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Never Lazy and a constant workaholic

2. Unaffected when people tries to attack me mentally
3. Unaffected when I don’t get expected validation or appreciation from closed ones
4. Don’t expect validation from anyone
5. True to self and true to people
6. Perfectly fine with rejections
7. Don’t let anyone win the power game.
8. Can destroy anyone through conversation no matter how superior the other person is.
9. No dependency on people what so ever.
10. Workout and Cardio Junkie
11. Never feels low or self-loathing for failure
12. Can control thyself and have self-discipline like David Goggins
13. Listen to the promises that I made to myself
14. Scoring 4/4 this semester
15. Can redirect or manipulate attention in public situation
16. Not confused! Knows exactly what he’s doing
17. Can communicate and earn respect in most of the situation and sustain authority
18. Concrete and sustained discipline in day to day life
19. Uses concrete, precise and less words in conversations
20. Have no social desire… No expectations of love or likeness.
21. Have no self-desire…. No desire for pleasure while working or on a regular day.
22. Runs for satisfaction and not happiness
23. Not shaken in any kind of conflicts what so ever
24. Not afraid to lose people what so ever
25. Religious and righteous
26. Gives charity
27. Always approved by the self.
28. Always onto productivity
29. No constant feeling of inferiority
30. Has the ability to control thoughts and not get driven by it.
31. Very suppressed emotion and totally rational
32. Optimistic in terms of the future
33. Be an expert in a field
34. Healthy with body and sound in mind
35. Knows how to speak to anyone anytime and turn people down if needed.
36. Knows how to raise voice and not let people walk over
37. Not any kind of addiction
38. Still an adventurer
39. Can create deception among people
40. Can protect family or friends in any situations whether verbally or physically
41. A true provider for people
42. Not a coward
43. A smart thinker and an action taker
44. Not sensitive in terms of conversation
45. Don’t seek approval or validation from women in any circumstances
46. Punctual and organized instead of wasting time
47. Creates value to other people’s lives
48. Can express my thoughts fluently.
49. An intelligent one with ongoing intellectual thinking
50. Not driven by worldly pleasure and can bear any kind of suffering.
51. Not naïve but courageous to show commitment and take challenges.
52. Knows where he is going in life.

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