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Department of Law
Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences.



Course Name Public International Law-I

Course Code LL.B 411
Credit Hours 48
Course Type Core Course
Program LL.B
Semester VII
Instructor: Mrs. Saira Ali
Contact Info: Students can contact me in office timings from 9:00 am till
4:00pm or through email

Course Description

Public international law studies traditional topics of an international law course

such as nature and origin, sources, subjects of int. law, recognition, territory,
jurisdiction, state responsibility,international personality, sovereignty, recognition,
diplomatic immunity, extradition, state responsibility, dispute settlement, and the
law of the sea. The students will be able to grasp the basic concepts involved in
International Law and its functioning.

Course Objectives
 will be to know that what is international Law
 will know what are the sources of International Law
 what are the subjects of International law.
 what are the state resoponsibility, territory, recognition of International
 what are the law of Sea in international Context.

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO Description
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1.  Develop a knowledge of the nature of public international law.

2.  Define and apply the basic elements of public international law -
its sources and subjects, the recognition and jurisdiction of States
in international law and principles of State responsibility
3.  Develop a knowledge of several key areas of ‘public international
law’ including the law surrounding the law of sea.
 Develop a knowledge of how international law influences the
development and adaptation through law ofTreaties.
4.  Critically examine the operation and application of international
law in practical contexts
5.  Develop effective skills, for determining the settlement of

Teaching & Learning Methodology

Heuristic style of teaching will be followed to make the classroom as

heuristic as possible. This will be done through making a rich use of case
studies, group discussion, role plays, video clips, presentations along with
lecture and general guidance by the facilitator using Power Point slides.


International Law by L.N Tandon and S.K. Kapoor

Reference Book(s)

1. Brownlie, Ian. Principles of Public International Law, 7th edn.Oxford:
OUP, 2008.

2. Cassese, Antonio. International Law, 2nd edn. Oxford: OUP,2005.

3. Crawford, J. (comp.) The International Law Commission’s Articles on

State Responsibility, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

4. Harris, D.J. Cases and Materials on International Law, 7th edn. London:
Sweet & Maxwell, 2010.

5. Higgins, Rosalyn. Themes and Theories: Selected Essays, Speeches and

Writings in International Law. Oxford: OUP, 2009.

6. Murphy, Sean D. Principles of International Law. St. Paul:

Thomson/West, 2006.

7. Shaw, Malcolm N. International Law, 6th edn. Cambridge:Cambridge

University Press, 2008.

8. Steiner, Henery. Alston, Philip and Goodman Ryan. International Human

Rights in Context: Text and Materials, 3rd edn. Oxford: OUP, 2007.

Grading Policy

Assessment Percentage
Quizzes 10%
Assignments + project 20%
Mid Term Exam 15%
Final Exam 55%
The students will be assessed by the HU grading policy which is 2 terms i.e mid
term (15) and final term( 55%) and Assignments (30) so total will be 100. The
break up of grading criteria is:

Week/ Lecture Topics to be Taught Date Room Suggested Reading
Sessio No no
1 Introduction to Public International Law Chapter 1 0f

Definition of different Jurists

Whether International Law is a Law in the
true Sense of the Term---A Crticial analysis
2 Distinction between Public International and
Private International Law
Weakness of International Law / Suggestions
how to improve it.
Basis of International Law
3 Sources of International Law –as explained
in Article 38 of statute of the Court
International Customs
International Conventions/ Treaties
4 General Principles of Law recognized by
civilized states.
Decisions of Judicial or Arbitiral Tribunals.
Juristic Works and decisions of
determinations of the organs of international
5 Quiz/ Class test – no 1
Brief History and Development of
International Law
Various theories regarding subjects of
International Law

6 Place of Individuals in International Law
Nature of State----Essential elements and
functions of State.
Concept of Soverignity and equalities of
7 Different kinds of state and non-State
State Responsibility---Meaning of the term
Orignal and Vicarious Responsibility
8 Quiz /class test no 2
State Responsibility in different Fields.
Notion of Immputabilityand Calvo Doctrine
9 Reparation Case with context to
International Personality of UN
Presentations by students on PPT
Presentations by Students on PPT
11 State Recognitions—Meaning and Definition
of the Term
Theories of Recognition.
Recognition of insurgencies/Billigerency
12 Distinction between Recognition of states and
Consequences of non-Recognition
State Jurisdiction
13 Different theories of state Jurisdiction
Quiz/ Test no 3

14 Acquisition and loss territory ---Modes of
Modes of Loss of territory
Settlement of International Disputes---what
are international disputes
15 Pacific settlement of Disputes
Coercieve Settlement of Disputes
16 Extradtition…Basis of the Principle of
Meaning and Definition of Extradtion
Difference between Asylum and Extradition
17 Quiz/Class test no 4
Law of Sea----Maritime territory
Development of the law relating to maritime
and its zones
18 Case law relating to law of sea
Moot Case will be given to class in form of 4
group which will be judged by other teachers
and marks will be given on their

Note: The Course Plan is tentative can be altered due to requirements of the course for students and other
contingencies i.e. Public , Local Holidays and other off days due to emergencies.


Ms. Saira ali

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