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Kitagawa Seiichi/Jakob Darkwater

In a dark room where the only light source comes from as single laptop. There I am
Kitagawa Seiichi (Kitagawa Last name, Seiichi Given name) a 17 year old 2 nd year
student of a local highschool, reading a novel game of a popular anime series I am a
fan of. This is a normal night for me, depriving myself of sleep and spending time
reading or watching stuff that interests me.

“Aaaand Done.” I proclaimed while leaning my back to my chair stretching my arms


Fate/Stay Night. A series whose source material I’ve finally read. It was around a few
months ago when I watched the first episode of Fate, and I was instantly hooked.
Heck, I even spent money on a mobile game based of the game.

“Aaagh~”Exhaustion seems to have finally hit me as I yawn.

I check the clock on my laptop.

“Already 1;30 huh” I say while scratching the back of my neck.

Let’s hit the bed, after all I have classes tomorrow. flopping myself to the bed. There I
was succumbing myself to drowsiness. I couldn’t remember much but at some point. I
had fallen asleep.

Beep beep beep beep. The sound of the alarm clock buzzing throughout the room
passes through my ears. Still feeling groggy from waking up. I slowly pull myself up
and slam my hand to the alarm clock’s button. I shouldn’t have overslept.

I turn the lights on my room and reveals the mess that my room is. There is my desk
that is filled with papers and my laptop. A few emptied bottles on the ground. To the
left is a glass cabinet filled with light novels inside it. On top of it are some trophies
and medals I’ve gotten from middle school. Along the walls are some posters of fate
and some anime I have watched before.

After a while of getting ready for school. I head to the dining table where I find my
sister fiddling with her phone. She recently just became a 3 rd year at her middle
school. I take a sit at a chair just across her without saying a word. Our relationship
used to be better up until a year ago, but I won’t dive on the details for now.

Sooner or later our mother comes bringing the dishes she had cooked. Together the
three of us ate, our father seemed to have already went to work. My sister’s face
whose expression had just changed from annoyed to one gleaming in happiness after
seeing my mom’s cooking.

“Mom’s cooking really is the best” She says while happily eating the food in front of

“Slow down, no one’s rushing” My mom responds with a worried response.

I took a bite at the food that was given to me. It really was delicious. I take another
bite and space out. After a few minutes of eating and casual talk between mom and
Izumi, I heard mom saying something to me.

“Hey, are you listening” My mom asks me in a soft worried voice.

“Oh, yeah yeah. What is it?” I respond back with a startled voice.
“You weren’t listening at all. So, how’s school?” Responds my mom doubtfully.
“So-so” I respond in my usual uninterested voice.
“Is that so…” I can see my mom dejected, but she doesn’t pry any further.
I was about to continue eating my food until---

“Oi, What’s your problem?” Says Izumi irritated.

“Huh?” I respond taken aback by her words.
“Mom is asking you a question properly. And you respond to her with a tone like
that” Izumi stands as she declares this.
“Hey, calm down” My mom tries to defuse the situation.
“Sorry mom, I lost my appetite being with someone as pathetic as this.” Izumi then
heads out the door bringing her bag with her.
“Don’t mind what your sister said. She probably has a lot to think of right now. It’s
exam season after all” my mother tries to comfort me.
A lot to think of right now? She seemed a bit too carefree earlier.
“Seriously, what is that girl’s problem.” I complain as I continue eating my food.
Finishing my meal soon after, I too head to school.

“And she just exploded like that?! What did I do?” I complain to the person in front of
me irritated.
“You really need set things straight with your sister man.” The brown-haired fellow
says to me while leaning to the stair’s railings.
“Hiroto, you don’t get it. That girl is impossible” Waving my arms back and forth. I
respond back.
“Ehe~” Hiroto gives out an awkward laugh while scratching his cheeks with his

“Hey man.” His face turning serious, calls out to me.

“Yeah?” I nonchalantly respond.
“Have you ever thought of doing archery again? You were known as the archery
club’s ace after all.” He asks earnestly.
“I thought, we were already done with that conversation.”
“But-“ Hiroto tries to reason with me, however I quickly shut him down.
“My decision isn’t changing Hiroto. In the first place you know why I quit.” I tell him
clearly as I walk down the stairs to leave.

As I look behind me, there was Hiroto. He seemed to have more to say, however he
refrains from doing so and stood there dejected. The archery club huh, Kitagawa
Seiichi, the archery club’s ace. That nickname is a bit nostalgic, however only an old
memory now. As I reminiscent those times, I head to my classes.
A few hours later I finally finished my classes. While walking out of the school
building there was Hiroto standing besides the entrance. Once he notices me, I see
him get ready to say something but I cut him off before he could say anything.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lash out on you like that” I apologize while looking down.
“No, I’m sorry too. I knew it was a heavy topic for you, yet I brought it up.” He
responds compassionately.
“Yeah, my bad too.” I say shyly scratching the back of my head.
“Anyways, I have to go to the club now. See ya, man” Hiroto waves goodbye to me as
he runs off back to the school building.

That Hiroto is really amazing huh. As I praise my friend in my head, I continue my

exit from the school building, I pull out my phone and open up a mobile game and
walk along the other students going home from school.
“Im almost out of Saint Quartz huh” I hurriedly went to the game’s store to buy more.
“Let’s see what is on the banner today” Checking what I can waste my money on
today. There I see a knight clad in clunky armor. Despite its appearance, what is
inside is actually a pretty tomboy with blond hair.
“Mordred huh, Don’t have her yet; might as well” While I try to roll for her I notice a
group of girls walking up at an interception ahead.

Wait a second, that’s Izumi right? To bump into her of all times. Izumi and her friends
start to cross the road. Suddenly, to the corner of my vision. I notice a speeding car
oncoming. Oi! It’s a red light you know!? Izumi and his friends are busy having a
conversation and doesn’t notice the car.

“IZUMI!!” I scream out to my sister as I start sprinting towards her.

Izumi and her friends startled by my scream immediately turns towards me. That
moment I push the three of them away from the oncoming car. For a moment I see
Izumi’s shocked face as the impact from the car hits me and throws me off across the
road. From my blurry vision I see the car swerved to the right and hit a post nearby,
stopping it.

I can feel the cramping pain from the broken bones I have gotten from the impact. My
vision which had turned blurry now sees the blood on the floor. Izumi on the distance,
who had fallen over from my push was painted with a horrified look.

“ONIICHAN!!!” I hear her scream and see her pull herself and hurriedly runs toward
That way of calling, it’s been a while since she called me that. To think it’d take a car
to hit me for her to say that again. I can see Izumi panicked in front of me trying to
say something, but the pain is numbing out the sound. I notice Izumi has now been
brought to tears. Hey now, don’t cry now. Ah, what a terrible brother I am. I couldn’t
even say sorry to Izumi. I can feel as I slowly lose my consciousness. I’m dying huh.
And I was so young, Ahh. So much things I still haven’t done. At least I wish I
could’ve at least managed to roll Mordred

I feel the cold creeping up to my face. Slowly, I regain my consciousness and find
myself surrounded in silence and darkness. Where am I? is this the afterlife? Looks
pretty shit to all the hype it gets. Behind me I hear a calm voice almost prideful. I
quickly turn around to see a throne being shone with light coming from a window.
There is a man sitting on the throne, however as the light is behind him. His face was
covered in shadow.

“Who are you? Where am I!” I shout slowly getting agitated.

“Hey, calm down. I mean no harm after all.” The guy in the throne says in a
somewhat comforting voice.
“So-sorry” reflected on my previous actions, I apologize.
“It’s fine, after all you’re confused as to where and why you’re here.” The man states
“Yeah, I’d like to know as well. All I remember is I got hit by- Wait, is my sister
Fine?!” worried for my sister I ask.
“Don’t worry, she’s fine. You’ve pushed her away after all.” He reassures me.
What a relief. I was worried there for a minute.
“So, what’s this place?” I once again ask my question
“Simply put, Kitagawa Seiichi. You have died.” The man says with a serious tone.

Wha- No way, this guy has to be lying right? After all. But, no. The car, no way I
could’ve-. Am I really dead?
“Don’t worry, I’ve reincarnated you. Oh right, introductions. I am a god by the way”
while dropping two bombshells at me, he acts like it is nothing.
Wait, does this mean. It is like on of those Isekai novels I’ve been reading? Am I
going to get overpowered powers and party full of girls?
“Exactly like those stories” The so called “god” had seem to have read my mind.
“Hmm? Thought you would be surprised by that.” He says surprised.
“Isn’t that only expected of a god?” I respond like it was natural.
“Hmm… I guess, you’re right. Anyways the world I will be sending you to a world
similar to those books you read. How does that sound?” He questions me?
“What do you mean by that?” I respond confused.
“You know, like Fate, Kono-“ Before he can even continue I cut him off.
“You had me at Fate” I respond proudly.

He suddenly jumps up out of his throne. Suddenly a big magic circle had appeared
below my feet. Its glow slowly illuminating the space around me. Finally, I see the
smiling face of the person I was talking to. His hair brown in color. His clothing
seems to be a normal blue hoodie. Seriously? This guy is a god?

“That makes things easier Seiichi, I’ll be sending you to the world now” The guy
smiles at me.
“Wait you still haven’t told me about my powers?” I asked while slamming the
invisible wall that had formed between us.
“That body I give you, should be enough” He looks at me amused.
‘So, I can destroy mountains easily, right?” I ask with glimmer in my eyes.
“No” He responds quick and sharp.
“So, I can run of the speed of sound?!”
“No” Once again he answers.
“So, what can I do?!” I ask with a panicked look.
“Just about, what you can back in your world. Fear not though, your body can grow
stronger than the humans from your world.” The guy gives a grin while he pulls out
something out of thin air.
“Isn’t that really useless then?!” I scream at the so called “god”.

Ignoring my question, he hands me a backpack and a few weapons.

“These are really strong magical artifacts, right?” Desperately hoping for a yes. I ask
once again.
“No” He then smiles.
Suddenly the magic circle engulfs around me and drags me upwards.
“YOU FUCKING PHONY GOD!!!” I scream out the top of my lungs as I get

In that instant I find myself in a field of grass. Alongside me where the weapons I had
received. You take this time to check on the contents of the bag. There you find a few
rations, a bag of money, a flute, and some papers. One of the papers is a letter. I open
it and read its contents. The letter reads
“Heres some documents for you, to use and some lists of acquaintances that I’ve
prepared for you. PS Here’s a gift got you?”

I immediately crumple the piece of paper and throw it to the ground. God damn faker
god. The hell is this shit. Aren’t I supposed to be the protagonist of this story? While I
continue stomping on the ground. I noticed something in the forest nearby was
looking at me. I quickly grab the quick short sword beside me, attentively looking at
the bushes for something that might come out. Time passes as I wait anxiously. And
then. Suddenly a humanoid figure lunges at me, fortunately I manage to get away in

What standing there was a small freakish humanoid creature. The creature’s skin is
moss green in color, its eyes are those of a goat. To its right hand, there was a bone
snapped in half to form a shanking weapon. I can see its jagged yet sharp teeth. It
saliva hitting me as its making sounds in front of me. So, a goblin is your gift you
shitty god? I should be fine, after all goblins are very weak in most RP- Suddenly the
goblin jumps at me.

“Not even letting me do my head monologue?” As I step to the right and try to
counter attack the goblin by slashing my sword at him.
That instant the goblin parries my sword with its bone with enormous strength. The
sword in my hand flies of in the distance from the force it had taken. Aren’t you a bit
too strong for a goblin? It doesn’t give me time to rest however, as it continues its
barrages of slashes towards me. With my fast reflex I catch the goblins arm before it
stabs me.
“Got you know bitch!” as I held the goblin’s arm It kicks my side throwing me across
the ground.
“Ughk!” My body is now covered in scratches.
I notice the sword that was thrown away earlier was beside me now.
Suddenly, I notice the goblin in the air holding its bone ready to stab me. I quickly
grab the sword beside me and extend my sword while closing my eyes. A few
Moments had pass. Am I alive? There I saw the goblin impaled in my sword with its
blood trickling over me.
“Shit, get that off of me as I throw my sword away to the side.” Looking at the
goblin’s corpse, surprised that I wasn’t as horrified I thought I’d be.
Is this the effects of this new body? Somehow, I feel lighter as well. So, this is what
that bastard meant by growing stronger than humans from my old world. I take my
sword that was impaled to the goblin back. Eek, this would take time to get used to. I
go back to my belongs and check the other papers there. One of it was a map to
nearby city. And this is the start of my journey.
A few months had passed after I had arrived at this world. Apparently, the country
that faker god sent me to was Camelot. Probably the only thing good he’s ever done. I
wonder if the king is Arthur. I’ve never seen him, since I don’t live in the capital.
Currently I am at my room doing nothing. Suddenly my surroundings are being
illuminated by light. Getting hit with nostalgia.
“OH, NOT AGAIN” I can feel the space around me getting distorted.
That instant I get teleported to unfamiliar terrain, surrounding me was a group of
people I’ve never met before. Is that a demi human? I’ve never seen that before. Wait,
why is there fish here? Suddenly voice calls out to us.
“Welcome heroes!” A man with purple wavy hair clad, in white armor comes in.
Holding a gigantic golden sword. Wait a second, I’ve seen the face before. Is that….
“I am Lancelot of the roundtable. Ordered to summon you heroes by the her majesty
the King” I figured he would be here, but for him to be his fate counterpart. Don’t tell
me… The king is also…

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