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Software Engineering II (CS402)


By: Happy Learning📂📚

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Q1: Which of the following state is introduced while developing

NFA for the closure of an FA?
A) Simply an initial state
B) Final state
C) An initial state which should be final as well (100% right)
D) An initial state with loop for all letters

Q2: Let S = {aa, bb}, then S* will have the __________ string.
A) ^ (100% right)
B) abba
C) aabbbaa
D) bbaab

Q3: What do automata mean?

A) Something done automatically(100% right)
B) Something done manually
C) Both of these
D) None of these
Q4: If two RE's generate same language then these RE's are
called __________.
A) Same RE
B) Equal RE
C) Similar RE
D) Equivalent RE (100% right)

Q5: FA stands for __________.

A) Finite Automaton (100% right)
B) Fixed Automaton
C) False Automaton
D) Functional Automaton

Q6: While finding RE corresponding to TG, If TG has more than

one start state then.
A) Introduce the new start state (100% right)
B) Eliminate the old start state
C) Replace the old start state with final state
D) Replace the old final state with new start state

Q7: We can create an equivalent __________ for a language for

which we create an __________.
A) FA, NFA (100% right)
D) None of the given options
Q8: Formal is also known as _________.
A) Syntactic language (100% right)
B) Semantic langauge
C) Informal language
D) None of these

Q9: The minimum length of the string (except null string) of a

language that starts and ends in the same letter will be:
A) 1
B) 2 (100% right)
C) 3
D) 4

Q10: Languages generated by kleene star are always

A) Finite
B) Inifinite (100% right)
C) Sometimes finite and sometimes infinite
D) None of these

Q11: Which of the following are called as Halt states in PDA?

A) Start and Accept
B) Accept and Reject (100% right)
C) Start and Reject
D) Read and Reject

Q12: Finite Automation (FA) must have __________ number of

states while a language has __________ words.
A) infinite, finite
B) finite, finite
C) finite, infinite (100% right)
D) infinite, infinite

Q13: If a language is regular it must generate __________ number

of distinct classes.
A) finite (100% right)
B) infinite
C) two
D) three

Q14: The grammatical rules which involve meaning of words are

called __________.
A) semantics (100% right)
B) syntactics
C) alphabets
D) strings

Q15: There is at least production in CFG that has one __________

on its left side.
A) Terminal
B) Null production
C) Unit production
D) Non terminal (100% right)

Q16: Identify the correct statement from the following:

A) There always exists a corresponding PDA for every CFG

(100% right)
B) There does not exists a corresponding PDA for every CFG
C) For a CFG to convert to PDA, the CFG should have at least 3
D) For a CFG to convert to PDA, the CFG should have at least 5

Q17: A PDA is called nondeterministic PDA if __________

A) there are more than one outgoing edges at READ or POP

states with one label (100% right)
B) there are more than one PUSH states
C) there are more than one POP states
D) every READ state is followed by a HERE state

Q18: The basic approach of Myhill Nerode theorem is similar to

the concept of:
A) distinguishable and indistinguishable strings (100% right)
B) union of FAs
C) concatenation of FAs
D) closure of FAs

Q19: Like TG, the __________ can be considered as a PDA in

conversion form.
A) set of joints (100% right)
B) set of Forks
C) set of Plugs
D) set of blocks

Q20: In large FA with thousand of states and millions of directed

edges, without an effective procedure it is __________ to find a
path from initial to final state.
A) Always easy
B) Impossible (100% right)
C) may be good
D) always impossible

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