Abc Community School Project-1 1

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ABC Community School

Alicia Alvarado
Why Technology is Beneficial for Students

Is technology just a trendy distraction that is wasting valuable learning time in our

classrooms? Those against integrating technology into schools argue that students spend enough

time using technology. They argue that students will find ways to abuse the devices provided in

classrooms, and that they cannot be engaged in viable learning with technological devices. When

taking a quick glance at this subject, these assertions and assumptions are understandable.

However, technology and the internet at large are greater than superficial memes and Instagram


The world is quickly evolving and becoming increasingly digitized. By embracing these

changes within our schools, we are simultaneously preparing our students for future successes in

the workforce and in their impending careers. There are several jobs that require proficiency in

typing as at minimum. The ability to use PowerPoints, Spreadsheets, and other software

programs is also often preferred or required of applicants as well. By integrating these programs

and skills into our curriculum, and introducing students to them at an early age, we are providing

them with invaluable preparation for their future.

Furthermore, technology gives students the opportunity to create,edit, and experiment

with various programs thereby using several skills in a single project. In her article “Putting

Learning First With New Tech In Schools” author Monica Burns writes that digital tools “​can

help students discover new things, explore topics that pique their curiosity, and empower them as

content consumers and creators.” Technology is simultaneously capable of captivating students'

attention, and giving them license to showcase their abilities in new and creative ways.
As an educator, I choose to embrace the challenge of balancing change and tradition. It is

my duty to prepare students for the modern world rather than hindering them out of ignorance.

Laptops, printers, projectors, and tablets have transformed classrooms for the better. Technology

has afforded our school new avenues to connect with and educate students. Bearing this in mind,

I ask you to reconsider your ideas about technology in our classrooms at ABC Community

School. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.

Burns, M. (2018, February 6). Putting learning first with new tech in schools. Retrieved from
Identification of Standards

The National Educational Technology Standards (ISTE) are the foundation that the

Computer Technology Standards of Nevada are built upon. The Computer Technology Standards

of Nevada aim to extend the ISTE standards into each grade level. With these distinctions,

teacher’s of every age group and grade level can apply the standards appropriately within their


The National Standard for creation and communication states that students will “Apply

existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes.” The Nevada technology

standards translates this for each grade level. For 2nd grade students, the standard means students

will use “digital tools to brainstorm and organize new ideas.” In contrast, this standard for 12th

graders means students will “Apply new and existing knowledge to independently, or in

collaboration with others, generate new ideas, products, or processes with digital tools.” Note

that the national standard is a broad idea, whereas the Nevada standard translations add more

details and stipulations. Moreover, the goal for 2nd grade students is much simpler than the goal

for 12th grade students. All of the standards are similar in their main goal,however, the Nevada

standards provide a more detailed path for reaching that goal. The Nevada Standards also differ

in that they are tailored to each grade level whereas the ISTE standards are broad goals.

In my section 4 lesson plan, I will be utilizing the ISTE goal 7c which states that

students will ​“contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and

responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.” I will also be using the Computer

Technology Standard of Nevada number ​2.B.8.2 which states that students will “Create digital

products in formats appropriately targeted to specific audiences or purposes.”

Lesson Plan

Lesson: ​Create a Silly Superhero

Grade Level Appropriateness:​ 8th

Technol​ogy Content Standard Addressed:​ 7c. ​Students contribute constructively to project

teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.

Other Content Standard Addressed:​ 2.B.8.2 Create digital products in formats appropriately

targeted to specific audiences or purposes.

Objective: ​Students will discuss design ideas for digital slideshows of their original silly

superhero characters, and then will collaborate to create their slideshows using HP

Chromebooks, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Paint.

Materials: ​HP Chromebook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Paint

Suggested Group Size: ​2 students

Procedure: ​Superheroes are known for having really cool superpowers from controlling thunder

to super strength, but what if you were transformed into a superhero with the power to summon

bubblegum? For this project, students will work collaboratively in groups of 2 to transform

themselves into superheroes with unusual powers using their HP Chromebooks, Microsoft

PowerPoint, and Microsoft Paint.

Step 1 (Superhero Photoshoot): ​In the app section of your HP Chromebook, access the camera

icon . Each student will take a webcam photo of themselves that will be

edited into their superhero character. Photos can be taken from the midsection to their head, a

close up of their face, or a half body photo of a superhero pose. These photos will automatically

save to the downloaded file section of the chromebook.

Step 2 (Super Transformation):​ After brainstorming together, you and your partner will now

edit your photos into your silly superhero characters. In the app section of the chromebook, open

up the MS The Paint Classic application:

Next click the open button and select Local Files to import your photo:
The main tool you will use is the paintbrush tool . By double clicking on the

paintbrush icon, you can select the thickness of your drawing lines. Be sure to make the line

thick enough so that your editing can be seen. Your photo should have at least 5 notable changes,

however, you should still be recognizable to others viewing the photo. Incorporate a reference to

your character’s superpower in your drawing. For example, if your silly superhero can make it

rain cheese you can draw a block of cheese on your t-shirt. Include the name of your silly

superhero somewhere in the photo. When your photo is complete, select save and name the file

after your superhero.

Step 3 (PowerPoint Visual): ​Open up Microsoft PowerPoint in a computer tab. Create a blank

slide by erasing the Title and Subtitle sections. Right click on the square and select cut on both

rectangles: This will give you a blank slide to

work with.
In a separate tab, open up the search engine to find a background that relates to the

superhero character you will edit. For example, if your character can make it rain cheese search

for a background of cheese. Save the background photo of your choosing. Go back to Microsoft

PowerPoint and click insert, click pictures, and then click “This device” and import your

background photo. Feel free to use the design generator on the left hand side of Microsoft

Powerpoint to select a design that you like: .

Next, follow this same importing process to add the edited photo of your superhero. Once you

have decided upon the presentation for your slide, it is time to add in fast facts section. To add

this text, go to insert tab in PowerPoint and select the Text Box:

Your fast facts section must include the following information about your silly superhero


● Name:

● Power:
● Planet:

● Arch Nemesis:

● Super Move:

● How I Got My Powers:

● Theme Song: (will be hyperlinked)

Your fast facts section should be large enough to be readable. This section tells the origin and

details of your superhero so make sure it can be seen. You can access the options to edit the font

color, size, ect. by right clicking on the text box. After you have filled out your fact section, you

will navigate to to find your superhero theme song. The song should ideally be

somewhat related to your character,however, I will leave this up to your creative expression. The

only exception is that songs with profane or suggestive lyrics will not be tolerated. Once you

have found your song, double click the address bar and copy the link. In Microsoft Powerpoint,

click on the Hyperlink button (located in the insert tab):

Next, type the name of your theme song and the artist in the first bar. In the second bar, hold ctrl

+ v to add the link to the accompanying Youtube video:

Hit insert to save. Repeat these steps for both of

your superheroes. To create a second slide in Microsoft PowerPoint, navigate to the home tab

and select New Slide.

Step 4 (Downloading): ​When you are both finished with your slides, navigate to the left-hand

side of Microsoft PowerPoint and select File < Download As < Download As PDF. Your final

slideshow must be saved in PDF format. You will then email me your finished project at​. Open your student Gmail account and insert your PDF file

and send it to my account. When the class is complete, you will present your slides in pairs using

the Mimio Projector and whiteboard. Each student will explain their superhero fast facts with the

accompaniment of their chosen theme song playing in the background during their presentation.

To earn full credit for this assignment you must abide by the following stipulations:

● All theme songs selected for superheroes must be appropriate for school. This means, no

curse words, violence, sexually explicit, or grotesque lyrics will be accepted.

● Your superhero and their power cannot be inappropriate either. Please do not try to create

Captain Poop or something of that nature. This is supposed to be a funny character, but

we still need school appropriate material.

● Your superhero photo must have at least 5 notable elements changed (this can be an

added cape, a logo, lipstick, hair color, eye color, ect.) The photo must be notably

different but still recognizable as you. Get creative but do not cover your face to the point

where you become anonymous.

● This is a team project so work together! You can assign roles before starting the process

(for example, one person can be the photographer and the other can be in charge of

editing the photos). Bounce ideas off of your partner. You can even make yourselves into

a superhero duo with powers that compliment each other (ie: Master Peanutbutter and

The Jelly Wizard). At the close of your presentation I will be asking how you

collaborated on this project so please utilize your partner.

● Your file must be saved as PDF and emailed to me upon completion. I will need the files

on the main computer so that I can display them on our Mimio Project during your

presentations. Have fun and get creative!

Teacher Assessment: ​Students will be given points for each section of criteria met for a total of

100 points. Though working in teams,each student will be graded on an individual basis with the

exception of collaboration points.

● 25 Points:​ Edited photo has a minimum of 5 elements of their choosing added to it with

use of MS The Paint Classic application, and student is still recognizable. Photo has at

least 1 reference to superhero power or identity (either name, logo,colors,etcetera).

● 20 Points: ​PowerPoint slide contains superhero photo and accompanying google image

that relates to the superhero incorporated into the design.

● 20 Points: ​Superhero photo and editing are visible within slide design (in other words

image is not completely cut off so edited elements are visible)

● 20 Points: ​Students clearly express to teacher the ways in which they ​collaborated ​and

supported one another throughout the process of completing the Silly Superhero project.

● 10 Points: ​All 7 sections of the superhero fast facts are completed. Text is easily readable

with working hyperlink.

● 5 Points: ​File is saved in PDF format.

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