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OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual


XRIO Converter

AREVA MiCOMho P443 and P445

User Manual


© OMICRON electronics GmbH 1/13

OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual


1 General Information ..................................................................................................................................3

2 Quick Start Information ............................................................................................................................3
3 Using the Converter..................................................................................................................................4
4 Required Software Version ......................................................................................................................4
5 Functional Range ......................................................................................................................................4
6 Not Supported Functions .........................................................................................................................5
7 OMICRON Test Strategy ...........................................................................................................................5
8 Converter Structure ..................................................................................................................................6
8.1 AREVA P443 P445 Section .................................................................................................................6
8.1.1 Relay Parameter Section Block......................................................................................................6
8.1.2 Additional Information.....................................................................................................................6
8.1.3 Template Controller (Advanced view) ............................................................................................7
8.1.4 RIOPlus (Advanced view)...............................................................................................................8 NamePlate...............................................................................................................................8 ProtectedObject ......................................................................................................................8 PowerSystemParameters .......................................................................................................8 DistanceProtection ..................................................................................................................8 SwitchOnToFaultFunction.......................................................................................................9 OvercurrentProtection (Main CT) ............................................................................................9
8.2 RIO .....................................................................................................................................................10
8.2.1 Distance........................................................................................................................................10
8.2.2 Phase Overcurrent .......................................................................................................................10
8.2.3 Earth Fault ....................................................................................................................................10
8.3 Activating the RIO functions ...............................................................................................................11
8.4 Specific Features................................................................................................................................11
8.4.1 Not-Supported Parameters...........................................................................................................11
8.4.2 Loop Impedances for phase to ground distance zones ...............................................................11
8.4.3 Mho dynamic expansion...............................................................................................................12
8.4.4 Quadrilateral phase resistive reaches ..........................................................................................12
8.4.5 Phase Overcurrent Forward/Reverse testing ...............................................................................12
8.4.6 Earth Fault Forward/Reverse testing............................................................................................12
8.4.7 Handling the Binary String Value .................................................................................................12

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OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual

1 General Information
The AREVA P443 P445 XRIO converter is designed for testing AREVA MiCOMho P44y (P443 and P445)
distance protection relays by using the OMICRON Test Universe 2.22 software. The converter provides all
necessary data for testing the distance, phase overcurrent and earth fault overcurrent protection functions
of the MiCOMho P44y relays.

Note: The abbreviation P44y is always used for P443 or P445 relays. It is never used for P441, P442 or
P444 relays, as they differ too much from the above named.

The converter was tested with the following relay:

• AREVA MiCOMho P443
• Catalog number: P443217A4B0200G

Note: This converter was tested with the relay described above. It will also work with AREVA P445
distance protection relays. However, be aware that the P445 relays have less functionality than the P443
relays (e.g. only Mho characteristic for Distance phase zones). In this case, set the additional parameters
accordingly. See the relay documentation for more information.

2 Quick Start Information

To work with the AREVA P44y XRIO converter:
1. Start a new OMICRON Control Center (OCC) document or open an existing OCC document.
2. Insert a new test object or open the existing test object.
3. On the File menu, click Import.
4. Browse to the "AREVA P443 P445 ENU TU2.22" file.
5. Click Open.
6. Enter all necessary settings in the Relay Parameter Section.
7. Click OK.

Figure 1: Opening and importing the AREVA P44y XRIO converter

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OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual

3 Using the Converter

The AREVA P44y XRIO converter can be used as a stand-alone converter or in association with a relay
specific test template, for example with the OMICRON Distance Protection template for the AREVA P44y
In any way the converter is used, follow the quick start instructions and create your test by using
LinkToXRIO or start using the relay specific test template (for more information, see the test template

4 Required Software Version

To use this converter, you must have a valid license for the OMICRON Test Universe 2.22 software or

5 Functional Range
The AREVA P44y XRIO converter implements the following functions:
• 21P/21G Distance protection (Mho and Quad)
• 50/27 Switch on to Fault
• 50/51/67 Phase overcurrent
• 50N/51N/67N Earth/ground overcurrent

Figure 2: Functional range of the AREVA P44y XRIO converter

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OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual

Some of the functions listed above use the RIO interface of the Test Universe software. Consequently, the
test modules are configured automatically without using LinkToXRIO.
The following functions are using the RIO interface:
• 21P/21G Distance protection (Mho and Quad)
• 50/51/67 Phase overcurrent
• 50N/51N/67N Earth/ground overcurrent

For testing the other functions, you must use LinkToXRIO.

6 Not Supported Functions

The following functions are currently not supported:
• Setting the group change options
• Directional Earth Fault (DEF) unit protection
• Delta directional comparison
• 85 Communication-aided schemes
• 67/46 Negative Sequence overcurrent
• 46BC Broken conductor
• 59N Residual voltage protection
• 49 Thermal overload
• 68 Power Swing Blocking
• 78 Out of Step Tripping
• 27/59 Voltage protection
• 50BF CB Fail
• Current and Voltage transformer Supervision (CTS / VTS)
• 79 Autoreclose
• 25 Check synchronism

Although these functions are not supported, their setting values are available in the Relay Parameter

7 OMICRON Test Strategy

The OMICRON test strategy is described in the OMICRON Protection Test Template (PTT) Distance
Protection documentation. For detailed information, see the PTT Distance Protection documentation for
the AREVA P443 and P445.

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OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual

8 Converter Structure
The converter is divided into two sections: the AREVA P443 P445 section and the RIO section. Both
sections consist of several function blocks.

8.1 AREVA P443 P445 Section

The Relay Parameter Section includes parameters which can be changed by the user. All relay
parameters are included in this section and can be set to the actual relay values.

8.1.1 Relay Parameter Section Block

Setting parameters are included in this block. The parameters are grouped and named as in the AREVA
MiCOM S1 Studio Version 3.0.0 software. Each parameter in this block can be identified by its Parameter
Name or Foreign ID, which is identical to the parameter Name and Address (C.R), respectively, in the
MiCOM S1 Studio software.

Figure 3: Setting the parameters in the Relay Parameter Section

8.1.2 Additional Information

This block has been added for relay specific parameters such as tolerances which cannot be set by the
user, because they are constant values. All values set in this block can be found in the chapter "Technical
Data" of the relay's documentation. Typically, these blocks do not have to be changed (except the
General and Circuit Breaker Information blocks), as they are already set to the values given in the user
manual of the relay.

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OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual

Figure 4: Setting general information

The parameters contained in the General Information block are linked to the device part of the RIO
section and are available in the test report.

8.1.3 Template Controller (Advanced view)

The Template Controller block contains special values which are needed for some tests, especially for
tests by using LinkToXRIO. These are mainly calculated values which cannot be calculated by using
LinkToXRIO and therefore have to be stored in this section. Other values needed for customer designed
tests can be stored in this block.

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OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual

8.1.4 RIOPlus (Advanced view)

The RIOplus block contains the interface, which provides the link between the XRIO converter and all test
modules which have no access to RIO functions. All tests using basic test modules like Ramping or State
Sequencer have to be linked to the parameters in the RIOplus section of the converter. NamePlate
The NamePlate block contains all necessary information to identify the protection device to be tested. This
block contains the relay vendor, serial number, model, the relay location and a description. ProtectedObject
The Protected Object block contains the positive sequence line impedance value. PowerSystemParameters
The number of phases, phase rotation and the nominal frequency are stored in this block. DistanceProtection
This block contains all data necessary to test the Phase and Ground Distance protection function and the
Load Blinder function of the relay. The nominal values and CT/VT settings used by this protection function
can be found here. All distance and load blinder zones are modeled as sub blocks of the
DistanceProtection\ImpedanceZoneElements block. Each zone sub block stores information about the
reactive and resistive zone reach, the grounding factor, the trip time and characteristic shape of the
modeled distance zone. The following distance protection and load blinder zones are modeled in the
DistanceProtection block:
• MhoPhaseZone1: Zone 1 (Mho) of the Phase Distance protection function
• MhoPhaseZone2: Zone 2 (Mho) of the Phase Distance protection function
• MhoPhaseZone3: Zone 3 (Mho) of the Phase Distance protection function
• MhoPhaseZoneP: Zone P (Mho) of the Phase Distance protection function
• MhoPhaseZone4: Zone 4 (Mho) of the Phase Distance protection function
• MhoPhaseZone1X: Zone 1 Extended (Mho) of the Phase Distance protection function
• MhoGroundZone1: Zone 1 (Mho) of the Ground Distance protection function
• MhoGroundZone2: Zone 2 (Mho) of the Ground Distance protection function
• MhoGroundZone3: Zone 3 (Mho) of the Ground Distance protection function
• MhoGroundZoneP: Zone P (Mho) of the Ground Distance protection function
• MhoGroundZone4: Zone 4 (Mho) of the Ground Distance protection function
• MhoGroundZone1X: Zone 1 Extended (Mho) of the Ground Distance protection function
• QuadPhaseZone1: Zone 1 (Quad) of the Phase Distance protection function
• QuadPhaseZone2: Zone 2 (Quad) of the Phase Distance protection function
• QuadPhaseZone3: Zone 3 (Quad) of the Phase Distance protection function
• QuadPhaseZoneP: Zone P (Quad) of the Phase Distance protection function
• QuadPhaseZone4: Zone 4 (Quad) of the Phase Distance protection function
• QuadPhaseZone1X: Zone 1 Extended (Quad) of the Phase Distance protection function
• QuadGroundZone1: Zone 1 (Quad) of the Ground Distance protection function
• QuadGroundZone2: Zone 2 (Quad) of the Ground Distance protection function
• QuadGroundZone3: Zone 3 (Quad) of the Ground Distance protection function
• QuadGroundZoneP: Zone P (Quad) of the Ground Distance protection function
• QuadGroundZone4: Zone 4 (Quad) of the Ground Distance protection function
• QuadGroundZone1X: Zone 1 Extended (Quad) of the Ground Distance protection function

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OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual

• LoadBlinderFwd: Positive sector of the Load Blinder function

• LoadBlinderRev: Negative sector of the Load Blinder function

The directional element supervising the distance protection function of the P44y relay is modeled as sub
block of the DistanceProtection\DirectionalElements block.

The minimum current sensitivities for the tripping zones are stored in the sub blocks of the
DistanceProtection\StartingElements block. SwitchOnToFaultFunction
This block contains all necessary data to test the switch on to fault protection function. The nominal values
and the CT/VT settings used by this protection function can be found here. The main setting parameters
of the switch on to fault are:
• SOTF Delay
• TOC Reset Delay
These main setting parameters are stored in the SwitchOnToFaultElement1 of the
SwitchOnToFaultElements block, as pre-fault states under the TestCondition block. OvercurrentProtection (Main CT)

This block contains all necessary data to test the overcurrent protection functions (phase overcurrent and
Earth-Fault). These functions are based on the evaluation of the phase currents (Main CT). The nominal
values and CT/VT settings, used by these protection functions, can be found here. All overcurrent stages
are modeled as sub blocks of the OvercurrentElements block. Each function sub block stores information
about the supervised current, pickup value, pickup-drop off ratio, operating time, operating/reset curve
types and directional element of the modeled protection function. The modeled functions in this block are:
• 50/51/67 Phase overcurrent stages
• 50N/51N/67N Earth/ground overcurrent stages

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OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual

8.2 RIO
The RIO section of the converter contains all specialized RIO functions which are needed to use the more
specialized test modules (like Advanced Distance or Overcurrent) provided by the OMICRON Test
Universe software.

Warning: Do not change any values in this section. The values have been set using the relay settings of
the Relay Parameter Section.

Note: Do not activate the former test object view in the advanced mode of the XRIO test object. Changing
parameters in this view may disable formulas in the RIO section.

8.2.1 Distance
This RIO function provides all necessary values for testing the Phase Distance, Ground Distance and
Load Blinder functions with the Advanced Distance test module.

8.2.2 Phase Overcurrent

This RIO function provides all necessary values for testing the phase overcurrent protection function with
the Test Universe Overcurrent test module.

The following RIO functions for testing this protection functions are available:
• Phase Overcurrent Forward direction
• Phase Overcurrent Reverse direction

The AREVA P44y XRIO converter constructs a resulting characteristic curve for each direction of the
phase overcurrent elements. This means that directional and non-directional stages are compared for
forward and reverse direction. The three smaller stages (of each forward and reverse direction) are
combined and the resulting characteristic curve is shown in the correspondent RIO overcurrent function
block. Non-directional stages will be considered for both forward and reverse directions.

8.2.3 Earth Fault

This RIO function provides all necessary values for testing the earth/ground overcurrent protection
function with the Test Universe Overcurrent test module.

The following RIO functions for testing this protection functions are available:
• Earth Fault Forward direction
• Earth Fault Reverse direction

The AREVA P44y XRIO converter constructs a resulting characteristic curve for each direction of the
earth fault elements. This means that directional and non-directional stages are compared for forward and
reverse direction. The three smaller stages (of each forward and reverse direction) are combined and the
resulting characteristic curve is shown in the correspondent RIO overcurrent function block. Non-
directional stages will be considered for both forward and reverse directions.

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OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual

8.3 Activating the RIO functions

The RIO functions have to be set to active manually in each Overcurrent test module if the converter is
used in the stand-alone mode. Activate the corresponding RIO function you intend to use in the local test
object as shown bellow.

Figure 5: Activating a RIO function

8.4 Specific Features

This section deals with special requirements of some of the converter functions. Functions not listed here
have no known limitations to their functionalities.

8.4.1 Not-Supported Parameters

The setting parameter "Load Blinder V<" (31.D6) for the Load Blinder function is not taken in
consideration. For test shots with testing voltages smaller than this parameter, the load blind function is
bypassed. For this reason, try to avoid selection of test shots inside the Load Blinder zone that have
voltage values smaller than this setting.

The converter doesn't support Mutual coupling compensation between two parallel lines. The replica
impedance is not adjusted due to the mutual compensation factor kZm (settings 30.07; 30.08; 30.09 and

8.4.2 Loop Impedances for phase to ground distance zones

The Mho and Quad characteristics for phase to ground faults are modeled as loop impedances. This
means, the residual compensation modifies the replica impedance for each zone. Therefore their shape
and size shown in the impedance plane may differ from what can be expected from the setting values. It is
modeled in this way for two reasons:
a) The grounding factor for Mho zones is calculated by the RIO Distance function differently than the
b) The possibility to set different grounding factors for each zone (Quad or Mho).

© OMICRON electronics GmbH 11/13

OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual

Because of that, the internal calculation by the RIO Distance function is deactivated and the loop
impedances are used instead. Phase to phase zones are not covered by this specialty.

8.4.3 Mho dynamic expansion

The Mho characteristic modeled in the XRIO-converter is only valid for the Test Model selected as
"Constant test current" (ITest). If constant source impedance is set in the test settings of an Advanced
Distance test module, the Mho characteristic is different from the shown characteristic of the impedance
test plane. This happens due to the test voltage and test current dependency of the Mho characteristic
dynamic expansion in the P44y relays.

8.4.4 Quadrilateral phase resistive reaches

As mentioned in the P44y relay documentation, the phase resistive reach setting defines the fault arc
resistance that can be detected for a phase-phase fault. For such a fault, half of the fault resistance
appears in the positive sequence network, and half in the negative sequence network. Since the test
module shows the impedance characteristics in positive sequence terms, the right-hand intercept for
phase to phase faults will be found at half the setting applied (=Rph/2). Phase to ground zones are not
covered by this specialty, since they are shown as loop impedances as explained above.

8.4.5 Phase Overcurrent Forward/Reverse testing

For a successful test with the P44y converter, only one of the phase overcurrent stages in each direction
can have an IDMT characteristic which must have the smallest pickup value. The others must have a
definite time (DT) characteristic.

8.4.6 Earth Fault Forward/Reverse testing

For a successful test with the P44y converter, only one of the earth fault stages in each direction can
have an IDMT characteristic which must have the smallest pickup value. The others must have a definite
time (DT) characteristic.

8.4.7 Handling the Binary String Value

Some setting parameters of the relay can be entered in the MiCOM S1 Studio software using a pop-up
window with multiple selection options. The selection is represented in the parameter as a string of

Figure 6: Binary String parameter in MiCOM S1 Studio

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OMICRON PTL AREVA P443 P445 XRIO Converter User Manual

In the converter, the user must enter these values with the corresponding binary code as a string of zeros
and ones. Pay attention to the number of required bits of each setting value.

Figure 7: Binary String parameter in Converter

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