Webquest: Les Régions de France: Ma Région Est

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nom: ____________________________

Webquest: Les régions de France

For this webquest, you will be finding information about one of the regions from
the map yesterday. Look at yesterday’s notes and select a region below. Then use
Google to answer the following questions about the region. We will be sharing
information about our regions Friday in class.

Ma région est: ______________

1. What is your region’s capital city?

2. What are the different departments in your region?

3. Where is your region located?

4. What are the major cities?

5. What are some major attractions to visit in the region?

6. Are there any traditions?

7. What’s the climate like typically?

8. Go to goo.gl/osSgbJ. (Make sure you type it in with the appropriate capitals
or click on the link on Schoology) Select your region on the drop-down
menu and fill out the table below with the weather:

La temperature (Cº) La météo

Lundi soirée (evening)
Mardi matin
Mardi après-midi
Mercredi matin

9. What are these temperatures in Fahrenheit (use Google to convert)? Are

they similar to our weather right now?

10.Would you want to visit this region? What would you like to do there?

11.Log in to Schoology (if you have problems, make sure you go through the
school website or Google) and write a discussion post in the Unité 2 folder
discussion thread “Region Webquest: Share out!” Include in your post:
a. The name of your region
b. A photo of your region
c. Where your region is located
d. 2 interesting things you learned.

**If you don’t finish the webquest in class, this discussion post is HOMEWORK**

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