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(A Descriptive Study in SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta)


Submitted as A Partial Requirements for the degree of Sarjana

In English Education Departement


Meilana Saputri

SRN. 133221087





This thesis is primarily dedicated to :

1. My great parents, Agus Hariyanto and Suprapti

2. My beloved sisters, Agustin and Iin Saputri

3. My best brothers, Dwi Saputra, Adi Putra, and Yan Putra

4. My friends who encourage and support me

5. My second magnificient home, IAIN Surakarta

6. All the people who touch my heart, I dedicate this thesis


The greatest glory in living is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall

(Nelson Mandela)

Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, sesungguhnya

sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan.

(Q.S. Al-Insyirah ayat 5-6)


Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the

universe, master of the day of judgment God all mighty, for all blessings and

mercies so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled “English

Teachers’ Difficulties In Designing Lesson Plan Based On 2013 Curriculum

(A Descriptive Study In SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta). Peace be upon Prophet

Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good inspiration of world revolution.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the helps,

supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like to

express her deepest thanks to all of those who helped, supported, and suggested

her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Dr. H. Mudofir Abdullah, S. Ag., M.Pd., as the Rector of the State

IslamicInstitute of Surakarta.

2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M. Hum.,as the Dean of Islamic Education and

TeacherTraining Faculty and the first consultant for his guidance,

precious,advices, and motivation for the researcher.

3. Dr. Imroatus Solikhah, M.Pd., as the Head of English


4. Novianni Anggraini, M.Pd., as the first consultant for her guidance,

precious, advices, and motivation for the researcher.

5. All the lecturers of Islamic Educational and Teacher Training Faculty.

6. Drs. Muhammad Syafi’i as the Headmaster of SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta,

who hadgiven permission to the researcher to do the research.

7. Dwi Prawestri Handayani, S.Pd., Farida Hayati, S.Pd., and Ratnawati

Kidding, S.Pd., as the English teachers of SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta, who

had given the time to help theresearcher to do the research.

8. My beloved parents, Agus Hariyanto and Suprapti who always supportthe

researcher to finish this research.

9. My beloved brothers, Dwi Saputra, Adi Putra, and Yan Putra.

10. My beloved sisters, Agustin and Iin Saputri

11. My beloved friends, Anies, Hikmah, Diah, andall members of PBI C


12. Dwi Cahyono, M. Pd., who helps the researcher to check the

grammaticalerror from this research.

13. Those who help the researcher that cannot be mentioned one by one.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The

researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the

readers in general.

Surakarta, December 05th2017

The Researcher

Meilana Saputri


TITLE ..................................................................................................................... i

ADVISORS SHEET .............................................................................................. ii

RATIFICATION .................................................................................................. iii

DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... iv

MOTTO ..................................................................................................................v

PRONOUNCEMENT ......................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................x

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xiv

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................xv

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... xvi


A. Background of the Study ...............................................................................1

B. Identification of the Study .............................................................................7

C. Limitation of the Study ..................................................................................7

D. Research Problem ...........................................................................................8

E. Objectives of the Study .................................................................................8

F. Benefits of the Study ....................................................................................8

G. Definition of Key Terms .............................................................................10


A. Curriculum ..................................................................................................11

1. Definition of Curriculum ........................................................................11

2. Function of Curriculum ..........................................................................12

3. The School Based Curriculum 2006.......................................................14

a. Definition of School Based Curriculum 2006 ..................................14

b. The Charactheristic of School Based Curriculum 2006 ...................15

c. The Weaknesses in School Based 2006 Curriculum 2006 ...............17

4. The 2013 Curriculum .............................................................................18

a. Definition of 2013 Curriculum .........................................................18

b. The Charactheristic of 2013 Curriculum ..........................................18

c. The Excellences of 2013 Curriculum ...............................................19

d. The Implementation of 2013 Curriculum .........................................20

e. The aims of 2013 Curriculum...........................................................25

B. Lesson Plan ...................................................................................................25

1. Definition of Lesson Plan .........................................................................25

2. Function of Lesson Plan ...........................................................................26

3. Component of Lesson Plan ......................................................................27

4. Stages in Developing Lesson Plan ........................................................31

C. Previous Study .............................................................................................36


A. Research Design ..........................................................................................38

B. Research Setting ...........................................................................................39

1. Place of the Research..............................................................................39

2. Time of the Research ..............................................................................40

C. Object and Informant of the Research .........................................................40

1. Object .....................................................................................................40

2. Informant ................................................................................................40

D. The Technique of Data Collection ..............................................................41

1. Interview .................................................................................................42

2. Document Analysis ................................................................................43

E. The Technique of Data Trustworthiness ......................................................44

F. The Technique of Data Analysis ..................................................................45


A. Research Finding .........................................................................................48

1. Difficulties in designing lesson plan faced by Teacher 1 based on 2013

Curriculum ..............................................................................................48

a. Difficulties in designing lesson plan ................................................48

b. The teacher 1’s solving the difficulties in designing lesson plan

based on 2013 Curriculum ...............................................................52

2. Difficulties in designing lesson plan faced by Teacher 2 based on 2013

Curriculum .............................................................................................53

a. Difficulties in designing lesson plan ................................................53

b. The teacher 2’s solving the difficulties in designing lesson plan

based on 2013 Curriculum................................................................55

3. Difficulties in designing lesson plan faced by Teacher 3 based on 2013

Curriculum ..............................................................................................56

a. Difficulties in designing lesson plan ................................................56

b. The teacher 3’s solving the difficulties in designing lesson plan

based on 2013 Curriculum................................................................59

B. Discussion.....................................................................................................59

1. Difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum

............................................................................................................ 60

2. The teachers solve the difficulties in designing lesson plan based

on 2013 Curriculum ....................................................................65


A. Conclusion ...................................................................................................67

B. Suggestion ....................................................................................................67

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................70

APPENDICES ......................................................................................................73


Table 2.1. Component and Systhematic of Lesson Plan of 35
Ministerial Regulation No. 65 Year 2013
Table 3.1. Time Setting of The Research 40
Table 3.2. Checklist for Analyzing Lesson Plan Elements Based on 43
2013 Curriculum Stipulated by Ministerial Regulation
No. 65 Year 2013


Figure 3.1. Component of Data Analysis: Interactive Model (Miles 46
and Huberman 1994: 12)


Appendix 1. Ministerial Regulation of Education No. 65 Year 74
Appendix 2. Enclosure of Ministerial Regulation of Education 77
No. 65 Year 2013
Appendix 3. Interview Guideline 91
Appendix 4. Script Interview of English Teacher Grade VII 95
Appendix 5. Script Interview of English Teacher Grade VIII 104
Appendix 6. Script Interview of English Teacher Grade IX 118
Appendix 7. Script Interview of English Teacher Grade IX 130
Appendix 8. Lesson Plan Grade VII 133
Appendix 9 Lesson Plan Grade VIII 149
Apendix 10. Lesson Plan Grade IX 165
Appendix 11. Photo Documentation 175
Appendix 12. Letter of Research 178


Saputri, Meilana. 2017. English Teachers’ Difficulties in Designing Lesson Plan

Based On 2013 Curriculum (A Descriptive Study in SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta).
Thesis. English Education Department Study Program, Islamic Education and
Teacher Training Faculty of The State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.
Advisors : Novianni Anggraini, S.Pd, M.Pd.
Keywords : Curriculum, Lesson Plan.
The objectives of this study are to find out the teachers’ difficulties and to
solve the difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum in SMP
Al-Islam 1 Surakarta in the academic year 2016/2017.
This study used descriptive qualitative research. The researcher used
interview and document analysis to collect the data. The finding reflected the
format and elements of lesson plan based on the Decree of Minister of National
Education No. 65 Year 2013. It was started from stating indicator, objectives,
learning material, teaching method, learning activities and assesment. This study
was conducted to the English teachers that taught at the seventh, eight, and ninth
grade students of SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta in the academic year 2016/2017. This
study was using data triangulation to validate the data.
In the result of the study, the researcher concludes that the teachers’
difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum are; (1) to state
indicator concerning the selection of appropriate operational verbs to arrange the
indicators based on the material, (2) to select the method of the learning activities
based on the students’ condition, (3) to develop the learning material because
limited of the material in the 2013 Curriculum, and (4) The assessment procedure
because the components have so many aspect. The problem solving which is done
to solve are IHT (In House Training), MGMP’s day (Musyawarah Guru Mata
Pelajaran), Rakor (Rapat Koordinasi), and the teachers’ effort such as browsing
the material from internet, learning from the modul or previous teachers’
textbook, and making an own group discussion.



A. Background of Study

Education is the one of important aspects in our life. Education is

an effort that is done consciously to change human behaviour, both

individually or collectively to mature human through teaching and

training efforts (Sugihartono, 2007:3-4). In our life needs education

or science that should cover religious values as well.

Education in Indonesia has developed time in time. The

government gives more attention for education development in

Indonesia. School as a formal education institution, systematically

had a planned of enviroments which provides the students to gain

every experiences, that is educational behaviour, to propulsive

students’ growth and development. The environment is arranged into

the curriculum.

The Decree of Minister of National Educational No. 69 Year

2013 about based framework and curriculum structure of Sekolah

Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah which explains curriculum is a set

of plan and systematization about purpose, contents and materials

with rules that use implementation compass of teaching-learning

process to reach education aim.

The government of Indonesia extend more attention for

education enviroments. Since Indonesia was independent, there are


eleven times the changing of curriculum. The curriculum that used

are (1) 1947 Curriculum (2) 1964 Curriculum (3) 1968 Curriculum

(4) 1973 Curriculum (5) 1975 Curriculum (6) 1984 Curriculum (7)

1994 Curriculum (8) Vocational High School 1999 Curriculum

(1994 Improvement Curriculum) (9) 2004 Curriculum (Competence-

Based Curriculum) (10) 2006 Curriculum (School-Based

Curriculum) (11) The 2013 Curriculum (Widiyastoro, 2014:54).

Nowadays, the Indonesian use the 2013 curriculum that has been

applied since 2013. The 2013 curriculum is developed by the

government and still related to KBK (Kurikulum Berbasis

Kompetensi) or Competence-Based Curriculum and KTSP

(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) or School-Based

Curriculum sinceapplied in 2006. The 2013 Curriculum does not

give the school autonomy for the school to make a syllabus, but the

syllabus made by the national level.

The Indonesia Ministry of Education stipulated that 2013

Curriculum is emphasized on competency, such as cognitive,

psychomotor, and affective. In this globalization era, students are

easier looking for any information. Therefore, teachers are asked to

be more active in preparing materials or information for students.

The approach expects learning should be scientific-based, meaning

all processes and steps of learning should reflect fixed procedures


starting from observing, questioning, associating, experimenting,

and communicating (Suharyadi, 2013:57).

The Competence –Based Curriculum focuss on mastery certain

competencies by the learners. Therefore, the curriculum is covered

some competencies and a set of learning goals in such a way that can

be seen in through behaviour or skill (Mulyasa, 2003:49) .

Afterwards, School-Based Curriculum is the improvement of

Competence-Based curriculum that is operational curriculum

arranged and held by the school autonomy . The charactheristic of

school-based curriculum is emphasized on learning result. Whereas,

the 2013 curriculum is emphasized on increasing the quality of

education with balancing between hard skills and soft skills through

attitude ability, skills, and knowledge in facing the global challenge

(Fadlillah, 2014:16).

Woodward (2009:181) proposed several reasons why the teacher

should plan their courses and lessons. First, it can reduce uncertainty

and panic feeling in delivering material. By planning the lesson,

teachers may feel confidence and believe that during the activity in

the classroom. Second, it can inspire confidence in students who

pick up a feeling of purpose, progression and coherence. Third, it

can make teachers are easier in organizing the time and flowing the

activities in the classroom. Fourth, teachers get a balanced mixture

of different kinds of materials, content and interaction types


throughout the course. Fifth, it can develop teachers’ personal style

in teaching. In addition, Harmer (2007:156) respond “a plan gives

the lesson a framework, an overall shape”. It means that lesson plan

guide teachers to carry out the teaching learning activities

systematically based on what then have drawn in the lesson plan.

The researcher conducted the pre-research during teaching

practice program in a junior high school in Surakarta on October

2016. Asking the teacher for the lesson plan, the researcher found

that the teacher feel confused when creating the lesson plan. This is

because there are several changes that occur from government

regarding the format of lesson plan. For the example about the

inscriptive of main competences and basic competences that have

four points and must be listed all. But the passing time the main

competences cover four points, while the basic competences stated

only two points. Another case, is the student’s book change in first

grade students and it is influenced in making lesson plan. The

assesment of the 2013 curriculum has many aspects that make the

teachers difficult to arrange and develop the assesment accordance

2013 curriculum.

The difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013

Curriculum, first about the collocation indicators that have to

develop by own teachers. Some operational verbs that use in

developed the indicators make the teacher has to match between the

material and the suitable of operational verbs. Second, the teachers

have a notion about the scientific approach did not suitable in

language teaching-learning process because it is found some

dificulties when comparing the activities in one of material. It is

influenced when the teachers developed the teaching method on

lesson plan. Third, it is disconnected from the behaviour indicated in

the objective. An assesment in a lesson plan is simply of description

of how the teacher will determine whether the objective has been

accomplished. It must be based on the same behaviour that is

incorporated in the objective. The interview during pre-research of

this research is expression from the teachers that it is influenced

when the teachers doing the teaching-learning activities in the class.

Uneven training for subject teachers it is also make the information

gaps received by the teachers when creating the lesson plan so the

teachers self-thaught made their own lesson plan.

In composing this research, the research considers some previous

researcher related to this research, those are Miftah Faridconducted

the researcher entitled “The Teacher’s Difficulties in Lesson

Planning Based On School-Based Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat

Satuan Pendidikan)”. The research focused on teacher’s difficulties

in designing lesson planning based on School-Based Curriculum.

The researcher gave a result from his research that the teacher find

the difficulties about formulating indicators, selecting materials,


determining learning activities, selecting media and developing

assessment. The differences between his research is tried to find out

the difficulties faced by the teachers in designing lesson plan based

on School-Based Curriculum. The similarity is both of them tried to

find out the difficulties faced by the teachers in designing lesson


Research entitled “English Teachers Difficulties in Designing

Lesson Plan Based on 2013 Curriculum” in journal 61stTEFLIN

(Teachers of English as A Foreign Language in Indonesia)

International Conference, UNS Solo 2014 focused on the difficulties

faced by the teachers in designing lesson plan based on 2013

Curriculum. The differences between that research is grade of the

subject. The subject of this research is senior high school in Cipatat,

West Java. The similarity si both of them tried to find out the

difficulties faced by English teachers in designing lesson plan based

on 2013 curriculum.

Based on the findings above, the researcher choose the topic of

this research entitled “ENGLISH TEACHERS’ DIFFICULTIES




B. Identification of The Study

Based on the background of the problems above, it is that the teacher

still get difficulties when they madxe the lesson plan. To make the

problems of this research clearer. The problems of this research are

identified as follows :

1. There are some confusion about the content when the teacher

made the lesson plan

2. There are some difficulties faced by the English teacher to design

his/her lesson plan based on 2013 requirements

3. Sometimes the lesson plan are not balance with systematically

and the goal of the lesson plan

C. Limitation of The Problem

In order to focus on a specific scope of the research, the

researcher limits the research on the difficulties faced by the teachers

in designing lesson plan and how the teacher’s solve their


The researcher studies English Lesson Plan is one of the

intensive preparation English classes in SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta.

From the pre-research,who is the researcher as a pre-service english

teacher, it is found that the curriculum applied is 2013 Curriculum.

This school has five english teachers who is teach in special class

program and regular class.


The researcher will choose three teachers in all grade in junior

high school. The three teachers that chosen by the researcher

represent in each grade in that school. The researcher using a

purposively sampling to do this research, because this school

appliying 2013 Curriculum since the curriculum has been applied

with the five junior high school in Surakarta.

D. Research Problem

1. What are the difficulties faced by the teachers in designing

lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum ?

2. How the teachers’ solve the difficulties in designing lesson plan

based on 2013 Curriculum ?

E. Objectives of the Study

1. To find out the teachers’ difficulties in designing lesson plan

based on the 2013 Curriculum.

2. To solve the difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013


F. Benefits of the Study

The researcher expects that the result of this study will be useful

for two major benefits. There are theoretical benefits and practical

benefits. The research benefits are:

1. Theoritical Benefit

This research is expected to give a reference to develop of

English lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum. Besides, this


research can a significance theoretical framework for other

researchers who are interested in conducting research on. This

research is also expected to give an example about teacher;s

difficulties in designing lesson plan of 2013 Curriculum for any

further researcher who wants to study the same case. This study

become a helpful and useful reference to the next study.

2. Practical Benefit

a. For the Researcher

Since the research of this study considered as a

essential for understanding an important the good lesson plan

is influenced to the teaching learning success. After

conducting the study, the researcher will know the

difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013

Curriculum and find out the solution of this. Moreover, the

another researcher can use the study for the references to

similar study related to lesson plan.

b. For the English teacher

This research can be used by the teacher to consider

how the manner to design the good lesson plan when they are

understand the difficulties that their faced and know the

solution for themselves or find the solution to repair their

lesson plan.

c. For the Readers


The researcher expects the result of this study can

give more information to the readers about the teacher’s

difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013

Curriculum 2013. It is also expected to explain the new issue

in the education system.

G. Definition of Key Term

To avoid misunderstanding in this research there are several

keyterms to make the readers understand clearly. Those key terms as

follows :

1. Curriculumis a set of instructional programs and subjects have to

be completed by students within a particular range of time or

period to gain knowledge, learning experience, and certificate or

diploma (Hamalik, 2001: 33).

2. Lesson plan

 Lesson plan can be defined as a systematic record of a

teacher thoughts about what will be covered during the

lesson. (Farrel, 2002 : 30)

 Lesson plan is developed in detail on particular subject

matter or theme that refers to the syllabus. (Based on the

Minister of National Education Regulation Number 103

Year 2014).


A. Curriculum

1. Definition of Curriculum

Nasution (2008: 5) identified curriculum is a set of plan and

systematization about goals, content, subject addition and the way

to use as organization orientation about learning activities to reach

the particular education goal. Ebert (2013) said that curriculum is

intention and expectation which is defined into a set of plan or

education program an implementable by teacher. Curriculum is a

intention and expectation, whereas in doing so called by teaching-

learning process.

Meanwhile, Kunandar (2011:124) proposed the definition

curriculum according to Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005

on National Education Standards, curriculum is a set of plans and

arrangements regarding the purpose, content, and teaching materials

and methods as a guide of the implementation of learning activities

to achieve specific educational goals.

For the definiton , curriculum is a fundamental basic in a

education to guide the all of activities and to achieve the goals of


2. Function of Curriculum


Ruhimat (2009: 9) explained that as some meanings or

definitions of the curriculum explained before, basically it has

function as a reference. The functions of curriculum are different for

each a subjects in educations such as teachers, students, principals,

supervisors, parents, and community. For teachers, curriculum

should serve as a guidance in implementing the learning activities.

For students, curriculum serves as a study guide. For principals and

supervisors, curriculum serves as a guideline in conducting

supervision. For parents, curriculum serves as a guide in guiding

their children to learn at home. For community, curriculum serves

as a guide to provide assistance for the implementation of the

educational process at school. Hamalik (2009: 4) said in the

opinion of Alexander Inglis, in his book Principles of Secondary

Education, there are 6 functions of curriculum, explained :

a. The Adjustive or Adaptive Function

Curriculum as an educational tool has a function to make the

individual has a good adaptability to the environment as a

whole, both the physical environment and social environment.

This is because the environment is dynamic so it demands

individuals who live in the environment must adapt dynamically

as well.

b. The Integrating Function


Individuals are part of society, so that each individual must

has the ability to integrate with the community. The curriculum

serves as an educational tool to educate people become

complete and integrated personality.

c. The Differentiating Function

Every individual has differences from all aspects.This

function means that the curriculum as an educational tool should

be able to provide services to the differences between each

person in the community.

d. The Propaedeutic Function

The function of the curriculum is to prepare students to

pursue higher education and preparation for life in society.

e. The Selective Function

This function is closely related to the function of

differentiation. The recognition of the differences that exist in

individuals makes them also have the opportunity to choose

what they like and what they are interested in. Therefore, the

curriculum must be flexible.

f. The Diagnostic Function

As an educational tool, the curriculum serves to help students

understand the potentials and weaknesses that exist in them.

This is useful for students to develop the potential and improve


its weaknesses. It will guide the students to be able to develop


3. The School-Based Curriculum 2006

a. The Definition of School Based Curriculum 2006

School-Based Curriculum 2006 is an operational

curriculum that developed and implemented by each unit of

education. School-Based curriculum is developed by each

group of education or school committees under the

coordination and supervision of the education department.

School-Based curriculum is the curriculum to replace

Curriculum 1994 and revise Competence Based Curriculum

2004 (Kunandar, 2011:124-125).

The main difference between the The School-Based

Curriculum 2006 to the curriculum in 2013 is related to the

learning plan. The syllabus development activities under the

authority of the education unit while on 2013 curriculum

syllabus development activities shifted to the central

authority (except for certain subjects which have been

specifically developed in the educational unit in question).

Although the syllabus has been developed by government but

the teachers have to understand the meaning and content of

it. Therefore, it is very important to the study the syllabus by


the teachers, whereas the preparation of lesson plan is the

authority of the teacher.

b. The Charactheristic of School Based Curriculum 2006

According to the Education National Standard Board

(BSNP) the standard of competence of graduate is the

qualification of graduates which involves the aptitude,

knowledge, and the skills which is stated on the

Government Regulation Number 23 Year 2006. This

means that the standard of competence of graduate is the

guidance to determine the graduation of the student,

which is suspended on how the student can master each

competency of the study: the cognitive, affective, and

psychomotor side of the student. The characteristics of

Curriculum 2006 are :

1) emphasizing the attainment of the students’

competence individually and classically;

2) orienting toward learning outcomes, and diversity;

3) using genre approaches in the learning process and

greatly is influenced with Systematic Functional

Grammar of Halliday (1987);

4) accepting any other educative learning sources

besides teachers;

5) emphasizing its evaluation on the learning process

and outcomes in acquiring or attaining a certain


6) using special terms such as Standar Kompetensi

(Standard of Competence) refers to a minimum

statement covering knowledge, skills, attitudes, and

values which are reflected in the way of thinking and

acting after students learned and finished one of the

four language skills (listening, speaking, reading,

and writing); Kompetensi Dasar (Basic

Competence) refers to a minimum statement

covering knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values

which are reflected in the way of thinking and acting

after students learned and finished one of the four

language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and

writing); Indikator (Achievement Indicators) refers

to a specific basic competence that can be taken as a

standard to assess the attainment of a learning

process; Materi Pokok (Core Materials) refers to

materials or lessons that students have to learn in a

learning process.

c. The Weaknesses in School Based Curriculum 2006

Adapted from socialization materials of 2013

curriculum, there are some weaknesses found in the

School Based Curriculum 2006 (Mulyasa, 2013: 60-61)

.So, the changes are necessary in the curriculum. The

weaknesses are :

1) The content and messages of the curriculum are still

overcrowded. It is indicated by the number of subjects

and a lot of materials that the scope and the difficulty

are beyond the level of the children's age


2) The curriculum have not yet developed the

competence completely in accordance with the vision,

mission, and goals of national education.

3) The developed competence is more dominated by

aspects of knowledge and it has not yet to describe

completely the learners personality (knowledge, skill,

and attitudes).

4) The competencies which are required in accordance

with the development of society, such as character

education, environmental awareness, approaches and

teaching methods, the balance of soft skills and hard.


4. The 2013 Curriculum

a. The Definition of 2013 Curriculum

Curriculum of 2013 is competency and character based

curriculum. Curriculum of 2013 was born as a response to the

various criticisms of School Based Curriculum 2006. It is in

accordance with the development needs and the world of work.

According to enclosure of Minister of National Education

Regulation Number 59 Year 2014 Curriculum of 2013 is oe of

the government's efforts to resolve the various problems being

faced by the world of education today. The theme of 2013

curriculum is generating Indonesian people which are:

productive, creative, innovative, affective; through the

strengthening of attitudes, skills, and knowledge which are

integrated. Based on the theme, the implementation of 2013

curriculum is expected to produce a productive, creative, and

innovative human.

b. The Characteristics of 2013 Curriculum

Based on the Minister of National Education Regulation

Number 59 Year 2014, Curriculum of 2013 is designed with the

following Characteristics :

1) Developing a balance between spiritual and social

attitudes, knowledge, and skills, and applying them in

various situations in the school and community.


2) Developing the competencies expressed in terms of class

core competencies which is specified more in basic

competence of subjects.

3) Developing class core competence into organizing

elements of basic competence. All the basic competencies

and learning processes are developed to achieve the

competence stated in core competencies.

4) Developing a basic competence based on the accumulative

principle, mutually reinforced and enriched between-

subjects and education level (horizontal and vertical


c. The Excellences of 2013 Curriculum

The expected objective of the implementation of 2013

curriculum is not impossible to be achieved. It is because the

curriculum is competency and character based which

conceptually has several excellences: First, 2013 curriculum

uses a scientific approach. Learners as a subject of study will be

led to develop various competencies according to the potention

of each. Second, 2013 curriculum is competency and character

based curriculum, so it may underlie the development of other

capacities in various aspects (mastery of knowledge, specific

skills, and personality) which are able to be optimal based on the

specific competence. Third, many fields of study related to the


development of skills which are more appropriate to use the

competency approach

d. The Implementation of 2013 Curriculum

The implementation of 2013 curriculum on learning activity

in schools by the teachers is implemented in three dimensions,

those are teaching learning planning, teaching and learning

process, and learning evaluation.

1. Dimension of Teaching Learning Planning

Hamalik (2009: 249) explained that, in this dimension

the teacher outlines the vision and mission or learning

objectives to be achieved. The attempt which should be done

is considering all the things which are needed and used in the

study in order to achieve the wanted goal. Everything is

covered in the lesson plan.

As explained previously, in 2013 curriculum, teachers

are no longer in charge of developing the syllabus but make

the lesson plan only. Here, the selection of appropriate media

becomes very important in order to suit the techniques that

used in teaching learning process. Media influence learning a

lot because it will relate to the students involvement. Media

can be used in direct instruction, active learning teaching

strategies and student projects. If we re-consider the

objectives of 2013 curriculum that students are not only


smart but also must have a good attitude and ability, then the

role of the media also cannot be ruled out.

Media offers both cognitive and affective experiences. It

can provoke discussion, an assessment of one's values, and

assessment of self if the media provide scenes or pictures

with strong emotional content. Besides, students can hone

their analytical skills by analyzing media using the theories

and concepts they are studying.

2. Dimension of Teaching Learning Process

Based on the Minister of National Education Regulation

Number 103 Year 2014, learning is a process of interaction

between students and students and between students and

teachers with learning resources in a learning environment.

The characteristics of an ideal learning are interactive

and inspiring; fun, challenging, and motivating learners to

actively participate; contextual and collaborative; providing

enough space for innovation, creativity, and independence of

learners; and in accordance with their talents, interests,

abilities, and physical and psychological development of

learners. At this dimension, the teachers implement teaching

learning strategies and methods that should be in accordance

with the approach in 2013 Curriculum, that is the scientific


The scientific approach is a science process-based

approach that is done through the process of observing,

questioning, exploring/ experimenting, associating, and

communicating.According to Anthony, approach is the level

at which assumptions and beliefs about language and

language learning are specified.

Method is the level at which theory is put into practice

and at which choices are made about the particular skills to

be taught, the content to be taught, and the order in which the

content will be presented .Within one approach, there can be

many methods (Richards, 2001: 19).

Related to the method chosen and used in the learning

process, when planning a learning activity, a teacher must

understand the characteristics of students first as well as

focus on the competencies to be mastered by the students.

Therefore, the teachers are required to have knowledge of

methods in order to choose the appropriate method.

3. Dimension of Learning Evaluation

The teachers‟ activity in this dimension is to evaluate

students' learning. Many points of view regard the evaluation

activity is performed after the teachers do the teaching and

learning process. Whereas evaluation activity can also be

performed when the learning activity is in process.


Evaluation is defined as the systematic attempt to gather

information in order to make judgments or decisions.

Evaluation has different meanings for different teachers.

However, the meaning of evaluation which has been widely

accepted by teachers in the field is a process which

determines the extent to which objectives have been

achieved.Based on the guidelines of learning evaluation by

the teachers from Minister of National Education Regulation

Number 104 Year 2014, 2013 Curriculum requires the use of

authentic assessment. In the paradigmatic embodiment,

authentic assessment requires a real authentic instruction and

authentic learning. It is believed that authentic assessment is

more able to provide information of students‟ ability

holistically and validly.

Kunandar (2014:12) proposed that authentic assessment

that used in the evaluation assess the students‟ readiness,

process, and outcomes of learning as a whole. Based on

Minister of National Education Regulation Number 104 Year

2014, authentic assessment is not the only approach used in

evaluating students, nonauthentic assessment is also used.

However, authentic assessment is the main approach in

evaluating students based on 2013 curriculum. Arikunto (

2007: 117) said that the scope of the evaluation of students‟


learning outcomes by the teacher include attitude

competencies (spiritual and social), knowledge, and skills.

The scope is also known as the three domains in the

objectives of education which formulated by Bloom et al

(taxonomy), named cognitive, affective, and psychomotor


Therefore, the instrument of assessment that used also

should be considered in order to include all of these three

competencies. The instrument of assessment which prepared

by the teacher must be in accordance with the characteristics

and complexity of the material in the content standards and

competency standards. Thus the instrument will provide

accurate information about the level of achievement of the

students‟ competence (Kunandar, 2014:12).

The factors that influence, support and determine the

successful 2013 curriculum implementation comes from the

commitment of all parties which involved as well as the

professional capabilities of the implementer of the

curriculum. Marsh said that there are three factors, those are

the support of the principal, teachers peer support, and

internal support in the classroom. From these various factors,

the teacher is the major and the main determining factor in


the implementation of 2013 curriculum (Oemar Hamalik,

2009: 239).

However ideal the curriculum is, without supported by

the teacher's ability to implement it, it will not be meaningful

as an instrumental input in achieving the goals of education.

In the same way, teaching learning activity without

curriculum as a guideline would not be effective. Thus, the

role of the teacher is a key position in the implementation of

2013 curriculum. Therefore, preparation and guidance for the

teachers for the implementation of 2013 curriculum is a


e. The aims of 2013 Curriculum

2013 curriculum is aimed to prepare Indonesian people in

order that, they have live ability as an Indonesian people that

prosperous, productive, creative, innovative, and affective and

who are able to contribute to community nation.

B. Lesson Plan

1. Definition of Lesson Plan

There are several definition about lesson plan have been

provided by the experts. Harmer stated that lesson planning is

lesson planning is the art of combining some different elements

into coherent so that lesson has identity which students can

response, recognize, work and react to whatever sign and


gestures teachers may use to vizualize and create that identity

(Harmer, 1991: 434).

Mulyasa (2011:212) stated that lesson plan is a plan which

describe procedures and management of research in order to

reach one or more basic comptences regulated with Standard

Content and extended the syllabus. It means that there are several

steps and organization developed by the teacher.

According to the Minister of National Regulation Number

103 Year 2014 said that lesson plan is developed lesson plan in

detail on particular subject matter or theme that refers to the

syllabus. In conclusion, lesson plan is a sequence of lessons

which is provided by the teacher based on the curriculum. It is

developed from the syllabus as an effort the teacher to reach

main competences and basic competences in the curriculum.

2. The Function of Lesson Plan

Harmer (1991: 309) argued that teachers and students will

find the lesson not meaningful and interesting without lesson

plan. The bad conditions is the students undermined to learn

English. If teachers do not think what they are going to do, it

means they do something useless at all.

Those are the reasons why lesson plan is essential. According

to the Minister of National Regulation Number 65 Year 2013

about the Standard Process every teacher must develop lesson


plan completely and systematically so that teaching-learning can

be administered interactively, fun, challenging and can

encourage students to participate actively as well as can give

sufficient space for their creativity and autonomy based on their

interest, innates and also their physic and psychology

development. It means that the teacher must be develop the

lesson plan systematically based on students’ interest, ability,

and so fort as well as to encourage students to be active and

creative in their learning activities.

3. The Component of Lesson Plan

Lesson plan arrangement must be adapted to the syllabus.

Syllabus design is one aspect of curriculum development but is

not identical with it. A syllabus is a specification of the content

of a course instruction and lists what will be taught and tested

(Richards, 2002: 2). According to The Minister of National

Education Regulation Number 103 Year 2014, lesson plan is

arramged by teacher based on the syllabus with the following


1) Fully loads basic competences of spiritual attitudes, social

attitudes, knowledge, and skills

2) Can be implemented in one or more than one session

3) Pay attention to individual differences of learners

4) Students-centered

5) Context-based

6) Contemporary-oriented

7) Develop independent learning

8) Provide feedback and follow-up of learning

9) Have relevance and coherence between competencies and

between content

10) Utilizing information and communication technology

Based on The Minister of National Education Regulation

Number 103 Year 2014,there are several components guiding

teachers in designing 2013 Curriculum lesson plan which can be also

become criteria or requirement for constructing an effective 2013

Curriculum lesson plan. The requirements are as follow :

1) Main Competence (KI)

Main competence is description of students’ primary

competence include knowledge, attitude, and skills to be

achieved in every class and/or semester in a certain subject or

competence which have to be posed by students in a certain

subject. Main Competence is macro-skills based on the

government regulation in the curriculum. This main competence

will be thus translated into the basic competence that has several

specific competences to achieved by the students.

The macro skills of English language are listening, reading,

speaking and writing. Each of these macro skills is inerpreted


into basic competence which have to be achieved by the

students. After that, the main competences and basic

competences will be formulated into the syllabus and lesson


2) Basic Competence (KD)

Basic competence is formulated to achieve the main

comptence. Basic Competence formulation is developed with

pay attention the student’s characteristhic, first ability and

subject feature.

3) Indicator

Indicator of standard competence achievement is behaviour

or performance which can be measured and observed to show the

achievement of basic competence and main competence.

Indicator of standard competence achievement is when students

are able to perform their basic competence and it can be

measured and observed through assessment exucation covering

cognitive (knowledge), psychomotoric (skill), and affective


4) Objective

Process and product of learning that expected to be achieved

by learners based on basic competence is called objectives. In

this regard, at the end of the course program the students are able

to achieve the aims which are relied on basic competence.


5) Material

Material comprise of relevant theory, facts, priciples, and

procedures which are written in point style based on the

objective formulated, students’ characteristic, and time

allocation. This means that materials are related to what students

will learn in the learning setting and have to be relied on the

objective established, students’ charactheristic and time


6) Teaching activity

Teaching activity is divided into three steps. First, pre-

teaching. It is conducted to motivate the students and to

reach the students’ attention. It acan be interpreted by

apperception. Second, whist-teaching. It is process of

teaching learning to achieve basic competence consist of

observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and

communicating. This is well-constructed and usually called

by scientific approach. Observing is in which reading,

listening or observe the object.

Questioning is in which students are angaged to ask

about the result of observing the object. Exploring and

associating are in which students are facilitated to collect, to

process, and to analyze the informations, while

communicating is in which students are confirmed, delivered


and communicated the information or these projects then get

the feedback or reflection. Third, post-teaching. It is

conducted by concluding the lesson, doing assesment and

reflection, and preparing feedback and follow up toward


7) Assesment

Assesment is required to execute using rubrics in

order to evaluate the students’ achievement toward

indicators determined. The teachers have to provide the

rubrics well to easier evaluate the students’ achievement.

8) Resource

Resource is tool and media used such as textbook, projector,

computer, internet, and so forth in order to conduct teaching-

learning activity runs well and effectively as well as to attract

students’ interest in learning.

Component and systematic of lesson plan based on Salinan

Lampiran Permendikbud No. 81aYear2013 tentang Kerangka Dasar dan

Struktur Kurikulum, those are on Table 2.1.

4. Stages in Developing Lesson Plan

Based on Salinan Lampiran Permendikbud No. 81a Year

2013, Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum, there are stages

in developing

a) Analyzing syllabus

Generally, four each material on syllabus include of

four Kompetensi Dasar based on core competency aspects

(attitude God, attitude to self, environment, knowledge and

skills). Achieving these basic competency, in syllabus it is

explained that student’s activity in learning process based on

process standard. The student’s activity consist of

exploration, elaboration, and confirmation, there are

observing, questioning, experimenting,associating and

communicating. These activities must be developed in lesson

plan and the teacher must make their students active.

Analyzing of syllabus also consist of formulating indicator

and assesment.

b) Identifying Learning Material

Some aspects that have to considered in identifying

learning material are:

1. Students’ potential,

2. Relevancy to local characteristic

3. Physical, Intellectual, emotional, social, and student’s


4. Usefulness for student

5. Knowledge structure

6. Actual, deep, wide learning material

7. Relevancy between students’ needs and environment


8. Time allocation

c) Deciding learning aims

Learning aims refer to indicator, at least consisting of

2 aspects: audience (students) and behavior (skill).

d) Developing learning activity

Some aspects that have to be considered in

identifying learning material are:

1. Learning activities are arranged to make easy teacher

so they teach Professional

2. Learning activities consist of activities done by

teacher as in syllabus

3. The steps of learning activities for each meeting are

done by teacher to make students active.

e) Formulating assessment

Some aspect that have to be considered in formulating

assessment are:

1. Assessment purposed to measure competence

achievement, KD-KD in KI-3 and KI-4.

2. Criteria of assessment are based on what students

achieve in learning process.

3. Using sustainable assessment.

4. Result of assessments used to decide the next step.


5. Assessment has to be suitable with learning experience

that done in learning process.

f) Deciding time allocation

In deciding time allocation for each KD, it is based on

effective week and time allocation for each subject.

g) Deciding learning source

Learning sources are object or thing used in learning


e.g.: nature, culture, social, physical environment.


Table 2.1

Component and systematic of lesson plan of Ministerial Regulation Number


Time allocation
Main Competence
Basic Competence and Indicator (KD in KI 1)
(KD in KI 2)
(KD in KI 3)
Note: KD 1 and KD 2 from KI-1 and KI-2 must not developed in indicator because both of
them achieve from indirect learning process. Indicator developed only KD-3 and KD-4
achieving from direct of learning process.

Learning material
Teaching method
Media, tools, and learning source
Learning activities
1. First meeting
a. First activity (…minutes)
b. Main activity (…minutes)
c. Closing (…minutes)
2. Second meeting
a. First activity (…minutes)
b. Main activity (…minutes)
c. Closing (…minutes)
Assesment 1. Kind of assesment
2. Form Assesment
3. Technique of assesment

C. Previous Study

The researcher found two preceding studies about difficulties

in designing lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum. It is

conducted by Miftah Farid (Indonesia University of Education)

in 2014. It is a qualitative research entitled “Teachers Difficulties

in Lesson Planning Based On School-Based Curriculum”. Its

objectives to picture the teachers’ preparation before conducting

a lesson in terms of designing learning activities to conduct in

classroom, particularly in setting indicators and objectives,

selecting materials and media, plotting the teaching procesures,

conducting students’ evaluation and to investigate the difficulties

faced by the teachers in planning lesson.

He gathers data through non directive interviews and

document analysis using several categories in Reiser and Dick’s

about Systematic Planning. The result of this research is the

teacher have got the difficulties in finding suitable materials for

the students due to the lack of resource books for vocational

school. The similarity between this research, the researcher tried

to find out the difficulties of the teacher in designing lesson plan.

The difference of this research is the implementation of the


The second preceding was conducted by Jasmi, in 2014 in

61st TEFLIN International Conference, UNS Solo 2014. The


finding of this research is the teacher got some difficulties in

arranged assesment because the teacher did not get any training

and seminar. The similarity between this research is the

researcher tried to find out the teacher’s difficulties in designing

lesson plan based on 2013 curriculum. The difference between of

this research is the subject in senior high school in the one of

school in Cipatat, West Java.



A. Research Design

This research used qualitative method, the researcher

uses descriptive qualitative design to describe the difficulties

faced by the teacher in designing lesson plan based on 2013

Curriculum, to clarify and to describe the data. Moloeng

(2004:6) stated that qualitative research is a research to

understand in a phenomenon that happen to be research subject

by describing it into words and using natural method in natural

context. This research applied a qualitative research in order to

understanding situations and event from the viewpoint of the

participants (Fraenkel, 2012: 10)

Descriptive study is a part of qualitative study, so

treatments and manipulation are not involved. Data are collected

in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers (Fraenkel,

Wallen & Hyun, 2011). In this research, the researcher

conducted descriptive qualitative research which described the

difficulties in designing lesson plan. So, in this case the

researcher described without giving any calculation or statistic



B. Setting of Research

The researcher conducted the study in SMP Al-Islam

1 Surakarta. It is located on Jl.Mr. Muhammad Yamin 125 –

Jl.Ponconoko 37, Surakarta 57154 (Phone (0271) 718825 –

718066) email : ,website : The location have three buildings, that

each of building separate in a several place. The first

building, Campus A on Jl.Mr.Muhammad Yamin 125 for the

special program students’ in this school. Campus B and

Campus C on Jl. Ponconoko 37, this building include the

laboratoriums and for the reguler program students’. The

school is chosen as place of the research it is accessible for

conducting the research, which fits one of th consideration in

conducting a research proposed by Cohen et al (2007:100).

The research period is in Mei 2017 to early June

2017, during the late even semester of the 2016/2017

academic year. The researcher gets involved in this school

until as long as she could reach the data completeness. This

research was conducted in academic year of 2016/2017. The

complete time setting of this research includes pre-

observation, designing proposal, seminar proposal, collecting

data, consulting and writing thesis report stated in Table 3.1.


Table 3.1. Time of The Research

Nov-Dec March Apr May June July
Schedule Jan 2017 Feb
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

C. Object and Informant of The Research

The object and informant of this research are :

1. Object

The object of this research is the difficulties faced by the

teacher in designing lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum.

2. Informant

The informant of this research is English teacher in

each grade of class in SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta. As this

research is conducted in the context of 2013 Curriculum, the

subjects are three English teachers who teach in each grade

VII,VIII, and IX. The three teachers, are :

1. Mrs. Dwi Pawestri Handayani, S.Pd

2. Mrs. Farida Hayati, S.Pd


3. Mrs. Ratnawati Kidding, S.Pd

D. The Technique of Collecting Data

To get the valid data, the researcher must use several

techniques of collecting the data and is also supported by the

research instrument that will help the researcher to collect the

valid and systhematic data. Here, the researcher will describe

how the researcher collects the data and the related intruments

that support the researcher in collecting the data.

1. The Research Instrument

The process of collecting the data, the researcher also

used some additional instruments to obtain the systhematic

data. The researcher used the theory for the analyzing lesson

plan elements based on Ministerial Regulation No. 65 Year


2. Procedure

The data collection steps involve (a) setting the boundaries

for the research, (b) collecting the information, (c) collecting

the information through observations, interview, documents

and visual materials, and (c) esthablishing the protocol for

recording information (Creswell, 2009: 178). From the

explanation above, the technique which researcher used in

this research is as follows :


a. Interview

The interview is a flexible tool for data collection,

enabling multi-sensory channels to be used : verbal, non-

verbal, spoken and heard (Cohen, 2007: 349).

Moloeng (2002:135) said that interview is a

conversation with certain purposes which is done by two

parties, the interviewer and intervewee. Additionally, Schunk

explained that interviewis the situation in which interviewer

ask some questions or problems to discuss and the

interviewer gives responses orally. Kothari (2004: 97) stated

that the interview methodofthe collecting data includes

showing of oral-verbal stimulation and reply in terms of oral-

verbal responses.

In this research, the interview was conducted to gain

information on the difficulties in designing lesson plan.

Semi-structured interviews. Some questions were adapted

from Professor Dr. Marsigit, MA (2015) and modified by the

researcher by adding some questions required to gather the

data needed. Before the interview, the teacher was given a

list of questions to be covered. The interviews were done by

asking questions orally, speaking in Bahasa Indonesia to

give the English teachers unlimited answer.


b. Document Analysis

Teacher’s lesson plan would be collected in this

research. Lesson plan would be analyzed using checklist in

accordance with its elements as stipulated by Ministerial

Regulation No. 65/2013, i.e. indicators, learning objectives,

learning materials, teaching method, teaching media, learning

sources, learning activities, and assessment. The table

checklist for analyzing lesson plan elements would stated in

Table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Checklist for Analyzing Lesson Plan Elements based on 2013

Curriculum as stipulated by Ministerial Regulation No.65/2013

Lesson Plan Elements Lesson Plan

Available Not available



Learning Material

Teaching Mehods

Learning Activities

- Pre activity

- Main activity

- Post activity


E. Technique of Data Trusthworthiness

In analyzing the data, the researcher also needs to

check and analyze the validity of the data resource to get the

validity of the data. The researcher must use the relevant

technique of data analysis to check the data validation of a data

scientifically and responsibly. In this case, the researcher used

the triangulation for testing the validity of the data.

Triangulation is a technique of data analysis which is

benefited something out of data itself in order to check the result

of data or as a data comparer ( Moloeng, 2001:178). This

assumption is supported by Denzin (2000:391), he states that :

a. Data Triangulation : The use of variety of data source in a


b. Investigator triangulation : using several different

researchers or evaluator.

c. Theory triangualation : using multiple methods to study a

seingle sent of data.

d. Methodological triangulation : using multiple methods to

study a single problem.

In this research, the researcher uses data source

triangulation. Source triangulation is used to compare and

recheck the validation of the information. Whereas,

triangulation method means that in checking the data


validation of the problem, researcher has to compare some

method of collecting data (interview and documentation)

which is the data collection is in the same place and portion.

The sources of the data are the English teachers in SMP Al-

Islam 1 Surakarta.

F. The Data Analysis

As the interviews have been conducted and audio-taped,

the next step to do is analyzing the data. In this study, the data

obtained from the interview with the teachers and document. The

data will be analyzed using qualitative method.

To analyze the data, the researcher used the Ministerial

Regulation Number 65 Year 2013. The elements that have to be

analyze in lesson plan were limited from six elements.

In analyzing the data, the writer employs the interactive

model by Miles and Huberman (1994:12) which divides the data

analysis procedures into three steps; data reduction, data display

and drawing conclusion and interpretation. The data analysis

begins as the observation conducted, and keeps on going during

the whole study. The process can be seen in the following picture



Reduction Conclusion :

Figure 3.3. Components of Data Analysis: Interactive Model (Miles

and Huberman, 1994:12)

a. Data Reduction

Data reduction is an activity summarizing, electing

subject matter, focusing in things which are important, and

looking for themes and patterns.

b. Data Display

According to Miles and Huberman, data display is set

of strustured information and gives the possibility of drawing

conclusions and taking action.

c. Conclusion Drawing/Verifying

Conclusion drawing/verifying is an activity of

formulating research resultthat answer the focus on the

research based on data analysis result. Conclusion are


presented in the descriptive form of the research object based

on the research study.



A. Research Finding

The research finding consist of the description of the data that was

found in research field includes three parts. The first part is the

difficulties faced by teacher 1. The second part is the difficulties faced

by teacher 2. The three part is the difficulties faced by teacher 3.

1. Difficulties in designing lesson plan faced by Teacher 1 based on

2013 Curriculum

Based on the interview and document analysis, the researcher

found the teachers’ difficulties in designing lesson plan based on

2013 Curriculum. The finding will be explained below:

a. Difficulties in Designing Lesson Plan

The difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013

Curriculum includes indicator, objective, learning material,

teaching method, learning activities and assessment. There are

related to the Ministerial Regulation No. 65 Year 2013 in the

components of lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum.

1) The Result of Interview

Based on the interview with the Teacher 1 which held

on Tuesday, May 30th 2017. The teacher 1 as the English

teacher who teach in seventh grade students, said that:


Kadang-kadang saya bingung. Jadi kadang ini

permendikbud no berapa. Sampe bingung bahkan sampe
ga tau. Kayak kemarin itu buatnya kan pake KI atau apa
trus semester 2 ada guru sini yang ikut PL. PL apa ya
mba saya lupa. Pokoknya itu. Jadi pake agama. Itu
ternyata ada perbedaan tujuannya ga dicantumkan. Nah
sekarang balik lagi kayak kemarin. Jadi Cuma satu
semester ini yang diganti ini saya belum buat.

The statement above means the Teacher 1 does not have a

lot of information about the changing that happens in

designing lesson plan. The teacher 1 heard the unclear

information and make her confused. So, the Teacher 1 does

not have deep information about component or format

changing in lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum. From the

statements above, the researcher develope the question to

getthe detail information.

Researcher : Bagaimanakah Ibu mengembangkan

indikator dalam RPP Ibu? Kemudian menurut ibu ,
tujuan dari penyusunan indikator pencapaian
kompetensi dasar sendiri itu apa? Apakah Ibu
menemukan kesulitan dalam mengembangkan indikator
dalam RPP?
Teacher 1 : Indikator itu saya kembangkan dari
operational verb-nya, kalo tujuannya untuk apa ya mba.
Maksudnya, saya bingung. Kalo kesulitan ya kadang-
kadang menemukan buat milih kata yang tepat untuk
dipakai .
The English teacher said that she got difficulties when was

developing the indicator. Especially, when the teacher has to match

the “operational verb” which fits with the material. From the

teacher’s answer above, it is indicated that the teachers confuse and

do not know understand what is the indicator.

Researcher : Dalam aktivitas pembelajaran inti

berkaitan dengan material dan media. Bagaimanakah
ibu mengembangkan hal tersebut?. Apakah Ibu
menemukan kesulitan dalam mengembangkan aktivitas
pembelajaran inti, dalam memilih media yang tepat dan
mengembangkan bahan materi?
Teacher 1 : Pembelajaran inti ya materi yang mau
disampaikan dalam hari itu.Ya itu ya saya kembangkan
menurut Scientific Approah. Ya, sering terutama dalam
apa ya . Saya kan pembelajaran pertama kan observing,
menanya, mengumpulkan data, menganalisa . Ya itu
kadang-kadang anak-anak ga bisa. Mengarahkan kita
sulit gitu hlo, biasanya dibuat kelompok ya sebelum
presentasi.Jadi untuk mengembangkannya kita bingung,
harus berpikir lebih karena kondisi anak kadang
responnya beda-beda. Memilih materi ya kan sudah ada
buku siswa , ya sudah sesuai itu saja. Tapi materinya
kurang variatif jadi membuat saya bingung. Perlu
pengembangan sendiri.
From the statement above, the fact of implementation the

2013 Curriculum sometimes does not appropriate with the lesson

plan that has been created by the teacher. The implementing is

adaptable from the condition of the students in the class during the

teaching-learning process not match with the lesson plan. The

teacher just follows the textbook of the student’s book 2013

Curriculum. As in teaching materials and learning activities. The

teacher consider that learning material was incomplete and the

teacher should improve the material by herself.

Researcher : Untuk penilaian dalam kurikulum

2013, bagaimanakah Ibu mengembangkan instrumen

penilaian ibu dan apakah ada kesulitan dalam membuat

instrumen penilaian?
Teacher 1 : Untuk pengetahuan misalnya gitu,
kemampuan, penilaian sikap. Misalnya begitu. Kalo
sikap misalnya keberanian dalam bertanya trus
kesantunan kemudian keberanian mengungkapkan
pendapat misal’e seperti itu. Kalo kesulitan ya aspeknya
banyak siswa banyak hla kita ngajar sambil menilai
mengamati ya sulit. Aspeknya banyak sekali.
From the statement above, the teacher was difficult to make

an assessment because of many aspects that must be considered

when the teacher making student assessments and handled the

number of the students.

The result of the interview with the teacher 1 mentioned that

the teacher have got difficulties in developing the indicator, main

activity, and assessment. The teacher said that indicator that have

some operational verbs and for the languange teaching learning

should have variation. The teacher have to develop the operational

verbs in lesson plan by ownself. The assessment of the lesson plan,

that have so many aspects and make the teacher confuse because the

number of the students is so many too.

2) The Result of Document Analysis

In this research, the researcher analyzed the lesson plan

based on the checklist of 2013 Curriculum as stipulated by

Ministerial Regulation No. 65 Year 2013 which were

checked by the researcher’s advisor and the competent


english lecturer. The lesson plan match with the component

of 2013 Curriculum. The component lesson plan by Teacher

1 includes identity of lesson plan, indicator, objectives,

learning material, learning activities, and assessment.

In developing the indicator, the Teacher 1 was used

the suitable operational verbs wuth the competencies that

want to be measured, but the monotonous operational verbs

because all of the operational verbs use

“identified/mengidentifikasi” to explain the achievement in

indicator. For the numbering, to develop the indicator has

little bit mistakes that in basic competence written 4.7 but on

the indicator is written 4.1.1. See on the appendix 8 page


Another component of the lesson plan, it is about the

teaching method. The lesson plan’s Teacher 1 does not

mention about scientific approach without explaining the

specific method. See on the appendix.

b. The Teacher 1’s solving the difficulties in designing lesson

plan based on 2013 Curriculum

Based on the interview with the teacher 1 who teach in

seven grade students, the teacher said that :

Researcher : Mengenai kesulitan-kesulitan yang di

alami, Bu. Solusi yang biasa Ibu lakukan untuk
meminimalkan kesulitan tersebut dalam membuat RPP
K13 itu , misal apa bu?

Teacher 1 :Ya kalo saya lebih suka tanya ya sama teman

sejawat, yang sama-sama bahasa Inggris. Atau juga
buka modul, buku-buku kemarin, atau yang diberikan
dari kurikulum. Disekolah kita juga ada IHT tiap 3 bulan
sekali. Itu program dari kurikulum juga untuk media
sharing antar guru.
Based on the interview above, the Teacher 1 try to open the

previous modul or books that related to the difficulties that her faced

when designing lesson plan. Another way, that she always getting

sharing with the other teachers on IHT (In House Training) program.

2. Difficulties in designing lesson plan faced by Teacher 2 based

on 2013 Curriculum

Based on the interview and document analysis, the researcher

found the teachers’ difficulties in designing lesson plan based on

2013 Curriculum. The finding will be explained below:

a. Difficulties in Designing Lesson Plan

The difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013

Curriculum includes indicator, objective, learning material,

teaching method, learning activities and assessment. There

are related to the Ministerial Regulation No. 65 Year 2013 in

the components of lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum.

1) The Result of Interview

Based on the interview with the Teacher 2 which held

on Monday, May 22nd 2017. The teacher 1 as the English

teacher who teach in eighth grade students, said that:


Penilaian dalam kurikulum 2013 itu rumit sekali.

Komponen-komponennya kan banyak sekali,bahkan
pada waktu awal-awal dulu itu guru itu ibarat’e
memperhatikan murid sama memperhatikan komponen
penilaian lebih rumit.Dulu waktu awal-awal saya
sering diikutkan pelatihan tetapi kadang pemateri juga
seperti belum siap. Ya mungkin karena yang membuat
dari pusat itu setingkat rektor gitu ya, kurang
memahami keadaan di lapangan sebenarnya
bagaimana.Kalo saya menilainya yang simple , kalo
anaknya baik, sholeh sholeha sudah saya kasih nilai
From the statement above, that the Teacher 2has got

difficulty in developing assessment about the 2013 Curriculum. As

the previously informant, assessment of the 2013 Curriculum has so

many aspects or components that have arranged and understood by

the teacher. The aspects of assessments based on 2013 curriculum

include attitude, knowledge, and ability. The subjectivity of the

teacher when arranged the assessment was also real.

Dalam aktivitas pembelajaran inti yang kita kan sekarang

pake yang namanya Scientific Approach . Nah itu kadang
kita ya bingung mencocokkan. Karena ini kan pembelajaran
bahasa.. Bahasa kan Kaya sekali, materi sedikit bisa
kemana-mana. Kan ada yang pertama mengamati, observasi,
kemudian questionning. Nah untuk questionning menurut
saya itu bukan gurunya yang bertanya kalo menurut K13 tapi
siswanya yang apa bertanya. Jadi memancing siswa untuk
bertanya itu sulit banget.Selain itu harus pilih pendekatan
yang tepat. Di K13 ada tiga pendekatan metapi untuk guru,
guru bahasa inggris lebih dari itu.
From the statement above the teacher got difficulty in

developing main activity especially in the questioning. The teacher

should have a strategy to make the students are active in the class.

2) The Result of Document Analysis

In this research, the researcher analyzed the lesson plan

based on the checklist of 2013 Curriculum as stipulated by

Ministerial Regulation No. 65 Year 2013 which were

checked by the researcher’s advisor and the competent

english lecturer. The lesson plan match with the component

of 2013 Curriculum. The component lesson plan by Teacher

2 includes identity of lesson plan, indicator, objectives,

learning material, learning activities, and assessment.

An identity of the lesson plan by Teacher 2 does not

written about the theme of the lesson and there is no

objectives in her lesson plan. Another shortage of the

Teacher 2’s lesson plan about time allocation in learning

activities is mentioned two meetings but the teacher just

mention and explaining the material in one meeting one the

teaching learning activities.

b. The Teacher 2’s solving the difficulties in designing lesson plan

based on 2013 Curriculum

Based on the interview with the Teacher 2 about how the

teachers’ solve the difficulties in designing lesson plan. The teacher

2 said that to solve the difficulties when designed the lesson plan,

she got always follow the IHT (In House Training) that held in

every third months, Rakor (Rapat Koordinasi) in once a month and


sharing with the other English teacher in a special English Day for

English teacher in Tuesday in every week. Another condition that

she also finds in the internet, books, youtube, and additional


3. Difficulties in designing lesson plan faced by Teacher 3 based

on 2013 Curriculum

Based on the interview and document analysis, the researcher

found the teachers’ difficulties in designing lesson plan based on

2013 Curriculum. The finding will be explained below:

a. Difficulties in Designing Lesson Plan

The difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013

Curriculum includes indicator, objective, learning material,

teaching method, learning activities and assessment. There

are related to the Ministerial Regulation No. 65 Year 2013 in

the components of lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum.

1) The Result of Interview

Based on the interview with the Teacher 2 which held

on Wednesday, May 24th 2017. The teacher 1 as the

English teacher who teach in eighth grade students, said


kesulitan-kesulitannya itu perubahan-perubahan

kemudian kadang-kadang kita belum banyak diberikan
latihan-latihan seperti indikator ini tadi ya. Kadang-
kadang kita sulit menghapalkan kata-kata yang harus
atau yang tepat dipakai terutama untuk bahasa ini. Apa

namanya bahasa jadi harus menggunakan berbagai

macam variasi kalimat agar betul-betul sinkron dengan
kompetensi dasar. Jadi mem-breakdown dari
kompetensi dasar ke indikator itu sulit ya.
The statement above explained that the teacher got

difficulties in developing indicator. Similar with the

previously statement that the indicator needs some

operational verbs for describing what the achievement

that have reached by the students.

Pendekatan kalo dulu kan Kurikulum 2013 5M mulai

dari observasi kemudian bertanya nanti mengasosiasi
mengmpulkan data kemudian menganalisa data
kemudian mengkomunikasikan. Nah itu kan kalo di
mata pelajaran sains sangat tepat tapi untuk
menerapkan itu di mata pelajaran bahasa seperti kita
ini memang kadang-kadang agak sulit untuk
Based on The Minister Regulation No. 81A Year of

2013 , enclosure IV teaching-learning process consist of five

learning experience, there are: Observing, Questionning,

Collecting the information, Associating, and

Communicating. Concept of Scientific approach is used in

2013 curriculum as scientific process to think in teaching-

learning process. From the statement above, it can be

concluded that the teacher was difficult in developing main

activity (especially choosing the teaching method), when the

teacher matched the material to the activities in teaching-

learning process.

Penilaian itu kalo test tulis ya tinggal pembobotannya

saja kadang-kadang yang sulit itu yang membuat
instrumen penilaiannya terutama ditest lisan.
Penampilan 25, fluency 25, intonation 25, grammar 25.
Kadang kita untuk menentukan detailnya agak
susah.Selain itu juga sulit untuk
Based on the statements above,the teacher said that the

assessment of 2013 curriculum make the teacher is confused

to apply. The teacher found some difficulties in the

implementation and do not understand it very well.

2) The Result of Document Analysis

In this research, the researcher analyzed the lesson

plan based on the checklist of 2013 Curriculum as

stipulated by Ministerial Regulation No. 65 Year 2013

which were checked by the researcher’s advisor and the

competent english lecturer. The lesson plan match with

the component of 2013 Curriculum. The component

lesson plan by Teacher 2 includes identity of lesson plan,

indicator, objectives, learning material, learning

activities, and assessment.

Based on the Teacher 3’s lesson plan, the assessment

had less information about how to appraise the students.

It is only mentioned about assessment knpwledge and

skill without rubrics or no enclosure assessment.


b. The Teacher 3’s solving the difficulties in designing lesson

plan based on 2013 Curriculum

Based on the interview with the Teacher 3 about how the

teachers’ solve the difficulties in designing lesson plan. The

Teacher 3 said that to solve the difficulties, that the school has a

program from curriculum division, IHT (In House Training). In

House Training is the program to increase the human resource

of the teacher. In HouseTraining basically is held five times in a

year. See on the Appendix 07.

Another program is Rakor (Rapat Koordinasi) that usually

scheduled once a months. As a teacher, the teacher has to learn

never stop trying the new knowledge and open minded for every

science development.

B. Discussion

The lesson plan designed by the English teacher met the

requirements of the 2013 Curriculum. The English teacher had

consisted of seven components were discussed based on lesson plans

components determined by Minister of National Education Regulation

No. 65 Year 2013 and their connection to meet the requirements of

2013 Curriculum. It could be inffered that they were seven prime

components of 2013 Curriculum lesson plans that already written in the

lesson plan. They were indicator of identity, indicator, objective,

learning material, teaching method, learning activities, assessment. In


discussion, the researcher discusses some main point of the research

findings concerning with the teachers’ difficulties in designing lesson

plan based on 2013 Curriculum in SMP Al-Islam 1Surakarta in the

academic year 2016/2017.

1. The difficulties in designing lesson plan

Based on the literature review, the component of lesson plan

based on 2013 Curriculum are identity, indicator, objective, learning

material, teaching method, learning activities, and assessment.

a. The difficulties in designing identity

1) Teacher 1

Based on the Ministerial Regulation of Education

Number 65 Year 2013, the components of identity in 2013

lesson plan consist of name of institution, subject,

class/semester, theme, and time allocation. The Teacher 1 is

completely to mention the components appropriate with the

format of 2013 lesson plan. It means that the teacher did not

have difficulties in stating identity of the lesson plan based

on 2013 Curriculum.

2) Teacher 2

Based on the documentation, the teacher 2 made the

identity of the lesson plan did not match with the Ministerial

Regulation Number 65 Year 2013. The teacher did not

mention the theme of the lesson plan. It is just mention the


subject of the lesson plan without the spesific theme of the


3) Teacher 3

The teacher 3 is mention the identity of lesson plan

based on Ministerial Regulation Number 65 Year 2013.

Based on the documentation, the identity completely mention

are the name of institution, subject, class/semester, theme and

time allocation. Based on the document analysis the teacher

did not have any difficulties in stating identity of the lesson

plan based on 2013 Curriculum.

b. The difficulties in designing indicator

1) Teacher 1

Supposedly, the indicators of standard competence

achievement formulated in the lesson plan were suitable with

main competence and basic competence. They were also line

with kowledge, attitude, and skill aspects. In additional, the

operational verbs used were suitable with the competences

that wanted to be measured. Moreover, they were developed

for basic competence in all main competence 1,2,3, and 4.

Based on the interview, the teacher 1 has difficulties

in designing indicator. The spesific difficulty in using the

appropriate operational verb to design the indicator. That is

line with the previous study that used by the researcher from

Miftah Farid (2014) skripsi. Some operational verbs that can

be used in indicator of standard competence such as,

mentions, writes, choose, verifies, etc (Mulyasa, 2011). That

is the difficulty in designing indicator considered the using

operational verbs,charactheristic of the students, and school


2) Teacher 2

Based on the interview and documentation, the

teacher 2 claimed that with no difficulty when designing

indicator. The teacher 2, this far design the lesson plan

considered the syllabus and develop it appropriate with the

own comprehension.

3) Teacher 3

The teacher 3 claimed that the difficulty in designing

indicator is choosing the right operational verbs that matches

with the basic competence. The teacher feel confused and

difficulty to memorize the operational verbs when start

designing the lesson plan. Some operational verbs that can be

used in indicator of standard competence such as, mentions,

writes, choose, verifies, etc (Mulyasa, 2011). But, the

teacher 3 claimed always used the usual operational verb.


c. The difficulties in designing objectives

Objectives are explicit description of what students will be

able to do instead of what teachers are going to do as result of

the instructional they received. Based on the interview and

document analysis, all teacher does not have difficulties in

developing objectives.

d. The difficulties of learning material

1) Teacher 1

Based on the interview, the teacher had some

difficulties about instruction material included there was not

variation material in 2013 Curriculum. The material that was

delivered often was not appropriate to the planning and make

the low students’ response to the material that was explained

by the teacher.

2) Teacher 2

The teacher 2 had difficulties explain the material

was appropriate to the time allocation. Based on the

interview, the teacher sometimes adding the material from

aunthetic materials such as magazine, recordings, videos,

also newspaper and internet articles. It is because there was

less variation material. This practice is line with the Decree

of Minister National Education Number 41 Year 2007.


3) Teacher 3

The teacher 3 explained that does not difficult in

developing material. The teacher 3 used the students’ book

and follow the rule of the book in explaining material.

e. The difficulties in teaching method

All teachers had same difficulties in choosing right method

that to be used in teaching-learning process. The choosing

method will be line with the learning activities. The teacher used

the method that was appropriate for the 2013 Curriculum. The

teachers used project based learning, problem based learning,

and discovery learning. In describing in the lesson plan, the

teacher confused to match the method with students’ condition

and class condition.

f. The difficulties of learning activities

In selecting the learning activities, the English teachers had

difficulties in appliying scientific approach (5M) especially in

determining and classifying the activities in the met the

requirements of 2013 Curriculum scientific approach stage in

proportional time. They had also difficulties in connecting the

activities to the real life. In addition they had difficulties in

questionning stage especially in engaging students to get

involved in giving question.


g. The difficulties in assessment

In selecting assessment, the English teachers had difficulties

in esthablishing technique of aunthentic assessment, such as oral

assessment, written assessment, portfolio, etc. There were many

assessment in aunthentic assessment that had to be analyzed.

There were cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude),

psychomotor (skill) aspects. Most of the English teachers had

difficulties in making assessment and their detail rubric. It is

concern with the Jasmi’s journal in TEFLIN UNS 2014 that

explained the teacher confused in determining assessment

because there were so many aspects which had to assessed based

on 2013 Curriculum.

Based on the explained above, that is conclude the teachers

did not have difficulties in stating identity and objectives, but the

teachers got some difficulties in stating indicator, developing the

learning material, choosing the appropriate method, and the

making assessment procedure.

2. The Teachers solve the difficulties in designing lesson plan based

on 2013 Curriculum

There are several activities that is done by the teachers to

solve their difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013


Based on the interview, the problem solving the English

teachers in designing lesson plan are the Curriculum division

doing the program called IHT (In House Training) to develop the

human resource of the teachers in that school. In House Training

is done every three months in a year, it is a program to contain the

teacher to discuss, sharing and tell the new knowledge about the

development of the curriculum. The instructor in this program is

the teacher who is teach in this school also, usually the teacher

that follow the seminar or workshop in national level and then

share the information by In House Training.

Another program is MGMP’s (Musyawarah Guru Mata

Pelajaran) day that is divide appropriate with the subject, for

english in the school usually doing in Tuesday. Some Program

that also is done by the Curriculum division is Rakor (Rapat

Koordinasi), this program also to contain the teacher to discuss

and sharing about the new knowledge.

Based on the explained above, the problem solving is done in

that school by IHT (In House Training), MGMP’s day, Rakor

(Rapat Koordinasi), and the teachers’ activities to solve the own

difficulties such as browsing from the internet, opening the

previous modul, and sharing with the others teacher.



A. Conclusions.

There are some difficulties in designing lesson plan based on

2013 Curriculum by the teachers in SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta.

The difficulties are that : (a) The stating indicators concern with

the choosing appropriate operational verbs, (b) developing the

learning material, the material that using the student’s book from

the government is proportion less in material, it means that less

variation, (c) Choosing the appropriate teaching method in

learning activities, and (d) The procedure of assessment in 2013


As the solutions to overcome the difficulties, the teachers

should more be close to the students then, it is related to the

students’ need and student interest, attended the workshop, joined

the seminar of the 2013 curriculum, discussed with the teacher

who had the same field, attended In House Training in school,

attended MGMP, and learned from journal, books and internet.

B. Suggestion

After conducting the research, the researcher would recommend

some suggestions :


1. For English Teacher

It suggested that the teacher should revise the shortages and

improve they knowledge and skills about the 2013 lesson plan.

Especially related to developing a systematic and good lesson

plan based on 2013 Curriculum, standard process and standard

content. The teacher should pay attention on several things

which were still in the problems related to the lesson plan

develop;determine the indicator, learning activities, teaching

method, and assessment. It is also suggested that the teacher

should utilize time effectively so the teacher can prepare the

lesson plan appropriately to the student’s needs and interest.

2. For Ministry of National Education and Culture

It is suggested that the government should facilitate the

teachers to udeep understand and could implemented the 2013

Curriculum well. The Government can conduct workshop related

to 2013 Curriculum in rural location.

3. For Readers

It is suggested that the reader to increase about the new

curriculum to always up to date the information and can give the

suggestion to the next researcher. It is suggested that next

researcher with more specific analysis on the lesson plan

involving several or many participants as well as accompanied


by its implementation in the classroom are needed in order to be

able to make generalization.


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