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Electric Bicycle

An electric bicycle also known as an e-bike or ebike is a bicycle with

an integrated electric motor which can be used to assist propulsion.
Many kinds of e-bikes are available worldwide, from e-bikes that only
have a small motor to assist the rider's pedal-power (i.e. pedelecs) to
more powerful e-bikes which are closer to moped-style functionality. All
retain the ability to be pedalled by the rider and are therefore not electric

E-bikes use rechargeable batteries and the lighter ones can travel up to

25 to 32 km/h (16 to 20 mph), depending on local laws, while the more
high-powered varieties can often do more than 45 km/h (28 mph). In
some markets, such as Germany, they are gaining in popularity and
taking some market share away from conventional bicycles, while in
others, such as China , they are replacing fossil fuel-
powered mopeds and small motorcycles.

1) Fast and Flexible

2) 18 times more energy efficient than an SUV,13 times more energy

efficient than a sedan, 6 times more energy efficient than rail transit.

3) Environmental friendly

4) Affordable and easy to operate

5) Low maintenance and operational cost

6) Government support in the form of subsidies and tax consession

Market Size of E- Bicycles in India

The market size and opportunity for E- Bicycles in India is huge due to
the following factors:

1) The huge and growing young population

2) Cost conscious culture

3) Narrow roads and lack of parking space

4) Increased mobility and growing rural economy

5) High fuel costs and growing concern on environment pollution.

6) Government’s thrust subsidies and tax benefits.

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