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In House Transfer

Transaction Status

Transfer Information
Trx Status : Executed Succesfully
Reference No. : 202102131014080646
From Account : 270717176/JABAL RAHMAH MEDIKA PT(IDR)
Amount : IDR 500,000.00
Transaction Purpose :

Remark : Pembayaran fee pasien Leni Marlina,Ny

Remitter Reference No. :
Finalize Payment Flag : No
Beneficiary Reference No. :
Beneficiary Information

To Account : 0863566654/Bpk MUHAMMAD RAMDANI(IDR)

To Account Type : Third Party Account No

Beneficiary Notification

Notification Flag : Don't Send

Beneficiary Email :

Instruction Mode
Immediate : 13-Feb-2021

Transaction History

Action Date Action Type Action By Proxy User Amount Succesfull/Failed Trx Status
13-Feb-2021 Execute System IDR 500,000.00 Success Executed Succesfully
13-Feb-2021 Release REKSIANDRIANOL IDR 500,000.00 Success Pending Execute
11:34:03 93 - REKSI
13-Feb-2021 Approve ENGLI1990 - IDR 500,000.00 Success Pending Release
13-Feb-2021 Create TIMARKIREY08 - IDR 500,000.00 Success Pending Approval
10:14:19 SITI MARYAM

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