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Basic introduction/information of Qanun-e-

Shahadat Order:
It was enacted on 20th October 1884.
The Rule of evidence are in general the same in civil
and criminal proceedings. The Qanun-e-Shahadat
applied to all judicial proceedings in or before any
It is not applied to proceedings, which are not
The term judicial proceeding is not defined by the
QS Order of which evidence is or may be legally
taken on oath but an enquiry is judicial if the object
of it is to determine a judicial relation between
one person and another group of such an object in
which is not acting judicially.
General Rules: - The Rules of evidence are in
general the same in
Civil and criminal proceedings 
And bind alike state and subject, prosecutor and 
Accused, plaintiff and defendant, counsel and client.
There is no difference between the rules of
evidence in civil and criminal cases.
The exception to the rule:-
There are, however some exceptions, for instance,
1. The doctrine of estoppels applies to civil
proceedings only,
2. Similarly rules of Admission as laid down in
Article 31-33 and
3. Those relating to the character as laid down in
article 66 applies to civil cases only.
4. The provisions relating to the confession as laid
down in articles 37 to 43, the character of persons
appearing before courts as laid down in articles67 &
68 and incompetence of parties as witnesses are
peculiar to the criminal proceedings.
(Dear students all relevant details are discussed by
me in our class here I discussed only basic
important information. Also go through

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