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Ananthaacharya, the disciple of Ramanujaacharya, was a great

devotee of  Lord Sri Venkateswara. He was instructed by his master,
Ramanujaacharya, to take up the service of  the Lord at the temple in
Tirumala.Anathachaarya was so strict at his work and was devoted to
it. He wanted to do the work by himself. His wife was pregnant, so she
was given smaller parts of work.Once, Anathaacharya wanted to dig a
lake for watering his garden. He used to do the digging work. His wife
used to take the mud away. The Lord is so merciful, he couldnt stand
seeing his devotee working in pain.So,he came to Anantha as a young
boy and told him that he would help him at his wife’s work since it was
difficult for her to work. But Anantha totally refused. So, the boy went to
his wife directly and helped her. She also took his help. One day,
Anantha noticed the boy helping his wife. He got angry and ran after
the boy. He couldnt catch up with the boy. So, in anger he threw a
shovel onto him. It him hard at his chin and he started bleeding. The
boy ran into the temple with his bleeding chin.In the evening, the
temple priests gathered at the temple premises. They seem worried.
Anantha went into the temple and came to know that the Idol in the
temple was bleeding at the chin. Anantha realised his mistake at once
and repented. He started crying at the lord’s feet. He asked the priests
to apply camphor- karpooram, on his chin so that the bleeding would
stop and provide relief to the Lord. Ever since then, the priests of
Tirumala have applied a white camphor to Lord Srinivasa’s chin as a
beauty spot. Then the lord spoke to his devotee that it was all part of
his pastime. To this day, after the Deepavali in Tirumala when Lord
Malayappa , Sridevi & Bhudevi (processional deities) return to
Garbhagruha(inner sanctum sanctorum), While Sridevi & Bhudevi are
taken inside the Garbhagruha, Lord Malayappa is taken anti-clockwise
carrying and running around the Vimana Prakaram and then going into
Garbhagruha. This is called as BHAG SAVARI Utsavam, which is
unique in Tirumala. This depicts the scene where Ananthalwan was
chasing the Lord with a crowbar and Lord as a young boy running and
disappearing into the Garbhagruha.
2.The Idol of Lord Srinivasa in Tirumala was self-manifested. He wasn’t
carved by any sculptor, human or divine. Lord himself chose this most sacred
place in the universe to bless us all from the miseries of Kaliyuga. Discovery
of the deity Lord Venkateswara is an act of divine providence. It is believed
that during the period of 10th Century A.D. to 12th Century A.D., the Lord was
standing in the open sky for hundreds and thousands of years in the jungles
of Venkatachala hills. A huge ant-hill was formed by the ants all over the Idol
of Lord Venkateswara to protect the Lord from the sun, winds and rains.
Being a hilly area with dense forests, it attracted only a few pedestrians to
that place in those days.One day a tribal man reached the place near the
anthill in the process of his hunt. He was waiting for his prey; he heard a
voice from the ant-hill craving for food and water. Astonished tribal hunter
poured in some milk he had with him at the ant-hill. He again reached the
anthill-next day to observe whether the incident repeats next day too. This
time he heard an Akasa Vani (a divine voice from heavens) to feed the ants
every day and he will be benefited all his life. He therefore, started pouring
milk at the ant-hill to feed them every day. But one day, the ant-hill collapsed
and a magnificent deity of Lord Venkateswara uncovered from it. Lucky tribal
man couldn’t believe his eyes to have a darshan of the Almighty. The tribal
man immediately rushed to the tribal king and informed the matter. All the
tribal people reached the spot and offered prayers assuming the deity as Lord
Siva as the tribal people usually worship Lord Siva as their main deity.
Gradually the emergence of the deity from the ant-hill was spread all over
and many devotees started to visit the deity. Shaiviks (followers of Lord Siva)
worshipped the deity as Lord Siva, Vaishnaviks (followers of Lord Vishnu)
worshipped the deity as Lord Maha Vishnu and a few north Indians
worshipped the deity as shakti or Balaji (an incarnation of Goddess Durga)
and the Buddhists worshipped as Gautham Buddha for many years. Sri
Ramanujacharya a great saint and philosopher of those times declared the
Idol was none other than the Lord Sri Maha Vishnu himself.Sri
Ramanujacharya stayed on the hill for some time and initiated many pujas of
the Lord Srinivasa. It is He who has set temple traditions and puja vidhanas
(practices) which are still followed in Tirumala.He said,“Akaasaat Patitam
Toyamyathaa Gacchati Saagaram!!Sarvadeva Namaskaaraha Kesavam
Prathi Gacchati!!”This means, whoever the deity one worships that worship
ultimately reaches only the Kesava, like the water that falls from the sky
reaches the oceans ultimately.
3.Lord Venkateswara made Tirumala his abode five thousands years ago.
Even before him it was Lord Varahaswami who has made Tirumala his
abode. Lord Srinivasa sought a gift of land measuring 100 square feet from
Varahaswami, which he readily granted. As per tradition, one has to first visit
his temple. Lord Venkateswara feels happy, only when the devotees have
their darshan of Varahaswami first.

4.SHANKHANIDHI – PADMANIDHI-These are two angels guarding the

wealth and treasure of Lord Venkateswara. These guardian angels of wealth
are installed at the third entrance of the temple.

5.The first entrance is a brass one, while the second is a silver one. The third
entrance is a golden one.

6.For the priests serving the Lord in the Sanctum, the idol appears to be a
living figure and not one made of granite.

7.The main idol of the lord is very ancient one and it is proved not only by
Rishis and Yogis but also by scientists and archaeologists. The Silathoranam
in Tirumala is said to be 2500 million years old.
There are five images of Lord Venkateswara.
10. The main idol in the Sanctum should not be moved out at any point of
time. Hence five different idols are used for processions. They are:
• Sri Venkateswara Swami
• Bhoga Srinivasa Moorthy
• Koluvu Srinivasa Moorthy
• Ugra Srinivasa Moorthy


In Ananda Nilaya the ever beautiful idol is that of Bhoga Srinivasa.

This silver idol was presented to the temple by a Pallava queen ‘Saama Vaayi’
in 614 A.D.
She rejoiced in decorating the idol with many ornaments.
During the ‘Ekanta Seva’ at the day’s end, it is the privilege of Bhoga Srinivasa to
go to bed on silk mattress.
During ‘Suprabhata Seva’ in the morning, this idol is removed from
the silk mattress and kept at the foot of the main deity.


Every morning Koluvu Sreenivasa Murthy is seated on the golden throne in

Snapana Mandapam and almanac (Panchangam) is read out to him. All the
details of the day like tithi, nakshatra, yoga and the information about different
sevas are given to him. Then the treasury clerk humbly presents to him, the
income and expenditure account of the previous day. This is done is
Snapana Mandapam before the sunrise failing which it is done in Ghanta
Mandapam after sunrise.


In the by gone days, the processional deities of Ugra Sreenivasa Murhty were
taken out for procession during festivals. When these idols were being taken
in a procession on a particular day, strange, unusual and alarming incidents
took place. After these incidents, these idols since 1330 A.D have not been
used in procession. Even now if at all they are taken out, they are returned to
the temple by 3 A.M and offered ‘naivedyam’ to the Lord in the Ranganayaka
Mandapam and then taken to Ananda Nilaya.


After the main deity, Malayappa Swami’s idol has a special place of pride. It
is great feast to the eyes to see Malayappa Swami along with his consorts.
Sreedevi and Bhudevi during the fete of processions, festivals and all Sevas.
In a year more than 450 processions and festivals are performed. Among
them, some are meant for the main deity and while the others meant for
Malayappa Swami. During Kalyanotsavams, Malayappa swamy is made the
bridegroom. On Ugadi (Telugu new year) the first rituals are performed on
Malayappa Swami and during the ten day ‘Brahmothsavams’ the festivities
reach the pinnacle of glory.


In Tirumala ,The important role played by Sudarshana Bhagavan, in

punishing the evil ones and protecting the devotees by the Lord, is
commendable. He takes the responsibility of protecting the devotees coming
to Tirumala as well as their safe passage.
16.It is said that while Sree Rama was in exile Threthayuga, he and
Lakshmana came to Tirumala in search of Seeta.

17. Mythology endorses that Lord Venkateswara is none other than Lord Sri Krishna of
Dwaparayuga.So in the month of (Dhanurmasa) January,
while Ekantaseva is performed, Lord Krishna is made to sleep on the silk
mattresses in place of Bhoga Srinivasa Murthy.
During this month, Suprabhatham is not recited.
Songs written by sri andal for
Lord Krishna from Thiruppavai alone are sung for waking up the Lord.

18.The Lord has a good appetite not only for delicious food but also for
fragrant flowers and ornaments. Lord Venkateswara who loves delicious
food, happily shares the same with his devotees in the form of Prasadam.
Tenali Ramakrishna, the court poet of Sri Krishna Deva Raya has bestowed
the title ‘Thindimendayya’ (voracious eater) on the Lord after he was unable
to assess the Lord’s food intake. Nowhere in the world ‘Prasadams’ of this
magnitude are prepared with pure ghee. It is believed that the left over ghee
after preparing items on a day is sufficient enough (for preparing prasadams)
in smaller temples through out the year.

19. It is believed that Vakuladevi the mother of Lord Srinivasa, supervises

the preparation of food relished by Lord Srinivasa. To this day she continues to
supervise the preparation of all the prasadams for the Lord.
So a peep hole is made in the wall for her to over see the preparations
in the kitchen.

31.There are about 1180 stone engravings in the temple at the Seven Hills.
Of these 236 belongs to the regime periods of the kings of
dynasty, 229 belongs to the period of King KISHNA DEVA RAYAR, 251
belongs to the ACHCHUTHA RAYAR period, 147 belongs to the
SADASIVA RAYAR, 139 belongs to the period of kings of KONDAI
VEEDU. Right from the period of Pallava king NANDIVARMAN that is from
the year 830 AD to 1909 AD , these engravings have been made.Of these
engarvings only 50 are in the TELUGU/KANNADA languages and the rest
1130 engravings are in Tamil language only.


and he had sung a song in the carnatic raga in praise of Lord Balaji
beginning with the words SESHAACHALA NAMAM.

33.Every Tuesday 'Swarna Pushparchana' or 'Astadala Pada Padmaradhana'

is performed to Mulavirat of Lord Balaji where in 108 names of Balaji are
recited while offering Gold pushpams. These 108 Gold pushpams were
donated by a Muslim named 'Sayyad Mirza' of Hyderabad. He also donated
two Mangala Sutrams to the processional deities Sridevi and Bhudevi which
is still in use everyday during Kalyanotsavam of Balaji.

34.During the Dwaparayuga, Vayudeva (the Wind God) went to Vaikuntam to

pay his obeisance to Lord Sri Vishnu. The Lord was reclining in the company
of Sri Lakshmi. The doorway was guarded by Adisesha. Vayudeva was
incensed when Adisesha prevented him from entering Sri Vishnu’s mansion.
Adisesha and Vayudeva began to fight with each other.When Lord Vishnu
intervened, each was boasting of his superior valour and supreme might. To
test who was stronger, the Lord suggested that Adisesha encircle the Ananda
hill, an off-shoot of the Meru mountain on its northern side, and that
Vayudeva blow hard to try and dislodge the Ananda hill from Adisesha's hold.
The contest waxed furiously, and as the World trembled, Brahma, Indra and
the other Divine Beings requested Adisesha to yield victory to Vayudeva for
the welfare of the world.Obliging them, Adisesha released his hold on the hill.
As a result, Adisesha and the Ananda hill were blown away to the banks of
the river Swarnamukhi. Adisesha was dejected by his defeat. Lord Brahma
and the others appealed to him by saying that he would be merged with the
hill Venkatadri and Vishnu would reside on him. Adisesha then
metamorphosed into the vast Seshadri, with his hood manifesting itself as
Venkatadri sustaining Sri Venkateswara, his middle as Ahobila supporting
Lord Narasimha, and his tail as Srisailam bearing Lord Mallikarjuna (Lord

35.Narayanadri's height is 3,620 feet. This is the tallest Hill in Seven Hills .

36." Pancharatra" and " Vaikhanasa" are the two Agamas which tell the
Temple procedures. Tirumala temple follows the Vaikhanasa Agama.

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