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What do you

How can we assist consider to be the

Which technology you in the most valuable What do you
tool are you application of the information you believe we could
planning to use in tool with your received at the have done better
Timestamp your classroom? students? workshop? over the two days?
I am not sure yet,
but I will let you
8/17/2010 14:41:25 Google Docs know. Resources more play time:)

Offer in 2 levels of
Beginners and
advanced users.
Instructors were
awesome. Lots of
help was available.
God Bless Natalie!!!

Set up pages, The grocery list of

Blog, glogster and formatting. tabs for available
8/17/2010 14:44:42 Wolfram websites

google doc
voki google doc
blabberize the time given for
glogster pbl ideas with core teachers to explore
8/17/2010 14:45:28 bighuge labs subjects using tech and practice need another day
Organize small
groups (such as
institutions) to
explore use of
Share examples Google universe, technology with
from other including Google limitations in more
8/17/2010 14:46:05 Comic Life teachers/classrooms Docs suite detail.

learning the new concentrate on one

applications, being or two of the
able to have time to applications a day
help me set up the play with the so that people can
project (using applications with really have time to
smartboard, applications with tech support learn these before
8/17/2010 14:46:18 computers links) available adding more to learn

I honestly really
enjoyed this
apply Audacity to all workshop...but I i really enjoyed the
student computers loved learning about training...good
come in and work the google cloud amount of time for
with students on and all the potential explanations, but
using there. I also enjoyed also allowing us to
Audacity/I-tunes- Audacity...adding the videos as they mess around...that
Science music to the were all interesting is how I learn so
8/17/2010 14:46:40 WolframAlpha-Math background takes on technology. thanks

Need to make sure

GRF girls have a
Google Twitter safe internet access Blogspot Google
8/17/2010 14:50:07 Blogspot to view my blog. docs Better jokes!

Hard to's
nice to get all the
internet tools. I really
like the binder and
delicious. I like
everything being
available on the
Just answer a few JCCS Tech Wiki.
questions as they You all gave a great
come up...I can introduction with the
call/text/email highlights of ideas
anyone that is for today's
8/17/2010 14:51:24 google docs, binder available. educators. nada
I thought this was
great. We had lots
of time to play with
Smartboard Opening a gmail the tools and
Glogster account. explore the ones
Shelfari The live binder, it is that would benefit
Comic Life a great resource to our students. I
Footnotes Using tools with the be able to access loved the hands-on
8/17/2010 14:51:35 Wallwisher students with tech tools. time.

workshops for
beginners, and
advanced users.
Having said that,
1:1 help you all did a great
big picture job of helping
understanding of everyone! Thank
Blog twitter...blogs etc you very much!I
comic life all of the sites listed appreciate all of
wordle on the JCCS your hard work
xtimeline Emerging Tech blog preparing for this
8/17/2010 14:52:22 wolframalpha 1:1 assistance:) workshop!

The ease of use of

comiclife many of the
Teacher computer applications. It got
only: me excited about
piclits utilization in the
globster classroom and
wallwisher motivating student Everything was
learning, even with great. I'll let you
More when I the contraints of an know if I think of
8/17/2010 14:52:42 investigate more. ComicLife institution. something. Thanks!

blog... by introducing
us to all we can do
with tech, I could
have been
overwhelmed, but
I'd like to learn more knowing that I could
about some of the easily go back to the
Blogger, Binder, and cartoon type site, which is easy to
a bunch of cool programs and have navigate, to locate
apps Mark showed a general for fun other fun ideas
us yesterday in the techie presentation which caught my
8/17/2010 14:53:10 binder with my class. attention PERFECT!
audacity, blog

also will be
integrating wolfram
alpha with smart
board into math

comic life (still audacity and comic

working on life loaded on It was great! thank
8/17/2010 14:53:19 implementation) student computers The binder you!

Run us through
more of the
Making sure we applications on the
have all the proper binder-- maybe do
applications and How to use Google breakout sessions
Comic Life, Shelfari, settings to run each Tools, especially every hour with
8/17/2010 14:53:25 and Smile Box program Google Doc's different programs.
It was a great
experience. thanks
for putting this
Putting Voki's onto Live Binder, Google together. I learned
8/17/2010 14:54:11 SmartBoard the SmartBoard Docs alot.

I will be
when I have Everything was
My English Blog questions. Any AWESOME!!! Wish
Spot, Google Docs, suggestions to it was longer, there
Glogster, and I am improve my school was so much I didn't
looking forward to home even get to.
trying a lot of the page(blogspot)
resources on would be Loved the Alan nothing...thanks for
8/17/2010 14:56:39 livebinder. appreciated. November video! lunch
I am a little biased in
my opinion of what
you all had to offer.
You made
yourselves available
and either
previewed and
demonstrated how
Are you serious? All to use each
of it is good, I am application. All of
Help me with just having trouble this with models and
additional ways to figuring out what to exemplars. It could
incorporate the do first. I will use not get any better. I
Blogspot, Google ideas, or at least to Twitter to stay am open to a
Docs, Google access to some of connected, and entirely different
groups, all of the 2.0 the ways that some blogspot to develop word and it is
on the Live of the tools have a sense of exciting. Thank you.
8/17/2010 15:04:51 Binder :-) been used community.

Not that I consider

myself to be
anywhere near the
"techie" league, but I
I absolutely loved think it would have
the Live Binder page been helpful to have
you put together for a pre-emerging tech
us, but I'm also training for the
excited to use teachers who are
Delicious as a really uncomfortable
resource. I'm with computers.
embarrassed to Then we could have
admit that this was gone deeper into the
the first time I've tools you were
played around with providing us without
Google Docs. I leaving anyone
create multiple Word behind.
Docs each evening
to be used in the On the whole,
classroom the next however, the
day, and what have training was
Jeff is going to come I been doing for absolutely fantastic.
We are going to do down and facilitate a years? Emailing I wish it wasn't over.
a project with Photo final book project them to myself as Oh, that's right, it's
8/19/2010 22:18:43 Shop with Photo Shop attachments...doh! not!
separated beginners
from more advanced
google docs tech users . . . would
blogs extra tools/programs love to partake in
wikis that girls can put on future trainings that
i google their blogs for fun, continue to explore
all the programs but academically, all of these amazing
presented on live very excited about tech resources . . .
9/1/2010 15:02:11 binder i'm okay using google docs muchas gracias!!

The URL's are a bit

overwhelming and
not easy to
remember. Perhaps
I am using more time to
Smartboard, Develop an The ability to access become better
projector, and other extensive the new web sites acquainted with the
related tech knowledge of all available to use in process. Perhaps
10/11/2010 14:58:01 equipment. new software. the classroom. more hand on.
Which tech
Which teacher(s) Which tool(s) will resource teacher
are you you be using to would you like to
Last Name collaborating with? collaborate? work with? First Name

Rochelle, Debbie,
Lynch Jade Google docs ?? Cheryl

Blogs and Twitter

IS teachers and Really excited about
Toon Natalie Wolfram Jeff Kathy

natalie google docs
wang blogspot any jade
Smith No one at this time. Google Docs Mark Starr Les

voki, googleforms,
Young Linda Eerebout googledocs, glogster Jeff Heil Denise-Renee

create a google site
to store podcasts
and responses

Matthews Susan Glasset Jeff but all are great! Sara

Blogspot Google
Halvin Tiamoya Sukumu docs Jeff Heil Gary

Google Sites
Wendy H., Natalie (Natalie turned us
Morris P. onto this.) any Julia
Google Docs
Tammy Reina Twitter
Katherine Naples Blog
Guzman Dan Huynh Delicious Any Carla

Kathy Toon
Debbie Jaffe
Natalie Priester Twitter
Tom Gadzala Google
Gadzala JCCS Tech Blog Jeff and Natalie Julie

Google Docs

Carla Guzman
Naples Sarah Haffey any Katherine

Google docs,
Julia Morris Binder, and Google
Hinojosa Natalie Priester site Jeff wendy
Twitter & Google
Docs, Google Site to
store podcasts, our
blogs for sharing Jeff but all are great
Glassett Sara Matthes student responses and any would work Susan

Samantha Carr,
Beth Manrique, Jose
Bello, Javier
Armenta, Carla
Deguzman, Dehlia
Pearsons, Luis
Barcenas at East Google Doc's,
Mesa and I worked Twitter, Comic Life,
with Marcqk Babble, Smile Box,
Anderson at the Shelfari, Xtranormal
Vigilia workshop. I hope!!!!! Any Elmer

Gadzala Marcqk Anderson Google Docs Mark Star Tom

Google Docs,
Natalie, Jade, Delicious, email,
Parsons Cheryl IMing any Rochelle
Twitter, Delicious,
Google Docs, Comic
Jacobs Dawn and Sherrell Life, and Blogspot all yall DaDisi

Hmm... let me think

Reina Carla Guzman about that one Jeff please Tammy
google docs
sherrell tyler & blogs
miller dadisi jacobs wikis becky fino dawn

Smart board and

Teacher Carla is my other related
plan to be technoloy
armenta collaborating. equipments Mark Starr J. Xavier

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