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« Republic of the Philippines iS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOUI Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City =—— Tels No, 929-6626 to 28; 829-6633 to 35 — DENR Administrative Order N No. 2019 -_15 SUBJECT: DESIGNATION OF THE BORACAY ISLAND MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION AREA CREATION OF ITS GOVERNING BOARD Pursuant to Section 5 of RA 9275, the Philippine Clean Water ‘Administrative Order No. 2005-10 (Implementing Rules and Regulations of Memorandum Circular 2009-15 which adopts the Procedural Manual for the ‘Website: E-mail: CES V 6 5 2019 |ATER QUALITY (WQMACA) AND ct of 2004; DENR A 9275) and DENR Designation of Water Quality Management Areas, and considering that its environmental quality and sustainability is critically important to local, national and international tourism, Bora designated as a Water Quality Management and Conservation Area (WQ! Island WQMACA will also serve as a locally-based institutional mechanis: the Island from the adverse environmental impacts of human activities ar induced largely by large-scale tourism. Concurrently, to highlight the environmental importance of the Isla designated as a Conservation Area to protect the terrestrial, freshwater and n the designated WQMA which are critical for the survival of threatened fl achieve ecological integrity of the Island, consistent with the objective Philippine Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act and the PI Strategy and Action Plan as adopted under DENR Administrative Order No. SECTION 1. Policy and Objectives. It is the policy of the State! social, physical and other infrastructure growth in a manner consistent wit yy Island is hereby |ACA). The Boracay aimed at protecting 1d economic growth, \d, Boracay is hereby arine habitats within ra and fauna, and to of RA 9147 or the ilippine Biodiversity 2016-02. to pursue economic, the protection of the terrestrial, freshwater and marine environment and with due consideration for an area's environmental carrying capacity. To protect and continuously improve its able to sustain livelihood opportunities, Boracay Island and its environ water quality and be is shall be managed consistent with, and pursuant to, the following water quality management and resource conservation objectives: a) To achieve and maintain an acceptable marine and inland water the best interest of its stakeholders and user-communities, includit with DENR Administrative Order No. 2016-08 (May 24, 2016); juality that will serve ig tourists, consistent b) To preserve, protect and conserve the terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity of the Island for the present and future generations of tourism enthusiasts and for the residents and communities of Boracay Island; ©) To provide appropriate processes and procedures for the pre abatement of pollution of the marine and inland water bodies and t| through a comprehensive management program for water polluti @) To ensure that the Boracay marine environment continues to resource for contact recreation; serve as principal sustaining resoul in the area; and support other environment-enhancing economic rention, control and ic Island’s watershed yn control; Ibe a safe and clean ee to the biodiversity ctivities; Island, namely, Yapak, Manok-manok and Balabag as delineated by the DE Team using ARC GIS 10.4 computer program. Points were marked on satell to geographic coordinates digitizing them to determine the corresponding lat} Location of points were cross-checked with topographic map from NAMRIA\ area is covered along the shores. ©) To formulate a program on water quality management which links water quality ‘management issues 0 ecological protection, water supply, publ f) To maximize the use of public information and education management and sustainable development as venue for active! stakeholders 2) To encourage other government agencies, civil society organizati such as business engaged in tourism, e.g., hotels, transport, enter ‘tc., to take an active role in water quality and resource protect including management of critical habitats where threatened prevent their disturbance and further population decline; h) To promote and harness inter-agency and stakeholder collabor through coordinated efforts in protecting and sustaining the ma terrestrial environment of Boracay; i) To consider and initiate specific efforts and programs for biodiversity, including the protection, restoration and rehabi forests, caves and other habitats critical for the survival of threatgned wildlife; ) To conserve roosting or nesting habitats of threatened species sui ‘marine turtles, including mangrove and coral reefs, the area shall form of disturbance. Further, utmost consideration to such tl habitats shall be strictly observed in the issuance of cleara concerned agencies for all developmental projects and tourism a of threatened species and their habitats are integrated in the ic health, livelihood lon coastal resource participation of the ms, and other sectors, ainment, restaurants, mn and management, ecies are present to ion and cooperation rine, freshwater, and ‘the conservation of tation of wetlands, th as flying foxes and e protected from any jeatened species and jees and permits by tivities. To the extent levelopment plans of possible, partnership with the business sector shall be sought to pen that protection projects that may potentially have impact/s on threatened wildlife k) To ensure that wastewater is treated before it is discharged and to ensure that the objective of this policy is achieved while the sewer lines are b universally available, all establishments must install and opera plant, individually or in clusters; and 1) To ensure that the wastewater has been treated by a sewage treat 1g made broadly and te sewage treatment ent plant or similar facility. It is violation of the Clean Water Act to dispose untreated wastewater through the drainage system. SECTION 2. Coverage. The Boracay WQMACA covers the three barangays of the IR Region VI Survey ite map and converted itucles and longitudes. to ensure that enough Mapping started at the north eastem part of the Island at Sitio llig-iligan, Brgy Yapak and designated as point no. I (PT1). Line goes to PT4 to include the 3 islets described as Blocks K, L a 1064 (Land Classification) issued by President Gloria Macapagal Ai of these Blocks are 0.02, 0.38, and 0.11 hectare, respectively. .d M in Proclamation royo in 2006. Areas © PT4 to PT7 passes in front of Fairways and Blue Waters. PTS is Brgy. Balabag. PT9 to PT12 covers the portion of Block E of Prock has an area of 87.8 hectares. PT12 to P14 passes Bulabog beach, Bi * PT14 to PT19 encloses a small island, separated during high tide an mainland during low tide. It is said that a house is built on this sm maintain the cleanliness of the area. PTI9 to PT21 is in front of the dead forest, wetland 5 and 6. © PT21 to PT29 is in front of wetland no. 7 and portion of block G (P1 an area of 18.70 hectares. it Lapuz-lapuz, point, ation 1064. Block E y Balabag. ‘becoming part of the I island and residents ‘lamation 1064) with © P7129 is at Sitio Lugutan. PT34 to PT43 covers Sitio Tulubhan including an islet. © PT36 is in front of Monaco de Boracay while PT 37 to P39 is in front of Lingancy Resort. © P14 to PTSI is at Sitio Tambisaan with 3 islets described as Blocks N, O, P in proclamation 1064, Areas of Blocks N, O, P are 0.25, 0.42, and 0.12 hectare, respectively. * PTS2 is located in front of residential area in Sitio Tambisaan. * PTS4 is in front of cargo port, Brey. Manok-manok. © PSS to PTS6 passes in front of Cagban Jetty Port including an islet © PTS7 is at Sitio Calirojan, Brey. Manok-manok. Proclamation 1064. PTS8 to PTS9 passes in front of a forest land described as Block J (area, 13.05 hectares) in © PT60 is in front of Asya Premiere Resort. PT60 to PT 64 covers the whole stretch of long beach from station 1 to station 3, in Brgys Manok-manok and Balal meters from Willy’s Rock. PT64 is at Sitio Sinagpa, Brey Balabag. PT64 is at Sitio Sinagpa, Bi PTOS is at Sitio Diniwind, Brgy Balabag. PT 66 to PT67 covers the stretch of Sitio Punta Bunga, Brey. Yapak i in front of Moven Pick. © PT67 to PT68 is in front of Banyugan Beach, Brgy. Yapak. PT 72 The distance of the boundary line from the shore ranges from 50 to ag, passing about 100 rey. Balabag, cluding Naked Island 73 is at bat cave. 00 meters to as far as 200 meters in areas where islets and small patches of lands need to be within the boundary line. ‘The WQMA is bounded by the following geographic coordinates whi the map in Annex A: ich are consistent with Boundary Control LOCATION/DESCRIPTION LATITUDE || LONGITUDE Points |__Sitio Tig-iligan, Brgy Yapak 11° 59°S3.7"N || 121° 55'42.5"E 2__|Sitio Tlig-iligan, Brgy Yapak 11° 5949.6" N_[|_121° 55'42.8"E 3___|Sitio Tlig-iligan, Bray Yapak 11° 59°43.6"N [| 121°5541.7°E 4 _ Sitio Tlig-itigan, Brey Yapak 11° 59°30"N_ || 121°55'32.4"E 5___ [Fairways and Blue Waters, Brgy. Yapak_| 11° 59'15.3"N || 121°55' 29.8" E 6 [Fairways and Blue Waters, Brgy. Yapak | _11°59'5.4"N_||_121°55'32.3" E 7 Bray. Balabag 11° 58'55.5"N || 121° 55'36.6"E 8___[Lapuz lapuz pt., Brgy. Balabag 11° 58°55." N || 121° 59°48" E 9 Brgy. Balabag —__| 11° 58'40.3"N || 121°55'50.5"E 10 _[Brgy. Balabag 11° 58'27.1"N 121° 55°49" E 11 Brgy. Balabag 112 58'14.9"N || 121°55'42.4"E 12__ Brgy. Balabag 11° 589.9" N_||_121°55'37.9" E [-13 Bray. Balabag 112° 5750.9" N_||_121°55'47.4"E [- 14 Brgy. Balabag 11° 5736.8"N || 121° 55'59.6"E 15 __[Brgy. Balabag 1125739.2"N || 121° 566.2" E 16 [Brgy. Balabag 11°57°36.9"N || 121° 566.9" E 17__[Brgy. Balabag 11°5735.9"N || 121° 565.7" E 18 (Brgy. Balabag 11° 5734.8" N 121° 56'3.9"E 19 Brgy. Balabag [11es733"N | 121°s60.7"E 20 Brgy. Manok-manok [11° 5726.6" N 121° 56'5.3" E 21 [Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57" 30.6" N 121° 56' 10" E 22 [Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 5731.1" N. 121°56'11.6"E | 23 [Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57'29.5"N || 121° 5612.5" E 24 [Brgy Manok-manok 11°57°28.3"N ||_121°56 11.8"E 25 |Bruy. Manok-manok 11° 57'26.9"N ||_121° 5610.3" E 26 [Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57'24.5"N 121° 56' 6.3" E 27 Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57'24.2"N 121° 56' 4.4" E 28 [Bray. Manok-manok TWSS7 21" N || 121° 565.7" E 29 (Sitio Lugutan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 5717.9" N 121° 56'7.7" E 30 __[Brgy. Manok-manok i LSSTIOA"N || 121° 568.3" E 31 |Brgy. Manok-manok _ 11° 57'22.5"N || 121°S6' 11.9"E | 32. [Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57'21.4"N 121° 56' 13.1" E 33 [Brgy. Manok-manok 11°57 19"N 121° 5611.5" E 34__|Sitio Tulubhan, Brgy. Manok-manok 1eST ISN || 121°56173"E 35 \Sitio Tulubhan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 5719.1" N 121° 56' 20.7" E 36 ‘Sitio Tulubhan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57'21.2"N. 121° 56' 24.5" E a ‘Sitio Tulubhan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57'25.9"'N 121° 56! 28.6" E 38 _ [Sitio Tulubhan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 5725.9" N || 121° 56' 28.8" E 39, Sitio Tulubhan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57' 22.8" N 121° 56' 30.3" E 40 Sitio Tulubhan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57'22.5"N 121° 56' 34.8" E 41__ [Sitio Tulubhan, Brey. Manok-manok 11°57.22.9"N | 121° 56'44.9" E 42 Sitio Tulubhan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11°57'20.9"N || 121° 56'46.1"E 43__ [Sitio Tulubhan, Brey. Manok-manok 1° S716.7"N | 121° 56 51.2"E 44 _ [Sitio Tambisaan, Brgy. Manok-manok | 11°57 15.7"N | 121° 56'51.7"E 45 [Sitio Tambisaan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57'13.5"N 121° 56' 50.4" E 46 [Sitio Tambisaan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11°57'13"N 121° 56' 49.8" E 47 Sitio Tambisaan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57'7.4"N 121° 56' 54.2" E 48 Sitio Tambisaan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 57'0.8" N 121° 574.5" E 49 Sitio Tambisaan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 56' 59.9" N 121° 57’ 5.2" E 50 [Sitio Tambisaan, Bray. Manok-manok | 11° 56'58.2"N | 121° 576.3" E 51 Sitio Tambisaan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 56' 50.2" N 121° 56' 57.7" E 52__ |Brey. Manok-manok 11° 56'45.6"N | 121° 56'53.2"E 53 [Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 56' 36.7" N 121° 5642" E 54 |Cargo Port, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 56'25.3"N | 121° 56'36.2"E 55 __ |Sitio Calirojan, Bray. Manok-manok 11° 56' 18.5" N 121° 56°20" E 56 __ |Sitio Calirojan, Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 56" 20" N 121° 56' 14.5" E 57 [Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 56' 19.6" N 121° 56' 10,7" E 58__[Bray. Manok-manok e562" N_|_ 121° 560.7" E 59 [Brgy. Manok-manok 11° 56'22"N 121° 55' 58.2" E Asya Premiere Resort, Brgy. Manok- 60 manok 11°56'37.1"N_| 121° 55' 56.6" E 61 __|White/Long Beach Brgy. Manok-manok | 11° 56'49.4"N | 121° 55'52.7"E 62 |White/Long Beach, Brgy. Manok-manok | 11° 56! 58.3" N 121° 55°50" E 63 |White/Long Beach Brgy. Balabag. 11° 57°37.8"N | 121° 55' 26.5" E 64__ [Sitio Sinagpa, Bray. Balabag 11° 58'25.5"N ||_121° 54'43.5"E 65 [Sitio wind, Brgy. Balabag 11° 58' 34.8" N 121° 54'31.9"E | 66 _|Sitio Punta Bunga, Brgy. Yapak 11° 58'54.7"N || 121° 5421.9" E 67 ‘Sitio Punta Bunga, Brgy. Yapak 11° 59'9.3"N 121° 54' 17.2" E 68 |Banyugan Beach, Brgy. Yapak 11° 59°20" N_ || 121° 5415.2" E | 69 __|Brey. Yapak _ 11° 50'29.5"N || 121°54'21.1"E 70__[Bray. Yapak 11° 59°44.4"N_ || 121° 54 45.6" E 7 [Brgy. Yapak 11° 59' 59.1" N 121° 55' 15.8" E 72 |Brey. Yapak (Bat Cave) [11° 50°59.3"N || 121°55'21.8"E 73__[Bray. Yapak 11°59'S7"N_||_ 121° 5537.3" E Management and Conservation Area Governing Board is hereby created. the Regional Executive Director of the Department of Environment ai Region VI and shall have the following members: 2005-10. The Local Chief Executives and Heads of Offices may appoint/aul represents. SECTION 3. Creation of the WQMACA Governing Board. The a) Mayor of the Municipality of Malay, Aklan b) Duly authorized representative from the Office of the Governor, c) The Barangay Captains of the followin; 1) Barangay Balabag 2) Barangay Yapak 3) Barangay Manok-manok ) Representative of the Indigenous People of Boracay (Ati) joracay Water Quality It shall be chaired by \d Natural Resources, Province of Aklan e) President of the Boracay Foundation or a representative nominated by the Foundation f) President of the Boracay Chamber of Commerce and Industty or a representative nominated by the Chamber 2) Representative of a duly registered Non-Government Orgai biodiversity conservation hh) Representative of a duly registered people’s organization based i) Representative of an academic institution, preferably located wi d k)_ Duly authorized Representative of Boracay Tubi Systems Inc. 1) Duly authorized Representative from the National Water Resou! m) Duly authorized Representative from the Biodiversity Manage: 1) Duly authorized Representative from the following government 1) Environmental Management Bureau 2) Department of the Interior and Local Government 3) Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority 4) Department of Tourism 5) Department of Public Works and Highways 6) Department of Trade and Industry 7) National Economic Development Authority 8) Department of Health 9) Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board 10) Philippine Ports Authority 11) Philippine Coast Guard 12) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 13)Mines and Geosciences Bureau The terms, vacancy and compensation of the Governing Board shall to the Board, provided that he/she shall be able to make commitments on be! ization dedicated to in Boracay thin Region VI Duly authorized Representative of the Boracay Island Water Company rces Board (NWRB) lent Bureau offices in Region VI: be governed by DAO thorize representatives alf of the office he/she Members representing national government agencies shall serv permanently unless replaced by their appointing authority. Elected officials of the local government units shall serve for such time permitted by their term of office. Representatives from the peoples’ organizations/non-government organizations/civil society shall be designated in accordance with the procedure and requirements under DENR Administrative Order No. 2005-10. SECTION 4. Functions of the WQMACA Governing Board. The Boracay WQMACA Governing Board shall perform the following functions: a) Formulate the Governing Rules that will ensure effective |management of the WOQMACA Governing Board; b) Elect other officers and create working committees within the Board that are deemed necessary for the effective implementation of WQMA, Critical Habitat policies, programs and activities; ©) Review and adopt the initial WQMA Action Plan prepared by the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) Region VI and draft a common and integrated compliance plan. Thereafter, prepare and adopt an Action Plan for the succeeding periods for submission to the DENR; 4) Review and adopt the Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan to be prepared by DENR Region VI to address the threats to biodiversity in the area with f9cus on the protection of threatened species and critical areas, and facilitate solicitation of stakeholders’ support in the implementation of the Action Plan; ©) Together with EMB Region VI, assist the Local Government Unit of Malay and the three barangays in Boracay in preparing the LGU Compliance $cheme to implement the WQMA Action Plan and in drafting local legislation to protegt the environment of the Island and promote overall environmental improvement in the WQMACA; ) Monitor and facilitate the compliance to the WQMA Actioh Plan by the local ‘government unit of Malay and the three barangays; 8) Formulate strategies to harmonize policies and regulations dnd local legislation necessary for the effective implementation of R.A. 9275 in adcordance with those established in the Integrated Water Quality Management Framework: h) Provide assistance to the LGU Malay in drafting the necessary|local legislations on environmental protection particularly those addressing the improvement of water quality and sustainability of the coastal and inland waters, cave and terrestrial ecosystems, and protection of wildlife resources. i) Coordinate relevant activities among its members and member agencies and facilitate resolution of conflicts; i) Undertake complementary interventions for non-point sources, considering their ‘teater contribution to pollution; k) Prepare and publish on a regular basis a Water Quality Status Report for the WQMA. and submit a copy thereof to the EMB Region VI and to the EMB Central Office to be consolidated into the National Water Quality Status Report; }) Solicit support from other parties, both local and intemational] in accordance to RA 9275 and DAO 2013-15, subject to other existing applicable reghlations; and m) Manage efficiently and judiciously the Boracay WQMA |Area Water Quality Management Fund. SECTION 5. Governing Rules. The Governing Board shall formulpte its own Governing Rules based on applicable and pertinent laws, policies, rules and regulations. Based on its Governing Rules, the Governing Board may elect at least one Co-chair, create standing committees ‘as may be necessary to carry out the Board's functions, and designate their respective chairs. The Governing Board shall create a Conservation Committee aj one of its standing committees. This Committee shall focus on the terrestrial, freshwater and marine conservation issues pertaining to Boracay. SECTION 6. Meetings. The Governing Board shall meet monthly br at a frequency that the Board may decide but not less than quarterly or as often as may be required pursuant to its Governing Rules. Meetings shall be documented by records of agenda and nfinutes of discussions. SECTION 7. Technical Working Group and Technical Secretariat. The Governing Board, pursuant to DENR AO 2005-10 and DENR Memorandum Circular] 2007-02 (Guidelines on the Establishment and Management of Critical Habitat) and other governing rules shall form a Technical Working Group (TWG) or Committees to ensure broad-based phrticipation of all the stakeholders in the work of the Governing Board. The standing committees provided in Section 5 may perform the funetions of the Technical Working Group, as may be decided by the Governing Board. As provided by Section 5 of the DAO 2005-10, the Governing Board shall likewise create a Technical Secretariat of the WQMA which shall be based at the EMB Region VI SECTION 8. Multi Board shall create Multi-Sectoral groups for water quality and resource coi Sectoral Groups. In accordance with DAO 2005-10, the Governing rvation monitoring and surveillance network, drawing membership from representatives nominated by the Malay Local Government Unit, national government agencies and other organizatidns represented in the Governing Board. Said groups shall augment and complement monitoring hind reporting efforts and activities of the EMB/DENR Region VI. Four Multi-Sectoral Groups (MSG), one each for the three barangays in Boracay and one dedicated for/specialized in biodiversity conservation matters, are hereby created to assist the EMB. Region VI and the DENR Region VI in monitoring compliance with envirohmental policies and regulations, particularly the general policy guidelines on water quality and on a Conservation Area, joracay Island being Each Multi-Sectoral Group shall be headed by a group lead, to be nanjed by the Governing Board, who will be responsible for directing the planning and implementation|of actual monitoring, activities and coordinating with the EMB Region VI on water quality and I)ENR Region VI on biodiversity concerns, subject to the guidance and direction of the Governing Board. The MSG for water quality monitoring shall be guided and assisted V1 in developing a system of monitoring establishments in such a way that monitored at least once a year. The monitoring system and monitoring progra y the EMB Region ich establishment is of said MSG shall be part of the EMB Region V1’s over-all monitoring system and program for|Boracay. ‘The MSG for biodiversity conservation shall be guided by pertinent laws and policies on biodiversity conservation. It shall assist the DENR Region V1 in the prepardtion of a Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan, including the system and mechanism for mohitoring the status of biodiversity and key species for priority protection. ‘The DENR Region V1, through the Aklan Provincial Environment ni \d Natural Resources Office and CENRO Boracay, shall provide technical assistance to the Multi-Bectoral Group tasked with resource conservation concerns. SECTION 9. Role and Responsibilities of CENRO Boracay in |the WQMACA. The CENRO in Boracay, created by DENR Administrative Order No. 2009- dated February 11, 2009, to “sustain the management, development and protection and consefvation of the natural resources and environment of Boracay Island and its vicinities” and has been created to cover the municipalities of Malay, Navas, Buruanga, [bauan and Tangalan, all in the prpvince of Aklan, shall provide administrative and technical assistance to the WQMA. Initially, i shall provide office space to the WQMA Governing Board and Multi-Sectoral Groups. Iis| other functions and responsibilities in the WQMA, Governing Board and Multi-Sectoral Grdups shall be defined further by the DENR Secretary. SECTION 10. Re-designation of WQMACA. When needed, and gnly after undertaking the necessary studies and conducting consultations with relevant local goverment authorities, the Secretary of the DENR, upon recommendation of the EMB, shall revise WQMA, re-adjust its boundaries or reconstitute its membership for adequat SECTION I1. Amendments and Revisions. Amendments or revi the designation of representation. isions of any of the provisions hereof shall be made only upon consultations with the concerned stakeholders in accordance with existing policies on the matter and subject to the written apj thereto, proval of the parties SECTION 12. Separability Clause. Should any of the provisidns of this Order be subsequently declared invalid or null and void, the validity of the other pi shall not be impaired and shall remain to be in full force and effect. SECTION 13. Repealing Clause. All orders, circulars, and i inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed and/or modified accordingly. SECTION 14. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect fifteen publication in a newspaper of general circulation and its registration with the Administrative Register (ONAR). visions not affected ssuances which are (15) days after its fice of the National ih ANNEX A Boracay Island Water Quality Management Area ‘A BOUNDARY DELINEATION OF BORACAY WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT AREA

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