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by Nate Treme

An analog adventure
game for nice people.

version 1.2
Game Structure: A referee controls and The difference between 12 and 10 is
describes the world to players who 2, so the creature takes 2 damage.
then describe how their characters act A non player character’s DS is also
in the world. their Health Points, so now the Robo
Action Roll Mantis’s Difficulty Score is 8. If the roll
When an action’s success is uncertain, was 8 then the Player Character would
a player rolls 2d6 and adds the score have lost 2 health.
from the relevant ability and a point for Inventory
any relevant items. If the total is equal Your Inventory Score is how many
or greater than the action’s Difficulty items you can carry comfortably.
Score (DS) it is successful. For each item that exceeds your
Difficulty Scores Guidelines: Inventory Score subtract 1 from any
Easy: 8 Moderate: 10 Hard: 12 Brute or Skulker Rolls.
Dangerous Actions Death
If an action has a risk of danger, When a character’s Health Points reach
the difference between the roll and zero, they die.
Difficulty Score is the amount of Advancement
damage inflicted. Level up every 2 game sessions. Each
Example: level, raise a class score by 1 and raise
As an action, a Player Character fights either Health or Inventory Score by 1.
a Robo Mantis with a DS of 10. The Healing
player rolls 2d6 and adds 2 from their Regain lost Health Points by spending
Brute ability, 1 from their sword, and the night in a safe spot.
1 from their shield. The total is 12.
Abilities Character Tables
Every player character has a score of (B=Brute, S=Skulker, E=Erudite)
zero or more for these abilities Childhood
Brute: Good at smacking things, feats 1. Desert Urchin (1S, Waterskin)
of strength, resisting poison. 2. Garden Acolyte (1E, Shovel)
Skulker: Good at sneaking, aiming, 3. Wheel Rat (1B, Hammer)
balancing, dodging. 4. Smoke Scrub (1S, Rope)
Erudite: Good at reading, perception, 5. Book Fetch (1E, Quill & Ink)
speaking, remembering. 6. Gear Lark (1B, Crowbar)
Character Creation 1. Caravan Drifter (1S, Parasol)
Name your character. 2. Botany Priest (1E, Rose Incense)
Health Points start at 10. 3. Slab Dragger (1B, Black Mallet)
Inventory Score starts at 8. 4. Lock Snipe (1S, Lock Pick)
5. Library Guide (1E, Lantern)
Roll a d6 on the Character Tables 6. Pit Warden (1B, Tusk Spear)
to determine starting ability scores During The War
and gear. 1. Joined the militia (Shield)
2. Went underground (Torch)
Additionally, each character starts with 3. Joined the rebels (Bear Trap)
2 rations, a cloak of their color choice, 4. Fled (Compass)
and an item of their choice (pending 5. Gathered intel (Mirror)
referee approval). 6. Profiteered (Item of choice)




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