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Implementation Guide for the Management

of Unsealed Gravel Roads

George Huntington and Khaled Ksaibati

To address the current lack of a gravel roads management system organizations have the same problems or the same resources, so
(GRMS) appropriate for the rural agencies of the Intermountain West and each must develop a different solution. The following discussions
the Great Plains, the Wyoming Technology Transfer Center (T2/LTAP) investigate some of the work that provided guidance for the devel-
consulted with a volunteer group of experts and practitioners in the opment of a gravel roads management methodology suitable for small
fields of unsealed earth and gravel roads and roadway management to put local governments.
together a set of recommendations and guidelines for managing unsealed The World Bank developed a number of software programs
roads. This paper describes and summarizes the gravel roads manage- including the Roads Economic Decisions Model, the Deterioration
ment methodology developed by T2/LTAP under the guidance of this of Unpaved Roads (DETOUR) Model, and Highway Development
group. Steps in implementing a GRMS are described, beginning with an and Management (HDM-4) (1). The DETOUR model uses a fairly
assessment stage in which an agency evaluates its current unsealed roads lengthy list of inputs to predict the deterioration of unpaved roads,
information management and the resources available to improve it. Next, including environmental, geometric, traffic, surfacing material, main-
three elements of a GRMS are described: data management, inven- tenance policy, and material loss calibration variables. Although
tory, and data collection. Eight maintenance tasks for unsealed roads are collecting many of these inputs is beyond most counties’ means, it
described: blading, reshaping, regraveling, dust control, stabilization, iso- may be of value if one makes sweeping assumptions about the values
lated repairs, major work, and drainage maintenance. Primary outputs for some of the inputs.
of a GRMS are described, including cyclic maintenance scheduling, trig- A procedure for scheduling routine maintenance was developed
gered maintenance scheduling, and network-level outputs, including in South Africa’s Western Cape Province. A pilot study was con-
network-level monitoring, financial tables, and road tables and maps. ducted and algorithms were developed to schedule routine unsealed
Safety and drainage assessments are described briefly. Recommendations roads maintenance (2). Two algorithms are compared, one that min-
are made for putting these procedures into practice. imizes the network roughness, and one that minimizes the total
transportation cost (TTC), which considers both agency and road
user costs. These two algorithms prioritize the sequence in which
To address the current lack of a gravel roads management system road sections need to be bladed. It is concluded that the TTC algo-
(GRMS) appropriate for small, rural government agencies, the rithm is the most efficient, but that either algorithm represents an
Wyoming Department of Transportation and the Mountain-Plains improvement over the usual way of doing business, which consisted
Consortium funded Wyoming’s local technical assistance program of simply maintaining the entire network, then going back to the
(LTAP), the Wyoming Technology Transfer Center (T2/LTAP), to start of the route and maintaining the entire network again, without
develop a GRMS methodology. T2/LTAP consulted with a volun- regard for surface conditions or user costs.
teer group of experts and practitioners in the fields of unsealed roads For more than 10 years, Western Cape Province has been using
and roadway management to put together a set of recommendations visual assessments of road conditions to program periodic mainte-
and guidelines for managing unsealed roads. This paper describes and nance (3). An extensive and comprehensive training manual was
summarizes the gravel roads management methodology developed assembled that describes the various features rated during the visual
by T2/LTAP under the guidance of this group of experts. assessment (4). This manual provides excellent guidance on defining
the degree and extent of distresses, relating subjective terminology
to estimated percentages of the road affected by a given distress.
LITERATURE REVIEW AND Several LTAP centers in the United States, notably the Michigan,
STATE OF THE PRACTICE New Hampshire, and Utah LTAP Centers, have developed roadway
management systems although none have sophisticated methods for
Many efforts have been made to better manage unsealed roads. One managing unsealed roads. That led the Wyoming T2/LTAP to develop
aspect that becomes increasingly apparent as one reviews these its own analytical procedures as part of a pilot asset management
efforts is that every system is tailored to a specific situation. No two program conducted from 2004 to 2006 (5–8).
The Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada developed
Wyoming Technology Transfer Center, 1000 East University Avenue, Department an unsealed roads routine maintenance blading scheduling pro-
3295, Laramie, WY 82071. Corresponding author: G. Huntington, georgeh@ gram based on continuously collected data from its Opti-Grade® instrument (9).
The Wisconsin Transportation Information Center put together
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2205, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
a gravel road rating manual that describes how to perform surveys
D.C., 2011, pp. 189–197. on the basis of visual observations, referred to as the Pavement
DOI: 10.3141/2205-24 Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) Manual, which yields an

190 Transportation Research Record 2205

overall condition rating based on surface conditions and drainage On the basis of the results of these and other communications, the
characteristics (10). T2/LTAP prepared a number of drafts that outlined progress so far
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Cold Regions Research and and provided direction for further discussion (16). Finally, three main
Engineering Laboratory developed procedures for evaluating unsealed products were produced: a final report, an implementation guide,
roads. By measuring the severity and extent of various distresses, and a programming guide (16). The final report documents this effort.
deduct values are determined from graphs and an unsurfaced road The implementation guide assists road managers trying to improve
condition index is calculated (11). their agency’s information management procedures; the program-
Four manuals provide excellent guidance for those responsible ming guide provides guidance to data managers in setting up a data
for taking care of unsealed roads. They are the Gravel Roads Main- storage system.
tenance and Design Manual from the South Dakota LTAP (12), the
Low Volume Roads Engineering: Best Management Practices Field
Guide from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Forest Ser- MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION
vice (13), Pennsylvania’s Environmentally Sensitive Maintenance for
Dirt and Gravel Roads (14), and the Australian Unsealed Roads Development of the implementation guide was driven by the fact
Manual: Guidelines to Good Practice (15). The South Dakota manual that the cost of maintaining unsealed roads is going up while the cost
is for maintainers, the Forest Service and Pennsylvania manuals are of managing information is going down (16). Given this fact, it makes
for those responsible for design and construction, and the Australian sense to increase the use of information to reduce maintenance costs.
manual is for managers. The guide tries to help road managers make this transition. It is writ-
ten primarily for those who realize that their agencies could operate
more efficiently and that they could present a clearer picture of their
METHODOLOGY operations to elected officials and the public if they did a better job
of collecting, managing, analyzing, and presenting information.
Fifty-four experts from academia; federal, state, and local govern- The guide breaks down the GRMS implementation process into
ments; and the private sector (see Table 1) formally participated in several elements. First, a road manager assesses the agency’s cur-
this project through e-mails, a webinar, and the meetings listed below. rent situation and resources. From this assessment, the road manager
Many others had less formal inputs. determines what steps to take to improve the road network’s data
management, inventory, historical data collection, and performance
• Unsealed roads management–specific meetings: monitoring, leading to more efficient maintenance scheduling and
– July 27, 2009: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (in conjunction with providing a variety of network level outputs that will be useful to the
the National LTAP Association Annual Conference); road manager and to elected officials. The following discussions
– October 6, 2009: Webinar; briefly describe the processes outlined in the guide.
– October 20, 2009: Rapid City, South Dakota (in conjunction
with the Local Road Advisors Conference); and
– January 12, 2010: Washington, D.C. (in conjunction with the Assessment
TRB annual meeting).
• General meetings with unsealed roads management presented: Road managers should answer several basic questions when con-
– September 24, 2009: Laramie, Wyoming (at the Wyoming templating improving their agency’s unsealed roads management:
Association of County Engineers and Road Supervisors meeting);
– October 8, 2009: Rapid City, South Dakota (at the D-Ware • How are we collecting, analyzing, and using information about
Conference); and our unsealed roads?
– January 11, 2010: Washington, D.C. (at the meeting of the • What resources do we have to improve our information
TRB Low-Volume Roads Committee). management?

TABLE 1 Experts’ Participation

Experts E-mail Pittsburgh, Pa., Rapid City, Washington, D.C.,

Organization or Affiliation Solicited Comments Meeting Webinar S. Dak., Meeting Meeting Total Inputs

Counties 23 6 0 1 5 1 13
Municipalities 4 1 0 0 0 0 1
State department of 5 2 0 2 0 1 5
FHWA 4 3 0 0 0 0 3
USDA Forest Service 5 4 0 0 0 3 7
Other federal 5 1 0 0 0 0 1
LTAP/TTAPa 19 4 10 6 4 7 31
Academia 8 5 1 1 0 2 9
Other public 3 3 3 1 0 1 8
Private software providers 5 0 0 2 2 0 4
Total 81 29 14 13 11 15 82

TTAP = Tribal Technical Assistance Program.
Huntington and Ksaibati 191

• What should we do next to improve our unsealed roads make its information management decisions on the basis of both its
management? needs and its resources.

The goal of the guide is to help managers answer the last question.
To do that, the first two questions must be answered. The following Inventory
discussions provide managers with advice on how to answer them.
When assessing an agency’s current information management An inventory is simply a list of road sections and a few of their fun-
practices, the following questions should be asked: damental, static attributes. Once a good inventory is established,
data about the road network can be collected and stored efficiently.
• How are costs tracked? Without the structure an inventory provides, other, more sophisticated
• Are cost data useful for managers? Do the data help them elements of a GRMS are not possible. At the very least, the following
manage their roads better? aspects of a road network should be collected and stored:
• How are routine maintenance, regraveling, and drainage
maintenance scheduled? • Unique section identification,
• How do maintenance costs vary with different gravel types and • Location,
maintenance practices? • Surface type, and
• Can we improve our maintenance and rehabilitation practices • Length.
by improving our information collection, management, and analysis?
Without this very basic information, no formal management can
For most small agencies managing an unsealed road network, the take place.
answers to those questions will indicate that upgrades to their Once an initial inventory is in place, it will usually be advanta-
information management are warranted. geous to subdivide the roads into fairly homogeneous maintenance
Once the need for improvement has been established, the next step management sections varying in length from as little as a few hun-
is to perform an assessment, considering the following resources: dred yards to a dozen miles or more. The more sections there are,
the more data that will need to be collected. However, if sections are
• Support; too long, portions of a road that should be managed separately may
• Financial resources; be analyzed together, limiting the value of outputs from the GRMS.
• Hardware, software, Global Positioning System (GPS), and There are a number of factors to consider when dividing a road
geographic information system (GIS); network into appropriate sections. A fundamental consideration will
• Information; and be whether a section has been maintained as a single unit in the past.
• Personnel. Maintainers will usually be responsible for establishing the begin-
ning and ending points of maintenance management sections on the
Once these resources have been appraised, the agency should decide basis of the following factors:
what to do next to help its unsealed roads management processes
evolve into a more useful, sustainable system. The following sections • Typical surface condition,
provide insight into making that decision. • Maintenance history,
• Construction history,
• Traffic,
Data Management • Road use,
• Land use,
A critical element of any GRMS is its data management process. An • Subgrade type, and
early data management decision will be whether to purchase a com- • Terrain.
mercial software package, obtain a free package, or develop soft-
ware internally. A review of the assessment results should provide The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers also provides guidance on the
some indication as to whether an agency should acquire software or division of a road network into sections (11).
develop it internally from a spreadsheet, database, or GIS package.
Most data management systems can be assigned to one of the
following three general types: Data Collection

• Manual, Once an inventory is established, three types of data are collected,

• Databases or spreadsheets, and answering these questions:
• GIS.
• What is done to the road?
Generally, the larger the road network, the more advantageous it • How do traffic, weather, and subgrade affect a road’s perfor-
will be to work toward the bottom of this list. In addition to network mance?
size, an agency’s available expertise, particularly computer exper- • How does the road perform?
tise, should play into the decision-making process when an informa-
tion management system is selected. It may be worthwhile to work If these three questions are answered completely, the road can be
with a commercial software provider, particularly if an agency is analyzed and managed very efficiently. However, answering these
preparing to institute a better system for tracking maintenance tasks questions costs money, and it is not cost-effective to answer them
and costs. Any agency considering implementing a GRMS should all completely.
192 Transportation Research Record 2205

There are also logistical questions that need to be answered before single value to evaluate the effect of weather may be useful, such as
beginning data collection: Weinert’s N-value developed in South Africa, which uses rainfall,
air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed to predict decom-
• Who collects the data? position of surfacing aggregate (18). A GRMS should be able to
• How are the data collected? function without weather data.
• When are condition data collected? Subgrade type critically affects unsealed roads’ performance.
Although it would be helpful to have detailed laboratory tests on
The following sections provide guidance on answering those every subgrade, a simple rating on a scale from very good to very
questions. poor or the use of the AASHTO soil classification system or the uni-
fied soil classification system might provide useful information.
When one road is performing better or worse than another, the sub-
Historical Data: What Is Done to the Road? grade type may be causing the discrepancy. It would be helpful to
recognize that by having an evaluation of the subgrade.
An agency’s unsealed roads maintenance and rehabilitation tasks
should be tracked, as many agencies already do, although they may
not be tracked so that the resulting information is easily accessible
Condition Data: How Does the Road Perform?
by road managers. Many agencies track costs with a system devel-
oped by accountants to track money. From a road management point Assessing the condition of an unsealed road is difficult. A GRMS
of view, it is also important to track maintenance costs and tasks in has the conflicting goals of providing the best possible service at the
regard to how the road itself is treated. For example, it matters to lowest possible cost. The quality of the driving surface is a primary
accountants whether gravel is hauled in a contractor’s truck or in the measure of “the best possible service,” so some measure of surface
agency’s truck, but from a road management point of view, that is condition is needed.
irrelevant. However, it is important to the road manager to know Once an inventory is established and a road network’s history is
whether the gravel is used to repair a soft spot or to regravel the being recorded, the next step in unsealed roads management is per-
entire section; many systems set up by accountants do not make that formance monitoring. By evaluating road surface conditions in a
distinction. Data should be collected in a way that is useful to road systematic way, maintenance and repair schedules may be gener-
managers as well as to accountants. ated. Such schedules will lead to a wide variety of outputs, includ-
The following maintenance and rehabilitation tasks are defined in ing cyclic and triggered maintenance programs and assessments of
more detail in the implementation guide (16). They are very similar how an unsealed road network’s overall condition is changing with
to those put forth by the National Association of County Engineers time. However, there is a trade-off: it takes time and money to collect
(NACE), with minor adjustments and clarifications, and they are and manage data. In addition, there are several logistical problems
listed below (17 ): with monitoring the surface condition of unsealed roads:
• Blading (surface smoothing, dragging), • Rapid deterioration,
• Reshaping (pulling shoulders, cleaning ditches, reestablishing • Maintenance, and
crown), • Weather and precipitation.
• Regraveling,
• Dust control,
Those issues need to be considered before an unsealed roads
• Stabilization,
condition monitoring effort is undertaken.
• Isolated repairs (spot gravel, patching, soft spot repair),
There are several methods for evaluating the quality of an unsealed
• Major work (major repairs, realignment, rehabilitation, recon-
road’s surface as perceived by the traveling public and by those who
struction), and work on the roads. Simply put, the public is concerned with current
• Drainage maintenance.
conditions, whereas agency employees are concerned with the main-
tenance the roads will need and how current conditions predict future
From an unsealed roads management point of view, all costs should conditions.
be attributable to one of the eight tasks described above and to an
There are four basic options when unsealed roads’ surface condi-
individual road section.
tion is being monitored and performance is contemplated, each with
its strengths and weaknesses:
Other Data: How Do Traffic, Weather,
and Subgrade Affect a Road’s Performance? • Visual windshield surveys,
• Manual measurement of distress severities and extents,
Precipitation and traffic are the two primary environmental impacts • Automated condition surveys, and
on unsealed roads. A related impact comes from below as the sub- • Gravel thickness measurement.
grade supports or fails to support the roadway. Traffic monitoring
should take place on as many sections as possible although higher Equipment purchases, training time, and data collection time,
volume roads should have top priority, with estimates of traffic as along with their costs, should all be considered when data collec-
an alternative if counts are not available. tion methods are selected. The following discussions address some
Precipitation dramatically affects the performance of unsealed of those issues.
earth and gravel roads (6). Unfortunately, agencies will rarely have
local precipitation data, and even if they do, the precipitation at Visual Windshield Surveys The simplest method of evaluating
one end of a section may be different from that at the other end. A a road’s surface is to drive the road and subjectively rate it. The
Huntington and Ksaibati 193

pavement surface evaluation and rating (PASER) system is a good road’s condition, only surface distresses—washboards, dust, rutting,
example of this approach (10); it includes drainage considerations loose aggregate, erosion, and potholes—should be evaluated.
such as crown and ditches in its overall condition evaluation. The
Wyoming T2/LTAP has developed a ride quality rating guide that Manual Measurement of Distresses The U.S. Army Corps of
evaluates only the road’s surface condition (16). Training and qual- Engineers developed a method of deriving an unsurfaced road con-
ity control procedures are critical to maintaining consistency when dition index (URCI) by using distress extent and severity measure-
using a subjective visual survey. A simple, subjective rating of a ments to determine deduct values, resulting in a URCI between 0
road’s surface condition, particularly when the evaluator is focusing and 100 (11). This method is too time-consuming to be used on most
on it alone, can provide good, repeatable results at a low cost. road networks on the order of hundreds of miles, although it may be
As part of a 3-year asset management program conducted for useful as a check of other data collection methods or as part of a
Wyoming’s Carbon, Johnson, and Sheridan Counties during 2004, sampling condition assessment procedure.
2005, and 2006, T2/LTAP hired and trained more than a dozen stu-
dents and retirees to perform data collection. Efforts were made to Automated Data Collection At least two automated roughness
ensure that the data were collected as consistently as possible. Two- measurement devices for unsealed roads are available and in use by
day training was performed each year in the classroom and in the a number of jurisdictions worldwide. They have been used effec-
field by a staff engineer. Follow-up evaluations and retraining were tively to continuously adjust maintenance schedules. One is used in
performed in the field after several weeks to correct and calibrate the Canada to program routine maintenance (9); another is used in Aus-
various road raters. Based on these experiences, the recommenda- tralia (15). As GPS and other related systems become more sophis-
tion is made that road surface conditions be rated on a scale of 1 to 10, ticated, automated data collection is becoming more viable, perhaps
as follows, with reasonable travel speeds as shown below, assuming even for small, local agencies. They could be used to continuously
they are not limited by alignment, geometry, or sight distance: monitor road conditions on a vehicle that routinely travels a road
network, making them excellent candidates for programming routine
1. Failed: 0–8 mph (0–13 km/h); maintenance.
2. Very poor: 8–15 mph (13–24 km/h);
3. Poor, closer to very poor: 15–20 mph (24–32 km/h); Gravel Thickness The purpose of collecting gravel thickness data
4. Poor, closer to fair: 20–25 mph (32–40 km/h); is twofold. First, regraveling can be programmed on the basis of
5. Fair, closer to poor: 25–32 mph (40–51 km/h); existing thicknesses, rather than on the time since the road was last
6. Fair, closer to good: 32–40 mph (51–64 km/hr); regraveled, and second, this information can be used to generate a
7. Good, closer to fair: 40–45 mph (64–72 km/h); remaining service life (RSL) for each road and for the network as a
8. Good, closer to very good: 45–50 mph (72–80 km/h); whole, a useful value when one is educating decision makers about
9. Very good: 50–60 mph (80–97 km/h); and the unsealed road network’s long-term condition. Thickness is a
10. Excellent: 60+ mph (97+ km/h). critical indicator of the time until the next regraveling and the road’s
future performance. It provides a method of estimating the remain-
The dividing line of 25 mph between poor and fair is as recommended ing life of an unsealed road’s surface, with “remaining life” defined
by the Gravel PASER manual (10). as the time until the most expensive unsealed road maintenance
It has been argued that a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 7 should be used. procedure, regraveling, needs to be performed.
A scale of 1 to 10 is recommended for these reasons: With the scale
of 1 to 10 described above, very few roads fall into the excellent or
very good categories; similarly, roads that fall into the very poor or Data Collectors: Who Collects the Data?
failed categories are generally maintained so infrequently and carry
so little traffic that they are not important when managing roads, There are several options in regard to deciding who will collect
although these lower ratings should still be available for those unsealed roads data. Operators, supervisors, and other agency
instances in which a normally adequate road suffers from adverse employees may evaluate the roads, either during the course of their
traffic or weather events. Thus, most roads of interest when manage- other activities or as a separate task. Dedicated data collectors may
ment decisions are being made are in the good, fair, or poor cate- also evaluate roads. Recent agency retirees are obvious people to
gories, leaving those who rate the roads with only three options. hire because they have a good knowledge of the road network and
With a little training and experience, most road evaluators can dis- of unsealed roads in general.
cern more than three possible conditions. To confine them to three Condition data, particularly the ride-related distresses of potholes,
choices reduces their ability to accurately and precisely portray a ruts, and washboards, can be rated by anyone with experience driving
road section’s condition. By using only three ratings in the good- unsealed roads and sufficient diligence to provide consistent data.
fair-poor range, the abilities of an adequately trained road rater are Other data, such as drainage and safety ratings, should be collected
not fully utilized. The scale of 1 to 10 proposed above allows raters by skilled individuals. These attributes of a road are not necessarily
to provide managers with as much accurate information as is possible obvious to the general public.
with a visual survey. Thickness data should be collected by individuals who have the
Another significant issue relates to inclusion or exclusion of those necessary equipment at their disposal, a skid steer with an auger or
factors that do not affect the current quality of the road, but that do other suitable equipment, to quickly dig holes in the road to estimate
affect a road’s durability—crown, drainage, gravel quality, and thick- gravel thickness. They must also have sufficient experience with
ness. Whether or not to consider these durability factors depends on unsealed roads to discern lift lines from a core hole.
how the data are to be used. If one is programming maintenance such The least expensive data will be data that are collected as a part
as regraveling or drainage, or if one is trying to predict the road’s of someone’s usual routine. Operators might take an extra minute
performance, these durability factors should be rated. If one is try- and evaluate the surface condition of the road section they are about
ing to program routine blading or assess the public’s opinion of the to maintain.
194 Transportation Research Record 2205

Intermediate in cost will be the data collected by agency employ- classes, maintenance intervention levels, maintenance strategies, or
ees, generally during slow periods. They are already on the payroll, other means, it may begin to develop prioritized lists of sections to
so keeping them productive during slow times by sending them out receive maintenance ranging from routine blading to stabilization
to collect data may save money in the long run by allowing the or regraveling. Figure 1 illustrates how such a system might work,
supervisor to make better decisions when things become busy. including initial inputs, the maintenance cycle, and condition-based
The most expensive data will be data that are collected by people feedback and analysis.
hired specifically for the purpose of collecting data. These data will
also be the most consistent, because there will be fewer individuals
collecting the data, and they should be well trained and focused on Inputs
the task of gathering information.
An initial inventory is the starting point for a GRMS. Once it is estab-
lished, the road network should be broken down into maintenance
Timing of Condition Data Collection: sections as already described.
When Are Condition Data Collected? A minimum acceptable surface condition, the maintenance inter-
vention level, should be assigned to each section on the basis of
Timing condition data collection is a particularly vexing issue, because several considerations, including:
surface conditions may change so often and so quickly.
Ongoing data collection may take place largely as part of an • Traffic volume,
agency’s other activities. Generally, the timing of this data collec- • Functional class,
tion will be driven by the availability of labor. Still, some consid- • Road usage,
eration should be given to recent precipitation and maintenance • User costs, and
activities. An attempt should be made to rate roads when they have • Political considerations.
neither been maintained nor rained on too recently so their current
condition is typical of that throughout much of the year. Each agency should describe and document the standard mainte-
An exception to this generalization occurs if data are used to nance strategies it currently uses, along with any other mainte-
determine when to perform routine maintenance. For that purpose, nance strategies it would like to program into its GRMS. Each road
one wants to know the current condition, particularly the quality of section should have a maintenance strategy and task frequencies
the riding surface, so one should simply rate the current condi- assigned to it (8). The goal of a maintenance strategy assignment
tions. These types of data will most likely be collected automatically should be to maintain the section at or above the maintenance
because one generally cannot collect data fast enough to establish intervention level.
routine maintenance schedules with a nonautomated system.

Maintenance Cycle
Cyclic Maintenance Scheduling
To develop a prioritized list of maintenance tasks, a GRMS should
Once an agency has an inventory of its unsealed roads, including first determine what the next tasks are for every section and when they
some sort of prioritization using techniques involving functional are due, as shown in the upper two rectangles of the cycle trapezoid

Divide the road network Develop a MAINTENANCE


Determine next maintenance PRIORITIZE tasks on all

TASK for each SECTION and sections based on WHEN each
WHEN this task should be task is due; Develop prioritized
performed list of TASKS

Perform maintenance
task and

ANALYZE performance RECORD Surface


Optional Feedback and Analysis

FIGURE 1 Cyclic maintenance scheduling.

Huntington and Ksaibati 195

in Figure 1. To do this, one needs to know when each task was last targeted minimums can be compared with the observed surface con-
performed and the scheduled intervals between task performance. ditions when maintenance is performed. A road that is consistently
A potential problem arises when maintenance is delayed, perhaps in better condition than its desired minimum could have its time
as a result of weather or insufficient resources. As the following between maintenance tasks extended, and one often in worse condi-
example illustrates, by estimating the percentage of the recommended tion than the desired minimum could have its time between mainte-
time until each maintenance activity should be performed, this nance tasks shortened. This approach provides a very simple means
problem can be overcome: of lowering maintenance costs while keeping all roads in adequate
If a road of very low volume in January 2011 (time 2011.0) is condition with very minimal field data collection.
scheduled to receive drainage maintenance, routine blading, regrav-
eling, and reshaping, and if these tasks were last performed at the
times shown in the upper part of the column in Table 2 for time of Triggered Maintenance Scheduling
last performance, then they would be at the percentages of the time
of the scheduled maintenance shown in the upper part of the column The principles of any triggered maintenance program are simple:
in Table 2 for current percentage of scheduled time. At this time, For each road section, a minimum performance threshold is estab-
reshaping, at 123%, should be performed next. However, if no lished, and when conditions fall below that threshold, maintenance
maintenance is performed until Time 2011.7 (September 2011), is performed. It is unclear whether any proactive maintenance of
then blading, at 180% of the time until maintenance is due, becomes unsealed roads might be beneficial, analogous to preventive main-
the recommended maintenance, as shown in the lower part of Table 2. tenance of asphalt pavements. If proactive approaches are thought
This illustrates the ability of this approach to change priorities as to be advantageous, systems could be developed to, for example,
regravel whenever surfacing gravel thickness drops below 2 in.
time passes. The more pressing need to maintain adequate surface
The future of triggered maintenance programs is not well defined,
condition takes precedence over the longer term needs such as
although as more sophisticated and inexpensive data collection, par-
drainage maintenance, reshaping, and regraveling, which although
ticularly automated systems, becomes more prevalent, triggered
important, are not needed as urgently as removing surface distresses.
maintenance may become more commonplace.
This system is also flexible. If, in the example above, more time
One type of triggered maintenance scheduling involves the use of
passed and drainage maintenance was overdue, the supervisor could
a continuous monitoring device to program routine blading; another
decide that drainage maintenance should never be allowed to exceed
uses gravel thickness data to program regraveling. The Canadian
150% of the recommended time even if other activities are also
automated evaluation and rating system is documented elsewhere
overdue. Also, if it was determined that a particular road needed
(9); however, the use of gravel thickness as a maintenance trigger is
to be maintained to a higher standard, its maintenance frequencies
not known to be well documented.
could be increased, thereby providing a superior level of service to
an individual road section.
Once the maintainers and supervisors have their prioritized lists
Network-Level Outputs
in hand, they maintain the roads. As maintenance is performed, the
work done on each section is recorded and stored in a database. This Network-level outputs may be split into two types:
new information is used to generate new priority lists, and the cycle
continues. This system should be viewed as a tool to assist the super- • Information that helps provide better, less expensive service and
visor when planning maintenance, not as a schedule to be followed • Outputs used to communicate with elected officials and the
blindly. public.

Optional Feedback and Analysis Network-Level Condition Monitoring

If operators evaluate a road section immediately before they main- A primary objective of a road management system is to provide an
tain it, the frequency at which maintenance is performed may be overall network condition assessment. One of the most basic pieces
adjusted on the basis of these evaluations. Because each section of information of interest to elected officials is whether the overall
should have a targeted minimum acceptable surface condition, the network condition is improving, staying the same, or becoming

TABLE 2 Maintenance Strategy Example

Scheduled Time
Current Time Time of Last Time Since Last Between Task Current Percentage
(year) Task Performance (year) Performance (years) Performance (years) of Scheduled Time

2011.0 Drainage 2004.8 6.2 7.0 89

Blading 2010.8 0.2 0.5 40
Reshaping 2002.4 8.6 7.0 123
Regravel 2002.4 8.6 14.0 61
2011.7 Drainage 2004.8 6.9 7.0 99
Blading 2010.8 0.9 0.5 180
Reshaping 2002.4 9.3 7.0 133
Regravel 2002.4 9.3 14.0 66
196 Transportation Research Record 2205

worse. With sealed or paved roads, there are quantitative ways of Drainage Assessment
assessing average network condition by using instruments that mea-
sure the international roughness index. Although there are similar Drainage should be rated to identify sections with significant prob-
instruments available for unsealed roads, there are systematic prob- lems, particularly those related to maintenance, and to provide
lems, mainly the weather and maintenance practices, that may eas- insight as to why a given road may be performing poorly. It should
ily cause substantial networkwide bias in condition data, particularly assist maintainers with identifying areas where additional drainage
if the data are collected during a single event. maintenance or upgrades are needed.
The best assessment of an unsealed road network’s long-term
condition and RSL is probably gravel thickness. Although fre-
quent condition monitoring might yield overall network condition SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
assessments, until very inexpensive means of collecting and pro-
cessing a great deal of data become available, a proxy such as gravel This paper addresses the need for an unsealed gravel roads manage-
thickness is needed to assess an unsealed road network’s overall ment methodology suitable for small government agencies. Infor-
condition. mation and opinions were assembled from a variety of experts, and
a recommended methodology was generated on the basis of those
opinions. By hosting face-to-face meetings and a webinar and solic-
iting input by telephone and e-mail, T2/LTAP developed an unsealed
Financial Tables
roads management methodology. Procedures for implementing a
Financial tables describe where and how money is being spent. gravel roads management system (GRMS) are described.
Three fundamental variables are This paper summarizes Gravel Roads Management: Implementa-
tion Guide and describes these four implementation steps (16):
• Maintenance and rehabilitation tasks,
• Road and road section, and • Assessment,
• Time frame. • Data management,
• Inventory, and
• Data collection.
It is hoped that costs could be determined, for example, for blading
and regraveling for all roads of a given type during a 10-year period.
It also addresses these outputs of a GRMS:
Other costs would probably also be included, such as sign, culvert,
asphalt road, and bridge costs. Such tables would provide a good
• Cyclic maintenance scheduling,
overall picture of where and how an agency is spending its money.
• Triggered maintenance scheduling,
What these tables do not tell is whether these expenditures are yield-
• Network-level outputs—network-level condition monitoring,
ing good results. An agency wants to know not only what it is spend-
• Financial tables, and
ing its money on, but also if it is spending it efficiently; financial tables • Road tables and maps.
will not indicate that.
Several basic conclusions were drawn from this effort:

Road Tables (and Maps) • There are three fundamental elements of unsealed roads
management; they follow in the order in which they should be
Depending on the available data, a wide variety of tables (and maps undertaken:
if a GIS is used) can be generated, such as the following: – Inventory,
– Maintenance and cost tracking, and
• Maintenance histories for individual sections, – Performance monitoring.
• Road works maps or tables indicating where a given mainte- • Because of the limited resources of small agencies, simplicity
nance task has been performed, is critical to making a gravel roads management system (GRMS)
• Section condition maps or tables indicating road surface con- work for them. This fact, combined with the reality that it does not
ditions, and make economic sense to spend a great deal of time or money on man-
• Condition projection maps, which may become available as aging very-low-volume roads, dictates that a GRMS must not consume
condition prediction models are implemented. a large amount of resources, but must still produce useful results, both
for elected officials and for road managers.
• Functional classes should follow those described in two
Safety Assessment AASHTO publications, the Very-Low-Volume Roads Design Guide
(19) and the Green Book (20).
The safety component of this effort is tailored primarily to roads • A transition in tracking maintenance tasks is needed because,
with too little traffic for crash data to be statistically useful, and it historically, many unsealed road networks’ costs have been tracked
should address safety issues that can be improved at low cost, such by using line items and procedures useful to accountants, but of
as minor geometric improvements made while pulling shoulders and lesser value to roadway managers. Methods for tracking maintenance
reshaping ditches. The safety component of this effort should com- costs and histories need improvement and should be done by using
pliment other safety efforts, such as those based on crash data, maintenance tasks such as these:
road safety assessments, and other formalized safety improvement – Blading,
procedures. – Reshaping,
Huntington and Ksaibati 197

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Human issues will be the greatest obstacles when the management Opti-Grade®: Maintaining Road Networks to Achieve the Best Value.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ual. South Dakota Local Technical Assistance Program (SD LTAP),
FHWA, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2000.
The authors thank all experts who volunteered their time to make this 13. Keller, G., and J. Sherar. Low-Volume Roads Engineering: Best Man-
agement Practices Field Guide. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
effort a success, with particular thanks to Ken Skorseth of the South Washington, D.C., 2003.
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North Dakota Local Technical Assistance Program, without whose for Dirt and Gravel Roads. Report No. PA-2006-001-CP-83043501-0.
encouragement and support this project would not have been carried Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Harrisburg, and U.S. Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C., 2006.
out. The authors also thank the Mountain–Plains Consortium and the 15. Giumarra, G. (ed.) Unsealed Roads Manual: Guidelines to Good Prac-
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16. Wyoming Technology Transfer Center. Meeting Notes and Minutes;
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