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The amicita

It is composed of very common elements, but to form it requires

extremely precise conditions of temperature, pressure and
composition. It has only been found in two locations in the world.

The ichnusaite

It has been created from an underground mixture of two

radioactive elements: thorium and lead. Only one sample has
been found in Sardinia (Italy).

The nevadaite
It is composed of vanadium and copper and has been formed under very
harsh environmental conditions. Only two samples have been found: one in
Eureka County, Nevada and one in a copper mine in Kyrgyzstan.

top 5 of the minerals that stand out the

The cobaltarthurite
most among the rarity they carry
It is made up of cobalt and coupled with an unknown element arsenic. It has only been found in four
The result of a function of variables, such as: temperature, pressure
and other components, gives one or more of the 72 chemical
elements that make up the mineral kingdom of the Earth.

1. Unique conditions that created the

They are rare minerals because, although they are formed mineral The ottoite
from the most common ingredients, they must be formed
under exquisitely controlled conditions. Ottoite incorporates tellurium, an extremely rare element, in its
composition. Its microscopic size makes it very difficult to find.

If the combination of circumstances involved in the creation of

a rare mineral is known, scientists can deduce which elements
are or are not present at a specific depth.

Robert Hazen

They fully know the mineral signature

Incorporation of rare elements or mineral formation of the planet.
under pressure-temperature conditions rarely found in
near-surface environments

Comprise different combinations of

Some minerals are extremely rare, because their There are currently 2,550 minerals, which circumstances that create these
ingredients are almost never found concentrated in the 2. Planetary constraints are recognized as rare, of which there are
earth's crust Scientists present minerals
only 5 or fewer locations where a pair is

Because they have so few chemical elements, they will

form relatively few minerals and most species will be rare. They establish the first system to
categorize rarities in the mineral
Jesse Ausubel

Report anticipation of what an

interplanetary probe could be
Rarity that impacts and overvalues ​
those named; "different miners"
Minerals are formed under unusual conditions in
extremely cold or dry environments Each existing rare mineral fits into one or
more of the four categories mentioned:

Some minerals simply melt, evaporate, or dehydrate

when exposed to different surface conditions

3. Ephemeral minerals

Rare mineral species are found that adsorb moisture

from the air and then dissolve in it

Positive sampling bias affects perceptions of
mineral rarity

The excessive searches for "rare earth" They are key to understanding the diversity and
deposits that the electronics industry needs disparity of Earth's mineralogical environments.

In the fourth category are rare minerals that simply come They are valuable for understanding the Earth
from undersampled regions as a complex evolving system

They increase the probability of finding novel

4. Mineral identification sites crystal structures and improving crystal
extreme environments such as the flanks of erupting Advantages and disadvantages are chemistry.
volcanoes, cold and remote regions of Antarctica, or the reflected such as: advantage
deepest reaches of the oceans are seen
Provide the clearest and most compelling
window into the complexities of the evolving
mineralogical kingdom

They help to understand the biological

processes that lead to new mineral formation

The scientist who first describes a new

mineral earns the right to name it



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