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1. A 6. D
2. C 7. C
3. B 8. A
4. A 9. C
5. B 10. D

Three things that I want to have or achieve in the near future
1. Travel around the world
2. To be successful in virtual gaming that everyone can play
3. Things that I didn’t have

“This dream shall be my reality, very soon”

1. So that I can achieve my dream to become reality.
2. I want to challenge myself because no matter what people say I will do everything for
my dream
3. To be more achievable the harder the process the better result

Activity 1
1. Title: Investigating the addiction of out-of-school teenagers to online mobile gaming
A. What is the study about?
- Investigating the addiction of out-of-school teenagers to online mobile gaming
B. What is the research methodology to be employed in the study?
-Grounded Theory
C. What clue words in your research problem helped you identify the research
method and research design?
-addiction, games, drop out
2. Title: Native delicacies of community folks of San Carlos City, Pangasinan
A. What is the study about?
- Native delicacies of community folks of San Carlos City, Pangasinan
B. What is the research methodology to be employed in the study?
C. What clue words in your research problem helped you identify the research
method and research design?
-native, people, community, city, culture
3. Title: Lived Experience of Typhoon Peping Survivors in Tacloban
A. What is the study about?
- Lived Experience of Typhoon Peping Survivors in Tacloban
B. What is the research methodology to be employed in the study?
C. What clue words in your research problem helped you identify the research
method and research design?
-experience, typhoon, disaster, people, survival, weather
4. Title: Business Practices of Chinese-Filipino Managers of Construction Supply
A. What is the study about?
- Business Practices of Chinese-Filipino Managers of Construction Supply Enterprises
B. What is the research methodology to be employed in the study?
-Discourse Analysis
C. What clue words in your research problem helped you identify the research
method and research design?
- language, work, company, experience
5. Title: Study Habit of Intellectually Gifted Students
A. What is the study about?
- Study Habit of Intellectually Gifted Students
B. What is the research methodology to be employed in the study?
-Case Study
C. What clue words in your research problem helped you identify the research
method and research design?
-experience of a few
6. Title: Examining superstitions beliefs among Christians in Central Pangasinan on
Death, Mourning and Burial
A. What is the study about?
- Examining superstitions beliefs among Christians in Central Pangasinan on Death,
Mourning and Burial
B. What is the research methodology to be employed in the study?
-Grounded Theory
C. What clue words in your research problem helped you identify the research
method and research design?
-examine, beliefs, ghost, culture, superstition, life, death
7.Situation: Haley wants to study on how will fresh young graduates handle their first
week at work in their first employer when a senior employee would oversee their work
all day
A. What is the study about?
-Study on how fresh graduates handle their first work
B. What is the research methodology to be employed in the study?
-Content Analysis
C. What clue words in your research problem helped you identify the research
method and research design?
-experience of fresh graduates on their work
8.Situation: Jaden, a social worker, conducts a study that requires narration of experience
of senior citizens who lived from their family house to a nursing home for the aged
A. What is the study about?
-Investigating the experienced of senior citizens
B. What is the research methodology to be employed in the study?
C. What clue words in your research problem helped you identify the research
method and research design?
-experienced, old people
9. Situation: In aim to discover how did the bagoong industry begin and flourish in
Lingayen, Pangasinan, the Pangasinan cultural society commissioned a research group to
explore the origin of bagoong industry
A. What is the study about?
-Exploring the origin of Bagoong Industry
B. What is the research methodology to be employed in the study?
-Historical Research
C. What clue words in your research problem helped you identify the research
method and research design?
-origins, beginnings, past events
10. Situation: Ian is interested in knowing as to what type of crimes are selected tabloids
focusing on reporting
A. What is the study about?
-Information of what types of crime that selected in focus on reporting
B. What is the research methodology to be employed in the study?
-Content Analysis
C. What clue words in your research problem helped you identify the research
method and research design?
-interest, crime, law, information


Activity: Let’s Reflect
What were your misconceptions about What new or additional learning did you
topic prior to this lesson gain from this lesson in terms of skills,
content, and attitude?

I thought that… researching is simple and I learned that… research is deep and must
easy to understand be investigate thoroughly. I gained many
information’s that I discovered by doing
1. What is/are the objective of your study?

1. To explore the growth of EdTech Start-ups and online learning.

2. To conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Challenges (SWOC)

analysis of online learning during the Corona Virus pandemic and natural

3. To give some suggestions and recommendations for the success of online mode of
learning during a crisis-like situation.

2. Which type of qualitative research (research design) matches the objective of your
research that will help you attain the purpose of your group’s approved qualitative study?
What makes you think so?
The study is descriptive and tries to understand the importance of online learning in the
period of a crisis and pandemics such as the Covid-19. The problems associated with
online learning and possible solutions were also identified based on previous studies. The
SWOC analysis was conducted to understand various strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and challenges associated with online mode of learning during this critical
situation. The research tool used for analyzing the data which amassed from different
sources for this study is a content analysis and the research method is descriptive
research. We have taken into consideration the qualitative aspects of the research study.
This study is completely based on the secondary data. A systematic review was done in
detail for the collected literature.
3.Type of Qualitative Research: Ethnographic
Definition of the chosen type of Qualitative Research: Ethnographic research is the most
in-depth observational method that studies people in their naturally occurring
environment. This method requires the researchers to adapt to the target audiences’
environments which could be anywhere from an organization to a city or any remote
location. Here geographical constraints can be an issue while collecting data. This
research design aims to understand the cultures, challenges, motivations, and settings that
occur. Instead of relying on interviews and discussions, you experience the natural
settings first hand. This type of research method can last from a few days to a few years,
as it involves in-depth observation and collecting data on those grounds. It’s a
challenging and a time-consuming method and solely depends on the expertise of the
researcher to be able to analyze, observe and infer the data.
Name of Book: Online Learning: A Panacea in the Time of COVID-19 Crisis

Page number(s): 19

Date of Retrieval: February 5, 2021


1. Quota 6. Haphazard/Convenience Sampling
2. Quota 7. Typical Case Sampling
3. Typical Case Sampling 8. Quota
4. Snowball Sampling 9. Extreme Case Purposive Sampling
5. Snowball Sampling 10. Critical Case Purposive Sampling


Activity: Brain Dump
I changed my attitude about… the perspective of other people
I become more aware/knowledgeable about… other things that I discovered
I was surprised about… special kinds of purposeful sampling ideal
I felt… good
I related to… Maximal Variation Sampling
I empathized with… to others
This reminds me of… the world
I can adapt… to myself, to other, and to the world
1. This study aims to determine the effectiveness the use of Online Learning problems
among the selected Grade 11 students under TVL strand of Speaker Eugenio Perez
National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) shall be participated of this study.
2. This study is going to employ Theoretical case sampling method in the selection of
3. Ayebi-Arthur, K. (2017). E-learning, resilience, and change in higher education:
Helping a university cope after a natural disaster. E-Learning and Digital Media,
14(5), 259–274.
Google Scholar | SAGE Journals
4. This sampling method fits this research because it is identified and ideal one for the
5. The number of participants shall be determined by 100 students in SEPNAS

1. D 6. D
2. C 7. C
3. C 8. D
4. A 9. A
5. A 10.B

Activity 5.3.1:
1. Interview Method – to know other people’s opinion
2. Observation Method – getting more information
3. Observation Method – getting more information
4. Observation Method – getting more information
5. Interview Method – to know other people’s opinion
Activity 5.3.2:
Initial (Open) Codes Axial Codes (Categories or Selective Codes
Subthemes) (Theme(s)/concept(s))

Bicycle Private: Types and kinds of vehicles

Tricycle  Bicycle
Padyak (‘tri-bike’)  Monocycle
Monocycle  Tricycle
Four-wheeler truck  Sedan (four-door) car
Pickup truck Transportation:
Sedan (four-door) car  Padyak (‘tri-bike’)
Coaster (large van)  Coaster (large van)
Passenger bus
 Passenger bus
Passenger jeepney
 Passenger jeepney
 Train
 Four-wheeler truck
 Pickup truck


Activity 5.3.3:
Data Collection Method Definition Advantages Disadvantages
Naturalistic observation  is an observational Natural Environment No opportunity to
method that involves learn past
observing people’s
behavior in the
environment in which it
typically occurs
Laboratory Observation Observing behaviors in Longitudinal Analysis Difficulties in
a controlled Quantification
environment, such as
Subjective Observation Involves the Non-verbal Behavior Lack of Control
observation of the
one’s own immediate
Activity 5.3.4:
1. Qualitative Data Analysis defined as the process of systematically searching and
arranging the interview transcripts, observation notes, or other non-textual materials that
the researcher accumulates to increase the understanding of the phenomenon.
 Prepare and organize your data. Print out your transcripts, gather your notes,
documents, or other materials.
 Review and explore the data.
 Create initial codes.
 Review those codes and revise or combine into themes.
 Present themes in a cohesive manner.

Activity 5.3.5:

1. A 5. A
2. C 6. B
3. D 7. A
4. C 8. A
9. D 10. D

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