their Nationally, recognizing an absence of national
cultural traditions with their ancestral lands, water, guidance, the Ministry for the Environment
sites, waahi tapu (sacred sites) and other taonga initiated a review of water issues as part of its
(treasures) (Government of New Zealand 2005). “Sustainable Water Program of Action.” Thirteen
The 2004 Resource Management Act Amendment actions were identified in 2004 (Table 2) (Ministry
also places protection of biodiversity as a matter of for the Environment 2004). In 2005, the Ministry
national importance (Government of New Zealand for the Environment together with the Minister of
2005). Agriculture and Forestry issued a joint statement
on water, including investigation of water transfers
Activities and Consents to encourage increased water use productivity
A regional policy statement, regional plan, or (Ministry for the Environment 2006). A water
district plan may include control mechanisms policy statement on water allocation is expected in
that prohibit, regulate, or allow activities. The the first half of 2007. The statement is not legally
control mechanisms are based on the actual or binding but will provide guidance. Regional
potential adverse environmental effects of an plans consistent with national legislation contain
activity. Activities may be categorized as permit- regulations that must be followed.
ted, controlled, discretionary, non-complying, or
prohibited (Table 1) (Randerson 1997, Harris 2004, Implementation of IWRM
Government of New Zealand 2005). Consequently, implementation of IWRM is
Water Conservation Orders are further sub- largely controlled through national and regional
divided into Preservation Orders and Protection policy statements and rules spelled out in regional
Orders. Preservation Orders are more restrictive and district plans. The country is divided into 12
and require leaving water in its natural state: no regional councils plus five unitary councils that
water, coastal or discharge permit may be granted serve both as local and regional government bodies.
that would alter the water body. Protection Orders Each of the 12 regional councils is comprised of

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90 Davis and Threlfall

Table 2. Thirteen Actions for freshwater for a sustainable future in New Zealand.
No. Actions
1. Develop national policy statements.
2. Develop national environmental standards.
3. Address important national values.
4. Increase central government participation in regional planning.
5. Increase central government support for local government.
6. Develop special mechanisms for regional councils.
7. Enhance the transfer of allocated water between users.
8. Develop market mechanisms to manage diffuse discharges.
9. Set requirements for regional freshwater plans to address key issues and challenges.
10. Enhance Maori participation.
11. Enable regional councils to allocate water to priority uses.
12. Raise awareness of freshwater problems and pressures, and promote solutions.
13. Collaborate between central and local government, scientists, and key stakeholders on pilot projects to
demonstrate and test new water management initiatives.
Source: Ministry for the Environment 2004.

several local councils. and lakes, as well as upper catchments for water
Regional councils can prepare single issue plans quality. This last item reflects adoption of the
(e.g. water) or multiple issue plans such as air, historical role of the original Forest Service that in
land, and water. Some regional water plans, for 1919 was charged with protecting water and soil
instance, differ substantially across the country, in by protecting forested catchments (Deans 2004a).
part due to recognition of different local conditions Among other functions, the Conservation Act
but also due to lack of guidance through national provides the Department of Conservation with
water policy statements, resulting in mixed and at the ability to review private resource consent
times inconsistent rules across regional councils. applications on private land that may affect water
The Auckland Regional Council recently quality, in particular with regards to when a
promulgated the Regional Plan: Air, Land and conservation marginal strip lies between a property
Water (Auckland Regional Council 2005), while to be developed and a water body. In addition, a
the Otago Regional Council maintains a Regional range of provisions in the Conservation Act and
Plan: Water for Otago (Otago Regional Council subsidiary regulations provide the Department of
2004b, 2006b). The case study of the Auckland Conservation with functions to protect freshwater
Region portrays how the regional council is resources, including regulations for freshwater
attempting to manage wet weather discharges to fisheries (including fish passage and protection
the Waitemata Harbor from several district councils of particular species), game management, and
through its consenting process governed by the provisions for a variety of protected areas (Deans
Air, Land and Water Plan. The example from the 2004a).
Otago Region discusses how IWRM concepts are
implemented under the Water Plan in the case of Local Government Act
regulation and management of water allocation Local government’s roles, responsibilities,
and stream flow. powers and accountabilities are defined by three
acts: (1) 2002 Local Government Act; 2001 Local
Conservation Act Electoral Act; and 2002 Local Government (Rating)
The Department of Conservation holds Act. Local government reflects regional and local
responsibility to manage freshwater fish, except councils, and other democratically elected local
for commercial fisheries and sports fisheries. The bodies. The 2002 Local Government Act replaces
department also manages land adjacent to rivers

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IWRM in New Zealand: Legislative Framework and Implementation 91

the 1974 Act. The new Local Government Act, foundation of society in New Zealand. The treaty
similar to the 1974 Act, provides rules under which and implementation are not without controversy
democratically elected governments can operate. It and differing interpretations (Orange 1987,
is simpler and empowers local government, while Brookfield 1999).
also providing more accountability and public The principles of the treaty are influential in the
input. Overall, the Local Government Act requires area of environmental protection and natural re-
more rigorous and transparent decision-making by source management. Under the 1987 Conservation
local governments (Department of Internal Affairs Act, 1991 Resource Management Act, and 2002
2005). Local Government Act, the principles of the treaty
The Act (a) states the purpose of local must be observed and the relationship of the Maori
government, (b) provides a framework and powers and their culture and traditions are considered to
for local governments to decide which activities be a matter of national importance and must be
they undertake and the manner in which they recognized and provided for (Government of New
undertake them, (c) promotes accountability of Zealand 1987, 2004, 2005). Further, the Local
local governments to their communities, and (d) Government Act is based on a quadruple bottom
provides for local governments to play a broad role line (culture, social, economic, and environment)
in promoting the social, economic, environmental, that distinguishes cultural aspects as separate from
and cultural well-being of communities, taking social aspects for added emphasis. The Maori be-
a sustainable development approach. The stated lieve for example, that the forest, waters, and all
purpose of local government is: (a) to enable life supported by them, together with natural phe-
democratic local decision-making and action by, nomenon like wind, mist, and rocks, possess mauri
and on behalf of, communities and (b) to promote or life force (Barlow 1991, Llewell 2004). The
the social, economic, environmental, and cultural primary management principal for the Maori is
well-being of communities in the present and for protection of mauri of a resource from desecration.
the future (Government of New Zealand 2004). The Maori worldview does not separate spiritual
The Act requires local governments to facilitate and intangible aspects from non-spiritual aspects
a process with their communities at least every of resource management (Tipa 2006).
six years to identify community outcomes for the Historically, a rift between treaty obligations
intermediate and long-term future of the district and modern legal obligations existed. Prior to
or region, with the premise that the community promulgation of these three Acts, New Zealand
takes ownership of the identified outcomes. Ten- legislation did not refer to specific obligations
year Long Term Council Community Plans are regarding aspects of the treaty. A further breach
required and must be reviewed every three years. occurred between treaty obligations and regional
The Long Term Council Community Plans describe and local council governance, the level of
the community outcomes and priorities and the government that undertakes actions that most
activities that the local government will undertake often affect the Maori (Tunks 2002). The 1974
to contribute to the outcome. “Significant activities” Local Government Act lacked treaty guarantees.
must be put forward in accordance with the Long This breach was rectified with inclusion of treaty
Term Council Community Plans. The local provisions in the 1991 Resource Management Act
authorities are charged with defining “significant and the 2002 Local Government Act. The ongoing
activity” and how priorities are determined, challenge remains how to incorporate cultural
both subject to public review and concordance aspects, including spiritual, into decision-making
(Government of New Zealand 2004). while also addressing the colonial and post-colonial
historical legacy.
The Treaty of Waitangi and Natural Resource Some maintain that Maori viewpoints and
Management values are not incorporated sufficiently into
The 1841 Treaty of Waitangi, an agreement decision-making (Mutu 2002, Tunks 2002, Tipa
between the English Crown and the Maori, has 2006). This situation is a result of various factors
constitutional significance that underlies the including (a) lack of understanding of Maori issues

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92 Davis and Threlfall

by regional and district planners and resource was completed in mid-2006 and is being incorporated
consents processors, (b) limited Maori political into local government programs, helping set budget
representation and active roles in planning envelopes and allocation among various services.
departments in regional and local governments, Furthermore, development of regional policy
(c) lack of ability to formulate information about statements, regional plans, and district plans
the Maori perspective in a manner that can be involve significant public input. Generally, focus
considered within the existing legal framework, groups and public working groups are formed to
(d) lack of coherent advocacy on the part of some participate in formulation of the statements and
Maori groups, and (e) limited economic resources plans. Once draft statements or plans are published,
for Maori participation (Mutu 2002, Tunks 2002, a period exists for the public and interested parties
Tipa 2006). Others contend that this is also due to comment and/or protest particular aspects.
to lack of true partnership by the “Crown” called Objections are reviewed and, where possible,
for by the treaty and section 8 of the Resource modifications are made prior to publication of
Management Act, for example. Consultation is final statements or plans. Various methods are
undertaken with the Maori as stakeholders rather used to broach objections, including facilitated
than “partners” or “co-managers,” or in the case public meetings, direct negotiation, arbitration,
of rightful “owners of water” (Tunks 2002, Turia and mediation. A last resort is referral to a special
2006). Environment Court (Somerville 2004). For issues
At the local decision-making level that is, reaching the Environment Court, final resolution
regional and local (district or city) councils, may take many years.
development of practical tools are underway to Resource consents such as water right permits,
help incorporate Maori cultural issues formally into granted under the Resource Management Act by
decision-making on terms that local government regional and district councils, also involve public
can more readily consider. A Cultural Health Index participation and review (Randerson 1997, Harris
for streams and rivers was devised. In addition, a 2004, Government of New Zealand 2005). The
Cultural Opportunity Matrix is under development consents can involve objections and similar
to enable the Maori to participate in helping facilitated dispute resolution techniques.
identify preferred flow regimes for waterways of
significance (Tipa 2006, Tipa and Teirney 2006a, Financing IWRM
2006b). Financing of IWRM activities reflects a
Thus a framework does exist to address Maori combination of resource consent user charges,
issues in New Zealand. A breach still exists general regional and local council rates, and
regarding “Crown” responsibilities under the Treaty national initiatives, which differ from region
of Waitangi and the Maori role in ownership and to region and local council to local council. In
management of water and other resources. Steps the Auckland Region, activities associated with
are being taken to better incorporate the Maori IWRM are funded by rates levied by the different
perspective and role in resource management. local councils (seven within the region) and by the
Auckland Regional Council. Large rate increases
Public Consultation have occurred in recent years to fund large
Significant public consultation and stakeholder infrastructure projects and differed investment.
input forms the cornerstone of existing legislation. The increases have been met with significant rate
For example, local councils are currently payer opposition, although in the end these rates are
presenting Long Term Council Community Plans paid. In the Otago Region, rates are supplemented
to constituents (Government of New Zealand by Ports of Otago revenue and therefore reduce the
2004). The Long Term Council Community Plan contributions required by rate payers.
couches investment in water infrastructure and
the environment for instance, alongside other Wet Weather Quality Management in the
government services like libraries and footpaths. Auckland Region
Long Term Council Community Plan feedback The Auckland Region lies on the North Island

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IWRM in New Zealand: Legislative Framework and Implementation 93

and is defined by the political boundaries of the councils and network operators. When certain
Auckland Regional Council. It is comprised of contaminant levels are exceeded, a procedure exists
seven district and city councils: Rodney District, for further sampling to assess if adverse ecological
North Shore City, Auckland City, Waitakere City, effects are indeed occurring. The Ministry for the
Manukau City, Papakura District, and Franklin Environment recreational water assessment for
District. The Auckland Region and Auckland City bathing beaches (Ministry for the Environment
in particular, is the fastest growing population 2003) was adopted in Variation 1 of the regional
center in the country. Auckland City, occupying plans (Auckland Regional Council 2004, 2005).
an isthmus between the Waitemata and Manukau The Ministry for the Environment guideline
Harbors, accounts for 32 per cent of the region’s provides a basis for public health risk assessment
population. Greater Auckland comprised of that incorporates sampling results, combined sewer
Auckland City together with Manukau City (24 and wastewater overflow occurrences, stormwater
per cent), North Shore City (16 per cent) and discharge, and public exposure. It sets a target of
Waitakere City (15 per cent), totaling just over 1 no more than two beach infringements per year
million people (Auckland Regional Council et al. due to poor ambient water quality.
2006), forms the region’s principal urban center. It has been discovered that the predominant
Auckland City is the most urbanized and populous ecological contaminant of concern in the region
at 368,000 inhabitants (Statistics New Zealand is zinc, with the principal source being leachate
2002), projected to grow to 583,000 over the from zinc-coated corrugated metal roofs located
next 50 years (Auckland Regional Council 1999). predominantly in industrial pockets (Timperley et
Greater Auckland and the Auckland Region are al. 2005). Source control has been identified as
the economic hub of the country. The Auckland the best option for stormwater quality management
Region contributed 34 per cent of the nation’s gross (Ouwejan et al. 2006). Moreover, limiting
national product, with Auckland City accounting occurrences of flooding and wastewater and
for 50 per cent of the output in the Auckland Region combined sewer overflows continue to be the focus
(Auckland Regional Council et al. 2006). The for public health issues (Auckland City Council
concentration of population and urban activities 2006).
pose water quality issues. The manner in which While the Auckland Regional Council regional
IWRM and wet weather water quality management plans and Variation 1 have their basis in receiving
is progressing in the Auckland region is reviewed. environment issues, rules contained within
The Proposed Auckland Regional Plan: Coastal Variation 1, in fact, set specific end-of-pipe
was promulgated in 1999 and updated in 2004 discharge standards for total suspended sediment
(Auckland Regional Council 2004). The coastal and overflow occurrences. These aspects and
plan implements the National Coastal Policy others, particularly contaminant levels of the
Statement by regulating activities in identified regional plans, remain controversial and have been
coastal management areas. The Auckland challenged. Resolution is likely many years away
Regional Plan: Air, Land and Water was issued and is subject to an Environment Court hearing.
in 2001 and updated in 2005 (Auckland Regional From a cultural perspective of wet weather water
Council 2005). Together, the two plans identify quality, the following have been identified through
wet weather quality issues of concern, areas of consultation with the Maori in the Auckland
special protection, and set forth a framework for Region: (a) discharge of any liquid wastes directly
identification of ecological and public health to water bodies is culturally inappropriate (in
risks. first instance land treatment is acceptable); (b)
Inner and outer estuarine settling zones were different types of liquid waste such as sewage and
identified; these are monitored approximately stormwater should be kept separate and treated
on an annual basis for a range of contaminants differently; (c) use of or maintenance of riparian
(Williamson and Kelly 2003). Contaminant levels zones adjacent to water bodies to control diffuse
of probable ecological effects were identified, discharges or contaminants; and (d) unauthorized
although these levels are under dispute by local dumping of waste requires stronger monitoring,

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94 Davis and Threlfall

enforcement, and penalties (Auckland Regional in a 5-year period. Another council performed
Council 2005). Long Term Council Community Plan consultation
Auckland City has been at the forefront of in 2005, presenting impact on rates based on total
advocating a best practicable option approach that suspended sediment removal per Variation 1 of the
links economic, environmental, and social tenets regional and coastal plans, with differences in rates
of sustainable water use and sustainable water based on time to achieve total suspended sediment
resource systems consistent with the Resource removal. These approaches comply or exceed
Management Act. The city has taken an integrated regulatory requirements as they currently exist in
catchment and receiving environment focus and the regional plans. Also, the approaches follow
proposed improvements for public health in highly end-of-pipe discharge standards. The link with
visited bathing beach areas, flood alleviation across public and ecological health outcomes is presumed
the city with initial focus in areas of targeted urban and does not necessarily balance economic,
growth, and ecological health in inner settling environmental, and social policies. The challenge
zones near protected areas where there are high for the Auckland Regional Council is to achieve
zinc concentration levels. Due to costs and ability environmental outcomes, including water quantity
to affect change, staged improvements will occur. and quality through a consistent and fair-handed
In Auckland City, an Integrated Catchment manner while dealing with local councils and
Study was completed that provided the city with a network operators that have undertaken different
range of costs for improved drainage and receiving approaches to notify resource consents and make
environment outcomes (Sharman et al. 2006). The improvements to their drainage networks.
city subsequently examined a range of improvement
scenarios for combined and wastewater sewer Water Allocation in the Otago Region
overflow reduction, flood mitigation, and storm- The Otago Region lies on the South Island, with
water quality focusing on locations with the its headwaters in the Southern Alps and draining to
most benefits, estimating the time to achieve the the east and south coast. It is comprised of 32,000
improvements, and quantifying their associated square kilometers, or 12 percent of New Zealand’s
costs. Through the Long Term Council Community total area. It is inhabited by 190,600 people
Plan, Auckland City and its partners then consulted (Statistics New Zealand 2002). Important tourist
with the public and local Maori to determine what areas exist in the region largely based on natural
the drainage and environmental objectives should features and the towns of Dunedin and Queenstown.
be, the practicality of achieving these objectives, Surface water is used predominantly in agriculture
the costs and benefits associated with them, and the (83 percent), while industrial use accounts for
effect on rates. From the scenarios and consultation, 8 per cent and domestic use 3 percent (Lincoln
a preferred scenario was identified, equating to Environmental 2000). Hydroelectric power
NZ$2 billion of investment over the next 20 years generation is a significant use of water in Otago,
(Auckland City Council 2006). even though much of the use is non-consumptive.
Based on the preferred scenario, new strategic Ground water accounts for 6 percent of water use,
milestones were determined in 2006. The new distributed evenly across the 3 consumptive use
strategic milestones and options developed within types (Lincoln Environmental 2000). Much of the
the Integrated Catchment Study will enable the region lies in the rain shadow of the Southern Alps.
Auckland City to notify its city-wide drainage At the western fringe of the region adjacent to the
discharge network consents in 2007 (that is public Southern Alps, rainfall reaches 5000 mm, while a
filing for legal permission to operate the wastewater large swath in Central Otago receives less than 400
and stormwater networks and their associated mm (Otago Regional Council 2004a). Agricultural
discharges). production in Central Otago is heavily reliant
The approach taken by Auckland City differs on irrigation. An example of IWRM and water
somewhat from other local councils in the Auckland allocation in the Otago Region is presented.
Region. One council for example, publicly notified Water allocation and sharing in the Otago Region
a catchment based on less than one overflow event are governed by the Regional Plan: Water and

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IWRM in New Zealand: Legislative Framework and Implementation 95

Plan Change 1A, together referred to as the Water environmental flows, and are the reason why many
Plan (Otago Regional Council 2004b, 2006b), and rivers can be severely “over allocated” on paper.
developed under the provisions of the Resource Any maintenance of environmental flows would
Management Act. Water allocation is based on have to be on a voluntary basis until 2021 and
issuance of resource consents, water user group therefore can seriously compromise the ability
participation, river flow monitoring, and setting of the Otago Regional Council to manage water
minimum environmental flows. Individuals hold sustainably in the meantime (Deans 2004b).
resource consents to divert water. Water users hold Where rivers are over-allocated a “sinking lid”
primary or supplementary consents, with allocation approach to primary allocation is applied. If any
limits set in the Water Plan for many streams. consents are surrendered, lapse, cancelled, or are
Minimum environmental flows are assessed not replaced on expiration, they lose their primary
though a variety of methods in New Zealand, allocation status. The allocation previously
including RHYHABSIM, a local adaptation provided to those consents will not be reallocated
of PHABSIM (Jowett 1996) and the Instream (Otago Regional Council 2004b).
Flow Incremental Methodology (Bovee 1982). The transition of the Otago Region’s mining
The Water Plan stipulates that water diversions rights to consents requires collaborative thinking
cannot infringe upon pre-determined minimum involving all stakeholders to achieve an acceptable
environmental flows. When flow reaches a set low community-driven water management strategy.
level, notice is given and supplementary diversions This is a current major initiative by the Otago
are suspended. Diversion rostering commences to Regional Council where local fora are being held
avoid flow reaching the minimum environmental as part of the Water Plan change public submission
flow. River flows are monitored by the Otago process (Otago Regional Council 2006a).
Regional Council. Water Allocation Committees
have been set up by the Otago Regional Council Discussion and Conclusions
to apply water diversion rosters based on existing Strong   enabling legislation exists in New Zea-
resource consents granted by the Council (Otago land based solidly on sustainable development
Regional Council 2004b, 2006b). Extensive criteria, with regional gerraovernment jurisdiction
community consultation is undertaken to ensure based on catchments. Significant public consulta-
that the system is well understood. tion is undertaken and active local participation and
In one catchment, an Environment Court decision-making is commonplace. The local em-
decision affecting the Water Plan determined that phasis allows plans to strongly reflect local issues
if the minimum environmental flow was breached, and can provide for added local accountability.
primary consents would cease operation. The flow However, lack of central government
must then recover to a “bounce” back level, above involvement in strategic guidance, in particular
the minimum environmental flow, before primary lack of national policy statements has led in part
consents can resume operation. This bounce back to each region producing different water sharing
provision was intended to provide added incentive and water quality regulations. In some instances
to avoid minimum environmental flow breach. significant differences exist within small areal
Human and stock water consumption requirements extent and similar conditions, a situation that could
however, lie outside of these rules and may continue be interpreted as too diverse or decentralized. In
(Otago Regional Council 2004b, 2006b). addition, each region and council expends effort
Further, the Water Plan recognizes existing to devise their own rules about common aspects
“mining water rights” unique to the Otago Region, across the country for their regional statements and
which date back to the gold rush days of the plans. These issues will become more pronounced
19th century. After cessation of mining, canals in time as New Zealand faces a range of water
and diversion rights were used for irrigation. quality and quantity issues.
These rights expire in 2021 and will then come One challenge confronting New Zealand is
under Resource Management Act regulation. the need to address significant non-point source
Rivers affected by mining rights do not require contamination from urban, agricultural, and animal

Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education UCOWR

96 Davis and Threlfall

husbandry practices, management of which is just is currently underway to provide national guidance
commencing in earnest in parts of the country. to better address water allocation and sustainable
New Zealand faces the challenge of restoring water water practices as part of the “Sustainable Water
quality and degraded river and estuarine habitats Program of Action.” A series of policy statements
in locations of intense human use such as Greater are expected from the first half of 2007, initially
Auckland, central North Island, Canterbury Plains addressing water allocation. As stated at the outset
and the Otago Region, while also protecting of this section, strong enabling legislation based
relatively pristine areas that include the west coast on sustainability concepts and governance based
of the South Island. Public and private participation on catchments already exist, providing a solid
is required to adequately address this challenge. framework for IWRM. Publication of national
For example, a promising private initiative is water policy statements and resulting follow up
being led by Fonterra, a dairy co-operative group actions at the local government level will determine
representing most dairies in New Zealand, as how much further IWRM is put into practice, based
part of the “Clean Streams” initiative. The co- on tenets of sustainable water use and sustainable
operative has taken a proactive role, collaborating water resource systems in New Zealand.
with dairy producers, local government, Ministry
for the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Author Bios and Contact Information
Forestry, and researchers to reduce contamination Matthew Davis is a senior water resource engineer with
emanating from dairies (Fonterra Co-operative CAL Engineering Management of Auckland City, New
Group et al. 2003). Zealand. From 2001-2005, he was the technical manager
Another challenge in particular areas is water of the NZ$23.5 million Integrated Catchment Study of
allocation. Central government has proposed Auckland City. Previously he worked in California and
investigating further using water consent transfers Chile on water management and environmental impact
assessments. He has an M.S. in civil and environmental
to improve water use (Ministry for the Environment
engineering and is currently completing a Ph.D. on
2006). Concepts like water markets, however, integrated water resource management and water
have been met with stiff vocal opposition in some sharing in Chile at the University of California, Davis.
circles (Turia 2006). Others are addressing how He can be contacted at CAL Engineering Management,
to incorporate environmental flows into rivers with 73 Almorah Road, Epsom, Auckland City, New Zealand,
existing over-allocation of water (Otago Regional and WAI Institute c/o 801
Council 2006a). Malaga Ave., Davis, California 95616-0146, matthew.
Yet another challenge is to streamline provision
of government services. In Auckland City, seven
borough councils were amalgamated into one city John Threlfall has a Ph.D. in fluvial geomorphology
from Southampton University and is the Director of
in 1989, while seven district/city councils still exist
Environmental Information and Science for the Otago
in the Auckland Region. Currently, eight entities Regional Council, New Zealand. Responsibility in this
provide water supply, wastewater and stormwater role includes co-ordinating and interpreting scientific
services to Greater Auckland with a population investigations of water resources in the large, diverse
of 1.2 million. Since 2000, discussion exists to and often water short Otago region. Previously, he
amalgamate water services to provide economies worked for environmental engineering consultancies
of scale and efficiencies (Auckland Water Review in both the United Kingdom and New Zealand and the
2001). environmental regulator in the United Kingdom. He
Several of these issues are recognized by also worked in water research and has been a technical
central government. Government reform and specialist in overseas projects. He can be contacted at
Otago Regional Council, Private Bag 1954, Dunedin,
amalgamation are tied up with politics, which is
New Zealand.
currently highly contentious due to the coalition of
the controlling party with minority parties to form a
viable government. Action is therefore unlikely in References
the near term. On the other hand, review by central American Society of Civil Engineers and United Nations
government in conjunction with local government Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.

UCOWR Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education

IWRM in New Zealand: Legislative Framework and Implementation 97

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Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education UCOWR

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