Mcqs of Phonetics & Phonology

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Name: Suhail Jamali

Roll no: 2k16/EngE/120

Class: BS English part (III) Linguistics
Institute/Dept: Institute of English Literature & Language, University of Sindh jamshoro.

MCQs of Phonetics &

(1) When fricatives are produced air escapes through a narrow passage &
makes a_____sound

a) Vistle c) Musical
b) Hissing d) N.O.T

(2) Fricatives are_____where as plosives aren’t______

a) Sounds c) Continuants
b) Consonant d) Vowel

(3) Affricates are begin as_____& end as______

a) Fricative,Plosive c) Nasal,fortis
b) Forti,Nasal d) Plosive,Fricatives

(4) Which of the following is an affricate?

a) /b/ c) /tf/
b) /m/ d) N.O.T

(5) Plosives are also called______

a) Fricatives c) Dental
b) Nasal d) Stops

(6) Homorganics are_______

a) Sounds that produced with same organ c) sound with same length
b) Vowel sounds d) A.O.T

(7) Sounds like ‘sh’ & /3/ produced with_______

a) Front teeth c) Both lips

b) Alveolar ridge & Tongue blade d) N.O.T

(8) We only count____&_____ as Affricate phonemes

a) /dr/, /fv/ c) /tf/, /dz/

b) /ts/, /j/ d) N.O.T

(9) Pronunciation of word Church is composed of____phonemes

a) 5 c) 8
b) 2 d) 3

(10) ____fricatives are articulated with more force than that of_____

a) Lenis, fortis c) Lenis, voived

b) Fortis, Voiceless d) Fortis, Lenis

(11) Lenis fricatives have voicing in inittial & final when they occur

a) Voiced c) Voiceless
b) B.O.T d) N.O.T

(12) In English, replacing one phoneme with another causes______

a) No change c) Pronunciation & meaning change

b) Only pronunciation change d) N.O.T

(13) When we produce /tf/ & /dz/ affricates our lips are______

a) Closed c) Rounded
b) Come together d) A.O.T

(14) Fortis sounds are usually articulated with_____glottis?

a) Open c) Open and closed

b) Open & closed d) N.O.T

(15) The word ‘nature’ can phonetically trancribed with glottalisation as


a) /neI?tfa/ c) /neItfa?
b) /naetf/ d) A.O.T

(16) The plosive, Fricatives and Affricatices combinely give us how many

a) Seventeen c) Nineteen
b) Ten d) Fifteen

(17) The number of nasal consonants in English______

a) Seven c) Nine
b)Three b) Eleven

(18) ‘How sounds are produced’ is comes under umbrella of_____

a) Plaace of articulation c)B.O.T

b) Manner of articulaton d)N.O.T

(19) Stops are also called______

a) Nasal c) Plosive
b) Fricative d)A & B

(20) When Nasal sounds produced____is completely closed

a) Nasal cavity c) Glottis

b) Oral cavity d) A.O.T

(21) ____Is___ produced when Liquids are made

a) Friction, largely c) Not, Friction

b) Friction, hardly d) Friction, Not

(22) During the production of_____sounds, the airstream escaping around on

the sides of tongue

a) Nasal c) Affricates
b) Fricatives d) Lateral

(23) _____sounds are produced when tongue is curled back

a) Retroflex c) Nasal
b) Lateral d) stops

(24) ____ are considered as phonological building blocks of words

a) Phoneme c) Syllable
b) Morpheme d) A.O.T

(25) The word that contain many syllables are said to be a_____

a) Mono-syllable c) Di-syllable
b) Poly-syllable d) Tri-syllable

(26) Semi-vowels are also called_____

a) Vowels c) Semi-consonants
b) Consonants d) Approximant

(27) Fortis production needs_____ force than that of lenis

a) Less c) More
b) Some d) N.O.T

(28) The study of the possible phoneme combinations of a labnguage is


a) Phoneme c) Morpheme
b) Phone d) Phonotactics

(29) No word begins with more than____ consonants

a) Two c) Four
b) Three d) Six

(30) No current word ends with more than____consonants

a) Two c) Six
b) Four d) Three

(31) Dark & Clear L are the ____of phoneme L in complementry distribution

a) Phones c) phonemes
b) Allophone d) Allomorph

(32) If the first syllable of the word in question begins with a vowel, the initial
symbol has a____onset

a) Pre-initial c) Post-initial
b) Zero d) N.O.T

(33) When we have two or more consonants we call them____

a) Consonant cluster c) Consonant plus cluster

b) Cluster d) Vowel plus

(34) ______sounds are produced with both lips

a) Labio-dental c) Alveolar
b) Bilabial d) Palato-alveolar

(35) Which of the following pair is dental sounds?

a) P, B c) TH, D
b) M,V d) A.O.T

(36) From /f/ and /v/____is a voiced labio-dental

a) /f/ c) Both
b) /v/ d) N.o.t

(37) _____Place of articulation has only one consonant sound

a) Dental c) Post-alveolar
b) Alveolar d) Palatal

(38) Pharynx is divided into______Parts

a) 5 c) 6
b) 9 d) 2

(39) Space between vocal cords known as______

a) Vocal space c) Glottis

b) Nasal cavity d) N.O.T

(40) There are____short vowels in English

a) 9 c) 8
b) 6 d) 5

(41) Which of the of following short vowel is used in word ‘man’?

a) /a/ c) /ae/
b) /I/ d) /e/

(42) _____short vowel is called cup sound

a) /ae/ c) /e/
b) / /\ / d) /I/

(43) The number of long vowels in English is_____

a) 6 c) 5
b) 8 d) 9

(44) How long vowels are recognised?

a) By dicritic c) B.O.T
b) By length mark d) N.O.T

(45) Diphthongs are produced by the combination of _____sounds

a) One vowel c) Three vowel

b) Many vowel d) Two vowel

(46) In the word ‘beard’ which diphthong is used?

a) /ea/ c) /Ia/
b) /ua/ d) /ei/

(47) Triphthongs are composed of _____

a) Five vowel c) three vowel

b) Two vowel d) N.O.T

(48) The word ‘player’ contains of_____syllable

a) 1 c) 3
b) 2 d) 4

(49) During the production of /I/ our lips are_____

a) Rounded c) Neutral
b) Spread d) A.O.T

(50) The study of sound patterns comes under umbrella of_____

a) Phonetics c) Morphology
b) Semantics d) N.O.T

(51) Auditory phonetics is the study of____

a) How sounds are heard c) Production of sound

b) Asimilation d) N.O.T

(52) Exception of Articulatory and Auditory phonetics_____is the 3rd type of


a) Morphology c) production
b) Accoustic d) A.O.T

Answer Key

(1) B (2) C (3) D (4) C (5) D (6) A (7) B (8) C (9) D (10) D
(11) A (12) C (13) C (14) A (15) A (16) A (17) A (18) B (19) C (20) B
(21) D (22) D (23) A (24) C (25) B (26) D (27) C (28) D (29) B (30) B
(31) B (32) B (33) A (34) B (35) C (36) B (37) D (38) D (39) C (40) B
(41) C (42) B (43) C (44) B (45) D (46) C (47) C (48) B (49) B (50) D
(51) A (52) B

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