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1 Where do derive from? Perkataan the word *Chemistry” imia” horasal daripade A Mandarin word “huaxute* Perkataan—bakasa Mandarin 2S ‘uno B_ Malay word ‘kimia’ Perkataan bahasa Melayu ‘himia Arabic word “al-kimiya” Perkataan bahaca drab *alhiniva D> Spanish word ‘chemia’ Perkataan— hahasa Scpanvol “chemia 2. Which of the following statements best describes *Chemistry"? Antara pernyataan yang berikut, manakah = iuraian bagi Kimia'yang paling bak? A. Chemistry is the study gained through scientific investigations. 6 Kimia telah —hojian diperoteh ‘ela penviasotan sant = B Chemistry is a systemic | study of natural phemomena Kimia talah ajien sistemik. bog fenomena semulajadi C Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties and_ interactions of matter. Kimia alah ajion mengenai Komposisi,strktun,sifacsifar don intorastantora iim : D Chemistry is an art of 1 transforming metals. Kinia alah atu seni perubahor legam 3. What is the chemical name for common salt? ‘Apakathnamakinia bagi garam biasa? A Sodium carbonate Nari karbonat B_ Sodium bicarbonate ‘aaron bikarbonat Monosodium glutamate Mononairium gluamat D_ Sodium chloride atrium Korida 4 Chemistry is involved in the = following industries, exeept Kinia terial dalam perindusiian yong = berkut, Reewa A Logging industry Perindusrian pembatakan 8 B_ Nutritional industry Perindustrian pemakanan Mining industry c Perindustrian perlombongan ith final aint Pe dD viking industry industrian menshuat eat Industry.’ supports the communi- cation industry. Which of the following is not produced by industry X? Industri X menyoKong industri komuikas. Antara yang. berikut, manakah tidak ‘ihasihan oleh industri X? A. Batteries Baer Caustic soda ig Kaustit soda : Plastics Plastik Silicon chips Cip silikon B c D The study of chemistry includes Kajian kimta termasuk electronic elekironik I inorganic tok organik Jonly Isahaja Monly Msahaja 11, I and IV only 1 I dan I sahaja 1,11, I and 1V 2, dan WV IIL organic onganik IV. physical Feikal D0 The following materials are used ina car, except Bahan Sang. beritut digunakan dalam hereta, heeuall I steel elu Hair tudara rubber getah sulphuric acid asid sulfiarik Tand III only Ian Il sahaja Mand 1V only 1 dan IV sahaja 1, Hand Ill only Ell dan Ht sahaja ‘None of the above Tada datas iu How does baking powder help in making dough rise during baking? Bagaimanakal serbuk penaik menbantu dean’ menjadihan adnan naik semasa alban? ‘A. Ithardens the dough ‘a mengeraskan adunan, B_Itsofiens the dough. Ia melembuthan adnan It absorbs water from the dough. Ia menyeraphan ‘adunan, It produces carbon dioxide that causes the dough to rise. Ja menghaslkan karbon dioksida ‘yang menyebabkan adunan naik ir deripada The careers that requires knowledge of chemistry include Kerjava yang memerlukan pengetakuen nia termasut I architect II dentist arkitek doktor gi Il biochemist IV geologist alli biokimia ahi geologt A Tand Ill only Idan I sahaja Mand IV only 1 dan IV sahaja C 1,tMand Ill only 211 dan It sahaja D-IL lland IV only W111 dan WV sahaja The different fractions in petroleum can be separated by using the technique of fractional distillation because they have different Pecahan petroleum yang berbeze boleh dliasingkan dengan tekrik penyulingan peringkat Kerana mereka mempurvai perbezaan A boiling points takat didih colours densities etumpatan viscosities kelikaran B ic D Which of the following natural occuring chemicals can be used in our daily lives in its natural form? Antora bahan kimia wud secara semula jadi yang berikut, manakak boleh digunakan dalam kehidupan harian kita dalam bentuk azalnya? A Bauxite C Limestone Bauksit Bate kopur B Hematite D Sulphur Hematit Sul Scanned with CamScanner 12 Ahypothesis is Hipotesiialah 1 asmart guess hijak Ta tentative explanation to a phenomenon fan penerangan yang tomtauif bag TIL the conclusion of an experiment Aesimpulan bagi satu oksperimen TV sometimes incorrect, adangkala tidak bet Tand 11 only 1 dan I sahaja 1,1 and Il only 1M dan 1 sahaja 1,11 and IV only 211 dan W sahaja 1.11, Mand IV 1H Mdan Ww saw > 13° What is the first step in scientific method? Apakah langkah pertama dalam kaedah sointifk? A’ Making hypothes ‘Membuat hiporesis B_ Making observation -Membuat pemerhatian C) Making inference -Membuatinferens D_ Collecting data Mengumpul data 14 How can we decide whether our hypothesis for a scientific investigation is true or not? Bagaimanakah kita boleh —membuat feputusan sama ada hipotesis bagi satu ppenstasatansaintfik ty Benar ata idek? ‘A. After we have written the : report Selepas kita menulis taporan Buse eels 16 Be After we have changed the variables of the investigation Selepas kita mennhar pemboteh tal bags pnstasatan After we have pI to test the hypothesis Selepas kta merancang bagaimana tink eng potest D_ After we have interpreted the data collected Selepar kita mentafiirkan data yang ddkumpl Which of the following statements istrue? Antara pernyataan yang berikut, manakah benar? A. All senses must during observation. Senua™ devia mesti ‘semasa pemerkatian. B Data should be whenever necessary. digunakan Data perlu dinbah Pila-bila masa} sahaja apabila dipertukan, C One measurement is enough to ensure accuracy. Satu penguturan adalah cukup = tink memastikan ejituan D_ Interpretation of data should be done objectively. Tafuiran data patut dibuat secara i objekif A chemist can present his or her : experiment results in Seorang ahi kimia boleh mempersemba- an keputusan elsperimennya dalam I graph IMT calculation arof pengiraan I picture IV table gambar Jadual A Jand Ionly Idan U sahaja lanned how | be used | changed | B_ Mand 1V only M dan IY sahaja C1, Hand IV only 1M dan IV sahaja D I, IlLand IV only 2 dan WV sahaja ‘The following scientific attitudes should be practised in the laboratory, except Sika sainhik yang berikut patut ‘diamatkan data makmal keewali 1 safety eselamatan I cleanliness ebersihan II carelessness Recuaian IV wastage pembaziran A. Tand IT only Idan I sahaja B_ [and Il only Idan It sahaja Mand IV only Idan WV sahaja D_ Uland IV only Mldan IV sahaja The scientific method involves the following variables, except Kacdch saintiik melibatkan pembolek bah yang bela Kecuali ‘A. chemical variable pemboleh ubah Kimi B fixed variable pemboleh ubah dimalarkan manipulated variable pemboleh ubak dimanipulasikan D_ responding variable ppemolchubah bergerak Balas 19 Name a chemical for each of the uses given in Table | ‘Namakan satu bahan kimia untuk setiap kegunaan yang diberidalam Name of chemical oe Jadual |. i — To make alcoholic drinks ‘Name of chemical Uses Untuk membuat minuman alkohot ‘Nama bahan kimia Kegunaan wi Tok i | fo kill bacteria in drinking water @ To make glass Untick membunuh bakteria dalam air Untuk membuat kaca rminwnan ji To make ceramic tiles viii) ‘Tomake cooking utensils in Untk mena jubin serail kitchen (i) “To make pails or wrapper for books | Untuk membuat perkakas dapur Untuk mertuat ba aca pembalt bub ™ For manufacturing soaps ™ “To make bronze medals Untuk membuatsabun nto memo! pine para Co) Used as an electrolyte in dry cells, w Used as cooking gas Digunakan sebagai elekrolit dalam sel Digginakan sebagat gas untuk memasak ering Table 1 Joduat 1 Scanned with CamScanner 1 Diagram 1 shows two gas jars that B Freczing/Pembetuan are filled with bromine gas and air | C_ Melting/Peteburan respectively, D_Sublimation/Pemejalwapan Rajah I menanjuthan dua Blane gs yang mmavingmaring dist dengan ga bromis casing masing disi dengan gas bromit © 3 Which of the following statements are true about the states of matter of gas? i “tare pernotean yang bert, nanakoh bile ‘benar tentang keadaanjirim bagi gat? 1 Foto gor | Sse u Diagram 1 Rajah The cover is then removed. Both a the gas jars are filled with bromine gas after five minutes. What is the nT purpose of this experiment? Penumup kemudian dikeluarkan, Kedua- dua balang. gas dist oleh gas bromi selepas lima minit. -Apahak nyuan | The particles are very far : apart. Zarah-zarah adalah berjauhan ‘antara satu sama lain Gases have fixed volume and shapes. Gas menpunyai isi pad dan bentuk yang tot, The forces of attraction are very weak. ‘Dasa tarikan adalah sangat lemah. The kinetic energy of the | particles are very high. Tenaga Kinet agt zara adalah sangat tings chsperimen ini? A. 1, Hand II only A To prove that bromine gas 5 Maree eel Hand 1V on tine menakion Bohove gor Eden soar bromin fala matek F © [Mand 1V only B_ To prove that bromine gas ? 1 Mt dan IV sahaja reacts with ai. D_ Il, lll and IV only Untuk membubtitan bahawa gas ILM dan W sahaja bromin bertndak bolas dengan dara 4 Which of following shows the CC Toshow that energy changes | correet comparison of total during the reaction. Untuk menunjutkan ” perubahan and gas? tenga semasa tind bas. D To show that bromine gas : consists of fine and discrete: particles. Untuk menunjutkan gas bromin terdiri daripada zarahvzarah yang: A hates dan dri B solid < liquid > gas pep < cect > ges Diagram 2 shows the arrangement | C_solid Diagram 5 is a graph that shows the cooling curve for gas X. Rajah Sialah sate graf yang menunjubkan ‘enghung penyejutan bagi gas X. Temperature Sie P ° 2 s Time min ivan Diagram 5 Raich 5 Which of the following statements istrue? Antara pernyataan yang berikut, manahah ‘enar? A At point PQ, kinetic energy increases as temperature = decreases. Pada wtk’ PQ, bertambur epubita shu memurun B_ At point OR, all forces of attraction between particles become weak. Pas th OR, semua daya tarikan ‘antara zarah menjadi lemah At point R, gas XY has completely melted. Pai tik R. gas X telah melebur | secara heseluruhan, bout the kinetic theory of matter? | aruh adalah sama, move faster | The higher the temperature, £ tenaga kinetk D_ At point RS, heat is released to the environment. Padi tik RS, haa dibchaskan ke ersekitaran, ‘The melting point and boiling point of substance IV are -20 °C and 18 °C respectively. Which of the following statements is true about JV at room temperature? Takatlebur dan takat dis agi bahan masing-masing talah -20 °C dan 18 °C. Jintara pernyataan yang, bert, manakah bemar tentang 3 pada su blk? ‘A. Ithas fixed volume. a mempunyai is paca yang tetap B_ The particles are vibrating and rotating in their fixed positions. Zarah-carah bergetar dan berputar pada kedudukan tetapnya C The cnergy content of the particles is low. Kandungan tenaga bagi zarah- sarah adalah rendah D The forces of attraction between the particles are very weak. Daya tartkan antara zarah adalah sangat lemat. Table 1 shows the melting and boiling points of substances P, O, Rand. Jadual I menunjubkan takat lebur dan takat didi bagt bahan PQ. Redan S. Substance] Melting | Boiling Bahan | point? | point/°C Takatlebur | Takat didit PC eC i 20 88 2 50 2 R 38 56 s 65 90 Table 1 Jadual 1 Which of the substances exists as a solid at room temperatur Bahan yang manakah-wujud sebagai epeilpada shu bik? AP CR Ds 15 Which of the following shows the correct match of particle for ‘magnesium, sodium chloride and bron Antara e? beribut, — manakah nan sarah yang beta! sang ‘menunjukkan pr agi magnesium, narium klorida dan bromin? Scanned with CamScanner Molecule Moleku Sodium chloride Ton ton Bromine Koma Natron following is eorreet about R? Unsur R membennu ion REA mempunya rnombor proton 3 alan nombor mublewn 1 tntara vane ferikut, manaku beat tentang [ Number of | Ni x her of a electrons | neutrons B) Bromine |Magnesium! Sodium Bilangan Hilangan Bromin | Magresiom | chide celekiron _ewtron | Nui | Movida Ay —__ e CC) Bromine | Sodium [Magnesiuny es Brome | chloride | Magtstn c 10 8 Nati |} Aovade D 10 10 D)Magnesium| Bromine | Sodium nmin | chloride Atom Shas a proton number of 20 Movida 16 Asodium atom is different froma! sodium ion because Atom natrium adalah berbesa daripada A sodium atom has more : protons, {tom nairium mempunyai lebih hhanvak proton B sodium atom has more neutrons. ‘atom atrium mempunyat ‘banyak neutron sodium atom has smaller tebik {tom natrium mempunyai sais yang tebi hee b D sodium atom has more ! electrons. ‘atom atrium mempunyat lebi banyak elediron 17 Diagram 6 shows a model of atom. Rajah 6 menunjuban satu model atom. Nucleus ~ Becton Elina Diagram 6 Rajah 6 Who proposed this model of atom? Siapukah yang mengemmbakan model A. Emest Rutherford B_ Niels Bohr John Dalton D JJ. Thomson 18 Element & forms R® ion, R has a proton number of 8 and a nucleon number of 16, Which of the 20 2 and forms an ion with an electron arrangement of charge of the ion formed? Atom mempunyai nombor proton 20 dan 2.8.8 Apakah cas bagi fon sang terbentuk? A 41 c+ B +2 D2 Element X has 16 electrons and relative atomic mass of 31 Element possesses the same chemical properties as the element with a proton number of Unsur X mempunyai 16. elektron dn isin atom relatif 31. Unsur X mempunya ‘sift kxmia yang sama dengan unsur yang ‘mempuryai nombor proton AS Cc 24 B7 D 20 Which of the following elements has the most number of neutrons? dntaransur ‘mempunsai paling anak Bilangan | 65 325 A Soz «4S 40 Wea Bo igAr BD Ga Which of the following diagrams shows the same valence electrons arrangement as fluorine? (Proton number of F=9) Antara rajoh yang belt, manahah tmenunjubhan susunan eleironvalens yang uma dengan Jluorin? (Nombor proton Fluin= 9) 8. What is the | pad ‘membentuk ion dengan susan elekiran } 23. The atomic symbol of clement ¥ 25 £26 7 10 ¥. Which of the following is true about ¥? Simbo! atom bagi unsur ¥ tala ‘Antara yung tentang, ¥? oy r a eri, manahah Wenar Proton Electron number | arrangement Nombor Susann tdehton reution 10 26 | 20 24 c[20 [10 8 p[ to | 10 Atom X has 18 neutrons and an electron arrangement of 2.8.7. What is the nucleon number of atom X? Atom X mempunvai 18 newtron dan ‘susinan elektron 28.7. Apakah nontbor rukdeon bagi atom X? AT c 1s BIT D 35 Diagram 7 represents an atom of an element X. Rajah 7 menunjuthan sate tunsur X. atom bagi In Diagram 7 Rajah 7 What is the symbol of element X" Apukth imo ba wnssr X? A c What can be deduced from the symbol #31? Apalh sung otc daa daria vinta Br 1 Chlorine atom has 7 ence electrons. Atom Klorin mempunyat 7 clektron valens, MW Chlorine atom has 18, neutror Atom Aiovin mempunyt 18 neuron Chlorine atom has 17 clectror Atom Morin mempunyai 17 elektron Scanned with CamScanner 27 28 IV Chlorine atom has 2 electron: Jadual 2 memunjukkan bilangan proton, £ 1 Ill and IV only LAI dan IV sahaja Il, land IV only MII dan WV sahaja shells. Ineutron dan elekiron bagi sarah P dan? Atom Klorin mempunyai 2 petata ae lek. Particle A I. Tand ttl only Zarah Neutron 1M dan tH sahaja B_ 1, 1Wand1V only Pj it7 | is LM dan Wsahaja o | 7/[ c D Diagram 8 shows the symbol for an aluminium atom, Rajah 8 merunjutton simbo! bgt sanu 27 13 Al Diagram 8 Rejeh 8 Which of the following is true about aluminium atom? Antara yang berikut, manakah benat i {tentang aiom aluminium? Proton [Number] Nucleon number] of | number Nombor |neutrons| Nombor proton |"Bitangen'| rukleon Al_27 14 B Bl a4 13 27 cl a7 14 3 D| 13 4 | 27 Table 2 shows the number of : protons, neutrons and clectrons | for particles Pand Q. SUBJECTIVE//SUBJEKTIF. 32 Diagram 9 shows the experiment to study the changes = of crystal potassium manganate(V1I) in the solid gel. Rajah 9 menunjubkan satu elsperimen untuk ‘ablur kalium manganat(VI) dalam gel pepejal Rubber stopper Papua pak j_ crystal Hatlur kia ‘manganai(V) |__ Solid gel Gel pepejal Boiling tube J Tatung dic Diagram 9 Rajah 9 f 29 Potassium manganate( VI) Table 2 Jaduat? Which of the following statements are true about Pand Q? Antara pernyataan yang berikut, manakah bbenar tentang Pani Q? 1 Pand Q are isotopes. Pan Qialah itotop. P and Q have the same melting point. P dan. Q mempunyai takat lebur yang sama, P and @ are the same element, Pedan Q alah unsur yang sama. P and Q are positively charged. Paar Q adalah bereas post: Tand IIT only 4 dan It sahaja Tand 1V only Idan WV sahajia Mand IV only Medan IV sahaja 1, Hand III only Ll dan it sahaja 1 vam > Carbon has 3 isotopes namely : carbon-12, carbon-13. and carbon-14. What are the ! similarities between these 3 | isotopes? ‘mengkaji perubahan Karbon mempunyai 3 ist0p yane ditenay harbon-12,karkon-13, sehagat ‘ta arbon-14. Apakah persamaun antares isotop itu? I Nucleon number Nombor nukleon Chemical properties Sift hom Melting point Tokat leur Number of electrons Bilangan elekiron Tand Ht only Adan Il sahaja Wand If only Idan Il sahaja Mand IV only dan W sahaja Tand IV only Idan IV sahaja £30 Which of the following isotopes is used to determine the age of archaeological artifacts? Antara isotop yang. berikut, manakah dligurakan untok menentukan usta artiak arkeologi? A Cobalt-60/Kabalt-60 B_ Carbon-13/Karbon-13 © Sodium-24/natrium-24 D_ Carbon-14/Karbon-14 31 Which of the following isotopes can be used to kill cancer cells? Antara isorop yang. berikut, manakah boleh digunakan unek membunuh sel anser? A’ Carbon-12 © Iodine-13 Karbon-12 odin-13 B Cobalt-60 D Sodium-24 Kobalt-60 Natrium-24 (a) What can be observed aftera week? Apakah yang boleh diperhatikan selepas satu minggu? ee (b) State the process involved in the experiment. ‘Nyatakan proses yang terlibat dalam eKsperimen in, ee (©) Explain the three kinetic theory of matter based on this experiment ‘uraikan tiga tor inet jirim berdasarkaneksperimen ni Scanned with CamScanner (4) What can be done to i experiment? Apakah yang hoc dilakukan untuk meninghatkan tindak bulas <¢ the reaction of this (e) Whatis the purpose of this experiment? Apakahtyjuanehsperinen ini? (Q) In which state of matter does this rate of process i the highest? Why? Dalam keadaan jirim yang manakah kadar proses adatah paling tinggi? Mengapa? 33. Diagram 10 shows the heating curve of napthalene. Rajah 10 memenjukkanlenghung pemanasan bagi nafialena ature/°C Teny Sue Time/min Masa/nin Diagram 10 Rajah 10 (a) Name the type of particles that forms napthalene. Namakan jens zarah yang membentuk nafialena (b) State the melting temperature of napthalene. ‘Nyatakan sd pefeburan bagi nafiatona (D State the change of movement of napthalene particles between point C and point D during the heating process. Nvutakan perubahan pergerakan zarah-zarah maftalena antara ti Calan tt D semana proses pemanasan Define the term ‘matte Takrifkan ita Siri’ (b) State the three physical states of matter. ‘Nyatakan tiga keadaun fzikal jirim. (©) Compare the properties of the three physical states ‘of matter based on their Bandingkansifatketiga-tiga Keadaanfitkal rim berdasarkan (8) arrangement of particlesusunan zarah di) force of attraction between particles daya tarikan antarazarah (iii)_kinetic energy of particles fenaga kinetik zarah-zarah dy) volume and shapetisipadu dan hentuk (©) At which point does the napthalene begin to melt? Pada tik yang manakah, naftalena muta melebur? (6) State the physical state of napthalene at regions AB, i BCand CD. ‘Nyatakan Keadaanfizikal nafialena pada kawasan-kawasan AB, BC dan CD. ee Explain why there is no changes in temperature = from point B to point C even when heating i continued, Selaskan mengapa ada perubaian suhu dari tik hinge tk ‘Cwalaypun pemanasan diteruskan. © EEE ee ee (d) Diagram 11 shows a process that takes place in solid, liquid, and gas. Rajah’ 11-menunjubkan proses yang herlaku dalam pepojal teen dang Liquid <——— Gas Cecair Z Gas Solid Pepejal Diagram 11 Rejeh 11 Scanned with CamScanner 35 (a) State the physical proces explain the changes in energy for X, Yand Z. Nvatakan proses fiikal X, ¥ daw Z, Huraikan secara ringkas £ penuhalanfenaga untuk N.Y: dan Z H of X, ¥ and Z, Briefly} What is the difference between isotopes, isotropy, and radioactive isotopes?

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