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Name : Charlize Oyon-Oyon Grade & Section : 11-Curie

What I know

a. The song shows how wonderful and magnificent the world is. It talks about the
aesthetic and pleasant feeling that nature provides to humans. It also tells us the
beauty of nature because it is alive, moving and reproductive. Nature is amazing in
our eyes due to the innate connection we have. The complexity of a plant or the
serenity of a creek, the way sunlight peeks through a canopy of leaves, or the rocks
are arranged around a waterfall, the butterfly landing on prismatic flowers, these
fulfill us emotionally, leaving lasting impressions. Nature touches eternity, while
we, as observers, only wish to be one with everything. Nature is one of the greatest
reasons why our world is wonderful. This song expresses happiness and
appreciation of our world.

b. The tone is simple yet poetic. It also has a hopeful, optimistic tone with regard to
the future, with reference to babies being born into the world and having so much
to look forward to this. Despite certain circumstances, we can still see a silver
lining that encourages us to move forward and live our life to the fullest as we both
share our genuine smile and laughter.


I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do.

They're really saying I love you.
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow.
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know.
When people meet and greet each other with happy hearts and sweet gestures, it
means that they love each other dearly. It signifies that little gestures are a form of
love. Babies are symbols for the next generation, for hope. Over time, more
knowledge is acquired and passed down to younger generations and by the time
children reach Satchmo‘s age, they will have had the opportunity to learn much
more than us.

Whats More

1. In your opinion, how can we protect, conserve, and restore our environment?

- We can protect, conserve and restore our environment by planting trees and
taking good care of our surroundings. Avoid littering and remember to throw our
trash in the right place. Maintain cleanliness inside and outside of the house. Also,
we should reduce plastic usage, control electricity consumption, consume less
water and paper reduction. We can also join community service in the barangay
such as planting trees or cleaning the river. Doing this will not only save the
environment but also improve the quality of life for both animal and plant species
and save them from going extinct. To conclude, living in a safe environment goes
beyond the actions mentioned above. The extent of our involvement cannot be
exhausted to one single article. However, if we stay conscious of our environment
and do not relent in taking steps that are pro-environment , we would really make
our world a better place to live in.

a. I can promote the human person in the environment by making myself as a role
model. In my everyday life, I can make use of eco-friendly products to replace my
current ones to reduce plastics. I will use bicycle as my mode of transportation, in
this way I can save money and help nature at the same time. I will plant trees and
do gardening. And everything for the good of our nature. With this, I can beam
some light into their minds and inspire them somehow to do the same. Promoting
the human person in the environment won’t be that easy but if we move forward as
one, we will be able to do it in time.
b. The most basic garden plan consists of a design with straight, long rows
running north to south orientation. There’s a definite reason behind a garden that
runs to north to south direction because it ensures that the garden gets the best sun
exposure and air circulation. If you didn’t know, a garden that runs east to west
tends to get too shaded from the crops growing in the preceding row and it’ll ruin
the growth of your plantation which will cause major problems.

2. Based on the previous images, what could be improper? Are you happy with what you see or
experience in nature? How will you organize or improve the environment or world that you belong to?

- All the photos were improper considering the amount of damage they contribute
to the nature. No, I’m not happy of how our nature turns out. Nowadays, our
environment is becoming worse and some people have started to believe that
people have to save the world for the new generation. Global warming is one of the
most serious problems now, but some people do not care about the environment
and keep producing pollution. We can see that there are a lot of animals or plants
that are dying because of the high temperatures. Improving the environment has
many different solutions. A clean environment is good for everyone, but we are far
from one. If we continue what we are doing, most of our natural resources would
be gone and our future generations would have nothing to survive on. We should
focus more on renewable energy sources like the wind, sun, and maybe even rain
instead of wasting all of our fossil fuels. We also need to do more with our trash
instead of burning or burying it. I hope that if apply my studies to environmental
problems and coming up with a solution to them, I can help make a better future
for everyone. Environment can be saved by planting more trees, recycling, reusing,
reducing pollution, creating awareness through environmental programs, etc. If we
want to save the environment then, we should stop the exploitation of natural
resources. Using these resources cautiously is very important to save the


Guided Learning:

1. Discussion: Compare the importance of nature from the ancient to the modern era.

- There are a lot of differences between the ancient and modern area in terms of
preserving and acknowledging the nature. In Ancient Era, people are aware of how
important the nature so they did everything to maintain the cleanliness and to avoid
reckless behavior that could damage the environment. They decided to look over
the possible reasons of ruining the environment while nature from the modern era
is most likely fading from our sights. Trees are being continuously cut which is a
bad news because when trees are felled, they release the carbon they are storing
into the atmosphere, where it mingles with greenhouse gases from other sources
and contributes to global warming accordingly. Humans are generating too much
trash and cannot deal with it in a sustainable way. Regardless of continuous
unfortunate events, it seems like people aren't really involve or doesn't care what
happens to nature. People nowadays just keep on disappointing the nature. Even if
they’ve seen the horror of having unsafe and untidy environment, they don’t bat an
eye for it. Some do but some really don’t and that's what scares me. People should
focus on rebuilding the nature before it becomes too late for us. Humans
overpowered nature.

2. Self-review: Evaluate your personal views and attitudes toward nature.

- Nature is one of the best, precious and noblest gifts of God on this planet. The
beauty of nature is always matchless. Without the amazing gifts of nature, our life
would have been dull and meaningless. Nature has placed everything useful, with
order and purpose in our life. Nature has a big impact in our lives and how it molds
our way of living. We need the water, fresh air and earth to maintain our life. The
life of mankind is entirely dependent on nature. The sun gives the daylight and
other benefits to humans. The rivers and canals feed human life. The earth helps
grow the food for almost every creature on this planet. The mountains protect us in
different ways. In fact, every single thing of nature is of great value and
importance for us. I’m forever grateful of our nature and will do what I can
possibly provide for the betterment.



Check Your Knowledge

1. What is the worldview of the Chinese?

- Chinese worldview is an ancient Chinese view on the order at that time, which
was formed before the Qin Dynasty with the ideal to achieve supreme harmony in
the universal. The view can be seen as the ancient China cultural base which took
shape the unique ethnic of the Chinese nation.

Check Your Understanding

2. Research about animal rights. In your opinion, do animals deserve respect? Why or why not ?

- Yes, Animals deserve respect as much as people. They have as much right to live
like us. It is our world, but they are also part of it which they can address as their
world too. So, this planet belongs to all creatures living on it. Yet, many are against
this notion, since they believe that animals do not have a soul or feelings. Animals
have rights and surely deserve respect so they can live their lives free from
suffering, abuse and mistreatment. A life is a life and it should be valued. Animals
cannot speak for themselves and for that reason we have to be their voice and care
for them. All creatures have the right to be free of persecution, cruelty, captivity,
exploitation, and abuse by people because they did nothing wrong and are all
innocent. When we respect the well-being of animals, we restore balance in natural
preservation. Humanity would be nowhere if animals did not exist in this world.
Let’s take our time to cherish and appreciate them as they put meaning in our life
and make it enchanted to live for. They deserve a chance to live a healthy and
happy life.

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