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Review 1


by (Student’s Name)


Professors Name

University of Affiliation

The Date
Review 2

My course presentation was about a case study review conducted by East Sussex
safeguarding children concerning the death of child P. The presentation starts off explaining
how the effects of domestic violence affects people of all ages and has a major influence on
family structures and the lives of many people; often when children grow up in violent home
they are greatly affected and end up being the most affected. As seen in the case study
domestic violence can take in many forms, including emotional, psychological, and mental
assault. However, many victims do not always seek help, and others wait much too long,
believing things will get better. One of the most significant public health and criminal justice
challenges that women face today is domestic abuse in the home. Domestic abuse affects
one out of every four women at some point in her life. Domestic violence puts family members
in danger, and as the case study examination shows, the violence usually led to separation
and custody battles over children (Bradbury‐Jones, & Isham,2020). Every parent has the right
to take care and ensure the wellbeing of their children however when one parent is deprived
access to the children based on previous violent episodes it can create family disputes. The
case review conducted by Sussex safeguarding is an example negative effects that domestic
violence creates in families.

East Sussex safeguarding children conducted a case study to find the reason why
child P was killed by her biological father. This is an uncertain situation as the father is
expected to take care of his child and ensure everything is provided. However, in this case
study the father ended up killing his own child. The aim of the case review was to ensure the
safety of children who have been in violent homes while the parents are living apart from
together. The child P parents married in 2005 and were both from the Muslim religion. They
later relocated to Brighton & Hove but in the year 2008 to 2011 violent cases were reported to
the Brighton & Hove authorities after their first-born child was born. The local authorities
issued a warning to the father to stop assaulting his wife. Later in 2009 a court decided the
child to live with his mother but granted the father access to his child under close supervisor
from. The couple however renewed their relationship after meeting in a mosque but
afterwards episodes of violence started occurring again. The mother of child P decided to
leave bearing the custody of the children but the father file a number of appeals to the family
court which remained open until the child’s death.

During my presentation I felt nervous and anxiety at the same time. I was conversant
with my course work discussion but I lacked experience in public participation which often
made me nervous during the presentation. I had also earlier prepared for the presentation to
ensure I was confident about the course discussion which gave me confidence. During the
presentation I was so nervous that I could barely introduce myself but when I finally spoke, I
was able to discuss my study effectively. Feeling nervous is always experienced by many
people as you don't know how people will react to your presentation. According to Brady
(2019) feeling nervous also helps in making one prepare adequately for the presentation.
Though feeling nervous before and during a presentation is normal and everyone gets
nervous when have to give a presentation its critical to learn how to handle anxiety and use it
to enhance presentation performance. To deal with nervous before presentation it is essential
to identity the cause of nervous and spend more time practicing about your presentation
which will help reduce the anxiety (Kwon & Kudrowitz. 2018). Additionally, before the
Review 3

presentation one requires to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones which helps in
delivering the presentation more confidently.


The qualities of my presentation proposal were masterfully crafted, resulting in a

significantly more positive conclusion than expected. Using the visual aid of a PowerPoint, I
was able to set out what was to be said within the time limits of the presentation. It also
helped me understand what my course's goal was, and I was able to add short notes on the
presentation slides to refer to anything I might have missed during the presentation. This
allowed me to speak clearly out loud so that everyone could hear and understand me; it also
allowed me to engage with the audience, which was crucial in this presentation; and the
PowerPoint slides were well-planned so that I could understand what ideas were being
presented and how they could appeal to them. I was able to interact with the audience by
pointing to certain sections of the slides, such as images, to demonstrate what the
presentation was about. I was able to collect myself anytime I felt like I was running out of
time, and I made sure I wasn't speaking too quickly in order to avoid stuttering.


My coursework presentation was generally effective as I was able to adequately

prepare myself for the presentation. Though I felt nervous before and after the presentation it
ended up being successful as I was able to use my power-point slides to articulate my ideas
effectively so that everyone could understand. Based on my self-evaluation my presentation
performance was successful as I was able to communicate my work in a masterfully crafted
way, resulting in a significantly and more positive conclusion.

From my Professor feedback I was able to cover all the case study review in my
power-point effectively highlighting all the case review content in an understandable way.
Based on my professor feedback my presentation was good as I was able to engage all
students during my presentation but I needed to add more explanation and visual aid in my
power-point slides to make it more effective. From the student side my presentation content
was appealing and well-structured as the slides were appealing and easy to read for
everyone. The details about the case study of Child P were well organized and turned out
easy for them to understand my presentation. According to their feedback my presentation
was an example of a well-organized and done job.
Review 4


Brady, A.M., 2019. Anxiety of performativity and anxiety of performance: self-evaluation as

bad faith. Oxford Review of Education, 45(5), pp.605-618.

Bradbury‐Jones, C., & Isham, L. (2020). The pandemic paradox: The consequences of
COVID‐19 on domestic violence.

Fleming, S.M. and Daw, N.D., 2017. Self-evaluation of decision-making: A general Bayesian
framework for metacognitive computation. Psychological review, 124(1), p.91.

Hanani, A., Al-Amleh, M., Bazbus, W. and Salameh, S., 2017, September. Automatic
Estimation of Presentation Skills Using Speech, Slides and Gestures. In International
Conference on Speech and Computer (pp. 182-191). Springer, Cham.

Kwon, J. and Kudrowitz, B., 2018. Good idea! Or, good presentation? Examining the effect of
presentation on perceived quality of concepts. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design,
Analysis and Manufacturing: AI EDAM, 32(4), pp.380-389.

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