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Object Detection

TA : Young-geun Kim

Biostatistics Lab.,
Seoul National University

March-June, 2018

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1 Introduction



4 Evaluation

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In this session, we will learn about...

The Object Detection problem.

Regions with CNN features (R-CNN), a region proposal-based
approach model.
You-Only-Look-Once (YOLO), an unified approach model.
Evaluation metrics for detection models.

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What is Object Detection?

Object Detection is a task finding where and what objects are

(Location + Classification).
An integral part of various vision application such as Automated
Driving System, Face Detection and Object Counting.

Figure: from (YOLO v3 clip).

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What is Object Detection? (Conti.)

For given image, task-taker should answer the predicted region and
class confidence.
A region is expressed as rectangular called bounding box.
The number of objects is not provided.

Figure: from Ren et al., 2015..

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What is Object Detection? (Conti.)

Exact region (or bounding box) of each object is called Ground-Truth

(GT) box, the minimal rectangular containing whole part of the
A region is parameterized by (x, y , w , h) where (x, y ) is the
coordinate of top-left (or center) point, w is the width, and h is the
height of the bounding box.
Intersection over Union (IoU), the ratio of intersection area to union
area, between predicted region and GT box presents the accuracy
about location.

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What is Object Detection? (Conti.)

There are various types of objects.

For example, VOC challenge requires detecting following 20 kinds of
object classes.
Middle Level Low Level
Person person
Animal bird, cat, cow, dog, horse, sheep
aeroplane, bicycle, boat, bus, car,
motorbike, train
bottle, chair, diningtable, potted plant,
sofa, tv/monitor

mean Average Precision (mAP), an estimator of the area under the

precision-recall curve (AUCPR), usually presents the accuracy about

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What is Object Detection? (Conti.)

An object is considered detected if task-taker selects any region with

predicted label satisfying following conditions.
Condition 1 : Highly overlapped with GT box of the object.
Condition 2 : Correctly classified.

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Infinitely Imbalanced Structure : Background (BG) is the majority

class. There are few positive regions (GT) and infinitely many
negative regions (BG).
N P Total
N TN FP # of BG
P FN TP # of GT
Table: The confusion matrix of object detection.

In this structure, accuracy about positive class is severely suffered.

This means that finding an object position as it is difficult.

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Challenges (Conti.)

Dynamic Scale : Shape of objects is various. Some are tiny/huge

and some are horizontally/vertically long.

Figure: from VOC2012.

This means that our model should recognize various scale of regions.

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Challenges (Conti.)

Multi-task : Finding object position (Location) and classifying the

object (Classification) each is difficult. Object Detection requires
performing both tasks simultaneously.
In practice, the test time of detection model should be short, but due
to the high level of difficulty, it is challenging.

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Pre-deep learning approaches (Do not cover. See 50 years of object

recognition: Directions forward).
Regions with CNN features (R-CNN), a region proposal-based
approach model.
You-Only-Look-Once (YOLO), an unified approach model.

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Regions with CNN features

Regions with CNN features (R-CNN) is a region proposal-based

approach model (Girshick et el., 2014).
R-CNN selects regions using Selective Search (Uijlinga et al., 2013),
warps them as to the same scale and extracts features to learn
class-specific SVMs.

Figure: from Girshick et el., 2014.

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Selective Search

Selective Search (SS) is an hierarchical grouping algorithm whose

domain is a set of region.
For given set of regions, SS greedily merges regions.
The distance measure is a partial summation of similarity about
colour, texture, size, and fill.

Figure: from Uijlinga et al., 2013.

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Selective Search (Conti.)

Considering various features from fine-level region, SS distinguishes

objects and captures their hierarchical structure.
Initialization is based on a graph-based segmentation algorithm
(Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher, 2004.) whose time complexity is
nearly linear in the number of pixels.

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Detection Network

Proposed regions pass through CNNs which consists of classifier and

bounding box (bbox) regressor.
AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012.) is applied with replaced FC layer
for corresponding number of class including BG.
After tuning AlexNet, class-specific linear SVMs and bbox regressor
(Felzenszwalb et al., 2010.) are learned by using extracted feature.
bbox regressor predicts (x, y , w , h) of GT and use it to adjust
proposed regions.

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Limitation of R-CNN

R-CNN requires fine-tuning CNN, learning multiple SVMs and bbox

regressor (multi-stage pipeline).
Training SVMs and bbox regressor requires feedforwarding all regions
in all images and saving all extracted features.
Because of the same reason in training, test time is too long. It takes
47 second to perform detection for a single image.

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Spatial Pyramid Pooling Network

Feedforwarding all proposed regions is time-consuming approach.
Spatial Pyramid Pooling (SPP; He et al., 2014.) models the spatial
connectivity and makes various regions into the fixed size.
For usual CNNs, warp ◦ conv 6= conv ◦ warp since there is no spatial
connectivity between raw image and extracted feature.

Figure: from He et al., 2014.

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Spatial Pyramid Pooling Network (Conti.)

SPP Network learns the spatial connectivity, still capturing semantic
SPP reduces the computation cost, but SPP Network is still
multi-stage pipeline.

Figure: from He et al., 2014.

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Fast R-CNN

Fast R-CNN (Girshick and Ross, 2015.) is a variation of R-CNN

applying Region of Interest (RoI) pooling, a kind of SPP.
Training is single-stage by using multi-task loss. Multi-task loss
enables us to update all weights simultaneously.

Figure: from Girshick and Ross, 2015.

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Region of Interest Pooling

RoI pooling connects the raw image and the final extracted feature
before FC layers.
RoI feature vector passes two sibling FC layer.

Figure: from Girshick and Ross, 2015.

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Region of Interest Pooling (Conti.)

In contrast to usual max-pooling, RoI pooling has dynamic filter size.

Back propagation through RoI pooling requires activated positions for
each region.

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Multi-task Loss

For given region (xr , yr , wr , hr ) in an image, Fast R-CNN calculates p

and t k = (txk , tyk , twk , thk ), the predicted probability vector and location
for class k parameterized by following.

txk = (x k − xr )/wr
tyk = (y k − yr )/hr
twk = log(w k /wr )
thk = log(hk /hr )

Let u, v be the true class and location of corresponding GT box for

given region. v is parameterized by substituting (x, y , w , h) of the GT.

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Multi-task Loss (Conti.)

To train multi-task model, the loss function is designed as

L(p, u, t u , v ) = Lcls (p, u) + λ[u ≥ 1]Lloc (t u , v )

where Lcls (p, u) = − log pu is log loss for true class u and
Lloc (t u , v ) = huber (tiu − vi ).
i∈{x,y ,w ,h}

The hyper-parameter λ controls balance between classification loss

and regression loss.
For u = 0, background region, Lloc doesn’t have any role.
Lloc is a function of |tiu − vi |, so L is invariant to translation, flipping
and rescaling.

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Limitation of Fast R-CNN (Conti.)

Compared to R-CNN, Fast R-CNN achieves slightly higher accuracy

with nearly 100 times short test time, but the test time is still long.
In VOC 2007 test task, Fast R-CNN takes 1830ms per image.
Region proposal task, SS is a huge piece consuming 1510ms per

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Faster R-CNN

Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015) is a variation of Fast R-CNN using

Region Proposal Network (RPN).
Roughly speaking, Faster R-CNN = RPN + Fast R-CNN.
Contrast to SS, RPN has learnable weight for multi-task loss.

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Region Proposal Network

For given point in an image, RPN classifies objectness of several

regions centered on that point and regresses exact location.
Pre-determined points in each image are called anchors.

Figure: adjusted from VOC2012.

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Region Proposal Network (Conti.)

1. For selected anchor, view small region nearby the anchor in the
level of extracted feature.
2. Determine the objectness of k regions centered on the
corresponding anchor in the raw image map.

Figure: from Ren et al., 2015.

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Region Proposal Network (Conti.)

3. For all regions classified to be positive, adjust them using reg layer.

Figure: from Ren et al., 2015.

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Multi-task loss for RPN

RPN uses multi-task loss similar to Fast R-CNN. Exact formula is

1 X 1 X ∗
L({pi }, {ti }) = Lcls (pi , pi∗ ) + λ pi Lreg (ti , ti∗ )
Ncls Nreg
i i

where i is the index of an anchor.

Here, pi is the predicted probability of anchor i being an object. pi∗ is
the ground-truth label. t is the same to Fast R-CNN.
(Opinion) This data has multi-label structure. Note that input domain
of loss is an anchor box, not anchor boxes sharing center. This
design relaxes the issue about class correlation between anchor boxes.

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Training faster R-CNN

RPN and fast R-CNN share feature extractor part. This shared
structure reduces test-time, the origin of its name ”Faster R-CNN”.
Sharing structure is implemented by following sequence.
Phase Feature Extractor Region Proposal
Initialized from
1. Train RPN -
ImageNet model
Initialized from RPN from
2. Train fast R-CNN
ImageNet model phase 1.
Frozen from
3. Tune RPN -
phase 2.
Frozen from RPN from
4. Tune fast R-CNN
phase 2. phase 3.

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Summary of R-CNN variations

All the models use bbox regressor to adjust proposed region. R-CNN
uses SVM and others use softmax classifier.
Region Proposal Method Region Scaling Method
R-CNN SS Warping
Fast R-CNN SS RoI pooling
Faster R-CNN RPN RoI pooling
Table: Key methodologies.

mAP (%) test time (ms/image)

R-CNN 66.0 > 104
Fast R-CNN 66.9 1830
Faster R-CNN 69.9 198

Table: Evaluation on VOC 2007 test set, adjusted from Girshick and Ross,
2015. and Ren et al., 2015.

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You-Only-Look-Once (YOLO; Redmon et al., 2016.) is an unified

approach model. YOLO has one CNNs solving both location and
classification problem.
In the introduction of paper: ‘Humans glance at an image and
instantly know what objects are in the image, where they are, and
how they interact.‘’
For given image, YOLO feedforwards only one time, remarkably
reducing test time.
All the figures, tables, and equations in this section are come from
Redmon et al., 2016.

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An image is divided by S × S grid cells.

If the center of an object falls into a grid cell, that grid cell is
responsible for detecting that object.

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Terminology (Conti.)

Each grid cell predicts B bounding boxes and corresponding

objectness confidence.
Each bounding box is parametrized by (x, y , w , h), the same to
truth .
The objectness confidence is Pr (Object) ∗ IOUpred

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Terminology (Conti.)

All bounding boxes sharing grid cell have the same conditional class
probability, formally Pr (Classi |Object).
truth is
At test time, the class-specific confidence, Pr (Classi ) ∗ IoUpred
predicted by multiplying predicted conditional class confidence and
objectness confidence.

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Terminology (Conti.)

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For given image, YOLO predicts (x, y , w , h) and objectness

confidence for all bounding boxes and conditional class probability for
all grid cells.
Considering its spatial meaning, we can view the output as
S × S × (B ∗ 5 + C ) box.
In VOC competition, S = 7, B = 2, and C = 20.

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Architecture (Conti.)

Following figure describes the architecture of YOLO.

For given image, convolution layers extract features and final FC layer
predicts bounding box parameters, objectness confidence, and
conditional class probability.

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Following is the loss function of YOLO. The first two terms are about
bbox regression. Next two terms are about objectness classification
and the last term is about the class classification.

Here, 1i and 1ij are indicators about responsibility of ith grid cell and
its jth bounding box, respectively.
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YOLO is the first deep-learning model in the context of real-time

detection with the state-of-the-art accuracy.
Real-Time : 30 frames per second or better. When the speed of car is
60km/h, car moves 0.55m between detections.

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Performance (Conti.)

Compared with fast R-CNN, YOLO has high location error and low
background error.
Correct: correct class and IoU >.5, Loc: correct class, .1<IoU<.5,
Sim: class is similar, IoU>.1, Other: class is wrong, IoU>.1,
Background: IoU<.1 for any object.

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Non Maximum Suppression

Some of predicted regions severely overlap.

In object detection, multiple detection for single GT is penalized.

Figure: from

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Non Maximum Suppression (Conti.)

Non Maximum Suppression (NMS) is a pre-work for evaluation,
removing overlapped regions using confidence.
Choose the most confident bounding box and remove all other boxes
with high IoU with the box. Repeat until there is no more box.
NMS is applied to both RPN and detection network.

Figure: from
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Evaluation measures

In Infinitely Imbalance Structure, performance measures using TN

may unsuitable.
N P Total
N TN FP # of BG
P FN TP # of GT
Table: The confusion matrix of object detection.

Detecting all objects as it is easy. Just classify all regions to all object.
What would be the value of TN? If the model is reasonable, TN
should be ∞.

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Evaluation measures (Conti.)

Main evaluation measures in object detection are based on Precision

and Recall.
Precision : the proportion of TP among positive labeled,
Recall : the proportion of TP among positive, TP/(TP+FN).
F1 score : the harmonic mean of precision and recall.
AUCPR : the area under the precision-recall curve. Commonly used
estimator for AUCPR in object detection is Average Precision (AP).

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Average Precision

Let c be the threshold of confidence. Than AUCPR can be expressed

as Z ∞
AUCPR = Precision(c)dRecall(c)

where Precision(c) and Recall(c) are the precision and recall at

threshold level c, respectively.
By plugging in the empirical precision and recall, Precision(c) and
Recall(c), we get an estimator of AUCPR,
Z ∞
\ =
Precision(c)d \

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Average Precision (Conti.)

Here, by the definition of Riemann−Stieltjes integral,

Z ∞
\ =
Precision(c)d \
\ # of P have conf . equal to c 
= Precision(c) .
# of P
c∈{confi |i∈P}

This is the Average Precision (AP), an weighted average of precisions

at each confidence level of GT box.

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Average Precision (Conti.)

Considering various kinds of class, the mean of AP is used. This is

called mean Average Precision (mAP).
In practice, Interpolated AP is used due to the wiggles in the
precision-recall curve. Unlike the ROC curve, it may not hold

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Girshick, R., Donahue, J., Darrell, T., and Malik, J. (2014). Rich
feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic
segmentation. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer
vision and pattern recognition (pp. 580-587).
Uijlings, Jasper RR, et al. ”Selective search for object recognition.”
International journal of computer vision 104.2 (2013): 154-171.
Felzenszwalb, Pedro F., and Daniel P. Huttenlocher. ”Efficient
graph-based image segmentation.” International journal of computer
vision 59.2 (2004): 167-181
Felzenszwalb, Pedro F., et al. ”Object detection with discriminatively
trained part-based models.” IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and
machine intelligence 32.9 (2010): 1627-1645.

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References (Conti.)

A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, and G. Hinton. ImageNet classification

with deep convolutional neural networks. In NIPS, 2012.
He, Kaiming, et al. ”Spatial pyramid pooling in deep convolutional
networks for visual recognition.” european conference on computer
vision. Springer, Cham, 2014.
Girshick, Ross. ”Fast r-cnn.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.08083 (2015).
Simonyan, Karen, and Andrew Zisserman. ”Very deep convolutional
networks for large-scale image recognition.” arXiv preprint
arXiv:1409.1556 (2014).

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References (Conti.)

Ren, Shaoqing, et al. ”Faster r-cnn: Towards real-time object

detection with region proposal networks.” Advances in neural
information processing systems. 2015.
Redmon, J., Divvala, S., Girshick, R., and Farhadi, A. (2016). You
only look once: Unified, real-time object detection. In Proceedings of
the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp.
Everingham, M., Van Gool, L., Williams, C. K., Winn, J., and
Zisserman, A. (2010). The pascal visual object classes (voc)
challenge. International journal of computer vision, 88(2), 303-338.

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References (Conti.)

Boyd, Kendrick, Kevin H. Eng, and C. David Page. ”Area under the
precision-recall curve: Point estimates and confidence intervals.” Joint
European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
in Databases. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013.
Introduction to modern information retrieval

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