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National Academy of Music of Ukraine Tchaikovsky


Modular control work


Yvanyuk Yuriy
Fourth-year student

                                                     Orchestra department

Violin faculty

Teacher of Academy:
Shekera Pavlo

Kyiv- 2021

R. Glier

1. Read the text and translate it.

Text A
R. Glier’s Great Contribution to the Musical Life
R. Glier (1875 - 1956) was the second director of Kyiv Conservatory (1914 -
1920). R. Glier played a special role in the formation of Kyiv Conservatory. He
was the famous composer, teacher and music-public figure. He headed the
Conservatory in the severe war and then revolution period, R. Glier, and besides
his direct duties, had to get food, liberate the students and teachers from arrest,
save them from shooting.
R. Glier had made a great contribution to the activization of musical life,
transforming Conservatory into the leading professional musical institution of the
country. Being a student of prominent Russian composers S. Taneev, A. Arensky,
M. Ipolitova-Ivanova, R. Glier in his creativity continued the best traditions of
native music, specifically, typical for Russian musical culture in lyric-epic
symphonism. In many and various genres of his works, R. Glier showed himself as
a master of using folklore sources (Russian, Ukrainian. Azerbaijan, Uzbek and
others) and the brilliant melodist. The peculiar features of the composer’s style are
also momentality of image and bright, picturesque, refined orchestra colouring,
gracefulness of forms, emotional well balance and gravity to the programme.

Text B

R. Glier as a Teacher
Working as a teacher, R. Glier paid much attention to the study of the
classical musical heritage. At the same time, as a creative person and brilliant
expert of the musical literature of those times he focused the students’ attention on
the creative art, for example, on the searching of a new way of musical
R. Glier’s students of the Conservatory studied such necessary for the
composer disciplines as counterpoint, fugue, symphonic instrumentation. At his
lessons, R. Glier could imperceptibly inspire the students with creative tasks,
made interesting the process of developing knowledge in the study of the rich
academic material. According to the memoirs of his pupils, R. Glier’s striking and
expressive comments, useful advice are the remarkable memory of his whole life.
Very valuable feature of composer’s method of education was R. Glier’s care

for the development of the individuality of every student, his ability to think
independently and originally. Such creative students according to R.Glier’s
characteristics as B. Alexandrov, O. Mosolov, L. Revutskyi, B. Lyatoshinskyi,
M.Frolov and others, promoted progressiveness, innovatory search in musical
education. R. Glier’s composition class became the foundation of the brilliant
Ukrainian composer school of B. Lyatoshinskyi and L. Revutskyi.

2. Answer the following questions to the texts A and B.

1) When was R. Glier born and passed away?

2) When was he the director of Kyiv Conservatory?
3) What role did he play in the formation of Kyiv Conservatory?
4) What were main spheres in his professional work?
5) What year was he the head of Kyiv Conservatory?
6) What did he do besides his direct duty as the director?
7) How did R. Glier promote the development and enrichment of musical life?
8) Whose student was R. Glier?
9) What traditions did he continue?
10) What did R. Glier show in his various musical genres?
11) What are the peculiar features of the composer’s style?
12) What did R. Glier focus on in his educational activities?
13) What disciplines did R. Glier’s students study?
14) How did R. Glier’s students study the academic material?
15) Did R. Glier’s students remember his recommendations and advice?
16) What were remarkable features of the composer’s method of education?
17) Did R. Glier’s composition class become the foundation of the special

3. Translate the following text in English.

У 1914 році директором Київської консерваторії був обраний Р. Глієр,

його безпосереднім заступником був К. Михайлов. Багато нового, живого у
справі розвитку консерваторії з другого року її існування вніс Р. Глієр. Він
зумів досягти інтенсивної співпраці з найбільш відомими педагогами
консерваторії і разом із ними повести справу більш широко у співвідношенні
з постійно зростаючими художніми запитами молоді, що прагнула глибокої
музичної освіти.
Як талановитий музикант, глибоко освічений теоретик, у всій своїй
педагогічній праці він ставив дуже високі вимоги до студентів, і це дуже
впливало на всю педагогічну роботу консерваторії.

З трьох запропонованих варіантів виберіть один, який є
правильним до даного прикладу.
1. Mount Everest is … mountain in the word.
 the higher;
 the highest.
 2. Many people go to Egypt … .
  in order see pyramids;
  to see pyramids;
 so to see pyramids;
 3. She wants to be a doctor … .
 when she will leave school;
 when she leaves school;
 when she is leaving school;
 4. Ann is interested … foreign languages.

  5. I know Nora Norman. I … her at a party a couple of weeks ago.   

 have met;
 was met.
 6. You have never been to Spain, … ?

  isn't it;
 haven't you;
 have you.
 7. The earliest known manuscript of Beowulf … in the British

 is kept.
8. I don't know … .

 where is the phone-book;

 the phone-book where is;
 where the phone-book is;
9. The four great deserts of central Australia … 2000000 square
 10. When I arrived, my sister … .
 had dinner;
  was having dinner;
 is heaving dinner.
  11. Don't … . The patient is much better now.
 12. Young people watch TV too … .
 13. You'd better wait as it is … raining.
 14. I'm awfully sorry … … .

  for being late;  

 to coming late;
 for come late.

  15. I'm very … to you for your help. 

 16. Lions … to guard the Tower of London up to 1781.

  have used;
 were used;
 are used.
 17. He was afraid to … me the truth.
18. George I, who was King of England …1714 … 1727, could not
speak a word of English.

 since … to;
 from … to;
 with … to.
19. The word "school" …from Greek.  
 20. There is … snow on the roads.

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