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1 Table of Contents

MUNICIPALITY PROFILE ........................................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Settlement Status............................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Demography.................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Social Status .................................................................................................................... 5
Caste and Ethnicity ................................................................................................. 5
Religion ................................................................................................................... 6
Mother Tongue/Language Spoken .......................................................................... 6
Social Organizations ............................................................................................... 6
1.5 Existing Land Use ........................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Climate .......................................................................................................................... 10
1.7 Vegetation and Forestry ................................................................................................ 10
1.8 Natural Resource ........................................................................................................... 11
1.9 Economic Condition ..................................................................................................... 13
Livelihood ............................................................................................................. 13
Market Center and Financial Institutions .............................................................. 13
Income Sources ..................................................................................................... 16
Occupation ............................................................................................................ 16
Small & Medium Scale Enterprises ...................................................................... 17
1.10 Transportation and Road Network ................................................................................ 20
1.11 Infrastructures and Development Projects .................................................................... 24
1.12 Education ...................................................................................................................... 27
1.13 Health ............................................................................................................................ 28
1.14 Water Supply ................................................................................................................ 29
1.15 Relief and Drainage ...................................................................................................... 30
1.16 Agriculture .................................................................................................................... 30
Agriculture Center ................................................................................................ 30
Livestock and Animal Pocket Area ...................................................................... 32
1.17 Irrigation ....................................................................................................................... 33
1.18 Natural hazards and Disasters ....................................................................................... 34
1.19 Telecommunication and Postal Services ...................................................................... 36
1.20 Electricity ...................................................................................................................... 36
1.21 Energy Use .................................................................................................................... 36
1.22 Culture and Tourism ..................................................................................................... 37
Annexes .........................................................................................................................................42
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. 42
List of Photos ............................................................................................................................ 42
List of Maps .............................................................................................................................. 43

Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

1.1 Introduction
Khairahani Municipality lies in Chitwan District in Province no. 3, previously Narayani zone
of southern Nepal. The municipality was established on 08 May 2014 by merging the existing
Khairahani, Kumroj and Chainpur VDCs under newly introduced federal system in the
country. The municipality is divided into total 13 wards. It has high potential in the leading
sectors of agriculture, animal husbandry, agro based industries and tourism development. It
covers a total area of 85.75 sq. km. and situated at 190 m. above from sea level. According to National
Census 2011, the municipality has 12,331 households and total population of 56,094.

Geography: The altitude of Khairahani municipality ranges from 182m to 673m from mean
sea level. The municipality consist of gentle and moderate slope. 97% of the area is gentle and
3% of area is moderate. In term of soil types found in the municipality, the majority of soil
(70%) is Gleyic Cambisols. Similarly, 17% is Haplic Phaeozems, and remaining 13% is Dystric

Size and location: Khairahani municipality have an area of 85.75 Sq. km. It lies between
27.571°N latitude and 84.571°E longitude. It is 190 km south-west of the Kathmandu valley.
The boundary of the Khairahani has been delineated as follow:
East: Rapti Municipality
West: Ratnanagar Municipality
North: Kalika Municipality
South: Chitwan National Park and Madi Municipality

Map 1: Location map of Khairahani municipality

Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

History: Once the Southern belt of Nepal was afflicted by malaria epidemics, Tharu, the native
tribe, were able to thrive even in malaria. As the malaria subsided, more and more people
started migrating in this place in search of arable land, which eventually made Khairahani as a
multicultural, irrigated low land has been the main stud of agriculture, permitting Rice-Rice-
Pulse cropping pattern feasible. There are three seasons in the town. Third season is the
monsoon, starting from July, during this time humidity is about 100% and on average 100 mm
of rain is received a day. There are two types of habitat in Khairahani, Tropical riverine forest
and grassland, which are very important habitats for wild animals. It is dedicated to protect the
wild animals, community forest and the Chitwan National Park.

The name of the leaders, their designation and contact number has been presented in the Table
Table 1: List of the elected representatives in Khairahani municipality

S.N. Designation Name of representatives

1 Mayor Lalmani Chaudhary

2 Deputy Mayor Sunita Kharel Thapaliya

3 Ward chair-1 Bhumi Prasad Kandel

4 Ward chair-2 Tika Datta Itani

5 Ward chair-3 Purna Bahadur Gurung

6 Ward chair-4 Narendra Nath Adhikari

7 Ward chair-5 Bishwa Bijay Basnet

8 Ward chair-6 Ram Sharan Pandey

9 Ward chair-7 Manejar Mahato

10 Ward chair-8 Tek Bahadur Thapa Chhetri

11 Ward chair-9 Hom Kumar Pun

12 Ward chair-10 Kari Ram Chaudhary

13 Ward chair-11 Hakim Singh Upreti

14 Ward chair-12 Tika Ram Timilsina

15 Ward chair-13 Bal Kumar Upreti


Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Map 2: Base Map of Khairahani Municipality

1.2 Settlement Status

Regarding the ward-level settlements, as illustrated in the Table below, there are settlements in
total in Khairahani. They are of both small and large in terms of the HHs occupancy, and the
area has not been covered here for analysis. The caste/ ethnic composition seems a mixed one
comprising Brahaman, Chhetri, Janajati groups and the Dalits. However, some of the
settlements have been dominated mostly by one caste.

Map 3: Settlement Map of the Khairahani Municipality

Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

1.3 Demography
Demography is the science and status of population. The age, caste/ethnicity and sex of the
people living in different wards of the municipality can visualize the current status and future
prospects/challenges of development. As per the census 2011, an integrated form of ward-
specific population and households is thus updated with recent database system. The total
population of Khairahani Municipality is 56,094 having the household 12,331.

The demographic status in terms of sex with merging VDCs of the Khairahani municipality
has been presented in the Table below:

Table 2: Ward-wise HHs and population structure in 2017 and projection (2018-2033)

Existing population
HHs Population (2011)
Ward Projected Population (@2.06%)
Total Male Female 2018 2023 2028 2033

1 1121 4981 2363 2618 5745 6362 7045 7801

2 1044 4514 2086 2428 5207 5765 6384 7069

3 742 3553 1623 1930 4098 4538 5025 5564

4 872 3738 1680 2058 4311 4774 5287 5854

5 589 2726 1252 1474 3144 3482 3855 4269

6 1100 4893 2338 2555 5644 6249 6920 7663

7 630 3026 1339 1687 3490 3865 4280 4739

8 1370 5915 2933 2982 6823 7555 8366 9264

9 1073 4970 2293 2677 5733 6348 7029 7784

10 1435 6716 3067 3649 7746 8578 9499 10518

11 605 2980 1343 1637 3437 3806 4215 4667

12 848 3956 1799 2157 4563 5053 5595 6196

13 902 4126 1959 2167 4759 5270 5835 6462

Total 12331 56094 26075 30019 64700 71645 79334 87849

(Source: CBS, 2012; MoFALD, 2017)
The ward-wise population of Khairahani municipality of Chitwan shows that there is
comparatively less population of male (46.48%) to the female (53.51%) in all the wards out of
the total 56094 populations in the municipality. In overall, this resembles with the national
demographic distribution for male and female; i.e. 48.56 percent for male and 51.44 percent
for female (CBS, 2012).
Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

The municipality bears 12331 HHs in total where 56094 population size is included. This
indicates an average HH size of 4.54. This is slightly similar status of national average of HH
size, i.e. 4.7. The ward no. 10 is the largest in terms of household (i.e. 1435 HHs) and also
seems biggest in terms of the population size, i.e. 6716. While as the smallest, ward no. 5 has
only 589 HHs which has also the lowest population size, i.e. 2726 in total.

As per the census 2011, an integrated form of ward-specific population and households is
further updated with recent database system on the basis of exponential population growth rate
of Chitwan district for 2001-2011, i.e. 2.06%. Following the same progression rate, the existing
population in the municipality in 2018 is 64700, while this is projected be 71645 in 2023, 79334
in 2028 and 87849 in 2033.

Map 4: Density Map of the municipality

1.4 Social Status

Caste and Ethnicity
Khairahani municipality has a mixed type of caste/ethnic composition, as also discussed in the
earlier section of settlement pattern. Virtually, it represents the colorful social structure of caste
and ethnicity, including Khas-Aryas and the Mongolians. The presence of Tharu community
is common in most of the wards, indicating occupational diversity and heterogeneous
community. The dominant caste/ethnic cluster has been presented as per the wards of
Khairahani in the Table given below:

Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Table 3: Caste/ethnic composition of Khairahani 2017

Previous Merged VDC of Khairahani Municipality

Kumroj Chainpur Kathar Khairahani Total Remarks
Total 8082 16786 9696 21530 56094
Brahmin - Hill 1162 4400 1994 5906
Chhetri 2089 3589 1120 2060
Magar 1377
Tharu 2876 1066 3213 8062
Tamang 264 762
Newar 1139
(Source: Adapted from Census Report 2011 and respective VDC profiles)

People of Khairahani municipality follow different types of religion. Majority of the population
follows the Hindu religion.

Mother Tongue/Language Spoken

Language is another important indicator of municipality. It is seen that, most of the people in
Khairahani municipality use Nepali language as their mother tongue, which is then followed
by Magar language. Population on the basis of their mother tongue has been provided in the
table below:
Table 4: Distribution of population by mother tongue

Previous Merged VDC of Khairahani Municipality

Kumroj Chainpur Kathar Khairahani Total Remarks
All mother tongue 8082 16786 9696 21530 56094
Nepali 4925 12819 4354 11643
Tharu 2438 1029 3198 7792
Darai 215 1197 1276
Magar 415
Bhojpuri 866
Tamang 187 465 301
(Source: Adapted from Census Report 2011 and respective VDC profiles)

Social Organizations
Khairahani seems rich in its social and cultural networking where there are many social
institutions and organizations deep rooted in the social structure. The organizations are of
various types, including social, cultural, economic and civil society. They are registered in local
units and district level office. With regard to social institution, there are 12 aama samuha,15

Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

women group, 29 youth clubs, 3 child club and 1 sports club. Ward-wise social organizations
has been presented in the Table below:
Table 5: Social organizations in Khairahani Municipality

Ward Major Institutes

Fulbari, Pragati, Bindustrieshubasani, Kashighau, Bibakshil, Janjinvn,
Taunapur, Halyashowri Janchetana Nawaprabthat, Pathhani Bal Club
Janajivan Child Club
2 Time Pass Sports Club
Namasta Youth Club
Shreeshil Youth Club
Fulbari Youth Club
Sati Lafa Youth Club
Sati Lafa Magar Club
Aama Group
Annupurna Mother Group
Subhakamana Mother Group
Nama Buddha Mother Group
4 Ganga Jamuna Mother Group
Pravat Women Group
Milan Krisak Yakikrit Women Group
Sangam Farmer Group
Shiva Parbati Farmer Group
Kankali Community Munch
Yahinipur Khanipani (Kusham Khola) and Sanitation Group
Nari Yathan Women Group
Aama Group (8)
Nilun Women Group
Kharihini Child Club
Krisak Group (8)
Suwarnatara Youth Club
Tuslipur Youth Club
Munal Youth Club
Youth Shuwarnatara Club
Kharihini Youth Club
Milanshar Youth Club
Jamiri Mishari Farming Group
Mimijuli Farming Group (Kha)
Mimijuli Farming Group (Kha)
Laligraush Fish Farming Group
Pragatishil Farmer Group (Orange)
Dimond Youth Club ( Orange)
Dhapha Youth Club (Bhumai)
Suryadaya Women Bikash Group (Bhumai)
Chuadhury Women Samaj (Orange)
Sudharjan Jagaran Group
Tole Sudhar Samiti
Youth Swarnatara Club
Parsha Tulsaipur Youth Club
Lali Garush Youth Club
Sakriya Mother Group

Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Ward Major Institutes

Aalok Mother Group
Samjhuta Mother Group
YACD Youth Club
Pun Samaj Nepal (Naumati Baja)
Women Farmer Group, Karaiya
Bairani Youth Club, Bairani
Milan Youth Club, Pipari
Chicken Product Group
Baba Product Group, Dadagaun
Sayapatri Product Group, Dadagaun
Chahari Community Club
Shreshil Fish Farm, Katar
Thaha Pocket Fish Farming Group
10 Rural Women Fish Farming and Farmer Group, Kusan
Papaya Potato Pocket Group, Sahanpur
Honey Bee- 11
Bandevi Mother Group
Tripuraishwor Women Group
Industriesrakamal Youth Club
Asian Youth Club
Hariyali Farmer Group
Darai Uthhan Samaj
Darai Sundi Unit Samiti
Janakalyan Kulo Club
Rapti Janashakti Kulo
Amrti Kulo
Kopilapar Women Group
Co-operative Mother Farmer Group
Co-operative Digo Farmer Group
Sairam Milk Dairy Group
Thaha Laxmi Milk Dairy Group
Khaniya Agro Product Group
Shree Sahayogi Women Upavokta Group
Simawarti Saving Group
Maddhyawarti Saving Group
Himaliya Youth Club
Wathabaran Sudhar Mahila Group
Wathabaran Sudhar Purus Group
New Himalaya Club
Prativa Youth Club
Youth Jyoti Club
Simani Youth Club
Chaudhary Vegetable Product Group
Satisal Youth Club
Namuna Pashu Palan and Krisak Group
Gramin Mahila Uthhan Group
Mahila Environment Group
13 Nuwa Youth Club
Laligraush Aama Group
Rhino Shine Youth Club
Pasuphati Youth Club
Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Ward Major Institutes

Dharmeswor Youth Club
Mahaindustrieshi Mother Group
Laganshil Mother Group
Shrijhana Women Capacity Group
Tharu Milan Women Group
Yakal Women Group
Citizen Awareness Center
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

1.5 Existing Land Use

Land systems are defined as areas or regions with recurring patterns of component parts, in
geographical, geological and ecological terms. Land systems are generally seen in terms of
landform, underlying geology, and vegetation and can also have other components that may be
recurrent across regional landscapes. They are used extensively in surveys of land use planning
and land management. The majority of total land area in Khairahani Municipality is covered
by cultivation (69.514%), 21.019 by forest, 2.193% by barren land.
Table 6: Land cover of Khairahani municipality

S.N Land cover Area (Km2) Percentage (%)

1 Forest 17.975 21.019

2 Cultivation 59.447 69.514
3 Barren land 1.875 2.193
4 Orchard 0.042 0.049
5 Tree cluster 0.011 0.013
6 Grassland 0.554 0.648
7 Industrial area 0.978 1.144
8 Open space 0.007 0.008
9 River 1.495 1.748
10 Pond area 1.133 1.325
11 Sand area 0.072 0.084
12 Built up 1.927 2.253
Total 85.518 100
Source: GIS Land Cover, 2018 (prepared for IUDP by NREC J-V)

Further, land use map of the municipality has been presented below:

Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Map 5: Land use map of Khairahani Municipality

1.6 Climate
Climatic and meteorological condition is one of the unavoidable components of sustainable
cities and urban planning. The municipality consist of tropical climate. November-December
and January are the coldest months while May, June and July are the hottest months. Dry
summer season begins in the month of March.

The maximum average temperature in the municipality ranges from 28ºC to 30ºC whereas the
minimum average temperature ranges from 22ºC to 24ºC. The annual average precipitation in
the municipality ranges from 1758 mm to 1995 mm. The annual average wind speed ranges
from 1.15 m/s to 1.23 m/s.

1.7 Vegetation and Forestry

Khairahani Municipality consists of both communities managed as well as government
managed forests. It consists of both natural and plantation forest. Agroforestry is practiced in
the municipality. The forest in the municipality can be categorized as tropical, sub-tropical to
temperate climatic zone.

The major forest types are mixed forest followed by pine forest. Mixed forest is dominant in
the north and sub-tropical evergreen forest is dominant in the south. The details are presented

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Table 7: Forests in Khairahani Municipality

Types of
Name ward Area (Household
Rupkali Community Forest 2 Community
Agingaray Community Forest Community 278.29
Kakali Community Forest Community
Kakali Community Forest 4 Community 760.7 ha 2300
Sulauli Bhudali Community Forest 5 Community 3.5 bigha 260
No Data 6
Kalika Community Forest 7 Community
Kankasori Community Forest Community 93 ha
Devisthan Community Forest Community 67 ha
Kutakti Madhyawarti Community
Community 109 ha 900
Rapti Lokkalyan Madhyawarti 11
Community 12 ha 300
Community Forest
Chitwan National Wilflife Reserve Reserve
Kumraj Madhyawarti Community
12 Community 69 ha 2000
Kumraj Madhyawarti Community
13 Community 744 ha 1900
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

The most common tree in the municipality is Shorea robusta, with which 48 orchid species are
associated and Cleistocalyx operculatus, with 34 orchid species. In the mixed hardwood forest,
a positive association was observed between Panisea demissa and Bauhinia purpurea, and
between Pteroceras teres and Dillenia pentagyna. Agrostophyllum callosum, Cymbidium
elegans, Oberonia ensiformes and Oberonia falconeri were found only on S. robusta. The most
common tree in the forest was again S. robusta with 42 orchid species and Lagestroemia
parviflora with 36. In the riverine forest there were two groups of associations between trees
and orchid species; orchids in group one mostly grew on Cleistocalyx operculata, S. robusta,
Bombyx ceiba and Careya arborea, while those in group 2 mostly on Lagestroemia parviflora,
Adiana cordifolia and Gaultheria fragrantissima. Luisia brachystachis was recorded mostly
on Trewia nudiflora and Otochilus albus only on Dalbergia sissoo. The most common trees in
the riverine forest were Bombyx ceiba and Gaultheria fragrantissima, both with 28 orchid
species, but more orchid species were recorded on Cleistocalyx operculata.

1.8 Natural Resource

The rangelands which are present along the riverside are suffering from an enormous grazing
pressure and wetland biodiversity is threatened by encroachment of wetland habitat,
unsustainable harvesting of wetland resources, industrial pollution, agricultural runoff,
introduction of exotic and invasive species into wetland ecosystems and siltation. In higher
altitude, biodiversity is suffering due to ecological fragility and instability of environment,
deforestation and poor management of natural resources, inappropriate farming practices and

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

climate change. Forest loss has contributed to floods, soil erosion and stagnant agricultural
output in many areas of the municipality.

Photo 1: Forests in Khairahani municipality

Further, the natural resource of the municipality is presented below:

Map 6: Resource Map of the municipality

NREC-MCS-GI JV 12 | P a g e
Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

1.9 Economic Condition

The nature of the distribution of economic resources is the determinant components of the
economic status of the people. In Khairahani municipality, economic condition of the people
of the area is better in comparison to rest of the local bodies of Chitwan district. People have
been involved in different economic activities beside agriculture. They have more than one
source of income. Some members of such families are employed in government offices,
corporations and foreign employment. The households who have some kind of agricultural
production particularly vegetables, dairy farming, poultry and horticulture are found benefited
from local market. But those households with small landholding size or without land are facing
the life of dearth and destitution. They are deprived of opportunities of higher education, jobs
in government offices, corporations and foreign employment. They are not in the position to
start their own business and enterprises. Some of the economic resources in the municipality
are described the following topics. The detail of economic condition is presented below.

Livelihood pattern generally refers the means and ways people are adopting for making their
life. It is coupled with economic, socio-cultural and geographical condition of the particular
region and time. People are engage in animal rearing and agriculture in this municipality. Due
to availability of local market, these goods are produced for the purpose of sale as well but all
the people do not have larger area of land for commercial cultivation of crops and animal
rearing. Poultry farming and dairy farming are also growing day by day due to extension of
both market and transportation access in this municipality.

The main crops on irrigated land are rice and wheat, and on un-irrigated land, maize and other
cereals, mustard, banana and so on both food crops and cash crops are cultivated. Due to the
limited size of land-holdings, plain agriculture systems depend on interdependence between
arable land, livestock and forest components. Fish farming is also growing due to increasing
demand in Chitwan district and other parts of country. Seasonal vegetables and crops are also
equally cultivated in some regions of the municipality.

Market Center and Financial Institutions

The main market areas of the municipality include Malpani, Kumroj, Fulbari Tole, Janachetana
Tole, Kapiya, Bairiya, Gauwala, Bairiya and Harnari. Khairahani has different kinds of
financial organizations, which mainly include saving groups, co-operatives, Dairy Firms,
remittance exchange firms and banks of different categories. There are 14 banks and 47 saving
and credit cooperatives and multipurpose cooperative in the municipality. Their ward-wise
allocation has been presented in the table below.
Table 8: Description of Economic Organization

Name of Financial Institutes Address

Milk Dairy-2 Ward-1
Suryakiran Saving and Credit Co-operative Ward-1
Subhakamana Saving and Credit Co-operative Ward-1
Aafanta Saving and Credit Co-operative Ward-1
NREC-MCS-GI JV 13 | P a g e
Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Name of Financial Institutes Address

Gramid Agriculture Ward-1
Jyamiray Agriculture Ward-1
Fulbari tole-2, Chainpur
Industriesuri Women Saving and Credit Co-operative
Fulbari tole-2, Chainpur
Aashirbhad Saving and Credit Cooperative
Mahila and Shayogi Agriculture Saving and Credit
Janachatana tole-2
Upasana Co-operative Ltd. Ward-3
Garmid Bikash Nepal Co-operative Ltd. Ward-3
Shree Nama Shirdhartha Gurung Sewa Samiti Ward-3
Sana Kishan Co-operative Ltd. (Branch) Malmilap tole-4
Milk Dairy -3 Ward-5
Hamro Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd.-2 Ward-5
Pancharati Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd. Ward-5
Garibi Niwarn Co-operative Ltd. Ward-6
Wnmukh Co-operative Ltd. Ward-6
Sanakishan Agriculture Co-operative Ltd. Ward-6
Garabi Niwaran Co-operative Ltd. Ward-6
Mahila Ismarika Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd. Ward-6
Suryadhaya Mahila Bikash Sanstha Ward-7
Investment Bank Ward-8
Garima Bank Ward-8
Laxmi Bank Ward-8
Nepal Bank Ward-8
Agriculture Development Bank Ward-8
Everest Bank Ward-8
Gandaki Bikash Bank Ward-8
Himalayan Bank Ward-8
NIC Asia Bank Ward-8
Jyoti Bikash Bank Ward-8
Bangladesh Bank Ward-8
Bok Bank Ward-8
Siddhatha Bank Ward-8
Muktinath Bikash Bank Ward-8
Parsa Saving and Credit Co-operative Ward-8
Nilghari Saving and Credit Co-operative Ward-8
Rural Saving and Credit Co-operative Ward-8
NREC-MCS-GI JV 14 | P a g e
Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Name of Financial Institutes Address

Sayapatri Saving and Credit Co-operative Ward-8
Uttrakhanda Saving and Credit Co-operative Ward-8
Simtadi Agriculture Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd. Simtadi-9
Rural Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd. Simtadi-9
Garibi Niwaran Co-operative Ltd. Kariya-9
Ushakiran Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd. Ward-10
Nawayog Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd. Ward-10
Krishi Jagaran Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd. Ward-10
Kadhar Madhayawoti Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd. Ward-10
Sowrana Milk Dairy Co-operative Ltd. Ward-11
Rapti Milk Dairy Co-operative Ltd. Ward-11
Mayur Co-operative Ltd. Ward-11
Dhari Mahila Co-operative Ltd. Ward-11
Bandevi Co-operative Ltd. Ward-11
Musakan Mahika Bikash Saving and Credit Co-operative
Kapiya Fish Palan Co-operative Ltd. Kapiya-12
Annupurna Madhyawarti Saving and Credit Co-operative
Agriculture Co-operative Ltd. Ward-13
Sana Kishan Co-operative Ltd. Gauwha-13
Kunroj Co-operative Ltd. Bairiya-13
Harnari Saving And Credit Co-operative Ltd. Harnari-13
Gaurishankar Milk Dairy Co-operative Ltd. Bairiya-13
Shivashankar Milk Dairy Co-operative Ltd. Bairiya-13
Kadharsoharmilk Dairy Co-operative Ltd. Harnaray-13
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

Photo 2: Cooperatives of Khairahani municipality

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Income Sources
Diversification of the sources of income indicates that the people are engaged in different
sectors for their livelihood. Agriculture is the major source of income at households. It is
followed by remittance and business in the main market centers. Both agriculture and
remittance cover about 90 percent of the household income. Following these two sources, wage
labor and service are other sources of income. Service and pension is contributing a least
proportion because most of the people of this municipality are not involving in government
and non-government sectors.
There are different types of sources of income in the municipality. Different people are
involved in different professional activities for their livelihood. For analytical purpose, the
sources of income are categorized into agricultural livestock and off-farm sources. All these
seem supplementary on each other. Among the non-agricultural sector, foreign employment
seems most common and cross-cutting source of income, while it includes mobility to different
regions of India for employment. The ward-wise sources of income in both the sectors have
been presented in the Table below.
Table 9: Detail of sources of income in Khairahani

Ward Agricultural Source Livestock Off-farm source

Seasonal vegetable milk, banana, rice
1 Cow farm, dairy
and wheat
Seasonal vegetable, fruits, rice and
2 Pig farm
3 Rice and wheat Bee keeping
4 Seasonal vegetable, banana, cucumber Poultry
Rice, wheat, maize, mustard, seasonal
5 Poultry
fruits and vegetable
Rice, wheat, maize and mustard, Small industries;
6 Buffalo farm
vegetable micro-enterprises;
Vegetable, wheat, mustard, pea, potato, foreign
7 Bee farm
cabbage, red lentils employment
8 Rice, wheat, maize Poultry including India
9 Mustard, vegetable, milk and fruits Dairy
10 Rice, wheat, maize, vegetable Buffalo farm -2
Mustard, chilies,
11 Cow farm-2
seasonal fruits and vegetable
Seasonal vegetable, banana, rice, wheat,
12 Fish farm
Rice and wheat, seasonable fruits, off-
13 Shirjansil fish farm
season vegetable farming
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

Major employment of the people residing in the municipality is agriculture and livestock
followed by labor work and foreign employment. The major crops produced in the municipality
are rice, wheat, mustard, seasonal vegetable, fruits, etc. Poultry, cow farm, buffalo farm, dairy,
pig farm, fish farm and bee keeping are the growing business in Khairahani municipality.

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Small & Medium Scale Enterprises

In Khairahani there are number of small, medium scale and cottage industries. Rice mill,
furniture and grill are major industries. Therefore, they are generating some employment
opportunities for local as well as for rural people. The necessary raw materials for furniture
and factories are found from same municipality and from other neighboring town areas. The
furniture industry makes tables, chairs, beds, cupboard, etc. Among them, furniture factory and
rice mills are very important in generating employment opportunities for local people. Brick
factory, poultry, food, sand and stone and gas factories are growing day by day. The remittance
from abroad is used in productive enterprises these days have also helped to make people self-
reliant. Ward-level detail of industrial and production sectors as indicated during the PRA and
institutional survey has been presented in the Table below.
Table 10: Detail of description of industries in the municipality

Industry/Company Name Address Service/Production

Baba Gas Ward-1 Gas Transport
Sova Steel Ward-1 Steel Sewa
Gorakha Kali Furniture Ward-1 Furniture related products
Puspanjali Copy Trade Ward-1 paper related product
Menaka Engineering Ward-1 -
Dana Trade Ward-1 -
Amrit Chiura Mill Ward-1 Chiura
Om Sabita Concern Ward-1 -
Agro Study And Research Center Ward-1 -
Bhusal Agro Training Ward-1 -
Unique Oil Mill Ward-1 -
Digbajya Rang Trade Janaivan Tole-2 Asian paints
Medicine Factory (Under Construction) Ward-2 -
Narayani Egg Tray Pragati Tole-2 -
Bindyabashini Roda And Crassor Trade Ward-2 -
Anmol Brick Factory Ward-2 -
Nirmard Brick Factory Ward-2 -
Himchuli Bakery Factory Fulbari Tole -2 -
SK Bakery Factory Ujjyalo Tole-2 -
Kalika Brick Factory Ward-2 -
Mahadev Brick Factory Ward-2 -
Ojha Brick Factory Ward-2 -
Kushal Brick Factory Ward-2 -
Bibas Brick Factory Ward-2 -
Subisa Poultry Farm Kashaghau-2 -

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Industry/Company Name Address Service/Production

Sima Poultry Farm Kashaghau-2 -
Shivashakti Poultry Farm Hlashowr-2 -
Kalika Poultry Farm -
Dolakoti Poultry Farm -
Paroprakar Milk Dairy Hlashowr-2 -
Bindustrieshabashini Milk Dairy Chhinapur – 2 -
Saha Mill School Tole-4 -
Abir Furniture Loktantra Tole-4 -
Sunita Furniture Malmilap Tole-4 -
Rice Mill-7 Ward-4 -
Oil Mill Ward-4 -
Khujuriko Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Ward-5 Biscuits
Sakripa Copy Factory Ward-5 Paper retaliated product
Buddha Rice Mill Ward-5 Stream Rice Sale
Kadal Rice Mill Ward-5 -
Chaudhary Rice Mill Ward-5 -
Cutting, grinding, oil
Kharirani Food Industries Ward-5
Saw Mill Ward-5 Furniture
Ladies Tailor and Training Center Ward-5 -
Poultry Farm-4 Ward-5 -
Fish Farming-5 Ward-5 -
Sanjivini Food Industries. Ward-6 Food product
Dinesh Food Industries. Ward-6 Food product
Ganesh Food Industries. Ward-6 Food product
Amrit Food Industries. Ward-6 Food product
Parajuli Food Industries. Ward-6 Food product
Radhakrishnna Milk Dairy Ward-6 Milk Product seals
Bhawani Poultry Farm Ward-6 Egg and meat
New Dali Saman Industries Ward-6 Soap product
Disney Park and Resort Ward-6 Party palace
Mahakali Cow Farm Ward 7 Milk product
Laxmi Rice Mill Ward 7 -
Chaudhary Food Industries Ward 7 -
Udhay Poultry Farm Ward 7 Meat /egg
RN Poultry Farm Ward 7 Meat/egg
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Industry/Company Name Address Service/Production

Ramchandra Poultry Farm Ward 7 Meat/egg
Narayan Poultry Farm Ward 7 Meat/egg
Rashiram Food Industries Ward 7 cutting/ grinding
Mujhai Food Industries Ward 7 cutting/ grinding
Radhakrishna Milk Dairy Ward 8
Bhawani Poultry Farm Ward 8
Ramluxman Rice Mill Rice
Rajhar Rice Mill Ward -8
Gupta Rice Mill Ward -8
Kalika Saw Mill Ward -8 Furniture related product
Dhachhird Kali Rice Mill Ward -8 -
Buddha Furniture Pipari-9 Milk product
Rn Furniture Pipari-9 Milk product
Namuna Block Industries Simaltadi-9 Block
Purna Saw Mill Simaltadi-9 Furniture
Chitwan Block Industries Simaltadi-9 Block
Durgalaxmi Food Industries Simaltadi-9 -
Chandra Surya Food Industries Simaltadi-9 -
Chitwan Foods Industries. Simaltadi-9 -
Saibaba Gas Industries. Simaltadi-9 -
Lokpriya Gas Simaltadi-9 Cutting /grinding
Rasika Rice Mill Ward-10 -
Rural Mahila Fish Farm Kusana-10 Fish
Samjhana Poultry Kusana-10 -
Bhandari Agriculture Farm Kusana-10 -
Rice Mll -2 (Updhul, Baba) Ward 10 -
Dev Oil Mill Ward 10 -
Chudhamadi Rice Mill Ward 10 -
Samaj Oil Mill Ward-10 -
Rice Mill -2 Shanty Bazer-10 -
Bindustriesu Rice Mill Sahampur-10 -
Sita Rice and Oil Mill Jivanpur-10 -
Waglya Poultry Farm Ward 10 -
Santra Fruit Aykopancher Research and
Ward 10 -
Amrit Poultry Ward 10 -

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Industry/Company Name Address Service/Production

Aryaral Co-operative Ltd. Ward 10 -
Rabi and Khani Oil Mill Dadaghau-10 -
Amrit Cutting/Graining Mill Dadaghau-10 -
Birdhi Fish Pound Dadaghau-10 -
Gakul Cow Farm Dadaghau-10 -
Gyanusha Bag Industries. Ward -11 -
Block And Concert Industries. Ward -11 -
Bhandari Cow Farm Ward -11 -
Poultry Farm -7 Ward -11 -
R.D Poultry Farm Rabnagar-12 -
Sisarti Poultry Farm Sisarti-12 -
Yuwa Poultry Farm Janakpur -12 -
Suwal Fish Farm Janakpur -12 -
Poultry Farm -7 Ward -13 -
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

1.10 Transportation and Road Network

Road is one of the most important infrastructures. It is also the backbone of development. It
helps local people to travel from place to place and importantly facilitate people to market their
agricultural products. There are different types of road in the municipality such as black topped,
graveled and earthen. Khairahani municipality is located in eastern side from the district
Table 11: Description of Road Networks

Road Length Existing Existing Road

S.N. Road Joining Settlements
(Km) Width (m) Surface
1 Belsi - Simaltandi 7.076 12 Black Topped
2 Ramkhola – Chainpur 2.459 6 Black Topped
3 Khairahani – Parsa 1.128 8 Black Topped
4 Kumroj – Salauli – Khairahani 5.484 8 Black Topped
5 Kathar – Shanti Bazar 3.124 8 Black Topped
6 Purano Parsa – Shanti Bazar 3.357 20 Black Topped
7 Hajipur – Sundarbazar 1.063 20 Gravel
8 Janaha Chowk – Janakpur Road 6.574 8 Gravel
Kapaiya – Badegaun – Surtana –
9 2.959 8 Black Topped
Aadarsha Tole
Kapaiya – Badegaun – Surtana –
10 3.021 8 Gravel
Aadarsha Tole
11 Bindabasini Chowk – Lekali Chowk 6.399 6 Black Topped
12 Siurenitole – Jyamire – Hajipur 2.006 4 Black Topped
13 Siurenitole – Jyamire – Hajipur 1.384 6 Gravel

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Road Length Existing Existing Road

S.N. Road Joining Settlements
(Km) Width (m) Surface
14 Khairahani – Majhui 2.235 7 Gravel
Bolrahani – Karaiya Chowk – Bipard
15 2.315 6 Gravel
16 Lhanepani Chowk – Singapur Chowk 5.768 6 Gravel
17 Lhanepani Chowk – Singapur Chowk 2.579 8 Black Topped
18 Tungara – Dudhkoshi Khola 2.865 6 Gravel
19 Rai Chowk Road 0.543 6 Gravel
20 Chaubiskot Chowk – Beni chowk 3.466 8 Black Topped
21 Tarkari CHowk 0.715 6 Black Topped
22 Milan chowk road 1.120 6 Black Topped
Harnaire- Dharampur – Shivalaya
23 4.017 6 Black Topped
24 Raj Tole – Trinetra Chowk 0.870 4 Black Topped
25 Chainpur Road 1.164 6 Gravel
26 Shivalaya Chowk – Rai Chowk 1.314 5 Black Topped
27 Janakauli – Mahabir Tole 1.049 4 Gravel
Siyani chowk – Bhagwan – Simaltadi
28 2.793 4 Gravel
29 Simaltadi chowk road 1.605 6 Gravel
30 Janakpost – Shivalaya Chowk 1.637 4 Gravel
Janakpur – Peepal chowk – Sanpur
31 2.065 7 Gravel
32 Ghogharela – Magar chowk 1.124 6 Gravel
33 Kumartha – Milan chowk 1.839 4 Black Topped
34 Milanchowk – Kathar 2.634 5 Gravel
35 Tara Chowk – Kushana 4.505 5 Gravel
36 Kathar – Tribeni chowk – Tara chowk 2.477 6 Gravel
37 Kadel gaun road 1.164 5 Gravel
38 Hospital chowk – Badegaun 2.694 5 Gravel
39 Sundi – Pidrahanu 3.260 6 Gravel
40 Gaida – Kathar 0.605 5 Earthen
41 Phapenigaun – Shantibazar 2.685 6 Gravel
42 Sultana chowk – Baglung 1.370 5 Gravel
43 Simaltadi road 0.380 5 Earthen
44 Siddha chowk road 1.308 6 Gravel
45 Surtana – Sulauli road 1.664 6 Gravel
46 Sundarbasti - Phaserni 2.471 6 Gravel
47 Phaseni Road 0.402 4 Gravel
48 Chainpur – Siureni tole 1.336 6 Gravel
49 Jyamire Road 1.743 7 Black Topped
50 Jyamire – Kashi gaun 1.332 8 Black Topped
51 Kunaghari – Patihani 3.013 6 Earthen

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Road Length Existing Existing Road

S.N. Road Joining Settlements
(Km) Width (m) Surface
52 Patihani road 1.769 6 Black Topped
53 Lekali chowk – Pun tole 0.866 7 Earthen
54 Shivalaya chowk road 1.031 6 Earthen
55 Chainpur road 1.094 4 Earthen
56 Bindabasini chowk – Loktantrik chowk 1.135 6 Earthen
57 Time pass chowk – Phurba chowk 2.682 6 Black Topped
58 Muktinath chowk – Dada gaun 1.863 6 Gravel
59 Khaireni – Basyauli 1.282 5 Gravel
60 Garda road 0.999 6 Gravel
61 Kapiya – Mugling – Kumroj 2.255 4 Gravel
62 Jahanachowk road 0.716 3 Gravel
63 Kumroj – Haranaire 0.808 4 Gravel
64 Simreni – Harnaire 1.754 3 Gravel
65 Kumroj – Simreli 1.133 3 Gravel
66 Simreni road 0.515 3 Gravel
67 Janakpur – Kumroj 0.810 2 Gravel
68 Harnaire road 1.012 2 Gravel
69 Kumroj – Sisahani connecting road 1.050 3 Earthen
70 Kapaiya – Simalghari 2.390 4 Gravel
71 Gauwa – Amrita Khola 1.946 3 Earthen
72 Salauli – Garde 1.550 3 Gravel
73 Japkauli - Phacorni 1.884 3 Gravel
74 Jyamire chowk road 1.178 3 Gravel
75 Jyamire – Siureni connecting road 0.801 3 Earthen
76 Belsi road 0.794 2 Gravel
77 Jyamire – Bahira road 1.106 3 Black Topped
78 Urban road 0.952 3 Gravel
79 Chainpur road 0.760 5 Gravel
80 Urban road 1.027 2 Earthen
81 Chainpur – Ratomate 0.776 4 Earthen
82 Ratomata – Kunaghari 1.537 4 Earthen
83 Urban road 1.045 4 Black Topped
84 Ratamata – Chainpur 0.799 4 Earthen
85 Urban Road 0.790 3 Black Topped
86 Chiuntole road 1.178 3 Gravel
87 Urban Road 0.337 4 Gravel
88 Urban Road 0.386 3 Gravel
89 Urban Road 0.817 2 Gravel
90 Urban Road 1.010 4 Gravel
91 Dudhkoshi khola to municipal boundary 2.060 4 Earthen
92 Ramkhola – Chainpur road 0.766 3 Gravel
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Road Length Existing Existing Road

S.N. Road Joining Settlements
(Km) Width (m) Surface
93 Lodre – Ramkhola 0.715 4 Gravel
94 Naya Prasa – Basyauli road 2.796 3 Gravel
95 Urban Road 1.988 4 Gravel
96 Urban Road 1.293 2 Gravel
97 Urban Road 3.355 3 Earthen
98 Kathar – Kushana road 1.344 3 Earthen
99 Khadkhutte – Kathar 1.282 3 Earthen
100 Jivanpur – Kadelgaun 1.859 3 Gravel
101 Gaida – Khadkhutte 1.390 3 Gravel
102 Urban Road 1.415 4 Earthen
103 Urban Road 1.047 4 Earthen
Simalghari – Shantibazar connecting
104 1.289 3 Gravel
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

Regarding the type of vehicles, all the wards in the municipality have run diesel/petrol based
vehicles. There are, however, no any electricity and renewable energy-based vehicles. The
detail list of vehicles in the wards of Khairahani has been presented in the Table below.
Table 12: Ward-wise description of Transportation

Ward Name of vehicles

1 Bus, Jeep, Tractor, Motorcycle
2 Bus, Jeep, Tractor, Motorcycle, Auto
3 Bus, Jeep, Tractor, Motorcycle, Auto, Hiace, Scooter
4 Bus, Jeep, Tractor, Auto, Truck, Mini Truck
5 Jeep, Tractor, Auto
6 Jeep, Tractor, Auto
7 Bus, Truck, Jeep, Auto
8 Bus, Jeep, Tractor, Auto, Truck, Mini Truck, Ambulance
9 Bus, Jeep, Tractor, Auto, Truck, Mini Truck
10 Auto, Jeep
11 Auto, Jeep
12 Bus, Jeep, Tractor, Auto
13 Bus, Jeep, Tractor, Auto
14 Bus, Jeep, Tractor, Auto, Tractor Mini Truck, Motorcycle
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Photo 3: Road network of Khairahani municipality

The roads in the municipality is presented below:

Map 7: Road Network of Khairahani Municipality

1.11 Infrastructures and Development Projects

Municipal infrastructure is defined in broad terms as ‘the capital works required to provide
municipal services. It includes all the activities necessary to ensure that the works are delivered
effectively, such as feasibility studies, project planning and capacity building to establish sound
operational arrangements for the works. The term ‘works’ is taken to exclude readily movable
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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

assets such as specialized vehicles and equipment and land not directly required for the
construction of municipal infrastructure.

For the development of Khairahani, there are number of infrastructures, as presented ward-
wise in the table below. The infrastructures are of various types and inherently related to the
development. Their use pattern and issue of further requirements are however different. Since
the delivery of municipal infrastructure involves all spheres of government and a whole range
of sector departments, there is a strong need for both co-operative governance and cross sector
collaboration. The principles are designed to ensure an enabling institutional environment for
the delivery of municipal infrastructure, which institutionalizes a collaborative approach
Table 13: Profile of infrastructures and development projects

Available Infrastructures Detail of Utilisation Essential Improvement
For vegetable FM., co-operative
Boring (private)
production building
Dharua Tharu Klyank Co-
Irrigation Park, library
operative Sewa
Irrigation aaskash ko vhar Drain management
Space is found only in
Open space
2 school
only compound the Collective deep boring
Namuna fun park
park area (12*4)
upgrade up to +2
level/ proper
placement of staff in
Education Boring
school and also
English medium
Increase electricity, telecom
children park, horse Unseasonal irrigation
Kankali forest area park
riding cable car system develop
Prevention of boring, deep
School building
Pure drinking water and
Pipe lining
irrigation building
Dairy building (2) Reserve tank increase
Forest Kankali
Road Canal
Drain, boring, well,
personal hand pump
Children park In future program
Open space land (cow
In process
feeding area)
CTEVT, Engineering
NTC office
FM station (Swarna tara)
Police office
Malpot office Primary school
Primary health post Fire barged vehicle
NREC-MCS-GI JV 25 | P a g e
Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Available Infrastructures Detail of Utilisation Essential Improvement
Agriculture office Irrigation for farming
School, technical
Road office
education school
Communication network,
health clinic (2)
Proper management of
Great F.M
Creation cable, television,
sim T.V, school red cross,
Udhyag Banijya Sang
Open space ( Kharaiya, Improvement sport
pipari, Dadaghau-2 bigha) ground, children park,
NTC, Ncell (2 company)
Kodhar sport area Sports ground and park
Jivanpur chaur, Badghau
Sports ground and park
Ban Kalika Dalit Bhawan 10
Ward office, health post,
Needed police station
Khanapani and Tharu
museum building
Vegetable collection Center
Road Canal build
Underwater irrigation
Irrigation 11 To build cannel system
Canal under construction
Green Park, Children park
Ward office, health office,
school building
Communication Unreachable problem
Children park
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Photo 4: Infrastructure facilities of Khairahani municipality

1.12 Education
In every community, education plays a vital role as fundamental forces of the social
restructuring. The degree of education in a community indicates the standard of living. It is
also an instrument of change. There are 37 primary school in the municipality as well as there
is 4 higher secondary and 3 graduate and post graduate school. More than 90% people are
literate whereas 3.81% people can only read and more than 5.7% of the people are illiterate
who cannot read and write. Out of total male, 79.6% are literate and 17.5 % are illiterate.
Similarly, out of total female about 65% are literate.

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Photo 5: Schools and college of Khairahani Municipality

1.13 Health
There is 3 government health post at ward no. 2, 6 & 10 in the municipality as well as 1
government Khop Kendra and 1 mental hospital at ward no. 11. There is 1 private health post
at ward no. 12 and 15 private health clinics and medical hall.

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Health facility is not so good in Khairahani municipality. Each ward has good health access to
health centers. Bharatpur District Hospital and B. P. Koirala Memorial Cancer hospital are
bigger hospitals among them. Both private and public sectors are active to deliver health
facilities in Khairahani municipality.
Table 14: Description of Health

Name of Institutes Ward Type Major-Services

Ram Chandra Chad Clinic 1 Private Normal
Namuna Thapa Clinic 1 Private Normal
Industriesira Chhadguli Clinic 1 Private Normal
Chhanpur Health Post 2 Government Normal
Uttam Medical Hall 2 Private Normal
Private Clinic 4 Private Primary Treatment
Kharihani Health Post 6 Government All major service
Chaudhary Polyclinic 6 Private All major service
Sewa Policlinic 6 Private All major service
Kharihani Health Clinic 6 Private All major service
Mujhai Clinic 7 Non-government All major service
Baba Health 9 Private Primary Treatment
Roja Medical Hall 9 Private All major service
Khaddar Health Post 10 Government All major service
Madical 10 Private All major service
Mantel Hospital 11 Private
Khop Center (2p) 11 Government Vaccination
Kumraje Health Post 12 Private
Vaccination, Delivery
Shari Health Clinic 13 Government
and other major service
Shivalaxmi Medical Hall 13 Private All major service
Sumitra Medical 13 Private All major service
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

1.14 Water Supply

Drinking water supply and poor sanitation is the main environmental issue in the municipality.
Many wards in the municipality have not good water supply system. Drinking water supply
and poor sanitation is the main environmental issue in the municipality. Many wards in the
municipality have not good water supply system. There are different sources of drinking water
in Khairahani municipality. Tap or pipe water is the main source of drinking water.

Drinking water
There are different sources of drinking water in Khairahani municipality. There is 100% pipe
water supply in ward no 11, 12 and 13. However, most of the people use tap water for drinking
purpose. Besides, the detail of water supply including irrigation and rainwater regarding water
management is presented below.

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

1.15 Relief and Drainage

This municipality is endowed with many streams and running water bodies. Vyakur Khola,
Laxmi Khola, Chanda Khola, Pampha Khola, Budhi Rapti Khola, Chatri Khola, Chisapani
Khola, Umraha Khola, Dhunga Khola, etc. are the major streams flowing in the municipality.
Besides, there are many rivulets flowing in the area.

Sanitation and Solid waste

Major techniques of waste management applied in Kharahani Municipality are dumping,
burning, recycle, tractate and decompose methods. But dumping of waste in private property,
lack of sufficient dumping site, irregularity of vehicle to collect waste, lack of landfill and less
consciousness of people are the challenges and threats in the municipality. Municipality has
worked to manage the waste in ward no. 6.

1.16 Agriculture
Agriculture is the main occupation and major source of livelihood in the municipality. The
agriculture system is subsistence and traditional. Commercialization in agriculture is essential.
Attraction towards agriculture has been decreasing day by day. Nevertheless, vegetable
farming and fish farming has been gradually increasing in the municipality.

The major crops in Khairahani municipality comprises of paddy, wheat, maize, millet, sesame,
mustard for livelihood and gram, red lentils, lemon, cauliflower, cabbage, daikon, potato,
ginger, turmeric, lemon, pear for livelihood as well as commercial use. Organic farming is
practiced for ginger, turmeric, lemon, pear, banana, amilo and other fruits, etc.

Agriculture Center
The major agricultural products and its condition with pocket areas are listed below in the table
Table 15: Agriculture Center of Khairahani municipality

Ward Condition of
Agriculture Pocket
Major Agriculture Products Products
Seasonal vegetable, milk, banana Sale Local Market
Possibility of banana
1 farming
Rice and wheat livelihood Possibility of rice
Seasonal vegetable, fruits, rice and 2 Sale Local Market
wheat livelihood
Rice and wheat 3 livelihood Local Market
Seasonal vegetable 4 Sales Local Market

Banana, cucumber 4 Sales 70 b only

Rice, wheat, maize, mustard livelihood
Seasonable fruits and vegetable Sales Local Market
Rice, wheat, maize and mustard 6 livelihood

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Ward Condition of
Agriculture Pocket
Major Agriculture Products Products
Rice, wheat, maize and Mustard livelihood
Vegetable livelihood
Vegetable, wheat, mustard livelihood
Rice , maize, wheat, mustard livelihood
Pea, potato, cabbage, red lentils livelihood /sales Local Market
Rice, wheat, maize 8 livelihood
Mustard, vegetable, milk and fruits livelihood Local Market
Rice, wheat, maize, vegetable livelihood
Mustard, chilies, 9 livelihood Local Market
seasonal fruits and vegetable
Potato, chili, wheat 10 livelihood
Seasonal vegetable 11 livelihood Local Market
Banana Sales Local Market
Rice and wheat livelihood Local Market
Rice, wheat, maize live hood
Seasonable fruits. Sales Local Market
Off season vegetable farming livelihood sales 25% Local Market
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)
Cropping Calendar
Paddy, wheat, maize, mustard, vegetables etc. are the major agriculture pocket areas of
Khairahani municipality. The Table below portrays details of cropping calendar as per the
Nepali months which include 10 different kinds of agricultural products. The presented
cropping calendar is applicable to all the wards of the municipality.
Table 16: Cropping Calendar

Ward Name of Agriculture Products Seeding Time Harvesting Time

Paddy Ashad Mangsir
Wheat Mangsir Falgun
Maize Jestha Shrawan
Summer Potatoes
Winter Potatoes
9 Mustard Mangsir Chaitra
Winter Vegetables
Summer Vegetables
Unseasonal Vegetables
Vegetable Seeds
11 Paddy Ashad Mangsir

NREC-MCS-GI JV 31 | P a g e
Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Ward Name of Agriculture Products Seeding Time Harvesting Time

Wheat Mangsir Falgun
Maize Jestha Shrawan
Summer Potatoes
Winter Potatoes
Mustard Mangsir Chaitra
Winter Vegetables
Summer Vegetables
Unseasonal Vegetables
Vegetable Seeds
Paddy Ashad Mangsir
Wheat Mangsir Falgun
Summer Potatoes
Winter Potatoes
12 Mustard
Winter Vegetables
Summer Vegetables
Unseasonal Vegetables
Vegetable Seeds
Others Banana gaming
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)
In this municipality, Prime Minister Agricultural Fund has also been allocated. Both organic
and inorganic vegetables are cultivated in different seasons
Table 17: Cropping Pattern

S.N. Name of Agriculture Products Seeding Time Harvesting Time

1 Paddy Ashad Mangsir
2 Wheat Mangsir Falgun
3 Maize Jestha Shrawan
4 Mustard Mangsir Chaitra
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

The cropping pattern in the villages of municipality seems involving both seasonal and non-
seasonal, but mostly the seasonal pattern of farming and cultivation. It further differs as per the
topography of the land; different for land a fallow land.

Livestock and Animal Pocket Area

Along with the agricultural activities, recent trend in the municipality is seen as the
commercialization of livestock farming for the income generation and promotion of the
livelihood Buffalo, cow, chicken, goat, pig and fish are the major animal pocket areas of
Khairahani municipality. The farms have also been developed as the animal pocket center that
Buffalo, goat, pig, chicken and bee are the major animal pocket areas of Khairahani
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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Table 18: Animal pocket center and livestock farm in Khairahani

Production &
Name of Animal Service Market Market
Ward Pocket Area
Center Condition Condition
(Major Market)
Cow farm -1 1 Good Local market
Local market
Pig Farm-2 1 Meat Good -
Bee keeping 2 Honey Good -
Buffalo farming -2 9 - - -
Cow farming-2 9 - - -
Probability of
Fish farming 9 - -
fish farm
Shirjansil fish farming 10 Fish Good Katar
Gramin mahila fish farm 10 Fish Good Kusuna
Pachia potato packet 10 Potato Good Sahanpur
Bee keeping 10 - Good -
Bee keeping 11 - - community forest
Cow farm -1 11 - - -
Fish farm 11 Parsa - --
Poultry farm 11
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

Market of livestock has been further illustrated in the following table. Commercial livestock
farming is rapidly rising sector in the area as they have covered many hinterland areas as their
market and beneficiary areas.

1.17 Irrigation
Irrigation is a primary source for the agriculture to promote its productivity and
commercialization. It is however partly developed in Khairahani municipality of Chitwan.
Irrigation is conducted through canal in ward 3.

River: Budhi Rapti and Pampha

Khola: Chatri Khola, Chisapani, Bhayar Khola, Laxmi Khola
The Table below represents the list of major irrigation projects and facilities in Khairahani
municipality. The name, wards and area are reflected as such.
Table 19: Irrigation Project

S.N. Name of Irrigation Scheme Length Remark
Area (hec.)
Budhi Rapti cannel, harbari cannel Irrigation plant is in
1 20 bigha Ward 12
kumrose good condition
(Source: Household Survey, 2017)

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Photo 6: Irrigation facility in Khairahani Municipality

1.18 Natural hazards and Disasters

Flood Risk
The settlement areas located near to the river bank are more prone to flooding and other natural
hazards. Million tons of soil nutrients are lost annually from agricultural land as a result of soil
erosion and flooding (Focus Group Discussion).

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Pollution Risk
Air and water pollution are significant environmental pollution in the municipality. Local
farmers use chemical fertilizers such as urea, pesticides and insecticides in an unregulated
manner to increase the amount of production in the municipality which has several potential
negative consequences, including agricultural practice as well as soil productivity,
contamination of local food and water sources. The runoff from agricultural lands carry the
chemicals into the local water sources causing water pollution. Vehicular and industrial
emissions increasingly have contributed to air pollution in urban areas where as in rural areas
the graveled agriculture roads are the prominent source of air pollution.
Table 20: Status of disaster in Khairahani municipality

Available Plan or Present
Major Disasters Ward Risk Detail From
Flood Flood in Bhayar
1 Yes River Tiding
Flood Flood in Laxmi
1 Yes River Tiding
Flood 4 Khola Yes River Tiding
Awareness program to local
Forest Fire 4 Yes
Dam Under Construction By
Flood 5 Khola Yes Swiss Project, Eastern Dam
And River Tiding
Houses, Farming,
River Tiding, Rescue Team
Flood 6 Land Duban and Yes
Human Risk
Flood and
Land Create Disaster Management
Landslide 7 Yes
Cutting/Duban Fund in Municipality
Fire in Forest
River Tiding, Proper Road in
Flood and Fire 8 Human Risk Low
Village for Fire Brigade
Chanda and
Flood 9 Pampha Khola River Tiding
Loss of 20% of
10 Area River Tiding
and Storm
Flood Dam under construction by
and Storm Swiss Project
Budi Rapti Khola
Budi Rapti and
Flood 12 Dhungha Khola River Tiding
(6 km)
Umraha Khola
(4.5 km)
Flood 13
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)
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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Other risk
Loss of cultivated land, grass/grazing and forest land due to river encroachment is a common
problem, while in some parts abandoned by channels or old riverbeds have been brought into
cultivation or reused as grazing areas or used for tree plantations in hazard areas. The river
morphology is unpredictable i.e. increase bank cutting, bifurcation and flooding which one is
common problem and reoccur every year. Regarding this, sand extraction is also common in
some rivers for household purpose causing huge impact on riverine environment such as
destruction of aquatic habitat, flooding, change in river morphology, etc. There is deforestation
and habitat degradation in all wards due to construction of rural roads. The big settlement areas
are located near to forest area causing further degradation of forest (Focus Group Discussion).

1.19 Telecommunication and Postal Services

The municipality have the facility of different communication network such as NTC, NCELL
etc. In addition, there is the office of Nepal Telecom.

1.20 Electricity
There is around 100% electricity facility in the municipality. There are various sources of
lighting in Khairahani municipality. Among them solar is used by many houses. Electricity
service is not available at all wards.

1.21 Energy Use

The majority of residents in the municipality use fuel wood from public and private sources as
their primary energy source. Availability in accessed forests, amount of fuel wood collected,
preferred tree species for fuel wood, contribution of public and private sources to total fuel
wood consumption, and investment in tree planting on agricultural land are major concern to
the local people. Wealth is not associated with total fuel wood collection, probably because
there is no fuel wood market. Most households collected fuel wood from a private source,
namely trees planted on sloping, rain-fed agricultural land (bari), but this accounted for only a
small portion of most households' requirement. Bari landholding area and livestock holdings -
typical measures of wealth- drove the decision to plant trees on bari land, and the number of
trees that were planted. Bari-poor and landless households were consequently the most
vulnerable to forest degradation, so the promotion of private fuel wood planting by large bari
landholders could reduce pressure on forests and promote greater fuel wood availability for
landless households. Support of community forestry emphasizing access for bari-poor and
landless families could further decrease fuel wood vulnerability of poorer households.

People use different types of energy for cooking. LP Gas, cow dung cake, kerosene, firewood,
biogas is used for cooking in Khairahani. Among them, wood and firewood is dominant fuel,
which is used by 97 percent households. Only a few households use other sources of energy
for cooking (i.e. kerosene, LP Gas, Santhi etc.).

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

1.22 Culture and Tourism

There are different castes and ethnic groups living in the municipality. These different castes
and ethnic groups have their own customs and traditions. Generally, people following different
religions have different cultures. Hindus are the dominant religious group living here. They
have their own rites and rituals. They observe different festivals like Dashain, Tihar, Teej,
Krishnastami, Rakshya Bandhan, Maghe Sankranti, Fagu and so on. However, there is no
Buddhist, Islam and Christian but Islam is another religion group. They celebrate Ramjan,
Soworat, Eid and Bacr Eid festival. Buddhist peoples celebrate the Buddha Jayanti as their
major festival. The people of the municipality follow different religions with their own customs
and traditions. The major touristic destination and cultural celebration areas are presented
Table 21: Tourism Places and Destination

Existing Major
Tourist Place Ward Opportunity
Condition Threats
River - 1 Use as tourism area floods
Forest (Kankali
- 2 Children park -
Community Forest)
Kankali Community Forest - 3 Use only

Cheemkya Devi Temple 3

Rope way (cable car)
1 Kankali Community View tower Economic
Forest and Picnic spot To upgrade lake crisis
use only We can start home Lack of public
stay in forest area awareness
2 Kankali Temple Show Gurung Magar
Under construction Economic
Purpose Stadium
material crisis
Sulali Budhauli 5 Children Park
Community Forest Picnic Spot Flood
(children park) Rafting and boating
picnic Sport
Rafting and boating,
Parsa chowk to Tulsipur riverside park and Economic
area rafting and park garden crisis
Open River side
Every year karkit
Poor yakadashi mela
Bharmathan Temple 7 Private land
Develop as Internal
Tharu Homestay _ 7 _ _
1. Dharai Homestay
2. Dharai Botya Lake
Normal use 8 Good
3. Tharu Culture
Museum and Homestay

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Existing Major
Tourist Place Ward Opportunity
Condition Threats
Develop as a
National forest
reserves area
pressure of
1. Devithan Community National
Built as a park,
Forest Reserve
10 museum and sport
River tiding
stadium, and
Attracting of
development as
Wild Animals
tourist place
View of wild
2. Homestay 10
1.Rapti Lokkalyan buffer
zone forest
Boating, Fishing
Rapti river boating, Future plan Economic
11 Elephant safari And
crocodile viewing Jeep safari crisis
View tower

Kutakoti Public forest Boating, Fishing

Future plan Economic
green park 11 Elephant safari And
Jeep safari crisis
View tower
Increase of local
1.Therai homestay Simple home stay
(Dhakryla tole) stage Chaudhary home
12 stay
Under Tharu Museum
construction Proper placement of
Increase of local
home stay
Chaudhary home
Daraibota Lake Under Lack of social
12 stay
construction awareness
Tharu Museum
Proper placement of
Increase of local
home stay
Jabisavari Community Chaudhary home
Lack of social
Forest 12 stay
Tharu Museum
Proper placement of
Elephant boating on river
safari from Gaurha to
Kumrose Madhya Economic
Jeep safari 13 dovhan (after
Community Forest crises
Boating building a dam in
View tower river)
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

As different kinds of caste/ethnic and religious groups are living in different villages of the
municipality, people do celebrate various festivals and ceremonies. They follow their religious
and cultural values in the form of these celebrations, as presented in the table below.
Table 22: Religious- Cultural Description
S.N. Major Festivals Time Caste/Ethnicity
1 Dashain Ashoj- Kartik All Hindu excluding Christians and Muslim
2 Tihar Kartik All Hindu excluding Christians and Muslim
3 Chhath Kartik-Mangsir All Hindus particularly in Terai region
4 Tammu Lohsar Poush 15 All Gurung
5 Teej Bhadra All Hindu excluding Christians and Muslim
6 Eid Shrawan All Muslims
7 Janaipurnima Shrawan-Bhadra All Hindu excluding Christians and Muslim
8 Buddhajayanti Baisakh All Buddhist
9 Holi Purnima Falgun-Chaitra All Hindu excluding Christians and Muslim
10 Chaite Dashain Chaitra- Baisakh All Hindu excluding Christians and Muslim
11 Shrawan Sakranti Shrawan 1 All Hindu excluding Christians and Muslim
12 New Year Baisakh 1 All Nepali
13 Shivaratri Falgun-Chaitra All Hindu excluding Christians and Muslim
14 Christmas Poush/December All Christian
15 Badkiaaitabari/Attwari Bhadra Tharu
16 Maghi Magh First Tharu
17 Ramadan May-June Muslim
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

The table above shows that in Khairahani municipality, all wards celebrate the festivals like
Dashain, Tihar, Teej, Chaitra Dashain, Holi and Shivaratri.
Table 23: Religious – Cultural Heritages

Name of Heritages Location and Tole Existing Condition

Harashwore Temple Harshwore Tole -2 Normal
Bindustriesubashni Temple Bindustriesubashni Tole-2 Normal
Shivaparbati Temple Bibakshil Tole -2 Normal
Kankali Temple Pathari Tole - 2 Normal
Jalashower Temple Nawa Parbat Tole 2 Normal
kalishshower Temple Janachetana Tole -2 Normal
Shivalaya Temple Mahadev Tole -4 Normal
Krishna Temple Krishna Tole -4 Normal
Ganesh Temple Janajagaran Tole-4 Normal
Nawadurga palanchok
Suryadaya/Tole-4 Normal
Shivalaya Temple Mahadevtar-8 Not proper
Buddha Gumba Carcha-8 Normal
Heritages Uthkhanan Center Mahadevtar-6 Under construction
Bishwonath Temple Bishwonath-9 Good
Ganesh Temple Ganesh Tole-9 Proper
Bramthali Simalghari-9 Poor
Tripurashower Ward-11 Good

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

Name of Heritages Location and Tole Existing Condition

Bramahathani, Rapti, Poor
Bramahathani Temple
Bisashowr mahadev Temple Shivalaya tole-11 Poor
Tripurashower Temple Tripurashower -11 Poor
Radhakrishna Temple Tripurashower -11 Good
Shiva Temple Hariyali Tole Under construction
Durga Temple Kumradha tole Under construction
Ramjanaki Temple janakpur 12 -
Kapilashower Temple Kapiya-12 -
Ganesh Temple Ward-12 -
Krishna Temple Simani-12 -
Ganesh Temple Buddha Shanti Tole-13 Good
Shiva Temple Kedharshwor 13 Good
(Source: PRA/FGD, 2018)

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Photo 7: Temples of Khairahani municipality

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Municipal Profile: Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Khairahani Municipality

List of Tables
Table 1: List of the elected representatives in Khairahani municipality ................................... 2
Table 2: Ward-wise HHs and population structure in 2017 and projection (2018-2033) ......... 4
Table 3: Caste/ethnic composition of Khairahani 2017 ............................................................. 6
Table 4: Distribution of population by mother tongue .............................................................. 6
Table 5: Social organizations in Khairahani Municipality ........................................................ 7
Table 6: Land cover of Khairahani municipality ....................................................................... 9
Table 7: Forests in Khairahani Municipality ........................................................................... 11
Table 8: Description of Economic Organization ..................................................................... 13
Table 9: Detail of sources of income in Khairahani ................................................................ 16
Table 10: Detail of description of industries in the municipality ............................................ 17
Table 11: Description of Road Networks ................................................................................ 20
Table 12: Ward-wise description of Transportation ................................................................ 23
Table 13: Profile of infrastructures and development projects ................................................ 25
Table 14: Description of Health ............................................................................................... 29
Table 15: Agriculture Center of Khairahani municipality ....................................................... 30
Table 16: Cropping Calendar ................................................................................................... 31
Table 17: Cropping Pattern ...................................................................................................... 32
Table 18: Animal pocket center and livestock farm in Khairahani ......................................... 33
Table 19: Irrigation Project ...................................................................................................... 33
Table 20: Status of disaster in Khairahani municipality .......................................................... 35
Table 21: Tourism Places and Destination .............................................................................. 37
Table 22: Religious- Cultural Description ............................................................................... 39
Table 23: Religious – Cultural Heritages................................................................................. 39

List of Photos
Photo 1: Forests in Khairahani municipality ........................................................................... 12
Photo 2: Cooperatives of Khairahani municipality .................................................................. 15

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Photo 3: Road network of Khairahani municipality ................................................................ 24

Photo 4: Infrastructure facilities of Khairahani municipality .................................................. 27
Photo 5: Schools and college of Khairahani Municipality ...................................................... 28
Photo 6: Irrigation facility in Khairahani Municipality ........................................................... 34
Photo 7: Temples of Khairahani municipality ......................................................................... 41

List of Maps
Map 1: Location map of Khairahani municipality ..................................................................... 1
Map 2: Base Map of Khairahani Municipality .......................................................................... 3
Map 3: Settlement Map of the Khairahani Municipality ........................................................... 3
Map 4: Density Map of the municipality ................................................................................... 5
Map 5: Land use map of Khairahani Municipality .................................................................. 10
Map 6: Resource Map of the municipality .............................................................................. 12
Map 7: Road Network of Khairahani Municipality ................................................................. 24

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