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Pictured above: Members of the
Special Supplement • June 24, 2021 Caledonia-Mumford Central
School Class of 2021 are
shown back in the fifth grade

KEEPSAKE EDITION posing in the shape of the year

in which they were
going to graduate high school.


Avon ...........................................3 Genesee Valley Educational Livonia .....................................32

Caledonia-Mumford ..................7 Partnership..............................23 Mount Morris ...........................37

Dansville ..................................11 Year in Sports ................... 24-25 Wayland-Cohocton .................39

Geneseo ..................................14 Keshequa ................................26 York ..........................................43

Honeoye Falls-Lima................20 Lima Christian School............30

2 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

This graduation special sec- and individual senior portraits
tion is made possible through that are the focal points of this
the efforts of many people. keepsake edition. Some we
And again this year. the nov- have worked with for years,
el coronavirus responsible for and others went through this
the COVID-19 virus was a fac- process for the first time with
tor. this edition.
We worked with counselors, The school representatives
secretaries and superinten- are the unsung heroes of this
dents to gather information edition which would not be
as we do each year. But this possible without their contri-
year that meant coordinating butions. In addition to doing
around individual schedules their regular school jobs while
that presented a mix of remote navigating the pandemic, they
and in-person work. Some compiled class lists, biogra-
students also worked around phies of top seniors and pho-
different schedules. For exam- tographs for this section.
ple, there are two photographs They also promptly re-
of the York Central School Dis- sponded when inevitable hic-
trict’s Class of 2021 as the stu- cups arose that come with put-
dents attended school on dif- ting together such an extensive
ferent days. In Mount Morris, section. When we needed to
the class photo is socially dis- double-check a name, track
tant – one of those new phras- down a missing photograph
es that has become a familiar or biography, get a better qual-
Caledonia-Mumford Central School’s top 10 students from the Class of 2021 find time to take a
part of our vocabulary. Other ity picture, or had a question
break and pose for a photograph on the school playground. schools, such as Keshequa and about submitted information
Wayland-Cohocton turned their prompt responses al-

A class with undeniable grit senior pictures into collages in

place of the traditional group
photo of the Class of 2020.
Contributors from The Liv-
lowed work to continue.
Here, it should be noted that
the class lists appearing in this
special section identify candi-
By BEN BEAGLE stronger, then the graduates in them. ingston County News include dates for graduation from each the Class of 2021 must have in- Theirs is a class with undeni- editor Ben Beagle, sports edi- school’s senior class as of early
The Class of 2021 has grit. credible reserves of strength. able grit and determination. tor Chris Metcalf, office man- June. The students who ulti-
This year’s class of graduating When they accept their diplo- As you can read in our annu- ager Colleen Kemp, and staff mately meet the qualifications
seniors has spent more than a mas this year they will have cer- al graduation section, they ex- writers Matt Leader and Bren- to graduate may differ from
year navigating the COVID-19 tainly earned them. celled. This section highlights dan McDonough. The adver- the published list.
pandemic. They have overcome This is not what the gradu- graduates from Livingston tising staff and art department Turn the page and learn
and excelled in the face of up- ates likely envisioned when they County schools, with short,
of The Daily News in Batavia about some of Livingston
heaval brought on by a public entered the doors to their high accompanying biographies
also assisted. County’s amazing graduates,
health crisis like nothing we school – or moved from the mid- of each school’s top students.
dle school wing to high school – These students excelled in aca- We also appreciate the their achievements and the
have experienced in our life- helpful representatives from experiences from high school
times. four years ago. From those awk- demics, sports, music – and life.
ward freshman days, you have They have faced challenges, each of the school districts that have shaped their future
During the course of the last featured here and photogra- plans.
two school years, these students grown and experienced much. experienced ups and downs.
Between their junior and And perseverance – and sup- phers who took class pictures – Ben Beagle, regional editor
have learned lessons not to be
included on any state exam or senior years, this year’s gradu- portive teachers, coaches and
ates were forced to shift from a friends – have shown them that
end-of-the-year test.
traditional classroom setting it all works out in the end.
These lessons were about
to remote learning and back to We can only hope that this
perseverance. Personal respon- classrooms, or a hybrid mod- will be the last graduating class
sibility. Adaptability. Resource- el of some-remote and some to have to deal with such dis-
fulness. Social interaction In in-person classes. They had to ruption. Already, some of the
some families, parents may constantly stay on top of their challenges students faced are
have lost jobs, or struggled to schedules as little became rou- lessening.
keep food on the table. Families tine, and nothing was the norm But in the meantime, it is
may have lost loved ones to the that they were accustomed to. time to once again celebrate
virus. These lessons have been They learned new technolo- the triumphs of our graduates.
about human nature and how gy. And workarounds for when While the world grappled with
people react to a crisis. that technology didn’t want to ongoing disruptions from the
At times, these lessons were cooperate. Then, there were the COVID-19 virus, the Class of
far more difficult than anything shifting rules and conditions 2021 set an example to over-
in an AP or college-level course. that dictated learning plans and come and finish strong.
The pandemic has required in-classroom protocols. Congratulations students of
a lot of difficult decisions, but And still, whether discour- the Class of 2021 on a job well LIVONIA CENTRAL SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPH
will also likely serve you well go- aged or not, they persevered. done. We share your hopes and Ethan DeMartinis, valedictorian of the Livonia Central School
ing forward. If, as has been said, The pandemic may have slowed dreams as you blaze a trail into Class of 2021, and Gianna Raqueño, the class’ salutatorian,
adversity only makes people them at times, but it didn’t stop your future. share a light moment.
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 3

Avon Central School

The Avon Central School Class of 2021.

Keith Haubner, Jr. Isabel Marzec Cameron Salvati

Class list
Listed below are the can- Aum Champaneri
Bridget Hayes
Nathan Helmbold
Andrew Herberger
Madison Marzec
Natalie Masten
Shannon McLaughlin
Joseph Schwarzmeyer
Michael Shetler
Liberty Shoemaker
didates for graduation in the Emma Clarke Ava Hubbard Jace Menard Gabriel Silva
Avon Central School Class of Dylan Cook Parker Hughes Griffin Meyer Alyssa Smith
2021. Morgan Cornell Irving Jimenez Rodriguez Olivia Montesano Molly Snyder
Commencement exercises Jaden Courtemanche Jacob Jones Dylan Moore Michael Thompson
are scheduled to take place Jonah Cousins Gabrielle Kashorek Andrew Mouw Jacob Toarmino
outdoors at 10 a.m. June 26 in Caitlyn Dupont Magdalene Kennell Emily Muchard Ella Vanderbilt
the school football stadium. Colin Farmer Eliza Kime Madeline Murray Kathryn Varnum
Thomas Farmer Emma Kostraba Michael Oldziej Emma Vincent
Cole Adams Evan Farrell Emily Krasinski Olivia Perkins Holden Volpe
Maxwell Arlauckas Alicia Faville Elizabeth LaFever Paige Phillips Roman Volpe
Maxwell Bishop Lucas Findlay Rachel LaFever Samantha Phillips Braedon Waide
Lauren Bondgren Joseph Frazer Kaila Lattuca Aydan Reid Zachary Walck
Isabela Braun Dillon Gallagher Emily Leonard Tannor Remington Cole Werner
MaryKatelin Button Joshua Glotzbach Esther Levendusky Miakyla Rice Carson Williams
Julia Calderon Diaz Shelby Hallett James Maggio Ethan Rio Anthony Woodworth
Ryan Caudill Aileen Harvey Samantha Mandell Ryan Rohrbach Joseph Yamonaco
4 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

Valedictorian bound for Notre Dame

Bridget Hayes, the daughter of Alli- New York State all-state girls’ soccer
son and Rob Hayes, is the Avon Central team, Livingston County Athletic Asso-
School Class of 2021 valedictorian. ciation all-star, and GLOW Super 12.
Bridget will attend the University After school, she worked as a life-

of Notre Dame in the fall to major in ... always put your best
guard for Avon Central School and the
neuroscience and behavior on the pre-
med track. Country Club of Rochester. foot forward, and don’t
Bridget served as president of the Her community service included
peer mentoring, food drives, and ring-
hesitate to go see your
National Honor Society. She also re-
ceived numerous honors and awards,
including Junior of the Year, the Eliz-
abeth Blewer Mathematics Award,
Chemistry Achievement Award, and
ing the bell for the Salvation Army. She
also enjoys baking and going to Target
in her free time.
The most valuable lesson Bridget
teachers if you need help.


Avon Class of 2021 valedictorian,
Advanced Placement Scholar. said that she learned in high school is sharing advice to incoming freshmen
Her high school activities included
the importance of time management.
the Math Team, Interact Club, and Stu-
dent Council. Her advice to incoming freshmen is
She also played soccer and was a to “always put your best foot forward,
member of the golf and swim teams. and don’t hesitate to go see your teach-
As an athlete, she was named to the ers if you need help.” Bridget Hayes

Salutatorian to SPECIAL DELIVERY

study at Clemson ‘ Failure is necessary

to succeed.

Avon Class of 2021 salutatorian,
The salutatorian
on a vital lesson that she learned
of the Avon Central
in high school
School Class of 2021 is
Paige Phillips.
Paige, the daugh-
ter of Teya and Pete
Phillips, will attend
Clemson University in
the fall.
A member of the
National Honor Soci-
ety and a high honor AVON CENTRAL SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPH Class of 2021
roll student, she was Avon National Honor Society officers President Bridget
also recognized as an Hayes, Secretary Colin Farmer, and Vice-President
Advanced Placement Madeline Murray – all members of the Class of 2021 – are
Scholar and received shown outside Avon Nursing Home with adviser Christina
the Board of Education Ecklund. The Avon Raymond Woleslagle National Honor
Arts and Music Award. Society National Honor Society has an annual tradition of
Her high school creating and delivering holiday cards to residents of Avon
Paige Phillips Nursing Home. On Dec. 19, 2020, students delivered the
activities included Art
Club, Student Coun- Her personal interests in- cards and accompanying holiday cheer on horseback.
cil, Foreign Language Club, clude skiing, sailing, drawing,
cheerleading, diving, and and painting. Rene Tilly-Lyness
track. High school, Paige said, Paul F. Tilly
Paige’s off-campus vol- Julie A. Harcleroad
unteer activities included
Stroll for Strong Kids 5K, Avon
taught her the vital lesson that
“failure is necessary to suc-
MaryRuth Rowe
Mandy LaVair Julie Pangrazio
ceed.” Licensed Associate Broker
Braves Battle Competition,
and the Avon Father Daughter She advises freshmen to (585) 469-8880
Dance. “work hard and have fun!”
IN AVON YOU CAN BUY THE LIVINGSTON COUNTY NEWS AT: 1895 Rochester St., Lima, NY 14485 (585) 582-1660
CVS, Dollar General, Dutch Hollow, Quicklee’s, Quicklee’s East 49 Park Place, Avon, NY 14414 • (585) 226-2021 81 Main St., Geneseo
Avon, Mini Mart, Tom Wahl’s, Tops. See Our Family For Your Family’s Insurance Needs (585) 243-3811
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 5

Bridget Hayes

Paige Phillips

Shannon McLaughlin
Class rank: 3
Parents: Lorrie and Will
Future plans: Attend SUNY
Binghamton in the fall and
major in biological sciences. Shannon McLaughlin Aileen Harvey Aum Champaneri Madeline Murray
Honors: National Honor
Society; Advanced Placement Aileen Harvey maintaining your hobbies learn to not settle in the com- mentoring.
Scholar with Honor Award; and interests that you have fort of home and forget to do Sports: Varsity cross-coun-
AP Bio Achievement Award; Class rank: 4
outside of school. I learned school work. Adapting to new try; varsity track and field.
Chemistry Achievement Parents: Jen and Jon Har-
that it is important to fuel your environments and times is a vi- Volunteerism: Babysat
Award. vey.
passions and work hard not to tal skill and lesson I learned as children of parents attending
High school activities: Future plans: Attend Clark-
lose them.” a result of this chaotic year.” public library English as a
Math competition; Avon Rota- son University and major in
Advice for freshmen: Advice for freshman: “Ef- Second Language programs;
ry Interact Club. aeronautical engineering.
“Make sure to set aside time fort — that is the key to getting helped to facilitate com-
Sports: Varsity swimming Honors: National Honor
for yourself and the things you through every high school munication circles with the
and diving. Society; National Merit Com-
love that aren’t school related. class you will take, show that elementary school; local food
Volunteerism: Assistant mended Scholar Awards;
School may come first, but you are putting in the work and pantry; led the National Honor
coach for Avon modified Gold Awards for NYSMA
that doesn’t mean you can’t or teachers will work with you. Society virtual service project
swimming and diving. Solo Festival and All-County
shouldn’t make sure to con- They want to see you succeed creating cards for frontline
After school employment: performances in band and
tinue your other interests.” and pass their classes by what- healthcare workers.
Summer Recreation lifeguard choral ensembles; American
ever margin.” After school employment:
and water safety instructor Chemical Society Award; High
Aum Champaneri Lifeguard.
aid. Honor Roll all four years of
Free time: Reading; friends;
Free time: Camping; pho- high school. Class rank: 5 Madeline Murray piano.
tography; travel. High school activities: Parents: Trupti and Jayesh Class rank: 6 Most important lesson
Most important lesson Band; chorus; jazz band; Bel Champaneri . Parents: Tonya and Thom- learned: “Take chances and
learned: “Time management. Canto; Art Club; Interact; Future Plans: Attend state as Murray. try something new. It is worth
I learned how important it was peer mentoring; math team; University of Buffalo for bio- Future plans: Attend the it in the long run and helps you
to balance homework, sports, Communications Club; Brain- chemistry and applied mathe- University of Rochester to to stand out.”
clubs, and my free time and stormers. matics on a pre-med track. complete her pre-med stud- Advice for freshmen:
how to use my time effective- Sports: Track and Field. Honors: National Honor ies. She will major in health, “Don’t stress over the small
ly.” Volunteerism: Girl Scouts; Society; Advanced Placement behavior, and society and epi- stuff! I could have saved my-
Advice for freshmen: Venture Scouts. Scholar; Rochester Institute of demiology. self a lot of stress if I could just
“Work hard and try as many Free time: Drawing, paint- Technology Innovation and Honors: National Hon- have taken a step back and
new things as possible since ing, skiing, playing the flute. Creativity Award; Xerox Award or Society (vice president); asked myself if what I was
Avon has so much to offer. In Most important lesson for Innovation and Informa- Clarkson Leadership Award; stressing about was really
the long run getting involved learned: “The importance of tion Technology. Advanced Placement Scholar worth it.”
and trying your best will mean pursuing the things that you High school activities: Tech award; Academic achieve-
the most.” are interested in, and Club; Interscholastic Math ment awards in math, science,
Competition. and psychology.
Sports: Swimming; track High school activities:
and field; cross-country; in- Class of 2021 treasurer; peer See AVON T6
door track.

‘ The importance of pursuing the things

that you are interested in, and maintaining
your hobbies and interests that you have
Volunteerism: Member at
East Avon Fire Department.
Free time: Running; watch-
ing TV; being outdoors; learn-
outside of school. ing new things.
Most important lesson
I learned that it is important to fuel your passions learned: “Due to the way my

and work hard not to lose them. high school experience unfold-
ed, one of the biggest lessons I
AILEEN HARVEY learned was to adapt. I needed
Most important lesson learned in high school to adapt to a remote education;
I had to adapt to a new daily
schedule; I had to adapt to
6 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

From T5

Natalie Masten
Class rank: 7
Parents: Charlene and
Christopher Masten.
Future plans: Attend
Flagler College in St. Augus-
tine, Fla., for business admin-
istration and finance.
Honors: Rochester Insti-
tute of Technology award. Natalie Masten Samantha Phillips
High school activities:
Student Council; Interact; For-
eign Language Club.
Sports: Soccer; basketball;
Volunteerism: Avon Corn
Festival; Special Olympics;
painting for the town; foreign
exchange student hostess; Sal-
vation Army bell ringer.
After school employment:
Avon Property Management.
Free time: Draw; paint; cro-
chet; friends; snowboarding;
surfing; swimming.
Most important lesson Micheal Oldziej Andrew Herberger
learned: “You can’t control
the uncontrollable.” Most important lesson
Advice for freshmen:
“Don’t stress too much and
live in the moment.” ‘You can’t control
what other people do,
but you can control
learned: “Enjoy the little
things in life and school.”
Advice for freshmen: “Plan
out your schoolwork, don’t
Samantha Phillips wait until the last second to do
Class rank: 8
Parents: Traci and Steve
how you react.
Her most important
’ it.”

Andrew Herberger
Future plans: Attend col- high school lesson Class rank: 10
lege at Rochester Institute of Parents: Beth and Jeff Her-
Technology. berger.
Honors: Bausch & Lomb Future plans: Study fire
Honorary Science Award; ac- can control how you react.” protection at Monroe Com-
ademic letter; commendation Advice for freshmen: “Get munity College and become a
for outstanding performance out of your comfort zone.” firefighter.
on PSAT; Rochester Chapter Honors: High honor roll;
of American Chemical Soci- National Honor Society: Rich-
ety Excellence in Chemistry
Michael Oldziej ard A. Holt technology award.
award. Class rank: 9 High school activities:
High school activities: Parents: Justyna and Mari- Student Council; Foreign Lan- AVON CENTRAL SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS
Drama Club; Brainstormers; usz Oldziej. guage Club; Tech Club. With the Avon Central School District auditorium undergoing
Interscholastic Math Compe- Future plans: Study com- Sports: Basketball; golf; renovation last fall and the COVID-19 pandemic placing
tition; Interact. puter engineering at Roches- trap shooting. limits on gatherings and other restrictions, the Choruses &
Sports: Varsity cross-coun- ter Institute of Technology. Volunteerism: Member of Theatre of Avon Central School found a way to continue what
try; varsity tennis. Honors: National Honor East Avon Fire Department. has become a more than 20-year holiday tradition in the
Volunteerism: Girl Scouts; Society; high honor roll; Soph- After school employment: community with its production of the musical “Scrooge.” They
Girls on the Run assistant omore of the Year. Tom Wahl’s created a filmed version with locations in the village. In the
coach. High school activities: Free time: Golf; shooting; top photograph, videographer and Avon Elementary School
After school employment: Math team; Chess Club. weight lifting. fourth-grade teacher Ian Smith (back to camera) set up a shot
Tops Friendly Markets. Sports: Hockey, soccer, Most important lesson with Michael Cullinan as young Scrooge and senior Aileen
Free time: Reading; listen- track. learned: “Time management Harvey as Isabel Fezziwig seated on bench. Observing in back
ing to and making music; knit- Volunteerism: Avon Rotary is very important.” are seniors Emily Krasinski as the Ghost of Christmas Past and
ting and crocheting. Club; helping out my brother’s Advice for freshmen: senior Jonah Cousins as Scrooge. The bottom photograph
Most important lesson hockey team. “Don’t stress about one bad features carolers from “Scrooge” on location at the Avon Inn.
learned: “You can’t control Free time: Programming; grade, it won’t have that much In front is Rose Khoobyar; back, from left, Hannah Cousins,
what other people do, but you learning the Polish language of an effect in the big picture.” senior Maggie Kennell, and Charlotte Dengler.
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 7

Caledonia-Mumford Central School

The Caledonia-Mumford Class of 2021.


Listed below are the can- Sebastian Kresge
didates for graduation in the Nicholas Lenhardt
Caledonia-Mumford Central Summer Lin
School Class of 2021. Dylan Lindsey
Emergson Martelle
Daryna Barkova Maille Martin
Timothy Bessel Faith McFadden
Tyler Brabant Breeanna Mitchell
Allyssa Brochu Aiden Mooney
Carly Cohen Mary Murphy
Isaac Crane Rowan Nothnagle
Tyler Defisher Mason Nusbickel
Noah DeMarco Sydney Palmer
Matthew Dollard
Hunter Parnell
Ethan Donaghue
Emma Perry
Jaden Ellsworth
Emma Efing Abigail Richter
Zoie Engelhardt Brandon Saraceni
Jarrett Flagler Stephanie Sherman
Hannah Foote Haley Sherwood
Elyse Fuller Isabella Simon
Seth Gominiak Mackenzie Stetzenmeyer
Gavin Greene Angelina Swartzenberg
Alexander Hallett Makayla Underwood
Clayton Hill Breonna Vancuren
Members of the Caledonia-Mumford Central School Class of 2021 are shown back in the fifth grade
Brittany Hammond Noah Wilson
posing in the shape of the year in which they were going to graduate high school.
Nathan Howard Dominick Wood
Liviya Kiriyak Olivia Woodward
Evan Klein Katelyn Zehler
8 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

Valedictorian plans career in healthcare

Katelyn Zehler, the daugh- sic courses in high school and – band. In terms of a subject

is the Caledonia-Mumford

ter of Mary and Todd Zehler,

Central School Class of 2021

musical extra-curricular ac-
tivities including having a role
in the high school musical,
that has actually proven to be
surprisingly interesting and I
feel is very useful in regards to
You are your own
best friend and your

valedictorian. pep band at football games, understanding how the world own worst enemy...
Katelyn attends the Health concert band, flute ensemble, works – AP macro and micro
Academy at the Genesee Val- jazz band, marching band, pit economics.”
ley Educational Partnership band – for the musical before BEST HIGH SCHOOL KATELYN ZEHLER
with plans to become a phy- actually taking an acting role. MEMORY: “Performance Advice to underclassmen
sician assistant. Katelyn has a This year she was a cast mem- nights for musical, physics
variety of interests in the med- ber in the Class of 2021 senior parties, and Rowan Nothnagle
ical field, including neurology, play. eating my paper with no warn-
pediatrics, obstetrics and Katelyn is the vice-presi- ing whatsoever in AP world
gynecology and emergency dent of the Caledonia-Mum- history.” time on things that can be
medicine. ford High School National ADVICE TO THE UNDER- postponed and you will have Katelyn Zehler
Katelyn completed several Honor Society. CLASSMEN: “You are your a game plan for what needs
Cal-Mum High School Ad- Her activities extend be- own best friend and your own to be finished before you fall and natural sciences as well as
vanced Placement courses yond the school day as well. worst enemy; your mindset asleep. a master’s degree in physician
while spending half days off Katelyn is involved with her will determine whether or not “Also, not all advice is good assistant science.
campus at the Health Acade- church as an altar server and you get through your work- advice – don’t let people dis-
“I would love to someday
my. She also took many of the volunteers at CHS Mobile In- load, busy schedule, prob- courage you from something
work at Strong Memorial
Genesee Community College tegrated Health. Katelyn also lems in life, etc. Join clubs/ you want.”
POST HIGH SCHOOL Hospital or any of the clinics
courses offered at Cal-Mum works per diem as a medical sports/etc. that suit both your
and online. Her transcript technician at Northern Star hobbies and potential career PLANS: “I will be commuting affiliated with University of
includes numerous courses Medical and part time at Milex interests. to Daemen College in the fall Rochester Medicine. Although
associated with the medical Pharmacy. “When you get really busy, for their accelerated physician I have always thought about
field. FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL do not stress over the big assistant program. neurology, I am also consider-
Katelyn loves music and COURSE: “In terms of atmo- picture. Instead, plan out “In five years, I will work ing pediatrics, obstetrics and
took every opportunity that sphere – physics. In terms and focus on the day’s tasks towards a dual degree – a gynecology, immunology, and
she could to participate in mu- of the actual subject at hand – you will avoid wasting your bachelor’s degree in health emergency medicine.”

Salutatorian to study political science

Abigail Richter, the daugh- ADVICE TO THE UNDER-

2021 salutatorian. ‘
ter of Christopher Richter and
Patricia Richter, is the Class of

As a high school student,

Do the activities that you truly enjoy,
but don’t do so many to the point where
you are unable to enjoy any of them because
CLASSMEN: “Do the activities
that you truly enjoy in high
school, but don’t do so many
to the point where you are
Abby took numerous Ad- unable to enjoy any of them
vanced Placement courses

el courses, which resulted

in her earning an associate

alongside several college-lev-
of how busy you are.

because of how busy you are.”
PLANS: “I will be attending
Her advice to underclassmen college at the (state) Univer-
degree from Genesee Com- sity of Albany with a major in
munity College while still in political science. I am hoping
high school through GCC’s nia-Mumford Central School. enjoyed building a snowman to work in government, pol-
Accelerated College Enroll- FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL that resembled our coach at itics and eventually run for
ment, or ACE, program. Abby COURSE: “AP Economics one practice.” elected office.”
graduated from GCC in May because it helps me under-
2021 and will receive her New Abigail Richter
stand how the economy works
York State Regents diploma at
a student director for the mid- which relates to my interest
Caledonia-Mumford’s com-
mencement on June 25. dle school play for three years. in politics. This class has also
Abby is very active in school She is a member of the Cale- taught me how to be a more
athletics and activities. She donia-Mumford High School educated citizen and eventu-
is a member of the Cal-Mum Student Council, Debate Club ally a voter.”
High School outdoor track and was a cast member for the BEST HIGH SCHOOL
and ield team, indoor track Class of 2021 senior play. MEMORY: “My favorite high
and field team and the soccer Outside of school, Abby is school memory is hanging
team. She has had a role in the an altar server at her church out with my friends in indoor
cast of the high school musical and a volunteer for many ex- track both at practice and at
every year and volunteered as tracurricular events at Caledo- meets. More specifically, I
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 9

Katelyn Zehler

Abigail Richter

Emma Efing
Emma challenged herself
throughout high school with
a variety of Advanced Place-
ment and college credit bear-
ing courses offered at Caledo- Emma Efing Summer Lin Emerson Martelle Matthew Dollard
nia-Mumford High School.
She also participated in just flute buddies who I rarely saw FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL ence. Emerson plans to study Matthew Dollard
about every club and activity outside of band. In addition, COURSE: “My most favorite computer science and engi-
offered at Cal-Mum. I loved being able to play alto courses are definitely Span- neering in college. Matthew, the son of Mat-
Emma is proudest of mak- flute in flute ensemble.” ish, biology, and physics. All He performs in the Cal- thew and Laurie Dollard,
ing Caledonia-Mumford High BEST HIGH SCHOOL these classes have their own Mum High School band. Em- took challenging courses in
MEMORY: “My favorite mem- challenges and were difficult, erson was a member of the ju- addition to many Project Lead
School’s first all-inclusive club
ory from high school was mu- but that is what interested me nior varsity and varsity soccer the Way courses, including
called Spectrum.
sical, both the rehearsals and because it all taught me how and tennis teams throughout “Introduction to Engineering
Emma says by far the ac-
the shows themselves.” to overcome obstacles when I high school. He is president Design,” “Computer Inte-
tivities that she most enjoyed
ADVICE TO THE UNDER- come across them. No matter of the Cal-Mum High School grated Manufacturing,” and
centered on music and acting.
CLASSMEN: “Enjoy the good what field I go into, the lessons “Principles of Engineering.”
She is a member of the band National Honor Society.
moments, no matter how I learn in these classes will PLTW courses yield credit
and chorus and the small en- For the last two years of
small or seemingly unimport- help me wherever I go.” through Rochester Institute of
sembles within each group. high school Emerson has
ant, to help you get through BEST HIGH SCHOOL Technology.
She has had a role in the high completed the stringent re-
the days.” MEMORY: “... when our Matt played junior varsity
school musical throughout all quirements for the New York
POST HIGH SCHOOL Brainstormers team won first and varsity tennis and soccer
four years of high school. Em- State biliteracy seal, which
PLANS: “I will be attending place and we went to McDon- for all four years of high school
ma is a member of the Cale- include successful completion
SUNY Cortland for adolescent alds after.” and sang in the high school
donia-Mumford High School of Levels IV and V Spanish and
history education” ADVICE TO THE UNDER- chorus for two years.
National Honor Society, a high a presentation in Spanish be-
CLASSMEN: “My words of Outside of school, Matthew
honor student and served as fore the biliteracy committee is an altar server at his church
class president in her sopho- Summer Lin advice is that high school can members.
be hard and stressful, but as and volunteers at Foodlink.
more and junior years. Summer, the daughter of Outside of school, Emerson He volunteered for the Parents
Emma is equally as active Shan Bao Lin and Xiu Zhu long as you work hard you will likes to write and produce his
succeed – a little effort is better as Reading Partners festival at
outside of school. She has Liu, chose to take many rig- own music and play chess and the elementary school.
been a member of a dojo for orous courses throughout than none. At the same time video games with his friends.
be thankful for the help that FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL
six years and holds the rank high school, including several FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL COURSE: “My favorite course
of black belt. She often vol- Advanced Placement and the teachers provide, and take COURSE: “Favorite high
advantage of the extracurricu- would have to be ‘Principles of
unteers to teach classes at the college credit-bearing courses school course was Spanish be- Engineering’ because of how
dojo. In the summer, Emma through Genesee Community lar activities that the school of- cause I liked to learn (about)
fers, because you may not get enjoyable the class was. The
volunteersat Genesee Country College. different cultures and a sec- workload was not crazy and
Village & Museum. What Summer is most the same opportunities after ond language is a valuable
high school (never take any- the free snacks made the class
Emma was selected to at- proud of is the five levels of skill.” very nice. The things our class
tend the HOBY (Hugh O’Brian Spanish language classes thing for granted). Remember BEST HIGH SCHOOL
high school is not only about learned were very interest-
Youth Leadership) Seminar, that she took, including the MEMORY: “Playing a song ing, such as the bridges of the
whose mission is to develop advanced level four and five working hard, but also having with my friends for the 2019 world.”
a global community of youth courses, in which she earned fun at the same time.” Seniors for Seniors event.” BEST HIGH SCHOOL
volunteers. She also was cho- GCC credit. She will graduate POST HIGH SCHOOL ADVICE TO THE UNDER- MEMORY: “My favorite high
sen to attend Empire Girls with a New York State bilit- PLANS: “Even though I do not CLASSMEN: “I would advise school memory is winning
State, a program sponsored eracy seal on her diploma, a know where I am attending, I younger students to not skimp tennis sectionals with Emer-
by the NYS American Legion recognition of achieving pro- plan to pursue a major in biol- out on a challenge because the son in our senior year!”
Auxiliary. ficiency in a second language ogy or biochemistry, but not work you put in will definitely ADVICE TO THE UNDER-
Emma is the daughter of Su- other than English. everything is absolutely set.” be useful in whatever you plan CLASSMEN: “Underclassmen
san Price and Vera Efing (“And Summer is a member of the on doing in the future: A chal- should go through the college
my sister who acts like a moth- Ski Club, Spanish Club, Math Emerson Martelle lenge now makes the rest of application process as soon
er, Sarah,” Emma added). Club and Chess Club. She also Emerson, the son of Charles life easier later.” as possible to avoid any dead-
FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL is a Student Council Officer, a Martelle and DeAnna Scar- POST HIGH SCHOOL lines or stress.”
COURSE: “My favorite high member of the Cal-Mum Na- fone, filled his high school PLANS: “I am going to Univer- POST HIGH SCHOOL
school course is band class tional Honor Society, Brain- schedule with challenging sity of California in Irvine for PLANS: “Niagara University
because I love the chance to stormers academic competi- Advanced Placement courses, computer science and engi- for sports management.”
further my skill at the flute tion team and involved with many of them based in math, neering. My goal is a career in
and I loved being with my the yearbook committee. language and computer sci- software development.” See CAL-MUM T10
10 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

From T9

Liviya Kiriyak
Liviya, the daughter of
Ivan and Inna Kiriyak, has
been busy these last couple
of years in high school as she
increased her coursework
with the goal of graduating a
year early – and she success-
fully did so. Liviya would have Liviya Kiriyak Carly Cohen Hannah Foote Rowan Nothnagle
been a graduate of the Class
of 2022 but because of her nia-Mumford’s most chal- his senior year of high school.

focused determination and lenging courses. She is a stu- Make the world more unique Rowan graduated in May 2021
work ethic, she will receive her dent in the Justice Academy at from the Accelerated College
high school diploma in June, the Genesee Valley Education- and more beautiful; there are Enrollment Program at Gen-
al Partnership. esee Community College and
finishing in the Class of 2021
Top Ten.
After high school, Liviya
would like to become a reg-
After high school, Carly has
her sights set on a law career.
She will be attending the state
incredible things waiting for you.

’ received a degree in liberal
arts and natural science. On
June 25, he will receive his
istered nurse specializing in University of Albany to major Advice to underclassmen high school diploma from
neonatal care. She will study in political science. Caledonia-Mumford High
nursing at SUNY Brockport. Carly took Spanish IV and V, School.
placing in sectionals alongside was portfolio art. It was the
Liviya is involved in athlet- which are Genesee Commu- Rowan, the son of Den-
them.” most creative course I have
ics and played on the soccer, nity College courses, and has nis and Tamara Nothnagle,
ADVICE TO THE UNDER- taken in the past four years
tennis and track teams. She earned a New York State bilit- was active in a variety of
CLASSMEN: “My advice to and allowed me to focus on
has been part of the high eracy seal on her high school school activities, including
the underclassmen would be: my art, which is what I am
school musical each year and diploma. This accomplish- competing on the ICE Team
If a teacher offers you special most passionate about.”
is a member of the ski club. ment will be very useful in her (English competition) and
future law career. help or is constantly on you BEST HIGH SCHOOL Math competitions. He is a
This year, Liviya was a mem-
Carly kept busy after school about late work/grades, be MEMORY: “My favorite mem- member of the high school
ber of the Class of 2021 senior
by being on the soccer, indoor appreciative and respectful. ories happened with being music program, playing in
play cast.
and outdoor track and softball Teachers are not required to part of the musical (when we the concert and marching
Outside of school, Liv is ac-
teams. She also participated go out of their way for you and still had them).” bands, jazz Eensemble and
tive in her church youth group
and volunteers for its vacation in ski club and the high school they just want to see you suc- ADVICE TO THE UNDER- other small ensembles. He is
bible school. debate club. Carly was also in ceed. They’re not nagging you; CLASSMEN: “Put as much ef- also sang in chorus, served
FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL the cast of the Class of 2021 they’re most likely worried fort as possible into things you as class vice-president and
COURSE: “My favorite high senior play. about you.” are really passionate about. In is a member of the Cal-Mum
school course would most She works at Pizza Land. the long run, the things that High School National Honor
likely be Algebra II with Ms. She and her stepmother foster
Hannah Foote make you happy are far more Society.
DiTucci because it made sense kittens through the SPCA. Hannah, the daughter of important than the tedious Rowan’s after school activ-
and there were answers for all FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL Chris and Sandra Foote, filled courses that don’t really in- ities include studying vocal
the problems you would come COURSE: “My favorite cours- her high school days with a rig- spire you. Be more creative music with a private teacher
across. Another class that I es aren’t actually ‘high school orous schedule of Advanced and spontaneous, and most and tutoring students in biol-
loved was exercise physiology courses,’ but they were offered Placement courses and school importantly take care of ogy.
with Mr. Henry because it was to me when I was in high activities. Hannah is a talent- yourself and others. Make the FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL
so interesting to learn how to school, they are my Justice ed artist and has taken a full world more unique and more COURSE: “World history, I
take care of sports injuries and Academy courses, specifically range of art classes offered at beautiful; there are incredible loved all of the different games
a super fun class that I looked an introduction to paralegal Cal-Mum High School. Her things waiting for you.” and activities we got to do in
forward to every day.” studies. This is because I find artwork was featured this year POST HIGH SCHOOL those classes.”
BEST HIGH SCHOOL it the most interesting because in the Start Here exhibit at RIT. PLANS: “I want to go to col- BEST HIGH SCHOOL
MEMORY: “My favorite mem- it actually pertains to a field I Hannah participates in lege for art. I am still undecid- MEMORY: “My team placing
ory was Homecoming week would like to get into and I was several extracurricular activ- ed on where I want to go, but third at ICE competition in
because it was full of school good at it. It also allowed me to ities such as Odyssey of the the top contestants are Naza- 2020.”
spirit, lots of fun, and every- participate in mock trials and Mind, the high school musical reth and Brockport. I plan to ADVICE TO THE UNDER-
body was always together.” debates which I find really fun and Brainstormers academic start selling my art and hope CLASSMEN: “Join and do as
ADVICE TO THE UNDER- and actually beneficial for my competition team. She is a to live in a house in the woods many things as you can in
CLASSMEN: “Don’t make a future career. The professor member of the Cal-Mum High where I own many exotic pets, high school because you will
big deal out of little things.” is also a fantastic teacher who School Student Council and and I want to travel as much of miss the things you never got
has helped me improve my the National Honor Society. the world as I can.” to do.”
Carly Cohen skills enormously.” Outside of school, Hannah POST HIGH SCHOOL
Carly, the daughter of BEST HIGH SCHOOL enjoys doing her artwork, tak- Rowan Nothnagle PLANS: “I am going to SUNY
Dennis Cohen and Amanda MEMORY: “My best high ing care of her pet rabbits and Back in middle school Environmental Science and
Smith-Cohen, and Michelle school experience so far was skateboarding. Rowan chose an academic Forestry) for biochemistry to
Cohen, has successfully going to sectionals twice with FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL path that would earn him an hopefully going into a like field
completed many of Caledo- my indoor track team and COURSE: “My favorite course associate degree by the end of studies.”
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 11

Dansville Central School

The Dansville Central School Class of 2021.

Hannah R. LaPlant
Valedictorian to study chemistry
Class list
Listed are the candidates James J. Crissy
Seth M. Malone
Aiden M. Mangano-Mays
Taylor J. Mann
Valkyrie Gibson, valedicto-
rian for the Dansville Central
for graduation in the Dansville Haley M. Derrenbacher Nicolle L. Mason School Class of 2021, is the
Central School Class of 2021. Michelle A. Dinehart Emma E. Masten daughter of Samantha Gibson,
Kyrstin E. Fierle Serena E. Mayoliz and Andrew Gibson.
Kayla N. Abbott Hannah J. Forrester Dimitri A. Megliore Valkyrie is a member of
Michael A. Adams Autumn S. Foster Jocelyn H. Miller National Honor Society. She
Lillia J. Anderson Ryan F. Frazer Natalie R. Mosko takes gymnastics, plays violin,
Teah C. Arriaga Owen S. Fredericy Carter T. Mundt competed in the Interscholas-
Stephen A. Balconi Ryleigh M. Fronk Morgan M. Nolan tic Competition in English, is a
William R. Barrett Olivia R. George Aidan S. O’Connor member of band and chorus,
Timothy R. O’Toole and Just Kids. She’s earned
Sawyer B. Barron Danielle J. Geyer
Savannah T. Parsons Script D, Honor Roll, and
Logan J. Bell Valkyrie J. Gibson
Steven C. Petrillo-Rosell the Chemistry Achievement
Rayvin A. Bigler Parker Gleason
Karsten C. Petti Award.
Cierra M. Bosley Jonah S. Gray Annaliese C. Petti She plans to attend Boston
Jadyn L. Bosley Skyler M. Hanna Caleb C. Pruden Valkyrie Gibson
University to study chemistry.
Jacques F. Boula Jr Abigail H. Harrington Kameron D. Rapp
Felicity E. Bracy Ambrea N. Hartson Mia E. Rivera
Gavin T. Brooks Jasmine E. Helles
Mackensie R. Brown Zachariah B. Hilligus
Anthony E. Rosario
Tiana R. Rowley
Salutatorian to
Nathan E. Brown Skylar C. Hinrich
John P. Brushafer Kenya M. Hooks
Emily C. Schleyer
Collin W. Simons
enter cosmetology
Savannah L. Burley Nate D. Houghtaling Michael J. Suydam Salutatorian Abbey Young is
Tylar J. Butters Matthieu V. Howe Augustus T. Swyers the daughter of Mike and Amy
Cameron E. Caffarelli Michelle Jefferson Michael A. Thomas Young.
Sarah R. Canfield Brooke E. Johnson-Boser Savannah L. Tucker Abbey participates in dance
Ryan M. Carnevale Mackenzie L. Johnson-Boser Bethany R. Wadsworth at the Dansville Dance Acad-
Cameron R. Cartwright Logan S. Kanaval Jacob T. Wearkley emy. She’s earned Script D,
Dominick D. Coombs Caeleb L. Kendall Colton T. Wentworth is on honor roll, and is the re-
Jasmine L. Corbin Kiersten J. Kennedy Carlie L. Wilson cipient of art awards from the
Jonah W. Cottone Nathan R. LaFaye Logan X. Young Livingston County Art Show
Makayla C. Cox Jadan V. LaFever Abbey M. Young and RIT. She plans to enter the
Shane M. Crandall Trinity A. Landon Arayana U. Young Abbey Young cosmetology business.
12 • June 2021 Graduation 2021


Kayla Abbott Teah Arriaga Stephen Balconi Jacques Boula Jr. Savannah Burley

Valkyrie Gibson Stephen Balconi

Valedictorian Stephen Balconi, son of
Steven Balconi and Jeanette
Balconi, is a member of the
Abbey Young Tech Club.
Salutatorian Stephen earned Script D,
and the Core Value Award. He
Dansville Central School was an honor roll student.
recognizes its top 10 percent Stephen plans to work on
of the senior class as honor pit bikes and install commer-
seniors. The remaining honor cial hood fans.
seniors are listed in alphabeti-
cal order.
Jacques Boula Jr.
Kayla Abbott Jacques Boula Jr., son of
Kayla Abbott, daughter of Dawn Cox and Jacques Boula, Ryan Frazer Michelle Jefferson Brooke Johnson-Boser
Lisa and Toby Abbott, played is a member of National Hon-
varsity sports and is class trea- or Society and trap club.
Jacques is the recipient of
was secretary; National Junior Ryan Frazer Michelle Jefferson
surer. Honor Society, National Art
Kayla is a member of Na- the Presidential Scholarship Honor Society. Pony Express, Ryan Frazer, son of Barb Michelle Jefferson is the
tional Honor Society, National Award and was named Stu- and DANUA staf. She is vice and Graham Frazer, plans to daughter of Zofia Swiderek
Art Honor Society and the mu- dent of the Month. president of the Class of 2021. attend Iowa State University and Wesley Jefferson. Michelle
sical theater club. Jacques plans to attend She played varsity soccer, in Ames, Iowa, to study agri- is a member of National Hon-
Kayla is the recipient of college. varsity golf, girls’ varsity track culture engineering. or Society, National Art Honor
multiple Script D awards and and field. Ryan was a member of the Society, ICE and art club. She
has been on the honor roll for Savannah Burley Savannah was a delegate to swim team, golf team, football was also a member of the
many years. She’s received six 2020 Girls State Delegate. She team, trap club, archery club, varsity girls’ swim team. She
school-based scholarships. Savannah Burley, daughter and president of National earned Script D and Varsity D
is the recipient of Script D and
She plans to attend SUNY of Tracy Burley and Bill Burley, Honor Society. awards, and was on honor roll.
Varsity D awards, Core Values
Alfred to study nursing. plans to attend SUNY Geneseo He earned Varsity D, Script Michelle plans to earn her
Award, Scholar Athlete Award,
to study early childhood edu- D, LCAA All Star, Wegmans bachelor’s degree in computer
Gold Bar Award, President’s
Teah Arriaga cation.
Education Award, and leader- Athlete of the Month, and science from the state Univer-
Savannah is a member of Rotary Student of the Month sity at Buffalo.
Teah Arriaga, daughter of ship awards. She was also an
the Lighthouse Team, Nation- awards,
Carlos Arriaga and Amy Mack- honor roll student.
al Honor Society, where she See DANSVILLE T13
enrodt, played girls soccer and
indoor track.
Teah was a member of
drumline. She also coaches
She earned the Core Value
Award, Sectional Patch, Ex-
ceptional Senior Award, Varsi-
ty D, and Script D awards. She
was an honor roll student.
Teah plans to attend Finger
Lakes Community College to
study physical education and
exercise science.
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 13

From T12

Brooke Johnson-Boser
Brooke Johnson-Boser,
daughter of Mike and Amy
Teeter, plans to attend SUNY
Alfred to pursue her degree in
veterinary technology
Brooke is a member of Na-
tional Honor Society, National
Junior Honor Society, Pony
Express, and Honors Acade-
my. She also played softball, Kiersten Kennedy Taylor Mann Jocelyn Miller Timothy O’Toole
and soccer.
She’s earned Script D and
Varsity D awards, a Gold Bar,
and the SWARTS Award. She
was an honor roll student.
Kiersten Kennedy
Kiersten Kennedy, daugh-
ter of Bobbie Jacobs and Paul
Kennedy, is a member of Na-
tional Honor Society, National
Junior Honor Society, and
yearbook staff.
She played varsity sports,
including volleyball, basket-
ball, and softball.
Kiersten earned Script D,
Varsity D, and was an honor Emily Schleyer Bethany Wadsworth
roll student.
awards. She was softball ath- was a three-time LCAA all-
She’s the recipient of the
lete of the month, and a high star, and Varsity D.
Rochester Institute of Tech-
nology Computing Medal, honor roll student. He is the recipient of the
Rochester American Chemical University at Albany Residen-
Jocelyn Miller tial Scholarship and the Uni-
Society Award, and the RIT
Presidential Scholarship. Jocelyn Miller, daughter of versity at Albany Academic
Kiersten plans to attend RIT Joetta Miller and Thomas Mill- Distinction Scholarship.
to major in accounting. er, plays soccer, golf, and track Timothy plans to attend the
and field. University at Albany.
Taylor Mann Joceyln is in band and
chorus. She’s a member of Emily Schleyer
Taylor Mann, daughter of
Aimee Zimmer and Timothy National Honor Society and Emily Schleyer, daughter of
Mann, will attend Monroe National Junior Honor Soci- Hayley Schleyer, is vice pres-
Community College to major ety. Jocelyn earned Script D ident of National Art Honor
in entrepreneurship and ap- and Varsity D awards, and was Society and the Class of 2021
plied business studies. Taylor an honor roll student. public relations officer.
hopes to open her own hair She is the recipient of the Emily has received multiple GENESEE VALLEY COUNCIL ON THE ARTS PHOTOGRAPH
salon. Presidential Award, Core Val- ribbons for her art. She was This drawing by Michelle Jefferson of Dansville was awarded
She played junior varsity ue Award, and the New York given a citizenship award at the director’s choice award at the Genesee Valley Council on the
and varsity volleyball, LAVA State Public High School Ath- the start of her high school ca- Arts’ Scholastic Art Show in April. The director’s choice award is
volleyball, varsity swimming letic Association Scholar-Ath- reer. She was gifted a $28,000 presented to a piece that demonstrates very high skill level and
and diving, varsity cheerlead- lete Award. Jocelyn plans to scholarship to Cazenovia Col- stands out from the other pieces, said GVCA Executive Director
ing, junior varsity and varsity attend SUNY Geneseo for lege. She’s also been an honor Deborah Bump. The detail in Michelle’s portrait “was extremely
softball, and was a member of adolescent education: social roll student. impressive and it demonstrated a clear understanding of artistic
Webster Extreme Volleyball. studies 7 to 12. Emily plans to attend Ca- elements,” Bump said.
She was a member of cho- zenovia College to major in
rus in grades 9 to 12, yearbook,
Timothy O’Toole interior design.
and dance. She donated and Timothy O’Toole, son of come a registered nurse. leyball.
wrote a children’s book, was a Roger and Leah O’Toole, is a Bethany Wadsworth Bethany was a member She earned Script D, Varsity
member of Pony Express and member of National Honor Bethany Wadsworth, of National Honor Society, D and University of Roches-
worked a part-time job. Society, the golf team, swim daughter of Judi Wadsworth National Junior Honor Soci- ter Bausch & Lomb Science
Taylor earned Script D, team, and band. and Derek Wadsworth, plans ety, Pony Express leader, and awards. She was an honor roll
Varsity D and Scholar-Athlete Timothy earned Script D, to attend SUNY Alfred and be- dance. She played varsity vol- student.
14 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

Geneseo Central School

The Geneseo Central School Class of 2021.


Listed below are the can- Gary Converse Alexander McLean
didates for graduation in the Jacob DiFranco Jacob Meyer
Geneseo Central School Class McKenzie Feenaughty Finn Robertson
of 2021. Aidan Ferguson Daniel Rodger
Graduation is scheduled for Patrick Footer Raymond Salters
June 26. Jeniffer Forshee-Ryan Lainey Scoville
Jacob French Brennan Smith
Bradley Adams Tainairis Garcia Rodriguez Matthew Stout
Arianna Baxter Kyle Gardner
Abbigail Sullivan
Daisy Berling Amaria Green-Tompkins
Amabella Sykes
Nicholas Brady Olivia Gulesano
Tyler Szczesniak
McKayla Bugbee Faith Hainsworth
Zachary Bzduch Hope Tallon
Adeline Capel Keven Haywood James Thomas Geneseo’s Mary Chanler won first prize in the dramatic
Nichole Carman Tara Jeffords Jacqueline VanCassele interpretation category at the 2021 Interscholastic
Olivia Videtti Competition in English to help Geneseo Central defend its ICE
Hunter Carr Nicholas Jopson
Christian Villodas Garcia Cup title. The event, a celebration of the English Language
Mary Chanler Makayla Knights Arts, finds students from competing school districts matching
Mia Cicoria-Timm Abigail Kreher Michael Walton
their skills in writing, analysis and recitation. Other individual
Angelita Clark Nicholas Lamb Marissa Weaver awards among Geneseo seniors included Addy Capel (fifth,
Amber Clarke Ainsley Lyons Caden Willis interpretation of literature), Jacob French (first, creative
Emily Colegrove Rachelle Main Adam Wright writing), and Finn Robertson (fifth, creative writing).
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 15

Valedictorian continuing studies at Cornell

Adeline “Addy” Capel, the place in the 500m (2020);
daughter of Kate and Michael
Capel, is the valedictorian for
the Geneseo Central School
District’s graduating Class of

You will never know what you are
capable of until you challenge yourself.

team captain (2020-2021),
varsity track (2018-present),
County All-Star (2018), sec-
tional qualifier (2018), team
2021. ADELINE CAPEL captain (2021).
Addy plans on attending Most important lessons learned in high school Extra-Curricular Activities:
Cornell University in the fall High school chorus, All-State
where she will major in bio- Chorus (2020), high school
chemistry. arships: Livingston County country (2017-2020), County band, treasurer, drama club.
Of the most important Youth Bureau Teen Recogni- All-Star (2017, 2018, 2019, Community Activities and
lesson she learned while at tion Award (2020) , AP Scholar New York State Public High Services: Claire’s Colorful 5K,
Geneseo Central School, Addy Award (2020) , Notre Dame School Athletic Association Claire’s Closet, and church
said: “You will never know Club of Rochester Junior of the State competitor (2018, 2019), volunteering.
what you are capable of until Year Award (2020) , College NYSPHSAA Section V Sports- Employment: School life- Adeline “Addy” Capel
you challenge yourself.” Board Rural and Small Town manship Award (2019), team guard, barista/baker at Little
Here’s a capsule look at Ad- National Recognition Pro- captain (2018-present); varsity Lake Brewing. Advice for Freshmen:
dy’s high school achievements gram (2020), National Merit swimming (2017-present), Personal Interests: Run- “Reach for the sky, but don’t
and activities: Scholarship Finalist (2020). sectional qualifier (2019, ning, hiking, biking, kayaking, forget to have fun along the
Honors/Awards/Schol- Athletics: Varsity cross 2020), sectional finalist, sixth baking/cooking. way!”

Salutatorian to study film production

Jacob French, the son of ety (2019-2021); Eagle Scout 5th grade), and volunteer at
Bryan and Marion French, is
the salutatorian for the Gen-
eseo Central School District’s
(2020); Odyssey of the Mind
(Ranatra Fusca Award, 2020;
second place at world finals,
the food pantry.
Employment: Freelance
video work ‘ Find something
you’re passionate
graduating Class of 2021.
Jacob, who has made sev-
eral short films while in high
school, including the Novem-
2020; five-time world finalist).
Athletics: Varsity swim-
ming (9th-12th grade).
Extra-Curricular Activities:
Personal Interests: Film-
making, hiking, camping,
Important Lesson Learned
about ...
Advice for freshmen
ber 2020 Digie Award winner Drama Club (since 6th grade), While at GCS: “Asking ques-
“Doors,” will continue his film Odyssey of the Mind (since tions is more important than Jacob French
studies in college. French will kindergarten), National Hon- knowing answers.”
attend Rochester Institute of or Society (10th-12th), band Advice for Freshmen: “Find
Technology where he will ma- (9th-12th), chorus (12th), something you’re passionate
jor in film production. Pitchforks (12th). about and take as many op- Congratulatons to the Senior
Here’s a capsule look at Community Activities and portunities to do it as possi-
Jacob’s high school achieve- Services: Boy Scouts (since ble.”
Class of 2021!
ments and activities:
ships: Rochester Broadway
Theater League “Stars of To-
morrow NYC Bound,” round
two finalist (2021), Rochester
Teen Film Festival (best di-
rector, 2018; best actor, 2019),
Interscholastic Competition
in English (first place creative
writing, 2020-2021), Wyoming
County Arts Council (two jury
prizes for film, 2016 and 2019),
Rod Serling Film Festival (Best
6-8 Film 2015), Quad Cities
Playwright Festival (official se-
lection 2020), Genesee Valley
Educational Partnership Digi-
tal Media Festival, the “Digies”
(top three video, 2013, 2015-
2020); National Honor Soci-
16 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

Adeline “Addy” Capel

Jacob French

Abby Kreher
Class Rank: 3.
Parents: Sheri and Paul
Future Plans: Abby plans
to attend SUNY Binghamton.
She is undecided on a major.
Honors/Awards/Scholar- Abby Kreher Mia Cicoria-Timm Amber Clarke Nicholas Lamb
ships: Secretary of the Nation-
al Honor Society. stressful moment out of thou- Extra-Curricular Activities:
sands of others, and in the A member of the National
Athletics: Varsity soccer
(Grades 9-12), and varsity
track (Grades 9 & 10). ‘ Learn not to stress over the little things
because the likelihood of them
end, isn’t really doesn’t define
you as a whole.”
Honor Society, percussionist
in the Geneseo Central School
Band, and bass vocalist in the
Community Activities
and Services: Premier Soccer
Team (Rochester Futbol Club)
from grades 6-11.
mattering in the future is very small.

’ Nicholas Lamb
Class Rank: 6.
Parents: Craig and Janet
GCS Chorus.
Community Activities or
Services: Designed and led
Employment: Tim Hortons. An important lesson she learned in high school the construction of a 40-foot
Personal Interests: Lamb barefoot sensory pathway at
Spending time outdoors with Future Plans: Nicholas KidStart in Mount Morris for
friends. plans to attend the University his Eagle Scout project, Oak
Important Lesson Learned and shopping. Services: Girl Scouts (K-4), of Pittsburgh to study finance Tree Half Marathon volun-
While at GCS: “Improvement Important Lesson Learned American Legion, Honeoye and accounting. teer, Temple Hill Cemetery
only happens when you chal- while at GCS: “Learn not to Community Band in 9th Honors/Awards/Scholar- clean-up volunteer, Geneseo
lenge yourself.” stress over the little things grade, Strollin for Colon Walk ships: Eagle Scout for Gen- Air Show volunteer, National
Advice for Freshmen: because the likelihood of them (face painting), volunteers eseo Boy Scout Troop 4070, Honor Society senior citizen
“Don’t take anything too seri- mattering in the future is very at Promise Land Child Care AP Scholar, 2021 Livingston breakfast, Geneseo Summer
ously and have fun!” small.” Center. County Teen Recognition Festival Rotary concession
Advice for Freshmen: Employment: Wegmans. Award, 2020 Dartmouth stand volunteer, Geneseo
“Branch out. Join new clubs, Personal Interests: Draw- College Book Award, 2020
Mia Cicoria-Timm try new sports, or even reach Rochester Institute of Tech- See GENESEO T17
ing, reading, fishing, camping,
Class Rank: 4. out to new people!” and sitting by a campfire. nology Award, High School
Parents: Amy Cicoria and Important Lesson Learned High Honor Roll, each quarter
Andrew Timm While at GCS: “To accept 2016-Present; 2021 Section V Congratulations
Amber Clarke
Future Plans: Mia plans to my fate and to have fun. Life Interscholastic Boys Varsity Class of 2021
attend SUNY Binghamton to Class Rank: 5. is short and high school is a Basketball Scholarship Award;
study psychology. Parents: Steven and Heath- once-in-a-lifetime opportu- 2021 Geneseo Central School
Honors/Awards/Scholar- er Clarke. nity, whatever happens, hap- “Blue Devil Award”; 2021 Var-
ships: Vice president of the Future Plans: Amber plans pens, live and have fun while sity Boys Basketball “Team”
Class of 2021, National Honor to attend SUNY Oswego where you can.” Award.
Society vice president (junior she will major in biology and Advice for Freshmen: “Al- Athletics: Nicholas is a
year), National Honor Society minor in zoology. though it may seem like a big three-sport varsity athlete in
treasurer (senior year), Day of Honors/Awards/Scholar- deal at the moment, it really is football, basketball, and base-
Caring representative. ships: National Honor Soci- only one grade, one exam, one ball.
Athletics: Soccer. ety, National Junior Honor
Community Activities and Society, All-County Senior
Services: Helped to coach mi- High Band, “Personality Plus”
cro soccer and soccer camp, for Senior Superlative, SUNY
sang and baked cookies at
Morgan Estates, bell ringing at
Oswego Presidential Scholar-
Julie Pangrazio
Walmart, cemetery clean up, Athletics: Junior varsity and Licensed Associate Broker
worked the concession stand varsity volleyball, and junior (585) 469-8880
and kept the book at basket- varsity and varsity softball.
ball games. Extra-Curricular Activities:
Employment: Retail associ- Played clarinet in the pit band
ate at TJ Maxx. for “Matilda,” and participat-
Personal Interests: Hiking, ed in the marching band. 81 Main St., Geneseo
(585) 243-3811
biking, reading, embroidering, Community Activities and
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 17

From T16

Farm Toy Show volunteer,

Geneseo Food Pantry vol
unteer, member of Geneseo
United Methodist Church,
Employment: Lifeguard at
Geneseo Central School, dish-
washer at Leisure’s Restaurant
in Lakeville, and lawn and gar-
den employee at Wal-Mart.
Personal Interests:
Camping, fishing, whistling,
Olivia Gulesano Rachelle Main Matthew Stout Olivia Videtti
and playing basketball with
Employment: Merchandise Olivia Videtti
Important Lesson Learned

associate at TJ Maxx. Don’t fear the future. Moving on from the
While at GCS: “Perseverance Class Rank: 10.
is one of the key aspects of be- Personal Interests: Dance,
club soccer, skiing, reading, only routine you’ve ever known can be Parents: Shannon and Jason
ing successful.” Videtti.
Advice for Freshmen: “Be and golf. uncomfortable and full of uncertainty, Future Plans: Attend the
involved and take advantage Important Lesson Learned
but the future only holds more growth, state University at Buffalo to
of the time you have in high while at GCS: “Don’t fear
study architecture.

school.” the future. Moving on from friends, and experiences for you to explore. Honors/Awards/Scholar-
the only routine you’ve ever
ships: Area All-State Chorus,
known can be uncomfortable OLIVIA GULESANO All-County Chorus, St. Mi-
Olivia Gulesano and full of uncertainty, but An important lesson learned while in high school chael’s College Book Award.
Class Rank: 7. the future only holds more Athletics: Varsity track and
Parents: James and Kristine growth, friends, and experi- junior varsity soccer.
Gulesano. ences for you to explore.” ety. Honors/Awards/Scholar- Extracurricular Activities:
Future Plans: Olivia will Advice for Freshmen: Community Activities or ships: Bausch and Lomb Hon- Drama Club, Pitchforks, Na-
attend the University of Day- “Never be afraid to ask for Services: Dance, orary Science Award. tional Honor Society, National
ton (Ohio) in the fall with the help! The teachers at Geneseo Employment: Subway. Athletics: Junior varsity and Junior Honor Society.
hopes of completing a 5-year are incredible and they will Personal Interests: Danc- varsity soccer, junior varsity Community Activities or
program to get her bachelor’s inconvenience their schedule ing and reading. Services: Claire’s Colorful 5K,
and varsity basketball, junior
and complete law school. any day of the week to help Important Lesson Learned Claire’s Closet, dance assistant
varsity and varsity golf.
Honors/Awards/Scholar- you out. Take advantage of the While at GCS: “Not every- teacher.
Extracurricular Activities:
ships: University of Rochester resources they offer you and thing will go as planned and Employment: Foggy Bot-
National Honor Society and
Frederick Douglass and Susan always strive to turn in your learning to go with the flow is tom Farms.
best work.” National Junior Honor Soci-
B. Anthony Award and schol- important.” Personal Interests: Dance
arship, National Honor Soci- Advice for Freshmen: classes, summer soccer, chil-
ety, National Junior Honor So- Community Activities or
Rachelle Main “Don’t stress about your dren’s choir, singing, and play-
ciety, BPT Committee: student Services: National Honor
grades in school, just do your ing the ukulele.
body representative. Class Rank: 8. Society-related community Important Lesson Learned
best and it will be okay.”
Athletics: Junior varsity and Parents: Frances Main. service activities. while at GCS: “Never give up.
varsity soccer, junior varsity Future Plans: Rachelle Important Lesson Learned No matter how hard you think
and varsity golf. plans to attend SUNY Gen- Matthew Stout while at GCS: “It doesn’t really something is going to be don’t
Extra-Curricular Activities: eseo. She is undecided on her Class Rank: 9. matter what grade you get on give up on it.”
Earthwise, Student Council, major. Parents: Brian and Shelley an assignment, all that mat- Advice for Freshmen:
Foreign Language Club. Athletics: Girls’ varsity Stout. ters is that you’ve learned the “Don’t be afraid to take that
Community Activities or soccer. Future Plans: Matthew information.” first step. If you’re not sure if
Services: Salvation Army bell Extra-Curricular Activities: plans to attend SUNY Bing- Advice for Freshmen: “Start you can do something just take
ringing, Teresa House Walk, National Honor Society, and hamton where he will major in working hard early because it that first step and it will get eas-
Claire’s Colorful 5K. National Junior Honor Soci- physics and chemistry. will pay off in the long run.” ier from there.”


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Dairy, Denny’s Restaurant,
Kwik Fill, Livingston County
News, Mobil, 7-11, Walmart,
THE LCN AT: Groveland Post
IN RETSOF YOU CAN BUY THE 3225 Genesee Street, Piffard, NY • 585-243-4260
AT: Dollar General.
18 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

And the shows go on

Geneseo students bring ‘Little Women’ to live audience
By BEN BEAGLE eyes, eyebrows and body lan- guage needed to “do all the work
When the Geneseo Central to convey your emotions,” Addy
School Drama Club performed explained.
“Little Women: The Broadway The actors took the challenges
Musical” in the school audito- in stride.
rium in March, Jo, Marmee and “At the core of it all, it’s still
the sisters had a live audience go performing,” said Jacob. “While
on the journey with them. some of the nuances of our per-
“It means the world to be able formances might be a little dif-
to do a show in any capacity this ferent than they would normally
year, and I feel so fortunate to be, I don’t see the protocols
be able to do this show for a live as much of a hindrance in the
audience,” said senior Jacob grand scheme of things.
French, who plays Laurie, Jo’s “I don’t think the socially
suitor. “I’ve really missed per- distant staging and masks will in
forming in front of the people any way detract from the show
and the connection that I as a as a whole and the joy of live
performer get to have with the theater,” said Jacob, who will be
audience; there’s really nothing majoring in film production at
like it.” Rochester Institute of Technolo-
Geneseo was among the first gy in the fall.
schools in the area to stage show DeBell chose a production
in front of a live audience as with a smaller cast so that stag-
COVID-19-related restrictions ing would allow for physical
on gatherings were beginning distancing. She also chose a title
to ease. The Drama Club also that had orchestral tracks avail-
offered the production virtually able since she would not have
through a live stream for those room for live musicians in addi-
unable to attend in-person. tion to cast and crew.
The production, based on Perhaps, most significantly,
Louisa May Alcott’s classic nov- DeBell selected a show that
el, follows the story of the March came with the rights to be able
sisters as they come of age in GENESEO CENTRAL SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPH
to pivot to either a streamed or
Civil War America. The four March sisters – aspiring writer Jo (Mary Chanler), romantic Meg (Ayla Ray), overly-sensitive
Amy (Poppy Thomas), and kind-hearted Beth (Adeline Capel) as well as their beloved Marmee
pre-recorded performance -
But getting cast and crew to something not every musical
opening night was a journey of (Regina Cucchiara) – weave a tale of love and family in the Geneseo Central School Drama Club’s
title makes provisions for, she
its own. production of “Little Women: The Broadway Musical.”
The production was always
Beth, one of the four March the physical contact that you’d than in previous shows.” “I didn’t want to take the
planned to stream the show,
sisters. typically see in a show, especially Added Mary Chanler, who risk that we’d put in all the time
with hopes of being able to
“The recent news that we during dances or emotional mo- plays aspiring writer Jo March: and effort and then not get to
perform before an audience of
about 50 while following guide- are permitted to perform for ments was curtailed. “Diction and facial expressions perform in any capacity due to
lines for social gatherings. Last live audiences has made this The show, as scripted, in- COVID,” DeBell said. “I believe
are very important when you are
week, those guidelines were process even more rewarding,” cludes several kisses and hugs. such companies are very pleased
on stage, so wearing a mask, we that theater is happening, albeit
loosened, allowing for social said Addy, who plans to attend “Those are not happening,” had to be even more expressive
gatherings of up to 100 people, a Cornell University to study bio- DeBell said. “However, I think differently, in high schools.”
chemistry. we’ve worked really hard to not in our words and actions.”
number that must also include With half their face covered, See SHOWS T19
the students on stage and in Cast and crew made numer- undermine the emotion by not
tech jobs. That allows for an ous adjustments due to the on- having that type of contact.”
audience of 80, which will be going COVID-19 pandemic. Students were coached “to be
subject to temperature checks, Rehearsals included tempera- bigger in their approach to their
socially-distanced seating, and ture checks, hand sanitizing, characterizations,” DeBell said,
required to wear face masks, cleaning of any materials that including being aware of using
among other safety protocols. might be shared, and general their eyes, postures and gestures
“Drama Club has been such a increased cleaning and vigilance to communication emotions.
big part of my life for all of mid- regarding spacing and contact, “The biggest challenge was
dle school and high school and it said director Bettina DeBell. adjusting to acting with a mask,”
is incredibly gratifying to be able On stage, the actors were said Addy. “It’s harder to under- Chris Saunders
more spaced out - it is, after all, stand someone when they are
to put on one last production for LIC ASSOC RE BROKER
81 Main Street, Geneseo NY 14454
the community with some of my a socially distanced production speaking or singing with a mask
closest friends,” said senior Addy - wore masks at all times - even on, so diction was something I C: 233-0440
Capel, who plays kind-hearted while singing - and gloves, and have had to focus on much more
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 19

that, when they get an oppor- be the ‘COVID musical,’ “ said year (being shut down a week nothing short of miraculous. So
Shows tunity, they show how resilient
and how talented they are. That
artistic director Jesse Epps.
Added musical director Sarah
before opening night) takes
great strength. To dive back in
when I hear someone say ‘Kids
these days...,’ I hope they follow
From T18 has been our goal with this pro- White: “To even set foot back on as they have done with the same it with ‘are absolutely incredi-
duction. We didn’t want this to stage after the heartbreak of last commitment and passion is ble.’ ”
Mary Chanler, who plans
to major in sociology at Ithaca
College, said she was grateful to
have an opportunity to perform.
“It’s a privilege to be able to
perform with so many talented
A sincere Thank You to the following businesses, organizations
people,” she said. “I’m thankful
for our directors, Mrs. DeBell
and Miss (Lindsey) Howard.
and individuals for their contribution to this year’s
Their hard work makes it possi-
ble for us to have one last oppor-
tunity to perform at Geneseo.”
For the students, it was one
more unique step in their jour-
ney through high school.
“On the surface, this year is
clearly a very big change from
previous years. Masking, wear-
ing gloves and social distancing
while performing theater is not
something we’ve ever had to
deal with before. And the neces-
sary health and safety measures
presented various challenges
that we have worked to over-
come,” Addy said. “However,
these changes are rather minor
in that we have been able to col-
laborate with our fellow students
to put together an incredible
production, just the same as we
have done in previous years.”
American Rock Salt Hainsworth Farms
Other schools, including Bank of Castile Keith Koch, DDS
Livonia with “Little Shop of
Horrors” and Avon’s “Joseph Body & Face by Kristin Kingston Farms
and the Amazing Technicolor Chanler Agency Kurt and Leah Fletcher
Dreamcoat,” also played to a
live, in-person – albeit limited – Envy Salon Lighter Side Eatery
audience. Caledonia canceled ESL Federal Credit Union Long Agency
its spring musical for a second
consecutive year, but was able Finger Lakes Cookie Company M&R Automotive
to present its senior play – an
original production featuring
Fit Club 24-7 of Geneseo No BS Brew Company
seniors in the cast and crew that GCS Administration Pam Hammond
serves as a fundraiser for the se-
nior class. GCS Board of Education Patricia Kleinhammer
One of the biggest challenges GCS Facilities Staff Perry Veterinary Clinic
faced by Livonia’s director was
finding a way to include as many GCS Faculty and Staff Presutti Law Office
students as possible while stay-
ing within reduced occupancy
GCS PTSA Rector-Hicks Funeral Home
limits for the district’s stage size. GCS Transportation RoyalTees
A normal cast for Livonia runs
around 50 students, but that Genesee Valley FCU Smith Landscaping
number was pushed down to Genesee Valley Florist Smith Lumber and
20 due to state-mandated social
distancing restrictions. After a Geneseo Chiropractic Hardware Center
sizable showing at auditions, Geneseo Collision Service, Inc Special Tees
showrunners realized they could
cast the show twice over – so Geneseo Faculty Association Sweeteners Plus LLC
that’s what they did. Geneseo Family Eye Care The LCN
Freshmen and sophomores
comprised the “freshie” cast Geneseo Kiwanis University Hots
while juniors and seniors com-
prised the other cast, which was Geneseo Rotary Club Valley Asphalt
nicknamed the “boomer” cast. Geneseo Sports Boosters Village Tavern
“They don’t want a pity party
because they missed so much. GV PennySaver Wegmans
Instead they want to make sure
20 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School

The Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School Class of 2021.

Aiden Conge Olivia Friedlander Robert Hochgraf

Class list
Listed below are the can- Matthew Blythe
Nathaniel Conner
Ryan Connors
Hanna Coria
Aidan Garofalo
Emma Garry
Edward Gartland III
Jason Hofmann
Rylee Holmes
Preston Huff
didates for graduation in the Felicia Borsching William Czora Maeve Gaynor Jack Hulsey
Honeoye Falls-Lima Central Chloe Brassie Ryan Dailor Jasmyn Gibson Jaden InBoune
School Class of 2021. This list Kennedy Breakingbury Annabelle Danella Abigail Goldstein Andrew Jackson
of candidates was accurate as Paige Brent Jacob Derby Zoey Gould Abigail Jacobs
of June 2, 2021. Ayla Brongo Justin DeWitt Jack Graney Ryan Johnson
Margaret Broomfield Riley Dieter Colton Green Riley Johnston
Margaret Adams Mason Bulling Evan Doane Leah Greenich Reece Joint
Quinn Adcock Nicholas Burch Brian Drown Jamie Greer Ian Kane
Omar Armbruster Kate Burdett Benjamin Easton Mitchell Greer Elena Karipidis
Jonathan Bagwell Alexander Burslem Spencer Eaton Marie-Claire Grosjean Tanner Kennedy
Wittlinger Bates Nicolas Buttarazzi William Eby Elisha Grout Mackenzie Killenbec
Abigail Baum Emma Calcagni McKinley Egenhofer Christina Halbrook David Knight
Henry Baumer Paikea Chen Karina Ekholm Marisa Hartwick Jaden Kuhn
Samuel Beale Andrew Childs Taran R. Faurot-Pigeon Thomas Hayes Trevor Lancto
Luke Bean Emily Clayton Michael Feeley Emma Hellems Rileigh Laraby
Alec Bhaskaran Emerson Coleman Rachel Fleischer Gavin Henderson Maria Larsen
Andrew Bilodeau Christian Coler Emma Folan Kristopher Hernandez, Jr. Michael Laviani
Noah Blocher Hailey Coller Chase Franz Sydney Herrmann
Justin Blodgett Trinaty Colyer Ciarra Franz Shannon Heywood See CLASS T21
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 21

Valedictorian turns ideas into actions Class Hailey Sackoor

Kimberly Salter
Adam Santucci
Ryan Dailor, Honeoye multiple All State Orchestra From T20 Adrienne Sanza
Falls-Lima Central School’s performances. Michael Sanza
Class of 2021 valedictorian, is What impresses is Ry- Katelyn Lehning Ryan Sanza
described as a brilliant, driven an’s versatility and compas- Jayna Lester Amelia Schiedel
young man. sion. Math Club, TEDx and Justin Lewis Ashley Schillinger
He will earn a Regents diplo- Spanish National Honor Soci- Branden Londrie Andrei Scrivens
ma with advanced designation ety claim him as a member. Chloe Long Hannah Selke
with honors and distinction in Ryan is a well prepared and Elise Lupisella Moshe Seluanov
math and science. organized president for the Na- Patrick Lustyk
Inquisitive and self-direct- Madison Shaw
tional Honor Society and music Abigail Manderano Matthew Shutes
ed, 10 AP courses, multiple dual club. Philip Marra-MacGregor
credit classes and “advanced” Ella Sinopoli
As a “Cougar Big,” he men- Jack Martin
band fill his school day. Sum- Wil Smith
tored an elementary student Sofia Martin
mer pre-calculus work pre- Mariana Spitz
weekly. Helping where he sees Georgia Mazzarella Ennis
pared him for AP BC Calculus Ryan Dailor need, Ryan tutors peers, sup- Logan Statt
junior year. Jaclyn McClean
ports the annual youth Trophy Emmy Stein
Motivated to know and un- Benjamin McDougall
team All Greater Rochester, and cup running race, participates Ava Stern
derstand, Ryan spends after Brian T. McGovern
All State, third team-Class B. in church activities and collect- Amanda Stott
class time with teachers and Madeleine McLean
He serves as a team leader, ed and distributed food during Liam Strong
peers continuing discussion William Meister
encouraging others to set indi- the pandemic. Kathleen Tanner
on classroom topics or asking Grace Menz
vidual goals and create a plan Strong communication and Neva Tayler
questions that take learning Allison Millard
to continue HF-L’s tradition of problem-solving skills allow Tyler Terwilliger
one step beyond. Sarah Millard
Ryan is a National Merit sport excellence. him to effectively perform part- Huck Thayer
Makenna Miller
Scholarship Finalist based on A practiced percussionist, he time jobs in computer repair Liana Torpey
plays for the school’s wind en- Samuel Miller
exceptional PSAT scores. and farm work. Shayla Torpey
semble and the Rochester Phil- Grace Norvell
Others recognize Ryan as Ryan possesses integrity and Alivia Torregrossa
harmonic Youth Orchestra. Elizabeth Pangia
an accomplished athlete and is genuine in his pursuit of Adam Tripi
He also plays piano in Jazz excellence. Applying himself Sophia Patchett
musician. He runs cross coun- Reese Perkins Natalie Ventura
try, track and Nordic skis for Band. These groups perform fully to tasks, obligations and Jael Vogt
at events such as parades, the relationships, Ryan turns ideas Gabriel Phillips
varsity sectional championship Joshua Vogt
Rochester Jazz Festival, and Vir- into actions. Isabelle Playa
teams. A scholar athlete in cross Mia Vogt
country and Nordic, senior year ginia Beach competition. He will be a standout at Paige Polasek
Hannah Polfleit Braden Wagner
he earned individual recog- A New York State School Northeastern University while
Kevin Powell George Walker
nition as Section V individual Music Association solo fest he pursues study in electri-
Jordan Pratt Sophia Walker
cross-country champion, first standout, he participated in cal and computer engineering.
Shelby Pribanich Edward Wanzenried
Hayden Price Reagan Webster

Academic rigor drives salutatorian Jordan Proctor

Hannah Putorek
Connor Quinn
James West
Gunnar Wetzel
Mary Whelen
Mason Bulling, salutatorian diploma with advanced des- Cade Ratliff-Kailbourne Brandon Whiteside
for the Honeoye Falls-Lima ignation with honors and dis- Braden Reinhard Jackson Wicks
Central School Class of 2021, tinction in math and science. Brian Reinke Jake Williams
is an exceptional, self-direct- Mason participates regular- Megan Reinke Brianna Wise
ed young man with thirst for ly in Math Club and is member Joseph Richardson John Woloszuk
knowledge and big goals. of the National Honor Society. Emma Rizzella-Roberts Nolan Yates
Mason enjoys learning. He He plays varsity ten- Kari Roberts Molly Zona
is a questioner, a fact collector, nis and runs cross country. Haley Robinson Hannah Zornow
a fact checker, a problem solv- Mason is also a respected Nathan Ross Zoey Gould
er and a thinker. LINK Crew leader. Molly Russell Paige Polasek
He excels in the most de- Giving back to his commu- Alice Russo Brandon Londrie
manding college preparatory nity, Mason prioritizes activ-
program available at Honeoye ities where he helps others
Falls-Lima Central School, learn new things.
taking 13 AP classes. His Mason Bulling In his free time Mason en-
scores on these tests earned joys running, weight lifting
him recognition as an AP AP Physics program. Mason and exploring the world of
Scholar with Distinction. gathered data and organized finance.
Passionate in his quest individuals seeking the same Mason seeks out and cre-
for academic rigor, he took a outcome. He then presented ates opportunity. He will find
summer precalculus class in individually and with a group, much success as a student at
order to take AP Calculus BC to the district’s assistant su- Cornell University’s College of CALL CHRIS SAUNDERS Chris Saunders
81 Main Street, Geneseo NY 14454 LIC ASSOC RE BROKER
as a junior. perintendent and board of ed- Agriculture and Life Science,
Mason was instrumental ucation with positive results. where he will study biometry C: 233-0440
in maintaining the district’s He will earn a Regents and statistics.
22 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

As you accept your diploma ...

By Gordie Allen got to all your dental ap- continue to add quality to
SPECIAL TO THE LCN pointments. your life. Don’t live without
EDITOR’S NOTE: This essay HELLO! This is coming to including them in your jour-
was first published in the ney. And decide to try and
an end.
June 20, 2019, graduation
special section of The Living- Soon you will be in charge choose a life of work that ful-
ston County News. While cer- of your own life. fills some of those passions.
emonies have changed due Welcome to baptism by And finally - Get a life!
to the COVID-19 pandemic, fire. A real life, not a manic
the sentiments and wisdom Thinking of what I could pursuit of your next promo-
remains unchanged. write that would get your at- tion, or a bigger paycheck,
––– tention I decided to give you or a larger house or that
Young people across up- what I feel is the truth ... and perfect partner. All of these
state New York will line up to here it is: will come to you in due time.
accept their high school di- All too soon you ALL will Do you think it would matter
plomas during the next two be cast out onto the highway so very much about these
weekends. of life along with millions of things if you blew an aneu-
Graduation exercises will other recent graduates all rysm or discovered a suspi-
often be followed by parties with similar educations. Ma- cious lump in your body?
for the new grads with much ny of you may find you are Get a life in which you
congratulating accompa- competing for the same jobs. can discover the sweetness
There will be only one in the air on a cold winter’s
nied by hand shaking and
difference between you and morning, a life that gets ex-
hugs from mom and grand-
the other guy. You will be cited over another’s accom-
ma. The diploma, in many
the only person alive who plishments, or a life that can
cases will eventually be filed
has sole custody of your life. BRENDAN MCDONOUGH/LIVINGSTON COUNTY NEWS FILE PHOTOGRAPH understand the grace that
among important papers
A Mount Morris High School student accepts his diploma during a comes in the moment you
or, as in my case, relegated That is your particular life,
2020 commencement ceremony that required some adjustments realize that all good things
to the bottom of my sock not just your life that may be
due to the COVID-19 pandemic. must come to an end and
drawer. spent at a desk, or in front
that life, for all its wonder, is
This diploma, once cov- of a computer, not a life de- are the only string you have regard for his fellow man
indeed fragile.
eted, is seldom seen again fined by a uniform, nor a life that YOU can “pull.” as he does for himself. We
George Bernard Shaw said
until someone discovers its working in a laboratory, on You are never powerless are here to do good. It is the
it well: “Life isn’t about find-
final resting place. Diplomas an assembly line, and not as long as you remember the responsibility of any human
ing yourself. Life is about
of doctors and lawyers are just a life that may be in your potential your attitude holds being to aspire to do some-
creating yourself.”
more likely to be framed and mind. It is a life that will en- over your life. thing worthwhile to make
It doesn’t take a trip
are hung on an office wall compass your soul. As you seniors leave the this world a better place
around the world.
as evidence that the person People don’t talk about stage following commence- than the one he found. Life And then there are those
named has the proper cre- the soul much any more. ment exercises you may feel is a gift, and if we fail to con- words by that prolific au-
dentials to practice. It’s so much easier to write a pull toward those people tribute, we fail to adequately thor “anonymous” who is
The advice of the com- a resume than to craft your most important in your life - answer the question - Why supposed to have once said:
mencement address is often spirit. some of them probably shar- are we here?” Remember that life is not a
lost in the excitement. Like A resume is cold comfort ing the moment and the ex- Take time to discover journey to the grave with the
advice given the day you get on a winter’s night, or when citement of this big day - and your passions. Tonight, to- intention of arriving safely in
married, you hear the words you’re sad or broke or lonely, you will want to hug them. morrow, this summer and a pretty and well preserved
one day and are expected to or when you’ve received test Be aware that they represent all through your life, think body, but rather to skid in
begin living them the next. results that are not so good. the world outside yourself. about them and what they broadside, thoroughly used
Having lived through both At this moment, perched If your education at home are. up, totally worn out, and
of these events I would like on the edge of your life, and in school has been a suc- I’m talking about those loudly proclaiming “WOW,
to share some advice: having been recently tooled cess, then the world beyond interests that really mean WHAT A RIDE!”
Graduates! ... Let me cau- in your new credentials of you will expand. Hopefully, something to you - not Go forth to live, laugh,
tion you. You are on the edge knowledge, I would ask that your education has outfitted drugs, nor alcohol ... and love and serve.
of your own life changing you consider these things you to not only “fit in” but to not computer games or your
event. Life is about to go about yourself. engage life outside of your- ever present cell phone. But Gordie Allen is the retired
into warp speed for you. Up You each possess an in- self. life-giving passions that managing editor of the Journal
until now you’ve been fed, credible power to change Albert Einstein expressed make it worthwhile for you and Republican in Lowville, the
hometown of Livingston County
changed, put out to play your life and the world by it well when he said: “A per- to make sacrifices. Passions News regional editor Ben Beagle.
and called in to go to bed changing your attitude. As son first starts to live when that will last a lifetime, pas- The Journal, like The LCN, is part
and someone has done your you matriculate this life you he can live outside himself, sions that when realized of the Johnson Newspaper Cor-
laundry and made sure you will find that your attitudes when he can have as much will steer your decisions and poration.
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 23

Genesee Valley BOCES

The Genesee Valley Edu- Butters, Dansville; Teegin Chris- Bennett, Wayland-Cohocton; worth; Logan Ziegenfuss, York. Livonia.
cational Partnership has an- tie, Warsaw; Kent Crater, War- Mary Rose Cautivo, Mount
nounced the achievements of saw; Thunder Dauphinee, Li- Morris; Abigail Cavallaro, Diesel Mechanics Metal Trades
students attending the Mount vonia; Joshua Glotzbach, Avon; Livonia; Daniel Chislom III, Ryan Brzezinski, Adult; Losha Andrew Allison, Way-
Morris Career and Technical Dylan Gray, York; Parker Hilts, Letchworth; Jasmine Corbin, Cicero, Livonia; Jonah Cottone, land-Cohocton; Andrew Betts,
Education Center. The Center’s York; Logan Jones, York; Carter Dansville; Haley Derrenbacher, Dansville; Christopher Flint, Keshequa; Aiden Binns, York;
annual Senior Awards Pro- McClurg, Perry; Treyton Mon- Dansville; Olivia DiSalvo, Mount Warsaw; Kyle Glosser, Warsaw; Nicholas Brady, Geneseo; Trev-
gram was canceled due to the teleone, Mount Morris; Donte Morris; Camron Gilbert, War- Keven Haywood, Geneseo; or Breu, Livonia; Max Byron,
COVID-19 pandemic. Morales, Perry; Kody Mosher, saw; Elizabeth Gravito, Warsaw; Hunter James, Keshequa; Letchworth; Cole Carney, Way-
The following students have Mount Morris; Brett Parsons, Claire Hauslauer, York; Sela Daniel Kilner, Warsaw; Chris- land-Cohocton; Robert Conrad,
completed their high school Perry; Daniel Rodger, Geneseo; Hurlburt, Warsaw; Savannah tian Lawrence, Adult; Connor Wayland-Cohocton; Kobe Flint,
program at the Mount Morris Conner Scaccia, York; Joseph Johnson, Wayland-Cohocton; Purdy, Warsaw; Hailey Sherlock, Letchworth; Caleb Hanggi,
Career and Technical Education Schwartzmeyer, Avon; Lucas Esther Levendusky, Avon; Keshequa; Michael Suydam, Wayland-Cohocton; Dylan
Center. Names in bold represent Sears, Perry; Jacob Seiwell, Way- Sylas Macey, Warsaw; Taylor Dansville; Augustus Swyers, Hopkins, Perry; Cody Hudson,
National Technical Honor Soci- land-Cohocton; Ryan Thayer, Mann, Dansville; Makayla Dansville. Warsaw; Nathan LaFaye, Dans-
ety membership. Keshequa; Michael Thompson, McClurg, Warsaw; Natalie ville; Noah Lafreniere, Avon;
Avon; Jonathan Tschetter, York. Mosko, Dansville; Makala Neitz, Health Careers Academy Nicholas Lasher, Livonia; Trey
Agricultural Production Wayland-Cohocton; Angelina Kayla Abbott, Dansville; Brice Learn, Keshequa; Jace Menard,
Kiara Belanger, Mount Mor- Collision Custom Cheyan Ribbeck, Warsaw; Jaelee Blackmore, Perry; Elizabeth Avon; Austin Miller, Livonia;
ris; Brooke Bennett, York; Ciara Rowe, Livonia; Brenna Rumsey, Carpenter, Perry; Lanie Coley, Trevor Offhaus, Warsaw; Tannor
Claud, Keshequa; Siobhan and Restoration Livonia; Lauren Schultz, War- Wayland-Cohocton; Allyson Remington, Avon; Alexander
Costello, Keshequa; Autumn Mercedes Alderman, Perry; saw; Liberty Shoemaker, Avon; Emerson, York; Jacob Gibson, Sanders, Wayland-Cohocton;
Foster, Dansville; Destiny Gross, Tannor Brooks, Mount Morris; Bridget Steves, Warsaw; Abbigail Keshequa; Skyla Green, York; Anthony Schumacher, Way-
Mount Morris; Haylee Hens- Jason Dollarhide, Livonia; Isiah Sullivan, Geneseo; Sarah Tread- Kadence Herrmann, Perry; land-Cohocton; Dawson Sickler,
ley, Keshequa; Jessica Hillier, Frye, Keshequa; Aurora Grover, well, Gilead; Kirsten Wambold, Leah Hodges, York; Jeremy Livonia; Darryl Simzer, Livonia;
Wayland-Cohocton; Kendyll Perry; Steffan Gwyn, Livonia; Wayland-Cohocton; Carlie Wil- Hoey, Wayland-Cohocton; Nathan Smalt, Wayland-Cohoc-
Johnston, Livonia; Jadan LaFe- Brent Hammond, Warsaw; son, Dansville; Tessa Yaw, Livo- Abigail Holderer, Perry; Lily ton; Elijah Smith, Livonia; Mat-
ver, Dansville; Trinity Landon, Justin Kemp, Mount Morris; nia; Abbey Young, Dansville. Jaques, Perry; Logan Kanaval, thew Stahl, Livonia; Chase Teed,
Dansville; JoAnna Regatuso, Charles Martell-Dale, Mount Dansville; Kaitlyn Kimmel, Way- Wayland-Cohocton; Colton
Mount Morris; Ryan Stephens, Morris; Trinity Parker, Perry;
Criminal Justice land-Cohocton; Emma Masten, Wentworth, Dansville; Shaun
Wayland-Cohocton; Abbie Samantha Pearl, Warsaw. John Brushafer, Dansville; Dansville; Andrew Mouw, Weterrings, Livonia; Mayson
Summers, Warsaw; Savannah Joseph Cooke, Warsaw; Teagan Avon; Natalia Muolo, Perry; Willis, Wayland-Cohocton.
Tucker, Dansville; Dominick Computer Information Cuddeback, Wayland-Cohoc- Madeline Murray, Avon; Alana
Sports Science Academy
Wood, Caledonia-Mumford ton; Ethan Ferrin, Warsaw; Ow- Noon, Warsaw; Annaliese Petti,
Systems en Fredericy, Dansville; Paula Dansville; Stepanie Schunk, Lillia Anderson, Dansville;
Animal Science Jenna Benkleman, War- Hernandez, Perry; Maximus York; Chloe Sears, Perry; Alexis Cesar Batlle, Keshequa; Shane
Nicole Barnhardt, Perry; saw; William Bucknam, Perry; Markle, Wayland-Cohocton; Simpson, Warsaw; Madison Crandall, Dansville; James Cris-
Tiffanie Drum, Wayland-Cohoc- Cristian Ciccarelli, Warsaw; Caitlyn Martin, Warsaw; Aaron Stone, Warsaw; Bethany Wad- sy, Dansville; Hannah Fairbroth-
ton; Ethan Ellis, Wayland-Co- Desirae Grasby, Perry; Jacob Miller, Warsaw; Priyanka Mon- sworth, Dansville; Andrea Rose er, Wayland-Cohocton; Hannah
hocton; Charley Fox, Livonia; Hall, Letchworth; John Kinney, ger, Warsaw; Kaydra O’Brien, Wolfanger, Wayland-Cohocton; LaPlant, Dansville; Malia Ras,
Shelby Hallett, Avon; Audrie Livonia; Seth Malone, Dansville; Warsaw; Carter Perry, Perry; Madison Young, Warsaw; Julia Keshequa; Hunter Zangerle,
Haskins, Warsaw; Ambrosa Tyler Wright, Keshequa; Joseph Hollie Remington, Letchworth; Zastawrny, Wayland-Cohocton. Keshequa.
Hinckley, Perry; Rebecca Lane, Yamonaco, Avon; Eric Years, Jacob Rodriquez, Mount Morris;
Wayland-Cohocton. Tiana Rowley, Dansville; Mi- Health Dimensions Batavia CTE
Livonia; Emily Link, Livonia;
McKenzie Miller, Mount Morris; chael Schafer, Warsaw; Amanda Mikayla Abbey, Keshequa; Several students from Cale-
Dominic Muscato, York; Shayne
Conservation and Virgilio, Livonia; Arrieanna Rayvin Bigler, Dansville; Alys- donia-Mumford Central School
Navarra, Warsaw; Reid Powers, Heavy Equipment Wright, Letchworth. sa Carpenter, Perry; Isabelle completed their high school
Perry; Miakyla Rice, Avon; Dako- Chesnes, Mount Morris; An- program at the Batavia Career
ta Shaver, Livonia; Alivia White,
Bronson Bennett, York; Culinary Arts gelita Clark, Geneseo; Evelyn and Technical Education Cen-
Justin Dudwoire, Wayland-Co- Cody Adrian, Perry; Hunter Cotto Cardona, Mount Morris; ter. They are:
Mount Morris.
hocton; Dustin George, Way- Carr, Geneseo; Jesiah Ebersole, Michelle Dinehart, Dansville; Animal Science: Jaden Ells-
Automotive Technology land-Cohocton; Konnor Hunt, Warsaw; Jason Eichas, Livonia; Briannon Fisher, Warsaw; Gis- worth.
Wayland-Cohocton; Austin Patrick Footer, Geneseo; Ryleigh selle Hernandez, Perry; Kenya Building Trades: Seth Go-
Erik Bates, Warsaw; Adam Illerbrun, Wayland-Cohocton; Fronk, Dansville; Jasmine Han- Hooks, Dansville; Alexandra miniak.
Brennan, Livonia; Dalton Car- Nicholas Jopson, Geneseo; Kait- non, Wayland-Cohocton; Keith Hugi, Keshequa; Journie Lang- Conservation: Ethan Dona-
penter, Perry; Kathleen Miller, lyn Keller, Letchworth; Justin Haubner, Avon; Michael Logs- less, Perry; Jared Stevens, Way- ghue, Jarrett Flagler.
Wayland-Cohocton; Joshua Knapp Jr., Wayland-Cohocton; don Jr., Batavia City Schools; land-Cohocton; Angela Young, Culinary Arts: Noah DeMar-
Morris, York; Darryl Murphy III, Jordon Luther, Keshequa; Jacob James Maggio, Avon; Nicolle Warsaw; Elizabeth Young, co.
Livonia; Alex Rodriguez, Perry; Meyer, Geneseo; Karsten Petti, Mason, Dansville; Sage Matson, Mount Morris. Diesel Mechanics: Gavin
Dylan Sherman, Warsaw; Alex- Dansville; Devin Royce, Perry; Perry; Jayden Page, Perry; Karisa Greene.
ander Shupinski, Livonia; Dan- Brennan Smith, Geneseo; Levi Romero, Warsaw; Jeremiah San- Human Services Health Careers Academy:
iel Slater, Letchworth; Benjamin Vitale, York; Braedon Waide, tiago-Negron, Keshequa; Darin Mackensie Brown, Dansville; Haley Sherwood, Katelyn Zehler.
Wiedemann, Livonia. Avon; Jacob Wearkley, Dansville. Schneider, York; Joshua Stod- Julia Calderon-Diaz, Avon; Justice Academy: Carly Co-
dard, Mount Morris; Demitrius Kendall Covell, Perry; Kyrstin Fi- hen.
Building Trades Cosmetology Upright, Warsaw; Alexandria erle, Dansville; Tainairis Garcia Metal Trades machining and
Peter Betts, Keshequa; Na- Myiah Annis-Jones, Warsaw; Webster, Perry; Trent Willis, Rodriguez, Geneseo; Samantha welding: Brandon Saraceni,
than Brown, Dansville; Tylar Logan Bell, Dansville; Angela Livonia; Logan Winnie, Letch- Mandell, Avon; Alexis Pratt, Makayla Underwood.
24 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

High school athletes back in action

And finding success in pandemic-altered seasons
By CHRIS METCALF and Hayes amongst the top defensive players in all of
Entering the 2020-2021 Section V.
school year, there were a For Geneseo, their
lot of questions concerning strength to their team was
high school athletics, espe- midfield and defense as
cially with the way the previ- senior goalkeeper Faith
ous season had ended before Hainsworth posted 12 shut-
it even began. outs on the year to add to her
Following the cancellation school-record of 47 career
of the entire 2020 springs shutouts.
sports season, many of the Other seniors that con-
incoming seniors this year, tributed at a high level de-
were on pins and needles fensively and at the midfield
hoping to have sports their spots were Abby Kreher,
final year of high school. Mary Chanler, Mia Cico-
But those questions were ria-Timm, McKayla Bugbee,
answered early when a and Rachele Main.
shortened season in the fall The lone attacker was
started the spark for what a good one too as senior
turned into an outstanding Lainey Scoville was second
three-sport season with sev- on the team in scoring at 19
eral student-athletes playing goals and 14 assists (52 pts)
more than three sports and and also scored the game
several getting a chance to winning goal in Geneseo’s
play up to five sports this 2-1 victory over Byron-Ber-
school year. gen.
Fall belonged solely to The Livonia (B1) and Kes-
soccer, cross-country and hequa (D1) boys were also
swimming while football champions during the soc-
and volleyball were both cer season.
moved to the Fall II season Keshequa dominated
which was played after the their way to a Class D1 title
winter season commenced. outscoring their opponents
By the time the winter sea- 110-13 and winning 2-0 over
son was over, including bas- Fillmore in the title game.
ketball, boys swimming and There is no doubt that
wrestling, our student-ath- Keshequa would have made
letes went right into the Fall a run for a New York State
II season with football, com- title in Class D had they been
petitive cheerleading and given the chance but no
girls volleyball taking center matter, this Indians’ squad
stage for another eight-week featuring a ton of talented
shortened season. While seniors in Riley Rease, Cesar
the spring season ended Batlle, Aidan Wood, Hunter
last week, by the time the Zangerle, Adam Hunt, Trey
school year was over, these Learn, Jacob Schiano, Ryan
seniors, many of whom lost Thayer, Jordon Luther, Peter
their spring season in 2020, Betts, and Jacob Corbin, en-
and were praying to finish joyed one of the finest sea-
their high school athletics sons in KCS boys soccer his-
competing for titles — both tory outscoring opponents
Rease was our LCN Player
just that. York’s Addison Houseman makes her way to the basket. She played a key role in the team’s
of the Year with his 31 goals
There were many shining sectional championship game victory.
and 17 assists. Make sure
moments on the soccer and you keep an eye on Rease
cross-country trails this past literally. For Avon, Natalie Masten, season including their 4-0
Avon finished 15-0 while Lauren Bondgren, Bridget win over Holley in the C1 at the collegiate level at St.
fall— championship mo-
Geneseo matched that with Hayes, Mikayla Rice and semifinals and 1-0 victory John Fisher, many more spe-
a 15-0 season of their own. Alicia Faville led the Lady over Warsaw in the title cial things coming his way.
The Geneseo and Avon
Both teams were led by Braves to a 70-7 margin of Schiano (20G, 14A), Wood
girls soccer teams both en- game.
joyed “perfect” seasons — their talented seniors. victory during the overall I would put both Faville See ATHLETES T25
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 25

also a highly competitive

Athletes one as Dansville had another
great year with a run to the
From T24 sectional finals as did Avon.
(15G, 10A) and Luther (13G, Senior standouts on the
12A) combined for 38 goals hardwood included Hannah
and 36 assists and those LaPlant (Dansville), Arayana
players as well will be missed Young (Dansville), Alicia Fa-
next fall. ville (Avon), Lily Jaques (Per-
Not to mention both Zan- ry), Kailey Johnson (Way-
gerle and Batlle were two Co), Hannah Fairbrother
of the scrappiest, toughest (Way-Co), Faith Hainsworth
defenders this area has seen (Geneseo).
in awhile. The Fall II sports season
Livonia, who finished was a good one for Livonia
14-2 overall outscored their and Avon in football as the
opponents 68-17 including Bulldogs won the Class C
one of the top upsets of the crown while the Braves
sectional tournament when earned the Class D title.
the Bulldogs defeated No. 1 Both dominated their
seeded Wayne 3-2 in Ontar- opponents in the finals with
io to captured the Class B1 STEVE HARRISON PHOTOGRAPH Livonia whipping Bath (44-
Keshequa’s Aidan Wood was part of a powerful offense that led the Indians to one of the best soccer 0) and Avon doing the same
seasons in school history. to Alexander (42-7).
Livonia seniors that will
be missed include Brady Livonia finished 8-0 for
Bishop, Jack Donnelly, Gabe the season and outscored
Gammon, Ewan Maxwell, their opponents a whopping
Brendan Meyers, AJ Miller 307-56.
and Shawn Minnehan. Livonia was led by several
Maxwell, the son of head seniors including Alex Min-
coach Ray Maxwell, was the nehan, who led the Bulldogs
engine that made the Bull- in rushing, passing and de-
dogs run, while Minnehan fensive big plays.
was as tough a midfielder as Other contributing se-
there was in Section V. One niors included Jake Smith,
of Minnehan’s three goals he Stef Gwyn, Trevor Allen,
scored came against Wayne. Michael Bean, Kevin Travis,
A trio of local senior run- Troy Galbraith, Gabe Gam-
ners both earned top-10 mon, Shaun Weterrings, and
finishes at the Section V Marisa Wilson.
Cross-Country Champi- Avon also had a strong
onships last fall including core of seniors including
Avon’s Isabel Marzec, who Roman Volpe, Lucas Find-
was fourth for Class C girls, lay, Aydan Reid, Joe Frazer,
Geneseo’s Adi Capel, who Michael Thompson, Antho-
was sixth in Class D girls, ny Woodworth, Carson Wil-
and Livonia’s Owen Hensler, liams, Jaden Courtemanche,
who was seventh overall for Ryan Caudill, Holden Volpe,
the Class C boys. Michael Shetler, and Irving
The winter basketball sea- Jimenez.
son saw the Avon boys and Livonia’s Jake Smith was part of a strong group of senior contributors that led the Bulldogs to an
York girls grab a pair of sec- undefeated season. Local schools were con-
tional titles in their respec- tinuing to find success
tive classes. 57-49 in the finals and they on the basketball court this John Grover (Perry), Mason during the spring season,
York’s title was memora- got a huge boost from their winter including seniors Nusbickel (Cal-Mum), David with several teams continu-
ble as the Lady Knights won seniors Stephanie Schunk Alex Minnehan (Livonia), Cuozzo (York), James Ken- ing sectional runs after this
the championship in honor (12 points) and Addison Shawn Minnehan (Livonia), nedy (York), Adam Wright section had gone to press.
of Coach Dennis Bzduch, Houseman (10 points) who Michael Bean (Livonia), Stef- (Geneseo), Trevor Weidrich Follow the teams’ progress
who passed away unexpect- combined for 22 points in fan Gwyn (Livonia) and Troy (Pavilion), and Riley Rease and look for an updated
edly the year before. the victory. Galbraith (Livonia). , Justin (Keshequa). version of this story at www.
York defeated Pavilion There was plenty of talent Schwab (Way-Co), Michael The girls’ hoop season was


26 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

Keshequa Central School

Members of the Keshequa Central School District’s Class of 2021 are shown in this collage image created by the school.

Siobhan M. Costello Adam J. Hunt Hailey J. Sherlock

Class list
Listed below are the can- Mikayla D. Abbey
Evan C. Curry
Angelina M. Cutler
Bridgette K. Deer
Hunter J. James
Trey E. Learn
Jordon W. Luther
Blake A. Smith
Garrett L. Szulewski
Ryan W. Thayer
didates for graduation in the Cesar A. Batlle Jesse L. Eaton Heather R. Moriarty Cody D. VanDorn
Keshequa Central School Andrew H. Betters Anarose Freiner-Mess Joshua T. O’Dell Jenna M. Weir
Peter W. Betts Jacob L. Gibson Malia N. Ras Emerson A. Willett
Class of 2021. Megan L. Guy Riley J. Rease Aidan M. Wood
Caleb D. Buchinger
Commencement exercises Wyatt D. Burnett Haylee M. Hensley Jeremiah I. Santiao-Negron Emilee M. Wright
are scheduled to take place at Ciara J. Claud Merissa J. Huffman Claire L. Schiano Tyler J. Wright
11 a.m. June 26. Jacob R. Cobin Alexandra R. Hugi Jacob M. Schiano Hunter M. Zangerle
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 27

Salutatorian’s goal is to
be orthopedic surgeon
Jacob Gibson is a young
man who has lived each day
demonstrating KCS TRIBE
attributes of perseverance, re-
spect, integrity, dependability
and empathy.
He has worked hard in all
of his classes, earning the
distinction of being named
Megan Guy salutatorian for the Keshequa
Central School Class of 2021.

Valedictorian wants to make Jacob has taken science

all four years of high school
and will be earning a Regents

farming easier, more efficient diploma with advanced desig-

nation with mastery in science
due to scoring 95 or higher on
Jacob Gibson

his science Regent exams.

Megan Guy began 9th School Athletic Association manchock, Mrs. Bugman and tinate because it will come
grade with a 96 average and Student Athlete Advisory Mr. Weaver. When asked which course
had the greatest affect on him, back to haunt you.”
has continued to strive to do Committee. Megan plans on attend- Jacob is active at school as
her best, earning her the dis- Megan has represented ing Penn State University to Jacob shared that it was his bi-
ology class as it helped him to he is president of the National
tinction of being named vale- Keshequa on the court play- study plant science and be- Honor Society and has played
dictorian for the Keshequa ing on the varsity basketball come an agronomist. grow and realize he wanted a
career in the health field. on the baseball, volleyball and
Central School Class of 2021. team and as a member of She said that she selected basketball teams.
Megan has taken five the Youth and Government this career because of her Jacob also said that the
three teachers who had the Jacob, who has enlisted
years of math and science, team. love of plants and farming
greatest affect on him were in the Army National Guard,
earning a Regents diploma When asked which course and her desire to make
with advanced designation helped her to grow as a stu- farming easier, cheaper and Mr. Romanchock, Mr. Gath plans on attending college
with honors with mastery in dent, she shared that it was more efficient while making and Mr. Isaman. after basic training and ad-
science. her government class as it it more environmentally Jacob’s advice to incoming vanced individual training
Megan is involved in many helped her become more 9th graders is “Don’t procras- to study medicine. His long
school groups and organi- confident in her beliefs and
zations. She is a member of not afraid to voice her opin-
National Honor Society and ion.
student government. She is Megan said that the three
the class secretary and on the teachers that had the greatest
New York State Public High affect on her were Mr. Ro-
28 • June 2021 Graduation 2021


Cesar Batlle Jesse Eaton Merissa Huffman Adam Hunt Jordon Luther

Keshequa Central School in our building who had the passion has continued as he Jordon Luther
recognizes those seniors that
have earned a total cumulative
average of 90 or more at the ‘Push through the
lows, it will be worth
greatest affect on him.
Jesse’s advice to the in-
coming freshmen is “Do your
has taken every advance math
course that Keshequa offers.
He is a member of the soc-
Jordon, who is from Hunt, is
known for his enthusiasm and
energy for life. He has a strong

conclusion of their high school it. homework.” cer, baseball, ski, volleyball
careers as top scholars. and basketball teams. He is a work ethic and has taken many
CESAR BATLLE member of National Honor So- different classes at Keshequa,
Megan Guy Advice to freshmen
Merissa Huffman and also attended BOCES for
ciety and a Link Crew Leader.
Valedictorian Merissa resides in M ount The three teachers that Ad- conservation.
Morris and will be graduating am says had the greatest affect Jordon is a member of
with a Regents diploma with on him were Mr. Adams, Mr. National Honor Society and
Jacob Gibson as the three teachers who had advanced designation with Macomber and Mr. Raymond, National Technical Honor
the greatest affect on him. mastery in science. She has Society. He was a member of
Salutatorian When asked what advice all helping him to grow in areas
the soccer, baseball and alpine
taken numerous college credit that he is passionate about.
This year’s other top schol- he would give to an incoming classes in math, English and skiing teams.
freshman, Cesar said, “Push The course that Adam
ars, in alphabetical order, are: business. The three teachers that he
through the lows, it will be credits as helping him grow
Merissa has been a member says had the greatest affect on
Cesar Batlle worth it. School goes so fast as a student was geometry
of the junior varsity and varsity him were Mr. Macomber, Mr.
and when it’s over, you are go- “because it challenged me to
Cesar, a native of Nunda, volleyball teams and on the Gath and Mr. Raymond. Hes-
ing to miss it.” study and learn outside of the
was often seen representing varsity track and field team. aid all three were his coaches
Cesar will graduate with classroom.”
Keshequa on many of the ath- She has also been instru- and he will miss playing sports
a Regents diploma with ad- His advice to freshmen is
letic playing fields. Cesar has mental in helping the Kes- for Keshequa.
vanced designation with mas- “Become involved in as many
been a member and captain hequa Radio Club get started Jordon will graduate with
tery in science. activities as you can.”
of the soccer team, being part and is a member of National a Regents diploma with ad-
Adam will graduate with
of the student leadership that Honor Society. vanced designation. In the
Jesse Eaton Merissa listed teachers Mrs.
a Regents diploma with ad-
fall, Jordon will attend SUNY
helped the team win section- vanced designation with mas-
als and compete at the state A native of Dalton, Jesse will Bajus and Mr. Goho as the two Alfred. He plans on becoming
attend SUNY Alfred for con- who had the greatest affect on tery in science and math. He
championship. Cesar has also a heavy equipment operator.
struction management. He is her. In addition, Merissa listed plans on studying electrical
won a sectional title for wres- engineering at RIT. See KESHEQUA T29
tling. He also played baseball interested in a career as a proj- Keshequa’s bus driver, Mr.
and volleyball. ect manager for construction Lissow as another adult who
Cesar plans on attending operations. had a huge impact, citing “his Proud to be a Certified Women-Owned Business Enterprise
Syracuse University to study Jesse has pushed himself to kindness and caring to all who
kinesiology and human perfor- do his best, taking four years rode his bus.”
mance to prepare him to have of Spanish, five math courses Her advice to freshmen is
a career as a physical therapist. in three years and taken nu- “Balance hard classes with
He will be entering college as a merous college credit classes. easy ones so if you have a bad
second semester freshmen. This has led him to graduate grade, it will balance out, but
He is a member of National with a Regents diploma with still challenge yourself.”
Honor Society, Link Crew, and advanced designation with Merissa will attend Roches-
was Keshequa’s representative mastery in science. He was ter Institute of Technology to
for Boy’s State. also a member of the track and study computer science to be-
Cesar shared that taking golf teams. come a computer programmer
chemistry and cell biology This year, Jesse has taken or a software engineer.
helped him to grow the most advantage of the hybrid sched-
as a student and made him re- ule and is working full time in Adam Hunt
alize that he had a passion for the area of his career choice. Adam is a young man who
science. Jesse named Mr. Roman- entered high school with a 585.335.9466
Cesar identified Mr. Gath, chock, Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. passion for math, earning one 9429 Meter Road, Dansville, NY 14437
Mrs. Jines and Mr. Macomber Macomber as the three adults credit as an 8th grader. This
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 29

Heather Moriarty Malia Ras Riley Rease Claire Schiano Aidan Wood

Sports Science Academy, esting was chemistry. The class

Keshequa helping her confirm her desire
to be a personal trainer and ON THE DIAMOND
helped to guide her to wanting
to pursue a career in the sci-
From T28 fitness coach. She says that ences.
she picked this career due to Claire was a member of the
Heather Moriarty her having a strong passion for ski team, track and field team
health and fitness and wanting and cross country team.
Heather is from Mount Mor- to help people reach their full Her advice to incoming
ris and will be graduating in the potential of being their best freshmen is, “Don’t procrasti-
top five of the Class of 2021. selves. nate.”
She has taken 10 dual col- In school, Malia has been a Claire will attend that state
lege credit classes and will be member of the Varsity Club, University at Buffalo to study
graduating with a Regents di- Yearbook Club. She has partic- neuroscience as part of her
ploma with advance designa- ipated in soccer, alpine skiing goal to become a neuroscien-
tion with mastery in science. and track and field. tist.
Heather plans on attending Malia said that Mr. Valen-
Finger Lakes Community Col- tino, Mrs. Pero and Mr. Gath
lege to study accounting. She were the three teachers that
Aidan Wood
would like to have a career in she felt had a major affect on Aidan, a Dalton resident, is
forensic accounting. her during her time at Kes- a young man who has enjoyed
Heather shared that the hequa. She shared that Mrs. all that Keshequa has to offer.
courses that she enjoyed and Pero helped her persevere, He has taken all of the math
was challenged in her learning encouraged and guided her to and science courses that are
and promoted her curiosity find success in chemistry and offered at Keshequa and will
were her classes in math. cell biology. LAURA GREEN PHOTOGRAPH be graduating with a Regents
The three teachers that she Malia has too many favorite Keshequa’s Riley Rease delivers a pitch against Pavilion during a diploma with advanced desig-
said had the greatest affect on memories of high school to just May 2021 baseball game. The Indians opened the season with a nation with mastery in science.
her were Mr. Raymond, Mrs. name one. long winning streak. Aidan shared that the class
Pero and Mr. Goho. Each of Her advice to freshmen is, that had the most affect on him
them provided her support in “You will face many difficult The class he thinks helped Claire Schiano was health class as it helped
either character development, challenges, but dig deep and him the most was keyboard- him recognize his desire to be-
ing. He said that anyone who Claire is from Swain. During
academics or athletics. get the work done. Always try come a physical education and
Her favorite memory about is on the computer a lot would her high school career, she has
to give 110% into everything health teacher. He said that he
high school is the competitions benefit from this class. challenged herself academi-
and create a strong work eth- selected this career as he be-
throughout her sports career of He shared that the three cally and athletically.
ic.” lieves that one’s physical and
softball, soccer and skiing. She will attend Finger Lakes teachers that had the greatest Claire has taken nine dual mental health and well-being
Her advice to freshmen is Community College. affect on him were Mrs. Pero, credit college classes, and last is critical for one’s health. He
“Make the most out of high Mr. Macomber and Mrs. Bug- year during her summer vaca- wants to teach others not only
school without creating toxic man. tion she took two more college why it is important, but how
Riley Rease Riley has been a member classes. In addition, she has one can also enjoy it.
Riley, who resides in Nunda, of the soccer, basketball and taken five years of Spanish, Aidan is a member of the
is a student who has chal- baseball teams. He has been math and science, graduating Varsity Club. He played on the
Malia Ras lenged himself since 8th grade a member of National Junior with a Regents diploma with soccer, baseball and basketball
Malia, who is from Canaser- when he took algebra. Since Honor Society and National advanced designation with teams.
aga, is a young lady who knows then, he has taken Spanish, Honor Society. mastery in science. The three teachers that he
what she wants and works hard math and science every year of His advice to freshmen is, The faculty member that she said had the greatest affect on
to attain her goals. She will be high school. This has led him “Come in open minded and feels had the greatest affect on him were Mr. Valentino, Mr.
graduating in the top five of the to be able to graduate in the willing to work and don’t let her was Mr. Raymond, who Romanchock and Mr. Ma-
Class of 2021 with a Regents top five with a Regents diplo- anything get under your skin.” passed his passion for skiing comber.
diploma with advanced desig- ma with advanced designation Riley plans to attend St. onto her. His advice to incoming
nation with mastery in science. with mastery in science and John Fisher College to study Claire also shared that the
This year she attended the math. finance. class she found the most inter- See KESHEQUA T46
30 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

Lima Christian School

Members of the Lima Christian School Class of 2021 pose for a photograph on June 12, 2021, the day of the school’s commencement ceremony.

Class list Class leaders to study at RIT

Luke Lepkowski, the son of
Listed below are the candidates for grad- Luke Lepkowski , Rochester Institute of Gwen and Paul Lepkowski, is
uation in the Lima Christian School Class of Technology to study computer science valedictorian in the Class of 2021
2021, along with their post-graduate plans if at Lima Christian School.
provided. Isaac Settle, Rochester Institute of Tech- Luke will attend Rochester
nology to study computing and information Institute of Technology to study
Grace Britton, Grove City College to study technology computer science. At Lima, he
biology/health Christian Slattery, enlisting in U.S. Army was on the Tech Team, which sets
up microphones and projection
Justus Churnetski Rebecca Tillapaugh, Monroe Community for Friday chapels and school Luke Lepkowski
Micah Crist College to study computer science events.
Daniel Tomanovich, Rochester Institute Among his favorite high school
Gideon Fiegl of Techonology to study diagnostic sonog- memories is “the times that my
raphy class played volleyball in gym
Theresa Kearney, Rochester Institute of Lillian Turner, Houghton College to study class together,” he said.
Technology to study mechanical engineer- media arts/communication and business Luke’s advice for underclass-
ing administration men is to “look for the positive,
Ashley Kenney even if you have to squint your
Cassidy Wall, Rochester Institute of Tech- eyes a little.”
Olivia Lakra, Roberts Wesleyan College to nology to study business management The Class of 2021 salutatorian Isaac Settle
study music therapy Faith Wong at Lima Christian School is Isaac
Marissa Leeman, SUNY Geneseo to study Shanying Wu, University of Califor- Settle, who will also be attending ogy. Isaac will study computing
theater/English nia-Davis to study communication Rochester Institute of Technol- and information technology
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 31

Bringing new life to old parts

Sculpture auction raises funds for Warplane Museum
By BRENDAN MCDONOUGH were putting it together.” The finished pieces were
GENESEO – Old and un- featured in an online auction,
usable airplane parts were “Welding for Warplanes: The
given new life at the National Resurrection,” that ran June 1
Warplane Museum thanks to through 12. The money raised
students from Genesee Valley was given to the National War-
BOCES. plane Museum.
“We have accumulated a “The last year has been a
number of pieces over the struggle for many organiza-
years that we did not need or tions including the museum,
were in a condition not to be so to be able to use this as a
used on a flyable airplane, so fundraiser is also very import-
we were happy to go through ant to our financial survival
our storage area to find as ma- this year,” said Wadsworth.
ny pieces as we could that they Auction organizers said they
could use,” said Craig Wad- don’t have a set goal of how
sworth, the museum’s volun- much money they’d like to
teer director of maintenance. raise but that some of what’s
BOCES students put their raised has already been ear-
creativity and welding skills marked to repair an engine on
the museum’s World War II-
works of art. They range from Keshequa Central School senior Andrew Betts, who is study metal trades through Genesee Valley era C-47 the Whiskey 7.
planes, a mosquito and even a BOCES, holds the sculpture of a Chinook helicopter he created that was part of an online auction “We have 50,000 followers
gnome. raising funds for the National Warplane Museum in Geneseo. on our Facebook, Twitter and
“It is a five foot tall gnome Instagram and also we have
but the top of the gnome is the plane but then we found two is a mechanic in the U.S. Army mosquito sculpture. also 1,000 active members on
nose piece from a plane and as pieces and it ended up being for helicopters, so it kind of “It was very difficult to weld the museum, so we are hop-
soon as the student saw that, a Chinook,” said Betts, refer- gave me a little bit more inspi- some of the pieces because of ing... to potentially have peo-
they said ‘I am going to make ring to the Boeing-made, tan- ration for that.” the different thickness of the ple from all over the world see
a gnome,’” recalled Olie Ol- dem-rotor helicopter used by Students Nate LaFaye, material but it went together this, be intrigued and be will-
son, metal trades instructor at the U.S. Army as a heavy tow- Trey Learn and Nathan Smalt pretty well,” said LeFaye. “We ing to support the kids,” Wad-
BOCES’s Mount Morris cam- ing vehicle. “My older brother teamed up to create a large just kind of designed it as we sworth said.
pus. “Gnomes do not relate to
the Warplane Museum but it
is a vintage piece. It carries a
light and all of the those parts
came from old parts of an air-
The project has not only
helped unleash students’ cre-
ativity but has also educated
them about the museum.
“It is in our backyard num- Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations
ber one and number two, it is a
museum that everyone should
be able to come, tour and en-
joy,” said Olson. “Having vin- 2021 2021 2021 2021
tage parts was an opportunity
for my students to have expo-
sure to the museum. Many of
them had never been here.”
For Keshequa senior An-
drew Betts, creating a twin ro-
tor helicopter was not some-
thing he originally planned on Ava Hubbard Brady Bishop Parker D. Hilts Morgan Haugh
doing. But as he worked on the Avon High School Livonia Central School York Central School Livonia Central School
piece, his plans for it started to We are so proud of you and everything you Congratulations Brady!! We are proud of you!! Congratulations on the completion of a very successful
have accomplished! “The future belongs to those You’ve worked hard to achieve your goals. Congratulations Parker and good luck academic and athletic highschool career. Your dedication
who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Dream new dreams, embrace life with passion on your future success in life. persistence & extremely positive attitude will guide
“It was originally just sup- and keep reaching for your star. Go for it!! you wall as you begin your studies at St.John
posed to be a single propeller —Elenor Roosevelt (Love-Mom, Dad and Mia) Gma, Roger, Dad, Tanner
Love, Grandpa & Grandma Grab Fisher. Love, Grandma & Grandpa Haugh
32 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

Livonia Central School

The Livonia Central School Class of 2021.

Charley G. Fox Emma S. Kurtz Braden R. Palmer Kevin R. Travis

Class list
Listed below are the Kori L . Castrovinci
Shawn P. French
Troy W. Galbraith
John G. Gammon
Adin L. Ladd
Rebecca R. Lane
Nicholas S. Lasher
Elaina E. Palmeri
Olivia K. Parker
Alexis R. Pratt
Nicholas J. Treuthart
Malaika C. Tuntemeke
Jonathan T. Vales
candidates for gradua- Abigail L. Cavallaro Paige A. Garger Kyle M. Latimer Sarah P. Prentice
Marissa A. Van-
tion in the Livonia Cen- Steven F. Charlebois Jillian A. Genthner Jenna E. Leverson Mackenzie R. Quinn
tral School Class of 2021. Losha P. Cicero Molly G. Gifford Emily M. Link Hylyn I. Quintana Lieshout
Riley Clark Tomas C. Gifford Jaime L. Litteer Gianna S. Raqueno Clayton V. VanZandt
Abigail M. Abrey Ryan M. Cole Sierra A. Gunn Jacob R. Marsh Kierra L. Rawleigh Amanda J. Virgilio
Trevor M. Allen Ella E. Countryman Steffan M. Gwyn Tyler C. Marshall Faith A. Ray Seth M. Vossler
Leah M. Allison Terry J. Cratsley Jr. Morgan K. Haugh Ethan C. Matzek Dominic C. Reed Emma G. Wagner
Leah C. Backus Thunder R. Dauphinee Emelia M. Hender- Ewan W. Maxwell Jessica E. Romanowski Shawn M. Warner
Zoe K. Bailey Adam J. DelGrand son-Schultz Brendan J. Mayo Jaelee A. Rowe
Shaun P. Weterrings
Erica M. Barnard Ethan W. DeMartinis Owen T. Hensler Brendan D. Meyers Brenna K. Rumsey
Austin J. Miller Hunter W. Saunders Elizabeth G. White
Alexa J. Beach Jason N. Dollarhide Emma M. Hoffere
Michael D. Bean Jack H. Donnelly Jephtha A. Holt Maura A. Miller Emily M. Scheerens Benjamin L. Wiede-
Abigail M. Bernard Jonathan T. Duris Keli R. Huber Alexander C. Minne- Ella M. Sexton mann
Hannah C. Besley Elizabeth A. Dustman Emma E. Hyde han Dakota R. Shaver Lacey J. Williamson
Brady D. Bishop Rayne R. Ebersold Kendyll B. Johnston Shawn C. Minnehan Alexander C. Shupinski Trent A. Willis
Brandon L. Bloser Jason R. Eichas Darlene M. Joseph Darryl L. Murphy III Dawson J. Sickler Marisa R. Wilson
Lana A. Bogue Rosemary A. Engert Joseph L. Kahn Kennedy D. Neckers Darryl J. Simzer Brianna L. Wolter
Sarah E. Bosch Christopher M. Far- Cameron E. Kearney Adam M. Neyhart Elijah D. Smith
Caroline R. Wood
Larissa M. Bottner abell Louis W. Keisling Aidan M. Nichols Jake D. Smith
Adam J. Brennan Kyle J. Farnum Tyra M. Kelly Seth Normann Matthew G. Stahl Noelle E. Woodruff
Trevor J. Breu Abigail C. Field John T. Kinney Emily A. O’Duffy Ronald J. Stahl Nevaeh S. Wright
Nathanael O. Can- Elizabeth J. Fitzgerald Olivia F. Krebbeks Sarah E. O’Neil Robert D. Stewart Haylee S. Yamin
delaria Cruz Olivia L. Forbes Erin E. Kress Evan C. Olsheski Christian T. Tewksbury Tessa J. Yaw
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 33

Valedictorian to study A FESTIVE FEELING

next at Dartmouth
Ethan DeMartinis of Gen-
eseo is the valedictorian for the
Livonia Central School Class of
Ethan will next study at
Dartmouth College in Ha-
nover, N.H., where he plans to
major in creative writing and
public policy.
During high school his ac-
tivities both in the school and
in the community include
varsity swimming, Creative
Writing Club, Interscholastic
Competition in English, Sci-
ence Olympiad, Math Team, Ethan DeMartinis
Youth Court, Juniper Institute
for Creative Writing, YPI, Ver- ceived include College Board LIVONIA CENTRAL SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPH
mont Young Writers’ Confer- Rural/Small Town Scholar, AP Members of Livonia Central
ence, National Student Lead- Scholar with Honor, Ameri- School’s Class of 2020 show
ership Conference, Church can Chemical Society Award some holiday spirit.
Council, tutoring, swim coach, for Outstanding Performance
youth group mission trip, in Chemistry, Principal’s List,
church services. first place in Interscholastic
Ethan was a member of NA- Competition in English for
tional Honor Society and Sci- Creative Writing, and second Congratulations
ence National Honor Society.
His awards and honors re-
place for a National History
Day project.
Class of 2021

Salutatorian to study
microbiology at UR
Gianna Raqueño of Livonia
is the salutatorian of the Li-
vonia Central School Class of
She will next study biology
and microbiology at the Uni-
Julie Pangrazio
Licensed Associate Broker
versity of Rochester.
During high school, Gianna (585) 469-8880
was involved in the school
musicials, Page Turners, Math
Team, Science Olympiad,
band, chorus, Livonia Live, 81 Main St., Geneseo
French Club. She also partic- (585) 243-3811
Gianna Raqueno
ipated in the Penny Carnival,
holiday events, recycling, and
French Club Valentine Grams.
She was also on the
cross-country team.
Gianna was a member of
National Honor Society and
Science National Honor Soci-
Her awards include Col-
lege Chemistry Honor, Poetry
Competition third place, Page
Turner’s Award, and Princi-
pal’s List.
34 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

Ethan DeMartinis

Gianna Raqueño

Christian Tewksbury
Hometown: Livonia.
Class rank: 3.
Activities: National Honor
Society, Science National
Honor Society, Math Team,
French Club, class officer,
Drama Club, swimming and
diving, cross country, track Christian Tewksbury Alexander Minnehan Ethan Matzek Kennedy Neckers
and field, soccer, Dogfish
Swimming, Dogfish coaching. Kennedy Neckers
Honors/Awards: National
Honor Society, Science Na-
CELEBRATING THE CLASS OF 2021 Hometown: Lakeville.
tional Honor Society, Prin- Class rank: 6.
cipal’s List, New York State Activities: Lacrosse, soccer,
School Music Association RDYSL, Page Turners, Odyssey
Conference All-State Mixed of the Mind, Link Crew, musi-
Chorus, All-Eastern Mixed cals, Town of Livonia Summer
Chorus, AP Scholar, Scholar Recreation volunteer, Nation-
Athlete, Math Team Top Scor- al Honor Society, Mary Cariola
er . Walking on Sunshine walk,
Next Step: SUNY Geneseo. and RDYSL referee.
Major: Accounting. Honors/Awards: National
Honor Society, Bulldog Pride
Award, All County Chorus and
Alex Minnehan Band, All State Chorus, Amer-
Hometown: Livonia ican Chemical Society, Chem-
Class rank: 4. istry Achievement Award,
Activities: Math Team, Principal’s List, Bulldog Award
varsity basketball, baseball for junior varsity lacrosse.
and football, youth basketball Next Steps: SUNY Fredonia.
referee, Livingston County LIVONIA CENTRAL SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPH Major: Early childhood and
Baseball Camp coach. Members of Livonia’s Class of 2021 share a mesage about their class. childhood education.
Honors/Awards: National
Honor Society, 2019 Baseball
Section V Class B Player of the Ethan Matzek tional Honor Society Recy- score.
cling Next Steps: Clarkson.
Year, 2019 and 2021 Football Hometown: Livonia.
Sectional MVP, 2017 Baseball Honors/Awards: National Major: Computer science. See LIVONIA T35
Class rank: 5. Honor Society, Science Na-
State Champion, 1,000 point
Activities: Track team, tional Honor Society, Bulldog
career scorer in basketball.
Next Steps: Niagara County Math Team, Science Olym- Pride Award, AP Scholar with
Community College. piad, Computer Club, VEX Honors, National History
Major: Biology or chemistry Robotics, Crayola ColorCycle, Days state competitor, perfect
and play baseball. Penny Carnival, Science Na- New York State ELA Regents


AT: Dollar General, Livonia
Pharmacy, Livonia Post Office,
7-11, Shoreless Acres Cone-
sus Lake, West’s Shurfine.
NEWS AT: Wester’s Country
Store, Westlake Station.
NEWS AT: 7-11.
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 35

From T34

Emma Wagner
Hometown: Lakeville.
Class rank: 7.
Activities: Musicals,
Library Advisory Council,
Page Turners, piano lessons,
Penny Carnival, set building
for Middle and High School
Honors/Awards: Nation-
al Honor Society, Bulldog
Pride Award, Page Turner Emma Wagner Ryan Cole Molly Gifford Jessica Romanowski
Competition Certificate of
Excellence, Genesee Valley ture horse showing; downhill
Educational Partnership skiing, Science National
Literary Contest Short Story
Honorable Mention, Daugh-
Honor Society Recycling,
Penny Carnival, Stocking
ters of the American Revolu-
tion Scholarship.
Honors/Awards: Nation-
Next Steps: Monroe Com-
munity College. al Honor Society, Science
Major: English. National Honor Society, Sci-
ence Certificate of Achieve-
Ryan Cole ment.
Next Steps: Clarkson.
Hometown: Livonia Major: Biology.
Class rank: 8.
Activities: Odyssey of the Jessica Romanowski
Mind, Math Team, Com-
puter Club, VEX Robotics, Hometown: Livonia
Makacademy, Veteran’s Day Class rank: 10.
dinner. Activities: Musicals
Honors/Awards: Nation- (backstage), dance, soft-
al Honor Society, Science ball, Interact Club, Science
National Honor Society, Olympiad, Math Team, ICE
American Chemistry Society Team, Link Crew/A-Team,
Award, AP Scholar, Math band/jazz band, Earth Day,
Team Top Scorer, Principal’s school supply collection for
List. hurricane victims, Operation
Next Steps: Rensselaer Christmas Child, Thanks-
Polytechnic Institute giving food drive, Salvation
Major: Computer science/ Army bell ringer, Breakfast
Honors/Awards: National Livonia Central School senior cast and crew members of the musical production “Little Shop of
Molly Gifford Honor Society, AP Scholar Horrors” appear on stage with one of the sets from the May show. A normal cast for Livonia usually
Hometown: Hemlock. with Honors, Bulldog Pride runs around 50 students, but that number was pushed down to 20 due to state-mandated social
Class rank: 9. Award, Principal’s List distancing restrictions as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. After a sizable showing at
Activities: Equestrian Next Steps: SUNY New auditions, showrunners realized they could cast the show twice over – so that’s what they did.
sports, including hunter/ Paltz. Freshmen and sophomores comprised one “freshie” cast while juniors and seniors comprised the
jumpers, fox hunting, minia- Major: Theater tech. other, which was affectionately nicknamed the “boomer” cast.


AT: Dollar General, Lima Vil-
lage Pharmacy.
NEWS AT: Caledonia Market-
place, Crosby’s, Milex Drugs.
AT: Arrow Mart. C: 233-0440
36 • June 2021 Graduation 2021


Livonia’s senior softball players.

Livonia’s senior baseball players. Livonia’s senior soccer players.

Livonia’s senior lacrosse players.

Livonia’s senior football players.


AT: Dollar General, Livonia
Pharmacy, Livonia Post Office,
7-11, Shoreless Acres Cone-
sus Lake, West’s Shurfine.
Diner, Cook’s Convenience,
Dollar General, Kwik Fill Main
St., Kwik Fill State St., Letch-
worth Country, McDonald’s,
Rite Aid, Sav-A-Lot.
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 37

Mount Morris Central School

The Mount Morris Central School Class of 2021 appears in a socially-distanced class photograph

Class list LEAVING

Listed below are the can- Edmee Lopez Crespo
didates for graduation in the Charles Martell-Dale MOUNT MORRIS CENTRAL SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPH
Mount Morris Central School Gordon Martin Members of the
Class of 2021. McKenzie Miller Class of 2021 at
Graduation is scheduled for Treyton Monteleone Mount Morris Central
June 27. Evelyn Morf School maintained the
Kody Mosher tradition of painting senior
Kiara Belanger JoAnna Regatuso class messages on the small
Tannor Brooks Sarah Robles bridge along Route 36 in the
Jordan Cady Jacob Rodriquez village, near
Mary Rose Cautivo Ashya Rosa Veterans Memorial Park in
Isabelle Chesnes Gabriel Simons Mount Morris.
Evelyn Cotto Cardona Jillian Smith
Liz Junery Crespo Toledo Jason Spears
Olivia DiSalvo Joshua-David Stoddard
Brandon Fleming Lizneth Velazquez Santiago
Destiny Gross Alivia White
Justin Kemp Elizabeth Young
38 • June 2021 Graduation 2021


Alivia White JoAnna Regatusa Edmee Lopez Crespo Evelyn Morf Treyton Monteleone

Valedictorian will
attend NC State
Alivia White, daughter of
Alicia White, is the valedicto-
rian of the Mount Morris Cen-
tral School Class of 2021.
Alivia is the recipient of
the 2021 Livingston County
Teen Recognition Award. She
is a treasurer for the graduat-
Destiny Gross McKenzie Miller Mary Rose Cautivo Elizabeth Young
ing class and a member of the
school’s Drama Club.
Alivia will attend North Car- Alivia White Evelyn Morf of the 2021 Livingston County the Mind and GSA/Prism. Mary
olina State University. Teen Recognition Award. She Rose also received the 2021
Valedictorian Evelyn Morf, daughter of has been a member of the Livingston County Teen Recog-
Sadye Morf, is ranked fifth in Drama Club and the basketball nition Award.
this year’s graduating class.
Sarah Robles Evelyn will attend Monroe
team. McKenzie will enter the
Elizabeth Young
workforce following gradua-
Salutatorian Community College where she tion. Elizabeth Young, daughter of
will begin her studies in the
Joseph Young, is ranked 10th in
JoAnna Regatuso
medical field. She is a member Mary Rose Cautivo this year’s graduating class.
of National Honor Society and
Mary Rose Cautivo, daughter Elizabeth is on the Yearbook
JoAnna Regatuso, daughter has also been in Drama Club,
is Rosalina Cautivo, is ranked Club and the varsity basketball
of Thomas and Mary Regatuso, and on the basketball team.
ninth in this year’s graduating team. She has also been in
is ranked third in the Mount
Morris Central School Class of Treyton Monteleone class. Mary Rose will join the chorus, Drama Club and on
Marines following graduation the volleyball team. She said
2021. JoAnna will attend SUNY Treyton Monteleone, son and pursue her love of public one of her greatest memories at
Morrisville. of Jay and Tracy Monteleone, service. She is a member of Na- Mount Morris was being able to
She is president of the grad- is ranked sixth in this year’s tional Honor Society, National play basketball with such great
uating class. She is a member graduating class. Treyton was a Technical Honor Society and is teammates.
of National Honor Society and participant in the Close Up Pro- on the varsity basketball team. Elizabeth plans to enter the
Yearbook Club. JoAnna has also gram. He will attend Southern She has also been in Drama workforce following gradua-
Sarah Robles been in Drama Club and on the New Hampshire University. Club, Master Minds, Odyssey of tion.
indoor track team.
Destiny Gross
Salutatorian to study Edmee Lopez Crespo Destiny Gross, daughter of
forensic science Edmee Lopez Crespo, Kristopher and Rhonda Gross,
daughter is Lisandra Crespo, is is ranked seventh in the gradu-
Sarah Robles, daughter of ranked fourth if this year’s grad- ating class.
Santoa Robles III, is salutato- uating class. Destiny is a member of the
rian of the Mount Morris Cen- Edmee is on the varsity bas- Yearbook Club and is on the
tral School Class of 2021. ketball team. She has partici- outdoor track team. She has
Sarah will attend pated in basketball throughout also been a member of the Dra-
Youngstown State University her entire junior-senior high ma Club and the Close Up Pro-
where she will study forensic school career. She said she will gram. She will attend Genesee
science. miss the games and having Community College.
She is a treasurer for the practice with her team and
graduating class. Sarah re- would like to thank all the girls McKenzie Miller
ceived the Livingston County for allowing her to lead them
Teen Recognition Award for McKenzie Miller, grand-
and play alongside them. daughter of Wade and Susan
2021 and is a member of Na- Edmee will enter the work-
tional Honor Society, Tabletop Snyder, is ranked eighth in this
force following graduation. year’s graduating class.
Games Club and the Newspa-
per Club. McKenzie is the recipient
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 39

Wayland-Cohocton Central School

A collage of pictures created by Wayland-Cohocton Central School that features members of the school district’s Class of 2021.
40 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

Valedictorian to pursue Class list

a career in engineering Listed below are the can-
didates for graduation in the
Wayland-Cohocton Central
School Class of 2021.
Greta Huber
Konnor Hunt
Austin Illerbrun
Kailey Johnson
Kailey Johnson, daughter of comes your way. Savannah Johnson
Dave and Christi Johnson, is I took advantage of the Andrew Aldrich Jacob Kelley
the valedictorian for the Way- amazing opportunities that Andrew Allison Kaitlyn Kimmel
land-Cohocton Central School Wayland-Cohocton offers and Isaiah Allison Justin Knapp Jr.
District’s Class of 2021. it has made me into the person Elijah Anderson
Kailey is planning to attend I am today. Autumn Ladd
Karen Baker Mackenzie Luckenbach
Clarkson University to pursue It is important to work hard
Maria Baker Maximus Markle
a career in engineering and because it will prepare you for
management. the future. It is also import- Angela Bennett Alexis McDonald
Here, she reflects on her ant to spend time with your Sierra Bowers Thomas Mead
time in high school: friends and to give everything Franki Braziel Nathaniel Michielsen
Activities: I have played you have during competition. Emily Brooker Kathleen Miller
three years of varsity bas- I’ve learned to take nothing Kasey Buckley Jack Mulford
ketball, three years of varsity for granted. Quintin Burpee Makala Neitz
soccer and am currently play- Who had an impact on me? Matthew Burritt Danail Nielsen
ing my fourth year of varsity Kailey Johnson Ms.Martin, Mr. Toland and my Ra’Jhod Calvin Trevor Obrochta
softball. Because of COVID I other coaches have had a huge Cole Carney
Tyler Perkowski
was able to play volleyball this All of my friendships are at this impact on my experience. Miranda Cartwright
Devin Redsicker
year. school and I have been given a Ms. Martin and Mr. Toland Allie Chapman
In and out of school, I have have always gone out of their Cheyanne Ritchey-Yeo-
multitude of opportunities. Promise Chapman
been involved in community way to help me improve as man
A special memory was Lanie Coley
service. the foreigh language trip. I an athlete as well as an in- Gabriella Rizzieri
Robert Conrad
Memories: I will cherish the will forever remember the dividual. They have always Jaden Rocha
Dylan Coombs
memories I have made with moments in Costa Rica and pushed me to reach the best of Alexander Sanders
Chanel Cosme
my teams and peers. I have Canada experiencing different my abilities and I know I can Anthony Schumacher
Teagan Cuddeback
spent the majority of my time cultures. always count on them. I am Justin Schwab
Ryleigh Curtis
at school for class, practices, Advice to freshmen: Take grateful and appreciate every- Shelby Schwingel
hold of any opportunity that Charles Drew
and going to the weight room. thing they have done for me. Jacob Seiwell
Tiffanie Drum
Justin Dudwoire David Semmel
Ethan Ellis Mariah Sick
Hannah Fairbrother Nathan Smalt
Salutatorian to study accounting Stephanie Fox
Megan Garrison
Ryan Stephens
Cari Stern
Dustin George Jared Stevens
Jack Mulford, the son of Jeff unique opportunities that one Kendra Stewart
and Melinda Mulford is the might think are “out of reach” Allen Giguere
Darren Goodman Chase Teed
salutatorian from the Way- or “not for them.” Whether it’s
land-Cohocton Central School taking a certain class, playing Taryn Hamsher Kirsten Wambold
District’s Class of 2021. a sport, joining a club to play Caleb Hanggi Johnathan Washburn
Jack will attend St. video games, or going on a Jasmine Hannon Sydney Wetherbee
Bonaventure University where trip, these opportunities help Xander Hayward Mayson Willis
he plans to study accounting. you discover what interests Kevin Hill Andrea Rose Wolfanger
Here, he reflects on his time you. Take advantage of these Jessica Hillier Eric Years
in high school: opportunities while you have Jeremy Hoey Kathrine Young
Activities: Baseball,basket- them. Julia Zastawrny
Sarah Hoppough
ball, football, band and Na- What had an impact on
tional Honor Society. me? I was lucky enough to go
Memories: Having gone on the Close-Up trip to Wash-
to Wayland-Cohocton since ington, D.C., which was a week
pre-kindergarten, I have made before school closed down
many memories that I’m last March. Meeting other kids
Jack Mulford
grateful to take with me. my age from all corners of the
Playing on the Cleveland somewhat like a second home country was an experience
Cavaliers’ court, getting to over the years. I’m glad I can that I’ll never forget. The trip
play in the 11/12 band for four say that I got to participate changed how I view govern-
years, playing football in the ment, or more importantly,
snow, going to Darien Lake, in all that I did in my time at participation in our govern-
marching in the Dogwood school ment. I’d encourage any stu-
Parade. Advice to freshmen: The dent to take advantage of this
The school has become school offers many great once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 41

The Wayland-Cohocton
Central School District Class
of 2021 has 24 Honor Seniors,
students with a grade-point
average of 90 or higher. On
these pages, students gradu-
ating summa cum laude (96-
100) are featured.
Kailey Johnson

Jack Mulford
Elijah Anderson Matthew Burritt Hannah Fairbrother Stephanie Fox
Elijah Anderson take a moment and savor your flip a switch and get serious for miss it when you are gone. including the Close-Up trip
Elijah Anderson, the son of time. Working on projects a meet. What had an impact on to Washington, D.C., and the
Roger Anderson, and Sarah allows you to overlook small Reflection: I would like to me? I did Sports Academy this gym field trips and also the
and Nathan Fleischman, will problems in life and regain thank the science department year at Genesee Community memories that came with high
attend Wesleyan University your focus. I would highly rec- and the faculty within it. The College, and the knowledge school sports from both soft-
to pursue a double major in ommend taking at least one science department is the best that I have learned in that ball freshman year and soccer
math and physics. class with Mac. department within the school, class and the friendships that for all four years.
Activities: Smash Club, sorry to all other departments. I have made there have been Advice to freshmen:
Math Club, helped plan parts Matthew Burritt What makes them the best is amazing. Grades, sports and fun can be
of the Epic Summer Slam: Matthew Burritt, the son of that they are able to really en- My junior year, we went to juggled. You won’t remember
outside of school Elijah enjoys Kimberly Burritt and Richard gage their students and teach Costa Rica and Quebec and it the bad grades you got on an
video games, work, splitting Burritt. will attend Niagara in a way that makes the class was the best trip of my life. I English test or what class rank
wood and practicing math for University for a bachelor’s de- fun and light. Every teacher will remember that trip for a you are; what you’ll remember
fun. gree in nursing. His goal is to has such a distinct and like- lifetime. is the friendships, memories,
Something I take with me: become a nurse anesthetist. able personality that it makes Also: I would like to thank and trips so when you get
The Smash Club was one of Activities: Cross country it easier to enjoy the class and my mom for everything she’s the opportunity to go to that
my favorite projects in all of and track and field. learn the material. If you’re done for me over the years in school dance or participate in
high school. Working with Advice to freshmen: Try looking for an entertaining school and in athletics. spirit week, do it. It will be over
friends Dylan Price and our your best, every single day. As and engaging class, look to- before you know it, so don’t
advisor Mr. Miller allowed cliche as that sounds, it brings wards the science wing. Stephanie Fox take it for granted.
us to host tournaments. The you so far. Just trying and do- Reflection: I was lucky
first taking place during the ing what you can is better than Hannah Fairbrother Stephanie Fox, the daughter
enough to be able to go on
Epic Summer Slam, this initial of Sandor and Donna Fox, will
nothing. Hannah Fairbrother plan the Close-Up trip to Wash-
tournament went well and the attend Clarkson University for
Being unmotivated is a to attend SUNY Cortland to ington, D.C., my junior year.
original crew stuck together engineering studies.
slippery slope and it’s a cycle major in physical and health I was scared to go at first and
making The Smash Club the Activities: Soccer and 4-H.
that’s hard to escape from. education and get a concen- worried that I wouldn’t get in,
next year. The Smash Club Something I take with me:
Coming in every school day tration in special education. but it was such a great trip and
allowed students to make Hopefully, I take with me the
and just giving it what you’ve She hopes to play softball helped me gain more experi-
friends while having fun play- friendships I have made along
got will surprise you in how while she is there. ences and memories that will
ing Super Smash Brothers the way in my school career.
much you can accomplish, es- Activities: I spent my time last a long time. I
Ultimate. I also will take with me the
pecially since you can always in school playing soccer, soft- ’m glad that I took all the
Advice to freshman: Be like do more than you think. ball and indoor track. Out of memories that school has
opportunities that came my
water. Flow when it is time Memories: Running cross school, I like being with my given me thanks to the op-
way preparing me for the real
to flow and crash when it’s country was always a fun friends and playing softball portunities I was faced with.
time to crash. Keep moving thing to do the past four years. with my travel team. I was lucky enough to go on
forward and don’t be afraid if Luckily I was able to run all Something I take with me: so many trips and adventures See WAY-COH T42
you make a few mistakes along four years because I know I’m thankful for all of the
the way. some people got unlucky and friendships that I’ve made
Do your best to think things missed their favorite sport last over the years and thankful for
through but don’t get too year. I can’t say it’s my favorite all of my teachers for every-
caught up with planning. Lok sport solely because I enjoy thing they have done over my
to live a life that you can be running, there is a limited four years of high school.
proud of. extent to how much you can Advice to freshmen: Fresh-
Reflection: I have had a enjoy running. It is because men, don’t take anything for
great time in Mac’s classroom; of the welcoming and light granted. You may think that
the woodshop has taught me atmosphere that everyone four years will go by so slowly
how to use my hands to shape brings to practice. There was and it seems like such a long
my own reality. The environ- always time to mess around time, but it goes by in the blink
ment is calm and allows you to and have fun, but still easy to of an eye and you are going to
42 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

From T41

Greta Huber
Greta Huber, daughter of
Tammy and Phil Huber, plans
to attend North Dakota State
University to major in animal
biomedical science.
Activities: I played varsity
soccer and softball. I am a
member of Steuben County
4-H and the Class of 2021
vice-president. Outside of Greta Huber Kaitlyn Kimmel Cari Stern Sydney Wetherbee
school, I play travel softball for
Smash It Sport all year. true to your values. It’s import- fect on me: It was really fun to
Something I take with me: ant to not follow the crowd just participate in ICE. It was really
School taught me to stay true to fit in. Set goals and work to the first time I was in any sort
to myself and that everything achieve them. Take advantage of competition and it helped
has a way of working out. of the ways you can help your me a lot with my confidence,
Advice to freshmen: Be school and community. even if I didn’t win anything.
realistic about your future Parting words: Way- I always liked writing but I
decisions. If you want to head land-Cohocton has put so never thought I could go any-
to a top college, you need to many amazing teachers in where with it, so I think it was
start thinking and working for my life that I can’t just pick a a big reason why I’m actually
that immediately. And ... it’s few to thank. I want to thank moving forward with writing
not just about grades. You also every teacher I have ever had. in general. Plus, it was a way to
have to be involved and take I wouldn’t be the successful get out of school, so that was
leadership positions because student I am today without the nice.
at the end of the day, that’s guidance I have received from
what makes you stand out. so many of you. Your dedica- Sydney Wetherbee
Reflection: The National tion to your students does not Maria Baker Promise Chapman
Sydney Wetherbee said her
Honor Society is an organiza- go unnoticed. parents, Michael Wetherbee
tion that I would like to thank. and Lisa Wetherbee, shaped Here are seniors graduat- and Karen Chapman, will
The NHS bought me many Cari Stern her into the person I became. ing magna cum laude (93 to study liberal arts and psychol-
experiences to help my com- Cari Stern, the daughter of She will next attend the state 95.999 grade-point average): ogy at Monroe Community
munity along with surround- Daniel and Joanne Stern, will University of Buffalo to study College.
ing communities. I don’t view
Maria Baker Activities: I have played
major in creative writing at civil engineering.
volunteering and community Purchase College. She said her Activities: I’m so thankful I Maria Baker, the daughter of Elite travel soccer in Rochester
service as a chore, I do it to parents “just always pushed spent my time playing sports Anne and William Baker, will since the age of four.
help others. This organization me to do my best.” alongside my best friends all of attend SUNY Oswego, though Something I take with me:
is very self-rewarding and I’m Activities: I draw, write and my high school years. Sports she is undecided on a major. Being friends with Mia Barratt
glad I was selected to be part watch a lot of YouTube and allowed me to make endless Activities: I spent my time since eighth grade. Mia and I
of it. anime. memories I’ll never forget. playing a few sports and hang- have made numerous presen-
Something I take with me: If Sports helped shape the per- ing out with my friends both in tations and projects together;
Kaitlyn Kimmel it weren’t for school, I wouldn’t son I became as well. and out of school. always having fun. She is the
Kaitlyn Kimmel, the daugh- have been so close with some Something I take with me: Something I take with me: best study partner I could ask
ter of Betsy Kimmel and of my friends, So I’m really I take away from high school Try new things! With COVID for. But, she is more than just
Michael Kimmel, will attend thankful for that. Listening to that you may have your ups this year, I tried tennis and re- a good worker, she is a good
SUNY Alfred, majoring in diag- Andrew talk during the entire and downs but cherish the ally enjoyed it. It was a way for friend to all and never fails to
nostic medical sonography. study hall was fun, too. moments because before you me to connect with new peo- lend a hand. I will miss her
Activities: National Honor Advice to freshmen: Don’t know it, you will be an adult ple and get out of my comfort greatly when I graduate be-
Society, class officer, Leader be afraid to get help. Whenever deciding what you want to do zone. cause she helped make school
in Me, Student Council, Eagle I struggled with something, with the rest of your life. Just Reflection: One of the great- and soccer fun.
Pals, Freshman Mentor Pro- whether it was school related find yourself along the way. est experiences for me was Advice to freshmen: Dear
gram, Close-Up, volleyball, or mental health related, I just In appreciation: Thank you the Quebec/Costa Rica trip. It Freshmen, a good attitude
competitive dance. kept it to myself and tried to to Michelle Curtin – “Mom” was something I will take with goes a long way. Have fun…
Something I take with me: I work through it on my own. – for helping me get through me forever. Going on vacation but not too much. Balance
will forever cherish the memo- That made school really hard some extremely tough times with some of my best friends is everything in high school;
ries I got to make on the Close- because I didn’t have the mo- and always being there for me. was a cool experience. I saw a the triad of social, school and
Up Washington, D.C., trip and tivation to do my work and so I knew I could walk into her whole other side of the world self-wellness is the hardest
the Quebec-Costa Rica trip. It’s I would get behind and then room at any time of the day that I wouldn’t have without part of high school. Be sure to
amazing how much you can get more stressed. So just talk and she would be there for me. this trip. advocate for yourself because
you are the main character in
learn in such a short amount to people and get the help you I will never forget the memo- Promise Chapman your story.
of time when participating in need, even if it’s a little intimi- ries made in lunch club, too. I
these real life experiences. dating to try sometimes. definitely couldn’t have done it Promise Chapman, the
Advice to freshmen: Stay Something that had an af- without her! daughter of Clifford Chapman
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 43

York Central School

Class list
Listed below are the
candidates for graduation
in the York Central School
Class of 2021.

Anthony Battaglia
Bronson Bennett
Lindsey Berling
Aiden J. Binns
Kendall J. Chapman
Kyle Cook
David Cuozzo
Haylie Dixon
Hailey Eddy
Allyson Emerson
Mackenzie L. Englert
James Fagan, IV
Logan Fanaro
Michelle Gates
Dylan Gray
Skyla Green
Clayton Harris
Claire Hauslauer
Parker Hilts
Leah Hodges
Addison Houseman
Jillian Jaroszek
Logan Jones
James Kennedy IV
Cameron Laney
Michael Maglio
Kyle Marks
Gemini E. McClain
Joshua Morris
Dominic Muscato
Jordyn Neumann
Anthony Palermo
Ryan J. Parsons
Jonathon Preston
Molly Preston
Brady Reilly
Stephanie Santiago
Conner Scaccia
Darin P. Schneider
Stephanie Schunk
Jastin Strapp
Jonathan Tschetter
Johnathon VanWyk
Levi Vitale
Joseph R. Wallace III
Logan Ziegenfuss

With students attending classes at York Central School on different days during the week, the school took two pictures of the senior class.
44 • June 2021 Graduation 2021


Gemini McClain

Kendall Chapman Allyson Emerson Addison Houseman

Valedictorian plans to Gemini McClain Allyson Emerson Addison is president of

major in psychology Valedictorian Allyson Emerson is the

daughter of Richard Emerson
National Honor Society and
a class representative for the
student board. She was cap-
and Kelly Wybron of Leicester.
Gemini McClain is the has played basketball since Leah Hodges Allyson attends the Genesee
tain of the varsity basketball
team, winning the sectional
valedctorian for the York Cen- she was in third grade. This Salutatorian Community College Health title in 2021. She has also par-
tral School Class of 2021. year’s girls varsity basketball Careers Academy. She has ticipated in varsity cheerlead-
Gemini is the daughter of team won the sectional cham- participated in varsity cheer-
Kendall Chapman ing, varsity tennis, American
Brad and Jamie McClain of pionship. Gemini was the re- leading and has played vol- Legion Auxiliary’s Girls’ State.
Piffard. Kendall Chapman is the leyball from seventh through
cipient of the Coaches award She is a two-time ICHSA
Gemini has been a member daughter of Jeremy Chapman 11th grades, was a member
in 2012 and 2021. quarterfinalist with a profes-
of National Honor Society and Sarena Gambino. of the band and chorus from
Gemini plans to major in sionally recorded EP a capella
throughout high school. She Kendall has been the cap- third through 11th grades.
psychology at college in the album.
has run cross-country since tain of the varsity swim team, Allyson plans to attend the
she was in seventh grade, and fall. Addison travelled to Wash-
participated in track and vol- state University at Buffalo to ington, D.C., with the Close-
leyball as well as Odyssey of study occupational therapy. Up program, was on the math
the Mind. team for three years, three
She was also the president years of culture club, two years
of the Technology Club.
Addison Houseman
of technology club, two years
Kendall plans to attend Addison Houseman is the of mock trial, All County Choir
community college in the fall. daughter of Jillian and Devin
Houseman of Piffard. See YORK T45

Class of 2021 Congratulatons to the Senior
Class of 2021!

Leah Hodges

Salutatorian planning to
become nurse anesthetist
Leah Hodges is the salu- She has participated in Julie Pangrazio
tatorian for the York Central varsity soccer, varsity indoor Licensed Associate Broker
School Class of 2021.
Leah is the daughter of Mar-
track, varsity volleyball as well (585) 469-8880
as varsity track and field.
ijo and Jim Hodges of York.
Leah is the recipient of the Leah plans to attend St.
Lariton Award, one of York John Fisher College, majoring
Central School’s highest hon- in nursing and working to be- 81 Main St., Geneseo
ors. come a nurse anesthetist. (585) 243-3811
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 45

Cameron Laney Ryan Parsons Stephanie Schunk Joseph Wallace III Johnathon VanWyk

Ryan J. Parsons Rochester Institute of Tech- Johnathon VanWyk Johnathon has played the
York Ryan J. Parsons is the son of
nology and study in its physi-
cian assistant program. Johnathon “Jake” VanWyk
saxophone with the York Cen-
tral School band program for
From T44 Gerald and Donna Parsons of is the son of Molly and Bruce nine years.
Caledonia. VanWyk of Piffard. He has also participated two
Ryan is a member of the Joseph Wallace III Jake is a 12year veteran of years with the Marching Band
Solo-Fest participant, and one
National Honor Society, the Joseph Wallace III is the son the Livingston Blues Hockey and two years with the York
year of stand-up club. She was
science club and culture club. of Joe and Tracy Wallace of organization as well as assist- Jazz Band.
a winner of the Most Respon-
He has been a member of Caledonia. ing with the program’s begin- He has been an ice hockey
sible Knight Award and ap-
the varsity cross country and Joseph has been a member ner’s hockey program for four official for the past four years
peared in three years of high
track team for four years. of National Honor Society years. and works part-time on a
school musical productions.
Ryan is the recipient of the since 2017. He has participated for farm.
Addison plans to attend the
Xerox Award for Innovation He has been a member of four years with York Golden Jake plans to attend college
state University at Buffalo with
and Information Technology the York Central School trap Knights baseball, four years with a math/science major.
a double major in linguistics
from the University of Roch- shooting club and the out- Pavilion/York sSoccer and
and Spanish, with a minor in
ester. doorsman club since 2018. one year with Pavilion/York
strategic media messaging.
He plans to attend the Col- He has participated in the volleyball.
lege of Engineering Technol- Hunter’s Tour since 2014 and Throughout his four years
Cameron Laney ogy at Rochester Institute of is the recipient of multiple in high school, Jake has been
Cameron Laney is the son Technology to pursue a degree awards: High average Con- a member of National Honor
of Megan and Bill Laney of in mechanical engineering. ference Male (NY - TRAP) Society and achieved high
Leicester. Class 1 A Conference - second honor roll status. He has been
Cameron has enjoyed par- Stephanie Schunk place in 2018 and first place a member of the math club
ticipating in varsity football, in 2019, Sporting Clays Junior for three years and with Brain
Stephanie Schunk is the Varsity SCTP State Champi- Stormers for four years.
varsity basketball, and varsity
daughter of Aimee and Steven onship - first place in 2019,
track. He was named a Scholar
Schunk of Piffard. NYS SCTP 2019 Sporting Clays
Stephanie attends the Championship Runner-up,
He has achieved high honor
Genesee Community College hosted by Pathfinder Fish and
roll for several years, receiving
Health Careers Academy and Game Club, SCTP 2012 Spring
the Breakfast of Champions
is a member of National Hon- Sporting Clays Shoot Vernon
or Society. National Shooting Preserve
Cameron has been a mem-
She has been a member of Runner-up.
ber of the mock trial club as
the volleyball, track and bas- Joseph plans to attend
well as a member of the Na-
ketball teams, with the basket- SUNY Polytechnic Institute for
tional Honor Society.
ball team winning the Section mechanical engineering.
Cameron plans to attend
V Class C2 championship title
Syracuse University to major
this year.
in Political Science/Pre-Law.
Stephanie plans to attend


AT: Dollar General.
NEWS AT: The Barn Restau-
rant, Piffard Petro-Speedy’s.
NEWS AT: Caledonia Market-
place, Crosby’s, Milex Drugs,
Petro Mascot.
3225 Genesee Street, Piffard, NY • 585-243-4260
46 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

From T42

Autumn Ladd
Autumn Ladd, the daughter
of Brett and Karen Ladd, will
attend the state University of
Albany for business adminis-
Activities: Junior varsity
and varsity volleyball, varsity
tennis, senior class secretary,
Leader in Me.
Advice to freshmen: Don’t Autumn Ladd Thomas Mead Emilee Wright Hunter Zangerle
put too much energy towards
pleasing others before pleasing
yourself, because no matter
what, someone will have
Keshequa She is a member of the Na-
tional Honor Society.
Emilee’s advice to fresh-
something to say about it. From T29 men is, “Take all of the col-
March to the beat of your own lege classes you can and Mr.
drum, and never take yourself freshmen is, “Not to stress Macomber has cookies in his
too seriously. too much when it seems dif- top desk drawer.”
Experience that shaped me: ficult as you will get through Her favorite memories are
Close-Up, Washington, D.C. it.” all the sports teams she has
This experience helped me His favorite memory of been on.
understand an environment high school was piling onto Emilee will study interior
I’d thrive in and gave me the the fence next to the stands design at SUNY Alfred.
confidence to enter my field of with his teammates, coaches
interest, knowing that I will be and fans after beating East Hunter Zangerle
successful. Rochester to go to Kes- Hunter is from Nunda and
Jaden Rocha Julia Zastawrny hequa’s first state tourna- since he was an eighth grad-
Thomas Mead ment appearance. er, he has challenged himself
Jaden Rocha out with my friends and enjoy
Aidan will major in phys-
Thomas Mead, the son playing with my dofts. I also every day. He has taken four
of Karen Mead and Michael Jaden Rocha, son of Paula work at Laf A Lot whenever I ical education and exercise years of math and science,
Mead, will attend Susquehan- and Filipe Rocha, will attend don’t have athletics. science at Finger Lakes Com- and has taken six dual credit
na University and major in Roberts Wesleyan College in Memories: I will always re- munity College. college classes. This year
business data science. the academic exploratory pro- member having special bonds Hunter attended the Sports
Activities: I spent most of gram. He received a track and with my teammates. The funny
Emilee Wright Science Academy and will be
my time studying or working field scholarship. nicknames and laughs will for- Emilee is from Swain and earning additional college
on assignments. Outside of Activities: Participating in ever be with me and the end- is a student who enjoys the credits through this program.
school, I would participate in sports and school clubs such less amount of support from sciences and math, but also Hunter has a passion for
athletics or be with friends. as Leader in Me and National everyone no matter what I was has taken classes in the arts learning and scored a 95 on
Something I take with me: Honor Society. trying to accomplish. and business. the new Global Regents exam
I’ll leave Wayland-Cohocton Memories: The school trip Reflection: Health Careers Emilee shared that the in 10th grade. He will grad-
with so many happy memo- to Quebec and Costa Rica, The Academy is a program that course she felt helped her to uate with a Regents diploma
ries. Some of these will be as Epic Summer Slam event with involves the medical field. This grow the most as a student with advanced designation
simple as the teachers always Leader in Me, being a multi- has impacted my life tremen- was statistics. She said not with mastery in science.
having a smile or making sport athlete, winning section- dously because I never thought only was the content chal- The faculty members he
learning interesting. Other als in pole vault. I would learn or experience so lenging, but since she needed credits as having the most
memories that I’ll keep are Reflection: Having Mr. Mill- many opportunities. Ms. Ott to advocate for herself and affect on him were Mr. Ro-
my close friends like telling er as a teacher – he made class is a wonderful teacher who set up times to meet with manchock and Mr. Uveino,
the underclassmen to find fun and I learned a lot about has made my understand- the teacher, it allowed her as both shared their passions
a left-handed football, the his teaching style. ing of certain fields clearer to grow in her confidence. and sparked interests in him.
laughs I had while trying new and has really supported me She also shared that Mr. Ma- Hunter was a member of
sports my senior year, and
Julia Zastawrny throughout the year. ...I have comber was a teacher who the soccer, basketball, wres-
singing “I Want it That Way” Julia Zastawrny, daughter of also made a lot of friends in the had a great affect on her and tling, track and volleyball
by the Backstreet Boys with the Ivan and Jennifer Zastawrny, class who are very supportive he never let her take the easy teams. He is a member of the
soccer team: will study nursing at St. John and share the same goals. way out, but pushed her to National Honor Society.
Advice to freshmen: Try Fisher College. Her goal is to The following students are do better. Another teacher His advice to freshmen
to have fun, make friends, become a nurse practitioner. cum laude graduates (90- that she felt had a great im- is, “To have fun throughout
try something new, and treat Activities: In school I spent 92.999 grade-point average): pact was Mr. Raymond as he the next four years and don’t
others the way you’d want to my time doing my work and Karen Baker, Sierra Bowers, helped her to come up with waste it.”
be treated. Your high school socializing with friends and Sarah Hoppough, Nathanil creative ideas that she didn’t Hunter will attend Finger
experience won’t be as great as teachers. Out of school I spend Michielsen, Gabriella Rizzieri, know she had. Lakes Community College
some movies make it out to be most of my time with athletics. Justin Schwab, Johnathan Emilee was a member of to study exercise science. He
but by doing what I listed, it’ll I play varsity soccer, basketball Washburn, and Andrea Rose the soccer, basketball, soft- wants to be a physical ther-
be much more enjoyable. and softball. I love hanging Wolfanger. ball and track team. apist.
Graduation 2021 June 2021 • 47

Graduation brings excitement and temptation

Here are 6 tips to help your family create a safe commencement season
Council on Alcohol and Substance
Abuse of Livingston County

igh school gradua-
tion is an important
milestone in a young
person’s life, and the season
is often marked with parties,
outings, and other celebra-
During this time there are
plenty of opportunities where
teens may contemplate taking
risks, especially drinking and
drug use. At graduation time,
teens may feel more pressure
to celebrate by partying with
illicit drugs, alcohol, or even
prescription drugs.
Unfortunately, too many
teens still say alcohol is easy to
get—and a Livingston County
youth survey shows that most
of those who drink alcohol do
not pay for it. Instead, they
get it from older friends, from
family members, at parties or
they take it from home.
Further, once kids start
drinking, some engage in
binge drinking, meaning that
they have five or more drinks
in a short time-span with a
goal of getting drunk.
High school graduation season is often marked with parties, outings and other celebrations. The season may also bring more pressure
Teen drinking is linked to
to celebrate by parting with illicit drugs, alcohol and even prescription drugs.
injury and risky behavior. We
by stopping easy access to Ask them how they are feel-
alcohol. Your teen may be graduating, but that doesn’t mean YOUR EXPECTATIONS
Talk to your child about the ing about graduating? What
The legal drinking age pro- it’s time to let go. Your graduate needs are they most excited about?
tects kids. Did you know that dangers of drinking and driv-
since laws established 21 as
you now just as much as ever. ing and getting in the car with What are they most nervous
a drunk driver. Consider role about?
the minimum drinking age,
the likelihood that a 15- to playing a few scenarios.
20-year-old driver will be in- There are many ways to and make this season one to Research shows that par- GET TO KNOW THEIR FRIENDS
volved in a fatal car crash has help keep your child safe and remember for all the right ents who discuss possible Ask their friends about
dropped by more than half? A healthy: reasons. scenarios and build their what they enjoy doing, ask
U.S. Surgeon General report n Reinforce your expecta- teen’s knowledge about what them about what their college
showed that about 5,000 kids tions. SET CURFEWS to do should a situation arise, plans are. Doing this not only
younger than 21 years old die n Encourage your teens to shows your child that you are
Teen car crashes and deaths increase the chances of their
each year from alcohol-relat- make each moment count. interested in their life but also
increase exponentially late at teen’s safe decision-making.
ed injury, including crashes, n Provide safe alterna- builds a relationship with oth-
tives. night. Know where your teen
homicides and suicides. er young people
n Be aware and ask ques- is, how long he will be there, KEEP THE PARTY LOCAL Help your teen enjoy their
Talking to your kids about when he will be leaving, who is
the harmful effects of alco- tions. Don’t be tempted to allow graduation without drinking
n Set a good example. there, and who is supervising your children to celebrate at or using drugs. Lay down rules
hol and drugs is a first step
the event. a far-away location, such as a that will help create everlast-
towards the development of
healthy lifestyle patterns. Your Tips to create a safe beach or cabin. ing memories.
teen may be graduating soon, BE UP WHEN THEY COME HOME Allowing your teen to take –––
but that doesn’t mean it’s time graduation season A teen’s curfew should not off to a remote spot with no For more information on
to let go. Your graduate needs Here are 6 tips for parents exceed the parent’s ability to supervision creates unneces- our services visit
you now just as much as ever. to help keep their teen safe stay up. sary risk.
48 • June 2021 Graduation 2021

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