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This is my first day doing the practical and I arrived around 7.50 am. I have introduced
myself to En. Mohd Noshrullah bin Mohd Zabidi and Pn. Nor Hayati when reporting myself
at Laser Automation Engineering Sdn Bhd. Mr Noshrullah work as QA/ QS Manager and he
explained about industrial training in the company. Pn Nor Hayati is a staff at Human
Resource Department. I was briefed on the scope of work that I will do during the process of
internship. En. Mohd Noshrullah have put me in Quality Control Department and have
introduced myself to staff and my supervisor, En Murshidi Bin Marzuki. En Murshidi work
as QA/ Customer Quality Engineer. Around 9.45 am, En Murshidi led us to introduce each
department and explained the work for each division. For instance, the process flow as below.
I have been given the book manual for quality control measurement to understand it better.

Received PO (purchase order)  Issue Job Sheet  Programming  Production  IPQC

(In Process Quality Control)  Secondary Process  Cleaning  FQC  QC Report 
OGI  Packing  Delivery.

Mr Karu is head/leader in Quality Control department. I have been given guidance on how to
measure the dimensions for the component given using caliper and micrometre and recorded
the value at isometric drawing paper of . One of the component/item given was as picture

After finished praying and lunch at 12:45 am until 1:30 pm, the measurement was continued
until 4.00 pm. We have 15 minutes break and the work continued at 4:15 pm. At 5:00 pm I
ended my last measurement for the item and submit it to Mr Jalil because he will check my
work and submit it to Amira. I have to take my punch card from HR and went home safely.
16/3/2021 (Tuesday)

Arrived at 7.40 am and punch card in carefully because it is my first time doing it. Start my
second day of internship with reading about equivalent surface finish for N5 N6 N7 N8.
Grade Numbers Older drawings may use roughness grade numbers to indicate Ra values. The
following table is given in ISO 1302:2002.

The table is:

Ra is the arithmetic average of surface heights measured across a surface, Ra surface finish.
Simply average the height across the microscopic peaks and valleys. Surface roughness can
be measured by a profilometer, a surface profile measurement tool.

Then, continued to measure the item given at my table by Mr Karu. Mr Karu have put the
component I need to do next to my table in the green container. The picture below is one of
the item.

At 12.45 pm 1.30 pm, rest time. The siren will scream back at 1.28 pm to give a notice to
worker. I resumed my work with measuring another item using caliper and micrometre and
jotted it down at drawing paper. If the measurement was not in tolerance with targeted value,
the item will be exiled and return back to production department. At 5:00 pm, I finished my
last item and punch my card.
17/3/2021 (Wednesday)

Already arrived at 7.31 am and punch card in. clean my table and put the micrometre and
caliper on table to get ready to measure the first item. Around 10.30 pm, I have given a small
item as picture below to measure the diameter of the tube of each item and write the value on
special paper. The paper already contained the table and the tolerance around 15 and 27
micron. The total of the item are more than 830 pieces, but I need to write and jotted down
the diameter only for 800 pieces using micrometre.

A micrometre, sometimes known as a micrometre screw gauge, is a device incorporating a

calibrated screw widely used for accurate measurement of components. At 4.30 pm, I
completed the last pieces and submitted it to Mr Karu. All the components were in good,
because its around the tolerance value. At 5:00 pm, I punch my card out.
18/3/2021 (Thursday)

Arrived at 7.38 am and did my daily routine which is clean my table. Put the micrometre on
the holder and caliper digital on table. At 7.58 am, the siren will start to notice the day will
begin. The first component for today is as picture below. I need to measure only 4 pieces of
the components and write it down on isometric drawing paper. The part where I need to
measure the holes of diameter, I have to used pin gauge. The PIN GAUGE is the pin shape
according to fixed size precisely. The primary purpose of PIN GAUGE is to measure and
inspect the diameter of small holes, it also can be used as a test bar for geometric deviations

The general rule of thumb when using a pin gauge is as follows:

 The minimum or “Go” pin should be used for the lower limit of the hole. It should be
able to easily fit into the hole with no force.

 The maximum or “No Go” pin should be used for the upper limit; it should not fit
under slight pressure.

If the “No Go” fit easily in the hole, the component will be isolated. For this component all
the components were good and did not need to rework. After finished with the components, I
continued with another component given until lunch hour. Around 2:30 pm, Mr Jalil one of
the staff in QC department have corrected and taught me several mistake when measure the
component. Certain components need to refer the book manual to fix with the tolerance
given. For example, the permissible tolerance for linear dimensions except broken edges have
its own table. After correcting the measurement, I submit back to Mr Jalil and continued with
another component until 5:00 pm. Punch card out and went home.
19/3/2021 (Friday)

Arrived early at 7.30 am and punch card. Started my day with the first component as shown
below. The component has 6 holes around the body which have diameter 3 mm, so I used pin
gauge to write down the suitable value. I tried insert with 3.00 mm pin and it can’t get into it.
After trying several value pin gauge such as 2.97 mm, 2.95 mm, and 2.90 mm it produces the
results. All the value stated was written on isometric drawing paper.

Then, continued with another component. The picture below is one of the component. When I
encountered with the value higher than the tolerance given, Mr Jalil have taught how to write
down on Defective/Rejected Items Tag (pink paper). I have to write it carefully and circle the
part with arrow to point out the NG. Write the total of NG and the total of item on the paper.
Then, separated all the NG item in one plastic and the rest on another plastic. Put all the item
in one container and send it to table beside the Quality Control Department room. The table
was used to put the item which is not done or have an NG item. After submitting it, resumed
with another component until 5.00 pm. Every component or item have different size and
weight. One of the item I get for today have 650 mm of length, so another staff have to help
me when measuring the length. Continued with the measurement that I can do using the
devices for the next item. At 5.00 pm I have punch card out and went home.

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