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Specifying the manner of executing policy is known as

A. objective

B. schedules

C. procedures

D. budgets

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Answer: Option C
Specifying the manner of executing policy is known as procedures. Procedures explain how to
accomplish a task. A procedure is sometimes called a work instruction.
The orders, instructions or direction are delegated to a
particular person specifically is known as _________.

A. general delegation

B. formal delegation

C. specific delegation

D. informal delegation

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Answer: Option C
The orders, instructions or direction are delegated to a particular person specifically is known as
specific delegation. Specific delegation of authority is related with an assigned the task or a
particular function.
Goal or target to be achieved is known as.

A. schedule

B. Budget

C. procedures

D. objective

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Answer: Option D
Goal or target to be achieved is known as objective. A step of a program is called a target. A
program is composed of targets. A target is an action which should be undertaken in order to
achieve a desired objective. There are several values of targets.
When authority is delegated as per the organisaiton structure
it is called ________.

A. formal delegation

B. informal delegation
C. general delegation

D. specific delegation

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Answer: Option A
When authority is delegated as per the organisaiton structure it is called formal delegation.
Formal delegation of authority is the part of organizational structure. Whenever a task is
assigned to a person then the required authority is also given to him. This type of delegation is
part of the normal functioning of the organization.
Penalty is levied for violation of

A. Procedures

B. Rules

C. policy

D. methods

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Answer: Option B
Penalty is levied for violation of Rules. A penalty is a punishment or consequence for doing
something wrong.

When an individual or a group agrees to work under the
direction of an informal leader is called ________.

A. formal delegation

B. informal delegation

C. general delegation

D. specific delegation

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Answer: Option B
When an individual or a group agrees to work under the direction of an informal leader is called
informal delegation. Informal delegation does not arise due to position but according to
Delegation made by written orders and instruction is known
as _________.

A. oral delegation

B. written delegation

C. downward delegation

D. sideward delegation

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Answer: Option B
Delegation made by written orders and instruction is known as written delegation. Delegation is
an administrative process of getting things done by others by giving them responsibility. All
important decisions are taken at top level by Board of Directors.
Set of clear instruction in a clear and logical sequence to
perform a particular task

A. rules

B. programme

C. policy

D. methods

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Answer: Option B
Set of clear instruction in a clear and logical sequence to perform a particular task is known as
programme. Programme management is the process of managing several related projects, often
with the intention of improving an organization's performance.
Departmentation on the basis of activities grouped according
to the type of customer is _________.

A. departmentation by function
B. departmentation by products

C. departmentation by territory

D. departmentation by customers

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Answer: Option D
Departmentation on the basis of activities grouped according to the type of customer is
departmentation by customers. Customer departmentalization is where the organization’s
activities are ready to respond to and interact with specific customers or customer groups.
Construction of fly over is an example of

A. rules

B. programme

C. project

D. methods

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Answer: Option C
Construction of fly over is an example of project. Project management is the application of
processes, methods, skills, knowledge and experience to achieve specific project objectives
according to the project acceptance criteria within agreed parameters
The process of dividing the large monolithic functional
organization into small and flexible administrative units is
called ________.

A. staffing

B. delegation

C. departmentation

D. control

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Answer: Option C
The process of dividing the large monolithic functional organization into small and flexible
administrative units is called departmentation. Departmentation is a process of dividing the large
monolithic functional organization into smaller and flexible administrative units.
Complete installation of computer within 3 months is an
example of

A. rules

B. programme

C. project

D. schedule
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Answer & Solution

Answer: Option D
Complete installation of computer within 3 months is an example of schedule. Schedule
management is the process of developing, maintaining and communicating schedules for time
and resource. A schedule is the timetable for a project, programme or portfolio.
Departmentation is a part of the _______.

A. organisaiton process

B. control process

C. planning process

D. staffing process

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Answer: Option A
Departmentation is a part of the organisaiton process. Departmentation means division of work
into smaller units and their re-grouping into bigger units (departments) on the basis of similarity
of features.
No smoking the factor is an example of

A. rules

B. programme
C. project

D. schedule

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Answer: Option A
No smoking the factor is an example of rules. Authoritative statement of what to do or not to do
in a specific situation, issued by an appropriate person or body. It clarifies, demarcates, or
interprets a law or policy.
Banks, insurance companies and distribution agencies are
examples of ________.

A. departmentation by function

B. departmentation by products

C. departmentation by territory

D. departmentation by customers

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Answer: Option C
Banks, insurance companies and distribution agencies are examples of departmentation by
territory. Departmentalization by Territory is the division of organization according to
geographic regions as it groups jobs on the basis of territory or geography.
Increase sales by 10% is an example of

A. objective

B. schedules

C. procedures

D. budgets

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Answer: Option A
Increase sales by 10% is an example of objective. Management by objectives (MBO) is a
strategic management model that aims to improve the performance of an organization by clearly
defining objectives that are agreed to by both management and employees.
Departmentation on the basis of production process is called

A. equipment department

B. departmentation by products

C. departmentation by territory

D. departmentation by customers

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Answer: Option A
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Employees will be promoted on the basis of seniority is an
example of

A. rules

B. procedures

C. policy

D. methods

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Answer: Option C
Employees will be promoted on the basis of seniority is an example of policy. Seniority is an
objective basis for promotion and so each employee is sure of getting promotion.
The term span of management is also known as _______.

A. span of business

B. span of control

C. span of activity
D. span of planning

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Answer: Option B
The term span of management is also known as span of control. The concept of "span of
control," also known as management ratio, refers to the number of subordinates controlled
directly by a superior.
Installation of computer is an example of

A. rules

B. programme

C. Installing

D. schedule

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Answer: Option B
Installation of computer is an example of programme. Installation (or setup) of a computer
program (including device drivers and plugins), is the act of making the program ready for

The number of subordinates that report directly to a single
supervisor is ________.
A. span of supervision

B. span of activity

C. span of business

D. span of organizing

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Answer: Option A
The number of subordinates that report directly to a single supervisor is span of supervision. The
span of supervision is also called as the span of control. It refers to the number of subordinates a
manager can effectively manage. If the number of subordinates placed under a manager is small,
he can control the subordinates effectively.
Supply of human and material resources and helps to
achieve the objective of business is

A. planning

B. organisation

C. management

D. control

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Answer: Option B
Supply of human and material resources and helps to achieve the objective of business is
organisation. An organization or organisation is an entity comprising multiple people, such as an
institution or an association, that has a particular purpose.
Few subordinates report directly to a manger is _________.

A. wide span of management

B. large span of management

C. small span of management

D. narrow span of management

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Answer: Option D
Few subordinates report directly to a manger is narrow span of management. The Span of
Management refers to the number of subordinates who can be managed efficiently by a superior.
Simply, the manager having the group of subordinates who report him directly is called as the
span of management.
authority flows from upwards to downwards in

A. formal organization

B. informal organisation

C. business organisation
D. strategic organization

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Answer: Option A
Authority flows from upwards to downwards in formal organization. The formal organization is
basically goal-oriented entity that exist to accurate the efforts of individuals and it refers to the
structure of jobs and positions with clearly defined functions, responsibilities and authorities.
Large number of subordinates report to a manager is

A. wide span of management

B. large span of management

C. small span of management

D. narrow span of management

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Answer: Option A
Large number of subordinates report to a manager is wide span of management. The Span of
Management refers to the number of subordinates who can be managed efficiently by a superior.
Simply, the manager having the group of subordinates who report him directly is called as the
span of management.

Informal authority flows upwards to downwards or
horizontally in

A. formal organization

B. informal organization

C. business or organization

D. strategic organization

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Answer: Option B
Informal authority flows upwards to downwards or horizontally in informal organization. An
informal organization is the social structure of the organization, as opposed to the formal
structure of an organization. It establishes how an organization functions from a practical
Making assignments, issuing orders and instructions,
providing guidance and inspiration to subordinates for the
achievement of organizational objective is called __________.

A. Planning

B. Organizing

C. Directing

D. controlling
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Answer: Option C
Making assignments, issuing orders and instructions, providing guidance and inspiration to
subordinates for the achievement of organizational objective is called Directing. Directing refers
to a process or technique of instructing, guiding, inspiring, counselling, overseeing and leading
people towards the accomplishment of organizational goals.
Rules, duties and responsibilities or workers are given in
writing in

A. formal organization

B. informal organization

C. business or organization

D. strategic organization

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Answer: Option A
Rules, duties and responsibilities or workers are given in writing in formal organization. The
formal organization is basically goal-oriented entity that exist to accurate the efforts of
individuals and it refers to the structure of jobs and positions with clearly defined functions,
responsibilities and authorities.
Motivation based on force of fear is called __________.

A. negative motivation
B. positive motivation

C. extrinsic motivation

D. intrinsic motivation

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Answer: Option A
Motivation based on force of fear is called negative motivation. Negative motivation is exactly
the opposite concept. Behavior is motivated by anticipation or fear that an undesirable outcome
will result from not performing. Fear is a powerful motivator, especially when that fear relates to
your survival or, in the case of employees, their income.
Which arises from mans quest for social satisfaction

A. formal organization

B. informal organization

C. business organisation

D. strategic organization

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Answer: Option B
Informal organization arises from mans quest for social satisfaction. An informal organization is
the social structure of the organization, as opposed to the formal structure of an organization. It
establishes how an organization functions from a practical standpoint.
Wages, salaries, bonus, vacation pay, insurance are
examples of _________.

A. financial motivation

B. non-financial motivation

C. extrinsic motivation

D. intrinsic motivation

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Answer: Option A
Wages, salaries, bonus, vacation pay, insurance are examples of financial motivation. Financial
motivation relates to the way in which an organization uses compensation structure to motivate
workers to high performance.
Which type of organization gives importance to terms of
authority and functions

A. informal organization

B. formal organization

C. business or organization
D. strategic organization

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Answer: Option B
Formal organization gives importance to terms of authority and functions. The formal
organization is basically goal-oriented entity that exist to accurate the efforts of individuals and it
refers to the structure of jobs and positions with clearly defined functions, responsibilities and
Participation, recognition and power are some of the
examples of _________.

A. financial motivation

B. non-financial motivation

C. extrinsic motivation

D. intrinsic motivation

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Answer: Option B
Participation, recognition and power are some of the examples of non-financial motivation. Non-
financial motivation is the integration of a system of reward and recognitions (Rewards and
Recognition - R & R), which doesn't involve giving money directly to the employee.
Which type of organization gives importance to people and
their relationships
A. formal organization

B. informal organization

C. business organization

D. strategic organization

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Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C
Business organization gives importance to people and their relationships. A business
organization is an entity aimed at carrying on commercial enterprise by providing goods or
services, to meet needs of the customers.
_________ means that each section has its own workers to
perform activities within the department.

A. Centralisation

B. Departmentation

C. Decentralisation

D. Delegation

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Answer: Option C
Decentralisation means that each section has its own workers to perform activities within the
department. Decentralisation can be understood as the orderly assignment of authority,
throughout the levels of management, in an organisation. It describes the way in which power to
take decisions is allocated among various levels in the organisational hierarchy.

According to Maslow, self-actualization needs is a

A. high level needs

B. medium level needs

C. lower level needs

D. psychological needs

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Answer: Option A
According to Maslow, self-actualization needs is a high level needs. Self-actualization refers to
the need for personal growth and development throughout one's life. It is the highest level of
Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which was developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow. Once you
are self-actualized, you've met your full potential as an individual.
Which type of organization has no place in the organization

A. Informal organization
B. Formal organization

C. business or organization

D. strategic organization

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Answer: Option A
Informal organization has no place in the organization chart. An informal organization is the
social structure of the organization, as opposed to the formal structure of an organization. It
establishes how an organization functions from a practical standpoint.
Expectancy motivation theory is given by _________.

A. Vroom

B. Maslow

C. Herzberg

D. Mc Gregor

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Answer: Option A
Expectancy motivation theory is given by Vroom. Vroom's expectancy theory assumes that
behavior results from conscious choices among alternatives whose purpose it is to maximize
pleasure and to minimize pain.
Decision making is the selection based on some criteria from
two or more possible alternatives is defined by

A. Farland

B. Mac Donald

C. Terry

D. M C Nites

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Answer: Option C
Decision making is the selection based on some criteria from two or more possible alternatives is
defined by George R. Terry.
Management By Objectives was introduced by __________.

A. Taylor

B. Elton Mayo

C. Peter Drucker

D. Maslow

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Answer: Option C
Management By Objectives was introduced by Peter Drucker. The essence of Peter Drucker 's
basic principle: Management By Objectives is to determine joint objectives and to provide
feedback on the results. Setting challenging but attainable objectives promotes motivation and
empowerment of employees.

Deal with routing and repetitive problems is a

A. programmed decision

B. non-programmed decision

C. major decision

D. minor decision

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Answer: Option A
Deal with routing and repetitive problems is a programmed decision. A routine or repetitive
decision that can be handled by established business rules or procedures. These types of
decisions are often called for at certain points in a standard process, and are decided based on
recognized and easily identifiable factors.
Leadership behaviour is influenced by certain qualities of a
person is __________.

A. Followers theory
B. Trait theory

C. Situational theory

D. Managerial grid

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Answer: Option B
Leadership behaviour is influenced by certain qualities of a person is Trait theory. The trait
theory of leadership is an early assumption that leaders are born and due to this belief, those that
possess the correct qualities and traits are better suited to leadership. This theory often identifies
behavioural characteristics that are common in leaders.
The leadership theory study leaders behaviour is

A. Flowers theory

B. Trait theory

C. Behavioural theory

D. Managerial grid

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Answer: Option C
In Behavioral Theory, the focus is on the specific behaviors and actions of leaders rather than
their traits or characteristics. The theory suggests that effective leadership is the result of many
learned skills. Individuals need three primary skills to lead their followers – technical, human,
and conceptual skills.
The decision taken by lower level management is a

A. major decision

B. non-programmed decision

C. minor decision

D. programmed decision

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Answer: Option D
The decision taken by lower level management is a programmed decision. The lower level
management informs the workers about the decisions which are taken by the management. They
also inform the management about the performance, difficulties, feelings, demands, etc., of the
workers. They spend more time in directing and controlling.
All decision-making power is centralized in the leader is
under ___________.

A. autocratic style

B. liberal leader

C. democratic leader
D. institutional leader

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Answer: Option A
All decision-making power is centralized in the leader is under autocratic style. The autocratic
leader typically follows certain characteristics including: Retains all power, authority, and
control, and reserves the right to make all decisions. Distrust of their subordinate's ability, and
closely supervise and control people under them.

The leader makes decisions in consultation with his followers
is _________.

A. autocratic style

B. liberal leader

C. democratic leader

D. institutional leader

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Answer: Option C
The leader makes decisions in consultation with his followers is democratic leader. A democratic
leader is one who takes decisions in consultation with his subordinates. He emphasises
consultation with and participation of his subordinates and encourages initiative from them. He
also seeks their advice and opinions on matters which affect them and their jobs.
The decision taken by high level of management is

A. a programmed decision

B. non-programmed decision

C. individual decision

D. non-economic decision

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Answer: Option B
The decision taken by high level of management is non-programmed decision. These decisions
are taken in unstructured situations which reflect novel, ill-defined and complex problems. The
problems are non-recurring or exceptional in nature. Since they have not occurred before, they
require extensive brainstorming. Managers use skills and subjective judgment to solve the
problems through scientific analysis and logical reasoning.
Complete freedom for group or individual decision, with a
minimum of leader participation is under _________.

A. autocratic style

B. democratic style

C. free-rein style

D. creative style
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Answer: Option C
Complete freedom for group or individual decision, with a minimum of leader participation is
under free-rein style. Free-rein leadership, also called Laissez-Faire, is a type of leadership style
in which leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions. Mangers set
objectives and employees are free to do whatever is appropriate to accomplish those objectives.
Non-programmed decision is also called

A. routine decisions

B. structured decisions

C. strategic decisions

D. unplanned decisions

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Answer: Option C
Non-programmed decision is also called strategic decisions. Strategic decisions are the decisions
that are concerned with whole environment in which the firm operates, the entire resources and
the people who form the company and the interface between the two.
A leader exercises his power over his followers because of
his position held in the. organizational hierarchy is

A. autocratic leader
B. intellectual leader

C. liberal leader

D. institutional leader

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Answer: Option D
A leader exercises his power over his followers because of his position held in the.
organizational hierarchy is institutional leader. The concept of Institutional Leadership opens up
some essential aspects of organizational leadership capability that could be defined as the
collective ability of leadership to detect and cope with changes in the external environment by
maintaining the primary goals of the organization.

Programmed decision is also known as

A. routine decisions

B. structured decisions

C. strategic decisions

D. operative decisions

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Answer: Option D
Programmed decision is also known as operative decisions. Operational decisions or Operating
decisions are decisions made to manage day to day business. Any firm which is into any kind of
business is faced with 100 decisions they have to take in a day. These will be as mundane as
refilling the water cooler, to as stressful as fulfilling a customers order within minutes.
The leader who excels as a leader because of his superior
knowledge is _________.

A. autocratic leader

B. intellectual leader

C. liberal leader

D. institutional leader

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Answer: Option B
The leader who excels as a leader because of his superior knowledge is intellectual leader.
Intellectual Leaders are serious, focused, and goal-oriented. They think long-term about their life
and enjoy developing big, complex systems. They are theoretical, logical, intelligent, and
The purchase of land and building is an example of

A. group decision

B. major decision
C. minor decision

D. spot decision

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Answer: Option B
The purchase of land and building is an example of major decision. Major decision is something
that is greater, very consequential, serious or important.
A leader who serves as the head of the family and treats his
followers like his family members is _______.

A. paternalistic leader

B. intellectual leader

C. liberal leader

D. institutional leader

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Answer: Option A
A leader who serves as the head of the family and treats his followers like his family members is
paternalistic leader. Paternalistic leadership is a managerial approach that involves a dominant
authority figure who acts as a patriarch or matriarch and treats employees and partners as though
they are members of a large, extended family. In exchange, the leader expects loyalty and trust
from employees, as well as obedience.
Authority is the right to give orders and the power to exact
obedience is defined by

A. Barnard

B. Fayol

C. Strong

D. Louise Allen

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Answer: Option B
According to Henri Fayol, "Authority is the right to give orders and the power to exact

A leader motivates his followers to work hard by offering
them rewards is _________.

A. positive style

B. negative style

C. autocratic style

D. democratic style
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Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C
A leader motivates his followers to work hard by offering them rewards is autocratic style.
Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a leadership style characterized
by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members. Autocratic leaders
typically make choices based on their ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from
Authority is the right to comment - defined by

A. Barnard

B. Fayol

C. Strong

D. Louis Allen

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Answer: Option C
Authority is the right to comment - defined by Strong. Authority is the right to exercise power,
which can be formalized by a state and exercised by way of judges, appointed executives of
government, or the ecclesiastical or priestly appointed representatives of a God or other deities.
A leader forces his followers to work had and penalizes them
is _________.

A. positive style
B. negative style

C. autocratic style

D. democratic style

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Answer: Option B
A leader forces his followers to work had and penalizes them is negative style. Leaders are
usually open-minded and have a strong will to execute. Conventionally leaders have common
traits but to be better leaders one should know when to zig when others zag. It is possible to be
opinionated, adaptable, and pleasant while being a good leader.
The sum of the powers and rights entrusted to make possible
the performance of the work delegated - is said by

A. Barnard

B. Fayol

C. Strong

D. Louis Allen

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Answer: Option D
The sum of the powers and rights entrusted to make possible the performance of the work
delegated - is said by Louis Allen. Possession of authority means responsible for action.
Which theory is also called traditional authority theory

A. The acceptance of authority theory

B. The formal authority theory

C. The competence theory

D. The organization theory

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Answer: Option B
The formal authority theory is also called traditional authority theory. Traditional authority (also
known as traditional domination) is a form of leadership in which the authority of an
organization or a ruling regime is largely tied to tradition or custom. The main reason for the
given state of affairs is that it 'has always been that way'.

The leader acts as a liaison officer between the employees
and the outside world is _________.

A. positive style

B. free-rein style
C. autocratic style

D. democratic style

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Answer: Option B
The leader acts as a liaison officer between the employees and the outside world is free-rein
style. Free-rein leadership, also called Laissez-Faire, is a type of leadership style in which
leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions. Mangers set objectives
and employees are free to do whatever is appropriate to accomplish those objectives.
Fixation of standards, measurement of performance,
comparison, and correction of deviation are the steps

A. planning

B. organizing

C. Staffing

D. control process

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Answer: Option D
Fixation of standards, measurement of performance, comparison, and correction of deviation are
the steps in control process. The control process involves carefully collecting information about a
system, process, person, or group of people in order to make necessary decisions about each.
The delegation of authority on the basis of custom,
conventions or usage is known as

A. oral delegation

B. written delegation

C. downward delegation

D. sideward delegation

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Answer: Option A
The delegation of authority on the basis of custom, conventions or usage is known as oral
delegation. Delegation made by written orders and instructions is known as written delegation.
Unwritten or oral delegation is based in custom and conventions.
Planning is looking ahead and control is_________.

A. looking back

B. looking front

C. looking sideward

D. looking down

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Answer: Option A
Planning is looking ahead and control is looking back. Planning is the fundamental management
function, which involves deciding beforehand, what is to be done, when is it to be done, how it is
to be done and who is going to do it.
Exchange of ideas, opinions, information etc. between two or
more persons is________.

A. Planning

B. organizing

C. Communication

D. Staffing

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Answer: Option C
Exchange of ideas, opinions, information etc. between two or more persons is Communication.
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to
another. Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient.

Delegation of some of his duties by a subordinate to another
subordinate of the same rank is called
A. oral delegation

B. written delegation

C. downward delegation

D. sideward delegation

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Answer: Option D
Delegation of some of his duties by a subordinate to another subordinate of the same rank is
called sideward delegation. It takes place when a subordinate assigns some of his duties and
authority to another subordinate of the same rank.
Communication is a _________.

A. one-way process

B. two-way process

C. three-way process

D. four-way process

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Answer: Option B
Communication is a two-way process. Two-way communication is when one person is the
sender and they transmit a message to another person, who is the receiver. When the receiver
gets the message, they send back a response, acknowledging the message was received. The
model looks like this: Two-way communication is essential in the business world.
The person who sends a message is known as________.

A. Sender

B. Receiver

C. Messenger

D. Communicator

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Answer: Option A
The person who sends a message is known as Sender. In the communication process, the sender
is the individual who initiates a message and is also called the communicator or source of
Direction is a managerial function performed by

A. top level management

B. middle level management

C. lower level management

D. subordinates

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Answer: Option A
Direction is a managerial function performed by top level management. These top managers are
responsible for setting the overall direction of a company and making sure that major
organizational objectives are achieved. Their leadership role can extend over the entire
organization or for specific divisions such as finance, marketing, human resources, or operations.
The act of making ones ideas and opinions known to others
is said by_______.

A. Meyer

B. Brown

C. Newman

D. Keith Davis

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Answer: Option A
Communication is the intercourse by word, letters or messages, intercourse of thoughts or
opinions. It is the act of making one's idea as and opinions known to others.”—Fred G. Meyer.

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