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1 minute for me to think
O que eu esperava de uma mentoria/ O que te atrai na BRASA? Por que os nossos
programas de mentoria e não outros? Como você também pode contribuir para o nosso
I believe that by being (BiENG) mentored (MENTORR) for the Brasa, I will be able to have
access to mentors who are already graduate students in the US in one of these areas close to
mine, offering specialized (ESPECIALAIZE)and focused (FOUQUEST)support in the area
of history that I want to enter.
Brasa's mentoring is known for its excellence in serving the candidates, giving all the
necessary support for the admission process. The program is free, thus enabling
(ENEIBOLIM) me to have the opportunity (OPORTUNIRI) to study abroad and the quality
study materials to prepare the candidate for the admission process.
If I am approved in the mentoring, I can contribute (CONTRUBIUTE) to Brasa's diversity, in
having candidates with different backgrounds through professional and personal experiences.
O que eu sabia do processo de aplicação para os Estados Unidos.
Basically, the process contains (CONTEINS) several steps, such as an interview with the
assistant professor, taking tests such as the GRE and TOEFL, and filling out the form on the
universities' websites.
Ter um propósito/Como entender como chegou aqui e para onde quer ir
I started my studies at Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) focusing
on being (BiENG) a historian with a specialty (SPECIALTI) in Latin America. This is the
only history department in Brazil that offers this specialty (SPECIALTI). It is also a bilingual
university that has Portuguese and Spanish as official languages, being (BiENG)
interdisciplinary, intercultural and with an interest in integration with all of Latin America
and the Caribbean. The university aims (EI”M”) to exchange knowledge (NOLEDI) between
professors and students from different countries, resulting (RESALTIN) in a Latin American
identity (AIDENTITI). Thus, it contributed (CONTRIBIOOT) to my training as a
The North American academic structure for doctoral students allows the candidate to have a
more consolidated education and another factor would be the networking that the university
will provide me resulting in the learning I needed
In a globalized world with constant changes, the current understanding of history is necessary
as an important tool to prevent mistakes from the past being made in the present and the
future. With the readings since childhood that relate history, this field of study that focuses
my academic and social formation fascinated me. Thus, I am applying for the Brasas
program, because with the help of the program, I will be able to have the desire to be able to
apply for the Ph.D in history. I want a career in research and teaching at the academy in
Pessoa engajada de fazer a diferença nas pessoas/O que meu estudo pode impactar na
My research for the doctorate is basically to study the performance of Brazilian contractors
Camargo Correia, Odebrecht and Mendes Jr in South America in the 20th(TUENTIEFFI)
century in countries where the dictatorships in Chile and Paraguay took place. I am interested
in showing the transition of these national companies to become multinationals and working
in other countries with Brazilian resources to expand the hegemony of the infrastructure
cartel started in the Brazilian dictatorship.
This research has the main function of showing the Brazilian population that these companies
were already involved in schemes (Scames) for major Brazilian constructions for example as
Itaipu dam and the Rio-Niterói Bridge. Thus, expanding their operations not only in Brazil,
but in some countries in South America.
I pretend as a historian to provide the tools we need to be more conscious (KANTSHESS)and
sensible citizens (CIRIZEN). Knowing the history of Brazil in the military period helps us to
have a critical sense in order to make people more aware of the social and economic situation
of the country.
Good citizens are well-informed citizens, and no one can consider themselves a well-
informed citizen (CIRIZEN) without a working knowledge of history. This is the case
whether (WEDER) we are talking about our nation as a whole. The History helps us become
better voters, more ethical (ÉFICAL) members of any kind of society, and helps put us in a
position to better inform others as well.
Quais universidades e curso eu quero fazer

I read different articles the professors such as Tom Rogers from Emory University, Melissa
Teixeira from Upenn, John French from Duke University and Rebeca Herman from Berkeley
on topics similar to my research topic such as labor history, economic history, modern Brazil
and modern Latin America.
I consulted other universities such as Rice University, University of Chicago, Michigan
University, UC Riverside.
I want to apply for a Ph.D in history because of the experience. I have in undergraduate
research and because the sources of my research are in the United States archives.
Como os seus pontos altos podem te ajudar a ir para o exterior
My formation will be different from the traditional history courses in Brazil, I will
undergraduate in the only course in Brazil that the historian leaves with the Latin American
specialty (SPECIALTI). I believe that the history departments of American universities seek
diversity in the formation of the students' composition.
As an undergraduate, I participated in some research groups and I was selected on occasions
to present at conferences and other events on topics that I had researched in these research
groups because of my written, analytical and oral skills. At university, my priority was to
learn various topics about Latin America, to have experiences with research and other
activities that would contribute (CONTRIBIOOT) to my training as a historian.
Experiences with research, congress publication and working in archives may be factors that
contribute to the application and study outside of Brazil
Como os pontos baixos podem te atrapalhar nesse processo/ O que você pode fazer para
ter autocontrole.
I believe that imposter syndrome (SIMDROM) can hinder (RINDER) me in this process of
studying abroad, having the feeling that I am taking the place of someone more competent
than me. Any activity that is done is never going to be good.
The existence of the black intellectual in spaces socially constructed for whites’ peoples of
the middle classes and the dominant class. The typical image of the intellectual is not that of a
black man. When we imagine someone "intelligent", a great teacher, a famous thinker, the
basic stereotype (STERIOTAIPO) is of a white man, "well dressed", over forty. One example
is that when I arrived at the university, I noticed (NORESST) right away that the vast
majority (MAJORARI) of the faculty was white. I only had two black professors in my entire
To control these insecurities I share my worries with a friend; I create a unique
(YOUNIQUE) and comfortable speech (SPETICH) for myself, I celebrate each achievement
(ATIVIMENT), I avoid comparing myself to others, and do physical activities in order to
relieve these(DIZE) ideas (AIDIAS).

O que melhor descreve sua renda mensal familiar? até 2,5M

I live in the city of Cabo Frio in Rio de Janeiro with my mother who is a maid and earns a
minimum wage and at the moment I have the income from the university aid and the
emergency aid. Together I can get an income of almost 2 minimum wages.
Por favor, diga-nos uma das realizações mais importantes que você já fez...
In My undergraduate I participated the 3 research, but The last academic experience with
Moema Viezzer's biography added a great deal to my education. Understanding the life
trajectory of an intellectual who that was exiled during the dictatorship in Brazil. This period
she met Dom Helder Câmara and Paulo Freire, for being adepts of this liberation theology the
research was significant for me.
I have some questions about the program

1) How many people compete with me in the human sciences for mentoring?
2) Is the Sop and Write Sample correction included in the program?

Eu acredito que me sendo mentoreado pela Brasa, eu poderei ter acesso a mentores que já são
estudantes de pós graduação nos EUA em alguma dessas áreas próximas a minha, oferecendo
um suporte especializado e focado na área de história que eu desejo ingressar.
A mentoria da Brasa é conhecida pela excelência em atendimento dos seus candidatos dando
todo o suporte necessário ao processo de admissão. O programa é gratuito, assim me
possibilitando de poder ter a oportunidade estudar fora e os materiais de estudo de qualidade
na preparação do candidato ao processo de admissão.
Se for aprovado na mentoria, eu posso contribuir para a diversidade da Brasa, em ter
candidatos com formação diferenciada por meio das experiências profissionais e pessoais.

1) O que eu sabia do processo de aplicação para os Estados Unidos.

O processo contém várias etapas, como entrevista com o professor assistente,
realizações de teste como GRE e TOEFL e preenchimento do formulário nos sites das

2) Ter um propósito/Como entender como chegou aqui e para onde quer ir/
In a globalized world with constant changes, the current understanding of history is necessary
as an important tool to prevent mistakes from the past being made in the present and the
future. With the readings since childhood that relate history, this field of study that focuses
my academic and social formation fascinated me. Thus, I am applying for the Brasas
program, because with the help of the program, I will be able to have the desire to be able to
apply for the Ph.D in history. I want a career in research and teaching at the academy in
I started my studies at Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) focusing
on being a historian with a specialty in Latin America. This is the only history department in
Brazil that offers this specialty. It is also a bilingual university that has Portuguese and
Spanish as official languages, being interdisciplinary, intercultural and with an interest in
integration with all of Latin America and the Caribbean. UNILA aims to exchange
knowledge between professors and students from different countries, resulting in a Latin
American identity. Thus, it contributed to my training as a historian.
As an undergraduate of UNILA, I participated in some research groups and I was selected on
occasions to present at conferences and other events on topics that I had researched in these
research groups because of my written, analytical and oral skills. At university, my priority
was to learn various topics about Latin America, to have experiences with research and other
activities that would contribute to my training as a historian.

Pessoa engajada de fazer a diferença nas pessoas/O que meu estudo pode impactar
na sociedade.
Meu tema de pesquisa para o doutorado é basicamente é estudar a atuação das empreiteiras
brasileiras Camargo Correia, Odebrecht e Mendes Jr na América do Sul nas décadas 70 e 80
em países onde ocorreu as ditaduras do Chile e Paraguai. Eu tenho o interesse de mostrar a
transição dessas empresas nacionais tornando se multinacionais e atuando em outros países
com recursos brasileiros para ampliar a hegemonia do cartel de infraestrutura iniciado na
ditadura brasileira.
Essa pesquisa tem a principal função de mostrar para a população brasileira, que essas
empresas estavam já envolvidas em esquemas para as principais construções brasileiras como
exemplo a Itaipu e Ponte Rio Niterói. Assim, ampliando a sua atuação não só no Brasil, mas
em alguns países da América do Sul.

Quais universidades e curso eu quero fazer

Eu li diversos artigos de alguns professores como Tom Rogers da Emory, UPenn
Melissa Teixeira, Duke John French and Rebeca Berkeley sobre temas parecidos com
o meu tema de pesquisa como história do trabalho, histórica econômica, brasil
moderno e relação Latino América com USA

3) Como os seus pontos altos podem te ajudar a ir para o exterior

A minha formação vai ser diferente dos cursos tradicionais de história no Brasil, eu
vou me formar em um único curso no Brasil que o historiador sai com a especialidade
latino-americana. Eu acredito que os departamentos de história das universidades
americanas procuram a diversidade na formação da composição dos estudantes.
Experiências com pesquisas, publicação em congresso e trabalhar em arquivos
possam ser fatores que contribuam para a aplicação.

4) Como os pontos baixos podem te atrapalhar nesse processo/ O que você pode
fazer para ter autocontrole.
Eu acredito que a síndrome do impostor pode me atrapalhar nesse processo de estudar
fora, ter a sensação de estar ocupando a vaga de alguém mais competente que eu.
Qualquer atividade realizada nunca vai estar boa.
A existência do intelectual negro em espaços socialmente construídos para brancos
das camadas médias e da classe dominante. A imagem típica do intelectual não é a de
um negro. Quando imaginamos alguém “inteligente”, um grande professor, um
pensador de renome, o estereótipo básico é de um homem branco, “bem vestido”,
acima dos quarenta anos. Um exemplo é que, quando cheguei na universidade,
percebi logo que a imensa maioria do corpo docente era branco. Eu só tive 2
professores negro em toda minha graduação.
Para controlar essas inseguranças eu compartilho as inquietações ou angústias com
um amigo; eu crio um discurso único e confortável para si, eu celebro cada
conquista, evito de se comparar ao outros e faço atividades físicas com a finalidade de
aliviar esses pensamentos.

1) O que melhor descreve sua renda mensal familiar? até 2,5M

Eu moro atualmente na cidade de Cabo Frio no Rio de Janeiro com a minha mãe que
é doméstica ganha um salário mínimo e atualmente tenho a renda dos auxílios da
universidade e o auxílio emergencial. Juntando os dois consigo ter a renda de quase 2
salários mínimos.

Por favor, diga-nos uma das realizações mais importantes que você já fez...

The last academic experience with Moema Viezzer's biography added a great deal to
my education. Understanding the life trajectory of an intellectual who that was exiled
during the dictatorship in Brazil. This period she met Dom Helder Câmara and Paulo
Freire, for being adepts of this liberation theology the research was significant for me.

2) Um dos maiores desafios da candidatura a programas de pós-graduação é a auto-


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