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Admission and Confession

Article 30, Admission is defined as

“An admission is a statement of fact, oral or written which
waves or dispenses with the production of evidence by
considering that the fact asserted by the opponent is true.
Different between Admission and an Estoppel:-
1. Admission is a statement of fact oral or written asserted by
the opponent is true, while estoppel is a rule of evidence which
precludes from contradicting his former representation or
2. An Estoppel binds only parties while admission is taken
advantage of in certain circumstances by strangers.
Different between Admission and confession:-
Confession is a statement made by an accused person which is
sought to be proved against him in a criminal proceeding, while
admission is usually applied to a Civil/transaction in comprises
all statements amounting to admission. (So many other
differences which are discussed in class.)
Principles of Admission:-
1. By the party himself
1. Party to proceedings or his agent, Article 31.
2. Admission by persons whose position must be proved as
against party to suit, Article 32.
3. Admission by persons expressly referred to by party to a suit,
Article 33.
2. Admissions must be proved against the favor of the maker
hence self-serving admissions are not acceptable in court of
1. Article 46
2. Article 27
3. Article 48
(Discussed in audio lecture in detail)


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