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Running head: CLOUD COMPUTING 1

Cloud Computing

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June 1, 2021

Cloud Computing

1. Single sign-on (SSO)

It is a verification technique that permits users to authenticate through numerous requests

and websites by exhausting just a single authorization set. SSO works created upon a faith

relationship usual up among an application, identified as the facility provider, and a

characteristics provider, like Single Login. This belief relationship is frequently based upon a

swapped credential among the identity supplier and the facility provider[ CITATION Sap17 \l 1033 ].

2. Identity as a Service (IDaaS)

It is cloud-based verification built and functioned by a third-gathering supplier. IDaaS

firms supply cloud-based verification or identity organization to initiatives that contribute. Its

objective is to confirm operators are who they privilege to be and stretch them the correct types

of the entrance to software presentations, files, or other properties at the exact times[ CITATION

ChR20 \l 1033 ].

3. Provisioning

It is the initiative-wide formation, deployment, and administration of many types of IT

scheme resources. An administration's IT or HR section supervises the provisioning procedure,

which can display user and consumer access privileges and secrecy while certifying enterprise

source safekeeping. Provisioning delivers apparatus, software, or facilities to consumers, users,

workforces, or IT personnel and takes computing, mainframe networking, and

communications[ CITATION FBe20 \l 1033 ].

4. Federated ID Management (FIDM)


It defines the technology and procedures that syndicate allows an operator to bring safety

credentials through different safety domains (dissimilar servers consecutively potentially poles

apart functioning systems). The safety credentials are merged diagonally with safekeeping

domains maintained with machineries and procedures. Security Assertion Markup Language

(SAML) is a significant mover to platform users' safety authorizations[ CITATION Wal17 \l 1033 ].


Alrodhan, W. A. (2017, October). Federated identity management systems. International

Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 17(10), 15-22. Retrieved from




Ch. Rupa, R. P.-T. (2020). IDaaS system. IEEE Access, 8, 168793-168801.


F. Berghaus, K. C.-B. (2020). Cloud computing provisioning service. Computing and Software

for Big Science, 4(1), 1-10. doi:10.1007/s41781-020-0036-1

Saptarshi Purkayastha, J. W. (2017). The single-sign-on system, research, and learning systems.

Applied clinical informatics, 8(1), 306–312. doi:10.4338/ACI-2016-10-CR-0171

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