Recovery and Purification of Surfactin From Fermentation Broth by A Two-Step Ultrafiltration Process

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Journal of Membrane Science 296 (2007) 51–57

Recovery and purification of surfactin from fermentation

broth by a two-step ultrafiltration process
Mohd Hafez Mohd Isa, Diego Esteban Coraglia, Richard A. Frazier, Paula Jauregi ∗
Department of Food Biosciences, University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 226, Reading RG6 6AP, UK
Received 30 October 2006; received in revised form 26 February 2007; accepted 12 March 2007
Available online 15 March 2007

Surfactin is a bacterial lipopeptide produced by Bacillus subtilis and it is a powerful surfactant, having also antiviral, antibacterial and antitumor
properties. The recovery and purification of surfactin from complex fermentation broths is a major obstacle to its commercialization; therefore, two-
step membrane filtration processes were evaluated using centrifugal and stirred cell devices while the mechanisms of separation were investigated
by particle size and surface charge measurements. In a first step of ultrafiltration (UF-1), surfactin was retained effectively by membranes at above
its critical micelle concentration (CMC); subsequently in UF-2, the retentate micelles were disrupted by addition of 50% (v/v) methanol solution
to allow recovery of surfactin in the permeate. Main protein contaminants were effectively retained by the membrane in UF-2. Ultrafiltration was
carried out either using centrifugal devices with 30 and 10 kDa MWCO regenerated cellulose membranes, or a stirred cell device with 10 kDa
MWCO polyethersulfone (PES) and regenerated cellulose (RC) membranes. Total rejection of surfactin was consistently observed in UF-1, while
in UF-2 PES membranes had the lowest rejection coefficient of 0.08 ± 0.04. It was found that disruption of surfactin micelles, aggregation of
protein contaminants and electrostatic interactions in UF-2 can further improve the selectivity of the membrane based purification technique.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Surfactin; Ultrafiltration; Zeta potential; Micelle size; Regenerated cellulose (RC); Polyethersulfone (PES)

1. Introduction have been proposed for surfactin, including reports that it has
hemolytic, antiviral, antibacterial and antitumor properties [2].
The total quantity of chemical surfactants and biosurfactants The application of surfactin as a strong, biodegradable detergent
produced in the US and worldwide is estimated at more than 10 for technical and household purposes can also be envisaged, but
billion pounds sterling and 25 billion pounds sterling, respec- would require much cheaper production methods [3].
tively [1]. Almost all surfactants currently in commercial use are Downstream processing in many biotechnological processes
chemically derived from petroleum; however, interest in micro- is responsible for up to 60% of the total production cost, and the
bial surfactants, including surfactin, has been steadily increasing major obstacle for the commercialization of surfactin is its recov-
in recent years due to their diversity, environmentally friendly ery and purification from complex fermentation broths [4]. One
nature, the possibility of their production through fermentation, of the most widely used approaches for the recovery and purifica-
and their potential applications in the environmental protection, tion of surfactin involves precipitation at extreme pH followed by
crude oil recovery, health care and food-processing industries. extraction with organic solvents, adsorption chromatography, or
Surfactin is a cyclic lipopeptide biosurfactant, produced by thin layer chromatography [5]. However, these techniques usu-
various strains of B. subtilis. Surfactin consists of a heptapeptide ally lead to the generation and release or hazardous wastes and
headgroup with the sequence Glu-Leu-d-Leu-Val-Asp-d-Leu- thus, it is necessary to develop a more economic and environ-
Leu closed to a lactone ring by a C14–15 ␤-hydroxy fatty acid. mentally friendly approach. One of the unique characteristics of
A variety of important applications and physiological activities surfactant molecules is that above the critical micelle concen-
tration (CMC) they associate to form supramolecular structures,
such as micelles or vesicles, with nominal molecular diameters
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 118 3788728. up to two to three orders of magnitude larger than the single
E-mail address: (P. Jauregi). unassociated molecules. Surfactant molecules in this form can

0376-7388/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
52 M.H.M. Isa et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 296 (2007) 51–57

be retained in the retentate of ultrafiltration (UF) membranes of in order to determine biomass and surfactin content. Similarly,
certain molecular weight cut-offs (MWCOs). Mulligan et al. [6] temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH values were recorded
successfully employed this principle for the recovery and purifi- prior to each sampling procedure. The final fermentation broth
cation of surfactin and rhamnolipids from complex fermentation obtained was harvested, clarified by centrifugation for 10 min at
broths with one step of UF. Recovery and purification of surfactin 8000 rpm at room temperature, divided in fractions and finally
from broth samples with one step of UF was further studied by frozen for further studies.
Sen and Swaminathan [7] by using a stirred cell device and
evaluating some filtration characteristics and their effects on the 2.2. Recovery and purification of surfactin
recovery and purity of the final products. In this latter study, they
managed to recover surfactin with a purity value based on CMC 2.2.1. Ultrafiltration centrifugal device
of 70%. Small scale UF procedures were carried out using Amicon-
Another reported method by Lin and Jiang [8] for the recovery Ultra 15 centrifugal filter devices (Millipore, USA) with a
and purification of surfactin from fermentation broths consists MWCO of 10 or 30 kDa, containing in both cases a regener-
of two-step UF. In that study, they reported recovery of 95% ated cellulose membrane of 7.6 cm2 of active area. In general,
of surfactin from their fermentation broth, although there was a feed volume of 10–15 ml was added to the filter unit and
no report on the purity of the final product. For a procedure or the device assembled and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for approx-
a method to be successful and potentially to be commercial- imately 5–10 min as recommended by the supplier. After
ized, it must be able to achieve a very good recovery rate with that, the retentate in the filter unit and the permeate in the
a high purity value. Although UF has been reported to be effec- centrifugal tube were recovered, weighed and analysed by
tive, detailed investigation of the mechanism and evaluation of HPLC for surfactin concentration. The rejection of surfactin
the separation has not been carried out. In this study character- by a membrane was defined as rejection coefficient (R) as
ization of surfactin in terms of size and surface charge has led below:
to an improved understanding of the mechanism of the separa- CF − CP
tion based on a two-step UF process which will lead to further R= (1)
optimization of the separation.
where CF and CP are the concentration of surfactin in the feed
2. Materials and methods and permeate, respectively.
Feed, as well as retentate and permeate volumes were esti-
2.1. Culture conditions, media and fermentation mated considering the density of the aqueous solutions as being
equal to 1 g/ml. The density of solutions in 50% (v/v) methanol
The strain used in the fermentation was B. subtilis ATCC was estimated by weighing 50 ml of this solvent system. The
21332, which was obtained from the American Type Culture recovery and purification by two-step UF which was conducted
Collection (Rockville, MD, USA). Inocula were prepared in two at room temperature. After the first step (UF-1), the surfactin
stages. Firstly the microorganism was recovered from the strain micelles were concentrated in the retentate. Then the solution
bank and grown in the nutrient agar. Then, a loopful of cells from conditions of the retentate were altered to disrupt surfactin
this culture was added to 25 ml of nutrient broth containing 40 g/l micelles, thus allowing them to permeate the membrane in
of glucose, which was incubated for 24 h on an orbital shaker the second step (UF-2), whereas the high molecular weight
(300 rpm) at 30 ◦ C. The obtained culture broth was used to inoc- compounds were retained in the retentate. This procedure was
ulate five conical flasks, each one containing 45 ml of Cooper’s conducted with 50% (v/v) methanol solution as reported by Lin
medium [9], using 5 ml of inoculum per flask (10%). These flasks and Jiang [8]. Therefore, using the 30 kDa MWCO membrane,
were incubated under the same conditions as the previous cul- the retentate obtained in UF-1 was subjected to 1:10 dilution
ture but, only for 16 h. The five conical flasks (total volume: with 50% (v/v) methanol solution to favour the disruption of
250 ml) were used to inoculate a 5-l bioreactor (BioFlo 110 micelles and subsequent passage of surfactin to the permeate in
New Brunswick Scientific, UK) containing Cooper’s medium UF-2.
[9] (5% inoculum).
The agitation system of the bioreactor contained two six- 2.2.2. Stirred cell device
blade impellers on a single drive shaft connected to a motor Lab scale UF of the fermentation broth was performed with
whose speed was controlled by a fermentation control unit. Both a magnetically stirred UF cell (Gyrosep 300, Techmate Ltd.,
pH and dissolved oxygen probes were also connected to a fer- UK). UF was conducted with two sets of membrane materials
mentation control unit and pH was maintained constant by the with 10 kDa MWCO and an effective filtration area of 40 cm2
automatic addition of either 1 M NaOH or 1 M HCl, according at a constant pressure of 2 bar, namely Biomax polyethersul-
to the signal received from the pH electrode. fone (PES) and Ultracel regenerated cellulose (RC) membranes
The fermentation was conducted at 30 ◦ C, pH 7, for 55 h, (Millipore, USA). Throughout the UF procedures, the flow rate
under depleted oxygen conditions, which was accomplished across the membrane (filtration rate) were estimated by collect-
using a low air flow rate (1 vvm−1 ) and low stirrer speed ing permeates of certain volumes during an exactly controlled
(100 rpm). Culture broth samples of approximately 40 ml were period of time. Such permeates were then weighed and trans-
taken during the course of the fermentation at regular intervals lated to volume according to the density of the solution. Flux of
M.H.M. Isa et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 296 (2007) 51–57 53

permeates were calculated by using the following equation: 2.3.2. Zeta potential measurements
Electrophoretic mobility of surfactin standard in 50% (v/v)
flow rate (ml/ min)
flux (LMH or L/m2 h) = × 600 (2) methanol solutions and UF-2 feeds (UF-1 retentate diluted with
membrane area (cm2 ) 50% (v/v) methanol) were determined with a ZetaMaster anal-
UF-1 was carried out with a feed volume of 100 ml and yser (Malvern Instrument Ltd., Worcestershire, UK). The pH
flow rate was monitored during the course of UF. The result- of each set of samples was controlled by using 0.1 M HCl and
ing retentate was diluted 1:10 in a solution of methanol 50% 0.1 M NaOH. Measurements were performed in triplicate and
(v/v) and ultrafiltered again in the UF-2 under the same condi- each sample was scanned three times by the instrument for each
tions. Both steps of UF were conducted at room temperature. measurement.
At each step of UF, the rejection of surfactin was determined
by measuring surfactin concentration in permeate by using Eq. 2.3.3. Particle size measurements
(1). UF-2 filtrations with both PES and RC membranes were The presence and size of surfactin micelles in the fermenta-
carried out in triplicates by using the same set of membranes. tion broth, UF-1 retentate and its treatment with the addition of
Each run is indicated as cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3. After 50% (v/v) methanol were evaluated by dynamic light scattering,
each step/cycle, the membranes were washed in situ with dis- using a Zetasizer Nano ZS system (Malvern, UK), courtesy of
tilled water for 30–60 min, followed with 0.1 M NaOH solution Malvern Instruments. This instrument determines the intensity
for 30–60 min and then were rinsed with distilled water for of the light scattered at a certain angle, which is in turn, related
approximately 30 min. This procedure was carried out at room to the Brownian motion of the particles, their diffusion coeffi-
temperature, 2000 rpm stirring and at 2 bar pressure. The mem- cient and finally their size. It is able to detect particles ranging
branes were then stored in ethanol 10% (v/v) solution at 4 ◦ C as from 0.6 nm to 6 ␮m. Each sample was analysed five times and
recommended by the manufacturer. information about size distribution by intensity and by volume
as well as total intensity were recorded and related to particle
size and number of particles present in solution, respectively.
2.2.3. Membrane permeability measurements
The condition of membranes used in UF-2 was evaluated 2.3.4. Biomass measurements
by comparing the flux of distilled water of membranes before Biomass was determined by dry cell weight, which was mea-
cleaning (after passing feed for UF-2) and clean membranes, sured by membrane filtration, using nylon filters with a pore size
where in both cases the membranes had been exposed to filtra- of 0.2 ␮m and diameter of 47 mm (Whatmann, Abror, USA). The
tion of feed in 50% (v/v) methanol solution and new membranes individual weight of each membrane was recorded. An aliquot
which had only distilled water passed through it. This experi- of culture broth (5 ml) was filtered through the membrane under
ment was carried out at room temperature, 2 bar pressure and vacuum; the membrane was dried in a microwave for 10 min and
at 2000 rpm stirring except for the membranes before cleaning. placed in a desiccator for approximately 24 h.
This experiment is to monitor the effects of either concentra-
tion polarization, membrane fouling or exposure to 50% (v/v) 2.3.5. Total protein measurements, Pp
methanol solution used in UF-2. Flux of water was calculated The total amount of protein present at each stage of the purifi-
by using Eq. (2). cation procedures was determined by the bicinchoninic acid
method (BCA) [10]. A calibration curve was produced using
2.3. Analytical procedures bovine serum albumin (BSA) as the protein standard solution.
Fermentation residual glucose, as a reducing sugar, would be
2.3.1. Surfactin concentration analysis the main interfering compound of the technique [11]. For that
Surfactin concentration was determined by reverse phase reason, it was decided to carry out protein precipitation with ace-
HPLC. The system used was a Gilson 306 (Rockford, IL, USA), tone at −20 ◦ C for 30 min on all the samples prior to the analysis,
with a C18 column of dimensions 250 mm × 4.6 mm, and a as suggested by Pierce Biotechnology (BCA assay supplier).
particle size of 5 ␮m. The flow rate of the mobile phase was
1.1 ml/min with initial gradient starting from 50 to 85% acetoni- 3. Results and discussion
trile in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid in the first 15 min. The gradient
then remained at 85% for 20 min before increasing to 100% for 3.1. Fermentation of surfactin
5 min as a washing step before returning back to 50%. A 50 ␮l
sample was injected in each run which lasted for 60 min, and B. subtilis ATCC 21332 was cultivated under conditions in
eluent absorbance monitored at 214 nm. The system was cali- which the levels of dissolved oxygen were allowed to be depleted
brated using purified surfactin obtained from Sigma. The area of (Fig. 1). Dissolved oxygen (DO) levels became depleted dur-
the peaks eluting between 19 and 31 min, which were identified ing the late exponential growth phase after 24 h of cultivation.
as having the same retention times as those peaks eluting from Despite this, the biomass concentration increased for a further
the Sigma standard, were added to give the total surfactin peak 8 h after the DO concentration reached 0%. The offset between
area. This value was used to determine the surfactin concentra- the DO depletion and the onset of stationary phase was as a
tion in fermentation broth samples, as well as samples from the result of anaerobic growth. This set of fermentation data showed
purification procedures. almost a similar trend to previous data reported by Davies et
54 M.H.M. Isa et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 296 (2007) 51–57

Table 2
Surfactin yield in the final permeate and rejection coefficient (R) in UF-2 (average
of duplicate# and triplicate* measurements)
Method and membrane type Rejection Total recovery Purity
coefficient, R (%) (%)

Centrifugal device (RC 10 kDa)# 0.32 ± 0.13 91 ± 7 94 ± 1

Stirred cell (RC 10 kDa)* 0.24 ± 0.11 96 ± 5 93 ± 1
Stirred cell (PES 10 kDa)* 0.08 ± 0.04 96 ± 5 94 ± 2

3.2.2. Second ultrafiltration step (UF-2)

Based on the method suggested by Lin and Jiang [8], it was
decided to alter the retentate conditions in UF-1 to disrupt the
micelle structure and then recover surfactin in the permeate
of UF-2, while high molecular weight compounds were still
rejected by the membrane. The general approach was to achieve
a surfactin concentration lower than the CMC by means of dilut-
Fig. 1. Production of surfactin through fermentation of B. subtilis ATCC 21332: ing the retentate in the UF-1 and increasing the original intrinsic
(䊉) surfactin concentration (mg/l); () biomass (g/l).
surfactin CMC.
The data in Table 2 shows that UF-2 consistently led to more
al. [12]. The final yield of surfactin in the broth was 583 mg/l, than 50% of surfactin being recovered in the permeate. The total
which is slightly higher than that obtained by Davies et al. [12] recovery of surfactin of up to 96 ± 5% indicates that almost all
of 439 mg/l under the same experimental conditions. surfactin is accounted for and therefore no losses due to fouling
occur. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were found in the
3.2. Recovery and purification of surfactin rejection of surfactin with 10 kDa MWCO RC membranes for
both devices, which indicated that the membrane configuration
3.2.1. First ultrafiltration step (UF-1) had no significant effect on the rejection of surfactin. However,
As reported by Lin and Jiang [8], surfactin micelles could be the membrane material had an effect on the recovery of sur-
effectively retained with membranes of 30–10 kDa MWCO. It factin as less surfactin was rejected with PES (R = 0.08) than
was therefore decided to concentrate the surfactin micelles in with RC (R = 0.24) membrane. The purity however remained
the retentate in UF-1, achieving also some degree of purifica- the same, thus both types of membrane rejected protein contam-
tion, with contaminants such as glucose, salts and low molecular inants effectively.
weight proteins passing through the membrane. Although the highest recovery of surfactin was obtained with
As shown in Table 1, surfactin was totally rejected by all PES compared to RC membrane, the flux decreased quite sig-
membranes regardless of their configuration, membrane chem- nificantly over time with the former (Fig. 2). This shows that
istry and MWCO, which confirms the macromolecular-like PES membrane was affected more by concentration polarization
behaviour of surfactin micelles. In all UF performed, at least 90% than RC, which was due to hydrophobic interactions between
of surfactin was recovered. The total recovery of surfactin of up
to 90% with centrifugal device indicates some surfactin might
have been lost due to membrane fouling. The results demonstrate
that surfactin micelles can be effectively recovered by using
either 30 or 10 kDa RC membranes as was found by Lin and
Jiang [8]. Also no significant differences (P > 0.05) were found
between the different UF devices and the different types of mem-
branes. Thus both RC and PES membranes (MWCO = 10 kDa)
can retain surfactin micelles effectively. The retentate contain-
ing surfactin micelles was then diluted with 1:10, 50% (v/v)
methanol prior to UF-2.

Table 1
Surfactin yield and rejection coefficient (R) in UF-1 (average of duplicate# and
triplicate measurements* )
Method and membrane type Total recovery (%) Rejection
coefficient, R

Centrifugal device (RC 30 kDa)# 90 ± 8 1

Stirred cell (RC 10 kDa)* 98 ± 4 1 Fig. 2. Flux of UF-2 permeate with PES and RC 10 kDa membranes: (䊉) PES
Stirred cell (PES 10 kDa)* 95 ± 1 1 cycle 1; () PES cycle 2; () PES cycle 3; () RC cycle 1; () RC cycle 1;
() RC cycle 3.
M.H.M. Isa et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 296 (2007) 51–57 55

Fig. 5. Zeta potential of surfactin standard and surfactin in UF-2 feeds at different
pH in methanol 50% (v/v) solution: (䊉) surfactin standard; () UF-2 feeds.

Fig. 3. Measurements of flux of water with PES 10 kDa MWCO: (A) (䊉) clean
ferences in permeability. One probable factor that makes PES
membrane; (B) () before cleaning (after passing feed for UF-2); (C) () new
membrane. membrane the more effective UF membrane might be due to the
difference in interactions between the membrane surface and
PES and the aggregated proteins contaminants in UF-2 (refer to surfactin molecules. In order to investigate this further the sur-
particle size measurements; Section 3.4). Further experiments face charge (zeta potential) of surfactin was measured under
were carried out to investigate these differences in permeabil- different experimental conditions.
ity by measuring flux of water through: (A) membrane which
has been cleaned after UF-2 (B) membrane after UF-2 (C) new 3.3. Zeta potential measurements
Significant differences in flux rates of A and B in Fig. 3 shows Zeta potential measurements of surfactin standard and sur-
that some degree of fouling occurred with PES membrane, while factin in UF-2 feeds at different pH (Fig. 5) and surfactin at
overall there was no significant difference between A and B in different concentration in UF-2 feeds at pH ∼ 7.7 (Fig. 6), which
Fig. 4 with RC membrane. This shows that there is no occurrence was the working pH during UF-2, allowed a better understand-
of fouling with RC membrane since they are hydrophilic. ing of the effects on interactions between surfactin molecules
Another factor to be considered in UF-2 is the effects of 50% and UF membranes.
(v/v) methanol solution on membrane resistance. Comparison of From both Figs. 5 and 6, it can be concluded that surfactin
flux rates of A–C in Fig. 3 shows the effect of pore constriction molecules in methanolic solution possessed an overall negative
which led to the increase in membrane resistance for PES. While surface charge, which means they behaved as an anionic surfac-
in Fig. 4, the opposite effect was observed for RC membrane tant in this type of solution. In the present study, electrostatic
as comparison of flux rates of A–C shows the effect of pore interactions were considered the main interactions between
dilation which lowered the membrane resistance. Both results membranes and surfactin. Surfactin molecules in methanolic
are in agreement with the observation by Lencki and Williams solution of UF-2, with pH of ∼7.7, were negatively charged
[13] that organic solvents can cause pore constriction or dilation with a zeta potential of approximately −27 mV. On the other
of UF membranes, therefore affecting their permeability. hand, according to Salgin et al. [14], at pH 6.8, PES membrane
Therefore, higher selectivity of surfactin separation achieved had a negative charge of −48.33 and −33.96 mV at the ionic
by PES membrane cannot be explained on the basis of dif- strength of 0.01 and 0.1 M KCl, respectively. While according
to Urbanski et al. [15], at pH 7, RC membrane had a nega-

Fig. 4. Measurements of flux of water with RC 10 kDa MWCO: (A) (䊉) clean
membrane; (B) () before cleaning (after passing feed for UF-2); (C) () new Fig. 6. Zeta potential of surfactin at different concentration in UF-2 feeds in
membrane. methanol 50% (v/v) solution (pH ∼ 7.7).
56 M.H.M. Isa et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 296 (2007) 51–57

Fig. 7. Particle analysis by light scattering of the UF-1 retentate with a membrane Fig. 10. Particle analysis by light scattering of the surfactin solutions in 50%
of 30 kDa MWCO. Count rate: 8200 kcps. Mean diameter: 9 nm. (v/v) methanol. Count rate: 3600 kcps. Mean diameter: 100 nm.

retentate, respectively, corresponded to the diameter of surfactin

micelles. Broth conditions seem to slightly increase the micelle
size, which depends on factors such as ionic strength and pres-
ence of organic compounds that may coexist in the micelle and
thus increase its size [18]. The higher count rate of 8200 kcps
measured would be an indication of a higher number of par-
ticles in the UF-1 retentate compared to fermentation broths.
In other words, micelles in the retentate would have the same
Fig. 8. Particle size analysis by light scattering of the final fermentation broth. size as in the fermentation broths, regardless of the higher sur-
Count rate: 1500 kcps. Mean diameter: 8.2 nm. factin concentration in this fraction, which would be shown by
a higher count rate. After the addition of 50% (v/v) methanol
tive charge of −5.6 mV. Therefore, it can be concluded that solution to this retentate, particles with a mean diameter of 9 nm
under the conditions of UF-2 (pH ∼ 7.7), PES membranes were corresponding to surfactin micelles were no longer present in
more strongly negatively charged than RC membranes. Less sur- solution, indicating the rupture of such structures. Moreover,
factin was retained with PES than with RC membranes because the presence of larger particles was detected, with a mean diam-
electrostatic repulsive interactions between surfactin molecules eter of 100 nm (Fig. 10). Such large particles were generated
and the more negatively charged PES membranes increased the after the addition of 50% (v/v) methanol and could be protein
permeability for surfactin. aggregates induced by methanol, in a similar mechanism already
Surfactin molecule separation by UF shows similar trends as described for protein precipitation with ethanol [11].
those observed for UF of SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) [16], Therefore, it can be concluded that the effective size-based
where the best separation of SDS from aqueous model solutions separation of surfactin from proteins occurred due to not only
was obtained with PES and PS (polysulfone) as compared to the disruption of micelles into free surfactin molecules, but also
cellulose and RC membranes, the latter of which is characterized the formation of large protein aggregates.
by its rather low permeability. Kowalska et al. [17] also reported
that the best separation of SDS solution was achieved with PES
4. Conclusions
and PS membranes.
Selective separation of surfactin from fermentation broths
3.4. Particle size measurements
can be achieved by a two-step UF process at the laboratory scale
and shows potential to be scaled-up. Regarding the design of the
The retentate generated in UF-1 contains particles with a
process, it could be said that in the first step of UF rejection of
mean diameter of approximately 9 nm (Fig. 7), being compa-
micellar surfactin by a semi-porous membrane was achieved. At
rable with those found originally in the fermentation broths of
this stage, surfactin was mainly purified from residual glucose
8 nm (Fig. 8). According to micelle size measurements of a
and salts, as proteins were retained together with the surfactin.
commercial surfactin aqueous solution (Fig. 9), particles with
In the second step, surfactin was purified essentially from pro-
a mean diameter of 8 and 9 nm in fermentation broths and UF-1
teins. It was found that PES membrane is the more suitable
UF membrane for the purification of surfactin especially in the
second step of UF. The size and surface charge measurements
carried out demonstrated that disruption of surfactin micelles,
aggregation of protein contaminants and electrostatic interac-
tions between surfactin molecules and the membrane surface
have a major influence on its selective separation, hence an
improved understanding of the key factors affecting the selec-
tivity of surfactin separation has been achieved. One concerning
factor in the second step of UF process is the effects of exposure
Fig. 9. Particle size analysis by light scattering of commercial standard surfactin of UF membranes to a methanolic solution; it was found that
solution. Count rate: 7700 kcps. Mean diameter: 6.3 nm. the permeability of PES membranes reduced after subsequent
M.H.M. Isa et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 296 (2007) 51–57 57

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