What Is Programme All About?: Here Are Some Common Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) That We Would Like To Address

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Here are some common Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) that we would like to address:

What is ACCE programme all about?

ACCE stands for APU Certified Cybersecurity Engineer. This is a unique certification programme
engineered to give and delve into cybersecurity basics and hands-on labs. You will gain insights on
hacking technologies and tools such as web application attacks, trojans & malware, Denial of Service
attacks, Metasploit, firewalls, cryptography, password crackings and many more!

What is the difference between ACCE and RCCE?

ACCE is the main programme. We have customised it to make sure it is beginner-friendly by including
Linux Essentials. After completing that, you will move on to the RCCE Level 1 programme which is called
Next-Gen Extreme Hacking. Therefore, once you complete and pass the exams, you will receive 2
certifications. One from Rocheston & One from APU.

What are the modules covered in ACCE?

Linux Essentials
Extreme Hacking NextGen (https://cloudmails-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/ct-

Why should I get a certification when I am already undergoing a

A degree program gives you a broad base of knowledge about many different technology systems,
whereas certification is focused on a specific technology. A degree and IT certifications aren’t
interchangeable. They’re different, and each adds something important to your resume. IT is constantly
evolving. By staying current with your certifications, you signal to employers that you’re committed to
keeping your knowledge fresh and relevant.

Should I join after I graduate or while studying?

There is no perfect time to upskill yourself. Anytime & Every time is ideal for you to be upskilled. If you
do it while you are studying, you stand a higher chance of being one step higher than the rest in terms
of knowledge and credibility. If you take it after you graduate, it is also not too late. The choice is
YOURS! Remember, there is no perfect time. Seize the opportunity when you get it. 😊

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